


Students hit hotels as power outage continues

BY MARGY LEVINSUN they wanted,“ said Stephens. The power outages have STAFF REPORTER Stephens continued to e affected Dixon and many plain that Reslife also made others In terms of academ- Parts of St. IouIs Includ- appropriate accommodations Ics as well ing areas around I\ashington to allow offcampus students ‘I hada ap er duet llnIIersitI, are still IIIttouh cardsaccess to the building. rou that I talked to the promfes- power since last Thursday’ 5 th continued sor about and he said I could storm Aolthu h the Ameren without power however Re tuurn It in whenever I got m Electric serI ices' Web sue has slife decided to take further power bac 0 "Dixon also been continuously updating cioton said that he has been spend- its customers with informa- “Yesterday, we decided to ing all day in the library. tion It makesn go ahead and get hotel rooms s experi- to wheen residents power will at the Cheshire Inn" said Ste- enced some difficulties be restored. hen ‘1 haIe three finals that According0 toCheryl Ste Absout 20 students took phen as director Re slife up on its offer to stay of RCSSICIEnliaI Life in a hotel Monday night. H0» in my apartment," said Horn— te room sw so reserved back for Tuesday nigh Other universities the UnIIersity itself has little Senior Nik Hornback took throughout St. Louis also ex- control oIer went e pow er adIantage of the hotel ac perienced power outages on will come backo commodation Monday parts of camp 11 ‘Thisi nt somethiIng “Its comfortable iguess ince we weren't real sure sLife or WashiU. can control. I justtkeee gornh and how long it would be, [we] We re kind of in this hit h checking [to seenif the power made the decision to close the rest of the city," said Ste- is back]” said Hornba ck. the residential halls," said phen Hoarnbc stayed Michelle Heching er of the Th: IlniIersity worked to apartment until “ tdropped student affairs department accommodate students start to 37 degrees" at which point at Fontboonrie. ‘Everyonwe ing almost immediately after he decided to go to the hotel able to get housinng [somes] thes Senior Scott Dixon does went to friends‘ or am- “he set up things for our not live in University'--owned mates anda few ended up at students as of Friday. he sent housing but in he qa Concor 1a" out emails and p0ostted si rangle where his power is Fontbonne cancelled class~ letting themknow we weren a so out, but no hotel stay es on Friday and Saturday for sure how long it would last. has been offered. Dixon ex students. They have since DAVID HARTSTEIN I STUDENT LITE we also reserved the Lopata plained that he, along wit had their power restored. Many students are still without power following last week’5 snow storm. Rest/la has rented rooms at a hotel for multipurpose room so folks t This friends, is stay- students without power livingIn University owned housin could sleep down there if ing over at friends‘ houses. See POWER OUTAGE, page 4

Whispers ranks Teen smoking may increase as St. Louis’ top- earning café risk for alcohol abuse BYJUSH HANTZ Grucza and his team more sensitiIe to the effects symptoms of abuse and de~ NEWS EDITOR U. S. gOIernment oufdrugs pen 0 inter» Ithile the research is con» Other6problems a s soci- Adolescents who smoke ng. Gru za emphasized ated with both smoking and cigarettes are more likely to ducted over three years. They that it is corrnelational so he ‘ culde increased beecome alcohol abusers ac- diIided the adolescentsIninto can‘rntaake sal sat te- l groups based on hot nch ments regarndincgu Ssmoking they drank The researchers and dri nkin found that those who smoked Still it doges seem to show had moreualcohol problems in tihats there is a onemIOIay rela- each gro Tee 5 SIDO mg Grutza offered two rea- relatedpto increasedorisk for sons for the results. alcohol abuseuBut the reverse does ‘ts ad ‘OneIss eha\\01ral " may not be he said. ‘ scence is the “eTh speculation is that time oflife II hen most people nicotine may imp act the cen- begin e\perimen ng and us- tral reward pathwwaysithe ecome an al~ part the brain involv~ rease ing addiction" said Grucza, Still, With this new wave of :ulnerabilityaof addiction to be neurobiological. The brain “Smokers who drink tend Students lounge and studyIn Whispers Cale on Tuesday Dec. 5. A new other is still dIIeloping and is to hate more problems with See SMOKING, page 4

r ‘ ’ Ctum/5

BY BEN SALES the products she wants to serve. SENIOR STAFF REPORTER KaIdi‘s Students conflicted over early exam dates Washiingtor1 Unhersity‘s nical difficulties withthe coffee Whispers is t toppingross machine ending oitechn- BY BRITTANY FARB STAFF REPORTER ntLouis according to cians to alleviate whatever prob- lems ma ari With the fall semester Kaldi’s serves Whispers so mWhispers‘ partnership well Green says, becau e th wnith Raldis Roasting Company, company is aware of the revenue whose coffeei neind teh producedtthere cafe'. Duuring the swenek around They knot he high \'01 3800 people \isit the cafe per umme of business here" she said ay sepnnindng an an:raeg of “They()’ know it is good in terms $2.835each. ofm moved their finals to Gre supenisor Employees of Whispers and last day of class in an \\ hispers saidthat the partner- the café's patrons did not seem tempt to relie\e Students of ship betww'een Whisperseand finals week stress. Howe\er dis could not be str ect it their decismn has resulted This is probabl:yr':1thehhighe to be the most successful in the in mi\edreI1ews from Stu- est le\el" said Gre oeb are . gan Ixork at Whispers last year. “I not surprising,” said actually found out \es Raldi‘sS\'\as the main coffeenon Willie Davis, who has worked at terday that I ha\I a final this here andn m. . - .. week," said sophomore Ryan IIIs IampuSS“Ie.d alot of busmess \olurne but I did Cannon. GreIn said thatSRaldflilsand not thinkIt was thatppulaa."r Cannon IIished he had Da\ aid that \Ihispers has a reading \Ieek" period to IonSISteSntly good sales due to its prepare for the mam W/li it SILI00le k'alidIs from \Ihich she selects lhIId--year law student loe Schumow (left) and senior Sarah Uchtenstein study In Olin Library onTuesday, Dec. See WHISPERS, pageA See EARLY EXAMS, page 2 5 lV/th finals around the corner. the library Is packed at all hours of the ay

