Moulsecoomb &

Neighbourhood Action Plan(NAP) S Aldridge & Bevendean Community A27 Academy Neighbourhood St Georges’s Community East Centre Community Moulsecoomb North Map Moulsecoomb The Orchards Moulsecoomb Community Room Leisure Centre Stanmer Moulsecoomb Way & Moulsecoomb S Moulsecoomb Woodingdean Birdham Road Hillview Good News Centre Moulsecoomb Children’s Moulsecoomb Health Centre & Bevendean Centre Primary Moulsecoomb Boxing Club 67 Centre Moulsecoomb Moulsecoomb Library Hall Jubilee Court Stanford St Andrew’s Community Room Church Drive & Hall Holy Nativity Norwich Hanover C Church & Community East Centre Brighton Hollingdean GP C Bevendean Ave Real Junk The Avenue Food Project Scout Hut S The Avenue & Community Garden University GP Bevendean of Brighton Cockcroft Heath HillPrimary

Bevendean The Bevy S = School Lewes Road A270 Community S Pub C = Church Coomb Road Primary GP = GP Surgery Bear Road = Railway w

& Moulsecoomb Bevendean

Bevendean primary

Hill View, Moulsecoomb

Moulsecoomb primary

The Moulsecoomb & Bevendean Neighbourhood Action Plan is based on Moulsecoomb Leisure Centre local knowledge and Moulsecoomb Hall experiences that identifies priorities, resources and opportunities for people living in Moulsecoomb & Bevendean.

The Bevy, community pub in Bevendean Moulsecoomb Library Holy Nativity community centre

4 5 Moulsecoomb & Bevendean Moulsecoomb & Bevendean Welcome to the (NAP) (NAP) Neighbourhood Action Plan Neighbourhood Action Plan

Supported by the Trust for Developing Communities, the Neighbourhood Action Plan (NAP) shows the key priorities for the community and the council for the area. It has been agreed through a consultation When communities work with each This NAP aims to fulfil the process with all interested other and with local services, there commitment within the Brighton parties and is a working are more opportunities to listen, & Collaboration Framework document that will understand each other and shape working collaboratively to improve change and develop as services that work. It builds skills and develop Moulsecoomb & opportunities arise. which can lead to volunteering Bevendean. We asked four simple questions: or employment and creates a 1. Are you, or would you like to be, greater sense of belonging across involved in the community? communities and neighbourhoods. Supporting communities to 2.  What is important to you in your develop networks with friends and community? neighbours creates more community 3.  What are your hopes and goals for activities, reducing social isolation, yourself and your community? improving wellbeing, and reducing 4.  Who, or what, else could help achieve the need for more specialist services. your goals?

6 7 Moulsecoomb & Bevendean Moulsecoomb & Bevendean What is the Communities Neighbourhood There are (NAP) 18,500 Of these people 60% live in areas Action Plan living in ranked in the most Moulsecoomb deprived 20% of There are three themes that have been identified & Bevendean according to by the residents of Moulsecoomb & Bevendean the Indices of Multiple Moulsecoomb Deprivation 2015. & Bevendean in partnership with community groups, the voluntary sector and public services: Partnership 29% of children are in out of work (Every Economy households 3Event Months) NAP compared to Partners will be: 15% in England £ According to the 2011 census: Only 23% people aged 16-74 41% of adults • Sharing success Activity, Employment & Learning are in full-time employment, aged 16-74 were recorded 1. compared to as economically inactive compared to from 39% across England 30% in England storiesthe NAP Safety, Environment & 2. 39% of family households are lone • Creating Community Spaces Vulnerable groups parent families to The foodbanks solutions in the ward problems faced also report the achieving actions 3. Health & Wellbeing majority of referrals are for people in part-time work 39% of children are living in poverty compared to 19% in England • Tackling emerging In addition to residents’ great ideas and local knowledge, there is a real desire to participate in this change. This will 11% of households in this ward Education/skills are student inpriorities Moulsecoomb improve the local area and set up, run, and deliver services households & Bevendean and activities through community groups and organisations. Throughout the year, there will be NAP events taking place Aa across the ward, enabling residents and service providers 79% of people in 1x1 the ward live in an area to share their progress, views and ideas. of educational deprivation compared to 20% in England

8 9 Moulsecoomb & Bevendean The Trust for Profile: Developing Communities Deprivation

