Fr ebur Lovell Sweden y g, , ,

Stow andWChWathWam “ ,

1 9 0 7





INTRODUCTION — The S ok ok is Indians The Pe q uawk e t E xpe d itio n


Ea rly S e ttle me nt — Act of I ncorpo ration Or ganization of Tow n

Tow n Official s

M ilitary Acc ount

G rove r Post

I nd us tries —Canni ng Factorie s Frye bu rg Ch urc hes — Fr ye bur g Aca demy Public S chool s rofe s siona H e n—Ph s icians La e s P l y , wy r

' Fr ebu r Water Wo rk s y g ‘ Frye burg Village Fire Companies—Fire s Fr yeburg Hor se Railroad Patrons of Husband r y

We st Oxfor d A ric ultural Ass o cia ion g t

B rid es Canal Pos Office s g , , t .


Early S e ttle me nt — I ncor poration Or ga nization

Town Officials

Park er Post

Lovel l Ch urches

S chool Ite ms

Profe ss io nal e n— h sicians La e rs H P y , wy

In d u stries

Patrons of Hus band ry — TABLE OF CONTENTS Continued


S e ttle me nt

Incorporation and Organization

Town Offi cial s

Local Ind ustries

Religious Pl atte rs S ch ools 1 721 974


Fryeburg Ad dition, Grant. and S ettle ment Th e Town Incor porated and Organized “ To w n Official s

Ind ustrial Accou nt

‘ I l ethodist Church

S choo ls

H I TO Y F CH ATH AM N . H . S R O , ( )

L cation Grants S t le me nt Pe ti io ners Chan s o , , e t , t , ge Town B ound s

Town Office rs

l nbustr ies

Congregational Church





Fr ebur Lovell Sweden y g, , ,

Stow and Chatham


Nowhere in the Pine Tree State are the scenic beauties of the famous Oxford Hills surpassed in natural variation of

g of. rug ed hill and q uiet dale, in the grandeurWits lofty peaks and towering visions of the snow capped hite Mountains which overshadow its southern extremity , or in the natural purity of lake and stream and the stimulating freshness of

h n its clear atmosphere . Throug the souther part of the f county winds the limpid Saco , fresh rom its sparkling springs on the sides o f the highest elevations in Ne w Eng

c nfi n land . Enlarged by frequent o ue t tributaries it has become a stream o f considerable size when it crosses the New f Hampshire line into Fryeburg thirty miles rom its source . The extensive intervales of this locality bespeak a former lake which must have covered a large area until its bed became gradually filled by the sediment brought down from the upper course o f the Saco valley and by frequent spring 6 INTRODUCTION

freshets . These lands now form some of the most fertile and f prosperous arms in the state . Other broad and less fertile areas known as plains ha ve produced immense quantities o f c b ex ellent pine tim er , while the higher and more rugged ter r i r to y is rich in a variety of mineral deposits , valuable tim

a ber reas and grazing fields .

The Sokokis Indians , later known as the Pequawket

o f tribe , were the earliest known inhabitants this region . It wa s early explored by a dventurers and hunters from the col

Ma 1 725 ouies , and in y, , was fought the memorable and

’ L v w ll a L ove lamentable battle near o e e s Pond between C pt . well and the Pequawket warriors . The first grant of a township on the upper Saco was

1 2 u 76 . made in , to Gen Joseph Frye , a disting ished soldier

W. during the French and Indian ars A grant was very

. Y soon afterwards made to Capt Henry oung Brown , also a

Wa r 1 5 76 soldier in the French . Conway was granted in , f W to a nu mber o proprietors by Gov . Benning entworth of

New ffi Hampshire . Lovell was g ranted to the o cers and soldiers who participated in the Pequawket expedition , and 1 80 their heirs, about 7 . Hiram is made up of various land 1 90 , g 7 . sWales including a large tract bou ht in , by Gen Peleg f adsworth . Porter was purchased by a company o men in 1 95 7 . Various other grants and purchases g ave title to other lands in this vicinity including the Fryeburg Academy 1792 Grant in Den mark , made in , and Fryeburg addition ,

f f o f now the southern hal o the town Stow . All titles exce pt Conway were derived from the Commonwealth o f Ma ssachu

‘ a a r n setts , of which politic l division this state formed p o vi ce INTRODUCTION 7

1 2 until 8 0. The territory now embraced by the County of Oxford o f Y was originally a part ork county , as , in fact was the 1 60 w . 7 f hole of In , Cumberland county was ormed ,

o f exce embracing the whole the present Oxford , with the p f w f tion of a e western towns . Ox ord county was formed by 4 1 805 f . o f Y an act approved Mar , , rom portions ork and

Cumberland . Paris was made the shire town , with a Regis

o i fo r W 1 3 . 8 8 try Deeds at Fryeburg the estern District In ,

o f f the county Franklin was erected , taking from Ox ord five

o f towns and a large number plantations . constituting more

h lf r r i r v 1 4 a te to . 85 n than its In , two other tow s were reliu

i h f n o w q u s ed to orm Androscoggin county . It has thirty

five a towns and three org nized plantations , together with

o f 1 00 unorganized lands , making a total area about 7 square miles . For many years all transportation and tr afic in this region was carried on by stage lines which threaded their way to the various scattered settlements forming a system similar to the fa r reaching Saco with its numerous tributa ries , whose winding valleys were traced by many highways .

Wo f ith the opening the Portland Ogdensburg railroad in

n w s ff 1 871 e . E , pos ibilities were o ered xcellent markets were brought into close connection , or better . the n atural beau ties o i the region which were then becomi ng recognized out

o f t side , were within easy reach the increasing multi ude who should flock here during the hot summer months to enjoy the refreshing and health giving air . Lumbering and agri

t o i culture, together with the entertainmen summer visitors 8 INTRODUCTION

form the principal sources of wealth .

We w ould not close this chapter without mentioning the many honorable and distinguished men and women who

o f have gone out from these homes , m any them from humble homes , who have brought honor to their native towns .

o f Every town can show a goodly list these men , heroes of

v n the battlefield or bench , men who have ad a ced entirely by their own merit and energy to positions o f responsibility f an d . honor in the state or nation , or in private li e These are the men who have inherited the fortitude and energy of f their athers and mothers , who could so long and nobly withstand the rigors and hardships of the New England frontier , u ntil their scattered settlements should become an im p ortant part of a prosperous community .


Before the encroach ment of pale faced settlers , the entire valley of the Saco and its tributaries was peopled by the numerous Sokokis Indians . These were considered the A parent tribe of the ben aki Nation , which at one time

o f peopled the whole of Maine . One the m ost eloquent and “ o f We statesmanlike their chiefs once said in council , received our lands from the Great Father of Life; we hold f ” only rom Him . Their title was unquestionable and nu mo f lested , they roamed the valley rom their village at the INTRODUCTION 9

Lower Falls (Saco) to the settlement on the great bend , on the intervales of Fryeburg . These were in many respects a

o f k noble race red men , evincing unmista able evidence of

f a hi her d having descended rom g state , and still retaine a

fi ne sense of honor and personal dignity . The Sokokis tribe was once so numerous that they could call nine hundred warriors to arms , but war and pestilence f * reduced their number to a mere h and ul . The residence of f the sag amores was on Indian Island , above the lower alls . Among the names of the chiefs who dwelt hereabout were

f H S ua nd o o . e a o ns those Capt Sunday , the two g , and q who succeeded Fluellen . For some years these Indians lived with

o f the white settlers in peace and quietness , some them acq uiring a fair knowledge of the English langu a ge by their f . Wn o intercourse he the increasing number colonists encroached upon their lands , and hatred and discontent

n o f had been enge dered by the ill treatment the whites , these Indians gradually moved up river and joined their brethren who lived in the villages at Pequawket and on the

Ossipee . 16 15 o f As early as , there were two branches the Sokokis f tribe under the leadership of two subordinate chie s . One of these com munities was the Pequ a wket settlement and the other was at the mouth of the Great Ossipee , where before

’ Wa r l l f King Phillip s , they emp oyed Eng ish carpenters rom m f n down river to build the a strong timber ort , havi g f stockaded walls fourteen eet in height , to protect them against the blood - thirsty Moh awks whose coming these

* milies Saco Valley Settlements an d F a . 10 INTRODUCTION

o f f Indians anticipated . Upon the removal these people rom the locality of their early home on the lower waters of the

d Pe u a w river to the interior , their names were ch ange to q kets and Ossipees; the former word meaning the crooked

o f place , the other either taking the name or giving their name to the river and lake u pon which they lived . f A terrible atal pestilence, th ought to have been the

16 1 7 1 6 1 8 n small pox , which prevailed in and amo g the

o f t Indians this and o her tribes , swept them away by thou

‘ o f f sands , some the tribes having become extinct rom its

ff t Sa a d a h o c 1 720 e ects . At a trea y assem bled at g in , there

f Wi nnesau k es were delegates rom the , the Ossipees , and the

P u a wk e e ts . W q hen the treaty was holden in Portsm outh in

Ad e a wa nd o a n d 1 713 f . , the Pequawket chie s were present Sca wesco signed the articles o f agreement with a cross at the treaty held at Arrowsic in 1717. Some have assumed that the whole community o f the Peq u a wk ets lived together on the intervale at Fryeburg in a

l fo r compact vi lage . This conjecture is not true , we find that these keen warriors had out- posts some distance above

. W and below the village to guard against surprise hile the

bo d v o f larger the Indians lived on the great water loop , there were clusters o f h ouses in various places down the Saco

o f valley . One these hamlets was situ ated just south o f Indian Hill in North Conway an d consisted o f about twenty

. o f fa r f lod ges In the present town Hiram , not ro m the

o f v ff m outh the Great Ossipee ri er , there is a high blu upon the top o f which there is a nearly level plateau o f about two acres in extent where several families o f the Sokokis Indians INTRODUCTION 1 1

u - once lived . A p ec liar Indian burial m ound seventy five feet

n f a nd - lo g , fi ty feet wide about twenty five feet high was dis covered o n the west side o f Lake Ossipee and south of Love ’ f well s river soon a ter the Revolution . This mound , which is located upon a beautiful intervale is filled with the skeletons of thousands of Indians e nto me d in a sitting posture and f circling around a comm on center acing outward . These form concentric circles which were added one after another until the outer one was formed when another tier wa s begun m above the . The bodies seem to have been packed closely

f o f d together and covered with about two eet coarse san , while around the foot of the mound were placed stones taken from the river bed to prevent the mound from washing down . This mound is estimated to contain no less than eight or ten thousand skeletons which would seem to speak o f either a numerous or a long established race in this local ity . The Peq u awk ets seem to have been a peaceful race when not molested by hostile tribes or encroaching settlers . There is n o record o f any hostile action on their part to warrant the expedition against them m ade by Capt . Love 1 2 h well and his com pany in 7 5 . On the other and there is a record in the office of the Secretary o f State in o f a

a n d petition made by John Lovewell , Josiah Farwell Jona “ than Robbins fo r a bounty to be paid fo r scalps of enemy ” Indians that they might be able to take while rangi ng the woods for the period o f one year fo r that purpose . A liberal

ff m o f f - bounty was o ered , and a co pany orty six men was l fo r organized by Capt . Lovewe l an expedition against the

Pequawket settlement . 12 INTRODUCTION


1 6 f h d On April , the com pany bade arewell to t eir frien s

a s o f and kindred in Dunstable , M s , the home of m any the

an d party, and proceeded to Contoocook , to the west sh ore f of . Here they halted and erected a ort which should serve as a rallying point and base of supplies . By this time two m en had become disabled . One had returned

wa s f . home accompanied by a riend , Benj Kidder left at the

f w a n d . ort , ith the surgeon a guard of eight The remaining thirty -four men took up the trail to Pequawket with good courage .

u f On T esday , two days be ore the battle , the party were suS i io us d p c that they had been iscovered by the enemy , and on Friday night the guard heard them creeping through the underbrush about their encampment . At an early hour

8th i Saturday m orning , May , while they were yet at the r

o f devotions , the report a gun was heard , and soon an Indian was seen standing upon a point of land extending ’ L v ll into Saco ( now o ewe s ) pond . They supposed this was

a f a decoy , to dr w them into ambush . A con erence was im mediately held to determine what course to pursue . The f o r a . men were anxious an eng gement , but Capt Lovewell

a his seems to h ave assented gainst wishes . They prepared

foe l f for action . Assuming that the was stil in ront he ordered the men to lay down their packs that they mig ht ad vance with greater caution and be less h am pered in the

. W fight hen the party had proceeded slowly for about a mile they discovered an Ind ian approaching among the INTRODUCTION 13

trees . Several discharged their pieces at him . He returned the fire and seriously wounded Capt . Lovewell with a load

. W of buckshot Ensign yman then shot the Indian and

Chaplain Frye scalped him . f Meanwhile Paugus , the Indian chie , with eighty stal wart warriors had been watching every movement from the rear . They had discovered the hidden packs and learned the

’ o f WL w small number the attacking party . hen ove ell s company returned to secure their provisions a nd had reached a tract of land covered with pines a little way back f from the pond , the Indians rose from ambush in their ront and rear in two parties with guns aimed ; the whites also

fo e presented their guns and advanced to meet the . Approaching within twenty yards of each other both parties fired . The Indians were badly cut to pieces and took

o f shelter in a clump of low growing pines . Already nine the “ f attacking party had allen dead , including Capt . Lovewell . Wm w f Three ere atally wounded . Ensign y an ordered the h remaining soldiers to retreat to t e pond . Until the going down of the sun the battle went on with much vigor .

o f About the middle the afternoon Ch aplain Frye fell ,

f f for seriously wounded . A ter alling he was heard to pray the preservation of his comrades . For eight hours the fight w had continued and at times was vehement . The hites were obliged to adopt the Indian mode of warfare; they kept near

t for f together ,Weach selecting a posi ion his own sa ety . Ensign yman stealthily crept to a position to cover

u f . Pa gus , the chie , whom he shot dead The tradition that Paugus was killed at the water ’ s edge by Chamberlain when 14 INTRODUCTION they had both gone down to wash their guns was not given aWs a part of this engagement until some fifty years later* hen darkness fell the Indians withdrew , leaving their dead on tWhe battlefield . hen the moon arose about midnight the survivors of

L w ll a . o ve e s party ssembled , faint and exhausted There were but nine unhurt , eleven were seriously wounded , Jacob

f u Farrar was o nd to be dying , and two others were un able to rise . Solomon Keyes could not be found . A retreat was

men decided upon , but the wounded were unable to proceed W f far . hen they had gone something more than a mile , our f — w o u . a the wounded Lie t F r ell , Chaplain Frye , and pri vates , Jones and Davis , could no longer move forward . They importuned their comrades to push toward the Ossipee f t W or and secure a rescuing party to carry them in . hen d the men reached the fort , where the gu ar had been left, to their constern ation they fou nd the men had deserted the place and nearly all the provisions gone . Here was another trying experience for the soldiers , who now numbered but I f nine . they returned to their wounded comrades whom they had left behind , they feared starvation for themselves

fo r as well as their comrades . The only alternative seemed l m to be to eave the to their fate . They pressed forward toward Dunstable and fo r four days it is stated they did not f taste ood . They then brought down some partridges and squirrels which they roasted and which gave them strength

fo r of the rest the j ourney . They succeeded in reaching Dun

o f m Ma 13 th stable , the greater part the on y , the others

. J two days later Two of the men , Josiah ones and Eleazer INTRODUCTION 15

h Davis , who were left to perish finally reac ed Berwick . Chap lain Frye and Lieut . Farwell did not survive . ff Such was the e ect on the attacking party . The

Pe ua wk ets ff d a n d d q su ered nearly as ba ly , this was the eath blow to their national power . According to the census of

n f the I dian s taken by Capt . Giles the ollowing year they had

24 f n o f but fighting men le t amo g them , and some these

v in carried serious wounds recei ed the fight . The news of the defea t and disaster cast widespread sorrow throughout the homes from which the soldiers had gone . A party was i m mediately sent to the battle ground and the bodies o f the Captain and ten o f his men were buried at the f foot o an ancient pine . A monument has since been erected 1 500 to mark the spot . The General Court appropriated

a n d the n o w pounds , a grant of lands comprising the towns o f Lovell and S weden to the survivors and heirs o f the men

h u w o were lost . This we sh o ld consider a very liberal reward fo r such a murderous undertaking attempted chiefly fo r mercenary purposes upon a peaceful settlement of a dis f appearing race o men .

* l m n s H isto r y of Saco Valley Sett e e t .

Many of the Peq u a wk ets removed to Canada after the

A ea wa n d o f battle together with d , their chie , and united with

o f the St . Francis tribe . At the beginning the war with France the remnant of the tri be that had lingered around f the old home place o their ancestors on the Saco , expressed

a desire to live with the whites , and they were accordingly f removed to a suitable place about fi ty miles from Boston ,

where was good fowling and fishing . These men were 16 INTRODUCTION

1749 the present at the Treaty of Falmouth in , between f Eastern Indians and the whites . A ter the fall of Quebec a fe w members o f the tribe rem ained about the head waters of

n f the Connecticut until the beginni g o the Revolution . The last mention of the tri be living at Pequawket was in a peti

a tion to the Gener l Court dated at Fryeburg , in which the

fo r able bodied men asked guns , amm unition and blankets “ fo r f m en f ourteen warriors . These served faith ully on the patriot side and were liberally rewarded by the government . After the war they returned to their families in the vicinity o f Fryeburg where they were well remembered by the vener able people of the last generation . Among those remem

H n ea o O . bered were Tom g , ld Philip and Swanson Philip ,

Pe u a wk ets in the last known chief of the q , signed a deed 1796 , conveying the last rights of his tribe in Maine and

Ne w f H ampshire to the men who had in two brie centuries , h usurped t eir lands and with disease , annihilated the people that had for unknown centuries held unquestionable title to the entire Saco Valley .

1 8 FRYEBURG “ and care of Nathaniel Merrill , John Stevens one Limbo , a

a n d Negro . Other herdsmen from Falmouth Gorham also h passed the winter near by with about 200 ead of cattle .

o f 1 63 -h In the summer 7 , Nathaniel Smith moved in wit f his amily , thus becoming the first permanent settler of the

W. earliest town in the hite Mountain region Among the “ ” o f other arrivals this year were the owners the Seven Lots , h W . . , O so called T ese were Capt Tim othy alker Samuel sgood ,

a David P ge , Moses Ames , Nathaniel Merrill and John and

a f n d wer e said David Evans . These men c me rom Co cor , and to have owned the site of the village o f Fryeburg in equ al “ a w a s sh res , from hich fact this was early known the Seven ” a o f - f Lots . Mr . Smith was gr nted a lease one h al lot ,

f f o f j ointly with his wi e , Ruth , ree rent for their natural lives for the friendship Gen . Frye bore them . His lot proved to be over the state line and is n ow within Conway . Captain b t f W’ W o alker uil the first mills in town at the outlet alker s l Pond ; he was a so an extensive farmer as shown by Rev .

’ ' “ ffin s 1 : Co u . 768 . Paul j o rnal Under date of , he wrote Capt

Wf f r o a alker had orty acres corn , gr ss and english g ain , ” o f which all are rich . Other promiWnent settlers this name W. were Joseph alker; Lieut John alker , who was a m an of

n f abnormal size and stre gth . He was an old orest ranger,

Wf o f and servWed at Fort illiam Henry and at the all Quebec . Ezekiel alker was the first licensed tavern keeper in Frye

. . W burg; he lived near Ber pond Lieut Isaac alker and

Wa -h 1 6 7 7. Samuel lker came wit others in Lieut . Jas . W“ alker lived at the Island . Most of these men raised up large families and their descendants are numerous and HISTORICAL 19

respected . Maj . Samuel Osgood is said to have led the pio f 1 3 neer party o 76 . He settled on the site of the old Oxford 1 800 House which was erected in , by his son Lieut . J as .

Osgood . He was the ancestor of many notable men and

. a D women including Rev S muel Osgood , D . . , Col . Joshua B .

a s O . . , and sgood , J R Osgood the Boston publisher , his sister m “ ” Kate Putna Osgood . Squire Moses Ames was an early selectman and represen tative and one o f the first board o f

o f trustees Fryeburg Academy . Col . David P age became a “ ” N h ’ magistrate and a leading man . Squire a t l Merrill was not married until 1765; he was a competent s urveyor; lived on lot opposite the Academy . John and David Evans were m . . W. t brothers Capt , son of John , was the first whi e male 19 1765 child born in town , April , .

General Frye the proprietor , also settled in town near 40 60 f the centre . Here he erected a frame house x eet in 1 ’ 69 b 768 or . At the out reak of the Revolution he was called to Cambridge to assemble and organize the patriot

was e a recruits . He m ad brigadier by the provincial con

m a a nd gress , then promoted to jor general stationed at f f Falmouth . The ollowing year he le t the service; it was

ff Wa rumored that some di erence with Gen . shington caused him to resign his com mission . His son , Joseph , was a cap

the latter tain and Nathaniel was a lieuten ant in the service , losing his hearing at the battle of Monmouth . Col . John M . f Frye, grandson of General Frye , was an early manu acturer

o f o f at Lewiston , one its leading men , and the father the

Wm . . . Hon . . P . Frye , the distinguished U S Senator

m was Dea . Si on Frye , a nephew of General Joseph , the first FRYEBURG

representative to the General Court , and for many years

e o f j udge of the District Court , and an honor d deacon the church . Chaplain Jona . Frye of the Pequawket expedition was a second cousin to the General; he was a graduate o f 2 2 f 17 3 1 . H arvard , , died at , a ter the battle h 1 3 ed edia 76 . d J Spring came here in His aughter , 24 1 4 h 76 . Betty , was the first w ite child born in town Sept . ,

a He later removed into Conway . Lieut . Caleb Swan a gr du

o f l d f ate Harvard Col ege , who istinguished himsel in the

in 1 f 76 6 . class , came rom Andover , Mass He pitched his

“ ’ n house at the rapids now Swa s Falls . His wife was Dor h o t . y Frye, a sister to General Frye

o f n Henry Young Brown , the proprietor Brownfield tow

a a ff ship , had house which Rev . P ul Co in deemed eleg ant “ ” 1 68 enough to call a Hall , where he was entertained in 7 . “ ” This stood very near the Seven Lots settlement west o f 1 02 the river and was made a part of this township in 8 . This house is now standing on M ain street to which pl ace it m was rem oved . Capt . Brown was one of the ost prominent

o f o f men this part the state . He held large estates which d Y . . were heired by his four gran children , Henry B Osgood , M h . O . O Joshua B sgood , ary S erburne , m Rev Samuel sgood , D L D . . , and Eliza . , m Jas . Osgood , Esq . , from whom came

many of the land titles . Deacon Richard Eastman maintained an early ferry

across the Saco near his house . He was an early moderator w at to n meetings . Ezra Carter settled acro ss the river from

. . h n Mr Swan Lieut . WStep en Farri gton was one of the earl iest settlers at est Fryeburg . Here also was Capt . HISTORICAL 21

N ff athaniel Hutchins , an o icer in the French and Indian ’ h W. ars Hezekiah Asten settled ere on the bank of the old m ’ W. . o f river Russell located just north Frye s Hill .

Isaac Abbott of Andover, Mass raised the second

n framed barn in tow at the Centre . In this house or barn were held m any early religious town meetings . This old

Wm n d house is still standing . . Eaton a Abraham Bradley

N and f were located toward orth Fryeburg , arther up were

. W Benj iley , John Stevens , Dea . John Charles and others . m 1775 . W. In , Rev Fessenden was settled th e town pastor

n and resided ear the early church at the Centre .

o f Others the pioneers were Nathaniel Merrill , Ebenezer

J o b Burbank , Eastman , Stephen Knight , Richard Kimball ,

Eben and Moses Day , Jona . Dresser , Jos . Kilgore , Henry

J r Abn r . Go d o n e Gordon , ohn Bolt Miller , Jas Parker , Hugh ,

a nd Charles , Stephen Dresser Aaron Abbott , all of whom 1778 were here as early as , together with others whose names we cannot give here . Many of the pioneers o f Fryeburg were veteraWns of either the Revolution or the earlier French and Indian ars where

f r many of them had gained titles o their gallantry . Neither

fo r were they ignorant men , of this number Paul Langdon ,

Wm . the first principal of the Academy ; Russell , Caleb Swan ,

m . . d W. Y . . . Henry B Osgoo , Rev Fessenden and Dr Jos 1768 Emery , the first physician , who came in , were all grad fH r r d uates o a v . a , and Capt Joseph Frye attended there two years .

1776 d o f In , uring the troublous times the Revolution , application was made for incorporation as a town and the n t followi g year this act was gran ed . 22 FRYEBURG


In the year o f our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy six . An Act fo r erecting a Tract of Land Co old Fryeburg o f two thousand one hundred and seventy two Rods square o f Y a s Lying in the County ork , which was granted a Town

, E . A ship to Joseph Frye sq , nno Domoni seventeen hundred

sixty - two and Confirmed Anno Domoni seventeen hundred

- sixty three into a town by the name of Fryeburg .

Wh o f t of ereas the Inh abitance that trac Land Consist ing o f Proprietors non Proprietors Pr o misco u sly settled thereon Having lately been united in ordaining a Minister of

o f the Gospel among them , are Desirous a unity in the Expense of his Support o f Building a Meeting House and

a L a u other Public Ch rges of the place, but Cannot y a Tax p on themselves fo r those Purposes till said Tract o f Land is

incorporated into a Town .

Therefore Be it enacted by the Council and House o fRep resentatives in General Court Assembled and by the Author ity o f the same tha t the aforesaid Tract o f Land originally Bounded as Followeth viz : at the South Corner to a Spruce

Tree marked thence running ( 2) North forty- five Degrees

need al a nd west , ( by the ) two thousand one hundred sev

enty- two Rods to a B each Tree marked thence North forty

five Degrees East , two thousand one hundred and seventy

two Rods to a Maple Tree m arked thence south forty - five

- Degrees East, two thousand one hundred and seventy two

Rods to a Pine Tree marked thence south forty-five Degree s HISTORICAL 23

W n —B est to the first mentioned Bou ds e and hereby is e rected into a Town by the Name o f Fr eburg Excepting y , and Reserving their out four thousand one hundred and o f i n W f forty seven Acres Land lying the est Corner thereo , o f which the Great and General Court in Compliance with a Petition ' o f the above Named Joseph Frye Resolved to receive back and in lieu thereof Granted him the same quan tity o f Governments Land with Liberty to lay it out adjoin i ng to the north wardly or N o rthea stwar d ly part o f his

-fifth Township as by said Resolve Dated June the twenty , * Seventeen Hundred and seventy - two will app ear and the Inhabitants o f said Tract of land (Except as above E hea r b xcepted ) Bee and y are invested with all the Powers , Priviledges and Im munities which other Towns in this Col oney do Enj oy . f A E s . nd be it urther Enacted that Tristram Jordan , q ,

he a r b to u W be and y is Impowered iss e his arrant Directed

o f to some Principal Inhabitant said Town , Requesting him to warn the inhabitants there o f who have a free hold according to Charter to Meet at Such Time and place as sh all be their in set forth to Choose all Such Officers a s are or Shall be Required by L a w to manage the afiairs o f said

Town . 10th 1777 In the House of Representatives January , , This Bill having had three several Readings Passed to be

Enacted . Samuel Freeman speaker , P . T .

* NOTE —This r n o w the s uther n ha lf o f the to wn o f Sto w wa s t act, o , “ ” design ated a s F ryebu rg Ad ditio n u ntil inco rpo rated un der its present

n ame . 24 FRYEBURG

11 1 777 n In Council January , , This Bill havi g had two D ’ several Readings passed to be Enacted . John Avery , p y

’ Sec y . — Consented to by the maj or part o f the Council A true D ’ ’ Copy Attest . John Avery , p y Sec y .

The above is a verbatim copy from the town records .