Basketball slam dunks tournament I Frozen fury rages over campus I "'3'“: gffgg‘IggIQEHW Men’s basketball dominated I With power outages running ‘ Spms"""""""" 5 ADVERTISING PHONE the on-campu5 lopata Tour- still moo/rig rampant after I Forum...... 6 I 314 935_ 6713 namenl, grabbing the first last week's stonn Forum place trophy with a defeat I cartoon/st Rachel Topper Cadenza IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 3 E-MAIL us I over the PomonaPitzer I I5 detenmned to get to the . Classifieds 11 [email protected] Sagehens. Sports, Page 5 I ' :" bottom of the cause FonIm, """""" I : Sudoltu...... ll ‘ ON THE WE wwwstudlifetom 2 ZIUDEW LIFE ‘ ’I‘Ei’ls WEDNESDAY l DECEMBER 6. E STUDENT LIFE EARLY EXAMS FROM PAGEI One Bronkihgs Drive #1039 2'Womens Budding lead he has much less time “I like it that nay [haung nal on the .‘lst but now \ou “Having a plan is really and healthy snacks “in ac- Saint LOUIS. MO 631304899 If) tram some finals the last day of haw none it can be frustrat- important " said Kelly Main. company screenings of Fam- “\ lot of students. like classes and the others dur- ing [if you are from out«of» Cornerstone‘5 I'ly Guy, Simpsons and Ru- News (314) 935- 5995 my self, haye a lot of catching mom." said Sherby. “Friends source assistant. graast Advertismg: (314) 935-6713 up to do and reading ueek is mine usually Just stick ful and take thet e tocr The stressfree zones “'1” Fax (3141935—5 5938 necessaryinot just for my “May be because I usually around andr ax for a fast ate a schedule fdr yourself Eek: place on \\cudncsday, e mail: editor@ostudlife. com (;»L,P\ but also tor my sanity.‘ ha\e my caSier finals on the days and then leay'oeon the that‘s resalis tic .13 frtom 14 pm. at lir- www studlifec nio r Russ Siims has a last day of classes} day they “ere goingt o " e says students often sasCand Dec. 1-! at the sam similar situation Sherby a St Louis natue Sherby says he is lucky know what t ey haye to do time in the Village Dining Copyright 2006 ate the lion‘ s share docs not ham to \yorry about that he has had reasonable fi~ but don't budget their time Room D. of my work due on the 12th, trayel plans likeC non, a nal exam schedules through- well, leading to more stress. “it's a busy time of the iiih and 13th ‘ said Sims.[1 New \orker, and Sims, a Cali- out his time at the University Main offers some ways to re» year and \ery stressful and haw] three papers a presen fornian. and understands that many lieve this stress. it’s \ery asy for people to lation and an e\am in that “If I have to stay till the are not as lucy “Students must identify not take care of themselyes“ timclra EUIh for one of my" finals, I " nsee howhhav ing four what's stressing them out." After that load, Sims has might as well take my other stressful finals packed into she said. “Think about what one more e\am ontthe let. finals around then." said three days can be annoying," needs to e done for each in- I have six days to study said Sherby. “That hasn't dividual thing, then break it for my last exam." said Sims. dsherby hasnitncssed some happened tonmea',yet and in- down into more manageable “That‘s usually the amount of his out- of-toun ead mo fnal just parts." of time I have to study for all encounter traye I means Idon]It1 hage to stay for The Office of Student Ac: my moms when professors reschedule slonn-"g tivities is taking advantage Senior Mike Sherby, on the final exams. Hou'eyer, he For students whoddo hav of this year'5 three- day read- other hand. is pleased about said that they try to make a tight schedule, Cornerstone in k with two days of stone'3 Web site at him'//cor- his spread out fina exam the best out of the situation. offers a few general tips to stress-free zones. Freec mas» nerstone.wustl. edu. schedule. ‘If you used to have a fi- stay on top the workload. sages, Cold Stone ice cream Editors : Sarah Klein, Felicia

NATIONAL — the manufacturer’s original The report is based on factors accommodate the increased Medicine. Named the Asthma p not like personal behavior, work- traf 'c when construction be- and Allergic Diseases Coop— ing and living environments, gins early next year on Inter- erative Research Center, the NASA wants per- changes made by public of- state 64. The project will force center will conduct research I becausethey contribute to ficials and the level of medi- th usands of travelers to seek specifically focused on how manent moon heart dis eby raising bad cal care delivered. Common alternate routes: namely, the the body‘s protective mecha- General Manager: Andrew O'Dell cholesteroland lowering good things that negatively affect Clayton and Ladue roaads. nism, the 'mmune system, Advertising Manager: Sara Judd base cholesterol at the same time the health of a state are smok- Thirty-one different sugges» contributes to asthma. Previ- ing, motor vehicle deaths, tions have been madeat h Copyright 2008 Washington University Stu— dent Media Inc. (WUSMI) Student Life is children in povert and inci- die this influx ofmtra ffic . the financrally and editorially Independent NASA intends to establish Robert Gates dence of preventable disease. a permanent outpost on the moon that could be used to says U.S. not win- UNIVERSITY —— prepare for a manned trip to LOCAL “—— IDII 5 maybe purchased for $80.00 by calling (314) 935-6713 Mars The moon base would ning war in Iraq either be at the north or sout IFC and Panhel- Student Life is a publication of WUSMI and the moon, so that in» e nominee to be defense

'0 Boy’s quick think- whole or creased sunlight would allow secretary said in his hearing Ienic Elections better use of solar energy to today that he does not believe ing helps contain Student Life rti | s photos and gran ICS the United States is winning Vice President of the Sig~ of Allergy and Infectious Dis- are the prope o USM and ma t e the war nlraq, and that a house fire ma Phi Epsilon house, Andy ease, of the National Institutes reproduced or published without the express failure there could help to Locke, was elected President of Health written sent i Genera a er Pic— cause “a regional conflagra- Logan Wright 12, of r Fratternity Council H 9 Si tion" in the Middle East The shoveling the driveway of (IFCI) Sunday night. In the up- E Scientistse btehlieyine Oasntronautss oming ear ocke es to AAAS elects four cuould na-tu work more closely wit the in ral resourceshtommaintaim the heard popping noises and saw aet dividu l fraternities “1 want WUSTL faculty as dent Life reserves the right not to publish all outpost. NASA Associate Ad- moke. He initially thought it th I kn v tha in here sum ministrator Scott Horowitz might be gunfire, but upon fellows estimated that by 2024 there checking the garage found a through helping them plan If you'd like to place an ad, please Contact the would be a continual presence significant amount of smoke differentprogramming or phi- Advertisrng Department at (314) 93575713. American Assocta— on the surface, similar to the that the rest of his family had lanthropy events." In the past, a It you wish to report an error or request a clari» current system for the inter- 'et discovered. His uick Locke has held such positions ,tication,e‘_,Iyiai| editor@sti1dliteocom national space station. in Sigma Phi Epsilon as social chair and vice presidenttof f1» clearly na'nce. Outgoing president is faculty members as fellows. ‘- Studentliteis New York bans level in Iraq since the senior and membe 413 looking fora initial invasion. *- studentwho has trans fats at res- fthe flame was

W theirfingeroh taurants Healthiest state most likelyelectrical 4’ thepulseotthe E Wash. U.andSt. The Board of Health \ot- in the U.S. is Min- nior Amelia Gariepy. E Louisnightlite ed unanimouslky Tuesday to County considers ,9! scene.lty0u're make New kthe nation’s nesota an artery clog- roads takeover $7.7 million de- ging artificial trans fats ast For the fourth year in a row, restaurants The Yesterday the St. Louis voted to finding give a slight break by relax- County Council considered a in al z proposal calling for the take- cause and cure for meeting. The rank of fellow, < i you he highest honor awarded by asthma AAAS, honors scientifically or plan, which calls for the re» whole improyed slightly with socially distinguished efforts mail moval of most frying oils that Americans being enrce A $7.7 million grant will to advance science or its ap— [email protected] contain artificial trans fats healthier than thoey were a 1 establish a new center for plications. to get started by July 2008. Restaurants can year ago. United Health Foun- ._, 5 :i F. 3‘ o "i o r: :r 1-” A) {I} asthma research at the Wash- a: still serve foods that come in dation conducted the report. move is E seen as necessary to ington University School of

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WEDNESDAY | DECEMBER 6, 2006 Senior News Editor/ Mandy Silver/ news@studlife,com STUDENT LIFE I NEWS 3 Students choose a —

nelzayvul , snooze over stud " ' n‘ 0 3n www.careers.wustl.edu and use the "Calendar Search”function for moreinformation. I- u. p 4 llll‘l‘AI I-u rogram Meet the Company Event: Wed, 12/6, 4-5 p.m. in 157 UmrathHall

Enspire Learning, Fellowship Program Career Call: Thur, 12/7 @ 4 pm. at 157 Umrath Hall

Alive Magazine Open House: Sat, 12/9 @ 11 am. at 3115 South Grand Boulevard

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Washington University, St. Louis, MO LUCY MOORE l STUDENT UFE Application Deadline: 12/15 Credit “M" ‘ “ " “ CI'IZIUbI'aI",' on Tuesday, Dec. 5 Manystudents choose to skip class in order to catch up on sleep. WashingtonUniversity, along with 20 partner agencies, will be hostinga month——long

