DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY | WU DANCE ’I HEATRE TAKES THE STAGE ,I’AGE 10 TUDENT LIFE THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER OF WASHINGION UNIVERSITY IN ST IOUISSINCE 1878 VOLUME 128, NO. 40 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2006 WWW.STUDLIFE.COM Students hit hotels as power outage continues BY MARGY LEVINSUN they wanted,“ said Stephens. The power outages have STAFF REPORTER Stephens continued to e affected Dixon and many plain that Reslife also made others In terms of academ- Parts of St. IouIs Includ- appropriate accommodations Ics as well ing areas around I\ashington to allow offcampus students ‘I hada ap er duet llnIIersitI, are still IIIttouh cardsaccess to the building. rou that I talked to the promfes- power since last Thursday’ 5 th continued sor about and he said I could storm Aolthu h the Ameren without power however Re tuurn It in whenever I got m Electric serI ices' Web sue has slife decided to take further power bac 0 "Dixon also been continuously updating cioton said that he has been spend- its customers with informa- “Yesterday, we decided to ing all day in the library. tion It makesn go ahead and get hotel rooms s experi- to wheen residents power will at the Cheshire Inn" said Ste- enced some difficulties be restored. hen ‘1 haIe three finals that According0 toCheryl Ste Absout 20 students took phen as director Re slife up on its offer to stay of RCSSICIEnliaI Life in a hotel Monday night. H0» in my apartment," said Horn— te room sw so reserved back for Tuesday nigh Other universities the UnIIersity itself has little Senior Nik Hornback took throughout St. Louis also ex- control oIer went e pow er adIantage of the hotel ac perienced power outages on will come backo commodation Monday parts of camp 11 ‘Thisi nt somethiIng “Its comfortable iguess ince we weren't real sure sLife or WashiU. can control. I justtkeee gornh and how long it would be, [we] We re kind of in this hit h checking [to seenif the power made the decision to close the rest of the city," said Ste- is back]” said Hornba ck. the residential halls," said phen Hoarnbc stayed Michelle Heching er of the Th: IlniIersity worked to apartment until “ tdropped student affairs department accommodate students start to 37 degrees" at which point at Fontboonrie. ‘Everyonwe ing almost immediately after he decided to go to the hotel able to get housinng [somes] thes Senior Scott Dixon does went to friends‘ or am- “he set up things for our not live in University'--owned mates anda few ended up at students as of Friday. he sent housing but in he qa Concor 1a" out emails and p0ostted si rangle where his power is Fontbonne cancelled class~ letting themknow we weren a so out, but no hotel stay es on Friday and Saturday for sure how long it would last. has been offered. Dixon ex students. They have since DAVID HARTSTEIN I STUDENT LITE we also reserved the Lopata plained that he, along wit had their power restored. Many students are still without power following last week’5 snow storm. Rest/la has rented rooms at a hotel for multipurpose room so folks t This friends, is stay- students without power livingIn University owned housin could sleep down there if ing over at friends‘ houses. See POWER OUTAGE, page 4 Whispers ranks Teen smoking may increase as St. Louis’ top- earning café risk for alcohol abuse BYJUSH HANTZ Grucza and his team more sensitiIe to the effects symptoms of abuse and de~ NEWS EDITOR U. S. gOIernment oufdrugs pen 0 inter» Ithile the research is con» Other6problems a s soci- Adolescents who smoke ng. Gru za emphasized ated with both smoking and cigarettes are more likely to ducted over three years. They that it is corrnelational so he ‘ culde increased beecome alcohol abusers ac- diIided the adolescentsIninto can‘rntaake sal sat te- l groups based on hot nch ments regarndincgu Ssmoking they drank The researchers and dri nkin found that those who smoked Still it doges seem to show had moreualcohol problems in tihats there is a onemIOIay rela- each gro Tee 5 SIDO mg Grutza offered two rea- relatedpto increasedorisk for sons for the results. alcohol abuseuBut the reverse does ‘ts ad ‘OneIss eha\\01ral " may not be he said. ‘ scence is the “eTh speculation is that time oflife II hen most people nicotine may imp act the cen- begin e\perimen ng and us- tral reward pathwwaysithe ecome an al~ part the brain involv~ rease ing addiction" said Grucza, Still, With this new wave of :ulnerabilityaof addiction to be neurobiological. The brain “Smokers who drink tend Students lounge