J E . As directed in this act Tristram ordan , sq , of Pep perillbo r o ugh (now Saco ) issued his warrant dated March “

1 7th 1 . , 777 and directed to Lt Samuel Osgood , Gentle ” m a n calling the legal voters o f the described tract to m W. assemble a t the dwelling house of the Revd . Fessenden “ ” 3 1st o f l f on Monday , March , at ten the c ock in the ore

noon . At this meeting the following board o i town officers was

elected . Dea . Richard Eastman , moderator ; Lt . Richard

Kimball , clerk ; the meeting was then adj ourned for two

hours , during which time Lt . Kimball went to Conway where “ ” he was sworn to the faithful discharge of his duties by

I Abbo o t Esquire David Page ; Dea . Rich ard Eastm an , saac

(Abbot) , Nathaniel Merrill , Dea . Simon Frye and Ezra ; A e Carter were chosen selectmen Richard Kimball , Moses m s ,

W. Stephen Farington , Ezekiel alker and Benj Russell a

f Wm Wn Wcommittee of sa ety . iley , co stable; Samuel A alker , Nathan mes and David Evens ( Evans ) , fence

J r . viewers ; John Farington , John Charles , , and John B uck n al of , field drivers; Isaac Abbot , sealer weights and A measures; John Evans , Moses Day , Peter Asten ( ustin )

and . o f a d Benj Russell , surveyors highways ; Moses Ames n

- Daniel Farington , tything men ; Ebenezer Day , Hezekiah


viz z— burg, with the following bounds , Beginning at the south corner of Fryeburg at a stake and stones thence run

- f ning north forty six degrees and a hal west , eleven hundred seventy-five rods on Fryeburg line to a pine stump on the line of ; thence south six and a half degrees w Y est , nine hundred and ten rods to a beach tree marked H

- f B ; thence north seventy six degrees and a h al east , nine

u hundred and eighty five rods to the bo nds first mentioned ,

2 o f about 600 acres . The western boundry Fryeburg finally passed through the present village o f Fryeburg just west o f

. We the Gov Dana place and crossed the Saco near estin d Bri ge . 1 847 In the year , portions of Fryeburg and Denmark west o f Upper Moose pond were set o ff to the town of B ridg

ton .



1 - 8 r 1 777 7 . J 9 Richard Kimball , ; Capt Joseph Frye , . , 77

8 5 1 86 - 91 1 92- 98 m 7 . 7 W ; Paul Langdon , ; Joseph F Swan , ; .

1 99- 1 1 Russell , 7 80 n 1 802 McMilla n ; Paul Langdo , ; John ,

1 803 - 06 - m - . . 1 8 0 08 W1 0 1 7 . 8 9 1 ; Jos F Swan , ; Russell , ; 1 812 m 18 13 W. 1 8 14 Paul Langdon , ; Russell , ; P . Langdon , ; m W. 1 815 4 4 . . . 18 1 Russell , Dec , died ; N G Jewett , Dec . , 5 ;

1 1 - 1 O , 8 6 8 . 1 8 19 James sgood ; Joseph F Swan , ; Thom as

W1 20-22 - 8 ebster , ; 1823 3 0 w McMillan Asa Charles , ; Andre ,

1831-3 2 h 1833 - 43 1 4 ; C arles Abbott , ; Joseph Chandler , 8 4 HISTORICAL 27

56 W1 - - 857 64 M I . . c ntir e 1865 ; Marsh all alker , ; Thos S , 74 ;

- . 1 875 M I i . . c nt r e 1 876 86 D Lowell Lamson , ; T S , ; Norman

1 887- 1907 Charles , .


M Mill n 1 - - . . c a 850 5 6 . . 1 857 59 A Jas O , ; Geo B Barrows , ; .

1 860- 61 . W W1 2 86 H alker , ; Timothy C . ard , ; Henry Hyde

1 3 - - - 86 66 . W . 1867 68 1 869 91 Smith , ; T C ard , ; John Locke , ;

1892- 190 J . F . Merrill , 7.


1 50—E d w 8 . . . . W . W O . L sgood , H D E alker , James alker 1851— E d w . . . . . W O , . WL sgood H D E alker , Simeon C iley .

1 852— M K n . . . Wc ee . Asa Charles , S C Hobbs , Benj . — 1 - 54 8 53 . . . . W E . , . Asa Charles , H D Hutchins S C iley 5— w 185 E d . . W . . O . . . . L sgood , H D E Hutchins , S C iley — 185 E d w . WW. 6 . . . L Osgood , S C iley , James alker — 185 Asa W. . . 7 Charles , James alker , S A Bradley — 1 W. 858 . . . Asa Charles , S A Bradley , Henry G alker — . WW. 1 859 . Asa Charles , H G alker , James alker — 1 8 0 . W. 6 Geo . B . Barrows , H . G alker , Caleb Frye — W. W. 1 1 86 . . Geo B Barrows , Peter Charles , Enoch iley — - 2 . 1 4 . W 86 6 Asa Charles , Henry G alker , Caleb Frye — 0 . . 1 865 Asa . E . Charles , Henry D Hutchins , Asa Pike — B . l . . 1 86 . 6 Asa Char es , S C Hobbs , Samuel Charles

- — 1 . . . . . 8 67 6 8 Asa Charles , S C Hobbs , P A Bradley — - 2d . m . W. 0 7 8 . C . Hobbs , Gordon , , Albion P G ordon . 28 FRYEBURG

— W. . W. 1 871 Asa Charles , P . A . Bradley, Chas aterhouse

- — m 2nd W. . m . . . W. 1872 73 , L , WGordon , J Farrington G alker . — W Wm G . 4 S . . . 1 87 . C H obbs , alker , Henry Andrews — W. . F . 1 875 . Y . Bradley , Henry Andrews , B Hutchins — b . F . W. . . . 1876 . Y Bradley , B Hutchins , H K Hob s — F . . W. . 1877 . Y . Bradley , H K Hobbs , yman H Jones — 1 S W. . . . . 878 . C . Hobbs , H Jones , Thos S Pike — 1 . . 879 S . . C . Hobbs , Thos S Pike , Samuel Frye — 1880 Wm . . W. . S . . C Hobbs , G alker , Deane A Ballard — 1 1 . 88 . . W. S . C . Hobbs , D A Ballard , Carleton H alker 2— W 188 D . . . A . Ballard , C . H alker , Jas A . Jones . —D l 1 8 83 . W. . . . . A . D Carlton , C H a ker , Jas Jones

- — 1 4 . 88 86 W. J . . . . C. . A H alker , Jas ones D D Carlton

1 8 — a W. 8 7 ...... C H alker , D D C rlton , D H Ch andler 1 8— 88 J . . . 3d ohn I . Greenlaw , D H Chandler , C F . Smith , . 1 — D m 3 889 . . d . A Ballard , D . H Chandler , C . F . S ith , . 1 9 —0 8 0 . . . . A . Ballard , D H Chandler , H K . Hobbs . — m 1 891 D W. . A . Ballard , Gordon , Sherman Hapgood . — 1 892- D 93 . . A . Ballard , D H . Chandler , M . M . Smart . — 1 894 -95 D WM Keen . . , A . . c . . A Ballard , Fred A Holt — 1 896 -9 D a M 7 . . . cK n . . W. ee A Ball rd , F A Holt , A . — 1 898 - 1901 Wm . . . . W. Gordon , D H Chandler , Thos

Charles . 1902— W Thos . . Charles , D . H . Chandler , H . D . E .

Hutchins . — 1903 - 04 Wm u . Gordon , H . D . E . H tchins , E . C . Buzzell . 1905—H . . . ut . . W D E H chins , E C Buzzell , C . C . arren . 1906—E m . . . . W C Buzzell , D H Chandler , . H . Hill . 190 —E z m . 7 . H W. . W. C . Bu zell , H Hill , J utchins . HISTORICAL 29


Undoubtedly the greater number of the first arrivals in

Fryeburg had seen service in the French and Indian wars , some of whom enlisted in the Patriot service at the break ing Of h out of the Revolution . t is number was General Frye , the grantWee , under whom many of his townsmen had fought at Fort illiam Henry and other early engagements . At the breaking o u t o f the Revol ution he was called to Cam

n bu t bridge to comm a d a patriot force, soon after returned to his home town . Many volunteers proceeded to Portland w and other points here they entered the Patriot lines , some o f fo r whom never returned , while others their heroic con duct and courage rose to the rank o f commanders and f returned with titles by which they were a terwards known . 1780 £1 In over probably paper , and 08 of ” hard money was voted for this cause , together with

of f pounds bee , and seven men to fill the ranks o f the depleted Continental Army . During that summer six men

e a w re sent to the aid of F lmouth , two men for six months and two men fo r three months were hired fo r service in the

Continental Army .

This town has ever responded readily and liberally of

o f her best men . For a period several decades prior to the

Civil war , the able bodied men of the town were regularly “ ” the trained on Muster Grounds , while the annual parade was only equaled by the modern county fair .

Wa r The Civil enlistments for Fryeburg will appear at the end of the historical section of this volume . 3 0 FRYEBURG

' n V Po sr . 126 GRO ER , No , was organized by sixtee veter

m To wle 24 1 884 W. . . . C ans of Fryeburg and Lovell on Dec ,

fi . was chosen rst commander , Tobias L Eastman and others ff completing the sta , the itemized list of which was burned in the recent fire . The membership increased until at one time

- there were sixty nine members . For about two years the

meetings were alternated between this village and Lovell , which arrangement was followed by the formation o f Parker 35 Post at the latter village . Grover Post now numbers 1 1 f members . Grover Circle , No . , was ormed by the ladies ff a s a relief corps . The present o icers of the post are E . J . S C. . . . C . . . Brackett , P . ; Orrin R Barrows , V ; J H Johnson , M C...... J . V . ; Henry Andrews , Q , and T L Eastman , Adjt


e of Unlik most of the wilderness Maine , open grass lands

n ff were fou d in Fryeburg , o ering excellent grazing pastures ,

but these intervales were not safe places for erecting homes . Lots were selected on the surrounding highl ands and the first rude cabins of the pioneers were soon to be seen here and there dotting the landscape or more closely together at “ ” the Seven Lots or the Center . The first grist mill in town wa s built by John Evans on

’ WL o ve well s all brook near pond , which privilege he was given together with two lots of land to erect and maintain a

. 1766 mill This was probably put in as early as , and HISTORICAL 3 1

o f f fo r remained in possession the amily three generations .

o f 1785 In the great freshet , it was washed away but rebuilt .

. J W E , Thos vans grandson of ohn , sold to Isaiah arren , f a ter which it passed to Moses Richardson , Tarbox and Wl W alker, and last y it was owned by . H . Tarbox at the

u time of its destr ction last August by the great fire . The dam was washed out some five years ago since which no

work had been done here .

The first mill on Ballard Brook , then Ingalls Brook was

. W built by Ezra Carter , Col John ebster and Edmund Shirley

1 4 o f in 79 . This consisted a grist mill below and a saw mill 18 02 above . In , Uriah Ballard bought the mills which be t 1844 . Web operated until abou , when he sold to Col David

. . Wn ster Col ebster tore out the old mills a d built two sep 185 8 f arate buildings . In , the property passed rom his

a nd heirs to Osborn Charles , about ten years later to Sam f o . . uel B . Locke Paris Mr Locke rebuilt and enlarged the mills , putting in the first circular saw . His sons were also interested in this property , Franklin Locke being the last

a u owner of this n me . The mills were b rned and the privilege

M I n r 5 1893 E dw. . c ti e sold by the latter Jan . , to F , the

McI ntir e present owner . Mr . rebuilt the saw mill in the

o f 1 894 7 1903 immedi spring , this was burned June , , and

ately rebuilt . This is a long and short lumber mill and the

only water mill now in town .

’ At Swan s Falls , Abraham Andrews put in a saw mill

a b early in the last century , but this was washed way y freshet before g otten into operation . This excellent privilege is now owned by a syndicate of Fryeburg ’ s business men 32 FRYEBURG who conte mplate erecting a plant for furnishing electricity for power and lighting . A mill was erected and operated at the Harbor on the m W. . outlet to Kezar Pond , by Russell , Esq , for sawing and

n fo r grindi g . This mill was operated many years by Sam uel Thompson , whose heirs sold the privilege to the Saco

W. ater Power Co A new power snow roller has been recently invented and

E w McI ntire S d . . patented in the U . . and Canada by F , the

e mill proprietor . This Traction Engine is an extremely pra f tical invention , ounded on the ordinary roller used in these parts , but so fitted up and connected with a high power gas oline or petroleu m engine as to be operated on the principal 11 f of an automobile . The roller covers an oot road bed and f weighs four tons . By a special arrangement o cams slip f f ping is prevented , while the projections are kept ree rom clogging . F CANNING ACTORIES . The large canning factory at Fryeburg village was buil t

0 . by Asa Pike , who rented it to the Portland Packing Co . f ’ t . abou thirty years ago A ter Mr . Pike s death his heirs sold the factory to Tobias L . Eastman who carried on the 1905 business until the fall of , when he sold to the present

r H f f wne s . . o . a t o . c o r h , C Baxter Bro Brunswick This y as

o f o f a capacity cans corn , requiring the product 1 50 from acres . 1890 H The factory at North Fryeburg was built in , by .

C . Baxter Bro . , the present operators . Capacity 000 . M . F . Fogg was the first foreman of this shop, being


’ ‘ 28 N R E GA I I ON AL . The CO G CHURCH was organized Aug , m W. 1775, and Rev . Fessenden , a graduate of Harvard , was ordained past o r and town minister on October 11th follow

n ing . His salary was paid in Indian corn at three shilli gs

f s fo r the o f per bushel and rye at our hillings , first six years

a nd his ministry . He was well adapted to his ch arge proved

f d 5 1 805 su c popular and use ul until his Weath May , . He was cee d ed by Rev . Francis L . hiting whose ministry termi

1 814 a . . n ated in . For sever l years Rev Dr Nathaniel Porter$ 1 1 8 23 . 7 pastor in Conway , supplied this church . Sept ,

u Rev . Carlton Hurd was ordained pastor , whose s ccessful 1 5 5 6 8 . f . term o service was terminated by his death Dec ,

One year later John Q . Peabody was ordained pastor , and v w ll h a . Se a w o in 1859 was succeeded by Rev . Da id B rem ined 1 873 h Y with the church until , w en he removed to the ork

First Church . Rev . Bam an N . Stone was installed pastor 18 1874 2 1 8 77 f June , , dismissed May , , soon a ter which he D w . . Ne . . organized the church . Rev Javan K Mason , D , 1 . 877 O became acting pastor in Aug , resigned in ctober m n . . W. . 1886 , and went to Herndo , Va Rev F Livingston ,

- i n - 1 Y n 9 . R v Al b o . 18 0 9 . S . o u 9 e . 1 888 8 ; H Ross , ; Rev Chas g ,

- 1 a 896 . 1891 96 . A ; Rev Ernest Hamlin bbott, ord ined , dis 2 5 1903— 3 1 23 1 90 . . . Jan . , ; Rev Edgar T Pitts , May , Mar ,

Wha 5 . s 190 . , and Rev Edwin P ilson who served this church m since 1 905 co pletes the list of pastors .

1778 n In , the tow voted to erect a meeting house at the

£100 fo r a nd Centre , voted the purpose chose a committee

n o f seven me to attend to the matter . It was sometime i before the exact location could be dec ded upon , but the HISTORICAL

house was put up that year where Isaac Abbott ’ s barn ” f of ormerly stood near the center the settlement . The

house was without pews or gallery , but served its intended

purpose for several years . The second house o f this denom

ina tio n was o f a 1 9 erected at the lower end the vill ge in 7 6 .

Af o f 1850 was ter the completion the present house in , this occupied by the Academy u ntil the erection o f the present 1853 . 5 8 . Academy building in Present membership , Mrs

T . L . Eastman is clerk . The second church organized in town was o f the BAPTIST f . 1 90 Z 7 . aith This was gathered in , and Rev ebedee Rich

a r d so n h installed pastor . Services were eld at the Corner ( village) Centre and in the northern part o f the town fo r

many years . After the death of Elder Richardson n o suc

o f cessor was settled over the church , which in process time

became extinct . V a nnon 1810 The UNI ERSALIST C was organized in , and 1 83 8 the chapel at North Fryebu rg erected in . Regular

h a of preac ing has been maintained part the time , the last

Rev o f preaching by . H . H . Hoyt Hiram , recently appointed

State Missionary . During the yea rs from 1825 to 1835 there wa s consider able diversity o f religious feeling in town and many new doc trines were introduced . UNITARIAN services were held in the

.Wm a vill age and FREE ILL BAPTIST preaching intained at

East Fryeburg .

’ 1 2 29 a f . In 8 8 or a METHODIST cl ss was ormed , Hon

Judah Dana and fa miiy becoming prominent members . Through his invitatio n Methodist preachers held regular 36 FRYEBURG services in the old Academy building which were ' largely

new attended . Rev . David Copeland was appointed to the 29 l 18 . Circuit in , inc uding also Conway and Bartlett

New The Methodist church at the village , n ow the

H 184 5 and n Church all , was erected in , the followi g year this ch arge was again connected with Bartlett . Reg ular services were held here for m any years u ntil the church became greatly reduced in numbers . The CHAPEL at TH E HARBOR was erected by the Metho

a dists and citizens of this vill ge , and here regular services of this denomination are m ain tained in connec tion with the d church in Stow . Here a new parsonage has been erecte ,

first occupied by the present pastor , Rev . E . F . Doughty , 1 9 appointed in 89 . Appointments to this charge (Harbor 1 4 88 . . and Stow) since , have been Revs M B . Greenh algh ,

- 1 - 8 W 88 6 7 . . u 1 8 5 . 8 1 84 8 . 8 . 8 ; J H Roberts , ; J M oodb ry , ; F

9 W1890- 91 1 2 188 . . . . 89 C . Potter , ; H Gowell , ; G G Powers ,

W1 - m 895 9 1 894 . . W 93 . . 6 . ; A S Staples , ; G Barber, ; Bragg,

- 1 9 98 . . u . . . 8 7 ; and Rev E . F Do ghty Rev Mr Doughty also

serves the church in Sweden .

HE NE I N B T W. CHURCH FRYE URG The first public wor shi p of the New Church in Fryeburg was held in the Court

o f f J 3 1877 its H all the old Ox ord House une , and perma I ff 27 1 878 . ts nent organization was e ected on Feb . , house

4500 a nd w as of worship was erected at a cost of about $ , 3 1 1 9 87 . dedicated August , At a later date the old Metho

u dist ch rch was bought and repaired by this society , and is

f r now used as a place o social entertainments . The present membership o f the church numbers about HISTORICAL 37

e 103 sixty . Ther are names on its roll , including those who have died or removed to other places. The Rev . Baman N .

o f f Stone has been the pastor this church rom its formation .


The question of a free gramm ar school in Fryeburg was m D . W first agitated by Rev . Fessenden , D . . , the first gospel h ff minister settled in town . Throug his e orts such a school 1791 was established in , and was held in a little building at

f o f f the oot Pine Hill where fi ty pupils were gathered . The year following Rev . Mr . Fessenden , Rev . Nathaniel Porter , f . O o . David Page and Jas sgood Conway; Moses Ames , Jas

m o f Osgood and Si on Frye Fryeburg , and the preceptor of the school , Paul Langdon , were m ade the trustees of Fryeburg Academy by an act p a ssed that year inco r p o r at

the t m ing ins itution . The General Court also ade a grant o f fo r acres of land its support . The first meeting o f the board of trustees was held M f 3d . o bu . arch . , when Rev David Little Kenne nk , Rev Paul Coffi n of Buxton and others were chosen on the board and t the former was elected presiden . Paul Langdon was

l o f £5 2 retained as preceptor at a sa ary annually , the school remainiWng under his ch arge during seven years of prosperity . Daniel eston and John P . Thurston each taught one term

1799 fo r . in , after which Mr . Langdon returned a short time N of In ovember Rev . Mr . Fessenden , the tutelary saint the 38 FRYEBURG

fo r few institution , filled the chair a weeks until January

1802 o f . , when the services a young college man were secured f W This was the amous Daniel ebster whose services at the Academy from January to September were of the most inspiring character . He boarded at the newly erected Oxford House and spent much o f his spare time profitably

’ as register s clerk . Upon his resignation he received a special vote o f thanks from the board o f trustees fo r honor f able and faith ul work . The next instructor was Am os

Jones Cook . The school soon outgrew its humble home and in 1806 a l a rge ne w building was erected on the site o f the A f present cademy , a mile rom the old building , on land

fine donated by Robert Bradley . This was a two story edi fice surmounted by a bell tower in which was hung the first 11833 bell in town . Mr . Cook remained with the school unti , during which time he gathered a museum o f curios which

was the largest in the state . Following his long and suc cessful o f f r term service , two schools were m aintained o

a n h h l n about one year . These were soon united d t e sc o o eo fu 26 tinned success lly under various preceptors . On May , 1 8 50 , the school building was burned , but the school ses sions were continued in the Congregational vestry until the t 3 1 1 853 present building was erected , dedica ed Aug . , . To

. f principal G H . Ricker belongs the credit o establishing the

o f present course study and the annual graduation exercises . 1 7 1 8 92 On Aug . , was held the centennial celebration o f the founding o f this institution which has so ably assisted in

o f the education of many men prominence and power . 1 1902 Another celebration was observed Jan . , , upon the HISTORICAL 39

of the o f W centennial anniversary coming Daniel ebster as preceptor . There are now two dormitories connected with

’ the Academy , the head master s house also used as a domi tory and two recitation b uildings aside from the m ain Acad

The emy building . average attendance is about one hun dred students . 1 8 8 8 . f In , Albert F Richardson , now principal o Castine

a s Normal School , was succeeded head master by J . E . Dins 1892 more . In , John C . Hull became preceptor , remaining

1895 . . W , E o f until when R oodbury , now principal Thorn

o f ton Academy , came to take ch arge this school . Five WB years later he was succeeded by Ch arles G . illard , A . . , f the present head m aster . During the two school years rom

1 9 3 1 905 a 0 E . . w s . to , L Adams in charge

f t o . . W The acul y now numbers eight Mr illard is instru

h r eek Walto n G . tor in History , Psyc ology and ; T Henderson ,

B - W A . . , sub master , Sciences and Athletics; Sarah L . illard ,

a Preceptress , Latin , Botany and Ped gogy; Susan M .

Sten o r a W . E E alker , nglish and Literature; lsie P Thayer , g B A . A . . phy and Com mercial work ; lice A Stearns , , Mathe

e . . mati s , French and Germ an ; Benj T Newman , Manual

Training , Drawing and Painting; Albert M . Abott , Piano ,

Organ and Harmony .

FRYEBURG PUBLIC SCHOOLS . The first appropriation m ade by the voters of Fryeburg for the m aintenance of public schools wa s in September

1 fo r n fo r 777, at a meetin g held providi g assessing taxes on

£60 for . all the property in town . was voted schools The 4 0 FRYEBURG

f and ollowing year but one school was kept in town , as yet

wa s no house erected for its use . A com mittee that year appointed “to see how and where a school house shall be ” o f £25 0 fo r built and the sum raised education . From these meagre beginnings there gradu a lly developed a flo ur ishing and elevating though not always harmonious school 1 825 system . In , fourteen school districts were being 4 90 attended by pupils , showing an average attendance of

- fi thirty ve . Some schools however were atten ded by twice that nu mber and required the strict sur ve ill anceo f a stern

o f m aster and the often application the rod . 1 83 0 About , two stone school houses were erected in the

u village . Th at in N mber One is n ow occupied by the village

library ; that in Nu mber Two was burned , and rebuilt in

1850 ne w v , the building ser ing now as a recitation room of l d the Academy . A fine new vi lage school house was erecte 19 2 in 0 . During recent years the number of scholars attending the town schools has gradually decreased and the

little red school house has passed , superceded by the m ore elegant white house at the cross roads in which may be often found rows of patent desks instead o f the long side seats occupied by the fathers and grandparents of the present h . Wo learners Shall say the privileges of education h ave not been ample? Upon the foundations laid here have been reared some of the broadest minds that have helped m ould

ffa the a irs of our m ost successful and prosperous republic .


remaining until his death . One Dr . Hill practiced here ten

h . f e . or more years , a ter which removed to the village Dr J

n no w . L . Be nett , of Bridgton , succeeded Dr Parker , and was

f . . ollowed by Dr . Mitchell Dr Irving Mabry has been here

. W. several years . Dr L . Atkinson practiced here prior to

new . locating at Fryeburg vill age . Dr . Craft is a physician


f r o . Judah Dan a , a g andson Gen Israel Putn am , was ’ f ’ Fryeburg s and Ox ord County s first lawyer . Mr . Dana t 1798 Vt . came to Fryeburg in from Pomfret , , and prac iced 1 4 law here until his death in 8 5 . For many years he was a

1 8 10 be Court Judge . In erected the fine residence now

f - o . occupied as a summer residence by Dr . Gordon Portland

Wso n o f Gov . John . Dan a was the Judge Dana , and a

native of Fryeburg . Ste phen Chase was an early lawyer of l f d N H . . o was prominence . Col Samue A Bradley Concor , . . , f d 1 84 1 in practice several years be ore his eath in . John Stuart Barrows o f Hebron was a contemporary member of f d the bar who died n ot long a ter Col . Bra ley . Alex . R .

e m A Bradley , a neph w of Sa uel . , a g raduate of Harvard ,

the 1 862 was next in practice here . He died in town in .

E w . d . . r a c Col L Osgood , born in the old Oxford House, p 1 8 63 . E e ticed law here , died in Governor noch Lincoln pra ticed law in town early in the century , removed to Paris .

Henry Hyde Smith was a lawyer here , removed to Hyde

Park , Mass .

Maj or David R . Hastings , a native of Bethel , served as

Wr a Major in the Civil a ; he later located here and was an HISTORICAL 3

able practitioner until about ten years ago , dying about 1 5 w E 89 . f . o His son , Ed ard , a graduate Bowdoin , studied law with his father and began practice here about twenty fi f B ve . W. f years ago Seth Fi e , L . L . . , a graduate o H ar 18 69 1 870 vard Law School , , located here in . He is a f H f f o . . o native Chatham , N , rom one its oldest and leading f . o a families . John B Eaton , a native Conway , pr cticed in Ci ncinnati before removing to Fryeburg about thirty years ago . Here he was in practice until his death . Chas . C .

Wo f arren , now Arlington , is a native of Fryeburg , and was

f a n f in practice here be ore his recent removal . He has o fice

fo r o f the le a l in Boston . Fryeburg is noted its strong men g

. o f fo r profession , most whom have remained in town a long f period of years covering a success ul career .


2 188 W. In , the Fryeburg ater Co was organized by local

f f r o . . o citizens under the direction Dr D Lamson Lowell , the purpose of installing a system fo r supplying pure water from

o f Green Hill m ountain in Conway . There a series boiling f Springs was dammed back , orming a reservoir covering f about an acre less than three miles rom the village . A

o f 10 8 6 system , , and inch pipe conducts the water to the 1 56 f 3 00 village , eet below , the pipe passing under the Saco ’ f f 65 f Wd . o eet below eston s bri ge A natural orce pounds is produced giving ample fire protection and a clear , pure o f water supply fo r family use . H . B . Cotton is president

T . enness . ree s the company ; A . R . J , Sec , , and Supt 44 FRYEBURG



M 1 1 88 This corporation was chartered arch , 7, for the

f r f p ur pose of organizing o protection rom fire . On the last d ay of the month an organizing meeting was held at which

John C . Gerry was chosen clerk; Thos . C . Shirley , treasurer;

m Wa nd 0 . W. Asa Pike, Gordon and Joh n eston , assessors ;

Wf . J . . . A . R . enness , F L Mark and Seth Fi e , fire wardens Thi s action followed the burning o f the original and cele

d f 14 . r te . b a Ox ord House which occurred Feb , preceding

U o f 1843 The earliest DESTR CTIVE FIRE note was in , 15 “ ’ ff ” Sept . , when Eastman s Co ee H ouse , with two stores 7 and two stables were burned . Twenty years later , Nov . 1

1 8 3 n 6 . W. , the store of Major T . C ard and Dea Joh Evans

Shop on Portland street were burned . In the Shop were the last relics o f the original Academy which had been remo ved to the Site o f the stone school house where it was occupied

for school purposes until replaced by the stone structure . It

was then converted into the shop and dwelling . The last and most destructive fire in the annals of the A 1 9 6 u . 3 1 0 town occurred g , , when a fire started in the new

f u Ox ord House then occ pied by one hundred guests . 10 ’ M Although the fire started about o clock A . . , it was soon beyond control and before it could be subdued wor th o f village property and man y o f the stately elms which had graced Portland s treet for a century and which

time alone can replace , were ruined . Among the destroyed HISTORICAL 4 5

’ property was H . G . Freeman s printing plant with all Wf ’ n . machi ery ; S . Fi e s house and a store occupied as a mi$ f ’ l n r . i e y by Mrs Fi e; Mrs . Barker s millinery store house , , stable and barn ; the old Fryeburg House not occupied , besides seven residences . It also run over an extensive area o f the plains and burned the old grist mill south of the vil lage . The original OXFORD HOUSE was erected in 1801 by Samuel Osgood and was probably the most celebrated house

New f in this part of England . The new Ox ord was erected 1893 in , on a larger plan than the original , and was opened 15 to the public July , that year . A HOOK AN D LADDER with feet of hose and a hose 1 carriage were bought in April 88 7. The hose house was

f 400 f o f u soon a ter erected . eet hose was p rchased later ,

- but about one half of the hose was burned in the late fire .

