The Quzen's Household
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A HORRIBLE TAliE. Autumnnl Breams. Child I.ost In n Norlliirril ЯІогш. Wben the maple turns to crimson, And the sassfrae to gold ; A m a n named Guerin, son-in-law of B. When the gentian's in the meadow, B, LaRiviere, of Wakopa, in the Turtle And the aeter in the wold ; Mountain District, lost a 3-j ear old by tbe When the moon is lapped in vapor, recent Btorm under very distresi-ing oir And the night is froety cold ; oumstances. It appears that the storm was When the chestnut burrs are opened, very heavy in tbat section of oountry, and And the acorns drop like hail, And the drowsy air is startled did a considerable amount of damage. W ith the thumping of the flail— D uring the afternoon Mrs. Guerin was With tbe drumming of the partridge, attending to b e r garden, pioking out th e And the whistle ot the quail ; weedB, eto., and her two children, one of 3 Through the rustling woods I wauder, and the other 5 years of age, she left out Through the jewole of the year, side the house playing. She oontinued From the yellow uplands calling, working at the garden for a oouple of hours, Seeking her who still is dear ; Bhe is near me in the autumn, and during this time the B to rm was She, the beautiful, is near. gradually increasing. She did not pay •aejattention to her children, a s she, of VOL. XXVII. KICHMOND HILL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1884. Through the smoke of burning summer WHOLE NO 1,370 NO. 18. When the weary winds are Btill, M ?se, thought they would be all right, but I can see her in the valley, when she went to look for them, to her I can see her on the hill, surprise ehe oould only find one—the eldest. In the splendor of the woodlands, In the whispèr of the rill. Sbe searched around the Ьоиве for a short A <1111,D DIES FlCOtl A I.HOII itb A ROYAL WARDROBE. THE QUZEN’S HOUSEHOLD, absolutely neoessary in this poet. The A SENATOR’S STORV. time, but saw no traoe of the miesing child. salary is only $1,600 a year. Por the shores of earth and heaven She went over to Mr. В. B. LaRiviere and Jfflise Qabrielle Greeley nnd Iler U нон ten- Tlie .Tl и nr D renn M t by the Virgin There are five pages of the baok stairs, How Mr. Tance Sailed Between Meet and mingle in tbe bluo ; , epprised him of the faot that one of her intioiiH W ork o t ITIercy. Queen ol England. Denominational Scylla and Charjbdis. She can wander down the glory who reoeive $2,000 a year. Their duties To the places that she knew ^tiildren was loBt. ТЬів alarm w as soon List of the Or eat Offioers of Vic The New York World gives the following When the bright Oooidental star, Queen are to wait on the Sovereign. Two State I heard Zeb Vanoe telling how he oap- Where the happy lovers wandered spread, and tbe husband, Mr. LaRiviere toria’s Oourt. particulars of a tragedy, the facts of which E lizabeth, parsed aw ay Bhe left in her pages and a page of the ohambers asBist the tured the vote of a baokwoods settlement in In the days when life was true. and many other settlers started in search af peared in the Tmes despatches the other wardrobe, according to the historiograph five. North Carolina when he first ran for Con of tha little one. They looked everywhere, So I think when days are sweetest, da> : In the low, foul-odored shanty of ers, two thousand dresses, says the Lonaon The lords, ladles and maids of honor gress, ваув Bill Arp, in the Atlanta Consti And the world is wholly fair, but met with no Early in the Bucoete. David See, in the woods on the boarders Telegraph. Chroniolers have augmented The Dufies Appertaining lo the Several have six pages of the presenoe to attend tution. He said he had never been in that Bhe may sometimes steal upon me morning, however, after travelling some Through the dimness of the air, of Chappaqua, Coroner Hyatt yesterday the royal troueseau to ав many as four Office«. them at breakfast and lunoheon. These settlement and didn’t know the boys. He three miles over the prairie, Mr. LaRiviere Wi th the crosa upon her bosom, found Mibs Grbrielle Greeley, the only th o u B a n d dresses; but i t is possible that The Queen’s oourt is oomposed of offi pagee are also required to wait on Her rode over the mountains and found about