• -. • ' ' - R the Patina, the Bible, the .Chalice
SUPPLEMENT TQ THE LONDON GAZETTE;OCTOBER^,' 19&2.' , 637T The Lord Mayor of London, Deputy Garter King of Gentleman Usher of.the in his Robe, Collar Arms, in his Tabard and Black Rod, - - and Jewel, Collar, carrying his Crown. Gen. • Si-r Michael Biddiilph, bearing the City Mace, and Sceptre, G.C.B. Rt. Hon. William H. Weldon, Esq. Sir Joseph C. Dimsdale, Bart. ' . ' ' The Lord Great Chamberlain of England, Marquess of Cholmondeley (P.O.), his Coronet carried by his Page, Lord George Hugo Cholmondeley. - -- . • . 1 The High Constable of Ireland, The High Constable of Scotland, the Duke of Abercorn, K.G., C.B. (P.O.); Earl of Errolj, K.T.; C.B.; " ' his Coronet -carried by his Page, his Coronet carried by his Page, • Geoffrey Lambton, Esq. Christian Seymour H. Combe, Esq. The Lord High Steward of Ireland, The Lord High Steward of .Scotland, . Earl of Shrewsbury, Earl of Crawford, K.T., as Deputy to His with his White Staff; Royal Highness The Duke of Rothesay his Coronet carried by his Page, (the Prince of Wales);; :.; Gilbert Talbot, Esq. his Coronet carried by his-Page, G. Humphrey Lindsay, Esq. The Earl Marshal of England, The Sword of State, The Lord High.Constable of : the Duke of Norfolk, borne by the England, KG., K.C.V.O. (P.C.), Marquess of Londonderry, the Duke of Fife, ' . with his Baton, K.G. (P.O.); • K.T., G.C.V.O. (P.O.), attended by his two Pages, his Coronet carried by with his Staff, : Henry Stewart, and his Page, attended by his two Pages, Lyulph Howard, Esquires.
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