The village is now well protected . Electric Lights were introduced into the stores and dwel 1901 f lings in , and the ollowing year a system of street 1904 lighting installed . In , the chair factory which sup

fo r plied the power was burned , and about one year no

McI ntir e lights were provided . Mr . then furnished power from his saw mill for a short period . For a year past no power has been supplied and the streets have not been lighted . The Fryeburg Electric Light Co . consists of local business men . 4 6 FRYEBURG


Wa s 1887 This company chartered in March for the pur pose o i establishing and maintaining a h orse railroad in the village and to run to the Chautauqua grounds . It was at 5 once organized and $ 075 capital stock issued , which was taken by thirty stockholders . The road was installed and 25 equipped that season , opened July , but did not run regu l r l i a y unt l the following year . This road has remained under f f o W. the general m anagement Seth Fi e , and has been in operation each year since it begun . A total of per sons are sometimes carried annually during the running

O . . season , from June to ctober Three miles of road are laid This is the only horse railroad in the state . W Four years ago this road was sold to the hite Moun

Co . tain Paper who sold to the Pater Publishing Co . three

e years later . A ch arter grant d by the last legislature pro vides for the extension of this road to Stow and Lovell , and it is probable that one or both o f these places will soon be reached by a new line of road to be operated by horses or

fo r electricity . The plan a road to Lovell was contemplated by the original prom oters , but was not executed before dis f posing o the property .


19 . 7 Fryeburg Grange, No , was organized at Fryeburg 18 88 18 . . W Centre in Feb , with charter members B . alker

McKeen was chosen the first master , and has been followed HISTORICAL 47

. in this capacity by John F Charles , A . P . Gordon J ohn S . ,

. . . . W A , , mes David Chandler E C Buzzell , I A alker Simeon , WM Ke n . . c e Charles and A . This order now numbers fifty

. ff fo r 190 eight members The leading o icers chosen 7 are A . M K n W. c ee , master; Leon D . Charles , overseer; Mehitable

McAllister McKeen , lecturer ; Rosin a , ch aplin Simeon , a M K . . c een Ch rles , treasurer , and I A , secretary . WX The EST O FORD AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION AN D 1851 FAIR was organized and established in . For over hal f a century this has been an important factor in the life and

o f social and commercial developement a wide field .


n f fo r Dea . Richard Eastma operated a erry many years near the point where the toll bridge was erected in 1870; 76 f this bridge is eet long, being the Shortest of the seven bridges which span the Saco and Canal . The first bridge ’ 1 built was at Swan s Falls about 780. The oldest now in W’ 250 1844 use is eston s bridge , feet long , built in , accord m 272 W. . ing to Gordon Canal bridge feet long , was built 1 4 6 W’ 164 1848 in 8 ; alker s bridge feet , in ; Charles river 87 185 6 110 bridge ( a tributary) feet , in ; Island bridge, feet, 2 116 1867 in 1 86 ; Hemlock bridge , in ; the Toll bridge ( now

18 70 the 80 free) , in ; and new iron bridge at the Harbor

1 94 the . 8 . feet , built in All except latter are covered 4 8 FRYEBURG

1 812 The canal was begun in , when a narrow channel f 1 820 w was cut . The reshet of greatly idened the channel , reduced the length of the $ Saco in town from 36 miles to 24 miles , and draining an extensive area of valuable arable land . fii 1 1 9 o sto ee . 7 8 Fryeburg p was established Jan , , with fii A . o sto ce Moses mes , postm aster The p at the Center was

19 1833 . . established Feb . , , Henry G . Farrington , P M

Wr ebur o stoffice 1887 . est F y g p was established in July , Mrs

n E . P . Hutchi s , postmistress .


Manuf actur er: and Deal er; i n

f ine H arness

H F n h n G o R b Wh orse ur is i g o ds , o es , ips , B nk t S C mb B h la e s , addlery, o s , rus es , etc .



f ’ home land rom the south , following the Indian or hunter s

o f trail east Kezar Pond to Mill Brook , there they struck an east bound trail which they followed a mile to hi gh land covered with heavy hard wood growth . Here they pitched their tents , or rather built their cabins , for until then they 1 89 . 7 . were without shelter In the fall of , Capt Andrews

u f r bro ght his wi e and three children , Abraham , J . , Esther f l and Hannah , rom Bi lerica , Mass . O f thers also located here about this time or soon a ter , among whom were Anan ias McAlliste r at the Center; Stephen

Wn W Dresser , Joshua hiti g , Oliver hiting , who one author ity says was the first actual settler locating just north of

Mill Brook ; Josiah Heald , with Stephen , Sampson , Samuel

a n d t and Josiah , all grown up sons all set led at North f E . A s o . Lovell ; Samuel ndrew , a nephew Capt Andrews ,

n o w settled the adj oining farm occupied by Elwell Andrews ,

Sa batis a h his grandson , near Mount in ; Noa Eastman , Capt .

WMcAllister , , A John ood Joseph Levi Dresser , bel Butters

o f and James Kilgore , some whom located in the southern

o f part the town .

s John Farrington of North Cambridge , Mas , a man of some wealth , was granted a lot by the proprietors one mile square at the Center for building the first grist mill and also operating an u p - and - down saw where the timber was pre

f ' t f d pared or he earliest rame houses . For others o f the settlers who were chosen on the first list of town officers see the following chapter ; also see under

fo r f 1 schools amilies as divided into school districts in 803 .

m of 1800 f At the ti e Incorporation in , the population o HISTORICAL 51

698 n Lovell numbered , the settlement bei g then but twelve years established . On the west side of Kezar Pond settlement was not

u as o f a f beg n early as in other parts the town . M ny o the pioneers here were descendents o f the earliest settlers in town who took u p lots during the first third o f the last Wm century and included Sullivan Stearns , Jones Elliott , .

B r n Wb L e a o ( ) , , at est Lovell O ed WStearns Josiah Horr , Nahum Crooker , Benj . Ch andler ( at est Lovell) and in the

n o f f w Fox neighborhood . Ma y whom came rom Porter ere m W. Luther and Andrew Fox , Joseph Howard , Stewart

A . Anderson , Jon athan ndrews and others

o f a o f George Russell , grandfather De n Russell and son

Maj . Benj . Russell , removed from Boston to East Stoneham 1817 w about , but soon came to Lovell Center here he took f up the Russell farm . His ather was publisher and propri

n etor o f the Columbian Se tinel in Boston , and printer to the

n first Con tinental Co gress .



In the year o f our Lord one thousand and eight hundred . An Act to incorporate the Plantation called New Sun cook in the County o f York into a town by the name o f

Lovell . 5 2 LOVELL

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa tiy es in General Court assembled and by the authority of the same that the plantation o f New Suncook in the County — of Y a s viz z ork bounded follows , Beginning at a stake and stones in the East corner Of Fryeburg and the northwest

o f corner Bridgton , thence running north degrees west , one thousand eight hundred sixty-five rods to a stake and

h n 1 5 stones by Fryeburg line , t ence orth degrees east , three hundred fifty rods to Keezer Pond to a birch tree marked b k thence y said pond to a large stone m ar ed , thence north

45 - degrees west , seventy six rods to a m aple tree marked

20 - five thence north degrees west , eight hundred and twenty 8 rods to a Norway pine tree m arked , thence north 7 deg rees f east , one thousand six hundred and fi ty rods to a birch tree

n 20 m arked , the ce south degrees east , three thousand two hundred and twenty - five rods to a pine tree standing on 67 Bridgton line , thence south degrees west , one thousand nine hundred and ninety - six rods to the first men tioned

the bound , with inhabitants thereon , be and they hereby are incorporated into a town by the name of Lovell .

And the said town is hereby vested with all the powers , privileges and immunities which the towns in this Com mon wealth do by law enjoy . f t E t s . Be it ur her enac ed that Moses A mes , q , be and he hereby is impowered to issue his warran t directed to some

t w n suitable person wi hin said to n , requiri g him to warn a meeti ng o f the inh abitants thereof at such time and place as

Wr f r f shall be expressed in said ar ant o the purpose o choos ing such town officers as towns are empowered to choose in HISTORICAL 53

o f the month March or April annually .

. 15th 1800 In the House of Representatives , Nov , . This

n bill havi g had three several readings passed to be enacted .

Edward H . Robbins , Speaker .

I n the . 1 5 1 00 h i 8 . n Senate Nov th , This bill av g ha d two several readings passed to be enacted . Samuel Phillips , Pres . 15th 1800 Nov . ,

By the Governor , approved

Caleb Strong .

This act, as will be seen , included also the present town

was se t o ff 1 8 13 of Sweden , which and incorporated in . — TH E TOWN ORGANIZ ED The organization meeting was 9 1801 held at the meeting house Monday , March , . Capt . m . W A braham Andrews was chosen oderator , and Benj ebber, f o . . W. one the proprietors , was elected clerk Mr ebber , Dea

Josiah Heald , also a proprietor , and Jacob Stevens were

t . chosen selectmen . Cap Andrews was then chosen treasurer;

o f Benj . Stearns , constable and collector taxes , collection to f be made 8 cents per pound sterling . Other o ficers chosen McAllister A were Joseph , Abraham ndrews , Jacob Stevens ,

Wsur a D niel Eastman , Nathaniel hitaker and Abel Butters , f ve o r s a . u . o u y of highw ys ; Capt Sam el Andrews , sur l mber; fi f B utter eld u . Jona . and Lie t Stephen Dresser , ence viewers;

t - Benj . S earns , tything man ; Moses Kilgore , Josiah Heald ,

h reves B u tter field r Wo . . A , J , and ndrew oodbury , g ; Jona

McAllister pound keeper; Levi Dresser and Daniel , field drivers; Lieut . Samuel Nevers , sealer of leather .

1 01 for 24 . On 6 8 April , , the vote cast governor shows

G v. . ballots , all for o Caleb Strong Three weeks later the 54 LOVELL sum of $200 was voted for schooling; $500 for roads and 100 $ for town expenses . The town was now very well

fo r 1803 organized except schools an d in , six districts were formed as shown under the chapter on schools .



- 1 852 18 50 5 1 J . E . G . Kimball , ; ohn Barker , ; Geo Rus l 1 854 1 855 1 5 3 . 8 . . sell , ; E G Kimbal , ; Jos Eastm an , ; David

’ 5 5 N 5 1 5 -5 fi 1 85 6 . 6 . 8 6 7 Mans eld , Nov , ; Uriah Dresser , ov , ;

1858 - 6 1 a W1 862- 64 Horace Eastman , ; B rnes alker , ; Trus

m 1 865 - 66 W1 867- 68 tu Knight, ; Barnes alker, ; Marshall

18 69-94 W1 895 - 1903 W. . . alker , ; Frank C alker , ; J A Far

4 - 190 07. rington ,


1850- 52 1 853 James E . Hutchins , ; Am mi Cutter , ; J . E .

H 1 854 1 5 - 5 85 6 . utchins , ; Nathan Charles , ; Jos B . Dresser, 5 185 8 1 5 18 . 8 9 7 W. ; Jos Eastman , , Barnes alker , ; Eben C

18 60-61 W1 862- 64 Hamblin , ; Barnes alker , ; John Locke,

1 865 W1866 - 6 7 . 1868 ; Marshall alker , ; Jas . E Hutchins , ;

W18 69- 0 1 - 7 W871 72 Gardner alker , ; Marshall alker, ; Sum 1 873 W18 4 7 . . ner Kimball , ; Marshall alker , ; Jas E Hutch in 18 75 1 8 6 1 s 7 Geo . . 8 . , ; Albert Kimball , ; H Moore , 77; E N .

1878 18 9- 18 2 . a 7 80 . 8 Fox, , S Kimb ll , ; Cyrus K Chapman , HISTORICAL 55

W1 - 83 884 . . 1885 86 ; Marshall alker, ; Chas H Brown , ; G . A .

1887- 89 1 9 , ; . . E 8 0 . . Kimball A J astman , ; G A Kimball ,

1891 . . 1 892 - : J A Farrington , ; J . M . Farrington , 1893 1901;

1902 - . . . 1903 0 G A Kimball , ; Seth F Heald , 7.


1850— Solomon Heald , Enos Heald , Nathan Charles . 185 1— W. . Solomon Heald , Enos Heald , L Bryant , Jr . 1852— Enos Heald , Caleb Charles , Samuel Farrington . 185 3— . . . W. Solomon Heald , H P Hill , Thos atson —E 1854 . W . G Kimball , John alker, Joseph Kilgore . — 185 5 . J . W as E Hutchins , John alker , John Bragdon . 18 — f m 56 W. . W Enos Heald , Al red Merrill , H alker . 185 — 7 W. b r John alker , Jas Hob s , J . , Samuel Farring

1 858— a r J s . J . . . a Hobbs , , J E H utchins , John Br gdon . 1859— H W. . . . John alker, S Farrington , J G amblin — 1860 . . John G Hamblin , John Bragdon , James Evans — - 2 n 18 61 6 d . . Solomo Heal , Abel Heald , John E Emery 1 — W 863 u . Sam el Farrington , John alker, Uriah Dresser — w 1 4 . 86 J . . G Hamblen , Abel Heald , Sewall Bro n — 1 86 J . . . . . 5 Abel Heald , G Hamblen , J H Stearns — 1 . 866 . . Abel Heald , J H Stearns , Albert Merrill

- — 1 8 6 68 W. . . . 7 Barnes alker , E G Kimball , D B Harri man . — 9 B . 186 . W alker , Samuel Farrington , Cyrus Andrews

- 1 B . . 87O . W A E alker , Cyrus ndrews , John E mery

- — 1 871 72 . E . . . Abel Heald , John E mery , E T Stearns

- m W. . . 1873 Enos Heald , Cyrus Andrews , C Brooks 56 LOVELL

— B 2d n . 18 4 W. . 7 . alker , , Abel Heald , Abel H Harrima — - B 2 1 5 6 Wd . . . . 87 7 . alker , , John G Hamblin , F Kimball — 2 B d . . . WW. 1 8 77 . . . alker , , H G alker , S H Harriman — H Wm . 1 8 . . . . WW 87 G alker, H alker , Albert Kimball — 1 9 E t . . 87 . . . T Stearns , Alber Kimball , A J Eastman — - E 0 1 . 8 . 188 . . . T Stearns , John E Emery , A J Eastman . 2—E 1 8 8 . . . T . Stearns , A J Eastman , Josiah Heald . — 1 8 83 . . Josiah Heald , J E . Emery , Cyrus Andrews 4— 1 88 J . . . a . E Emery , Cyrus Andrews , C . K Chapm n — 5 - 8 188 6 W. . Barnes alker , Albert Kimball , Geo M Har riman . — 1 8 8 a . . a A 7 . Josiah He ld , C K Ch pman , Cyrus ndrews — - 1 888 89 C . . K Chapman , Albert Merrill , John Fox . — B 1 890 . W. . W. W. . alker , R Kneeland , H Palmer 1 1—B 89 . W. . . Wa alker , A M Pottle , H . P lmer . 92—B 18 . W. W. W. alker , H Palmer, . C Brooks . — 1 93 B . W. . 8 . W. W. alker, A M Pottle , G alker 1 4— 89 A. . t . . WW M Pot le, G alker , G . A . Kimball . 1 95— WWA 8 . . W. Barnes alker , G alker, G . Kimball . 1 9 — b 8 6 . WW. . G . . alker, G A Kim all , John Fox — - 1 9 a . L eB r n 8 98 . W. 7 G . W. . a r A o . lker , G A Kimball , M 1 99— 8 G . . . . A Kimball , J F Stearns , Alonzo Lord . — 1 9 P . 00 . M M Alli . W. . W. . c ster B alker , J H alker , F . — 1901 - 02 E M Alli r . . . . c ste W. T Stearns , M F , S . Fox . 1903— M Alli t WW. . c s r e . Barnes alker, S Fox , L . E .

1904— WM Alli ter c s Barnes alker , L . E . , Benj . Russell , Jr . — 5 - B 190 06 J . r . W. . H alker , Russell , J . , L . L Stearns . — 1907 G . . . W A Kimball , H . Palmer , A . M . Pottle .


’ — Nath l m embersz Samuel Riggs (chosen the first deacon) ,

r M K n r B ut W. c ee W. . . hitaker, John hiting , J , Jas , J , Jona fi ld ter e , Josiah Heald , Abel Butters , Isaac Stearns , Try

o McKeen ph ua Heald , BetsWey Riggs , Molly , Prudence But terfield a nd Kate hitaker . The following month Josiah ‘

mer le o f fo r . Heald , y deacon church of Carlisle , Mass , was f chosen second deacon , in which o fice he has been succeeded by three generations of his descendants , covering over a cen ’ F ifi l . e d tury of the church s history . Rev Holt was the first 18 16 b pastor , followed in by Rev . Henry Sewall , and later y

n M . Hidde of Tamworth ; Jotham Sewall , M . Chapin , L . Rip ley , N . Church , M . Porter and M . Rice , most of whom sup f 27 1817 plied rom surrounding churches . Sept . , the mem bers living in the newly framed town o f Sweden were dis

o f missed for the purpose organizing a home church , which c was , however , generally conne ted with the m other church fo r some years in e mploying a pastor . Up to this time no minister had bee n settled by the 14 1 822 town , but on Oct . , , Rev . Valentine Little was called

b . v 9 o . y the town to settle among them And on N , follow

to him ing , the church extended a call as their pastor . By vote o f the town he was given the right to the land set apart

o f t mI mster by the terms the grant to the first se tled , this m f together with the inco e from the ministerial und . Sweden

the united in call and were voted of his time . The ordination services contributed o n e of the grandest

in events the early history of Lovell , and were attended by the families from a long distance from the neighboring towns . The Ecclesiastical council formed at the house of HISTORICAL 59

. 21 . 1823 Josiah Heald , Esq , Jan , , and consisted o f the

f Otisfield W pastors and deleg ates rom , aterford Bri dgton , ,

Norway and Paris . An elaborate program was carried out

. f and Mr Little was settled as pastor the ollowing day . In f 1834 22 this capacity he served faith ully until , Jan . , when he was dismissed , and David Gerry ordained and installed 2 1 832 his successor . April , , the church was organized as a f Bible Class , which is one of the earliest incidents o this f nature we have ound recorded . Succeeding pastors were 0 3 1 1 4 . 1 83 8 5 : . 7 . Revs Israel Hills , rd May , , dis June ,

W184 - 52 1 1 2 7 1 85 Seldon entworth , ; Joseph Smith , July ,

68 a Mo r rid e 1 868 - 0 7 . . . ; Ch s . g g , ; Jesse P Sprowl , T D Childs

18 0- 2 1 2- 3 7 . . , 7 7 E . . A 8 7 . and Benj Stearns ; F bbot , ; J P

Stinchfield 1 8 4 - 77 1878 - 84 , 7 Lewis Goodrich , ; Josiah

84 m nd k 1 r 1 8 Sa br o o 8 8 6 0 d . W. Heald , ; . , ( Sept resigned 3 1 1894 1 893 . E . 0 . . ; H Farnham , rd and installed May , , dis

1 95 1 896 -97 1 897 5 8 . . . . W Y Nov , , Earl B ood , ; Chas S oung , 1901 99 . 1900 E . ; Samuel Holden , Lic , David Burnham , ; — ’ 1 902 26 03 . . . Chas . F . Sargent , Sept . , and Rev Chas H 1 1905 Shank , the present pastor, who was installed May , .

80 o f The present membership numbers about , twenty whom are absent . The early meeting house and to wn house was erected at the Centre and is still used as the town house . It has been well preserved and stands a s uitable monument to the faith f f t wa s o the athers . The mee ing house at Centre Lovell 1 8 5 0 was built in , and the brick house at Lovell village com h t f . . pleted the ollowing year Rev Step en Sanderson , pas or f f at Sweden , supplied one hal time at the Centre church rom 60 LOVELL

1853 1866 to , but the churches have generally employed the same pastor . — THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH CENTRE LOVELL . The Christian church at Centre Lovell was organized

30 1858 n . O . ct , , with ninetee members , by Joh n S Pottle

wa s assisted by others . Rev . C . E . Goodwin pastor until

1 8 u 60 . , when he was succeeded by Rev Lemuel Goodwin ntil

1 86 a f 7. During this time Elder Isaiah H ley labored our years for the church for the constr uctio n of a ch urch home 14 1 866 which was erected and dedicated Nov . , . In the

o f 1 903 i n spring , this building was raised and a vestry put w 1 867 1881 belo . Rev . J . S . Pottle was pastor from to ;

18 8 - 9 1 889- 93 . 8 6 . . . . . W. WW Rev J ebster , J Card , ; Fred D

’ W1893 - 1 6 94 18 4 - 95 A . . ebster , pr , ; David Chambers , 9 ; C

1 5 - 9 1 - . W 1 89 7 . . . 898 L Baker , Nov . , ; J Grindell , Mar Sept .

’ 1903 Ma 1 1904 - 1 O5 ; Chas . H . Sh ank , y , May , ; and Rev . 1 1 05 . 9 . W. J Card since May , This , with the Congrega tio n al t churches , constitutes the ac ive religious bodies in town . Services were held in Lovell early by the Methodists and 1834 regular preaching maintained prior to , in connection Wf with ater ord . Durin g that year Rev . D . B . Randall was appointed to Lovell , which continued on the minutes until

- about twenty five years ago . A Union Church was erected by the Methodists and Universalists in town early in the 1 830’ s . The latter Sect also m aintained preaching for a time , Rev . David B . Byther of Steuben being their last settled pastor . HISTORICAL 61 OOL TE SCH I MS .

At the first town meeting held after organization the , o f 500 2 0 f sum $ was voted for roads , $ 0 or schooling and

00 fo r $1 town charges . This shows a relatively large a mount in the interest of education and exemplifies the deep concern felt by the hardy pioneers in the education o f their children . Doubtless schools were maintained in the settle m h f ent prior to t is date . Not long a ter this the town was

viz z— H divided into six school districts , UPPER SC OOL DIST .

McAllister r to include Ananias , Josiah Heald , J . , Joseph

M Allister Wm J c . McKeen , Nevers , oseph Barker , Robert ,

McK een McAlli er M D . st c aniel W Jas , David , Joh n , Oliver hit

. , . A . ing , Dea Josiah Heald Capt Samuel ndrews and Capt

W. N E . John ood , Esq , CE TR DIST to begin at meeting house ,

’ R a nk en s thence to John , including Stephen Barker and

. E . Moses Kilgore The LOW R DIST to begin at Abel Butter s ,

n W THE thence to Levi Stearns , includi g Nathaniel hitaker . “ ” E o f f - SQUAR SCHOOL DIST . included all the our miles square ,

TH E H E H S now in Sweden . SOUT RN SC OOL DI T . to begin at n ’ u E . E Moses H tchins , the ce to astman s , including Jasper

TH E . E W . hiting and Daniel Eastman EAST RN DIST to begin A at Capt . Abrah am ndrews ; thence to Capt . Samuel

’ n 1803 W. Andrews includi g Oliver right In , the Southern m Wm . W. . District was made to include Lt WKimball , Kim a J r . b ll , , Daniel Eastman , Joshua hiting, Jeremy and

J . . Cyrus Eastman , as Kilg ore and Abel Butters At Number

f a 7, later ormed at the vill ge , the earliest school house stood

o f A on the Christian Hill road on the present site J . . Far 62 LOVELL

rington . The present brick school building was constructed

’ 1 3 o f k I n 1 825 85 . about bric made in Cutter s yard , Lovell h ad nine school districts and at this time there were five in

o f 4 70 Sweden . In Lovell , from a population , there were

208 pupils attending school . There are now five districts in Lovell with an attend ence of ninety ; the Vill a ge school which t f is the larges , having nearly orty pupils in attendance .


Dr . Joseph Cushm an was the earliest physician at Lovell

o f a village . Stewart Barrows , a native Fryeburg , who gr d f u a ted . rom college at the age of twenty, succeeded Dr Cush f man . Dr . Isaac Chandler rom Fryeburg, died in Lovell 2 1 889 4 3 April , , having practiced medicine here years . Dr .

Daniel G . Towne came to town contemporary with Dr . Chand

. W ler , and remained until his death One Dr . entworth prao ticed here prior to removing to Lewiston . Dr . Augustus French removed from practicing here to Norway about

fifteen years ago . Those now in practice in Lovell are Dr . C .

o fB o wd oin P . Hubbard , a n ative of Hiram , an d a graduate , b 1 886 . d came here a out ; Dr Elmer J . Noyes , also a Bow oin 18 89 graduate , and a native of Greenwood , came in April , succeeding Dr . Chandler ; and Dr . Geo . A . Allen , a native of

n Stoneham , who came here from Fryeburg duri g the winter

- of 1904 05 . $ David Hammons who removed to Bethe , was the earl

n m of m iest reside t me ber the bar of who we have learned . HISTORICAL 68

He was a leading lawyer of the State , serving one term as

. o f representative to Congress David R . Hastings Bethel

. W located here , sold to Augustus H alker at the opening of

War . the , and enlisted as Major After a creditable te rm of

. . W service he returned and settled at Fryeburg Mr alker of f 1 880 Fryeburg remained here until a ter , but later removed

n o w to Bridgton , where he is in practice . I . F . Hobbs also E dw . . W a . pr cticed law in town C alker , now in Bridgton ,

. 1 85 was a resident lawyer He Lost his eye Sight in 8 . It is not the object o f this work to treat of the many e men , natives of Lovell , who have ntered either of these pro fessions in other fields . Such a list would include many f honored names , among them the amous Stearns family which has furnished so many prominent men in both these professions .


o f U G . 14 0 . S NCOOK GRAN E , No , P H was organized at

1 875 . Centre Lovell in . Henry F Heald was chosen master and C . K . Chapman , Sec . After continuing about five years with indifferent success the organization was suspended .

1 904 re- During the fall of , the order was organized at O the Centre , but was very soon removed to dd Fellows Hall ,

f . . the present place o meeting . A M Pottle was chosen

an : master ; in 1905 he was succeeded by Owen C . Eastm in

wa s wa s r e - for 1 906 F . A . Kenniston chosen , and elected the

. W. . . present year S Fox is overseer; Lillian K Mason , lect 64 LOVELL ”

ur er . O ; Carrie D Kimball , chaplain ; live Barker , secretary , and Geo . A . Kimball , treasurer . Present membership over 100 . 44 1 Z G . 0 . 7 KE AR LAKE GRAN E , No , was organized Sept ,

McAlli r 1 04 r . . ste 9 . , at No th Lovell L E was chosen master;

M K n M K n . c ee c ee . . H . B . , overseer , and Mrs H B , lecturer . 30 52 f The following spring a new hall was erected , x eet and two stories high , making an excellent grange home . The work on this hall was done by the Grange members , and 00 generally given gratis; the total cash outlay being but $7 . 1 10 The present membership numbers . The principal

fii r 90 M n o ce s 1 . cKee . 7 . . chosen for are H B , master; R M

McK n M Al ee . . c , overseer; Mrs . Cora Butters , lecturer; S C

e Geo M H ar riman lister, chaplain ; Fred Mason , st ward ; . . , treasurer; Edwin S . Allen , secretary .