BYSCUTTFABRICANT recommends all students get real risk of becoming compla- RayBradbury’s Fahrenheit 451. "' ' 4' ‘ ' "“ " ‘ CONTRIBUTING REPORTER a full night of sleeep, and havve cent and falling behind. the semes- pa goods eeping ents are not alone in ter approaches, and the last habits and playing hook. A survey by round of exams CareerBuilder.com found that Barclays Capital, New York, NY of workers need to take a little time off pathetic, but many graade on have called in sick when they Application Deadline: 12/15 Paid from c ass. attendance Unless there is a re no Ten percent have Rarrlay’c r r' '' ' its summer II no. I IslIIp rnvyrurrl. There are a Som professors maybe n1- real emergency,they tend to I ~ I I tolerant of skipping0 classes, be unsympate while otheers mayn “u[Ctti gclass] would be their top reasons were a nee but most students do0not have like buyingga 5100 movie tick— to r‘l‘elax or catch up on sleep. Pasteur Foundation, Paris, France an issuevs not showing up," a‘d Application Deadline: 12l15 Credit most Christopher Horn, professor

of philosophy. TheSummer 2007 " J ‘ L', ' " ' “ ' 10-weekinternship he grade weight given to the real world;o percent AI , ‘J. '" ' P ‘ ‘ b ' infectious p on attendance oftenccauses stu« of bosses have fired a worker sleep, or are too0 tcired to be dents to create false excuses for false excuses disease research.‘ ‘ "' , ' “ ' '- ‘ Applicants motivated to go and ridiculous reasons. Many Am the more amusing L "'- 3 ' ‘ "“ ' *nd be self—sufficientenough to

“slspee in because sleep is professors have favorites. excusesngoffered by employe uIIuIIgC ' J L ' ‘ nun).' ' ‘ r " '.ictizensonly. lnternswill better than class," said junior culous ees included. “Employee was Rachael Gri poisoned by mother-indaw,“ receive a living allowance of $400/week Ano er who “a buffalo escaped from the mes D. Reid, pro- game reserve and kettcharg fessor of psychology geth mployee every time Student Life, said “I'm Just d students do have she triede tmogo to her car from as likely to fall asleep during an S'ad1antage over othermma se,“ and “Employee class if I go, so I might as well jor lar chemistry broke hi snowboarding not go.” and5 biology lecitures, such as off his roof while drunk onsidering that many stu- General Chemistry, Organic professors and em- l 1 L r L dents stay up past 2 am, this Chemistry, BPrincipals of Bi- ployers can rest easy know n. , nu euuuuu. trend is not surprising. Some- ologyaaan ochemistry, are ing cutting doesn't occur all times the body just takes over all available10 as streaminng he tim .Most students and an peop e sleep through the downloads over the Internet. employeees asked 0th e— PB Consult, Inc., Denver, CO; New York, NY; Seattle, WA; Washington, DC alarm. , Wih the practice is stro sponded they cut only on rare Application Deadline: 12/10/06 “If I skip class, it‘s not in- discouraged by the respective occasions teetinional. I'll usually just professors, dnt As the anonymous student These positions are for both December and May grads. PB Consult seeks highly accidentally seelep in,” said rarely attend these larger lec- put it, “Sometimes we just motivated individuals with educatmen 0 nnnmirc nI Ihlir ohmore Michael Safyan. tures instea thinntgternh need a bre 0Student Health Services at home. However, there is a administration or a related field to support local, national and international infrastructure consulting projects.

Bank of America, St. Louis, MO SWIMMING 0? FROM PAGE 5 Application Deadline:12l1 0/06 The analvsr J r .1 II I I- I .I. H,“ yard individual 3medley with ing point in the year for the what we wanted to do [at this J '1. - -c a time o 1:53.7 which also Bears, as they now set their meetl," said Nordbrock. “Now Bank of America. As an analyst,"on will hum , um Inc ut him at provisional quali- sights on the UAA Chaampion- with that behind us our next course ofabout 13 months, develoIIiIIg ' ' '” 4 ,_ I I 5. dlU accelerate fying level. ship meet in Febru focus is conference in Febru— your GTS career. NCAA qualifying perfor~ “T are severalpeople ary and nationals in March." mances were also turned in 0 ttha a e ensured to go by Alex Beyer, with prr-ovi to nationals which15 exactly Stereotaxis, St. Louis, MO sional tiimes in the 400yard - Application Deadline: 12/15/06-

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4 ZUDENT chE ”if. S've' '19.?33‘43‘1‘? :5.” MMSDAV i “an“ 6,!“ Parking services offers WHISPERS 1:. FROM PAGEi I - aim in 'he libran. whkh al large I‘m-ad and Mind; mat-m lrms students and fa1ulix ingrah ‘Thc eminrim 1‘ r. It" theWhen‘clht1'1M an a hi't ‘1"th lining 1111.1 1111111121“ arc softer D11 “larger1‘ hrlptuLAand nmunc Is “11!) free car inspections ‘ be libran] Is where a kit said \k-nkc. mmpari 11! ~1ka mint and their XII" to neat-tn tales ’i thinkhii i\ Mrnkr aim spoke '11:]. dlk irwridslrrimthtt s'idc amurmnm' lstnwvaufiii Idthl 111;»1111111111111111 r1\;-11' 11:11 11r11a11 11 1111's.;1i1111nd nts alsn atinbutt-d the Dans \ald that thc tank at hm:ateuuldmurmethemk "Wm 1d'«a1111111.1. “1111,1111... 11-1111 1.11 1, 111 STN’FWP «alt s hgh ruustnmtr rate 111 its tratnratrmvsphcrr n~

Wednesday. Nov. 29 pm. and 9 pm, on N 1'. unsecured purse and 30. Disposition: Pending, moved $25 in cash. Theft a.m. iNSTiTUTiON- occurred sometime be- udies are currenntly AL VANDALISM S BROOK- 4. .m. LARCENY- tweeen am. and 8:28 the closest waay to make plau INGS—Compiainant reports THEFT—PSYCHOLOGY a. m Disposition: Pending. sible cause and effect claims. the South Brookirigs handi- BUILDING—Student reports Gr cza' study was it - ”Ci CAIN) New research by Professor Richard Grucza shows that teenagers who cap door was damaged and that on Nov. 26 he left an 2 a.m. LARCENY— lished in this weeks issue of smoke are more likely to abuse alcohol as well. would no longerclose prop» iPod his desk and. wh THEFT—MILDRED LANE Alcohol: Clinical and Experi erly duue to pro . he returned on Nov 28, he KEMPER ARTiAramark em- mental Res rc.h pingthedoo md damaging found 1 was missing. The 10161: report 11 unknown same. Disposition: Pending. estimated value is $20000. personisi stole $5 from her Disposition: Pnding. purse 121”" s cured clean- Friday, Dec. 1 ingccols of ro 12 in Saturday. Dec. 2 Kemper Hall Theftmaocrurred 9:02 a.m. PROPERTY DAM» between 6: 00a 1.0 05 AGEVOLTN LIBRARYiAra~ :00 p m. FALSE ALARaM— a.m Disposition: aPending. www.studlife.oom mark reports that the rest- FRATERNITi 0“ rooms on LC\ 61 B and Le\el 2 fire alarm Unkn wn tho 3.14 p.111, ASSAULT~PARK- of 01m library were vandai- ulled the fire0 alarm. ING LOT #2» Verbaland phyr ized ov.Sernight Disposition: Pending. ical altercatio n took place in ers were torn from the walls. at over parking/one contents sprayed Monday, Dec. 4 loading location. Victim re- all r the re.strooms fused prosecuution. Disposi- The damage had all been 8:28 a.m. LARCENY» tion: Cleare.d IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: cleaned up prior to this T EFT—DUNCKE HALL report. Time occur» Student reported unkno r1 rence: between about 8 personls) went through her

Washington University Women's Varsity Golf .'..0‘:

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Washington University's Athletic Department is intereSted in exploring the possibility of adding on ma mapts sale in the women’s golf to the varsity sports program. sptntt o; the bolt'oayseasmn Saturday, Dec. 9% '06 John Schael, Director of Athletics, will be hosting a meeting on Saturday, December 9th at 4:00 pm in the Conference Room of the Athletic Complex for- Featuring M current freshmen, sophomore and junior women .2me I'DG‘OG QIFCS, toys, (1)?) ‘oeconacronspa Bake?) raunnm '-

interested in competing on a varsity golf team. ‘1. 1 _. - tubes int-r u

The intent of the meeting is to determine interest, answer questions, communicate expectations, and i IaHUMS provide direction for introducing a new varsity sport I"... Watuman to the WU women’s athletic program. p.119 l: Form Park Parka