The Trust for Developing Health Deprivation Rising inequalities means The Trust for Communities (TDC) growing differences 49% of the community Developing between people and those are living in health believe that the whole deprivation ‘hotspots’ Communities have with the very least are compared to 20% for England been supporting community benefits when falling further behind. the communities we come together to of Moulsecoomb Local residents know what it tackle poverty and inequality. is like to be amongst those & Bevendean for Income that have the least. Just like Department of work and the last 18 years We look forward to bringing together TDC’s community everyone else they want a pensions in 2016: and we are hopeful development workers, youth workers and specialist 13% receive workless better life for their children, that this new support from our Black & Minority Ethnic and Older a decent home to live in, £ benefitscompared to 11% in England Neighbourhood People’s teams to work with the communities of to work and be paid fairly Action Plan Moulsecoomb & Bevendean, and support you to build for it and good health and marks an exciting on your strengths to bring about positive social change. wellbeing for their families. step forward on In response we have come tackling the key Athol Halle, Households in need of together to develop the issues that you Chief Executive, TDC Housing Benefit Moulsecoomb & Bevendean have identified for 37% live in social rented NAP. By working together households and the area. with local people, 26% in council housing community groups, public compared to 18% and 9% respectively in England. services and businesses we Moulsecoomb & Bevendean has over 70% can achieve real long term experiencing barriers to housing compared to change that builds a fairer 21% in England. city where Moulsecoomb and Bevendean have the same opportunities to Digital divide benefit from the resources, Another contributing barrier to facilities and services that employment and accessing services make this such a special is the digital divide. place to live. This is not helped by 78% experiencing lower broadband speeds. Photos from Community Connections event November 2017

10 11 & & Activity, Learning Employment Community Spaces, Safety Environment East Brighton Trust is a Community Interest To support the provision of accessible The Bridge Moulsecoomb Company that owns a number of properties Community and Bevendean activities and opportunities are a across East Brighton. Education Centre both have active, number of community run facilities, was a highly valued community run from The Bevy, a vibrant cooperative pub and The income from these properties enables delivery of provider of affordable Local Action activity and learning community facility to small community halls like a number of grant programmes to Moulsecoomb & Teams (LATs) as well as offering Holy Nativity Community Centre. Bevendean as well as others areas that represent Brighton’s support on pathways that hold regular to employment. It was public meetings to most disadvantaged and underrepresented groups. These create space for informal community activity forced to close in 2018 discuss emerging local Through this, the East Brighton Trust has funded many due to lack of finance, issues. There remains including the Bevendean coffee morning, which now a significant amount events and activities helping transform communities in but their legacy is a offers a food bank and advice drop-in. This offers a way for range of passionate of council housing in the area. These range from local festivals, community families to find routes out of financial difficulty. community groups able the ward and several This is delivered in partnership with TDC, FareShare, and gardens and youth clubs all the way to dance troupes, to continue their activity active tenant and art classes and counselling services. In 2017 East Brighton at other centres and resident groups Brighton & Hove Digital. Residents have engaged in training work with the council Trust celebrated having awarded over £500k to over 100 a strong collaborative provided by a wide range of providers including: Mind, approach from local on maintaining charities and community groups in East Brighton. Money Advice Plus, Possability People, Pavilions drug and service partners enabling their estate. alcohol services, Citizen’s Advice Bureau and Brighton & classes and projects to be rehoused in The action teams Hove Energy Services Cooperative. Through these initiatives, and residents groups places like the primary the community is better connected and more resilient. work closely with the school and library. council, police, NHS and This is testament to universities, where they As well as community the resilience of the push for positive change. centres there are a local community who A current priority issue is range of outdoor the increasing number immediately rallied to spaces valued by the the situation. How these of houses of multiple occupancy (HMO) in communities; from services and projects the ward and perceived Play parks to greens, are best delivered impact on services woods and downland going forward will resulting from loss of be a significant family homes. access. There are early priority for this Advice Drop-in at Bevendean several independent community groups Both communities produce and George Rebera plan. Albion in the (Director) and Community, BACA and deliver community newsletters to “Meeting and having a chat with other people working in partnership households and encourage online Youth poets the primary schools with the council to Vs MCs Ebenflo (l) makes you feel good and less lonely plus you get to communications as well as making provide access to adult and Tez (r) see different advisers.” maintain and improve use of community noticeboards. learning. Local resident who regularly attends the coffee morning these areas.

