A HORRIBLE TAliE. Autumnnl Breams. Child I.ost In n Norlliirril ЯІогш. Wben the maple turns to crimson, And the sassfrae to gold ; A m a n named Guerin, son-in-law of B. When the gentian's in the meadow, B, LaRiviere, of Wakopa, in the Turtle And the aeter in the wold ; Mountain District, lost a 3-j ear old by tbe When the moon is lapped in vapor, recent Btorm under very distresi-ing oir And the night is froety cold ; oumstances. It appears that the storm was When the chestnut burrs are opened, very heavy in tbat section of oountry, and And the acorns drop like hail, And the drowsy air is startled did a considerable amount of damage. W ith the thumping of the flail— D uring the afternoon Mrs. Guerin was With tbe drumming of the partridge, attending to b e r garden, pioking out th e And the whistle ot the quail ; weedB, eto., and her two children, one of 3 Through the rustling woods I wauder, and the other 5 years of age, she left out­ Through the jewole of the year, side the house playing. She oontinued From the yellow uplands calling, working at the garden for a oouple of hours, Seeking her who still is dear ; Bhe is near me in the autumn, and during this time the B to rm was She, the beautiful, is near. gradually increasing. She did not pay •aejattention to her children, a s she, of VOL. XXVII. KICHMOND HILL THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1884. Through the smoke of burning summer WHOLE NO 1,370 NO. 18. When the weary winds are Btill, M ?se, thought they would be all right, but I can see her in the valley, when she went to look for them, to her I can see her on the hill, surprise ehe oould only find one—the eldest. In the splendor of the woodlands, In the whispèr of the rill. Sbe searched around the Ьоиве for a short A <1111,D DIES FlCOtl A I.HOII itb A ROYAL . THE QUZEN’S HOUSEHOLD, absolutely neoessary in this poet. The A SENATOR’S STORV. time, but saw no traoe of the miesing child. salary is only $1,600 a year. Por the shores of earth and heaven She went over to Mr. В. B. LaRiviere and Jfflise Qabrielle Greeley nnd Iler U нон ten- Tlie .Tl и nr D renn M t by the Virgin There are five pages of the baok stairs, How Mr. Tance Sailed Between Meet and mingle in tbe bluo ; , epprised him of the faot that one of her intioiiH W ork o t ITIercy. Queen ol England. Denominational Scylla and Charjbdis. She can wander down the glory who reoeive $2,000 a year. Their duties To the places that she knew ^tiildren was loBt. ТЬів alarm w as soon List of the Or eat Offioers of Vic­ The New York World gives the following When the bright Oooidental star, Queen are to wait on the Sovereign. Two State I heard Zeb Vanoe telling how he oap- Where the happy lovers wandered spread, and tbe husband, Mr. LaRiviere toria’s Oourt. particulars of a tragedy, the facts of which E lizabeth, parsed aw ay Bhe left in her pages and a page of the ohambers asBist the tured the vote of a baokwoods settlement in In the days when life was true. and many other settlers started in search af peared in the Tmes despatches the other wardrobe, according to the historiograph­ five. North Carolina when he first ran for Con­ of tha little one. They looked everywhere, So I think when days are sweetest, da> : In the low, foul-odored shanty of ers, two thousand dresses, says the Lonaon The lords, ladles and maids of honor gress, ваув Bill Arp, in the Atlanta Consti­ And the world is wholly fair, but met with no Early in the Bucoete. David See, in the woods on the boarders Telegraph. Chroniolers have augmented The Dufies Appertaining lo the Several have six pages of the presenoe to attend tution. He said he had never been in that Bhe may sometimes steal upon me morning, however, after travelling some Through the dimness of the air, of Chappaqua, Coroner Hyatt yesterday the royal troueseau to ав many as four Office«. them at breakfast and lunoheon. These settlement and didn’t know the boys. He three miles over the prairie, Mr. LaRiviere Wi th the crosa upon her bosom, found Mibs Grbrielle Greeley, the only th o u B a n d dresses; but i t is possible that The Queen’s oourt is oomposed of offi­ pagee are also required to wait on Her rode over the mountains and found about And the amaranth in her hair. found the infant ohild oovered with mud, surviving daughter of the late Horace th e w hole o f Her Majesty's wearing apparel cers, Buuordinates and attendants to the Majesty’s visitors. They eaoh reoeive $900 sixty sovereigns at a oross roads grocery,and itB face somewhat bruised, and saddest of Once to meet her, ah I to meet ber, Greeley, benciug over the corpee of the boy w as inoluded in thiH vast oatalogue, and number of nearly a thousand, tbe majority a year, and have pages, men to wait oa he got down and hitohed his horse and began all was that death stared him in the faoe. And to hold her gently fast whose strange death the coroner had come that it comprised not only veritable gowns reoeiving Balaries that may be called more them. ; ^ : ’- - to make their acquaintance, and craoked Till I blessed her, till she blessed me— T here w as a very heavy wind blowing th at to investigate. The body lay in a rude of velvet, silk, damask and taffety, and than liberal, says the New York Sun. Eight sergeants-ftt-arms draw 9500 a year his jokes around, and thought he was That were happiness at last ; night, and it must have carried tbe child pine shoebox about four fett long and double-wheeled fardyngales, but likewise Firtt and foremost oomes the Lord apiece. Their duties are now nominal, getting along pretty well with them, but he That were bliss beyond our meetings, before it. The grief of the p arents at find­ In th e a u tu m n s of th e p a st 1 eighteen inches wide. It was the only mantles of vair, shapperoons or hoods, Steward, whose cffioe is a politioal one in though in the days of the j oust and tourney noticed an old man with shaggy eyebrows ing their child in this oondition oan be bet­ —Bayai ct Taylor. oasket that the B h ifile ss parents could esohelles of ribbon, petticoats pranked tbe gift of the existing Mioistry ; hia salary they were to “ hold watoh outside the royal and big, Ьгавв Bpeotaoles sitting on a chunk ter imagined than described, but they have procure. At Miss Greeley’s side on the w ith tisB u e d panes, smocks wrought with is $10,000 a year. He is tbe prmoipal offi- tent in complete armor, with bow, arrows, and markiog in the sand with a stiok. The the sympathy of all the settlers in tbat Dead at Thirty. filthy and carpetless floor was a bunch of thread of gold, fote mantels for ridiDg on еэг ot the oourt, and has jurisdiction over sword and maoe of offioe; and t) capture old man didn't seem to pay any attention to neighborhood.