StuntsWEDNESDAY 1 DECEMBER 6. 2006 Senior Sports Editor / Andrei Berman / sports@stud|lfe.com STUDENT UFE . NEWS 5 Men’s basketball Swimming dominates at dominates chata Classic Wheaton event 0:0 Nading garners MVP accolades oz. Men’s and women’s teams turn in record setting performances BY UIAIZ KABANI midway through the firs SPORTS REPORTER an BY ANNA DINNDDRF Nordbrock made pro\1s1onal railing at halftim the Thompson kept the BearAcalose SPORTS REPORTER loo-yard back- hashington Uni\ersity emen‘s at the break. and the 2007 basketball team ovwerwhe ading hit two three--p01nt eConsider this a state- yard backstroke 2:08.901, ( Pomona -Pitzer Sagehen ers early in the second half and nt ' ' events. She :xith brilliant shootin in the son who 9At a meet \\here the Bears also qualified provisionally second half Saturday night en hoped to attaain 1nd1\ idual 1n the ’O-Oyard indiudu route to n8 - 5 victory and qualifications for nationals, al medley (2:03.09). the first plance trophy at the 23rd did that and more. Both turned in NCA lassic at n's and women's sw 1m a1 qu allfying ti\n1cs in the Wash U Field 11011 f teams had strong showings 200yard freesttyle ‘ ' The Bears fell behind 2825 at second half. Wash last weekend at the \t‘heaton 500-yard freestyle (a 104.88]. largest lead at 70-48 afterjunior imitational in \t heatotn 11.1 1(‘130-y-ard freestyle

halftime but hit an uncann ._. <5 of their first 22 shots in the sec- rwrard .3/1. ond h 1 take control of the tributed 21 points conthertedna a number of '1 c women also qualified game Sophomore forward Tyler fastbreak layup the NCAA national champi- two relay teams for natmnal Nading led the Redami Gre nthe second half we came onship in March and setting compeution, breaking a pair with the first double- double eof with Imore confiden the tone or the rest of the 6 he process his career by scoring 22 points had ourlegs under us." CWallis season. Both teams placed The -ltit1\ ard treestyleC relJay and grabbi nrgn13rebounds Nad said. We played our best half of second overall at the meet. team of ixono Nordbro The women's field had eight nior Katie Hodges and Hank Ins'S erorf rlemn the season sofa Most \aluableaPlaye'erhonors for On Frida theBears defeated teams,nwhile the men's side paste a pro\isiona time of the tournamen ('31-) Luther College 87-71 at the Wash. adn i 3:31.63. setting a new school handed the Sagtehens their first U. Fie ' doy put a lot of record loss of thIenoseaso heart into the meet" said Kono Nordbrock and eguard Sean Wa l- junior co- capt ain Meredith Hawk teamed up with soph» NordbrockS “We really came omor 1\1 Jen ins fo the togethera 1 12 sists formed \ery ell.‘ in addition to his 10 points. He with a careerhigh 20 poi women “ere led by ftcatton for nationals and Joined Naadingo the All-Tour- h. U. a e an early run ak the previous meet re- naml andquickly)jeumped aehad 102. cord \tithatismc f‘ 3:8 69 if 1 great to getrrolling" The Beears defense held Luther oc.l< Hank’s perfor- ihc performance Walll1s saidgafter his stellar per- 30.8 percent shootting innthe prot ision was highlighted by sophe formance.“ rogoal was to win florst half and led at the break al qualifier for thg national _: .1 fl. .... re 7. S :7 (11 n: C 0 a: meet in the 50-yard freestyle (I our own tournament and it felt 25. Luther cut the lead to v really nice to play as well as we freestyle relay qualified him UONEL 3OBEHART l SlUDENTLIFE provisionally for nationals Wash. U. forced Pomona- Tyler Mad/17g goes up for a 5/10! at last Saturday's game againstaPam style,\where the he5 yard freestyel He to extend the leea 4.Ruths Piper. Nadmg was named MVP of the Lopata Classic Tournament also “on the 100 free in a finished the game with119 points prm 1s10nal qualifying time and nine rebou ns.d 1-si.ty Last season. thcnttop- The first-year also won of 46.37, as well as setting ra into dry spell and " much where The Bears return to ac ranked Illinois Wesleyan had no the ZOO-yard freestyle. az sch, r 1».record"A isin tit“00 d1 not come t a field goal for we want to be right now." Nada tion Dec 9 when they tra\e1 to trouble against the Bears. easily notching an NCAA automat the ne\ 7 23. allowing the Sag ing said after the tournament. Bloomington 111 to battle 24th defeating Wash. U 835.6 ic qualifying time of 1:53.18 See SWIMMING page 3, “We're coming together as a ranked illinois \tesleyan Uni 5.


handy-umnor—”m n—nufi-

6 STUDENT LIFE l FORUM Senior Forum Editor / Daniel Milstern / forumOstudlife.com WEDNESDAY | DECEMBER 6. 2006 i Our daily Forum editors:

Monday: CIEISBE Mutpliy Wednesday: Nathan Everly Friday: Tess Cum oemurphyOartwustliedu [email protected] taunthstladu Toensurettiat we havetime to hilly evaluate your submissions guest columns

bynolatgthan‘inm Forum onacase— basis STAFF EDITORIAL So which . Get happill school is the

s the Wash. U. Hour. Refreshingly, this is abouthow much mone longer the case. as Greeks alcohol policy gets tin their wallet. Trying to and non-Greeks alike come real ’Harvard- of stricter and stricter to the Gargoyle ever week -campus so- amountofmoney tossed have no money is re for Happy Hour. Attendance cial program around for other projects, drag At Happy Hour, this is for on-campus rogramming the Midwest’? a d more decentralized, this is certainly a justifi- not a pro is steadily dropping, with there is stilloone occasion able amount 0 money to ore importantly, at Hap~ even the Gargoyle struggling speend for an et‘ent where py Hour, alcohol is nottthe todragwlarecrow sw everybody can go (there are central focus of the event Happy Hour isn't going 0611. non-alcoholic beverages for parties and other events Hour proves t's become almost a you'll find out that it has those who are unnder 21 or that it is possible to have tradition for some two treasured landmarks just choose not to drink) alcohol at events wit out columnists at m a Civil War battlefield and (CPCl Happy Hour is the and haye a goood time may emi ther groups n wspapers to publish TrumanState University. shining star of on-campus Ilithout a real, central lo- would be well served to fol~ their Christmas wish lists .a. t arvard ofthe cation for students to simply them selves. At Ha Hour, '5' w CPC's practices, as well aftter Thanksgiving. Caase Midweste" Truman State was Thursday. students hang out. Happ our does the alcohol only serves as a as the University, which can in painnzt St Louis Post-Dis- formerly known as Nort social lubricant. With only patch co umnist eaerand ptylen offood to Bill McClellan. On period of time.Students can soak it up. it is very hard to students by taking a cu just stop by after classes For continually putting on one of t e on-cam- 5 events, year after year uch as bratwurst ems can enjoy themselves CPC certainly deserves to be institutions at t for the Oktoberfest Happy without ha\mg to W‘orry ing “too Greek. This is no . tate and national 1evei.0vera,ll the list was fairly intuitive. President RACHEL TEPPER & KARL IMPROV | EDITORIAL CARTOON

medium-sized school as the number one public univer- sity in the Midwest. It has done so for the past decade now Yet due to the growing usage of the label at other schools. the‘'Princeton of the Prairie"n now beccomingCmore popu. posed to bri lar with studentnt.s something interesting also Eastern Illinois Univer- Feel the wrath of my Freeze, “811 the only ques- sity Washington University! This medium-sized tion to aslt now is how With the rays of my cyrogenic ice blaster, school in Charleston. 111... began marketing itself 38111 electrical lines shall be severed, many other schools the“ Mi-d leaving the entire campus without refer to themselves west"Hafter an lilinoiMs state power or heat! St. Louis shall be senator described it as such as the ‘Ilariiartl of the during a formal cam us mine for the TAKING!!! ards, Eastern Nitlwas ’." Illinois Ueniversitybegan Actually, it was lust officially referrinyg to itself Rosed ale. U Drive e V and Greenway... happened. He casually referred to Wash. U. as the “Harvard of the Midwest" Rosedale, U Drive Now whether you likeathe

and Greenway shall nickname orn vard of the Midwest anbel be mine for the _ Mum has stuck wit taking!!! WWW since it first grewabeeyond regional university. But like t ey want to a further publicize the school itself." ‘ Medical University of Ohio n r LETTERS TO THE EDITOR schools refer to themselves This is actually a medi- as the “Harvard of the Mid- cal school located in To- west." The answer? Dozens. ledo. Ohio. but that hasn't Snow day would be unwarranted Belolt College alumni Brian