12 13 & Health wellbeing Providing positive One of the great activities for local recent successes young people has has been supporting There is only one GP surgery in the ward, been a priority for the Moulsecoomb Amateur Boxing Club alongside an NHS city service clinic, and access several decades and TDC has worked to build the extension to primary care is a concern that was raised with partners to to their building during the community research for the Clinical deliver youth work that they have been dreaming of. Commissioning Group’s Big Conversation in 2018. The Avenue in the area for over GP Surgery a decade.

However, there is access to health services through the children’s centre and schools and both communities embrace promotion of positive health choices and self-care third sector investment the Downs and projects to improve for wellbeing. Every year TDC support Moulsecoomb Local from Public Health and diet and nutrition. Both organisations Action Team and Action for Bevendean Community to gives rise to over 30 invite our health services to an administer Healthy Neighbourhood Funding to community projects each year from annual event to improve local health projects. This money comes as part of the council’s yoga classes to running on information and access.

‘ I was very clear on Part of wellbeing is a come together as users of St George’s addressing the council Maha from sense of belonging Hall for their community open day. on behalf of Muslim & Moulsecoomb Bangladeshi Women Multicultural and neighbourliness In 2018 the Bangladeshi women’s Working in partnership with Boxing England, and their chances Group speaking where you live. group also addressed the citywide the Moulsecoomb Local Action Team and club on the job market. equality symposium. members, TDC wrote a successful bid to Sport There aren’t enough TDC support local Black England for over £50,000. The extension will mean opportunities out there, and Minority Ethnic and I explained all the hundreds more local young people can benefit barriers that keep us community groups from recreational sport and fitness opportunities from being able to access to build connections with some going on to box competitively. those: we are women, to citywide and local we are Muslim and we The boxing club provides young people in often have children’ services and groups. In 2018 a multicultural Moulsecoomb & Bevendean with a vital group, Bangladeshi diversionary activity and a social hub they can Mishruna Kibria women’s group, The Bangladeshi Women’s Group call their own. This leads to improved health and on speaking at the on a day out to a city farm set up by wellbeing amongst the community’s young people. Equality Symposium community church and Bangladeshi women to inspire local other residents groups will growing projects

14 15 Moulsecoomb & Bevendean continued NAP themes Activity, Learning and Employment People are better Invite active residents to become Moulsecoomb Local Action Team TDC recruit and connected and informed community advocates and Action for Bevendean Community induct community about their community ambassadors. Community Newsletter & leaders in Summer/ website groups Autumn 2018. Activity, Learning and Employment and increased sense of belonging.

What are we trying How are we going to Who is going to do it? What are we to achieve? achieve it? doing now? Community groups Provide IT training for community Digital Brighton & Hove Autumn 2018. are more visible across groups and organisations – Council - Digital First & Moulsecoomb & particularly around Facebook Libraries groups, Google maps and Trust for Developing Communities People are well informed Produce community newsletters Moulsecoomb Local Action Team MLAT & Bulletin Bevendean. and feel positive about that are easy to read, are visually Action for Bevendean Community Newsletters Bi building websites. where they live appealing and contain vital Community Newsletter & annual information e.g. upcoming events, website groups Spring/ Summer personal stories and a community Universities Liaison Teams Autumn/ Winter. Public and community Quarterly network meetings for Community organisations TDC to coordinate directory. Amex organisations network community and public service Public Services & service ongoing. Council - Digital First & TDC* call and work together. providers. Connect Facebook pages and Communities communications websites to improve promotion group to review and online presence. social media, other *Trust for Developing Communities People find it easier to Create and promote community Council - Communities team Communities Team communications referral route map. CCG (NHS) Present in ‘hub’ Create a Community Calendar with and calendar in navigate public services and overcome barriers to Trust for Developing Communities programme 2018. local events throughout the year. Summer 2018. Police Prevention Team support. Moulsecoomb & Bevendean Frontline workers network People have improved Provide supported online access Digital Brighton & Hove Ongoing and access to information at library and community centre Council reviewed quarterly drop-ins. Trust for Developing at communications and services online. People with mobility Collate and share availability of Council - Transport Transport Team Communities (TDC) group. First Autumn existing transport and identify Community Transport in Moulsecoomb Libraries 2018. issues are able to access activities. gaps. Big Lemon transport Spring & Summer Brighton & Hove Buses 2018. Age UK Brighton Moulsecoomb & Bevendean and Hove provide Local Action Teams individual home visits to support Older people with Job Club and careers guidance at Job Club Autumn 2018. mobility difficulties People have support to library. Libraries that need support access employment. to access on line advice and information. People have increased Develop more work experience Council - Mears & Regeneration team TDC map what skills and better programmes in relevant Trust for Developing currently offered to employment options. employment sectors (catering; Communities Youth identify gaps 2018. People have access Range of classes provided at Varndean Spring 2018. construction; retail). Bevendean Area Community Action to adult learning and community facilities. Friends Centre One Church The Bevy activities. Moulsecoomb Primary School Brighton Aldridge Community Brighton Aldridge Community Academy Academy Albion in the Community Universities