— R a p id C i'y (M an.) Standard. Just for the sake of being called a good fellow, wild flowers and a pail of craoked ioe. horseback, a n d furred flookets. In any the entire household. All officers and ser­ any traitors about the oourt or other great Vanoe, and after a while Vanoe oonoluded Just for tbe praise of the sycophant crowd, The young lady was packing the ioe around offenders.” THE ПККІ ІІІ І1 WASP. o aee, th e queen’s maids of honor and the vants oonneoted with the court, excepting that the old man was bellwether to the That smoked your cigars, quaffed your rich the lit ole body and arranging the wild bed-ohamber and tiring women m uB t have those of the Queen's obamber, chapel and Other relios of past ages ate three kings- flock and that It was neoessary to oapture wines and mellow, flowers at the edge of the shoebox in Buoh of-arms and Hx heralds. Tou are sleeping, to-day, 'neath the soil in Particulars ol Ihe l.oie ol Ihr Vessel— had a good time of it when the spoils of Btable, are subjeot to his ordere. He him, so he sidled up dose to him and the your shroud. АмМвпсе Sent. an orderly and tasty manner tnat when Her Majesty were divided, or when, as is appears at oourt on all State осоавіопв, and Last in the ’s depart old man got up and shook himself and she had completed her task the spot more likely, they were appropriated ment are messengers innumerable, palaoe Juat for the sake of being called clever—dash­ A last (Tuesday) night’s London oable­ tu e subordiuat9 officials of the household leaned forward on his stiok, and eaid, where the body lay looked like a bower of o n the principle of first oome firBt inspectors, nine housekeepers, sixty house­ ing— gram вауь : Tne British man-of-war are appointed by him. solemnly : “ This is Mr. Vanoe, I believe ?” By human hogs living outsideof a pen. flowers. eerved, without any referenoe to maids. three linen-room women and two Valiant has gone to Tory Island to render The aotive duties of the *'Ydg, sir,” said Vanoe. “ And you have The rain on your cold bed is ceaselessly splash- The little body which olaimed her atten­ equitable division at all. The attendants to show the publio through assistance and obt un details of the wreck are performed by the Master of the House­ oome over here to see my boys about their tion was that of Frederick See, the B tra n g e e t of vioieeitudes must höve been Windsor Castle, with salaries ranging from votes, I believe ?” “ Yes, sir,” said Vance, e you should be living a man among of the gunboat Wasp. The weather was hold, whose oonstant residenoe is within m en. 4-year old son of David aud Emily See, , undergone by these soattered parapher­ a nominal sum to $1,600. “ that's my business.” hazy when she struck. About 3 o’olock in the preoinots of tbe palace. Neoesaarily he who, with their four ohildren, occupied the The eoolesiaBtios, with their neoessary the morning the offioer of the watoh ordered nalia, whiob, but for the practioe that pre­ has a large staff of officers to assiet him, " Well, sir,” said the old man, “ afore you Just for the Sike of being pointed at—looked shanty. vailed down in 1830 ot selling or otherwise following, attaohed to the household are a t — Bail to be set for the purpose of steadying having full oontrol over the domestic estab­ proceed with that business I would like to When Coroner Hyatt introduced him­ disposing after the deeease of the clothes типу in number And Cost a large -sum By the false, insincere, hypocritical crew, the boat, as a lumpy sea was on. The lishment. The ваіагу of the master is ax you a few questions.” That grows on the follies of weak bra'ns—like self Miss Greeley said : “ Do not think it worn by royal personages, might, to a great yearly in salaries. The list is as follows : order wae being oarried out wben the $5 790 a year, and his private Beoretary “ Certainly, sir, oertainly,” said Vance. y o u rs—fat. strange that I am here. This little boy i* " Dean and sub-dean of tbe chapel royal, You are dead as the dreams your boyish seul Wasp, whioh it is surmised was greatly out extent, have remained intact, and have receives $1,500 a year. J’ What ohuroh mout you belong to I” my special oharge. Iam his godmother, been preserved in looal museums, even as St. Jamee’ ; the olerk of the closet, three said th e old m an. knew . of her oourse, without the slightest warning Tbe Lord Treasurer ranks next to the and his little sister Emma, whom you see the Marquis of Abergavenny haa lent to a deputy olerks, a resident obaplain, a closet struok upon a rook. Tbe veesel rebounded Lord Steward, aotsforhim a t all State oere- That was a puzzler—Vanoe didn’t belong You feigned a contempt for the eagles of yellow, weeping, is a devout attendant at my Sun­ literary institution at Tunbti Ig e W ells the monies in case be is absent, and draws keeper, forty-eight ohaplains in ordinary to any ohuroh. He knew that religion and And scattered them broadcast, with boisterous into the deep water, and it was found a m irth — day sohool in the