Dear Editor: several men shoveling snow for the day,” please take a alive initial wave of expansion. acnd evennbasashingaway 2atthme moment to c nsider what Brooks made it clear that he Arndrew Zenkers edito- Whenllture ‘closed" should fairly imply. Dear Editor: wanted the ew SC 001 to rial (“ls a snow day at aWs.h there were multiple clearpaths The burden of foul weather become one of the best in U. too much to ask?" Deed on the South 40 falls more heavily on faculty Re: “Eval appreciation2raops aim sity of Kansas and the Uni- 2006) could hardly have been {During my 1 pm, class, and staff who not only have to to entertain (Dec.4 06.) For versity of Mi1chlicgan, have more un air. The article cites the Danforth Campus paths navigate around campus ut toeken of our apfreciav takeen up the kname as a snow day asappropriatedue were salted. It's important to also arifdfmro ca.mpus if well. So it might be benefi- to “inadequate aund her that salt is most the University truly closes and cial to look at a few of the n - "I o E a: aebl treatment of thestorms efie1t1ye after temmperulures stunts are not expec to Big ups to the man who took a Harvard willm be striving to effects" last l-‘ri ay lwant haw r1s1n enough iormmelting attend class, we can't expect chance become the Medica ni- to brielly share a tenthings uayll occurs the stafftto endure weather blessing our project, supporting the Midwest" title. I noticedhtch lea noon and 2 p m The conditions deemed unfit for our stance: conclude that this position is u on mainte- residents It isn' t unreasonable to Improve WU'S undergrad Truman State University

campaign on t m n founded. nance workers are simply un- for the University to expect duc anymore you ‘ll still hear it 1 Thusadyafternoon, 351 realistic Additionally, icicles studentstoeattnd class for as MarkaWrightan, nodoubt, the f you happen to travel fromttime to time was returning from class. one willreorf ‘hen kncke dL long as the sttudents expect next 50 Cen--sation up to the northeastern dmvn np rhanc otf he the University to provide them corner of Missouri, you’ll Nathan is ajum‘or in Arts shoveling the frontsteps of c0nsid1r paying a little more with daily services on campus evals.wustl.edu... it's goin eventually come across the & Sciences and a Forum edi- ydmfor Thur ynight attention to their suurriou-nd and in the residential areas. down. town of Kirksville. 0n the tori 2 can e reached via wellnin preparationclor the 'gns whenw king to class [1's e-mail at forum®studlife. Fridaym gthe opinion not the U111rers y s respon- -Ariel Cascia -Pushkar Shanna com ated writer considered poorly sibility to monitor sttudentsm Class of 2009 Class of2006 ndled. safety every“wakin 2. Friayd,8:3.,0am while For t ose who stillbelieevnel Keeping eval raps waiting for the bus. is we “should ha\e been closed the town has to offer and

YOUR VOICE: LETTERS AND GUEST COLUMNS OUR VOICE: EDITORIAL BOARD OUR WEB POLICY run - . Student Lifewelcomes letterstotheeditorand p " L ' 1.. 1 .1 .- :1 4 "lemme -' L' t ‘ nurWebsiteJt from readers. sus of the editonal board The editorial board operates indepen- will remain there permanently. We do not remove articles from the site, not dently of the newsroom rem hors‘ names from articles iilrelady00published on the Web, Letters to the Editor News: (314) 935-5995 unless an agreementwas readied pnormluulyl ne Brookings Drive #1039 Fax. (314) 935-5938 Editorin Chief Sarah Kliff St Louis, MO 6313041899 email Ietters®studlilecom Senior Photo Editor: David Brody Associate Editor 111 Neu1rch SeniorForum Editor. Daniel Milstein All submrssrons must include the writer 5 name, class, address and bone Managing Editors. Davidk'Iabor, Justin Forum Editors. Tess Cmnei, Websiteona. regularbasis. Ourthwghtl isthisI oricean articlehasbeen numberlorverilication Student the reserves the right to edit all letters lor Einrty, Chelsea Murphy. lill SMPI Senior5News Editor: Mandy Silver snhen: A: such ' " than din“ a 1 1 words as guest columns Student Lile reserves the tight to print any submtsston as a letter or guest column

WAY I DECEMBER 6. 2006 Senior Forum Editor! Daniel Milstein l tommestudlife cum STUDENT LIFE I FORUM 7 A ‘maior’ mid-college cris'

hiis y‘cearseregistra- first semester freshman 0 take within my sacred tion pro major) and I found myself in rc the situation I findmyself self all the ques» possible I was influenced by tions I thought I would never my distaste for the findings be asking about what I of the whole “every choice is istudying an why I‘m study equal'aarugumentw i cshspe- h I was sure I was mg what I' in studying. In the cificallyiexplained that land inmune. end. ittofrcemd te of This called for reflection. to change the way I Nebraska 15111ncredi- and I reached the conclusion bly' cheap because it‘s that I've just ta en the most a lame place to live). natural courses toward a ny'w'ay. this semes diploma and toward gaining ter foiled the entirety access to the post- collegiate Washington Univer- o my academic plan- education I need to pursu sity education solely ning because I was .“Ive come to undeer- as a bridge toward also su osed to hate stand that this is definitely a future career a d Human Evolution (I mistake. While the most Iill Strominger know it's supposed natural course seemssil ke one of the best an excellent one to take I've ue of tehe present. classes at this school. I'mtune of those lososers ave an unrivaled hatred “I’m officially hav- who readethroughethe graadu- for alltthings science). The atton anrid major thing is though , I'don t hate ing the mid-college ments and beganplanning it. In fact. I think its pretty her four--yeare U. mteresting.a rid this creates academic crisis from "There-yo s‘l'on of ' academics h all sorts of difficulties. the school first sent out the m with liking which I was sure I was glim- desires c urse description book- myTahnthropology class is let before freshman year t at when course listings immune.” nown exactly what I came up I actually decided wanted to do with my life to reevaluate my p ans to realized it won‘t mean any- and what I wanted tomajor thing unless it's a path that in srilrice my ju 1 can be passionate about. If high school. Andforethe first started looking through Ijust spennd m two semester the anthropology classes. Iyzing things I don‘ t really problems sticking exactly to and a bunch of them looked careaabout '5 no way that plan g only slight incredibly interesting Then l 1’ in going to learn or gro adjustmentsffor classes I was wonderre what otherclasses much from teheexperiehnce locked outo was missing thatl and it hasn't felt Ii ke

ost part. every- juust want to take becmausel blessing collegeeshoulrl1be. In TEMIJ 58W" ISTUDENI LIFE was interested in the mate- ne of the luckiest rial. Suddenly I realized peoplein the world because portunities solely as step- taken enough classes wher that a ton of other things I have the luxury to spen a ping--stonesttoward a future. I looked forwardatoi writing9 Jill is a sophomore in Arts sounded interesting (lots of few years thinking about dif- As a result lhaveetn‘tmade the papers andt classes I was told I “should" them even more interesting ferent ideas. but I‘ve chosen sure I truly learned the wa exams. It' s time tochange take. so I took it right away than the classes I wanted to treat these years and op- I should have. and I haven't that. , mail at [email protected].