16 17 continued Community Spaces, Environment and Safety Community Spaces, Community have better Provide centres with templates for Community Buildings Network TDC will design Environment and Safety awareness of what hard copy and online promotion Trust for Developing and deliver these activities and services are of diaries. Communities with community Buildings network accessible in centres. What are we trying How are we going to Who is going to do it? What are we and roll out with ad to achieve? achieve it? doing now? hoc support across 2018/19.

Improved overall Promotion of ‘Garden Estates’ Moulsecoomb Local Action Team Biannual MLAT People are able to access Explore potential for a public Council - Property Hubs programme - appearance of estates. Walkabout inspections. Bevendean Local Action Team walkabout. Action for Bevendean different services on a services and community group Library TBC when public. Community Trust for Developing neighbourhood hub. Children’s Centre Community waste management, single campus. People like where they Council - Housing Communities (TDC) 67 Centre recycling, composting promotion. live. Council - Cityclean scope rolling out to Freedom Leisure Centre Services collaborate to CCG (NHS) Bevendean with better meet the needs of BLAT Autumn 2018. A more cohesive Hyper local community clean ups. communities. community. TDC & Resident involvement link groups to Cityclean People engage with Promote current activities being Trust for Developing Communities Community - at least 2 clean green spaces and make held on community open space Green spaces Network Calendar. ups in 2018. best use of them. through Local Green Space Friends of parks groups events. B&HCC Parks People have a renewed Make reporting to public services Police Field Officers relationship with police clear and easy to access. Fire Service induction and Impact of Lewes Rd Ensure community participation Council - Highways MLAT & BLAT invite and public services. Council - Housing meeting community traffic and pollution is in consultation as developers Council - Planning developers out to Work closely with Council Field Council - Cityclean associations. mitigated. build on Mithras, Woollards and Moulsecoomb Local Action Team public meetings People feel that their Officers to identify community Council - Field Officers Summer 2018. Preston barracks sites. Bevendean Local Action Team 2018. issues will be listened to issues reduce antisocial behaviour. Council - Communities Developers - U&I and acted upon. Lobby for appropriate traffic Universities Develop community leads in LATs Community influence calming and flow measures Moulsecoomb & that liaise with services. planning gain. incorporated. Bevendean become a designated area People like where they Community explore designated in 2018. People like where they Invite citywide houses of multiple Council - communities team Communities and neighbourhood forum and live. live. occupancy (HMO) meeting to Tenant & resident’s Team set up HMO planning area. be held in ward with a focus associations meeting Summer ------MLAT & BLAT invite A more cohesive on North of City and University University Liaison teams 2018. Amex out to public community. impact and invite universities. University students Work with Amex on event days Amex meetings 2018. parking zone scheme.

Community and services Map current community spaces Council - Parks & Property In Plan 2018. have better awareness to promote increased community teams of community spaces to activity and have presence on Community Buildings Network google maps and location maps. Trust for Developing meet and deliver activity Communities and services.