Episcopal Church.” peer’s robes worn by his anoestor at the $4 520 a year ; while to sesist him h e and ten priests in ordinary, with four meeting was a big thing in the baokwoods, gaping hole had been made in her bow, and J u s t for the sa4e of being called a good fellow I— “ lam told,” the coroner said, “ that this t r i a l of Mary Queen of Scots, at F.itber- ohaplains, three p re a o h e rB and three read­ it was impossible for her to keep aflrnt. h a s the controller of the household, who and controlled their politios, but he didn’t You are notbing, to-day, but a boxful of earth. child died from drinking alcohol, of which ers for the chapels at Whitehall Hall, Six of her orew esoaped by dinging to the ingay. Some o f Queen Elizabeth’s belong­ also is paid 94,520 and likewise does noth­ know what their religion was, for North bis parents had been dunking. Is tbat Hampton, Windsor and KenBington ; also a the wreokage, from whioh they were pioked in g s passed, however, into Bafe hande, ing. Carolina waB powerfully spotted. But he true ? ” choir of boys, four organists, two composers, TBE INVETERATE <• BUÜHER.* up by fishing boats. The Wasp foundered where they are as religiously treasured as The board of green cloth is composed of squared himeelf for the responsibility, and “ I am sorry to say that I believe the a violinist, a sergeant of the V6etry and a about forty feet from tbe lighthouse. The the shirt and doublet in wbioh Charles I. the four above mentioned officials and says be : “ Well, now, my friend,I will tell How the Amerlcnn Brand Is Tamed report is true,” was the reply. master of boys.” masts are visible. The survivors wben was dressed at this exeoution and the naval adjudioates on offmces oommitted in oer­ you about that, for it is a fair question. Of "— ~' In E n g la n d . The coroner took charge of the body and For doctors, etc., $13,500 a year is paid. resoued were terribly exhausted and were uniform worn by Nelson at Trafalgar. tain parts of tbe palaoe. To assist them in oourse it is. Well, you see my grandfather summoned a jury, the testimony showing The State band, although it is seldom My experienoe is that the most inveterate taken to the lighthouse, where they still Among the relios of the attire of the virgin their onerous duties, they bave a secretary oame from Sootland, and you know that that tb e ohild had actually drank a quantity heard,, oosts $9,580 a year. “ rusher ” in the United States gradually remain. The sea between the lighthouse queen whioh haveloome down tous aseuredly at $1,500 a year, three aooounting olerks over in Sootland everybody is Presby­ of aloohol, from the effeots of wnioh he We nèsrt eome to the poet laureate, who beoomea subdued by residenoe in England. and the mainland was very rough and oom- one of the most ourious and most inter­ at $1,000 a year each, divers «hor olerks terian." Here he pausel to note the effeot, had died. The father could not be found, draws inspiration from the State at the The atmosphere of deliberation enters into muuication was almost impossible. e s tin g is the silk B lo c k in g s in the to the number of six, and one female but saw no sign of sympathy with his having fled, but the mother, who was jubt possession of the Marquis of Salis­ aBBibtant. rate of $500 a year. grandpa. hia aotive bones and conquers him, and, after a few months, he orders bis existenoe NIAIiAUA'S POWER recovering from the effeots of a protracted bury, whioh he has reoently lent to Tbe olerk of tbe kitohen is an important The toaster of the tennis court' does “ But my grandmother oame from Eng­ spree, testified that she and her hueband the oompany of framework knitters, to functionary, evidenoed by the faoï that he notbing, fox whioh be reoeives $660 a year. land, and over there every one belongs to so that it is never пеоеввагу to make haste Utilised in a Wonderlnl manner by a went to White Plains to get some kerosene, e n h a n c e the attractions of their display in gets $3 500 a year and “ found.” U ader After him, with nominal d u tieB , oom e the the Èpisoopal Churoh.” He paused again, over anything. He always oatohes his train, all the вате, and he never misses I t uII ii Ionian. but instead tbey had a half gallon of the "Old London ” seotion of the Interna­ him he has seven olerks to keep aooounts, burgomaster and two watermen, whose and the old' т а в made another mark in the alcohol put into their can. When they tional Health Exhibition.If has been already oheok goods they are reoeived, and united Balaries amount to $2 000 a year ; sand and spit his tobaooo tar away. the poet ; but of the fiery, untamed mus­ ^Buffalo deBpatoh says: The Commer­ ав arrived home they were both intoxicated. pointed out that these stockings cannot be the keeper of the swans, a keeper of the '■ But my father was born in this oountry tang of Wall street and Broadway, the cial Advertiser says tbat one of its reporters give the neoeseary orders to the trades­ Sunday they continued their spree. the historical hose oelebrated by Stowe as people. jewels, in tbe tower, an exhibitor of the in a Methodist settlement, and so be grew alort, quick silvery “ hummer ” of made the surprising disoovery this m o r n ­ The little 10-year-old girl testified : “ I having been presented to the Queen on New The ohief receives $3,500 a year, and his jewels, a prinoipal librarian, a librarian in up a Methodist.” Still no eigo of approval Delmonico’B and the ootton market, there ing that the incalculable water power of took the oan of aloohol and hid it upetairs Year’s Day, 1660, by her Bilkwoman, Mrs. four asB ietaut oooks $1,750 eaoh, with the ordinary, a pointer and a вигѵеуог of pic­ from the old man, and so Vanoe took his laBt left no traoe. He has replaoed Niagara Falls is being utilized in Buffalo, by my bed to keep pap* and mamma from Montague, whiob, after a few