ude. It’s effing 40 and those willing to The benefits of having knows, maybe your mind those dirty. dirty freshmen tists should be able to make cold. It's starting such an extravaganza are will be clear enough (to write getting ready to hit that kid ow-like substance in to warm up to the innumerable. First of all. an amazing who was on the third floor their sleep. And yes. there point where my it would be a great stress Ilrcoul‘qltalso forster class of their freshmen would also be the risk of in- hair ' reeze anymore; reducer. With the official nity. Class councils could they can save their former jury. But would that risk be: but it is still frigid ifinals period around the dormmate.and prove that out. It ma e un- er. an tons ofpeapers “You might not be able if ou mess withsone junior, ~pleasant to venture and tests alread you mess withu all. :0 outside (I at is. if people need a studybreak to tliiiilt of a good topic bring it. you under to s end all yourt you have heat). but Therew lIbe events with trds. See. just talking about the library. forgetting there‘s .as enterrpris hot chocolate and movies for your 10 page paper it riled upa ' an outside world, drinking 1an young sciholars. triotism in me. a more coffee than a caffeine locations such as the but th se are old and tired that's dllfl tomfll'l'ow’ happen to me. it can happen addict who‘s allergic to Greenway and Rose- and aren't that effective . Coke...Probany. but still. It dale apartments. of snowball fight would be but just pack up a Some would argue that mightnt be eaasible but it do Daniel Milstein course, there would different Not only wouldtit . ‘ there wouldn‘t be enoug e.awesome There- bea ouriffbutt would Sllfltlllall and let lll' snow for this. But these fore.11t should haaeripp aIIoowlosttudents to just let out - u people are just quitterss. pus--wide snowball fight. up0at‘3the Forty rlisuc a all that pent-up rage. ou l'lll- Ski slope 5 make sno Daniel is a junior in Arts Evvery semester. t ntous occasion all the might not be able to think peoplfleecould even ski5in0the & Sciences and the Snb Swampis turned into. well. a shutmtles could be utilized for send out e-mails the night sum rWe'ere Wash U F0Drum EdiionH porf sive wa~ this Metro before the glorious event e should be able to buy at reached via 2- mail a! forum@ terabalploon andamud fight. would want to go to the toom stpack up a and tell their minions to all least 15 oft ese machines studlife. com Unfortunately, this is only leria when they could hayG'ea snowballand Iet'er rip. That gang up on one class. Then, Not to mention that some of for residents of the South snowball figt?h rage will be gone. and who if some juniors see one of our award~winning scien-

Racism among celebrities OPPOSABLES unacceptable CHI “l l-‘ Not onlyIS it the fop-grossing café IV All'lll SILA rambling. incoherent apolo» STAFF COLUMNISI for a long time. Forgiveness who annoyed him using the in 8. Louis it's also officially the for racism can't be granted first thing that camerto his gy on Letterman did him any tep—-ranlted distraction from actual good). I've heard some say I decided to let the dust onew eek atefer such an inci mind—race. Therea nt any academic success settle on the Mic ael Rich- dent Did Michael Richards excuses or double-strandards that he should donate money ards incident before I wrote all of the suddent nk rac- for Michael Richar 5 to black charities to make column a out it. (Actually. ist thoughts and yell them Mel Gibson, in his infinite for the racism. A a1 n.1ihile it wasn't my turn to write at blacks one night and then wisdom. recently came to this would be nice. it can't eliminate the rac1sm.leven until now-abut never mind the next night not feel that Richards's defense. “I felt Life in the dark isn’t fun. bul staying in way at all? I find it very hard like sending Michael Rich- someone suggest that that.) In the time since the a hotel on Rest/res’ tab I pretty rock Infamous racist explosion to belie\e. The idea that this ards a note.“ Gibson toldI Richards should do a show Entertainment Weekly atT Aopolo.l That would star Who pays for the mini-bar bill? isnte feel really badly for the guy. definitely benentertaining. was 0 vious n a state but it wou olve unfortunate respon cnofSracism11such the meiad nlhe Intesrnet as this is not an iso ate andmmen in0menday comer incident than can easin be Because who isn '! swammwpedwith fixed. It is an attitude that sation. warli n'gli! new? llyuu ‘re reading Ilils, The sy mpathetic excuses he's sober Ale]Gibson is cultivate over time an you should feel guilty and get back to for his actions that I doesn't know how to keep ’5 hard to get rid of. The his mouth shut. \vith state- truth is that there isn't a studying ments like these. it's obvious Single solution that could that Gibson doesn't feel as erase what happened. What - Compiled by Student life SM! h remorse as he‘d like can be learned. the public to think for his that the type of ra hour cable news channels drunken anti- Semitic rant was thought [U haye died in l use the Richards inc1dent this summer. Perhaps Mel the '605 still e\ists in many l CORRECTION: as a reason to disccsu seth Gibson and Michael Richards people's minds in all strata I I doublestandard with regard could form a Justice League of society. Michael Rithards 'the nw or eing used for racist celebrities who not only exposed his own l The article South 40 dorm safety scrutinized (Dec. 1, l by whites and blacks This get caught and defend the sentiments. but the grim l 2006)contained two factual errors The KMOVreport I d .1. lies beneath" \\ bile I'm not discussmn, while a worthy ne.\t celebrity who pops up. reality of this country —that ‘ \- mu. l in its own righl.1s com Mel. do us all a faior and go despite significant progress. sure anyone really under- thatMWashington Universitydormsare the “least secure” stands what he was talking pletely irrelmant Michael back to promoting \our new H315ml§a\ t!) SVII'JUS about. we did see what lies ' wasn't joking. mm ie that no one seems to problem that will or igi 1 among St. LOUIS universities. The report did not make beneath Michael Richards There wasn't a punchline care abou y Simply bi“pretending this statement and it was a msmteroretaoon on : We saw a man completeli he solution that it doesn‘t panotStudeerre.Thearucieaisocnedastatisucmat 1 to right Michael Richards '5 exposed for what he IS‘ there were 29 reported sexual offenses at the University racist. Although certainli urongs‘ There isn't one 4! rm1 ujdumur in «Iris 6' regrelta '11:-lhis w sn‘t a hecklet, the debate we “hll‘ apo‘ogiztng aftter the stiemei H.‘ to h .1 in 2004-2005. This number is morrect and the actual the sense that \cry ditiercnt. but he didn't incident w s tertamlv hertz-r 11.15 NIJJQIUIJEJ'J- ,ir’tJu number :s 14. Student Life regrets these errors. do that. He wasn't thing to than not apoluguing at all. h rbor. . be iunm he “as la~h1r1g 1 duesnt change the facts thought s and most Iikeh has out at an audience member Although I can't sa\ his


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pussxhlv \11 1! NW 1I. I11~ 1.11111.“ \11111.lmm “I111 11111I1-1~1.11111\ i1 SOPHOMORE SLUMP BY JASON ANDERSON 111l‘nnu: 1:1) 1.1rl11111111l \IN'IIII’III 11111111111 I1.111111l.1I31.I 1.1“ \\1(I14‘~\ and! \ I11‘1 .111s1 “I 1111) l‘11111.~.11.1II.11rIwIH r 1111. 5111‘ n21 You on?“ 1am v». 11'» Covey, UL {A911 N u5u1m “I“ I“ new: '4‘ we 1» 111111£1o11 1111‘». 1% rm u UN 511» A 11 If: 23 ékfl r1~<

nd that br111g~ 1111‘ I11 111\ 111111 11 III1 111111 I1.1I1\ and1111110 pnlnt.(.\1cr1.1<1u 11.1.1 [11 1.111 I111i1111I1-11n111l11nglr slakmg (1111 some 11'rr1111n 111x11.11l111l1.111 I I1» ripOIL llkc ofy'ourm11.\'1nh11ul11 \\11\II1.1I\11(.<1III" 1111\111111 11 II phun: 11101 .1pImrs 11; 11111111;4111 “II11.1L111'|"1\\ km Cu Ifeaiurcd hcr1~<1n"[.1rl\k\\1nlnr .111 .l.» 11. (111111hen‘ allhop produced “11h Ream“ 111;: \11u'Iln1.1k1'1[.


