__ ._1. ~'- " ;,:{ I ~,"'\'''' COpy NO. - . .....' I t~h1~",<~<,'NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS RAM JET PROPULSION ,r.. By Abe Silverstein ~ I [ Flight Propulsion Research Laboratory I' Cleveland, Ohio June 1947 C-L!\E.~~;IFlCATlON CHANGED Te, L2JC 1t.SSJFIED i\·~fI'\~(>~:T.TY 1ir~, H.~ L (; D2yc.r';':;J C:;~1[!.:..\rre # 6(4 n~'I'j:;' "".-' -.. OJ ') ',q l::l - . ' ... ~' ,J '-'."'_~ .c.). ~,.J __ liLH,.L C LAS S I FIE D DOC U MEN T ~,t1.'.nl~,-,i1J:t.h~e~:n'I~~,-r} ".'.';nt"ains class i£ied ir:forn,atior. affec to persons in the mili tary and naval Services of the 1.'·li-... , .la"lonaIDere~ o"t>' U'tdS ..... 't "1' ff' d ~-tbe-~'.J..:e:an:r:·:";:':-'f . J. ~,~e r lie nl e tates V?l1.rnn Unl1.ed States, apprcprla e C~Vl lan 0_ leers an ern ," ~ . n. 0 tho E~Plonage Act, esc 50:31 and 32. ployees of the Federal Government who have a legit tne revelation Df its contents in lmate lnte~est therein, and to United States oitizens cltnorized persoD. is .jlr:p_h)b~.teq.. bj.., '" of known loyal ty and discretiDn who of r.ecessi t"j rr:ust ":"c" _'" classified mf0~~!~:~:~f:'~;:~~2,:~:.:t:;f9X~~d.. t~~reOf. I~N~Bt:lIE"NJ "'~'" :~. ;~~-;~-,;~;:-':;;.;::::,:::,.-6~>~" I"A E,o: . ,or:,,: ;' . "-:<'- CONFIDENTIAL LECTURE FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS DIVISION AIR COM1'1A.ND AND STAFF SCHOOL, AIR UNIVERSITY MAXWELL FIELD, AL.!\B.AH.l\. January 30, 1947 RAM JET PROPULSION By Abe Silverstein Flight Propulsion Eesearch Laboratory National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Cleveland, Ohio COlllFIDENTIAL I i -,,-~--,",,~y'·q-,.,.~~~1t~---;;~:.-t"-:i±·,'~~l£~Gio':~"<i':;'"~'-"~';i~~~~-;'T"-:~'-~';~~:~~ .
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