days’ wear­ privilege of eaoh taking an apprentioe, tures. shot, and said ; “ But my good old mother the fever of our existenoe at home by the twenty.two miles from the great cataract. drinkiug any more. Freddy found the can ing, so pleased Her Majesty that she de­ During the reign of Henry VIII., he was a Baptist, and it is my opinion tbat a normal temperature of life in England, a For many years the question how the force the latter having to pay a premium of and drank a lot of the aloohol. I saw him clared them to be pleasant, fine and deli­ about $1,000. There are six other assist­ instituted the oorj в of geutlemen pension­ man has got to go under water to get to contraBt and aohange whioh is unspeakably of Niagara oould be put to practioal иве at come downstairs ; he staggered and fill oate, and that thenoeforward she would ant oooks, and twelve helpers of different ers, oomposed of members of the highest heaven.” grateful to people who have been bounding a discanoe has puzzled inventors, engineers through space in the invigorating atmos­ into my lap, and then I knew he had been never wear any more cloth stockings, whioh kinds. families, seleoted by himaelf. Tbey bore The old man walked up, and, taking him and men of soience. The solution of the phere of the western world. Sight-seeing drinking. Нѳ couldn’t speak. I pulled p ro m is e she kept until her death, more The head of the oonfeotionery depart­ this title until the aooeesion of William by the hand, Said : “ Well, you are all problem at last fell to a resident of th is іеге ia only done, ав a rule, by Amerioans him on my lap, and pretty soon he got than forty years alterward. The stook- ment of the kitohen reoeives $1,200 yearly, IV., when it was changed to that of gentle- right, Mr. Vanoe,” and then, turning to the oity, who is too modest to permit the use of on a visit. Those of older English growth down and lay on the floor and went to iugs, however, made memorable by Stowe, aud his assistant $1,950, they having віх men-at-arms. The oorps now oonsiets crowd, eaii : “ Boye, he’ll do and you may his name. The power, it may be B ta ted , only accompany them to watoh their fresh sleep. He never woke up any more. He were, he explicitly states, of “ blaok knit assistante ; in addition there are the pastry p-inoipally of kalf p i y offioers, but it still vote for him ; I thought he looked like a has been in practical use for a week or ten enjoyment, or lieten to their piquantly slept all day Monday and wouldn’t wake silk ; ” whereas, the hose whioh Lord Salis cook and baker, with four assistants, and m aintains itB h ig h tone, and under no Bap'ist.” And thé old man slowly drew a days, and gives perfeot Batmfaotion. D ur. damaging comparisons. After a while, if up. In the afternoon he was crazy. He bury has B ent to the Health Exhibition three women having oharge of tbe coff ee consideration is a tradesman allowed to flask from bis coat-tail and banded it to ing that time the eleotrioity by whioh all they remained there, th ey w ould never go butted his head against tho wall and had are of uudyed silk. The oiroumBtanoe room. The linen is looked after in the enter. The appointments in it now are Vanoe to seal his faith. (he telephones in Buffalo have been run to все the Bights—at lea st not ипіевв they fits. He died this morning.” d o e s not in the eligbtei-t degree m i l i t i t e “ e w e r ” departm ent, ooneifct'.ng ot a yeo­ regularly bought and sold, and bring good after dark has been generated at Niagara oould do it most deliberately. It is only Dr. H F. Patch, who was summoned against tbe genuineness ot the relio ; as the man and two assistants. prioes, the offioe of Lieutenant and Silver Falls by water power, the magnetio Curlo.i’iee oi Advertising. English people or Anglicised Amerioans just before the child’s death, said the ohild Quoen probably wore very many dozen T he ohief butler reoeives >S,50P a year, Stick h a v in g been known to bring $50 000. ourrent being conveyed hither o v e r tb e B ell ©от of tbe curious featires of modern who ever think—as a further illustration— was then in the last stages of alcoholic patrs of ВПК stoCKlngrattBT 14 eW le a r ’e пѳ nolds an important position, inasmuch T tre синігиг ruuulug'LIlü иигрн lu $25,000 a Telephone Company's wires. Tbe possi­ advertisements, saye the Troy Tim es, is the poisoning. The jury rendered a verdiot Day, 1560, and the Marquis’loan m a y be of aa he seleots and buys all the wineB used in year. The Captain and Gold Stick has a ot putting up at a hotel in Calais or Dover bilities of this disoovery are unlimited. tendency to use as signatures words that oeneurmg tbe parents for criminal careless­ them . the royal houBehold. To properly arrange salary of $5,000, the Lieutenant and Silver to wait until the ohannel oalms down before suggest a meaning, and sometimes a very ness in allowing the child to get the the table before the Qjeen’s dinner is Stick $2 500, and eaoh of the forty gentle- crossing. The true and ІгевЬ Amerioan A m m tU G K U lie T K A M P . aloohol. Constable Lawrence has a war­ Л New Volcanic 1 eland Near Iceland. Berved there are two principal table deok- men-at-arms $500, and $15 a day for obvious one. In one of these instanoes an takes the first boat that leaves, though the advertiser for a boarding pl toe requests heavings be ав those of an earthquake and rant for See’s arrest. Mrs. See has been On the 26th of July the lighthouse ers with $1 000 a year each, and a seoond travelling expenses when ordered on lie Fatally Shoot» a Michigan Partnerin all replies to be addressed to “ Moderate.” the Bhrieka of the storm mingle with the notified that she oan no longer have the keeper at Cape Reykjanes, the southwest table deoker at $750, a third at $450 and oountry вегѵісе. III» Own House. How suggeetive of hie expectation of groans of the diBOonsolate Frenoh.