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WAY I DECEMBER 6. 2006 Senior Cadenza Editor / lvanna Vang / cadenzaGstudhiecom STUDENT LIFE l CADENZA 9 ——_7

Damien Rice: ’9’

"mm theems in the sense that there be one of the best songs on “Is he dark enoughh’ Enough l‘m a sucker for nonsensi- \‘thh allegedly ha\e healing mm are othermem ers. ando the . An easy isten to see your light?" which cally filling syllables: you powers nif nothing else use \ocalisttin particular singse that still oddly gets claught proceeds “Does he dri\ e you knoyt t e stu , “la la la" and audible accompani~ Remember when you rather frequently. if only ' ‘ 't keeps you wild?/ Or just mildly free?“ “ha yxha “ha." The lyrics. merit5to Airborne come flu heard the “Garden State" in a ac up to e. However. “Tell them God just dropped eason soundtrack? it was amazing t e album is not like those by to forgiie our sins/ produced by Dave Matthews finei that she lei:3him. but it relieye us our doubt/ la la la in the sense that it's really aboutthe lyrics. l‘m gener stime tor r1.uPlus. . " stic. well written and enjoyable allyn ta an of mu sic that he sin 5 slow enouugh that Overall. the CD contains Damien Rice to lTisteen to. isn't fast and loud but this his accent is still distin» the perfect music for Study» 9 album starts off LP manages toosoutnd sincere guishable. and I think we ing, not loud and distract- witThhthe first single,“ without beingco rite. can all agree: Accents are ing enough to pull you from Rating: ****i} ri mes.“With both Rice and 'AccidentalBabies' relies dreamy trna es me “am GenChem. but interesting guttar‘bassist Lisa heavily on the ly rics. rather to write to Damien and tell enough that when you take a nigan singing. the song is than the music whichworks imI‘m five minute break. the songs beautifully performed. Not fine when theelyrics are as all the songcsoare[sick make wonderful mini-vaca- For fansof:l“Bright Eyes. just a back and forth of the striking. it‘s a song written andmelancholy.“ tions Ellio two. they also overlap their to a lost love. asking ins." isa much faster T st track features 16 But. it‘s more like Daye Mat- voices in what turns out to things are with a new lover: paced song. ['11 be honest. minutes of Tibetan chants

Brand New: ’1'he Devil and God Are Raging Inside Me’

If IEREDMI SBflutTER (“.“ their last to an older era. Most of the has especially poetic lyrics as Fans of Brand New will mu REPORTER much heavier doees “You Won‘ t Know. most likely find that The Brand New

afbuin 9? r1 ‘5 sound than those in “Your ile poetic. the lyrics Devi an ‘takes some The Devil and GodAre Brand New'5 latest album. be expected an in this case. Favorite Weapon" or 'Deja in “ vi d od" are gettingu sedotto. However. it Raging Inside Me change is good Entend ." he album has pretty depressingoatndrleven is definitely worth listening The album has a more ma— slightly morbid.n to. The album is more profes- Rating: *‘k‘ki’ift ture sound than the older two. like those in “YourFavvorite sional and more musical than Tracks to download: “Jesu Weap"on annDd“Deja Enctendu." their older . but is Christ." “Luca." “Millstone" chorus of “esj hrist." still recognizable. The lyrics For fans of: . aballad is “Andl.will die/all may epress you a little, but Jack‘s Ma e uin. The Entendu.“ annd0it took me a few mg to experi- alone/and when l arriThve/Sl if you‘re a Brand New fan. Starting Line listens before i could really n.t "uLca"has an almost won 't know anyone. chances are you‘re used to 11 o it as t e Bran New classic rock feel sounding kirid of sentiment is echoed in that already. “Millstone” and “Handcuffs." , Hove. But after three years something like a throwback Season (Yeah)." the opener.

Jay—Z: 'Kingdom Come I

BY ANDREW SEITER find original topics to rap flourishes of originality produced by Chris Martin of CADENZA REPORTER on the third track. b Coldpiay fame. has an 0 heat production that is sur- Jay-2's new album end. 0v ra JyZ t rn prisingly effec.tive The latter Kingdon'1."Come reaffirms om “retiremente is neither it," “Hollywood" and ”30 production inspires Jay--Z to his status as one oft etop~ a complete failutr nor a com Some thsing" are variations concoct a e rappers in today‘5 hiphop plete triumph.l mo-edi ehtat have engaging lyrrics. Also. even een .Jay--Z’scommanding cre album fromaraapper who very little originality.0ther though jay-Z seems unable resence and sublime flow can be sublirn to create ins iredl rics. are virtually unmatched in One of the most engag- his aesthetic skills are as hip-hop todaay His 5 i s ing aspects of “King om You Wanna R1 e. w 1ch has r.Tracks such at rapping are highlighted Come” is the high quality agreat guest spot from john as “Anytheinegf “DigaaHole" throug ouut the re .But of production. Top pro uc- Legeend suffersrofom unin— d“ShooneWhat You Got" the album is b nocomaens ers such as Dr. Dre. Kan Ye spired lyrics. Tshroughout showcase Jay--Z's rapping perfect. Jay

Laguna Beach: 'Summer Can Last Forever’

“ERICK! s nigh impossible to include some sweet WWWR distinguish among females punk in its recipe. just like this show Otheetrthan Grey's Anatomy oesw Laguna Beach. the MTV hair color and height these lesbianrock. Summer Can Last Forever girs are the exact same miner Can Last For- beautiful exterior renamed ever“ operates similar Raaitg. *W‘Q’JV'ii tor the se\eral times. lot es are adding choice lines frombthe music. lwilldouble it to familiar to everyone as little mportant. since they define show as filler. “The white * you com one is really cute! Can I get en fetus of 'The O.C ‘Now in its profess a loy this swimsuit in a large top Your Heart Stops Beating" third season. Laguna Beach ho' style consisting of Ugg andaasma ottom?’ was “The Adven boots and short skirts. They the fetching Kr F0or fans of: Laguna Beach. are huge photosynt esis kill you?‘ respond female California Pop Roc enthusiasts. as their crispy listeners. “ylf and Steven glows illustrate. Life in had babies. they would be aguna Beach botls down to so good loo lung 'sa sa who you are humping and sycophantic Jessica“ characters haye frequently robah ' a e). but It seryes with whom you are fighting: would suck at0life“ expressed great affection its cultural significance in usually most of the fight- says an yeinbittered and yet for, spreads its tendrils oyer uniting viewers across t or ing deepeesndson who you are slightly less aesthetically nation by them cer- hummil! us pleasing American public.‘ tain individuals that they And this is hh) we love lfa My'0on ever wantted of Blink are in attendance; can a l emgrateutogether. watching Laguna. which has life were son 5 ut Angels and iruayes (on- like a family. become MTV's most watched California by Californians tributes its epic pussy low st indiuduals make showy of all time. it makes please buy th ost ba 113d‘The yenture' and it easy for us too. hllh their life simple. tracks includesa reference +44 giyes a little child- par 9ethics and no TV trying desper ran»0. suchast ebrain- ent angst hit 'vy en lour tho: aipid \erbiage atelmy to keeeptthe 'M in its fess, sy nthetic dance track Heart Stops Bea Intellect is not highly al- efrom falling off and nce in ans aid back rock in melting includes muSical California.“ the \einout Dashboard Lori interludes as frequently The rest of the (DDis fesstonal. who are probably as pmstble From includ~ comprised of up-t female or under 3W4 ' hill be ' child of luc ifer Hilary records by punkbands pleased at hlanrig an album Duff' s thin \Otals on “Come that definitely in the self- to lay back mine! tan Deter follows nut kittens to C lean" ast e themeesong strangely Last Foreyer' »ll line you school or r ass. first season m tonstanih incorporat» hollon tone of the show humming along but; heroine L 1‘ thank: our of sita montage as a Obuously. Sugatculr is [Itch disposahi t 3 college after a semester at tincmatic clement. Laguna board Blink 182. the Laguna Bea/.13 San Diego 1 nnersity Beach does its damndest to band that Laguna Beach Lagma $.35” 1:2 ".5 tr a ma season 5n WV