A new TELEPHONE LINE installed in 1905 - 06 gives excel lent service, with good connections with independent lines throughout the surrounding towns .


of u A grant one mile square , incl ding a good mill site , was made by the proprietors to John Farrington of North

s Cambridge , Mas , on condition that he should erect and maintain a sa w No t lon and grist mill in the new township . g after the arrival of the earliest families he had a primitive

mill in operation with the old up - and - down saw and a single

man set of stones . Mr . Farrington , however, was a of some


m d At Nu ber Four , so called; are standing two i le mills

the located on Alder brook . That standing nearest road w k as at one time owned by Joseph Bassett , a carriage ma er ,

f o f Mr . Johnson , ather the noted artist , also occupied this

fo r at an earlier date for making hats and carding . Lewis Eastman and others have also carried on various bran ches

a t of business here . Mr . B ssett erec ed the lower mill to be

his occupied by sons as a tannery , but it was never put to 1 86 for . 7 . . use this purpose AbWout , Geo H Moore bought u it , and together with Mr . alker fitted it p for sawing long

fu and Short lumber . They later carried on a rniture and 1 8 9 . 7 . casket mWanufacturing business In , Mr Moore bought out Mr . alker and run a saw and shingle mill up to about

1 893 . , since which time it has stood idle

The saw and grist mills at Slab City were built by Benj . 0 Heald about 6 years ago . The grist mill was later fitted

f r bu t f o . o . up sawing spools , was burned Ira , son Benj d f Heald , succeede his ather here , and sold to Josiah H . Fox

o f some five years ago . The mill at the head the pond was Wm built by . Hazeltine for a spool mill . After many years

it . wa s was burned , but was rebuilt at once Mr . Hazeltine later forced to assign when this property passed into the

W. . possession of Barnes alker It was later burned Many other minor branches of manufacturing have been carried on in town , although agriculture should be called

f o f f the chie industry in Lovell . Much the land is ertile and productive . For the past ten years considerable attention ha s been given to summer business and n o w there are between 300 and 400 people who come here each season fo r HISTORICAL 67

n recreatio and rest . The first cottage on the shores of the

u beautif l Kezar Lake was built by Benj . E . Brown ten years

n has si ce . Mr . Brown developed a good business , having

a erected several cottages along the l ke, and operates a line f f of boats and a good hotel . Am ong those rom out o town who now have summer homes here is the g reat artist ,

Douglass Volk , of New York City .

We a w should lso mention the brick business which as h carried on ere by Ammi Cutter , Edward Fox and John E . 1 84 Emery . Mr . Cutter and Mr . Emery began in 7 making f P brick on the arm now owned by Lyman lummer . Edward Fox later carried on this yard and built two l a rge brick

f . houses in the village . A ter three years Mr Emery began t by himself on his own farm , continuing in the business hree

f fo r um years longer , during which time he urnished brick N 2 h bers and 7 sc ool houses in Sweden , his own and two near

Wt in by dwelling houses . The Barnes alker house was buil

1847, the earliest brick house in town . John Fox has also

f W. b urned a e w brick at est Lovell

J . L . M A S O N

D E A L E R I N Car r iages and S le ighs

Carriage Painting 85 Upholstering Repairing of all kinds $ i at

Maine Hiram . So. , Histor y o f S weden .


The early history of the town of Sweden is very closely connected with the history of Lovell , of which town it f 18 13 the - ormed a part until the year . It is south eastern part of the grant made to the survivors and heirs of the soldiers wh o participated in the Lovewell fight . f . o s o f Col Samuel Nevers Burlington , Mas , a veteran

a o f the Revolution , cam e to that p rt New Suncook which is

w 1791 and 1793 f now S eden , in , in rafted eet of logs l 1 92 f . b a 7 . We on Seb go Lake , c eared rom his farm In Benj

’ - in - f 8 ber , a brother law , elled acres of Nevers land , and

the here Nevers built the first log house in part now Sweden . m d 3 . n r . W J . His sons , Samuel , , , and Benj , all settled ear

1797 a nd fo l him . In Jacob Stevens built a house here , the B m . . Wt lowing year Capt enj ebber ook up a h o estead in the eastern part . David Milliken , Sullivan Jones and Oliver

o f f Haskell , the latter whom settled the arm now occupied

n O . . . . by H Haskell , were early settlers in tow Mr Nevers

’ War 1 8 12 held a Colonel s commission in the of , but only assisted in mustering his regiment . He was a member of

a 1819 the convention at Portl nd , in , and frequently sent to HISTORICAL 69

. 1857 91 the Legislature He died in , aged about . WGeo . C . Maxwell and his brother , Nahum , came from ells and settled at Black Mountain . Jacob Farrington

. W settled on the Black Mountain road illiam Nevers , a f brother to Col . Samuel , settled the arm now occupied by

W. ilbur Moulton Oliver Knight located on Knight Hill , in

wn i - in- . W. the N part of the to . M cah Trull , a brother law to v d h m t . N o Col e ers , is sai to ave c e here wi h him . Many others had located in this end of the town by 1 813 when the prayer o f the inhabitants was granted by the Massachu

w t . setts Legislature, and the town of S eden incorpora ed The warrant issued calling the first town meeting was

. W. directed to Benj ebber , Esq , calling the q ualified voters

t um 5 - to meet in Distric N ber School house , on Tuesday , b . We 6 April . Jacob Stevens was chosen moderator; Benj fli 22 W w o ce 18 . ber , clerk , hich he filled until ; Benj ebber ,

Calvin Powers and Stephen Sanderson , Jr . selectmen and

o f overseers the poor; Timothy Evans , constable; Andrew

Wfo r oodbury , treasurer , ( served several years) ; and minor

ffi - o cers , including several tything men . A vote is recorded “ this year to have the an nual March meeting holden on the ” first Monday in April . The following is a list of names tak en from a High - way

o f 5 1 8 13 Tax List , under date June , , compiled by the as

r n o f - sesso s , a d shows the names all tax payers in town at — . Wn ime z . that t Col . Samuel Nevers , Capt Benj ebber , Ebe

e wett Stevens R uel Tower Micah Trull , Ephraim J , Edmund W, , atson , Nathaniel Flint , Asa Stevens , Calvin Powers , Moses m W. s W r Hutchin , J . , Andrew oodbury , Nevers , Jacob 0 WE N 7 S ED

r Stevens , Jacob Stevens , J . , Aaron Stevens , Philo Holden ,

W. Peter Holden , Daniel hitcomb , Richard Senter , Jas Sen

. W ter , Abel Senter, Samuel Plummer , Benj inship, Joseph

n m Harding , Natha iel Ordway , Timothy Evans , Abraha l Knee and , Moses Kneeland , David Kneeland , Samuel Brig

r u o ham , J . , Sam el Pike , Sam uel Giles , John Sanderson , J

o s ph Sanderson , Stephen Sanderson , Nathaniel Evans of

m n b W. . Frye urg; Gree of Bridgton

’ W a Andrew oodbury s homestead was in the western p rt 1 814 of the town . In the board of selectmen and leading

f r e - o ficers were elected . This year the name of Foxwell C . 1 819 Blanchard appears on the town books . In the vote on the separation of Maine from Massachusetts was nearly 16 14 even , there being votes cast in favor of and against the measure . 1 2 In 8 7 Col . Nevers gave a lot of land to the Lovell school fund (shared by Sweden ) , and the same year built “ the Meeting and Town House , long known as the Free ” - . r e t Meeting House This was buil by Thos . Trull and J ohn 1 861 Morrison , in , into the present Town House .


184 0- 190 CLERKS, 7.

1 840 r 1841 -5 . WJ . 0 Samuel Nevers , Jr ; Benj ebber , , ; E . 1851-5 3 1 4 W. W 85 oodbury , ; Benj . Nevers , ; Jas . N . Stone ,

- 1 855 5 8 1859- 62 ; Franklin Hosmer , ; John P . Plummer ,

- 1863 72 . N . 1 873 ffi ; J Stone, , died in o ce; John P . Plummer, HISTORICAL 71

1 18 4 . 0 7 188 E nfield 7 . chosen Jan , , served to ; S Plummer ,

8 - 190 1 88 7.


Ben Ne ver s 18 50 B 1 - . . W 85 1 53 j , ; enj ebber ; Benj . Nev

1 54 - 5 185 - 8 5 . W2 6 6 ers , ; Benj ebber , ; Jacob L . Stevens ,

- - - 1863 64 . A . 1865 69 1 870 72 ; Geo Holden , ; John Bennett , ;

W1 873 1 4 - 8 J . 7 77 Benj ebber , ; Alvin Pike , ; ohn Bennett ,

1 - 9 W1880 W1 - 4 878 7 88 1 8 ; alter Flint , ; John . Flint , ;

1 885 - 86 - . 188 90 W. 7 Aaron Jones , ; J Flint , ; Alvin Pike ,

- 9 6 1 0 9 . 1 91 1 0 W. . 8 7 ; S Mann ,


1 850— Aaron Stevens , James Evans , John Hamlin . 1 851— m W. . Francis Hamlin , Daniel Knight , Bennett

1 852— u John P . Pl mmer , Lewis Frost , Samuel Nevers , Jr . — 18 3 W. . 5 . Lewis Frost , John Hamlin , Chas Flint

18 54 - 55— John H amlin , Lewis Frost, Stephen Sander son . — ’ 1 6 h . 85 John Chute , Daniel Knig t , Sam l Plummer , Jr — m W. . 1 85 7 Thos . Chute , James Stone, Sanderson — 5 . . 1 8 8 Thos . Chute, Daniel Knight , S Plummer , Jr — 1 85 9 J . . . . . P Plummer, Daniel Knight , Geo A Holden — - 1 860 6 1 Wm d . . . San erson , Henry Knight, Thos Trull — 2 . r . . . n . 1 8 6 Lewis Frost , S Plummer , J , E F Ba gs — - 4 W. . . 1 863 6 Benj . ebber , E F Bangs , Luther Tower — W. . 1 8 65 W. . . . E Benj ebber , P Grant, H Kneeland — J r ...... 1 8 66 Samuel Plummer , , J N Stone, E P Grant — . W r W. J . . 1867 Samuel Plummer , . , J N Stone, E hit comb . 2 WN 7 S EDE

— - 0 . . . . 1868 7 Geo A . Holden , E F Bangs , Joseph Knight — 1 . . J o s . . . . 187 Geo A H olden , Knight , M M Hamlin

- — E . 2 3 . . . 1 87 7 . F Bangs , Lewis Frost , R B Morrison — - 4 . 1 87 75 Lewis Frost , Samuel Plum mer , John Bennett — 1 8 6 . . . . 7 Lewis Frost, Geo Haskell , M M Smart — G . . . . 1 877 . A . Holden , M M Smart , Geo Haskell — . W. 1878 G . . . A Holden , Geo Haskell , Benj ebber — 1 9 . . . 87 G A . Holden , Geo Haskell , Lewis Frost — M . 80 G . . . . . 1 8 . A Holden , M Hamblin , E P Grant — 1 J . . . 188 . . G . P H olden , ohn P Plu mmer , E P Grant — m 2 M W. . 1 8 8 . M . H amblin , Geo . Haskell , . P Stevens — B m W. . 1 883 . . . Geo . A Holden , Eben F angs , P Stevens — 4 Wm . 18 8 . . . W. Geo . Haskell , P Stevens , Benj Nevers — m 18 5 . . W. 8 . Geo Haskell , P Stevens , Albion Nevers — 8 W. 18 6 . . Geo . Haskell , Benj Nevers , Albion Nevers — 188 WW. 7 ...... Benj Nevers , C Flint , E P Grant 1 — 8 88 . W. . W. . . . Benj Nevers , C Flint , C E Jones — m 1 89 W. . . 8 Geo . Haskell , P Stevens , Elden Brown — m 1 90 W. . . 8 . . . Geo Haskell , P Stevens , E P Grant — M . 1 891 . W. . . . M . Hamblin , C E Jones , D Moulton

2—N M I n ire 1 89 . O . c t . . 0 . . . , C E Jones , V Edwards — W 1 893 W. . . . . Geo . H askell , D Moulton , E Bennett — 1 94 W. . . 8 . . W. . W Benj Nevers , D Moulton , E Bennett

- - 895 96 O . Wn . 1 W . H . Haskell , . D . Moulton , E . Ben ett 89 — J 1 7 C...... E Jones , S Ames , S L Plummer

- — 8 98 99 . W. . 1 0 . H Haskell , D . Moulton , John Nevers —0 1900 . W. . . . H Haskell , D Moulton , Edward Stone — 1 . 190 0 . W. . . H Haskell , M Flint , Edward Stone

- - 1 902 03 W. 0. . . . E Jones , M Flint , Frank D Holden .



Very soon after the erection o f the new town the estab lishment of an independent home church was sought by the f citizens O Sweden . Accordingly the proper steps were taken , members of the Lovell church living in Sweden were 2 1 8 1 dismissed from the m other church on Sept . 7, 7 an d N 4 ov . , JaWcob , Aaron , Asa , Hannah , Mary and Olive Ste vens; Sally oodbury , Abagail Powers were organized as a

E H . W CONGR GATIONAL CHURC by Rev L . Ripley of aterford .

o f Mary , wife Eben Stevens and Phebe , daughter of Jacob

n Steve s were admitted to membership at once . Services w l ere sometimes held at Calvin Powers house, a though the h old Congregational Churc was built about this time . This church was framed by Geo . and Nahu m Maxwell . In it may

the - yet be seen galleries , box pews and high pulpit character i ic st of the architecture of the time . This church united with the m other church for m a ny years in the employment of a pastor . Rev . Valentine Little ,

in 1 8 23 t 1834 being settled and rem aining un il , giving

- about one third of his time to this society . The following is a list o f settled pastors and stated supplies who served this

iet z— w 1834 18 5 s o c . 3 y Revs O en Burnham , ; Eaton Mason ,

4 5 184 6- 4 7 1848 - 51 ; David Garland , ; John P . Foster , ; Enos 1851 1 W. Merrill , ; Isaac eston , one year following Aug ,

- - 1 851 . W1 852 5 3 1854 58 ; L . Harris , ; Chas . B . Smith , ;

1 859- 62 Amasa Loring , ( with Denmark) ; Stephen Sander

1 53 - 63 - 8 . 1863 66 son , (with Lovell village) ; Ezra B Pike, ;

1867- 70 18 70- 74 0rd supplies , ; Truman S . Perry , ( . HISTORICAL 75

1 875 3 1 1 . . 8 9 F . E Sherman , , mos ; Lewis Goodrich , Jan . , 7

84 (with Lo vell) . Since this time no regular services have been held . A society o f the Free Bap tist denomination was early organized in town , holding meetings in the school house “ ” before the erection o f the Hemlock Church in the same district . This was over sixty years ago . Their services

fo r were well attended many years , preaching being supplied

fr by itinerant preachers om surrounding towns . Rev . Mr .

Cobb was perhaps the last minister . The society has now become extinct a nd the meeting house crumbled to dust . A METHODIST CLAS S was early formed in Sweden and a church organized probably before the formation of the town . The first meeting house built by the Methodists stood in the Sanderson neighborhood and was erected probably as early 1812 ’ 30 as . This was removed to Nevers Corner about years ago and rebuilt into the present neat church edifice . The circuit has always been connected with some other in the surrounding towns . The present connection being with t the Harbor church . The following pas ors have served

- 2 3 . 189 9 . . W. . since Rev H Gowell , ; J H Bounds ,

- 1897- 1901 1 896 . W. 4 9 m 189 5 W. ; Bragg , ; Geo Barber , and f f1902 2 . o and one half of 190 ; E . F Doughty , hal , and during 1905 1 903 1904 . . . ; J . B . Howard , ; and Rev E F Doughty , 06 . The free meeting house was occupied by itinerant preachers o f Other faiths inclu ding the Universalists, but it is believed they never reached the dignity of a church body .

* H H ask ell . L ist furnished by O . . 6 W 7 S EDEN


of After the incorporation of Sweden , the schools both w 5 towns ere reorganized , Number of the old town being 1 ? N . m ade District o , C) of Sweden . Here the original house stood near the Congregational meeting house in the corner 1 855 f u . o the cemetery . The present house was b ilt about 4 The brick house in the Centre District was built in 185 . f 1 14 1 813 o r . 8 In , nothing was voted education In ,

70 18 15 5 0 o f $ was raised , in nothing , and $ each the two f following years . The Lovell school und was shared by this town and presu mably made up a sum s ufficient to maintain

few 18 18 the schools necessary . In , the town was redis

r i d n t c te . W , Benj ebber , John Swai and Stephen Sanderson , 1 8 25 h 5 t J r . n . , acti g as committee In , t ere were distric s , 4 1 1 1 . 8 80 with pupils attending In , there were seven school districts . N Sweden has had two resident PHYSICIANS . Dr . ath an W’ Bradbury came from Norway to ebber s Corner where he f o r . E remained m any years practice His daughter , liza , married Dr . B abb , and with him practiced medicine in East

. no w W port and other places They are in the est . Dr . f f O b o . rren Ross located here e ore the death Dr Bradbury , ft m but not long a er re oved to Kennebunk . H N 134 F . G . o . SWEDEN GRAN E P O , , was first organ ized 1875 i n u . in , Town Hall , but did not long contin e active

r e- 1904 5 9 It was organized in Sept . , with about members , 0 which nu mber has now increased to 7 . Mark E . Perry was

re- r e- chosen m aster at the organization ; and was elected . HISTORICAL 77

. . H O Saunders , lecturer and Clarence E . Jones , overseer .

- . . 1906 r e C E Jones was m aster in , and elected for 1907.

o fli cer s fo r Other leading the present year are F . D . Holden ,

. . . W overseer; H O Saunders , lecturer; Mrs alton Charles , chaplain ; May H . King , secretary; Louisa Moulton treas , urer . Meetings are held every other Monday evening in the town house .

M a nu fa ctu rer o f a n d d e a ler in

St n Ext c t I nk a dard ra s , s ,

B n S P h Th lui g , ilver olis , e

Wo n St ck S v C h der i al e , oug

S C and F m yrup , igars a ily

n c n M edic i es . Spi e Cabi ets

and Grease Extrac tor .

s he s and Bo tle s J obbe r i n Apple Bar re l s , A t

‘ Age nt for th e N od e $ and l l ys tic M aine Range s and Re pa irs MAIN E F R YE B U R G , Histor y of S tow .


Many of the pioneers of the town of Stow were sons and daughters of the settlers of Fryeburg , of which town the southern half of this formed a part under the name of Frye

o f burg Addition . This part consisting acres , was granted by the General Court to the proprietors of Fryeburg to offset that part of the original town which was found to lie across the line in the adj oining state of New Hampshire . The northern half of the town is m ade up o f gra nts to Brad

n ley a d E a stm an . The valleys of the Cold River Streams form extensive and valuable farm lands in the south and central portions , while in the north the surface is very rug ged .W R illiam ussell was perhaps the earliest settler in Stow , ’ locating where Jas . Irish s brick house was burned during

m 1 06 his - in the su mer of 9 . Here he was succeeded by son law , Amos Hastings . John Farrington settled just east of

the men Stow Corner . His father , Samuel , was one of early

f a O . prominence Isaac , James , Mic h and Simeon Abbott

s came from Andover , Mas , James and Simeon came to Stow

Corner from Fryeburg , and together erected the large sq uare 1804 house in the corner in . Together they erected the earl 1800 iest saw and grist mills in town , about . These brothers lived in the large corner house until each had seven HISTORICAL 79

children , when Simeon built the house now occupied by his

’ daughter , Mrs . Maria Clay . The Abbott s received a large

o f tract land , over one square mile , extending from the

C a hatham line cross Great Cold River , taking in the level

d - f lan , and extending one hal mile north and south of the

’ mills , except Farrington s , and perhaps one or two other ’ settlers lots . Micah Abbott lived just above the house erected by his brothers . Andrew Johnson settled south o f Farrington ;

J Wr f J . o ohn alker , , if mile west Mr . Johnson , where he was succeeded by James , his son . Thomas Farrington , a cousin w to Samuel , lived one mile below Sto Corner on the North

F ifiel d . d Fryeburg roa , Jona F . located where Joshua , his

so n . . u , now lives Samuel D H ntress settled 54mile below the

r Wa r o f 1 8 12 Co ner . He saw service in the , and walked f home rom Portland in a day , upon his discharge . Lieut . F . W Benj alker took up the lot adjoining the ryeburg line . m d d W. Gor on settle the lot in the south point now occupied Wf by Thos . Dresser . Samuel alker took up the present arm

of O . H . Day , near the town house . Cyrus Eastman settled

on the road East of Cold River . Eben Davis and his son ,

Lot , on last farm in Stow on road to Chatham Center . Here

182 - 8 - 9 t he was licensed in 7 to sell spiri uous liquors .

Abner , brother to Lot , was an early Methodist minister . Jeremy Eastman came from Lovell and lived with Sam

’ uel D . Huntress . John Brickett lived near Harrington s 2 t steam mill ; Albion Pride, miles north of S ow Corner; f f o f o . Moses Fi e , in north part the town , east Cold River

Amos Bemis was a later occupant of the Russell farm . Sam W 80 STO

d W uel and John Gray , brothers , locate near est Lovell at f Hemp Hill , so named rom John Hemp Hill , an old resident .

in Sewall Brown also settled this locality . Uriah Dresser i ’ m arried Thos . Farr ngton s daughter and succeeded to his place . Stephen Dresser , his father, lived east of Great Cold B River . Stephen Ames lived in the northern part . Uriah .

Davis lived opposite the church site . Mathew and Abiel F . m WW. W. . hitney and iley were early residents Josiah B 1833 m Day came from Fryeburg in , to the far now occupied

Da 0. . by his son , H y.


The plantation of FRYEBURG ADDITION was organized on 2 1821 f m 9 o . Sa Sept . , , at the house Thomas Farrington uel Farrington was chosen moderator , and Moses Abbott T became plantation clerk . Simeon Abbott , hos . Farrington

m n W . and . Gordon were chose assessors , Samuel D Hunt

n ress , collector and Samuel Farri gton , treasurer . M t 200 At the regular arch mee ing held the next year , $

50 for 10 was voted for highways , $ schools and $ to defray 150 town charges , also $ to complete the school house . As recorded in the town records the assessors chosen for 1822 “ 23 -24 were also selectmen , but this is presum ably an error 1833 as the town was not incorporated as such , until , and 4 organized March . By the Act of Incorporation the plantation took the

2 W 8 STO

1 64 W1863 . . 8 alker , ; O H Day , Noyes

- 1 1 - 18 69 0 . 8 7 A 7 77 . Abbott , ; mos H Farrington , ; Josiah B

- 9 18 80- 82 1 878 7 . . Abbott , ; A H Farrington , ; Thos . E .

18 3 1 884 - 9 1 8 . . 8 8 . . 90 Southard , ; O H Day , ; B F Guptill , ; O .

91- 1 9 0 1 9 1 - 4 18 0 . . 0 0 0 . A . . H Day , ; H Seavey , ; H Day ,

- 1 907. 1905 06 . . ; C O Barrows ,


1 50— 8 . . Moses Abbott , Josephus Chandler , Geo Gordon 1 1— 85 . Moses Abbott , Osgood Charles , Jas Brickett . 2— 1 85 . Geo Gordon , Samuel Charles , Sylvester Emerson . 3— 185 . Geo Gordon , S . Emerson , Peter H ardy . — - 54 5 5 . W. 18 . . J . Benj Charles , J C Gordon , ohn Brickett —B 1 856 . . . . W . Charles , J C Gordon , John Farrington 1 — 857 J . . . C Gordon , Moses Eastman , Peter Fife

— m M K n 1858 . c ee . Micah Abbott , S E erson , Henry — 18 9 . t 5 . Micah Abbott , S Emerson , John Farring on — 1860 . . . . Geo Gordon , John Farrington , Jas A Emerson — m 1 8 1 . . 6 . Peter Fife , O H Day , James E erson 2— 186 . . Peter Fife , O H Day , Noyes Abbott . 1 8 3— 6 0 ...... E . H Day , Jas A Bemis , A A astman 1 8 4— 6 J . . as . A Bemis , A . A . Eastman , Peter Fife 1865— f O . . . . . Peter Fi e , H Day , J E H ardy — 1 866 . Peter Fife , J . E Hardy, Nathan Andrews . 186 — m . 7 O . . . WW H Day , Geo Gordon , . Pendergast . 1 6 — WA 8 8 0. . . . . H Day , M . A Dresser , E ndrews . — 1 869- 0 7 . W. . . Stephen Chandler , E Andrews , T E

Southard . 18 1—0 7 . . W. H Day, Stephen Chandler, ilson Chandler HISTORICAL 83

1872—S . W. Chandler , Chandler, Oliver F . Emery . 18 3—S 7 . , . . O . . . Chandler A H Farrington , F Emery 1 874—S . . W Chandler , Geo Gordon , E . . Andrews . — 1875 . , O . Geo Gordon scar Chandler , John Farrington 18 76— . W. O . . . scar Charles , E Andrews , B F Guptill 1877— . WW Stephen Chandler, D . iley , B . F . Guptill . 18 8— t 7 . W. P harl S ephen Chandler, F Guptill , Alden . C es . 18 9—D W 7 . . WW O , . t . iley , scar Charles Quincy S evens — 1880- 81 Oscar Charles , S . Chandler, Jas . A . Bemis . 1 882— O . . . . . scar Charles , A H Farrington , Jas F Seavey 1 —A 883 . t . E . . H Farring on , Almon merson , Jas F Sea

4—A 188 . . as . . H Farrington , S . Chandler , J F Seavey 1 85—A 8 . . t W. W H Farring on , Elias Andrews , . S .

Leavitt . — - D W 1886 87 Wa J a . W. s . . . iley , Eli s Andrews , A Bemis . —E 1888 . . . . W. Andrews , Jas . A Bemis , Jas F Seavey . 9—E 188 . . . . A . . . P Giles , Jas F Seavey , C Andrews

1 — n 890 . Leonard Emerso , B C . Andrews , Jos . Kimball . — 1 - 2 i 189 9 . . Leonard Emerson , Jos K mball , O R . Bar rows . — a . W 1893 . . . . W. . S Leavitt , D P Ch rles , C Day

- — 1 4 0. . 89 95 W. . . . . S Leavitt , D P Charles , P Charles — 0 . L h W. . 1896 . . . Emerson , C as Day , R Barrows — L . . . . . 1 897 . Emerson , D T Charles , T F Dresser — - D . . . . . 1898 99 . . T Charles , T F Dresser , A L Bemis — 1900 D . . . . T . Charles , Almon Emerson , A L Bemis — 1901 D . . . . T . Charles , A L Bemis , Almon Emerson — n W. . . . 1902 A1mon Emerso , S Leavitt, Geo Drew W 84 STO

19 — l 03 . . A mon Emerson , Jas F Seavey , Geo . Drew . — 19 4 J . 0 . as F Seavey , Mark N . Charles , C . O . Barrows . — - 6 1905 0 J . . . W as F Seavey , Mark N Charles , . H . Far rington . 1 —A WW 907 . . . W. Emerson , H alker , N . Seavey .


Wn o f n John alto was a veteran the French and India f Wo . n d a . ars and the Revolution His son , John , Samuel D

War o f 1 12-14 Huntress and Silas Abbott were in the 8 ; the

a t latter being engaged Plattsburg and on other fields .

Wm ar . W. Rounds served in the Mexican

l - Peleg G . Chandler en isted during the late Spanish Amer

Wa r ican .

Wa r The Civil enlistments will be found at the close of the historical section .