—L o n ­ ouBtody of her children. To day she will point of Ioeland, on scanning the sea with au assistant with $260. The beef eaters, or body guard of yeo­ A Detroit despatch says : A terrible leave Chappaqua and go to her relatives The least liberal salaries probably are men, will be remembered by all who have reasonable terms I Then, again, the woman don Correspondence. his gUss, saw what he at first took for a who advertises for asBistanoe in her tragedy ooourred on Wednesday night at and Mias Graeley will take oharge of the those paid to the three yeomen having viBited the tower by their peouliar garb of very large ship, but which a oloser inspect­ troubles gives “ Unfortunate ” as her the house of J. A. MoLain, a farmer living remaining tnree ohildren and send them to oharge of the plate pantry, whose united the Tudor period. Tbeir oaptiin, always An Inhuman Funeral. ion ehoned to be a new island. It had the adaress, fn order to keep tbe latter in віх miles north of Coopersville, Ottawa school. Last evening Miss Greeley sent an B alaries amouut to but $150, while the a peer, receives $5,000 a year, and the men form of a rounded flattened oone, was of harmony with her appeal. “ Non-inquisi- They had the poor woman in a $50 coffin. oounty, Mioh. A tramp stopped at the undertaker to remove the body of the dead considerable size, and lay, aooording to Ьів valuables intrusted to their oare are esti­ $450 a year eaoh. The beautiful bunoh of white roses in the houee, and undertook to run thingB there- boy to the old Greeley farm-house, and to­ mated to be worth from $10,000,000 to The spends $62 815 tive ” ів appended to another advertise­ estimate, about fourteen miles northweat ment, and as the latter oalls for rooms and one hand that was exposed did not conoeal ahouts acoording to his own fanoy. Mr. day the funeral will take place from Miss $15 000,000. They have six assistants. a year. Under him are different of the voloanio island Eidey or the Meal- board the signature suggests the nature of the marks of toil on her fingers, the oal- MoLain and his son resented suoh action Greeley’s house. saok (Melsekken), whiob lies eight miles Tbe oare of Her Majesty’s ooals must be an and p iges of honor, a sergeant footman, the саве too dearly to require any explana­ loused plaoes, the distended joints and the on the fellow’s part, and drove him from arduous duty, as it is intrusted to no Іевв fifteen footmen, twelve ooaobmen, twenty off Beykjanes to the southwest. Several tion. Another advertisement of вітііаг rough B kin. Her iron gray hair was neatly the houee. The son then went for assist­ than thirteen persons. grooms and fifty helpers. THE BOSTON WAV. earthquake shooks had been felt during the oharaoter bids the reader address “ Dia- brushed down on the sides of her wrinkled ance to proteot the Ьоиве from the tramp’s The first and seoond lamplighters preoeding day, aud they have sinoe ooourred oreet,” a word whioh in this oonneotion forehead, and the blaok віік gown folded violenoe, and on his return found his father Which is Verv much ITlorc Dignified Than at intervals, but no other voloanio mani­ reoeive $500 a year eaoh and board money, Value ol Buttermilk. во graoefully about her waB full of lustre, dead, having been billed by a shot from a the Usual Way. and have'Seven assistants. has a well-understood meaning. Another festations heralded or attended the rise of The Canada Lancet bas a learned leading word whioh is oftan found among a oertain brand new, and evidently expensive. There revolver. The officers and neighbors were The oourt ot the Marshalsea is a regular When I was ia Philadelphia, says Robin­ the island. Owing to the danger of artiole on the beauties of buttermilk as an class of advertisers is “ Quiet,” and it were ten haoks for friends of the family, aroused, and every effort ів being made to approaohing the island in an open boat, no oourt of justice attached to the Queen’s son in the Somerville Journal, a little artiole of diet. It points out that tbe por­ sometimes appears as “ Very Quiet.” and the hearse was driven by a man in oatoh the villain who did the shooting. household, having jurisdiction over the rigged girl approached me and Baid ; “ My one has yet attempted to land on it. The ridge eaters and buttermilk drinkers of In this oonneotion it also has a conven­ livery and had eight ooBtly plumes on top. Bhould )ie bo caught be will undoubtedly places within twelves miles from White­ papa drinks, my ma is siok with con­ light keeper has observed it from day to Ireland and Scotland are not excelled by tional meaning во well understood that How natural sbe looked, and what a be lynched. Suoh is the state of the publio hall. The lord eteward is the judge, the sum ption, please will you give me a penny ?” day when not prevented by foggy weather, any other people in soundness of body and when a very quiet person advertises for lovely funeral,” said a woman who had feeling over the affair. and repoiti no change in ite appearanoe, funotien of the oourt being to adminster known the family. 