588 . . [ KELLY's

PUBLIC OFFICERS. Baptist, I0.30 a.m. & 6.3o p.m.;}Rev. RobertRogers Certifying Factory !Surgeon, Cecil Hewer Mackenzie thurs. 8.15 p.m P.R.C.S.Eng., L.R.C.P.Lond. Glentho.rne Primitive Methodist, 10.30 a. m. & l Clerk to the Magistrates for the Tarporley Section of 6.30 p.m j Eddi;;bury Petty Sessional Division, Thomas Cawley, Primitive Methodist, Cote Brook, Rev. Albert Henry High street 2. 30 & 6. 30 p. m. ; tues. 7 p. m Kynaston Medical Officer & Public Vaccinator, Tarporley District, Primitive Methodist, Utkinton,2.30 Union, Waiter Smartt F.R.C.S.Irel. IBowmere & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m Wesleya.n Methodist, 10.30 a.. m. & cottage Rev. William Boswell Collector of Poor Rates, Samuel Greenway, 'Public Hall 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m Wesleyan Methodist, Ea.ton Lowther ~OES O'F WORSIHIP, with times of Services. SOH()()[B. St. Helen's, Tarporley, Rev. Waiter Octavius Marsh National (mixed & infants), erected with residence for Hughes M.A. rector; Rev. Osmond Philip Fisher master & mistress in 1849 & two new class rooms, one IM.A. & Rev. Stephen Follett Leadley-!Brown M.A. added in 1887 by Mrs. Mann to her husband, the late curates; sunday, holy communion, 8 a.m. (first W. T. Mann esq. & the other to the memory of Miss & third sundays at 8 & 10.30); matins & sermon, Gartside in 11894; it will hold 2122 boys & girls & 75 ..10.30 a.m.; children's service & catechizing,3.15 p.m.; infants; average attBDdance, .24JI child:ren; Wal"ter E . .evensong & sermon, 6.30 p.m.; daily, morning prayer, Garner, master B.30 a.m. ; evening prayer, 6.30 p.m. ; festivals, holy The old school-house, built by Dame Dorothy Done in eommnnion, 8 a.m.; morning prayer, g.15 a.m. & 1636, is now used as a recreation room evensong & sermon, 8 p.m.; baptisms, 1st sunda.y British (mixed & infants), built in 1877, for 170 boys St. John & Holy Cross Chapel of Ease, Cote Brook, Rev. & girls & infants; average attendance, 57 children; Edward Ernest Gubbins l\I.A. curate in charge; ;10.30 William Wright Shaw, master; Miss C. Oulton, infants' a.m. & 6.30 'IJ.m.; H. C. 1St & sth sun. 8 p.m.; 3rd mistress sun. 10.30 a.m.; children's serv. 1st sun. 3 p.m OO...~VEYANCE. ~t. Paul's Chapel of Ease, Utkinton; 6.30 p.m.; H. C. 'Ilus runs to meet main line trains between Beeston rail- 4th sun. '8 a.m.; wed. 7 p.m way station & Tarporley; proprietors, L. & N.W. Ry.Co St. Thomas Chapel of Ease, Ea ton; 3 p.m. 4th sun.10.30; Carriers to .-Willia.m Bickerton, tues. & sat.; 2nd sun. '8 a..m. & 3 p.m. ; wed. 7 p.m George Smith, tues. thurs. & sat TARPORLEY. Bate Jarne.s Car.Wr, solicitor & cam- Dutton Henry, d.rnper, 55 High .st missioner for oaths, 83 High street For.ster Thoo:na.s, fal'lffier, Road .street l'RIVATE RESIDENTS. Eats Roge.r, chee-se fac-tor, .Ash hill Garland· Florence (Miss), confectioner, Aston John, Victoria. street Eebbington George, butcher,63High st 34 High street Alrt,on Mrs. 23 Fore.st road Bickertcn WiThiam, carrier, Ea ton rd Gmrtrell Jam ets William, Bell & Lion Alston IM:Ts. Eliza Engenie, Manor ho Billington & Fleet, bldT!l. Forest road P.H. lHigth ~Street Aston Ricflard, High staeet Billington John Henry, coal merchant, Goulding George, clothier, 54 High st Earnes Miss, 97 High street I 10 High street Goulding Martin, corn merchant, 53 Ila.Jte Charles Spurgeon, The Mount, Eirks Margareot (M~N.), t~hopkeeper, High street Vliotori\ street High street Goulding Michael, boot dlr. 52 High st Bate Edward R. Ash hill BirkiS William, clogger, square Goulding Thomas,'beer retailer,High st Bate JamBs C. 83 High street Blair Constance Sarah (Mrs.), ladies' Greenway Samuel, surveyor, sanitary Bate Roger J.·P. Gable house school, 27 Forest road inspector & collector to the Urban Bather Miss, Springhill Blake Henry, IShopk.pr. BiTch Healih rd District Council & collector of poors Beswick Henry, 85 High street Brook'S Samuel, cabinet maker rates, Public hall :Sillington John Henry, IIO High street Eroster ·Wm. ·Orown P.H. 78 High st Gregory Annie (Miss), dress maker, 12 Brooks James Marshal!, Portal Burston John, corn & provision stores; High street Brooks William, Rudhall heath agent for Gaiton'i farm seeds & for Gregory Fanny ('Miss), confectioner, Cawley Thomas, The Ohes~nuts W. & A. Gilbey Limited, wine & 95 High street Cliffe M~ss, 25 Forest road spirit merchants, 44 High street Grocott H. Steffens, photographer,The Cooper Mrs. Forest house Cawley Brothers, grocers, Chester rd. Studio, High street Dickinson Mis~. 