The industries of Stow are very like those of the towns

: u b a nd . surrounding , viz l m ering , milling agriculture The early mills erected by Simeon and James Abbott at Stow

Corner were operated for many years with an old u p - and down saw and but one set of stones . Later they put in a

a nd boiler . These men were succeeded by their sons , Noyes HISTORICAL 85

M Micah , respectively ; later Noyes sold to icah , who in turn sold the entire privilege to Albert Abbott . The mills have

e had many operators , some by lease, including Eb n T . Nut f h . t e ter , Chas Peary ( ather of Lieut . Peary explorer) , Mason a E Hastings ( who repaired the mills) , Osc r Charles , dgar f . f Guptill and C F . Lu kin . Mr . Lu kin took out the old grist

. W mill About five years ago he sold to . H . Farrington who has done little to arrest the decay of the ancient struct

n o w ure . It is but a ruin .

A shingle mill was built by Moses Abbott If mile above

W. son this mill . Moses , his , Merritt E . Clay and Elden m E erson were later owners here . Mr . Emerson put in a

1 90 be t steam mill which was burned about 8 . This rebuil F W. . . and sold to H arrington who operated a Short time

The mill is now quiet .

S . H . Harriman erected a saw mill on Great Cold 15 f River some years ago . A ter two or three years it was

b but t . urned , soon rebuil and is now operated by Mr Harri man in the manufacture of spool stock and long lumber .

a . This mill is loc ted at the foot of Mt Royce, in the northern f part O the town .

Fifield Jona . F . , Noyes Abbott , Elden Emerson and

James Irish have burned brick in town .


Meetings of the Congregationalists , Methodists and Uni l e versa ists were early held in town , in schoolhouses , and lat r 1869 was in the town house . In , a Union meeting house 86 W STO

m r d . . W e ecte near Stow Corner by O H Day, Sylvester and . w n . Emerso , Chas Nutter, and Je ett and Am os Haley , pro

rieto r s 2400. p , at a cost of about $ This house was dedi cated to the use of the Methodists; the Congregation alists having erected a house in Chatham . This was formerly con h nected wit Fryeburg village circuit; sometimes with Lovell , but since the establishmen t of regular services at the Harbor it has been united with that church . Appointments to this 1 4 1 8 4 u 88 . 8 circ it Since , have been Rev M . B . Greenhalgh ,

- 8 5 188 6 8 1 888 . . 7 . . Wu . ; . J H Roberts , ; J M oodb ry , ; F C

1 - 1 92 18 89 890 9 . 18 r W. Potte , ; . H . Gowell , ; G G Powers ,

93 1 894 1 9 - 96 m 8 5 . . . W. W ; A S Staples , ; G . Barber , ; Bragg ,

- - n . 1899 1906 1897 98 a d . . . ; Rev E F Doughty , A new par

o na e Mr s g erected at the Harbor was first occupied by .

in Old Doughty . Prior to this the pastors lived the Abbott

n house at Stow Cor er .


The SCHOOLS of Stow have received generous and efficient

support from the voters in town . At the first meeting held for making appropriations $ 50 for schools and $150 for i fin shing the school house were raised . Two districts were

1833 s : established . In , five districts were establi hed , viz

NO 1 2 w . , the South District; No . , commencing at Andre

’ ’ J n u 3 oh son s and r nning to Albion Pride s north line; No . ,

’ beginning at n orth line on Steele s lot running to Fryeburg

’ N 4 n t l ine east of Great Cold River; o . , begin ing at S eele s HISTORICAL 7

“ ’ n orth line and containing the Grant excepting Pride s

5 - B a h l district; No . , containing the mile half square on tc e

’ der s Grant . This number later increased to eight districts .

I n 1893 , the town system was adopted . Moses Abbott was appointed the first postmaster at f m W . W. . Stow; ollowed by Osgood Charles C alker was postmaster here fo r several years and was succeeded by his m . Wencu bent 18 2 6 . son , Isaac A alker , the present , in Feb . f . W Mr alker received his first appointment rom Abraham Lincoln and has held the office continually which is a record probably unsurpassed by any other postmaster in the state . M W. . A N N S

‘ Licensed C axider m


M o nt H Fu r R ugs , u ed eads , h H orn s , Feet and Fis .

Main w en e. S ed ,



Veter inar y S ur geon, Reg. L m Tuberc ulo sis , u p Jaw P E Fistula , oll vil

R - one and hoe oi s M ade a ecia t Spavin, ing b S B l Sp l y ” L “ 527? Maine. Kezar Falls, Histor y of Chatham , n. H .

TH E TOWN OF CHATHAM lies in the northern part of the

t o f h of Sta e New Hamps ire , close under the shadow the tow Wt ering hite Mountains which begin heir precipitous ascent within its borders . The Eastern part of the township lies within the valley o f the Cold S tream and contains some excellent farms and m ost of the inhabitants . The moun tains within the western half are heavily timbered and set M with a sparkling jewel , ountain Pond ; whose waters are remarkably clear and cool .

TH E . W EARLIEST GRANT was m ade by Gov Benning ent

7 1767 - worth , Feb . , , to Peter Levins and seventy two asso

ciates , and n amed in honor of Lord Chatham . It was laid

f o f out ten miles long and our miles wide . Under date July 2 1 7 2 W18 29 7 . , ,Gov John entworth conveyed acres of this

McDo no u h tract near the center of the town to Thom as g , 12 his private secretary , who caused acres to be cleared the

i a McDo n ou h fled following year . Be ng a Loy list g to Can

a t o f ada the breaking out the Revolution , when his prop er t few f l y was confiscated and a amilies sett ed on the grant . After peace was declared he returned as British Consul to New England and his land being restored to him attempted

to establish a colony of his country men , built three houses ,

but became discourag ed and abandoned the project .

According to information obtained from Ithiel E . Clay ,

90 WCH ATHAM Richard alker Stilson Hutchins Samuel Hazeltine

W . Jonas yman Jere Hutchins Jona Hazeltine

’ Asa Eastman N ath l Hutchins Joshua Hazeltine

Paul Chandler Jona . Hardey John Hazeltine m W. Isaac Robbins Abbott Abraham Hazeltine

’ n Sam l Bradley Jr . John Robbi Jona . Shirley John Robbins Abiel Chandler Isaac Cox The first four in the first column were settlers at North

’ Chatham ; John Robbins settled on Robbins Hill . Isaac

W a aldron was living in town at this time, or very soon fter and it is probable that a few others were occupying home lots at this time . Many homesteads were taken up far up among the foothills or m ountain sides which are now f abandoned to the growing timber . These arms were hard o f access and equally hard to cultivate , although on many of them were reared families ranging in number from six to sixteen children . 23 1 817 By an act approved June , a tract of land north 2000 of the town containing acres , which was granted to 1 1 0 . 77 Lieut Samuel Gilman , March , , was annexed to

I n 1823 f Chatham . , the town was severed rom Coos County f and annexed to Strafford , and so remained until the orma 1 840 tion of Carroll County , when it was included in the

fa latter . The rms of Jon a . Hardy and Edward Shirley were 26 severed from Conway and annexed to Chatham June ,

1823 2 183 8 f o f . 500 July , , the arm Juda Dana , containing 30 1869 acres , was annexed to this town , and June , , a tract o f l o ff f and was set rom Chatham to Bartlett . WHI STORICAL TO O ER N FFIC S .


1870 l - . W. a 18 1 . 7 77 R Guptill , ; Ithie E Cl y , Charles f 18 8 8 9 7 . . 1 7 1 80 . 8 . . Bin ord , ; J C Eastman , ; I E . Clay , ; J C 1 881 1 882 . . 1883 W. Eastman , ; I E Clay , ; Brackett , ; Chas .

f 1884 - 8 5 Wm 18 - 9 86 3 Bin ord , ; . Spencer , ; C . E . Eastman ,

- m 1 - - 1 894 96 W. 89 1901 19 2 7 . . a 0 07 ; Spencer , ; C C E stman , . E TREASUR RS .

18 0 Wm 18 1 18 2 7 . 7 W7 Bliss Charles , ; Fife, ; Seth yman ,

3 1874 - 78 h 1879- 81 7 ; Bliss Charles , ; Asa C andler, ; Jonah

1882 1883 1884- 86 Hill , ; Dexter Charles , ; Jonah Hill , ;

1 8 - 8 1889- 190 8 7 8 . 7. Dexter Charles , ; John F Charles ,

SELECTMEN ASSESSORS — m . . 18 O W. . 7 Fife , J S Bryant , Asa Chandler — r W. 1 W. . 187 Jonah Hill , J . , J . alker , L D . Harriman — - M I n ir 1 2 3 r . . c t e . 87 7 Jonah Hill , J . , S P , Micaj ah N

Fife . — 1 8 4 Wa . 7 Seth yman , P ul Chandler , Dan a Hill — 1 875 Paul Chandler , Dexter Charles , Ephraim Bryant . — r . . 1876 Jonah Hill , J . , Osborne Anderson , L D Harri man . — f “ r . W. . . a J . . 1877 Jon h Hill , , J M eeks , M N Fi e — 0 . . . . 1878 Paul Chandler , Anderson , J E Hutchins

- — 1 879 80 Paul Chandler , Stephen Twombly, C . S .

Osgood . — W. . . . 1 881 C. . O , , S sgood , D Jewell R Charles Jr 92 CHATHAM

— f 2 W. . 188 J . M . eeks , M . N Fi e, C Binford . — 0 . . 3 W. . . 188 Fife, Anderson , D H Chandler

- — m . 1 884 85 W. . Fife , E S Lang , Richard Chandler . 8 — 1 86 . Dana Hill , Charles Binford , Charles Chandler

- — 1 8 . . W 887 8 Dana Hill , Chas S Chandler , Seth ebb . — b 9 W. 1 88 Dana Hill , Seth e b , Daniel Chandler — - 2 Wm 1 90 9 . . 8 Dana Hill , Spencer , Daniel Chandler

- — 95 R . . W 1893 . . F Chandler , J M eeks , Dexter Charles . 1 896 — . W R 1 . 89 . . 7 . F Chandler, J M eeks , Hazen Chandler — - 1 9 2 W 1 898 0 J . . M eeks , Hazen Chandler , Seth Hanson .

- 4 - 1 903 0 , . . A . . Hazen Chandler C S Chandler , F East m an . — - M K 1905 06 C. Wa . c een . S . Chandler , lter P , A . F East m an . — f 19 . . 0 . . 7 Hazen Chandler , Chas H Bin ord , F R Locke . TH E U E PRINCIPAL IND STRI S in town are lumbering , mill ing and agriculture . The earliest mill built at Chatham

Centre was put up by the neighbors , principally by Simon

Blake and John and Alva Leavitt . John Bryant later became owner and operator , in whose possession the mill

u - - ran down and the old p and down saw ceased . Eli Johnson

f o f rebuilt the mill , a ter which it passed through the hands several owners until it again decayed . A steam mill is now

fo r operated near by J . L . Binford , the builder , the manu

f a nd facture o dowels long lumber . The first mill at South Chatham was built by Nathan

f r m A o saw . mes , g long and Short lumber Here also was the early custom grinding mill to which the farmers o f the HISTORICAL 93 section brought their crops of corn an d rye which furnished

o f a staple article diet . Later owners of this mill were

W. . W Edward ebb , Chas R Locke , and the hite Mtn . P a per

Co . , who are heavy owners of timber lands in town , and Geo .

B . James the present owner . This mill has been rebuilt and

t . 181 has been under nearly constant opera ion In 7, two n $ saw mills , a cloth dressi g mil , a carding machine and two corn mills were in operation in town . There were then 201 inhabitants . These mills were Operated chiefly for the man u factu r e of home products a n d were generally o f small

n f capacity . Being at a dista ce rom the railroad n ot so much tribute has been paid to commercialism , the prod ucts o f the forest and farm s u pplying many o f the necessiti es of living . TH E CH URCH rel ations o f Chatham and Stow are closely connected , as indeed are all business and social relations . The Methodist Church in Stow is attended by members from G EG U u Chatham , as the CON R ATIONAL CH RCH here is s pported f by many rom the sister town . Services were held in town f by preachers of the various aiths early in its history . In t 1 860 . , Rev . Benj S earns of Lovell held services here one half 22 1 861 the time , and on Oct . , , the Stow and Chatham Con gregatio n al church was organized . Rev . E . H . Hart became

1 862 wa s acting pastor in , and followed by Ezra B . Pike

f . . the ollowing spring. Rev Mr Pike remained with the

1867 2 18 68 and church until May , m onths in , from May

1 8 1 869 20 1 873 . , , to May , , when he removed to Boothbay Several supplies have been stationed here for from one to six 186 : . 7 months through the sum mers , viz Francis P Smith , ; 94 CHATHAM

1 868 4 187 . . Israel T . Otis , ; Chas . E . Fitz; ; J H Leavitt , 1 5 1 4 . 87 . 8 5 187 and from Oct ; Geo . P Blanchard , 7 ; John D .

- 1875 J . . 1876 77 . L Emerson , ; H Leavitt , ; Isaac H ibby , 1 8 8 4 1 7 . 880 ordained pastor , dismissed Feb , ; Nestor Light , 81 1 881 18 ; Clarence Pike , Henry Farrar, acting pastor 2 1 188 8 1 1 188 . . . Y 897 from July , to Mar , ; Chas S oung, ;

1903 - 30 1904 1905 0 . . . . Jas . Carter , June , ; I J Merry , The church is now without a pastor . The house of worship was 1 871 erected in , a year or two after the erection of the Union

House, now the Methodist church , was erected at Stow .

Rev . Mr . Hart taught a term of high school at the town

e . house, near the time and probably during his pastorat The public schools of Chatham rank well wi th those of Sl ml m lar towns of this section , while any of its advanced stud ents continue their studies at Fryeburg Academy . A good list of the residents of this town is found upon

1 o n the war rolls from 186 1 to 8 65 . Many of these enlisted the quotas of Chatham and served in New Hampshire regi

. O ments , while others served in Maine regiments f the

5th N n former were Jas . S . Hunt , . H . Reg . ; Jas . M . Harrima , 20 1 2 m 6th H . 8 6 W. . . . died Jan , ; Goodwin , N ; Jas Emerson ,

Phelmen Edgar Harriman , Amos Harriman , Harriman , all K 14 R Wm D n e J . . . o of Co . . , th N . H . g ; ohn H Stiles and H

Art Ws e nelly, Heavy ; Orren Heath , Chas . eek , Elmore Fif , f Micajah N . Fi e . Moses Harriman , Ebenezer Pickering, all of

CO . 2d f C . N . H . The ollowing were also in the service , some

m n z— n r e i e ts . of them serving in Mai e g Samuel B Knox ,

' h n dl r E d a r n C a e . Simpson , Horace and Stephe , g A Stevens ,

O . . f John Stiles , sborne Anderson , Chas H Bin ord , John WHISTORICAL 95 Bryant , Hale atson , Alpheus Morrison , Andrew Johnson , J Benj . Johnson , Calvin Meader , ohn Meader , Albion Cobb ,

Jas . Harnden , Samuel Harnden , Lewis Stevens , Elmer

N h o fli n Stevens , Moses H arnden , John ic ols , Chas . C , John M Leavitt , Daniel Baker , Thomas Guptill , Stephen P . cI ntir e and George Nichols . For much o f the information given in this chapter we are

N . indebted to Micajah Fife , whose name appears in the f above list . Mr . Fi e has served as post master at North Chatham for m any years; and represented this town in the

1905 -06 f . W Legislature in His brother , Seth yman Fi e , who is a native of Chatham , has practiced law at Fryeburg fo r many years and is a leading man in the affairs o f that town ; his n ame is also well known throughout New England

. W. . as the proprietor of the E Burbank Seed Co Chatham has had no resident physicians or lawyers . 96 BUSINESS DIRECTORY


190 7.

— N h E A or t . W as t POSTM STER Mary E . Frye; , Bert C ebb; ,

n t r t W Ce e . . es . W. H . V Berry; , Jas E Hutchins ; , illis M Far H a r bor . rington ; , Mrs . L . D . Charles —E m W . . W. . . SELECTMEN C Buzzell , Hill , J Hutchins . — TOWN CLERK Norman Charles . — M . TREASURER J . F . errill — COLLECTOR AND CONSTABLE Horace Adams .

— E a st . n ROAD COMMISSIONERS C. F . Smith ; , H D . Har den .

— WN or h E t dw. SCHOOL COMMITTEE Chas . G . illard ; , F . — Jones , B . T . Newman . SUPT . Mrs . Arthur J . Lougee . — O OF J . . B ARD HEALTH Arthur Lougee , Sec — m W. . W. VILLAGE CORPORATION Assessors , H Tarbox ,

. 0 . . . . . W R Tarbox , Geo arren ; Clerk , H G Freeman ; Treas ,

W . Seth . Fife; Chief Fire Dept . , Chas . Abbott — E . W. . G . . CLER YMEN P ilson , Cong ; B N Stone , New

h r h H r N rth C u c a b r . o . o . ; , E F . Doughty , Meth ; , Vacant , Univ

- Nor th C A . . W. PHYSI I NS Arthur J Lougee , L Atkinson ; ,

Irving Mabry , Dr . Craft . — C . . DENTIST . E Harris — f E . W. . LAWYERS E . Hastings , Seth Fi e — 9 A E 12 190 . NOT RY . E . Hastings , Sept . ,

— M I ntire J U STI CE S h W. . c . Set . Fife, Thos S , Feb 23 1 13 22 1 908 W 9 . . , ; E . E . Hastings , Aug , ; allace R Tar D d 4 1 908 1 r i l Wf . e a . box , Oct . , . , Seth Fi e, Jan im u E s W. d . . w , Seth Fife , . E Hastings


H r r Cen tre a bo W. . G H . L . Hutchins , C . P . iles; , L Howe; ,

Jas . E . Hutchins . — E N . Co . s HARDWAR . Charles , S . A Page , ( also stove h Nor t . . and tinware) ; , H . L Hutchins

E T — B C W. . , U . HARNESS , RO ES , BLANKETS TR NKS , R Tar box .

—E M I n ir B c t e . LUM ER . F . —Z . W. MEATS AND PROVISIONS . O entworth — MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS Mrs . M . B . Barker , Mrs .

and Co . . . . . E . G . Fife , Mary S Howe , Mrs S F Ladd (dry fancy goods only) . — f l N W. . PAINTS AND OILS . Charles , Seth . Fi e , J F Merri l

CO Son , S . A . Page . — W POTATOES Eastm an arren CO . — W REAL ESTATE BROKER Seth ym an Fife . — E . o W. C . W. . SEED STORE . Burbank Seed , S Fife , Prop —H WA E WE L Y . J R . . . TCHES AND H Burnham , J I Lovis ,

C ( lock repairer) , H orace Adams .


H — BOOTS AND S OES Perley Morrison , (repairs) .

E PL ASTE R E R s— d C. . . . BRICKWLAY RS AND T Shortri ge , E E h . . . W. Shirley, Roberts , J H Jo nson , S . arren Johnson —T W a . . . CANNED GOODS . L . Eastm n Co , L Mansfield

. N ort h fl (beans) , H C . Baxter Bro . ; , Snow ake Canning CO . E E — S . . W CARRIAG REPAIR RS E A . H . ard .


Cook . HISTORICAL 63 O — W. U . . CONTRACT RS AND B ILDERS H Tarbox , Lyman R

n ter . W. Ce Charles; , C Farrington . — E . . . W G . . DR SSMAKIN Mrs S F Ladd , Mrs Carver , Miss

M aude Irish . E W— GRANIT ORKERS Geo . D . Leavitt , Eagle Granite Co . ,

H O o n . . O . d . J L sgood , Prop , Erving

B W— WN r h o t MAR LE ORKERS Fremont hitcomb; , S .

Charles . — S . W . . . . W. MILLWRIGHTS E A H ard , A ard

- E E . . G J . . PAINT RS AND PAPER HAN RS F Merrill , Geo T

K i m n e s a . . Hammons , Jere , R S . Howe — B S . CO . PLUM ERS . A Page — SKIS Elias Nelson . — m n tr W. M I n ire Ce e Wc t . . Smiths aldo , Chas A Abbott; ,

E as t H a r bo r . . J . Hurd ; , Herbert Hurd ; J J ohnson — W E K A . V SH O C . . STA , AND GRIST MILL Cook — TAXIDERMIST Frank Sawtelle . — W E . . ACAD MY Fryeburg Academy , Chas G illard , Head

B d . Master; S . C . Gordon , Pres . . Trustees — W. ARTISTS Benj . T . Newman , Miss Rachel eston — Wm . AUCTIONEER . Gordon — BARBER John Kerr . — X . . E PRESS American , F Sawtelle , Agt — EB 1 . enness . WCO . FRY URG ATER A bro R J , Supt — E H W. . . GR EN OUSE H Tarbox Son — W. . . . . U A. . , INS RANCE F Lewis , R Tarbox Chas F Haley — UR V Cen ter A . . . LAND S EYOR , P Gordon B — W’ 1000 LI RARY Circulating , oman s Literary Club , vols . , Miss Hannah G . Osgood , Pres .


— J . . n TOWN CLERK A Farri gton . E — TR ASURER Seth F . Heald . —R D COLLECTOR . F . . , Otis N . Gilman .

— Alli r n Mc ste . N STAB L E s . . . Co Otis N Gilma , V H — W R 1 . ROAD COMMISSIONER . F . D . , . S . Fox — 0 . . . W. . SCHOOL COMMITTEE Brown , F A Kenniston , J — E . Farnham . SUPT . Lillian Mason . — F E C. . . BOARD O H ALTH P Hubbard , Sec

— n n Cen tr e G C. . . . CLER YMEN H Sha k , Co g; , C H Shank ,

. W. Cong . J . Card , Christian — C...... PHYSICIANS P Hubbard , E J Noyes , Geo A Allen — 25 1912 J usTI CE s ...... Geo H Moore , Jan , Trial , C K 1910 15 . Chapman , Dec . , E — r W M RCHANTS T ue , alker Heald , general stores ;

w w . n Bro n Moore , hard are; Mrs Nellie Harm on , milli ery ;

W. . . . C Bassett , jewelry and harness ; C K Cha pman , carriages fl and harness , N . T . Fox , grain and our; John A . Fox , gro

cer i s Cen tr e WN r h e . . o t W, True, alker Heald , general store , Chas . ilson , groceries . F —N MANU ACTURERS . T . Fox , lon g lumber and dowels; J .

. W. . A Fox , Shook , Spool stock and long lumber; B Hurd , D .

L e B a r o n P . Lord ( also fire arms) , Herbert , smiths ; J . E .

Cen ter J . . . Thompson , painter . , K P Vance , smith; Bartlett

Sons , Shook , dowels and long lumber .

E B — LIV RY STA LE Seth Hutchins . B — ’ 5 m 00 . W . . E LI RARY o an s Library Club , vols , M

Harmon , Pres .

AssoCI ATI O — — F N s 2d u s . O . . . Masons Delta , Th r ; I O , N l 3d O . 66 st . . Kezar Valley , , Sat . Lake Kezar , Enc . , and HISTORICAL 99

H n M n . . N 4 o . O . 1 0 1 st a nd 3 ; P of , Su cook , , . d . Fri . ; Delta

Of NO 12 l 3 O . 8 st . d . . Chapter rder Eastern Star , , and Tues ; h R N 1 1 N o r t . . O 5 f H . . O . N , G A , Parker , , P . , Kezar Lake, O . 440 .

— a w SUMMER HOTELS F ir View , J . H . Stearns ; Lake Vie ,

WCen tre . . E . ill Farrington , Kezar Lake Hotel , B Brown ,

Prop .


OFF D 4 POST ICE ADDRESS , Harrison , R . F . . , No . , (under stood ) . — W. . . W. . SELECTMEN . D Moulton , M E Perry E Libby

( P . O . Lovell) . —E fi l n e d . TOWN CLERK S . Plummer —W TREASURER . S . Mann . — B N . COLLECTOR AND CONSTA LE . N . Holden

— D E m r 1 W. e ROAD COMMISSIONER Bridgton , R . F . . , , H .

— W. Wm . . SCHOOL COMMITTEE . S . Mann , D Moulton ; C — D . . 1 ...... U E Ring , Bridgton , R F , S PT John B Flint — F M . BOARD O H EALTH . E . Perry , Sec — CLERGYMEN Supplies , Methodist .

F — a MAN U ACTURERS Harry Bisbee, ste m mill and cooper ;

W. Edgar Tower, smith ; O . R . Maxwell , carpenter; infield S

W. . Stevens , builder , door sash and blinds; P Saunders , carriage ironer . — ’ L IBRARIES Congregational Young People s . 100 BUSINESS DIRECTORY


— W19 POSTMASTER Isaac A . alker , first appointed Feb . , 2 186 . —A N . W. . WW. . . SELECTME Emerson , H alker, N Seavey — . W TOWN CLERK Isaac A alker . — TREASURER C. O . Barrows . O —A C LLECTOR . H . Seavey . — B C. W. CONSTA LE Day . — ROAD COMMISSIONER C. E . Seavey . — W H E W. . . . Wa . SC OOL COMMITT E H Farrington , H lker —W SUPT . . N . Seavey .

— A e v F S ave Sec . BOARD O HEALTH . H . — CHURCH Methodist .

H — C. E . MERC ANTS Seavey , grain and groceries ; Ernest

wet e t . J , groceries

M A - F H F . . . S . ANU CTURERS E Guptill , smith ; H arriman ,

steam mill .


Po sTM ASTE R s— Nor th Miss Sadie Kimball; , M . N . Fife;

So uth , Mrs . Emily Hill . — SELECTMEN Hazen Chandler, Charles H . Binford , F . R .

Locke . — TOWN CLERK Chester C . Eastman . — TREASURER John F . Charles . B — O . CONSTA LES Prestin Chandler , sborn Anderson — . W. ROAD COMMISSIONER James M eeks


- V L WAR E L TME T 1861 65. CI I N IS N S

The following are the lists O f soldiers credited to the var ious towns in this volume fo r the war O f 1 861 - 65 a s com piled fro m the records O f the Adj utant General O f Maine for those years . F B RYE URG .

. , O t . Thomas D Cook rville Clough , S ephen F Clough ,

. W Samuel Clough , Lewis C Hobbs , illiam S . Heald , Joseph J W. H . Johnson , illiam H ohnson , Joseph L . Mitchell , Asa S .

M I n ir e . c t . . , Geo H Richardson , Edgar A Stevens , Frank C . B . . . . W. Stevens , Reuben H Small , Benj J Seavey , enj Smith ,

W. W. John . Tibbetts , Geo Thompson , Lewis Brown , J ohn Brown , Henry Battery , Robert Brown , Thomas

McCart Frazier , John Kennedy , Charles Murray , Michael y,

’ McGuire l O Co nnell Simon Muckley , James , Michae , John m W. . R , ROSS , Henry Thompson , C Towle , ichard Bradley A . W. Simeon Evans , illard M Jenkins , Peter Beckley, Albert

Chadburn , Harry G . Norton , Melville Grey , Francis R .

W. WW Parker , Edward ebb , Samuel F . Ballard , illard

Ohn Barker, Thomas D . Cook , Lewis L . Hobbs , Joseph H . J

Wm . M I ntir c e . son , . S Heald , Asa L . , Geo . H Richardson ,

. . . W. Benj G Seavey , Reuben H Small , John P . Stevens , John b N . WW. . W. Ti betts , Dexter alker , Geo ichols , Benj Smith ,

John Ballard , Geo . H . Lord , Ira J . Berry , Sam uel F . Bal il . W. W E . lard , Daniel Charles , illiam Lewis , Chas S Loris ,

w McI ntir r m . W e . W. liam H is ell , Caleb , J , Lewis , Lafayette

J O hn Alexander, John Burk , Richard Conner , Charles Gould , HISTORICAL 103

M . K . c a h Harvey , Geo H arris , Geo Johnson , Frank y, Jo n

’ Ma Guire D n , Joseph Morin , James Murphy , Thos . O o ald ,

, A . uin an Daniel Powers lbert S Palmer , John Q , John Riley , Wm John Ballard , Orville Clough , Richard Bradley , . C .