1 5 was the old plea aud it was suooessful. clearness ut bead, and gives many learned board no explanation is required. Occa­ justioe between the Queen’s domest o ser­ When I oame on to Boeton I was approached save that a large part of one side of the reasons why buttermilk should be in sionally an advertisement appears offering How unnatural she looked, and what The Ileatheu Chinee. vants. This oourt was eBtabliBhed by by a little girl of similar appearance, and oone appears to have slipped or fallen down greater demand among Canadians that it is board and bidding applicant! address an inhuman thing that funeral waa,” said a Henry VIII.) and now coats the nation male oynia who aooompanied her. ii* San Franciaoo despatch, dated last as Bhe was about to вреак I said : “ I know into tbe sea. From time to time sinoe the now. Buttermilk, saye our oontemporary, “ Seoludsd.” Thia at onoe suggeetB that $9.620 a year, not inoluding the salary of " W h y ? ” (TueKda}) night, says : Justioe Field, hear­ all about it ; your father drinks, your colonization of Ioelind voloanio islands is a true milk peptouoid—that ів the oonoealment whioh is required by an evil tbe obief of the polioe of this oourt, who is ing the Chinese habeas corpus oases to day, mother is siok with consumption, and you havo sprung up out of the waves in the fashiobable word of the day—milk already life, and in thie manner a single word is "Beoause. There was a good woman, a oalled , $2,500 a year, ruled that a wife could not enter on her want a penny.” “ Pardon me, sir,” Bhe neighborhood of Beykjanes, only to disap. digested. It is good food and drink for made to indioate a purpose. hard-working wife and mother, who never husband’s oertifioate. She must have one observed, with great dignity, as Bhe pear again after a brief period. Iu tbe end and bis eight assistants, with $500 a year young and old, віок and well. As it is had a ride in a haok, whose fingers never of her own issued by tbe Chinese Govern- removed a pair of ruety, steelframed of list oentury an island arose at or near eaoh. food, it Bhould not be often taken between pressed a flower and who never wore silk. ment. A new and extraordinary feature, epeotaoles, and oarefully wiped the the same place as tbe present one oooupies, Oa Maundy Thursday of eaoh year, and meals, as it is tbe habit of many people. Indian Orarc». 5he didn’t have time and didn’t have in relation to Chinese of the exempt class, solitary glass they oontained with a shred and was taken possession of by the Danes, tw ia e a y e a r in Sootland Yard, alms are Being an agreeable drink, it is too freely Го the odriouB and those who wit-h to money. Now look at her. Flowers rare under amended Chinese Rastnotions Aot, of her tattered sbawl. “ Pardon me, sir, I under the name of Njce (New Island) ; but distributed to the poor. The almonry is used. Siok регвопв, who partake of little ponder awhile on the immutability of and sweet in her dead bands, lotB of car­ iis.8 been developed. The oolleotor of Port was about to observe that it pains and as it consisted only of loose voloanio ash the offioe that looks after these distribu­ or nothing else, may partake muoh oftener, human things, there is no place where a riages following her hearse and a ooatly Sears held, and his interpretation was pan- humiliates me beyond measure to be and pumice, the aotion of the waves speedily tions, the prinoipal two offioers of whioh and more freely- Although oontaming about better opportunity is offered than on tbe shroud for a body whioh in life was deemed firmed to day by Deputy Collector Jerome, obliged to confess that my pa is addicted to broke it down, and after little more than a are oalled the hereditary grand almoner the вате quality of nutrition as sweet little islaudB in the harbor where lie the none too good for a 30-oent worsted. A that Chinese merchants resident in the tbe habitual use of alooholio stimulants, month it disappeared.— St. James' Gazette. and the lord high almoner. Both offices milk, yet patients appear to be able to oon- boues of hundreds of the departed noble queer world this, whioh ignores fashion in United States, who purpose visiting any and is frequently, indeed, I may вау per­ are honorary, but they have a Beoretary, sume at ease at least double the quantity of red men, who have gone to tbe happy life and falls a blind votary to it in death.” foreign oountry, must first go to Cniua and manently, in a oondition of helplees The Star ol Bethlehem. who reoeives $1,750 a year, about tbe buttermilk. Buttermilk is especially valu­ bunting grounds of the Great Spirit. procure a oertifioate from the Chinese inebriety, while a serious indisposition, due Astronomers are looking expectantly for amount distributed to the poor on Maundy able as a laxative, and may be used with Ljiug promieououely around are bleached The Growth ol Ilomie ?pathv. T hureday. Government, or the; will not be permitted to a pulmonary affeotion, inoapaoititeB my the reappearance of the “ star of Bethle­ great benefit in oases of typhoid. This bones and grinning skulls, remnants of According to the history of homoeopathy to re-enter the United States. т а from every form of phyBioal labor, con­ hem.” The theory oonoerning the star is The Lord Chamberlain reoeives $10,000 a after ie a hint tor its use in habitual consti­ olothing and fragments of the utensils of year, aud the Vioe-Cuamberlain $4,620 it was not reoognized by any chartered sequently the only resource left to her to based on a poetioal foundation, wbioh has pation. Buttermilk is a diuretic and may be those that are plaoed there in rough wooden institution in the United Statee as late as Indiana in Uouncil« They superintend all the offioers and ser­ sotien the aBperity of her own and my lot litt'e to support it. Early in 1572 Tyobo prescribed with advantage in some kidney boxes. Tbe ordinary Indian does not seem 1844. The last reports show that there are vants belonging to the Q leen’s chambers, A Lake Mohonk despatch saye : The is to send me out to importune strangers Brahe discovered a minute star in the con­ troubles. Because of aoidity, it ехегоівев a ti bave muoh attention paid to him, and now under exclusively homoeopathic oon­ exoept the bed chambers, fiese being under Indian conference here was devoted last for alms, henoe I make an appeal to your stellation Caasiopea. It increased in bril­ good impression on the liver, and ів well part ot him may be in an unoovered box trol 25 general hospitals, ooating $2,300,- tae groom of the stole, as well as the officers evening to a discussion on the capacity of generosity.” As she oonoluded