And the amaranth in her hair. found the infant ohild oovered with mud, surviving daughter of the late Horace th e w hole o f Her Majesty's wearing apparel cers, Buuordinates and attendants to the Majesty’s visitors. They eaoh reoeive $900 sixty sovereigns at a oross roads grocery,and itB face somewhat bruised, and saddest of Once to meet her, ah I to meet ber, Greeley, benciug over the corpee of the boy w as inoluded in thiH vast oatalogue, and number of nearly a thousand, tbe majority a year, and have pages, men to wait oa he got down and hitohed his horse and began all was that death stared him in the faoe. And to hold her gently fast whose strange death the coroner had come that it comprised not only veritable gowns reoeiving Balaries that may be called more them. ; ^ : ’- - to make their acquaintance, and craoked Till I blessed her, till she blessed me— T here w as a very heavy wind blowing th at to investigate. The body lay in a rude of velvet, silk, damask and taffety, and than liberal, says the New York Sun. Eight sergeants-ftt-arms draw 9500 a year his jokes around, and thought he was That were happiness at last ; night, and it must have carried tbe child pine shoebox about four fett long and double-wheeled fardyngales, but likewise Firtt and foremost oomes the Lord apiece. Their duties are now nominal, getting along pretty well with them, but he That were bliss beyond our meetings, before it. The grief of the p arents at find In th e a u tu m n s of th e p a st 1 eighteen inches wide. It was the only mantles of vair, shapperoons or hoods, Steward, whose cffioe is a politioal one in though in the days of the j oust and tourney noticed an old man with shaggy eyebrows ing their child in this oondition oan be bet —Bayai ct Taylor. oasket that the B h ifile ss parents could esohelles of ribbon, petticoats pranked tbe gift of the existing Mioistry ; hia salary they were to “ hold watoh outside the royal and big, Ьгавв Bpeotaoles sitting on a chunk ter imagined than described, but they have procure. At Miss Greeley’s side on the w ith tisB u e d panes, smocks wrought with is $10,000 a year. He is tbe prmoipal offi- tent in complete armor, with bow, arrows, and markiog in the sand with a stiok. The the sympathy of all the settlers in tbat Dead at Thirty. filthy and carpetless floor was a bunch of thread of gold, fote mantels for ridiDg on еэг ot the oourt, and has jurisdiction over sword and maoe of offioe; and t) capture old man didn't seem to pay any attention to neighborhood.— R a p id C i'y (M an.) Standard. Just for the sake of being called a good fellow, wild flowers and a pail of craoked ioe. horseback, a n d furred flookets. In any the entire household. All officers and ser any traitors about the oourt or other great Vanoe, and after a while Vanoe oonoluded Just for tbe praise of the sycophant crowd, The young lady was packing the ioe around offenders.” THE ПККІ ІІІ І1 WASP. o aee, th e queen’s maids of honor and the vants oonneoted with the court, excepting that the old man was bellwether to the That smoked your cigars, quaffed your rich the lit ole body and arranging the wild bed-ohamber and tiring women m uB t have those of the Queen's obamber, chapel and Other relios of past ages ate three kings- flock and that It was neoessary to oapture wines and mellow, flowers at the edge of the shoebox in Buoh of-arms and Hx heralds. Tou are sleeping, to-day, 'neath the soil in Particulars ol Ihe l.oie ol Ihr Vessel— had a good time of it when the spoils of Btable, are subjeot to his ordere. He him, so he sidled up dose to him and the your shroud. АмМвпсе Sent. an orderly and tasty manner tnat when Her Majesty were divided, or when, as is appears at oourt on all State осоавіопв, and Last in the Lord Chamberlain’s depart old man got up and shook himself and she had completed her task the spot more likely, they were appropriated ment are messengers innumerable, palaoe Juat for the sake of being called clever—dash A last (Tuesday) night’s London oable tu e subordiuat9 officials of the household leaned forward on his stiok, and eaid, where the body lay looked like a bower of o n the principle of first oome firBt inspectors, nine housekeepers, sixty house ing— gram вауь : Tne British man-of-war are appointed by him.