J n o . Towle , John C . Howe , C . Fellows , Stephen H . Guptill ,

Wa John B . lker , Melville Gray , Richard T . Greenlow , Sam

. . M . cI ntire uel H Harnden , Thos K Holt , Samuel F . , James

. m . . W F Smith , Benj Thompson , James Andrews , Corp . H .

An ain . . e . W H Frye , Corp g Gray , Geo Austin , illard Baker ,

J no . . . . P Barker , Chas H Bran n , Stephen Charles , Sewell

C . Charles , Thos . D . Cook , S . A . Farrington , Seth C . Far

. n . W A . rington , ndrew J Ken iston , Marcus M Smart , J iley m . A . . E Sullivan , Chas Andrew , Al ar Cole, Simeon A vans , l A Geo . . . . WW Hazen Lewis , Jno Stiles , Samuel I sley , ustin ,

. . W. . . Dennen , James T Jenner , Geo Nichols , Jas L Nichols ,

m . . u W. u . . Marc s M Smart , Job L Sanborn , Levi B tters , M

n W. . Jenki s , ebster Barker , Frank C Charles , Moses L

. . n . . Charles , Jas . B Cole , Sam l C Holde , Jos G Holt , Simeon

H P . . C . owe , atrick Lawless , Francis A Long , Sidney G Wm . . A , , Morton , B Morton , lbion Richardson Daniel Smith ’ f J r . . . w . , A . , A , I F Sno , Sam l C Stanley l red E Thomas lden

J r . W. . . WJ O S . B . alker , iley , Sam l R Crocker, Jas M Howe , , m W W. . . W Richard Bradley, Stephen J iley, T Smart , alter

Charles , H . A . Chadbourne , Ste phen Chandler , A . J . East

J n . J r . . . o . . J O S . man Jas . Eaton Frye , , G A Hall , L Hill , E , ,

McI n W...... A , B Hobbs , H P Lewis , Chas H Lovis Joshua F Mcl n tir e . . . tire , Oliver G . , Benj G Seavey , Abiel Smith ,

WW. . W no . W. J E , Tibbetts , iley alker , Jas ebster Henry E d w . W. Andrews , Jno . Ballard , Geo . H . Lord , Ira J . Berry , 1 WAR N 04 CIVIL E LISTMENTS

’ l M I n ir C eto n c t e O . W. S . . ebb , Sam l F Ballard ; , J Heath , H A

r W d 0 . Cha bourn , J . , Ela ebster , H . Frost , Abner A . Cole . The following Fryeburg men served in the ranks O f other

Wis is : W. W. states Joh n Andrews , ; Seth Eastman , Jno L .

n N H 0 r M E ma . . t . J u a a ast . o . . G SS . , ; Hason Fros , Mich ; C y, ; ’ H Daniel B . Grey , do . ; Sam l E . Gordon , N . . ; Augustus Lord ,

. . , . E . . O . Mass ; Chas Lord do ; noch Lord , do ; Chas sgood , do ; I W. . . W Reuben Shirley , do ; Jno Towle, R . . ; Isaac alker , do . ; R . e d O Chas . Mansfield , U . S g ; Geo . Richardson , . ; Jnoa . H . . W. . W . . . O ebster, Navy; Geo Cook , Mass rland Day , N ; E m J . . . WW . W Pickering , do ohn H iley and iley , Mass


. W Geo . Andrews , Harris Dresser , Henry A . Evans , Cal vin G . Gordon , Chas . E . Harmond , L . B . Hatch , Calvin

m . W. . . . Heald , P Kennerson , Francis J Lord , R C Stevens , h . W. . . . A Stearns , C as E Stearns , James C Stearns , Joseph

J r . es E . Stearns , Daniel Smart , , John B . Pr cott , Silas H . t S earns , Albion Stearns , Edward Sheehan , Patrick B ane , m 0. . W. John Patterson , Brooks , Marcellus L Stearns ,

J . . W. Hiram Allen , B Irish , Leroy Pray , James Corson ,

. W. Benj Andrews , Daniel E . Charles , Chas . E . Harmon , l ll . W. . a er e C Marcus M Smart , Barnet Sawyer , Geo . E , Sam i E . . L bbeus uel Gilman , lias B Gilman , John F Hammonds , Wm . . . W. . B Hatch , G Martin , Austin Stearns , John B Pres

u cott , Silas H . Stearns , Albion Stearns , Calvin Heald , Cyr s m W. . . W. A Barrows , James Courson , H Herriman , Frank


n Wm , . E o Moses Charles Asa Eastma , astman, Alonz

McKeen McKeen Elliott , Jedediah Grover , Ripley , Robert ,

Jos . L . Parker , R . H . Stearns , Isaiah Varney . All in Penn .

Regiments .

E SWED N . m J r . A . . ndrew L Hall , Andrew Libby , , John F PlumWer , . W. . W. . . W John L iley , James O oodm an , Geo F ilson , H

Wn h Gordon , Henry S . Farrington , . H . Gordo , Jos ua G .

l . Ge o . . E . . H amlin , Ca vin G Gordon , M vans , Geo H Max

. W. well , Geo Kimball , Alvin Pike, Charles Carlson , h W . A Jos ua R Taylor , Royal Johnson , aron arboys , Lewis

Young, J oshu a C . Hamlin , Thos . T . Maxwell , Chas . A . Ellis ,

m . . . a n Geo . . W. . . B Hill , L C Hill , H C F rringto , N Evans ,

l m R Kn el n m . e a d W. W. . Farrington , Laban H Hil , , Streeter

m. n a . W. W. W A , K ight , lvin Pike , Nath n B ebb Benj Nevers ,

W. W . . W H Nevers , Geo oodbury , Robinson oodbury , Gran B ’ ville . Jordan , Joseph Richardson , Sam l E . Evans , David

. . W. C Saunders , Byron BracketWt , Thos Kneeland , Alonzo J . W. E , . , Nevers , Wlias Pike Francis Stuart alter O Stewart , h . . . a W. . C as P hitehouse , Chas Brown , Ch s . Flint , Geo D . ’ E . . t Perry , dwin Q Charles , Marshall F Flint , Sam l Hazel ine Wm m . . . . W. David Kilborn , H Kilborn , B B Kimball , Kim m W. . , , . E . R . ball , M Nevers Gilman Pike Thos idlon , Chas n J . W. H Milliken , Calvin Kneela d , ohn Blake, Jacob Chap B lin , J . G . Maxwell , Fred aker . The following Sweden soldiers served in quotas O f other : H states Edwin Brackett , N . . ; Geo . M . Chute and H orace m r H os a . H . , Mass HISTORICAL 107 O ST W .

. . W Albert Chadbourne, Simeon P Knox , Daniel E hitney , f . . W James A Co fin , Simeon P Knox , Francis J . Lord , infield

. . W S Potter , David WJ hitney , James H . Gile , Joseph L . . Ah Mitchell , Jacob R iswell , Herbert Smith , Edmond M .

McAllist r m e a . J W. bott , Gardner , Ch s Mitchell , . Chandler ,

m . J no Ar nd al W. . . u Johnson , Selo F Charles , C Eastman ,

m . B a r naber W. , H Clapp , Jas . H . Gill , James Emerson W , T . , J , homas M Johnson allace Gilman , David ohnson

m McKeen Frank Drew , Moses D . E ery , James , Monroe

J r . . W. . W Quint , Eli hitney , , G B iley , Elden B Andrews ,

Chas . Cotton , Augustus Harvey , Solomon Johnson , Calvin

Meader , Alden Charles . The following Stowe soldiers served in quotas of other

J O S . states : Nelson Abbott , Sylvester Abbott , Penn . ; . C WH t . . . V . . W. Wa Hardy , Mass . ; Chas llace , ; Caleb G iley , N ;

. W. Chas . A hiting , Mass

C e n s u s -190 7

O f O f The population the towns Fryeburg , Lovell , Sweden w h m h Sto and Chat a has been arranged in families , w ere that n f t . arrangemen h as bee possible In these amilies , in addi O f tion to the resident living members , the names the non resident members are included . It should be borne in mind that this pl a n does not include the n ames O f all former resi

O f a s n O f - dents this town , the ames the non residents appear only whe n one or both O f the parents are still living in the O f - l f n town . After the name each non resident wi l be ou d d d ha . the present ad ress , when such a dress s been given to us Non - residents are in dicated by the Wf hen a daughter in a amily has m arried , her name taken in marriage appears after her given name in p a r enthe a : sis , the n ame preceded by sm all m , thus (m f Following the names O the po pulation is the occupations . To d esig n ate these we have used the more comm on a bbr e via tion s f l : —far and contractions , as o lows Farmer ; car en ter — — R u p car ; railroad service R ser ; st dent , a mem ber O f u o f a — st d an advanced instit tion le rning ; pu pil , a member O f a lower g rade O f schools (i ncluding all who h ave reached — — — the age O f five years ) pl ; housework ho ; laborer lab; — — physician and surgeon phy sur ; clergy man cler g ; mer — — — — Chant mer; teacher tr ; blacksmith blk ; clerk cl ; book — — keeper bk k p r ; lawyer law ; mechanic m ech ; m achinist — — — wk r — Wk m ach ; engineer e ng ; m aker mk r ; worker ; work ; Sh oe shop Operative S S O p ; cotton or woolen mill o per ativ es — — — — mill op; weaver we a v ; spinner spin; electrici a n else; — — — painter ptr ; carriage work car wk ; dress maker dr m k r ; — insurance ins ; traveli ng salesman or commerci a l traveler , — a — a sales , or coml trav ; music te cher mus tr; te mster team — — — ge ner a l wo r k ge nl wk ; mariner m ar ; employ emp ; retired — — retd ; telephone operative tel O p ; telegraph Operative

teleg op . This Census was taken expressly for this work d u r ing the ’ - WO f 190 f . 6 7 o inter , by Rev . B . V . Da vis , Kent s Hill , Me Census O f Fr yebu r g

- W F e NOTE here no post Office address is given ry bu rg is understood . Other Offices are abbreviated thus : Frye bu rg

— — N O Center Ctr; North Fryeburg ; North Fryeburg R . F . D . — 1 — W— L 1 N O . W O V v l ; est Fryeburg est; Lovell ; Lo e l R . F . D . — 1 1 1 - E E r . . n 1 r Lov ; East Brownfield R F D . ; F yeburg

—B r Harbor a .

A Chas A *Martha E ( m Turner fa r Abbott , Edwin D Ctr 7 Silver , Quincy , Mass E A ( h O * lizabeth Harnden Philip E sur veyor Wfa r Abbott , ebster NO Effi n gham Falls , N H M lli t r hO Anna ( cA s e Stephen I blk hO Lucinda ( m Eastm an a Adams , Hor ce G retd HI Go ldthwaith Georgia ( G hO Adams , Maria E ( ordon * Abbott , Ch as G far Ctr H a ttie G ( H) Baker ho hO Abbott , Eliza Ctr Wn nt s i throp Ce er , Mas Abbott , Geo lab Josephi ne G tr hO Dora ( Booth a Allard , Sar h J ( Osgood ho Ray M pl W A d e n rson , A stone cut Ctr Merle G pl Lelia A ( I n Farri ngton ho a Abbott , Susan E (E stman H fa r NO Andrews , L blk * Alice E ( m Lock ho Amelia (Heald hO 25 rt n d Crescent , Po la Edith M ( m Buzzell ho Harriet L tr * Lan don F pl Mary ( m Potter g fa r Andrews , Chas H Conway , N H Catherine E tr Abbie S (To wle hO 4 FRYE BURG “ Ethel L Chas N sales w 8 1 f Andre s , Henry far lumb Ox ord , Portland Lillian M ( Heath ho Alice A Chas H far lumb * Ray E lab * W Mary ( m Stevens ho East Conway, N H WB s W est Baldwin allard , Su an ( Frye est Calis ta E stu Eckley Register O f Deeds D W* Andrews , ean M far est Melville Wtr Mary H ( Emery ho ashington , D C * Joseph P far John A phy sur NO b Arbo , Thomas team Gales urg , Ill n Whv Atki son , L p sur Dean A far far Isabelle ( Snow ho Ballard , Horace B Leona B stu Lelia B ( Dougl ass ho Rachel pl Geo E Muriel pl AWgnes B KennetWh K pl illiam M Roger Jackson H Myrtle M Doris A Olive E

Baker , Sarah E (Johnson Ctr Frank F Elmer E far In fant E O f Edith ho Ballard , ckley Reg Deeds C Evere tt lab Horace B far r thar d Bake , Elmer E far Ctr Angie S (Sou Susan T (Je wett ho Abbie E stu Wstu Ballard , Dean A far est M Aimee * W Fannie ( m ebster ho C Blanch pl E asWt Conway , N H Barker , Frank far Ctr Emma ( m alker ho Hattie G (In Gray ho Louise E stu Leila M (Davis ho * WW Ida B pl James elec inthrop Raymond E pl Eunice M ( m Benson ho


* Wfa r WH aldo M Lov ilhelmina H ( m arnden * A 60 * J Buckman , Edwin L car r B rn 1 54 . fa B er r , H E y V mer Main , Andover , Mass Lottie H ( H a pgood ho Ernest J fa r * * Lula M ( m M arch h O Josie H ( m Johnson ho 4 5 b r P n Ro e t , ortla d Bartlett * Wl f S O SO i liam H proo reader Jessie S s p Paris f d Bick or , Mattie ( Owen ho Brown , Perley S quarrym an Wl a b WhO Geo Lizzie J ( arren f 0 Bick ord , Harriet F ( Charles Brown , L car N Zenn a M cl Em ma J (Howard ho B f E fa r ( m in ord , P millWm an Bertha E Howe ho E B r n 1 est Brown , Ernest J far e W Martha S (M ader ho Maria (Lord ho * Viola M pl Evelyn A ( m Stone Lov Leah M pl E Leroy pl M B W Blake , ary A ( emis Har Shirley pl fa r a x mk r W Booth , Geo F illiam L pl far W Sarah J ( Ela ho Bryant , Lorenzo est Abbie P ( m Nicholson ho Lillia M ( Harnden ho Susan M ( m Gilman h o * Dora N ( m Staley ho Sylvia J ( m Gatfne r ho Bridgton

Booth , Benj F lab Phil pl E fa r Brackett , dward J Carrol E pl Isabella (Colby hO Ruth D pl fa r B W Bradley , D A lu mb Ctr ryant , Mary A ( True est * A ( C fa r Georgia Day ho H Freedom , N H * i E fa r Bradley , M nnie ho phraim F E hO Bradley , lmira ( Blake Conway Center , N H * Annie C hO Eliza J ( m Bin ford ho M hO Briggs , ary E Lov Chatham , N H fa r Brown , Betsy B ( Smith h o E Brn 1 fa r m Addie M ( Libby ho Chatham , N H CENSUS

far Brickett , Russell C Ctr Ollie A stenog Emm a S ( Rollins ho Altie F hO M N O Bumpus , Ida h o Vesta V stu Wfar Burbank , E Vera C stu *Fannie E ( m Gile ho G Clifton stu f r Jackson N H Carlton , Daniel D a NO * Henry B fa r F r a ncen a ( Durgin 1 a J O S fa r B r n 1 R F D Herley , Ch dburn , E r Tu ner Co , South Dak Mary A ( Clemons hO A a far Mary (Buchan n ho Chadburn , Rev B C fa r B r n 1 Buzzell , Benj F E Menoto my Ori n C car Laura M ( Harmon hO Nellie M (m Cole ho * J O hn d F fireman Chan ler , Maria L ( Ames Ctr far Boston , Mass Chandler , Chas D Lov d N O WW e E Buzz ll , Emily (Kneelan mma ( iley ho Stephen C team Mary G pl NO Buzzell , Joseph Wlab Doris Buzzell , Ruth J ( iley Ctr Chas D far NO Ellsworth C Chandler , J retd car far * WS weetsir hO hO Esther ( m Lillia M (Thurston Z W Dorchester , Mass ach car Susan T ( m Frazer ho John J lab

Buzzell , E C far selectman Agnes M ho NO Ctr Charles , Stephen hO a wk s Edith M ( Andrews fore , gr nite marble Frances G WLaura E (Hill ho James C ellington 0 Charles , Dexter H far N Olive (Brickett hO Harry B Wpl Cameron , Geo R car Charles , Olive A (Charles est Catherine (Co q uho nn ho Edwin R far Etta B tr Anson P far 8 FRYEBURG

Wfa r illie N Nellie B ( m Bemis ho far N O Charles , Anson P Thurman far

Alice M (Farrington h o Charles , Alice A ( Dresser No * fa r W A Charles , sa est Riley F m ach t 3 Margaret (Abbo t h o Lindon , Alton , Mass * M Ella ( m Sand s ho Roland far 1 1 1 Bartlett , Romanus far N O Charlestown , Mass Charles , Simeon far fa r W Asa F Rebecca E ( oodman h o * W Isaac truckm an oodman far * W O Atlantic Ave , Boston , Mass rlando phy sur * t Parker N eam Bryantville , Mass * 5 a m Decatur Court , Sar h I ( Guptill Stow * W Charlestown , Mass alton E far Sweden * * Preston L fa r Lov Owen C lab hO Fannie ( m Ridlon Hyde Park , Mass * Jennie E ( m J effe r so n hO Mary E ( m Heald h o i * Intervale, N H Lillian R ( m Charles ho * hO Martha ( m Abbott North Chatham , N H J Wa NO ackson , N H Charles , oodm n far fa r W Charles , Asa F est Gertrude E ( Bird ho Mary J ( Morrison ho *Iva B ( m Fox ho Lov * Berth a B pl Myrtle I ( m J ewett Marion M pl Bridgton Wh r Charles , Parke N pl est Charles , L B car paper g fa r Charles , Leon D Ctr Ona ( Drew ho E dith D (Farrington Charles , Martha (Brickett ho a W f h O Charles , Thom s mer Harriet F ( m Bick ord Cora M (Russell ho Kate E ( m Mark ho Charles , Ethelinda D ( Bemis Charles , NorWm an mer P M Harbor Esther ( alker ho fa r NO W Charles , Roland Lucy (Wm Hodsdon h o Em m a (Gordon ho Chase , Mary ho WhO Nora ( m ebb Clark , Louisa M (Seavey Ctr


Lillian F (McTire Ernestine L ho m W ( Al a C Eastman , Alice H alkeWr ho Amos S est NO Drew , Osgood far Owen C express * Mary E s S op Norway Henry B fa r hO W Vina G (m Flint irt B far t Wa f a r 0 Drew , P C re d Eaton , illi m H N F r an cen a Durgin , (Small ho Mary E (Haskell ho * W Frank law Ela , ebster D lab 7 f st u 7 Greenlea , Malden , Mass Bertha M u Wu D rgin , illiam retd Arth r hostler Julia ( m Pendexter ho Wl h Silvia E ( m i ley O w Ela , Ed ard G lab fa r Eastman , Frank C Ctr Florence L (Grover h o Kate B (Carter ho Ly man E pl M Eva pl Ela , James D lab A C Rebecca ( Richard son ho

Eastman , Susan F Chas lab * (Farrington Ctr Maria ( 111 Morrill hO * Frank C far Malinda (m Rogers B r n * tr O Eastman , John L p live ( m Richardson

Eastm an , Owen C express Maynard , Mass Charlotte E (Andrews hO Lucinda ( m Kr esmo ni hO W* Wl Eastman , James mer i liam C team

Ina C ( Sawtelle ho Maynard , Mass T Clifford pl * Ab bie ( m SaWnborn h o Harold F est Baldwin *E N Robert D L l ab Conway, H E fa r Howard C stu ast man , Ashley P Ctr E Blanch L ( Day ho merson , Martha C ( Hobbs WLena G asst P M Eastman , F L est fa r Emerson , James Ctr fa r blk wk r * , wood Charlotte ( m Binford h o

Frances A (Clark ho Chath am , N H CENSUS 11

James V cont bldr *Edward S car Lov E * m merson , J V cont bldr Ctr Ida M ( Charles Lov hO t A Kate B ( Hutchins Farring on , nnie S (SticWkney Chas R pl ho P M est * E In m L O V mery , Mary J ( Thompson Jennie S ( E ery * W Lov 1 Minnie F ( m oodward *W esley C painter East Conway , N H Wf r W a 3 Morrill Ave , aterville illis M Wfa r W fa r NO Emery , C E Farrington , M est Ora N (Stevens ho Lulu (McI ntire ho

Bertrand lab Farrington , Mary E Chas E Jr lab (Littlehale NO Roy C pl Fred C R R ser Martha A pl Alice M ( m Ch arles ho F Wfa r v A arrington , C car E ans , H prop Evans Cottage Ctr Huldah F ( Heath ho Lelia A ( Anderson ho *Francis E elec cond Edith F (m CharleWs ho 1 2 Wt A A Farrington , Nellie ( alker es Pen ve , Phil , Pa *Alice M nurse Raymond H pl A fa r Fessenden , A car Boston , Mass * W hO Virginia Mary A ( Babb * ( m Purington Harry express man 3 2 Wf Lincoln , ood ords South Easton , Mass * W Roby M tr O f chemistry infield B lab

Fessenden , Eben stone wk Meridan , N H n fa r u Sarah A ( Nason hO Eva s , Samuel l mb *Jennie P ( m Fairbanks Evans , Susan S tr Wt E M in hrop vans , ary D ho W f Fi e , Seth law mer Eliza G (Farrington ho * Fred B CI o f Sec O f State A 70 Au usta Farrington , S far Lov Grove , g Wt F ifield Anna ( Basse t ho , Albert tel mgr 12 FRYEBURG

Mary E (Swan hO Hattie L ( Goodrich * Flint , Vina G ( Drew ho NO Sadie E ( m Smith Sadie E tr W James O stu Charlie

Robert L pl Gale , Eliot N fa r N O Forest , J A Abbie ( Moody * E tfie A ( m Berry Sweden Katherine E h W E C as far Gam mon , illiam Lottie M pl Myrtle M (Thomas Arthur S pl Reginald S Addie E pl Pearle B m t Fraser , A T far tea Ctr Infan Susan T ( Buzzell ho NO Giles , Chas P mer Kenneth G Helen J ( Fernald ho * Freem an , H G printer pub Leon 0 ins 2 2 Percy F pl 0 A Highland Ave ,

Alice M (Newcomb ho Somerville, Mass Wm W Freeman , stone cut Glines , Anna S ( Rand ho E ( rn A Frye , Mary Tho s P M lice B tr Da L Frye , Marth a A ( y Ctr Ruth millinery F a ranklin , Freem n far Goldthwaite , F G far Ctr Irene (Cotton ho Georgia ( Abbott ho * WY 0 Geo New ork Goldthwaite , James far pl u mber steam fitter Eldora (Pillsbury ho Wfar Alice ho John Rich pl Frank G far B hO t Wfa r Furbish , Emily O ( uzzell Goldthwai e , John Olive C ( Knox hO

Goodnow , Chas F far Gertrude B (Stone ho f Gafi ner , Richard C Ruth S h o Sylvia J (Booth Chas F Jr pl t Ctr Ruth C Goodrich , Everet lab W1 L o uisa B far Gain , P Lov Gordon , Ctr


M Haley, C F artha

ins , pianos organs Holmes Alice M correspondent Margaret W1 Chas E pl Hall , J far Lov fa r Haley , Fred E car Nettie A (Seavey h o Belle F (Nutter ho Evie M pl Jennie B pl Mary NWpl Marion B pl Alonzo pl Abbie F pl Gela A pl Edith L pl Ur bane S pl Carrol H J onathan M Wpl Clarence E Hall , Edward E lab est f r a hO Haley , Almon a Sus n ( Tower Mattie (Bickford ho Mildred F

Grace E ( m Bean ho Hamm ond , Emma J (Yeaton * Gertrude L ( m Bean hO N O * e wett Bradley , Saco Florian L ( m J ho Frank C fa r Stow * Wa Dan a lab innifred S ( m H nscom h Fred E lab WWC atham , N H Raymond lab esley lab tr Leon lab Hammons , Geo T p Clifford R pl Addie R (Reed ho * Haley , Frank C far Ctr Lona A ( m Harriman ho

Em ma E (Towle ho tr East Milton , Mass Dorothy T Alice E ( m Grayson Who Haley , Dana Haney , Elmer J pl est

Blanch E (Hayes Hanscom , Herbert mech Georgia R E mma B ( Guptill hO J a Wfa r H all , Fr nklin far Har Hanscom , S Wblk Mary E (Seavey h o est Arthur G lab Ellen F (McKeene ho * WhO Thomas S lab Ida M ( m hitney Elizabeth pl Bridgton CENSUS 15

Arthur L far Bertha M tr

Edward E far Harriman , Erastus B far NO

Hanson , Christian coachman Carrie ( Shaw ho Mrs Hanson Earle G pl Maud pl Louise pl

Mabel pl Harriman , John F mech l Hazel p fa r Meno to m WHarriman , J F y illiam pl Ella M (Bemis ho d h far W Har y , Step en G ilbert F pl a W mfr M ry E ( alker Who Harriman , E E extract R Hardy , James H far est Mary (Grover hO Alwild a M (Alley ho Harris , Chas E dentist * W Nellie A ( m ebster ho Callie M (Mansfield ho E d w South Natic , Mass Hastings , ard E law Wfar WW alter J Jennie ( arren ho d far W Har y , N R Hugh stu Emily ( Charles hO Mary E stu fa r hO Harnden , Elmer A Hastings , Mary J ( Ellis Abbie M (Hibbard ho Alice ho * Myrtle L ( m Swan Edward E l a wyer 18 Baker Road , Everett , Mass Hastings , May ho f r B r n 1 i a , a E H L beus H rnden H D atch , B car Elizabeth A ( Abbott ho P Marilla (Mc Da niels hO * * Evelyn L mus tr Cora E ( m Stillins ho 623 A , Mass ve , Boston , Mass Bartlett N H * Calvin A fa r Viola M ( m McAllister ho d fa r E Br n 1 901 Harn en , L S Cong ress , Portland * WB hO C ilhelmina H ( rown S architect Proctor , Vt * E t hO C k r va M ( m Po ter A bk p Proctor , Vt * Lula M ho Ada A ( m Hutchins hO 3 0 W McK a 7 H arnden , Ada M ( y ho North arren Ave , E B rn 1 Brockton , Mass m fa r Harriman , S H mill lu b Heald , James H Har Syre na C ( McDa niels ho Lydia E (McAllister hO 16 FRYEBURG

NO Heald , Calvin S mech Edwin F Ma ry E ( Charles ho Hulda Herm an C pl James Hartley R pl Lillian M 1 W Hurd , H far blk Lov Hodsdon , H Jennie E ( Dearborn ho Wundertaker cl Archie H pl Lucy ( Charles ho

Hewett , John H druggist Helen C pl h h W Louise C (Curling O C arlotte pl far W Hill , David B est Arthur N pl * W Geo H far mail car Grant pl far Chatham , N H Holt , Fred A Ctr * Emm a ( mWGordon hO Estelle S (McI ntir e ho hitefield , N H Harry M pl * h Lettie G ( m Boutwell O Holt , Thomas K far Ctr O r N O xford Howa d , Geo A Caroline B ho wholesale butcher *Mary E ( m Murch C MabWel (Johnson ho Sanbornville, N H Howard , illiam H far Ctr * Rilla S dr mk r Florence M (Day ho

Sanbornville, N H Grace F (m Quincy ho Mary A (Mur kl an d ho Gertrude E music stu

Hill , Alice M cl Ethel M pl Wf r a 0 Hill , illiam M N Howe , Mary S E velyn E (Nason ho millinery fancy goods h r tr Hill , Frank A far Ctr Howe , R S paper g p Alice M (McI ntir e ho Alice J ( Bennett ho Caroline E Bernard R pl

Infant Howe , Angelina L tr

Hobbs , Lyman K far Ctr Howe , Chas H team Mary S (Stanto n hO Bertha E (Brown ho Z Hobbs , Bertha (Kimball ho Hazel pl * Isaac far Lov Chas L pl Frances E ( m Farrington Dorothy