she held liancy until it beoame as bright as Venus, adapted to many oases in which lime-water and the rest Boattered over tbe rooks, along 000; 33 special hospitals, oosting$l,600,000; of the wardrobe. All entertainments given the Indian for citizenship, the best way to out her haLd with a grace and dignity truly and oould easily be Been at midday. It aud milk are usually prescribed. It is valu­ with numerous B hells. In several plaoes 46 dispensaries ; 11 oollegee, with alumni in tbe palaoe are under tbeir oare, and they seoure his claim ав a citizen, the subject of BoBtoniau, and I nad no other гѳвоцгое began to grow dim in a month, and in 16 able in the treatment of diabetes, either the boxce are oovered over aud an effort of 5,825 ; 7,000 practising physicians, who have to audit all aooounts oonnected with oompuleory education, and the abolition of than to put my hand in my pooket and give months had disappeared from view. A search ехоіивіѵеіу or alternately with вкіт milk. made to preserve some idea of respeot, are members of some medioal sooiety, and royal marriages, coronations, funerals, eto. reserves. Addressee were made by several her a dollar. of aBtronomioal records showed that вітііаг If these faots were generally known, the while an оооавіопаі skeleton of a oanoe 3,000 who are not. The Ward’s Island To asB ist the Chamberlain there are a con­ щещЬегв. To.day resolutions were adopted astronomioal осоиггепоѳв had taken pi ine pigs might oome in for a smaller share of will be found along with the bones of its Hospital, New York, is perhaps the largest, troller of aooounts, an inspeotor of accounts, earnebt’y opposing any recognition by the The VT oil Comet. in the years 945 and 1264, buttermilk than they do, and it might be former living owner. How their glory Ьав having 420 beds. The death-rate among three olerks and four messengers, their Government of Wibal relations, favoring the Btars in question appearing leBs used as a fertilizer of the soil, for in departed ! ТЬове who were first in the the 5,369 patients treated there was only 5 A BoBton despatoh ѳаув : From observa­ united Balaries amounting to $15,550. the allotting of lands in severalty as in the вате regions of the sky. many farm-houses tbe milk ie simply ohase and in war now lie there a neglected per cent., whioh is considered low. This is tions at Cambridge on Sunday and Monday In this department аіво is the Keeper of speedily as роввіЫе, the lauds to be Brahe figured that the star was a variable thrown out. heap of bleaohed bones and oorruption, one of the points where it is olaimed the nights, aud the position cabled from Her Majesty’s Privy Purse, who reoeives a inalienable for nob less than ten nor more one with period of 308 years, during whioh while the remnant of the onoe wild and opposition foisted bad oases on to them in Europe, Profoseore Ohander and Wendell, salary of $10,000 a year and a percentage than twenty-five years, the ri^ht of tim e it remained quieecent, only to burst The Bantu Negro and HI. God. free raoe are gradually lisappearing from order to run up the percentage of deaths. of Haivard College Observatory, have com­ on Her Majest’s privy purse. He is the suffrage to be given »11 adults. Two of out at the end of it with a brilliant light tbe faoe of tbe earth by contact with the The Ophtbalmio Hospital in New York is pleted the following orbit of the cjmet dis­ Fmanoial Seoretary to the Q leen. I believe that muoh that is said about the Board of Indian Commissioners were caused by eruptions in its body. Tbe Btar whites. Along the shores of the bay where universally acknowledged to be one of the covered by Wolf : Elements perihelion, The Mistress of the Robes draws a salary fetioh-worBhip reste on no solid foundation ; present. has been due now uinoe 1880, and if it ever onoe glided tbeir swift canoes, are now most completely equipped and виооеввіиі passage N ov. 25-,h, 03 1884 ; longitude of of $2 500, and the Groom of the Robes neither a k in d of worship nor any s e rio u s appears again it will have to do so next built tbe wharves of the white man, and institutions in the oountry.—Philadelphia perihelion, 20 degrees 30 minutes ; longi­ $4,000 with three assistants. There are service is addressed to the harmless toy we Sqic’de oi Wew York’s tit? Engineer. year. Henoe the aBtronomioal anxiety. the sails of many nations flutter in the Despatch. tude of node, 199 degress 31 minutes ; also eight ladies of the bed-ohamber, who call a fetioh, but only a mysterious good or breeze. Truly this is a traueitory state, A Hew York despatch says : Isaac New­ inclination of orbit, 31 degrees 22 minutes ; eaoh in rotation wait on Her Majebty a evil spirit is fanoied to dwell within it. A and the weaker have to sufeeumb to tbe ton, Öhief Engineer of the Department Qf Another Ueoritia Wonder. The Yard measure. logarithm of perihelion, distance 02202. fortnight at a time. negro, as is his habit, is Bitting and th in k ­ strong and perieh from exibtenoe.