. .I .~ III- ‘.;":‘;-i II» M . . MIINI.’ IIIAVL‘I‘: Jim

;.I -,.-,, _: ,‘ “I: . ,,5 I I ... ..,|.€:. ”a I‘ Y’ ;-':.=‘ .. 2, PI. w . arts & QADEN'LA entertatnment Dance Theatre takes center stage


IIu.:':Wd h\ IIIInnII IIda Hum lmnu Hum I I .«IIII an ha haaralh II. “as tum IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII \IIIII ptrhapx the must unusual \IIIIIIIII II' I IIIIny KIWI” [Illt’ In IIII pIIIrIIII IIIIn lhI pll‘tl was IIrlKII’IRIh staged In MM. and It Il'Il IIrpIIratM IIIIIIIII Ihl’ uanuI‘ mIIumIInts III the (.rahamII-Ihnique \I'htle Matt hIng II, I rrvalt/ed that he dantvrs' IaI Ia vaprrs sItIns IIIntrIbIItI-d III Ih4- Mam [III'IIW IIIghIIghIIId Ihl‘ IInIIrIII as murh as the mnu- IIIIMI‘IIIIII III nmanAut ms The 1er elements “\IIInIIns\4II44s,d Hall (Md IIImbIned tIIIeIIIIIIlI emu-d Belladnn (‘mIIIIOn‘I of ear and times na IJIII rIImI III II lallOal’I. mIrmrIng the results ns \tIIIIs (I10 “I , IIIIIgraphId III IhrrIssttne latdImna Dnemmen I'IIhI'uI II ()'\I a] translated ."IhIIlreograp he d III hand sIImII III the MIIrId' s mIIsI In was mI faIIIrIIe unrds IntII stIIrIltne III the pdeuUlOnI As a II beglns In a forest “III'I a ma/I-d In group III gtrls staring (III Into the dIstance. leadtng me III wonder at what they could he gaunu MI quesIInn Is answered MIII the entrance at am II. ”11' unIII presented III a man Later on In the IIII stage IIImm nIIatId tht pIeI‘I‘. ll betomes apparent Idea that rat h woman's \(II((‘ that the gtrls are not realII Is dtstInII. and “henInIIm XIIIV but llImers espet'tfi Psychapomp by 0961/ Slaughter blnt'd. Ian he Int rt dIhII ptIVI- tallI. MrIIpa Belladonna, a t-rlul “()ne Among Man\ a modern pll‘t l' I hIITI'IIRIaPIIl‘d the energI ande powlern{cram bI MIIrI Jean tune” and the tunateII It)Itr he the slaageto dancers. alsIII girl s III elfet ts arearIlarried Atlthough It has aulItltIecIcing, the Importante DI the IndII nut. and he Is carted (III the “Psyhopomp” Is as enter - \ Idua 'lIIe danters began as stage. The pIIece on s as tainI‘ng as the tItle suggests. a Itght IIIIII IrIItId withsII began: the girls hear a must- All thep ces In DanIeTTh Ists breaktn IIIIII peritIdIcarl he adtsta atre ZIIIIptI pressentedthe dif- II M. manI tIInItImpIIra .0“lsIchIIIIpIImp Ierent facets of dan 7 the \Iew IIIIndItidu alsl “One phed bI (etll com pICVIII'. Intncacy:grace Among Mam” Inturporated Slaughter and8 featured pIIuer ener gI more free and released m0\e- lrlbaI'Ilkf‘ modern dance nd gntfttentlI Illausllranted ments that kept mI attentIIIn moves that transferred all the art of mmemeent Ighrou houl. Choreographer ‘DS CWRIESV DI Asha Prem dI reIted th:l piece “Thillana” The be Ilssonthe dancers ankles echoed In tIme \ It I Imusic. and the lastpaIed IIIIIIIIIIrII Mas a mesm erI7in Ialltmed Be ThI\I ’"arne. choreographe I Da\ Id Cur» “en, featured ballet dancers

In the back (ltterallII‘ Onte again. the danctng \\a\ beau- One Among Many by Mam/can Cows/l Women's Voices by C/mstme Knob/auch-O'Nea/

’Perfumez' the story of a murderer

IVSIIASHALU Isolate and Iapture the scent AREPORIER P trtck Susktnd's ’PerI Perfume \ bet‘ame an (IrenIIuIIlI' the tIIurdI rer Is Duet'tt‘d III IIIm I\ IItxt-t b(In IIInI 1I\,k\\t.' s ddItI‘IIIIII'II 1&1!th tiff 1: IUIII‘\\\ IIII Im II \IU\KI\

/ Item ’deI bank allm to I: I Int: Ben Whtshau, Dusttn Its pupuularIII 1mm mar) gltstentng perfumen. Hoftman, -\Ian thLman. (ht: (\‘\Ird\\rdlndr\ cuneept III In tact, It ma\ be e\en more Rachael HurdMood I humIn “no Ines, Itteralh sutt‘esstul than the nmel In thruugh hrs nII\€ comeune tn the au Release Jun" Dre :7 lltm» does ht II\He. he ulges Grenoutllc s perceptton of dI d he thrnes .IeanIBaptIst the Morld \\\ae etransport Grenuutlle. born In the most ed to hrs senso . rIch em I ronment Ihr ough an (“81" Nevertheless. the {11m load III rm; and sounds focuses ttghth aruund (Ire. he Is as the fish market. ue hear noutlle htrns III and excels \Ieldtnng III the uorId as the In Ireau multIIId1m \\ Irld II IIhIm I tonal portrmal of the math smIle, no (N. no st tharaIter IsII- a demon and nut a sIngIe com thild bent on hedcn. and as he Is passed from one I brtItaI Itfe to another. from detalledandomInatIrg the orphanage III the tanner. that It arg uabh becomes one \es. hung of t e Ilm s keakneSscs

macro 5h ~ mg awn pare and pIi‘Cé of ersnact'ess Pu"; Hurt-W3): an: :1" ' .335EIJI’ "'11: '29'I")5“ (If:"E 59'SEV'ZIIW fuzz on the shut and a: partIcIe of SOII .I“new1215: Mme Pewme ' Ewe . :II/II v.I.I {1. :' rem»! ‘ .


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EMU!” . 5:30 - 7pm ldeaBouz’Ice ;' " " entreprenezniss , innovative 211:; . " of the ‘00:}: ' events—fine». :7 "bounce”lbrw"r* full of pemgzéi ' receiI/III “I l: “ " late»~ €31.91: followed 2? 7",” ’ ' with the I ideas. you 325.,2 WWVV.:C.I‘/l.i.fi: LOCATIIIN “3.8 STEREOTYPES’ FALL CONCERT

E.“ 7:-30 9:30 Come ”MI“; Steieolygao; ig. .3 times will .,.: ~~ —' LOCI-\‘I 5" ' $1.": 133:9 CHIMES KAPLAN COURSE AUCTION 3:3t 2pm Plan C»:l Isl r: , , . » ” Chimes Jun-. :--.: ... PrepaI’aII,_w '1' voIioheI’ GEL/4.53“ OF Ill/lucll " . CCI'I‘IL’: I‘LI'? I he? 6.5.;I. ,qIIéCIIIJ ' LO‘HA‘TlIC URAGE"NIGHT