and studyIn Whispers Cale on Tuesday Dec. 5. A new other is still dIIeloping and is to hate more problems with See SMOKING, page 4 r ‘ ’ Ctum/5 BY BEN SALES the products she wants to serve. SENIOR STAFF REPORTER KaIdi‘s Students conflicted over early exam dates Washiingtor1 Unhersity‘s nical difficulties withthe coffee Whispers is t toppingross machine ending oitechn- BY BRITTANY FARB STAFF REPORTER ntLouis according to cians to alleviate whatever prob- lems ma ari With the fall semester Kaldi’s serves Whispers so mWhispers‘ partnership well Green says, becau e th wnith Raldis Roasting Company, company is aware of the revenue whose coffeei neind teh producedtthere cafe'. Duuring the swenek around They knot he high \'01 3800 people \isit the cafe per umme of business here" she said ay sepnnindng an an:raeg of “They()’ know it is good in terms $2.835each. ofm moved their finals to Gre supenisor Employees of Whispers and last day of class in an \\ hispers saidthat the partner- the café's patrons did not seem tempt to relie\e Students of ship betww'een Whisperseand finals week stress. Howe\er dis could not be str ect it their decismn has resulted This is probabl:yr':1thehhighe to be the most successful in the in mi\edreI1ews from Stu- est le\el" said Gre oeb are . gan Ixork at Whispers last year. “I not surprising,” said actually found out \es Raldi‘sS\'\as the main coffeenon Willie Davis, who has worked at terday that I ha\I a final this m. - .. here andn week," said sophomore Ryan IIIs IampuSS“Ie.d alot of busmess \olurne but I did Cannon. GreIn said thatSRaldflilsand not thinkIt was thatppulaa."r Cannon IIished he had Da\ aid that \Ihispers has a reading \Ieek" period to IonSISteSntly good sales due to its prepare for the mam W/li it SILI00le k'alidIs from \Ihich she selects lhIId--year law student loe Schumow (left) and senior Sarah Uchtenstein study In Olin Library onTuesday, Dec. See WHISPERS, pageA See EARLY EXAMS, page 2 5 lV/th finals around the corner. the library Is packed at all hours of the ay Basketball slam dunks tournament I Frozen fury rages over campus I "'3'“: gffgg‘IggIQEHW Men’s basketball dominated I With power outages running ‘ Spms"""""""" 5 ADVERTISING PHONE the on-campu5 lopata Tour- still moo/rig rampant after I Forum................ 6 I 314 935_ 6713 namenl, grabbing the first last week's stonn Forum place trophy with a defeat I cartoon/st Rachel Topper Cadenza IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 3 E-MAIL us I over the PomonaPitzer I I5 detenmned to get to the . Classifieds 11 [email protected] Sagehens. Sports, Page 5 I ' :" bottom of the cause FonIm, """""" I : Sudoltu. ............ ll ‘ ON THE WE wwwstudlifetom 2 ZIUDEW LIFE ‘ ’I‘Ei’ls WEDNESDAY l DECEMBER 6. E STUDENT LIFE EARLY EXAMS FROM PAGEI One Bronkihgs Drive #1039 2'Womens Budding lead he has much less time “I like it that nay [haung nal on the .‘lst but now \ou “Having a plan is really and healthy snacks “in ac- Saint LOUIS. MO 631304899 If) tram some finals the last day of haw none it can be frustrat- important " said Kelly Main. company screenings of Fam- “\ lot of students. like classes and the others dur- ing [if you are from out«of» Cornerstone‘5 I'ly Guy, Simpsons and Ru- News (314) 935- 5995 my self, haye a lot of catching mom." said Sherby. “Friends source assistant. graast Advertismg: (314) 935-6713 up to do and reading ueek is mine usually Just stick ful and take thet e tocr The stressfree zones “'1” Fax (3141935—5 5938 necessaryinot just for my “May be because I usually around andr ax for a fast ate a schedule fdr yourself Eek: place on \\cudncsday, e mail: editor@ostudlife. com (;»L,P\ but also tor my sanity.‘ ha\e my caSier finals on the days and then leay'oeon the that‘s resalis tic .13 frtom 14 pm. at lir- www studlifec nio r Russ Siims has a last day of classes} day they “ere goingt o " e says students often sasCand Dec. 1-! at the sam similar situation Sherby a St Louis natue Sherby says he is lucky know what t ey haye to do time in the Village Dining Copyright 2006 ate the lion‘ s share docs not ham to \yorry about that he has had reasonable fi~ but don't budget their time Room D. of my work due on the 12th, trayel plans likeC non, a nal exam schedules through- well, leading to more stress. “it's a busy time of the iiih and 13th ‘ said Sims.[1 New \orker, and Sims, a Cali- out his time at the University Main offers some ways to re» year and \ery stressful and haw] three papers a presen fornian. and understands that many lieve this stress.
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