— Victoria Publio Works, oommitted suicide this The oomet is easily visible in small tele­ Georgia is not through yet with her The Queen's maids of honor are eight in in g about nothing. Caeually he oasts bis (В. С ) Colonist. A few months sinoe a question was morning by outting his throat with a scopes. It is growiDg brighter, but is going wonders. A gentleman of ОаіоевѵіПѳ, a number, and reoeive $1 500 a year eaoh. eye upon a knotty limb of strange growth raised about the measurement of land in razor. It is believed the aot was done in a south so rup'dly tbat it is not likely to be youug m an B till in hie teeus, oomes to the They attend Her Majesty two at a time for that may bear воте indistinot resem­ vogue in the British American Coloniee fit of despondency oaused by long suffering very brilliant to the northern hemisphere. front with an invention for whioh, it is a month, tbus serving but three months in blance to a human faoe. Amused at Ilow the Poor are Fleeced. before they beoame known to history as the from rheumatism and lung troubles. He United States. The English Board of eaid, he has refused $12,000. It is a money • the year. it, ha takes a knife and makes an A oase has just oome to light in Chioago ^yas also em ployed in th e Canadian G ov­ Trade was appealed to for information as A Prominent Eugli^lniinn's Sad End. drawer so ingeniously arranged that by The bedohamber women are the same ib effort to help out nature by scratch­ where a pawnbroker loaned a poor woman ernment on prpfeeeional work requiring ing the nose, mouth and eyes into plainer to when the existing foot measure was the simple pulling of a B pring any pieoe of num ber ав the maids of honor, reoeive the with a sick husband $25 on a mortgage on expedience and judgment. He made tbe A Fort MoKinny (W. T ) despatch ваув prominence. At last the thing appears во established in Amerioa, and whether it money, trom a nickle to a dollar, oan be same salary, and serve in rotation in the her furniture. The interest paid waB $3 plans for the drainage of Margaree Lake in the maugled body of Mr. Gillie Leigb, a curious that he oonoludes he will take it might have differed at any time from the seouied at onoe, and also any amount of sähe manner. They are only expected, per month, and the mortgage was renew­ ДОѴ& Scotia, a work of great maguitude, member of the British Parliament, was foot measure of Great Britain. In reply, obange one might wish. If desired to get however, to figure on state occasions. home and set it up before Ьів hut. It able every three montbs, when $5 50 was rerfumngthe management of an enorme u* found yesterday at Buz, a preoipitous cliff becomes his “ fetioh,” and grins to-day the Board Btated that the standard yard of ohange for any bill, in any роввіЫе way, Next we have eight lords in waiting, the oharged for making out the papers. Sbe quantity of water, the daily overflow of the in the Big Born mouutains. Mr. Leigh Henry VIII. B till exists, and is probably of embraoing any number of ojins of different grooms in waiting, the gentlemen ushers of pleasantly, to-morrow with a oroas a i r , at thus paid $58 per year for the use of $25 lake being over $2,000,000 of cubic feet. was here with a small Euglish pleasure him. To heighten the effeo t, he paints it exaotly the same length ав the old Saxon denominations, it oan be obtained in a the privy ohamber, daily waiters', grooms Another womao paid a broker $171 io party. He ltft the oamp on the 14th inBt. red around the eyes, or adorns it with yard. It is a solid brasa rod, and was oon- aeoond of time, and there ia not a need of of the privy ohamber, quarterly waiters ibtereet on a loan of $51, and then, after Prof. Woodward, of the Manual Training for a stroll, and was not neard of till eight bright ornaments. In some such way as Btantly used for the verification of other glauoing at it to вее if oorreot, for it oan’t grooms of the great chamber, and thirty- paying one-half of the principal, the School, of 6t. Louis, believes that indus­ daye’ seal oh revealed hiB body. H is yards till the reign of " good Qaeen Bess.” be wrong. He has just established a two gentlemen of the privy ohamber. this, I believe, we may explain t h e origin wretoheB foreclosed the mortgage, taking trial training Bhould form a recognized remains will be shipped to England. of the first im ages of th e gods, n e w illu stra­ After allowing for the estimated wear, it ie factory at Cincinnati for the manufacture These last-named reoeive no pay what everything ehe bad, even to her bed, out of part of the educated functions of the bohool tions of whioh we may B till observe to be found to bs of the same length as the of these drawers. ever, exoept tbe honor of the thing, while the house. as surely as mathematics or geography, A Vermont parent haa utilized his boy’s the first m entioned oosii the exchequer brought before us fro m tim e to tim e . I do present standard yard. — Carpet Trade “ but by no means with the inevitable or bioyclo by making it furnieh motive power The honeymoon of a Chicago oouple was $55,965 a year. not regard tbe ргооевв as a religious one, R e v i e w . ______• expected sequence that every boy who for hie winnowing mill, ooru shelter and spent in the romantio and pioturesque A diffioult position to fill is that of mar but rather as an inetanoe of th e develop­ It oame oat in a Tennessee lawsuit that More than 60,000 New Yorkers live at receives it shall beoome a carpenter or a grindstones. This he does by suspending oooupation of oamping out on the Bhore of shal of the oeremouies. He attends on all m e n t of th e firB t idea of art.— M ax Buchner, the ardent letters sent by a girl to ber lover the hotels, and there are 100,000 strangers blacksmith.” it from the axle, removiug the tire from La.ke Michigan ; but the plan seems to Btate occasions, and conducts foreign in Popular Science Monthly. had been oomposed for another fellow, but in town every night. Over $50,000,000 are The Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland has the wheel and oouneoting it by an endlees have failed, for they finally emerged trom ambassadors, eto , to the Queen’s ргевепое. that, on transferring ber affeotions sud­ invested in the hotel business in the reduced the extra polioe tax assessed upon rope to his agricultural maohines, then the woods at opposite Bidee, and are to be A thorough knowledge of the details of Water is 25 sents per barrel and milk 50 denly, ehe had erased the origiual name metropolis. Limerick and will insist npon ite payment. making bis son mount and do the propelling 1 gaily separated by a divorce. etiquette and, above all, of precedence, is oents per gallon in Lordsburg, N. M. and inserted a new one.