3 Eaton road & Birch heath Hayes Alice (Mis.s), Swan hotel Dixon Mrs. Bowmere Cawley Edwar!l B.A. solicitor Hayward Thuma.o;, hair dre-sser, sxa, Dutton Herbt. Wm. 19 Victoria street Cawley Thomas, 80licitor & commis- High street Fisher Rev. Osmond Philip M.A. (cu- e~ioner for taking "Oaths in the Su· Heald Henry, builder, Forest road rate), Forest road preme colll't, clerk to tile Tarporley Hewer Cecil Mackenzie F.R.C.S.Eng., Gordon Thomas Hodgetts, Ivy bank, Distri::t Council, clerk to the Ma.gis- L.R.C.P .Land. physician & surgeon High street trates for the Eddisbury division, & certifying factory surgeon, Glen- Grocott Mrs. 16 Forest road clerk to Bulkeley & Ridley united thorne Guns on Jeremiah J oseph, High street school boards, High street Higgott John, farmer, Birch Heath rd Hewer Cecil Mackenzie F.R.C.S.Eng. Clarke John, blacksmith Hignet>t SI. weighing machint>, The Sq Glenthorne Cluett Reuben, ironmonger,implement Hinde Peter, tailor, 15 Hi.gh street IIugbes Rev. Walter OctaviUJS Mal'sh agent & seedsman; sole manufac- iiEtehen Joseph, grocer, 70 High !Jt M. A. (rect-or), The Rectory turers of the Royal cheesemakers & Hodkiru:;on Henry, painter, High street Hm:ibutt Mi~s. 21 Victoria st-reet other appliances, High street Jacli"!KJD Annie (1\.JJI"s.), !anner, BirDh Kirkpatrick Major H.P.,Sa1tersWell ho Collins & Smart, paint~;r & decorators, Heatlb. road: Kynaston Rev. Albert Henry(Primitive High street Jeftis Philip Henry, printer,3o High st Methodist), Birch Heath villa Cookson .Amos & Son, monumental Johnson Brothers, farmer, Birch heath Leadley-Brown Rev. Stephen Follett masons, 25 Eaton 1r0ad. Johnston Robert B. L. manager of the M.A. (curate), The Rectory Cookson Amos, wa.ter works inspector National Provmcial Bank & treasurer LivesJey 1Mrs. 18 Forest road & collector, Public hall to the Urban Di-strictCouncil,High st Lowther Rev. William Boswell (Wes- Cook!son H~ratio Jas. grocer,go Highs~ Ledrwaro John, Wlheelwright, Burton sq leyan Methodist), Victoria street Cooper James, !Shoe mak~r. 57 High st Lowis Willia-m K., M.R.C.V.S. veterin- Morris Miss, 21 Forrest road Cooper Thus. szeneral dlr. 72 High si ary surgeon, 6 Forest road Prince ~I;l's. 8g !High s-treet Cowap & Sons, plumbers, 101 High st Lindop Ge011ge,age-nt fur tlb.ePrudential Ro'bertson :Misses, 9 High stree~ Cowap Geor.ge F. eleC'IJrical engineer; Assuranc~ Oo. Limited, 28 High st Rogers Rev. Robert (Baptist), The bicycles &c. repaired;. electric bell. Littler Percy, tailor, High street Manse fitted littler William, 'butcher, High street Sllu!'rlock John, Forest road Cowap John, farmer, Rudball heath Market Hall, nerl the Swan hotel Smartt Waiter, Eowmere cottage Cowap Roibert, but.cher, 31 High street Mmgan Charles, .shopkeeper, Eaton rd Stockton Mrs. Victoria street Cowap Samuel Evan, chemist & drug- Morrey Charles Henry, fishmonger,76 Tylden ~&s. 29 Ea.ton road gist, 58 High street High street Vlilliams .\mos, 6 Park. road Crane Gerald, horse dealer,High street National Provincial Bank of Wilson Herbert L. Summerhill Cummins Charles A. G. cycle dEWot, Limit~d 1 (agen{;y) (Robert B. L. COMMERCIAL. Higlh stTel!t Johnston, manager) ; open mondays Early Closing Day, Wednesday, 1 p.m. Daine John James, Post office,High si & thursdays II a.m. to 3.30 p.m. Aston R. & Son, drnpers, 73 H1gh st Davenport Thomas, cycle agt.7 High st High street; draw on chief office, Aston Alfred Valentine, pharma{;eutica.l Davis Mary (Mrs.), shpkpr.g6 High st Bisihopsga1e street within, Lndn E C chem~st. 77 High .stTeet Done Recreation Room (Henry Steffens Partington Jame-s Edward, tailor & .Aston Eliza Eugene (:Mra. ), farmer, Grocott, sec. & treasurer) 'breeches maker, 56 High street !Manor hoiJSe Dunning William, baker, 23 High st Pa.!~coe David, cab propr. III Hig-h st