*Alice J ( m Monroe ho Virgil H far t WE va m u Sou h eymouth , Mass M ( H tchins ho J J fa r Byron K car ohnson , J blk Lov 1 * E fa r P Chatham , N H I Lilla D ( Booth ho *Lizzie J ( m Chase ho Wm Jackson , G musician Conway , N H Wb Florence M ( icks ho E en J far e nness J , A R Tena R ho O f Wfar , supt Sec Johnson , Frank lab Har CO & ater Power Elect Plant Jones , Percy E far Ctr

Johnson , Daniel J car blk Eva M ( Heald ho Sarah E (Stanton hO Erlon P m far W Johnson , Levi P lab Jones , Ja es A est Wh Mary J ( Ela ho Harriet O ( iley O * Johnson , Chas B car Marion E ( m Chandler Wf Martha A (Bean ho Jones , E ore corn Shop NO * WB r n l h W O esley mail car Dora M (Lowel n fa r Johnso , Lydia K ( Parker Percy E Levi P lab L eR oy L pl fa r N O Johnson , Virgil H S o p r o nia B (Kimball ho Adeline H ho

Byron pl Keefe , Richard Earle H pl Myrtle M (Gray Dona-1d pl Myron

Dorothy pl Keefe , Michael sec fore Caroline pl Ellen J (McCallio n ho Lillian pl *Joh n Wmotorman elec Eleanor estbrook , Mass * fa r d Johnson , Ira NO James hotel cl Bid eford * W Melissa J (Merrill ho illiam J turner * Lillian J (m Pride ho Conway Corner , N H Wfishma n E aterford Richard CENSUS W1 9 Maggie A teleg Harold

Keith , Ellen A (Goldsmith h o Kimball , Chas S butcher Emma A ( m L ittlefield ho Cora (Guptill hO * l Gertrude L ( m Hoyt ho Kimball , Clarence L ab Ctr e n N E Madison Kn ela d , Allison lab O * P fa r n Wfa r E car , millman K ight , Elmer Lov 1 va Conway, N H Knox , Sil nus B far Ws alWter R t u Frank H fa r l Kelley , illia m livery Olive L (m Go dthwaite fa r E r n 1 Kennison , F M E Etta C ( Abbott ho *Edith S ( m Kennison ho d Bri gton Ladd , Chas T mer Iza H ( m Douglass ho Sarah F (Kimball ho

Margaret L pl Leavitt , Geo D stone cut Wa a Wa Fr nces G pl Leavitt , illi m S gr in dlr W* Kennison , Eugene lab Blanch D ( m Seavey ho Abbie M ( Pendexter ho Stow w Kerr , Ne ton lab Charlotte S h o A hO Kerr , John S barber Nellie ( Farrington L ittlefield d fa r Bertha M ( Lancaster ho , Fre L Jennie B (m Kimball hO Emma A (Keith h O n Newton stu barber Locklin . Flore ce pl Ctr

Sumner M stu Longee , Arthur J phy sur Wl illie S p Lucia (Morrill ho ’ Wm B r n 1 J O hn W E pl Lord , B butcher Eleanor Linda L (AlleWn hO K resma n tr & a er h r E , J M p p p g Lord , ldora C ( arren ho Lu cinda M ( Ela ho E Br u 1 Wt Lester J lab BWessie S ( m i ham ho Martha R h O illiam B butcher Wfa r B r n 1 E Samanth a L pl Lord , Henry James H pl Georgia A (Bennett ho Beatrice M H Milton far 20 FRYEBURG

* Gladys P ( m Brooks Br u Kate B Henry K M Orville E Leona B N O McI ntire E B rn 1 Mabery , Ervin g phy sur , T S far * * Erving E medic a l stu H E R R ser Hartford Portland Estelle S ( m Holt hO i fa r Br n 1 Jennie M (Seavey ho Mc ntire , Amos A E M WW A ansfield , bbie ho est Hulda ( m arren ho * Nel lie ( m Meserve hO Denmark In Jackson , N H Lillian ( Douglass ho * McI n tire Ed Hattie ( m Thayer Saco , ward Ctr *Josie A ( m Dinsmore ho CaWroline C (Barker ho Jackson , N H J blk l f r W Wa E Mansfie d , L est dward F millman * Mary F ( m B utter field Alice M ( m Hill ho M Ke n Wf r c e a W Bridgton , Harold est W hO Olive (Charles ho Edith ( Lang WH E Mansfield , alter Chas fore car r age shop Harry B M Ke n W c e Mary E (Keith hO , B alker far Everett K pl Jennie HW(Lovej oy hO Gertrude pl HaroWld fa r a k r E Mark , Fr nk L bk p llis stu M K n W hO c ee Kate E (Charles , Nancy ho Wf r a Mason , Chas B alker f W McKeen fa r 1 In ormation withheld , A Lov McDo n a ld E m , Noah g ardener Vesta ( erson ho * Mary F ( Ridlo n ho Leslie E mgr Valve McI n tire Ww ffi I d r a n , J aldo blk Scre O ce , Orchard hO Annie H (Chandler Springfield , Mass McI ntire E McKeen , F lumb mill op , Clarence A mach Carrie L ( Locklin ho Carrie B ( E vans ho Marjorie M pl M argaret A stu


Clarence Maria A (Blake ho McNeil Osgood , Chas C Perkins , Isadora ( ho * Osgood , Clarence H Mabel ( m Minnie P ( Pike Bryants Pond * W Earl P illiam mach m Clayton P Sale , Mass * Wd l O S en el H Sidney s p Salem , Mass * Abi ail P Osgood , g ( Plummer H arry mill op Wfa r l r Wo fbo o Orrin , N H far far ff Clarence H Philips , J F dep Sheri *Alice M ( m Bennett *Henry C N H 4 84 Fa r Box , River Falls , Miss supt County * WB r n 1 Wfa r Osgood , Orrin far E A Alexander , N H * Wl H fa r Sarah C ( a ker ho L Alexander , N H * Carroll M stu Lou B ( m Hall ho

Howard C pl Reading , Mass Sarah A (FWerrin ho Pike , Cassius lumb far * W Clayton elec 1213 Page , Abbie ho Rose , Phila , Pa A A ( Page, Seth hardware mer Lillian Powers ho Wh Ann a ( alker O Asa O stu Clara E hO tel cl Charlotte K stu Edwin S C$ Lillian A MWpl Page , Blanch ( Spring ho Catherine pl far B rn 1 Eleanor S pl Pike , John J E W* W Bertha John con bldr d a Pen exter , Harry Mayl n , Pa Ralph H *Hannah H (m Howe h o 3 85 Pendexter , Herbert N Main , Natick , Mass * Miranda P ( m Severen ce J 23 ulia ( Ela CWanal , Lowell , Mass Alvira Enoch far Wm Pendexter , illia H Minnie P ( m Osgood ho N WCE SUS 23 1 W Pike, Enoch WWfar East Chas Elizabeth ( iley ho far 1 WPray , James E Lov Leona Sarah I (Seavey ho McKeen A Pillsbury , Mary F ( nnie E ho * m Nellie ( Dr . P . Harriman Marjorie L pl 290 a Summer , Lynn , M ss Frank H pl NO Pinkham , M L far Myrtis A pl * Wi l w Etta A ( m sse l Sto NO Fryeburg P O Wf r Selden a * W Emma J ( m hitaker ho f Quincy , N H a r E B r n 1 Berwick Joanna S (Fernald ho Wfa r * alter L Chas H plumber n Wfa r Pinkham , Selde NO L O S Angeles , Cal Alice I (Barrows hO * W Addie S (m eeks N H Ivers 0 pl *H E M Ins verett , Mass Edna M pl H J far Quincy , Ctr Gladys V pl Grace F ( Howard ho Geo H pl Florence L Wm W Pitman , J far est RalphWE pl Merle pl far B rn 1 Louise J pl Richardson , Samuel Harold A pl Laura E (Nutter ho Wm Post , illia WAbbie P pl Information withheld arren Q pl fa r E E r n 1 Potter , Ellis F Grace M pl Eva M (Harnden hO Alice E pl tr Potter , Chas H p J Sidney E hO Lenora ( Pickering Richardson , Amy L John B pl ( Richardson B rn 1 far B ru 1 Hattie M pl Richardson , John E Harold L pl *Fannie R ( m Smith ho Clarence A Denm a rk 24 FRYEBURG

* Rosanna ( m L ittlefield Amelia D (Thompson hO * East Madison , N H Frank M far Denmark far W Samuel alter L far * WhO B ru 1 Caroline A ( m illie Sanborn , Roy C stu E Wb f B r n 1 ar est rook Sands , Amaziah * Annie L ( m Samson Hubert 0 l ab * E fa r Norway L Salem , Mass * n fa r Mary E (Lo g ho Roy C Salem , Mass * a hO Ridlon , Thom s P cooper Mabel Salem , Mass * r n Sa nbo n ville Sa ah A (Lockli ho Susie , N H * h O W Bertha G illard lab Salem , Mass E J * rnest stu Maurice lab Salem , Mass P reston R pl Margaret ( Stanford hO A lbert F Sargent , Kate V ( Bemis ho hO Ridlon , Mary F ( Locklin Linnie M tr Frank A lab W Reed pl Wfa r Robbins , illiam John E pl Abbie S ( Smith hO W Sargent , Seth far Ctr 0 Cleveland pl Martha B (Bemis ho Hulda I pl Edwin E pl fa r Rogers , Addison F Ruth E pl * FranWk Brownfield Helen M pl Leon pl Erm a. A Flora C ( Leavitt ho E Sawtelle , Frank sta agt Muriel G a WhO M rtha (Benson Intervale Road *F W M n r road m ast C R R Rolli s , John F fa Ctr 1 3 Hannah M (Chesley ho Davis , Bang or Perley E fa r Ina C ( m Eastman ho Susie ho H a O d Sawyer , Mary J ( n

Russell , Cora M (Greenlaw h o E B r n 1 Harold L cl 1 Sawyer , C C far lumb Lov fa r B r n 1 S Seavey , Benj G E Mary A ( McI ntir e ho A far E r n 1 Sanborn , bel F E Anna I ( m Kennison ho


* f N M E ar Tamworth , H Mary S (m Hobbs h o

Pert E far Stearns , Caroline F (Morton fa r W a fa r Smith , Sil s A est Stearns , John P Lizzie M ( Pitman hO E thel pl Chas P John pl Albert L Lucy E pl l ab N O Clarence O Stevens , John WF h W A O Smith , lbert L far est Stevens , Sarah ( ife est * Eva M ( Drew Who Floyd bk k pr Baldwin Smith , Chas PWfar est Chas lab Johanna ( halen ho Frank lineman l a b W Norm an L Stevens , Chas est fa r Smith , Frank B Floyd H S usa n ah hO cler D (Abbott Stone , B N g fa r Wt h m O S ith , Clarence O es Emily (Farrington A * lta L (Charles ho Clarence N Boston , Mass n w C l a b S o , stu in Inst Technology Str a lneck far Georgia M (Adjutant ho , Martin N O b Suteliffe Al ert H lab , James H j anitor Geo E lab Jennie (Taylor h o NO Mabel S Swan , Olive ho f W t Roy A Swi , arren H lab Ctr Carrol I Alfred G John t W Everet F Tarbox , R Perley C fire Ins harness bus Wf Springer , il red R pl Mary E (Reardon ho fa r 1 Wm E Stanley , Chas Lov Tarbox , H greenhouse G Wk h race E ( Evans ho Ann ( al er o WhO Oramel H Clara t W Stewar E James greenhouse Wfa r Stanton , Lois (Parker Thomes , John Eliz a beth S ( m Johnson Helen L ( Fessenden hO N WCE SUS 27 Frank stable livery Sadie C pl * m W Julia J ( ebster ho Chas

Conway Ctr , N H Tibbits , Fannie ho NO * b H Fred T mer Ti bits , arriet ( Cummings * a I n Conw y Corner , N H Ellen ( Conner * W Hattie ( m Greeley ho Spokane , ash 70 u Wh Q ebec , Portland Edith ( m arren O fa r n W Chas F Towle , Jaso retd far far m Thomes , Chas F E ma E (Short ho * Etta E (Gray hO Sarah M ( m Eastman ho n W Thomes , Fra k hotel Chatham , N H * Lue (Smith hO Mary F ( m Swett hO

Blanche M Great Falls , Mont Th m s n R I f r & 1 W o o a p , car Lov Ira car Jennie E (Eastman ho D Clement lab Wm 1 In W Thompson , E far Lov Abbie S ( Andrews est * Lucy M ( Kimball ho Hattie B ( m Jones hO W$ Ralph p Bridgton Erland J pl *Emma E ( m Haley ho

Thompson , Mary J (Tibbits Chatham , N H 1 * W ho Lov Kate (m Giles ho Wfar illiam E Brownfield

Thompson , Geo H far Towle , D Clement lab Nellie M ( Grace ho Mabel FW(Morton hO u Ad Towle , Ira car Th rston , Mary E ( jutant ho N 0 Alice G ( Hill h o Wfa r illiam H Irma pl Lillian M ( 111 Chandler ho Howard E pl fa r Albert H meat dlr Tyler , Abram Gertrude D ( m Shaw hO Fred H far W* hO Thurston , illiam H far NO Maud E

Flora M (Kilgore ho Dean , Attleboro , Mass Fred K pl *Chas S mill op 3 W 3 H arold K pl Spring, estbrook 28 FR YE BURG

Tyler , Fred H Arthur M pl Lester Clara A pl Reuben C pl WEmily S pl alker , Roy E sec hand Wd ( Ethel M (Bishop ho alker, Caroline M San s W WD fa r t alker , D blk s cu ter alker , Geo H far Wa fa r lker , L N Porter Nellie A (Bennett ho Wfa r B r n 1 A E alker , Percival Lewis stu Catherine E ( Douglass hO Jessie H st u Rupert p$ WG Philip pl a Hazel B pl alker , Hann ah (Ch se Ctr Marg aret pl H arry E far Wm Wd illia ar , J ohn far WM Wl a ker , Mary H ( Gorden est ary E ( Robbins ho Ed win L Wfar B a rbara ( m Hutchins ho Wl e w fa r E a k r , d in L far est Charles A Wa r d S lice H ( Eastman ho . E carriage repr E lmer E fa r Mary E ( Eastm an ho ' * fa r We s A P W f alker , Elmer E t lvin ruit bus E E d 4 8 mm a ( Ballar ho Spring, Brockton , Mass Wl WH r e tr a k r , Mary E ( Howe est erbe t E p * d A G a E ith M tr ho barber Boston , M ss * Ws mk r 21 B r o mfield alker , N harne s Marion L A b ddie M (Chad ourn ho Boston , Mass * Albert C sec hnd R R Amos C p o ul tr v bus Wm k r Conway Center , N H ard , John carriage a W M ggie M ( m entworth Augusta D (Mead ho ho Den mark Augustus H millwright * Fred EWfarm overseer *Thomas H elec eng ellsley Hills , Mass WSpringfield , Mass lab arren , Maria L ( Eastm an sec han d Mary E press correspond stu *Florence L ( m Robinson

W30 FRYEBURG iley , Dexter H far WWi Nellie M ( iley ho ley , Albert L Arthu r R pl Lottie M (Bemis Herbert L pl Kenneth A Wf r W a iley , Simeon C retd far iley , Adelbert No Dexter H far *Adelbert T cl Portland H attie T ( m Prescott ho E mma J ( Hammond ho * W Juliet ( m Bickford Stow iley , Hazen H far Lov * m W111 Chas S far Bridgton E m a ( Chandler ho n W1 Edna (m Cha dler h o iswell , Chas H far Lov Melinda M ho J essie M ( Richards ho * Wfar E B r n 1 Rose M ( m Chandler ho ith am , Eli H

North Chath am , N H Bessie S ( Lord ho Al bert L far Leon H stu WWMeno to m iley , S far y Arthur L pl Sylvi a E (Ela ho Ethel E stu Y Wmk r 0 iley , A dr Y n T Wou g , John trav sales iley , Joseph mail car Annabel E (S mall ho * Sarah M (Farrington ho Leona ( m Mayn ahan ho James F far New Dorchester, Mass Joseph C car *Sadie A ( m Richardson * Addie K ( m Kimball ho Lowell , Mass Ce nsus o f Love ll

—Wn NOTE here o post office a ddress is given L o v e l l is u n d er sto o d . Other addresses are abbreviated thus : North Lov — — So — ell North ; South Lovell ; Lovell Center Ctr Lovell R . ; , D — 1 . F . . No

Susan D Brackett. ho Isabel pl fa r Adams , Catherine (Paul ho Andrews , Otis car Ctr T fa r 1 Lizzie (Carlton ho Allard , Joel No fa r Ph oebe C ( Elliot ho Andrews , H R lumb No Nathaniel F lab Fannie (Brown ho *David box shop op Arthur H lab Bessie M be Malden , Mass Adeline A (m Brickett Cyrus L pl North Frye burg Clinton R pl Annie A agent Frances G pl * Wf E 0 a r Ada pl Chatham , N H * A d 0 O J n rews , E fireman Jackson , N H P Charlotte ho apple dlr Iumb A Gertrude (Quint ho Allen , Geo A phy sur first wife living and children Albertha G tr second wife Ella M (Knight Hortense pl A fa r 1 W1 ndrews , Sumner R No Andrews , Geo retd No W fa r Addie M ( alker ho Andrews , Elwell Ctr fa r No 1 Information withheld Andrews , Otis E

Andrews , Freeman far Ctr Florence E (Irish ho 32 LOVELL

Stephen E A Viola pl A Wn Armstrong , Bessie H ( bbott A arre pl ho No 1 E Pearle pl N 1 Helen R pl Bloomer , H J grocery o Brackett ,WSusan D ( Bemis Ctr Bert team James R lab 1 fa r Barker , Chas H far No Brackett , Oscar W Olive E ( Barrows ho No aterford f Barnes , Eli C car Ctr wi e and children North I W NellieW(Grover ho Brackett , Bert lab Ctr Ray pl Briggs , Lester S grain dlr ( Bartlett , WBertram pl North Alice B Gordon ho Bassett , C barber , jeweler , Calvin G pl far and dept sheriff Evelyn M

Nellie G ( Gammon ho Brown , Chas H mer Geraldine stu Addie G ( Fox ho Lillie Y pl Benj E hote l prop Jack Brow n B E hotel prop Ctr

Beardsley , Lizzie S (Gray ho Annie M (Chapman ho Mattie ( m Dyer ho Gertrude M pl E d w L k r Bell , bk p , mer far Roger C W0 Wd Mary WA ( oo ho Brown , car John lab MarthWa J (Harrison ho Bemis , MoWses K retd blk Fred WC Ellen (Osgood ho Brown , F car bldr Ctr *Frank E blk Nellie A ( Putnam ho 7 New Douglass , Portland Ellen F ( m PWoor ho C Annie B ( m alker ho Wl r r c g Cora B ( m Kimball No 1 Card , Jesse Ch istian W gtr Benton , ald o M far So Charlotte B ( Taylor ho n W Evely E ( arren ho Chandler , Martha A ( Gamage W mk r Olive stu dr ho


* * Mary E ( m Boynton ho Bel$(m McKeen Fryeburg * Groton , Mass Olive S mWHutchins Nathan B fa r est Fryeburg u D rgin , Laura E ho Ruth ( m Jordan ho u D rgin , Eugene far

Farnh am , Joseph E far Ctr fa r E Eastman , Geo H Ctr liza (Pierce ho Lizzie M (WPottle ho Althea A tr 1 Eastman , H alter far No Carl AWlab 1 Eastman , Mellen far No Earl pl Nellie M ( Gerry ho Percy E pl

Max C lab Farrington , E S car mech Don lab Edna D ( Bassett ho WJ H Rogers pl ames pl Alice M pl Ralph E pl 1 Eastman , Edna Farrington , John retd No Wm inmate Town Farm Farrington , H Ctr

Elliot , Martha J (Allard No Lake View H ouse Nellie E ho Edith D ( McAllister h o Lucy E ho tr Sarah T pl Alice M ho John N J W f r ohn a Farrington , Chas M team Ctr E F Emery , Frank far arrington , J A Jennie S (Farri ngton ho retd vet town cl Florence S pl Frances E (Hobbs ho J P Emery , ohn E far Flint , Laura A ( atch North H annah M ( Hobbs ho Eugene L pl *Charlotte A ( m Decrow Annie L pl 78 fa r 1 Howland , Roxbury , Mass Fox , John No Frank E ta r Marietta ( Horr ho Evans , Geo F far Ctr JWosiah H mill lumb Evans , Marshall far North illiam S far N WCE SUS 35 J alter fa r I va B (Charles *Lewis E law Ed ward E 2 0 E , verett Bangor Fox , Eben N retd millman * Guy R baggage master Mary I ( Brown h o WSouth Paris *Charles E mer Fryeburg 1 Fox , illiam S far No Nelson T a Corrine S (Lord ho st ge driver , lumb millman Earl R pl Leora P pl Christine M pl G Hazel L pl ammon , Lydia A (Sawyer fa r mer N o 1 Fox , J A , mill Nellie ( m Bassett ho * a Wf r C a W Estell M (French ho East aterford W*WW Augustus lab P lab est Den mark

Arthur G lab Gam mon , A blk wheel 1 Fox , Emma G ho No North a l fa r 1 Fox , N thanie No Garcelon , Chas A retd North Caroline S (Andrews ho Esther (Coffi n ho * Wfa r C A Fox , John Ctr Jr Montreal , Canada Mabel G ( Gray ho elec mech eng Wt Henry pl Alber B law

Fox , Josiah H mill lumb Gilman , Delmer H pl fa r 1 Mattie M (Dyer ho Gilman , Otis M No E E be 1 Elmer E pl Gilman , tta No F m Chas H pl Gilman , Emma inmate T W$ mk r a Cora E pl Gr y , Benj barrel Ctr

Fox , Almira (Brown ho Lucinda M ( Foss h o n far Addie G ( m Brow ho Grover , Alvin S Eben N retd *Franklin P horse dealer f Med ord , Mass

Fox, Eunice (Brown ho Hamblen , Dorothy C 1 Fox , N F ( Morrison No mk r stage driver, lumb mill man Hamilton , C H basket 3 6 LOVELL

V McKee ne Ella ( m ho Hatch , Georgia A (Horr Ctr k r h Harmon , Frank bk p Sidney D mill and Ella M ( Durgin millinery Everett R lab *Linwood E sales Randall L lab * 7 F o sk et n , Somerville , Mass Mabel I ( m Cor ell ho fa r 1 Harmon , Ch as E No Lewiston Han n ah M ( Dresser ho lab Carrie B ( m Davis ho mill op Fred A ptr Bridgton tr Harm on , Fred A far p Carl C pl t Wf r a Nellie F ( m S earns ho Hazeltine, Caleb Herbert R pl Lydia A ( Gam mon ho fa r Leon S pl Heald , Ira Ctr Chas E Elenora E ( m Taylor ho Infant Lilla M (Eastm an ho Cla r a L H eald A Harriman , ( Ctr Clara tr table girl B H arriman , Vernice L far Ctr essie E tr table girl

Harriman , Herbert H eng Benj H lab

Harriman , Seth D far North Ivan R pl

Mary N ( Hill h o Heald , Seth F mer Esther M Alice G ( Hutchins ho f Hart ord , Perley E lab Madge M pl a Hatch , Josiah D far Ctr He ld , Albion retd mer J a ne ( F o x h o Susie B (Kilgore h o * Della J (m McAllister ho Seth F mer Norway Bessie M ( m Stearns Ctr * A o WW A I mill p South Paris Heald , nnie ( ood ho r na W Sy e B (m Kimball h o Mary E ( m alker ho 1 A far Hatch , Samuel L far No Hill , Harry Ctr r Co fli n E nest S car Hill , Sarah J ( North * Margare t M ( m Eastman Archie L far a A North Conway , N H H rry lab 1 m Hatch , Ernest S car No Mary N ( Harriman ho Charlotte ( Barr ho Daisy E be


* Wmk r M illiam G belt ary A ( Foss ho 257 E lr a dia High , Lewiston WL ( m Horr ho Joslyn , John lab Flossie h o tt Ge o W Ne ie E (Bassett ho Kenniston , far Ctr * Charlotte E ( m Morse Etta F (McKee ne ho W1 aterford Arthur S pl Eugenia N stu Dorothy J pl Leslie B p l Mary E pl

Kimball , Geo A Ctr n Wfa r l st Ke dall , John far Ctr selectman Elma E ( McAllister ho Carrie D (McAllister ho Norman E Fred D pl Phila M Geo M pl Olive B Kendall , Albert S far Ctr Ki mball , (Farnu m Ctr Mary (Andrews b e Geo A fa r W fa r John Kimball , John H Ctr *Charles elec Ren a B ( Hatch ho u W Rochester , N H Ma rice pl *Nellie M ( m Bennett h o Curtis E pl Wa est Bethel Kimb ll , Enos H far Ctr Bert F lab Catherine (McDaniel s ho b *S Fannie M e F lab Chath am , N H fa r & car 1 2n d Kenniston , F A No Kimball , John B Bertha G ( Gammon ho far cattle dlr Albert C pl Cora M (Bemis hostess fa r Frank E pl Kimball , HorWace S Hazel M pl Addie K ( iley h o Marion B pl Clifford G Bernice WS Kimball , John B Kenniston , illiam H far Esther A (Dresser An n ie M ( Barrows ho Horace S A rvilla M pl Kimball , Sumner far Kenniston , Porter Ctr Martha I (Caldwell CENSUS 39 RuthWK stu Susie L 1 Knight , illard car No Addie F Bessie B stu Enid G Lillian G Ralph A Ro bert S Ella H d Lor , David P blk * W Lawler , Amos lab unknown Bessie S (m itham ho Nettie M (Adams ho East Fryeburg *W Lulu A pl illie B butcher fa r 1 Laroque , Alexander No East Fryeburg A Albr a fa r 1 lvina (Blanchette ho Lord , K No * Adeline J ( m Guptill ho Sarah S ( H e rr ho * WChatham , N H Francis J con builder alter F lab a ford Falls 1 Lebaron , R A No Clarence D far Oris M guide Ar isteen A be 1 Lebaron , Oris M guide No Merton A far fa r Eva M (Smith ho Lord , Granville C No 1 Wm 1 , A far 1 Lebaron , B retd No Lord lonzo No Roscoe A far Eliza A (Fox h o Herbert A mach Corinne S ( m Fox ho Man d a ll A far Lillian E tr ' * J Re wa Pa A mech g y, Evelyn R tr * Roy mech manager Nellie S be Ten

Lebaron , Herbert A blk Mabel M ( Foss ho * far Lena A ( m Blanchard ho Manson , Stephen G Rumford Falls Minnie C ( m Sawyer he * 0 Everett lab Chas E s s o p 1 Libby , Francis P pl No Rockland , Mass L ittlefield , C E board sawyer Marston , Geo lab Phoebe M ( Nason ho Esther E (Lebroke ho 40 LOVELL

Addie M ( m Stone ho Lisbon * Mason , John Q far North Adelbert B hotel emp

Ella M ( Evans ho Jackson , N H fa r Wfar Fred E HWenry mail car Bertrand L Wpl eeman blk McAllister W Mason , Arthur far Ctr W, eeman blk Lillian F (Kneeland ho Addie ( Green ho McAllister W& E ast Hill , H far mail car No 1 B Maxwell , Eunice G ho Mattie L ( ryant ho McAllister , A invalid North Helena L Allister Wi fa r McAllister far 1 Mc , llie North , Victor H No Sarah ( McAllister ho WEdith L (Adams ho Benj pl endell A pl McAllister 1 H azel pl , Dan a E far No Theodore pl Georgia (McAllister ho McAllister M McKeene McAllister 1 , Ella ( , B H retd No * No 1 Alice B ( m E vans ho Sidney H l ab Norway McAllister McAllister , I B mail car Georgia ( m Nellie ( Chandler ho *Nelson H automobile bus 34 f Marshall C team Mil ord , Boston , Mass McAllister fa r 1 McAllister Z accheus far 1 , John No , No Amanda C (Bloomer ho Mehitable (Farwell ho Isaac B stage driver Ralph R pl Edgar F far Byron C pl * W Emm a E (m Grover ho Ivan WMcAllister McAllister est Paris , Joan H ( McAllister 1 , Ervin lab North No McAllister , S H stage driver Daniel far North Harriet C (m Fox ho Alfreda ( Stanley ho Z a ccheus far McAllister McAllister fa r , Daniel far , S C North Je nnie A ( Blanchard ho Lewis E far * cle r McAllister Ambrose B M E g , L E far North


Bertha A ( Atkinson ho *Lillian (m Fisk ho * Lewis A Harvey l ab Locks Mills * Meserve , Edwin far retd Fannie ( m Jordan * mk r W C E rubber stamp estbrook 22 1 Evergreen Sq , Norton , Chas lab No E lmo nd Somerville , Mass Noyes , J phy sur *F W Artisan silver ware Jessie F ( Patridge ho 44 1 Sherwood , Portland Leola M stu E mma J ( m Gordon Ella May ( m Davis *Susan E ( m Stearns ho t t W Eas S oneham Palmer , H Ctr ia r fa r 2d John C jobber , car , m ason selectman Wfa r Millikin , G E Stoneham Lydia H ( Pottle ho

Eunice M ( Spencer ho Palmer , Noah H far Ctr * W illiam C car bldr Ella A (Bennett ho 1 3 1 W alton , Portland Lillian A s s op *Alice M ( m Merrill ho Howard H far Wf far North ater ord Palmer , H oward H Ctr

Moore , Geo H Em ma E (Jacobs ho undertaker hardware Gerald H Emma E ( Stearns ho Mildred A * t Ber ha S ( m Lowe ho Parker , Georgia I ( Flint 927 W East , N E , ash , D C Lee E far be 1 Lulu M Parker , Joseph L far No Rebecca M (Stover ho *Mabel A ( m Li bby ho Bridgton N WN O 1 ichols , Daniel far Plummer , S Lyman far Cora A (Chaplin ho tr Carrie M (Stone ho * m W Georgia M pl Alice C ( iggin ho

Norton , Sophia M ( Reynolds So Paris *Jennie G ( m RWoberts ho stu estbrook pl CENSUS W43 James S inchester , Mass

Poor , Lloyd mason Benj Jr

Ellen F ( Demis ho Russell , Benj Jr 1 u Pottle , A M No Blanche P (Q int far 3d a W selectman Russell , De n far Mary H (Heald ho * F Leroy fa r E Otisfield C Reginald * m W 1 a Mary H ( oodbury Sargent , Le vitt C No 5 8 f Church , Hart ord , Conn Moses A far R 1 *A Pottle , C car blk No J millwright A Mary R ( Stearns ho Brooklin , rk WM Keen Mildred F Sarah ( c ho

Pray , Mary F Sawyer , Linwood C car L a Pray , illian A Minnie C (M nson ho B fa r 1 Severance , Henry No Cora B (J a ckman ho WPerley E pl Lewis H pl Richardson , illiam H cle r Virgie H ( Emery ho Shank , Chas H Cong g f far 1 Annie ( m Ullery ho Ring , Gra ton D No Flora B ( Davis ho Arthur D pl Harry T lab Ch as H Jr pl

Grace B Smith , Cassie (Kenniston Ctr Smith Geo E fa r No 1 Rowe , Adna D far , Caroline (Andrews Ella M ( McAllWister h o Orrington J Stanford , James far Ctr $ Mary S (Russell ho Russel , Benj * *Ami C millwright Geo M R ptr 27 b So Manchester , Con $ Ulysses , Pitts urg , Pa Mary S ( m Stan ford ho *Pressie E ( m Frisbee ho * Wt n Lizzie T ( m Price ho es Kennebu k * fa r W E Bradford , Mass A est Kennebunk *Frank M steel bridge bldr Chas F pl 44 WLOVELL Stanley, Eugene far Stearns , Ellen R (Russell Ctr * Lilla H (Andrews ho Edith ( m B artlett ho Mabel M ( m Paterson ho N o r wa v * Irvin E lab Elizabeth ( m Bartlett ho Alfreda A (m McAllister East S tonham *J Stanley , Irvin E lab Albert law Norway MWelvina A (Hilton ho Josephine B stu Norway endell E Stearns , L L mer P M Ctr Evelyn M Bessie M ( Heald ho W1 fa r 1 Stanley , Chas far No Stearns , Horatio R No * *G W J H mech Lowell , Mass land agt Millinocket u W E gene far Fred S far * E far 1 far N 1 Chas No Stearns , Fred S o Adelbert F far Daisy M ( Horr ho 1 Stanley , Adelbert F far No Sarah B pl Olie A (Stanley ho Georgia E pl F Stanton , Em ma inmate T Geo H pl AA 1 F Stearns , Fairview Ho No Marcus

( Fo x- Y far Avis A Lord Stearns , E Ctr Frank F pl Anna L ( Russell ho 1 W Stearns , Jonah H retd No Marcellus far *C M law Alice A tr Henry C phy sur Ed ward T stu a W WConcord , N H Ste rns , Elsie ( Russell h o Marion ( m alker ho E Y far Leslie L cl *R C mer Adelbert A Fairview Ho *F C mer Hot Springs Ark * k r fa r Sargent S bk p Stone , Herbert D 1 7- 1 8 India , Boston , Mass Addie M ( Marston ho far 1 Stearns , James C No HaWrold M pl Mildred D table girl Stone, B horse trainer *Mabel E ( m Jones ho A Evelyn (Smith ho w Exeter , N H WO en pl Mary R ( m Pottle ho Lawrence


H WN arold H pl ilson , Benj P lab orth Wfa r 1 M Ke n c e e entworth , Elwin N No Adelia C ( ho r Wn far WMa y J (Hammons ho ilso , Geo S North hiteh ouse , Geo L far Ctr Clara E (Richardson ho Clara L ho Chas F P M * Celia A ( m Farrar h o *John P fireman R R f ‘ Rum ord Falls Mount Pleasant , Boston , Mass

*‘ WWfar illiam L mill op ilson , Dana S North WRu mford Falls Susie ( Chandler ho alter S lab Leland F pl be W Bertha M itham , Lizzie (Foster North E * dith M pl Chas L Boston , Mass WDoris E reporter iley , Dean H far So Edward L s s op *Leona D ( m Moulton ho *G G newspaper m an Post a GreenvillWe , Boston , M ss WBoston , Mass E lizabeth (Chandler ho ood , Harold E pl WM h WWo ilson , Chas F P North ood , Hannah E ( alker Ethel M ( Douglass ho Susie E ( m True ho * W Charlotte F pl Alice M (m alker ho Clara P Bridgton en u o f C s s Chatham, n. H .

— Wn o f Ch atha m NOTE here post o fice address is expressed .

N . H . is understood . O ther addresses are abbreviate d thus — — North Chatham No ; South Chatham Se ; Chatham Center

Ctr .

fa r Andrews , Ernest A Ctr WJennie (Irving ho Abbott , H far Adams , Geo L Ella B (Marston * Bimfo rd Lucinda A ( m Fern ald , J L far Ctr Lottie P (Emerson ho Stow , Me *R Ernest A far J elec St Louis , Mo Herbert A fa r Eth el ho Bimfo r d Wfar , Chas H far Allard , O Louise E (S pencer ho Eliza A (Bryant ho * P far Esthe r E E Fryeburg , Me Tracy C lab Anderson , Osborn far So B imfo rd la b Zilpha M ( Pin gree ho , Tracy C *Minnie L ( m Reed ho Georgia E (Norton ho

m Blake , Lucinda (Gordon No Colu bia Road , Portland * * W5 Maud ( m Gilines Ellis s op 36 No Bridgton Albion , Rockland , Mass * far WBryant , Samuel C R far So indham , Me *Granville L ins Ervine lab Ned H far 86 Francis , Everett , Mass * *Geo H glazier Beatrice (m Eastman

15 Spring, Portland , Me Stow, Me 4 8 CHATHAM

W stu illis C Lucretia P Nellie L H arry M stu

Bryant , Ned H Chandler , Mary G (Frye No W fa r Inez E ( ebb Richard F Chas S far C Chandler , Preston far No Eliza A (Flint ho

Carlton , Frank far No Chandler , Alice A (Eastman Chandler , Hazen No Wfar l st selectm a n *Mehitable ( m Shaw ho Rose ( iley ho W West Fryeburg , Me * Chandler , Abigail ( ym an WW Elizabeth ( m iley ho ‘ Hazen fa r * Lovell , Me Nellie ( m McAllister ho Preston fa r Lovell , Me Amy A ( m Charles ho c * Chandler , Ri hard F far No Perley G far Stow, Me Annett (Stevens ho 0 Charles , Madison far No Wf r a Chandler , P No Lillian B (Charles ho Lucretia H (Pitman h o Merton A pl Chandler , John L far No Gladys V pl Henrietta S (Brackett ho Rebecca E pl Evelyn 0 pl Carrie E pl Millard H WDean M pl ( Chandler , Mary G iley No Simeon H * Wm P far Bridgton , Me Charles , Hazel B pl No * WW esley policeman Charles , Esther C ( Eastman 27 Ser va ns Ave , Boston , Mass ho North John L fa r * W ilson 0 lab Rochester *Louise M ( m Seavey ho MWadison 0 far Stow , Me illie 0 lab

Lelia A stu Charles , John F far Ctr fa r W , W Chandler C S illow Farm ElizabeWth A ( alker ho No Susan tr Georgia P ( Pitman Fred F far hostess Alice E tr


( Sarah N mWStevens Hanscom , Carl P far Ctr Fryeburg , Me Ethel M ( Smart ho L a Fife , ouisa R ( Gordon No Harnden , Fr nk eng Z Wn F Flint , Stella ( ing ho So Harrima , red N far Ctr * W Geo hotel cl Cora E (Emerson ho Wfa r iscasset , Me Harriman , Frank Ctr Alice O ( Eastman ho Fred M far Nellie E ho A G Head , lvin far Green Hill oodwin , Elizabeth Ctr W E Susan A ( eeks ho Guptill , dson H blk team Sarah D (Carlton ho Perley R fa r ” *Martha M ( m Keef ho Mabel WM ( m Smith ho Conway est Fryeburg , Me fa r Geo E fa r Head , Perley R Amy S ( Hill ho Guptill , Geo E far L Addie J ( Ler o q ue ho ouise P

Hill , B M mgr of Magazine So M Kenzi H Janet M ( c e editor *R B Stoughton , Mass fa r m r a Hanscom , Seth Ctr business g of mag zine Estella (Cobb ho H arold M stu d Carl P far stone cutter Hill , Dana Car ing Mill So *HWerbert mech far Emily M ( Lang ho P M Fryeburg , Me , R F D Flossie M ( m Lock h o *Eva E ( m Seavey ho * Forest M plumber Medfield a Stow , Me , M ss * n Lena ( m Emerson h o Hill , Fan ie M pl So fa r Stow , Me Hill , Geo H So Victor lab Laura A (Smith ho Olin R lab W I m m fa r H ansco , Ctr Winnifr ed ( Lebroke ho Jewell , Morrill P far Ctr Leon L Mary A (Holden ho CHATHAM 50l

Johnson , Armine V (Johnson Lock , Ranford F millman “ ho So Flossie M (Hill Susan ( m Hodgdon h o M arj orie B uckfield , Me Irena B ho M

Edwin H M Keen Wf r c , arren D a Ctr Johnson , Benj Nettie M ho Johnson , Chas S W aldo 0 blk Annette (Thom as ho K McKee ne Wfar , alter P Ctr

r Sarah J (Eastman ho Kimball , S F pt s mkr f r Hattie M (Marston ho Edwin L a ( Sadie E be Mattie J m Crouse h o Glenora ho Edna M pl Sadie E pl

Lane , Edwin S So Meader , Ann E (Johnson h o Ella F ( Owen ho *Alice ( m Tower ho * Me Eva M ( m Small ho Sweden , N orth Pownal , Me car * Edith L (Wm McKeen ho Wteam Fryeburg, Me No akefield Gladys E Vance R far ' * Z o N Lebroke , Stella (Flint S ettie ( m Merrill ho WFrank M lab Lovell , Me innie Bell Fred lab * Winnifr Violettie Lebroke , d ( Stevens ( m Irish ho

Myrtle Stow, Me Fred 0 Leavitt , David H retd Ctr * Helen ( m Norton ho Osgood , Janet (Eastman Ctr Yar mouthville , Me P *Geo D stone cutter N Fryeburg, Me Pendexter, Della 502 WCENSUS W Pickering , Frank So Spencer , illiam far Ctr stone cut blk *Albert B lab *Carrie ( m Garland ho Conway Intervale Conway Ctr *Lottie A ( m Andrews No Arthur L stone cutter Louise E ( m All ard ho ( t Fannie M pl Stevens , Mary AWS evens No Mary L (Morrison ho Clara E ( m iggins ho Gertrude M pl Annette (m Chandler h o

Fred G pl Stiles , Lucian K lab No O mk r Pickering , D s So Stiles , Henry H far So 0 Mary ( Kennerson ho Stiles , John A lab So * Nellie J ( m Miller ho Melrose Highlands Mass * W Annie F ( m illiams

N Thom as , Milburn far Ctr South atic , Mass Seth far 8 Annette ( m McKeen ho

a Myrtie May ( m Gammon Sanborn , H rriet E pl No

Fryeburg , Me Sanborn , Clinton D pl No h fa r Thom as , Set Ctr Sanborn , Lorenzo B pl No Ad a W WL ( iggin ho Sanborn , illiam M car Ctr t WHazel M pl E ta M ( iggin ho Anthony 0 pl Grace E Sibyl PWpl W Sidney WW Smith , M J far alker , Sarah H ( alker So Lillian V WBessie P tr Fredrick M ebb , Seth far So Francis C Rilla (Fife ho Mildred A WInez E ( m Bryant ho Harold eeks , Jas M far Green Hill

Censu s o f S te m.

— Wffi S to w NOTE here no post o ce address is given is

h a : N u nderstood . Ot er ddresses are abbreviated thus orth — H - 1 1 Chatham N No Chat; Lovell R . F . D . Lov ; North

’ — F r Fryeburg No y bg .

Sophronia A (Johnson ho *Alice I ( m Pinkham ’ be F r b Abbott , Helen A No y g * fa r 1 Andrews , Albert C Lov Annie M ( m Kenniston E lizabeth M (Chaplin h o Lovell * Thelma A Chas D fa r T R *Olive E ( m Barker Lovell s 0 Andrews , E B far No Chat Barrow , Chas far m Wa Roven a (Johnson ho I ogene ( E stman ho Ira A Philip T * Bell ( m Eastman ho Barrows , Martha S (Durgin Mass Orin R fa r * 0 l Andrews , Ira A far N Chat Martha R ( m She den ho 1 9 F a Lottie ( Spencer ho ayette , Beverly , M ss Bessie (m Crouse ho *Vestie J (m Cleaves ho 1528 Arch , Phil , Pa *Ida M (m Titcomb ho So Paris

Barber , Benj f fa r Bick ord , Jerome R Amelia J W J Viva E ulia ( iley ho Eda ( m Emerson ho Barrows , O R far stone maso n Eva ( m Chaplin ho CENSUS 53

0 W Carter , James O Day , far Flora A (Mason Susie K (McAllister ho Mason C Edna E pl Esther E C Everett pl Rachel Irvin H pl fa r Chandler , Perley G Day , Obadiah H B B W Mildred M ( ryant essie J ( hiting ho * Pearl M Frank far Fryeburg * fa r WMcAllister Chaplin , Byron C Carrie ( m f 80 W Eva (Bick ord h o Lowell , altham , Mass * fa r C ta r Charles , Mark N No Chat H veterinary Carrie E ( Emerson ho Fryeburg Dorothy pl far Dana E pl eng R R

Lawrence P pl Providence , R I fa r Charles , Lewis lab Dresser , Thos F lumb ’ Sophronia J ( Potter ho N 0 Fry bg * M J team Ipswich , Mass Mary A (Gordon ho ’ F r b Nellie F ho Dresser , Ann M No y g ’ u fa r fa r F r b Charles , August s Drew , Frank No y g * E fa r Charles , ugene Joseph E car h fa r 5 F C arles , Benj F ranklin , Somerville , Mass

Clay , Maria (Abbott ho Geo S far fa r t Crouse , Guy No Cha Nellie M ( m Morrison ho Mattie ( McKeene ho

us Cro e , Jessie ho No Chat

fa r Crouse , Guy M No Chat Eastman , Maurice N Ma ttie J (McK eene ho Bertha M (Charles u Cro se , Ernest far No Chat Linwood C Bessie L (Andrews ho Eastman , John O D Eva A Beatrice B (Bryant 54 W STO J Lawrence WMyrtle E ( Dawson ho Eastman , FrWed Dora G ho pl Elkin , Ella ( entworth Lena A pl ’ No F ry bg Dannie J pl *Florence ( m Eaton ho W Leland pl

Brownfield , N H a Fern ld , Alvah L far Ralph pl Lucinda A (Andrews ho Wm fa r Emerson , P blk Maisett E pl Eda (Bickford ho Erville A ’ Emerson , L far soldier Fifield F r b , Joshua far No y g Marilla ( Charles ho Catherine ( Eastman h o * R Wfa r WCh atham , N H Ella ( m Leavitt ho illiam P far Alice M Who Emerson , WR Chat Ctr , N H Abbie (Chandler ho Guptill , Fred E blk Doris pl S Isadora ( Charles ho Ethel pl Ethel B tr Vera M pl Irvin M cook Leonard S Simeon E lab Emerson , Almon Archibald F stage driver fa r l st , lumb selectman Guptill , B F far No Chat Ella A (Chaplin ho Cassanda M ( Hodge ho far u Herbert S l mb * *Cora M ( m Harriman J F eng North Bethel *Cora ( m Kim ball cook Chat Ctr , N H

Emerson , H S far lumb Newton Lena (Hanscom ho *Em ma ( m Hanscom ho Emerson , Kenneth E pl W est Fryeburg Wi r 1 a Emery , Geo Lov ’ l Mamie ho Fry bg Ctr Estes , Clara B (Dean Lov W Edith pl allace lab


Wm Farrington , H millman Hanscom , James A

W 56 WSTO m ellington G tr Seavey , Chas E far tea McAllister 1 , Edna G tr Lov Blanch D (Leavitt ho ’ M K ee n fa r F r b Smith WH far c , Hen ry No y g , butch Lov 1 Rose E (Johnson ho Lilla A (Smith ho ’ r fa r F r b Mo rison , F A No y g Mabel E pl Nellie M (True ho Fred EWpl Bessie E Vergie pl Ada L pl P Iva 1 WSmith , Chas E lab Lov Pinkham , L No Fryeburg Clara B ( Estes ho Q Edith E B pl

’ Eugene H A n fa r F r b Quint , Haze A No y g fa r 1 Smith , J M butch Lov Florence M ( H anse n ho Em ma L ( Lowe ho Edith A pl James L lab Alice E Millard A lab Hazen A Jr Gracie E pl u Q int , Clara E ( Stevens ho Co ud a r R pl No Fryeburg Ann a I pl Hazen A far Sim on L pl R Eliza M pl Christina A pl 1 Rowe , Frank P far Lov Josephine E p$ Georgia A WOra I WL v l Seavey , M Harbor o Smith , esley far * fa r 3d Wfa r B uck field , sch supt selectman John Louis M (Chand ler ho Geo I lab * Seavey A H fa r blk Leah M ( m B azzel ho No Fryeburg Harrison Eva E ( Hanscom ho Maud A pl 1 Clyde T Smith , Lewis A far Lov R W uth Sadie E ( escott ho CENSUS 57 l Blanch A Lilla A ( Evans Earle L Fran k H l uy M Tressie M WWin Marion alker , H Forest A far 2d selectman W1 WW Stevens , Quincy far Lov hitney , Caroline ( hitney Martha A ( Emery ho *E G drug 4 5 Dartmouth A Ne w B f lden P mill op ed ord , Mass ’ 1 WF r b Stevens , A P mill op Lov iggins , S F far No y g * Wm Cora D (Thurston ho C blk Gardner , Mass Gladys B * Lettie A (In Rhodes h o A n a Stevens , John Bosto , M ss John E WClara E (Quint ho 1 Wiley , Augustus F far Lov Susie E (Sp aine ho WJ fa r 1 W1 iley , oseph Lov ales , Idella M (Smith Lov Corydon H pl Augustus F fa r Cecil A pl N Josephine ( Simons Wfa r Stanley S alker , Isaac A P M Rosina (Charles ho Infant * Wfa r Sarah E ( m Osgood ho atson , A E Fryeburg Fryeb urg Harbor WAlice M ( Bemis ho illiam H far *Chas B coach driver Harold A pl Lena A pl Jackson , N H l B Fred A p Nellie waitress artist ’ WF r b essell , F H far No y g WGeorgWiaWB mus tr Etta A ( Pinkham ho alker , car far Cora May mill op No Fryeb urg Mildred E pl Census of S weden . — N Wo fii ce H a r r iso n . OTE here no post address is given R

F . D . 4 is understood . Other addresses are abbreviated thus — —L e v B rid 1—B ri 1 Lovell ; Bridgton g; Bridgton R . F . D . dg . Alvin J W Everett

Adams , L G Geo F Carrie S (Emerson Addie H Leon L Mary C B t far Flora G enne t , Ernest S

' Adams , Daniel T Lillian J ( Merrill ho a fa r Ell F (Abbott Bennett , Geo M Millard C Martha B (Holden ho Alice M Susie M ( m Evans ho B Wfar Allard , H ann ah R (Godfrey ennett , Chas *P E far Madison , N H Clarind a C (Nevers ho * F Wfa r Madison , N H Ernest S (m Merrill ho *Clifton E lab Brownfield Arethusa ( m Haskell ho *W innifred E ( m Piper h o Ethelbert lab Wo lfbo r o H , N Lottie B ho

Bennett , Ethelbert lab B E va F (Holden ho Wfar Berry , illiam E Lov Bachelder , Richard C far Lov Effie A (Forest h o Mary S ( Ham ho Ch a s A

Bailey , Alvin S far WBisbee , H arry A mill lumb Catherine ( halen ho Lillian M ( Bennett ho s Elizabeth G pl Bowley , Jo eph far Lov

W 60 S EDEN Mary B ( m Kim ball WMary E (Smart ho Ellis , Geo H alter E far * Mary E (Cushman Alice B ( m Briggs L o v * M ary ( m Ring Lottie E ( m Smith Bridg Ida WE Gardner , Geo A Lov Evans , alter E far stone mason Susie M (Bennett Louisa J (Hadlock ho Br i Gray , Sidney mill op dg 1 Lydia A (Jordan ho Hattie L ho L ell G Farrington , Perley E pl Lov far Wfa r Flint , illiam M Clara E pl Clarence S pl Grace A pl Preston R pl Emma L pl Georgia A ( P utnam ho Wfa r Flint , John Nellie M ( Evans ho Albert L far Ham , Chas S Wfar Lov John E lab Bertha L ( entworth ho fa r Flint , John B Ham , Mary S (Roberts Lov Susie S ( Chandler ho Ch a s S far Wl Erland p Haskell , Lucy A ( Libby ho a k n fa r Flint , Roy l N lab Has ell , Owe H WB r id 1 ho Flint , Richard far g Areth usa ( Bennett Lizzie E (Bachelder ho Zil pha A pl

Holden , Benj S far Mary D ( Berry ho Nunan N far * Walter E l Gordon , far Lov A m a M ( m Jewell ho m EWm a J (Meserve ho Chatham , N H illiam E pl Holden , Frank D far Lillian 0 pl Lenora A ( Chandler ho Ed ithWM Christine E Gordon , illiam H far Lov Holden , Martha B (Berry ho CENSUS 61

* 0 f r Bertha G silk shop op Kimball , Ch as a lumb 400 a Belmont , M nchester , N H Mary B (Elliot ho E va F ( m Bennett ho Ch a s WA lab Frank D Alva lab Addie B ( m Heald ho Luther L pl Albert 0 pl ff fa r A Je erson , Thomas Lov Geneva pl * E McQuar ie Mary ( m ho King , Mary H ho Chelsea , Mass Knight , Benj D Wlab Hulda S (Smith ho Knight , Rachel (Poor Lov L o v Katie M ( m Brien ho Knight , Betsy C (Abbott Wm Johnson , retd vet Lov Susan D ( m Moore ho Wf W i e Children Edwin far * fa r W Jones , Clarence E Lov illard car Lov W be L ulu C ( hitehouse ho Knight , Lizzie H Lov

Neal A Knight , Albert trader Lov B rid 1 Jordan , G B far g Knight , Sarah A ho Lov *Samuel A 14 Pentricic , Haverhill , Mass Lydia A ( m Gray

Libby , Lucy L (Smart Lov Wfa r ilber E ho Libby , Caroline D (Smart Kimball Susan F ( Damon ho *Chas S s s op * Bradford T fa r Albany N 688 Parris, orway Box *Elliot A lab Albany * W Samuel far Harrison * Maggie (m Smith South Paris Mann , Harriet P (Stevens ho * m Mabel A ( Lewis Wfa r illie S taxidermist Harrison Wfar a * M rr , illiam L Frank R fa r Harrison Maud E ( m Shackley Minnie I (Meserve h o Harrison Earle L pl 2 WN 6 S EDE W Louise M ilber D far Carrie E Gertrude E ( m Perry ho Inez M Lo uisa ho Helen R

Maxwell , Orin R far car Ph oebe H (Nevers ho * Flora E ( m Knight ho Nevers , J M

Danvers , Mass Sarah A (Maxwell * W Lena B ( m ilson ho W4 aterford R F D * Irving 0 watch mk r Wa W ltham , Mass Perry , Joseph retd far far Merrill , Lindon H Annie B ho Wm Myra (Cu mings ho Mark E far lumb * Fannie E pl Mary A (m Kimb al l ho Lilian J No B ridg Edith M Alice L tr

Avis M Perry , Mark E far lumb

Moore , Horace A far Lov Gertrude (Moulton ho t Susan D ( Knigh ho Pike , Harry D far WWE nfield eston lab Plummer, S far Harry L lab Orpha E (Durgi n ho Wt ca r tr W Morrill , al er far g p endell C pl

Nellie F (Ridlon ho Plummer , Mary E ( Hamlin Wfar 0 Moulton , ilber D Poor , P retd vet Lov * W Lillie M ( Flint ho Ada (m ells ho N Y Marion E pl Fulton , ew ork * Wi V Ws Floyd D pl C lumb ausau , Herbert R pl *Lottie M (m Cook ho eh Gladys L Omaha , N * W Grace R Mercy ( m Geddes ho

Moulton , Happy L (Nevers Grand Rapids , Mich * ff far Carrie B ( m Je erson Poor , Leroy car Lov Walla sto n Linfield , Mass Addie G ( ho

4 WN 6 S EDE W Georgia ( m Flint ho Mabel ( m ho Wfar * Whitehouse , Albert H illiam team *Mabel (m Robinson ho Chelsea , Mass ( Portland Spears , Martha E Richardson W Wfa r illard J lab Stevens , infield W Wilson , Vianna H (Ring ho Stone , Edward far * WB rid 2 Nellie ( m Underhill Beryl ( m Flint g *WWW Katherine A far So aterford Wil mb Roy L lab co Stone , H arriet M ( * Pe arl M ho Carrie M ( m Plummer ho W Lov oodbury , Daniel H far Lov a Eliza H ( Heald ho Fr nk E far * * Roland L eng Lewiston Fred N eng * L fa r 268 O T Deep River , Conn rms , Providence , R I * Francis H mail car n T Hartford , Con * Eugene H A organ op Tower , E C far blk f Hart ord , Conn Herbert E lab stu * Susie B ( m Hall ho mus stu ’ WF r b est y g n Hartford , Con Alice L (Meda ho WW oodis , John lab Guy L lab W oodrow , Helen M (Dunning Clayton E pl Marj orie E pl Grace M pl Addie M