18 19 continued Health and Wellbeing Health and Wellbeing

Young people are Provide informal engagement Trust for Developing Ongoing delivery What are we trying How are we going to Who is going to do it? What are we emotionally and opportunities and outreach for Communities youth as part of council to achieve? achieve it? doing now? physically resilient. young people e.g: Schools commission till • Activity groups Council - youth 2019. • Streetwork Youth collective People can access the Promote GP & Health Clinic Moulsecoomb Local Action Biannual • Summer programme Community groups primary care services they services in community Team newsletters. Albion In Community need newsletters. Action for Bevendean Also targeted peer Community groups/services e.g: People have the Annual Health event inviting GP Surgeries • Sexual health opportunity to have their range of services and community Patient Participation Groups Summer events. • Mental health voices heard groups. CCG (NHS) • Girl’s group

People are more Bevfest, St George’s open day Trust for Developing Communities Summer 2018. Include diverse faith and culture Trust for Developing Community connected and meeting and Moulsecoomb Primary School Community groups (Inc building People are supported events in community calendar Communities - BME workers Calendar 2018. people of difference, (MPS) Summer Fare. groups) Community through mutual aid and and promoted in newsletters and Moulsecoomb Local Action gaining peer support. Council - Communities team Calendar 2018. peer support in health Programme of events at The online. Team Current groups: Community Works Bevy. and wellbeing choices. Action for Bevendean • Sunflower SEND Resource Centre Spring 2018. Support communities of Community families group Small groups Network in area. Bevy Community Pub identity to access support Churches Schools • Therapeutic through informal settings/ drop. Schools mental health Sunflower group (Special inclusive arts People are less isolated Promote role of befrienders and Neighbourhood Care Scheme Case studies in Educational Needs) groups. carpooling within the community. summer newsletter Maha’s Multicultural Group in the community. • BME groups 2018. Bangladeshi women’s group Set up local drop-in support to Age UK help people identify and access services A more cohesive Work with university outreach Moulsecoomb Local Action Guests at monthly People have improved Provide online & hard copies of Council - Health Lifestyles Bi annual community and people teams, Youth services and Team LATs. lifestyle choices and self- advice for managing conditions team & Libraries newsletters. feel greater sense of community groups on joint Action for Bevendean in community newsletters and at CCG (NHS) - clinic & GP projects. University Liaison Teams Community Events care models. Community well-being. events. Trust for Developing Council - Community Safety & in Summer 2018. Calendar 2018. Communities Communities team Involve community groups in na- People are informed and Newsletter & communications Quarterly Age UK Brighton and Hove tional and city health campaigns. able to make healthy groups communications e.g. smoking cessation & healthy lifestyle choices. group. hearts. Outdoor space is better Explore potential utilising outdoor Council - Parks & Planning Farm Green Veolia Healthy Use Healthy Neighbourhoods space (skate park; outdoor gym; Trust for Developing bid Spring 2018. Neighbourhood used by communities for Fund to kickstart wellbeing new play areas). Communities fund allocated healthy activities. activities in the community Skate Park Autumn 2018. (ParkRun, 50+ exercise, yoga). feasibility study 2018/9. Children and Young Map & promote online sign- Council - Children’s Services What’s on? website people are healthier, posting to children’s and young & Integrated Family Service & and bi annual confident and people’s activities and services. Libraries. newsletters. Churches Community providers supported Community aspirational. Schools to access funds and resources Calendar 2018. Community groups and plan and deliver safe healthy Trust for Developing Trust for Developing activities. Communities Communities offer support to applicants to Heathy Neighbourhood.

20 21 Acknowledgements: Hundreds of local residents and dozens of city council services and other public services such as schools, health services, police, fire; local councillors; businesses; university departments and community groups have participated in creating this Neighbourhood Action Plan.

1. Moulsecoomb & Bevendean 18. Holy Nativity Hollingdean Local Action Teams Community Centre & Stanmer 2. Action for Bevendean Community 19. Bevendean Community Garden 3. Tenant & Resident Associations - 20. Bevendean coffee morning East Moulsecoomb TRA / and Food bank East Central Moulsecoomb TRA / North Moulsecoomb TRA / 21. Friends of Farm Green Bates Estate TRA 22. Boys Brigade & Scouts Moulsecoomb 4. East Brighton Trust 23. TDC youth team & Bevendean 5. The Bevy 24. Moulsecoomb & Bevendean 6. The Bridge Primary schools 7. Albion in the Community 25. Brighton Aldridge Community Woodingdean Academy 8. Brighton & Hove Food Partnership 26. Varndean 9. Impetus 27. Brighton & Hove City Council - Communities Team / Children’s Centre Hanover 10. Age UK The Library / Public Health / Road Safety & Cityclean / Parks (Environment) / Elm Grove East 11. Mind Resident Involvement Team (Housing) St Peter’s Brighton 12. Amaze 28. Freedom Leisure & North 13. Moulsecoomb & Bevendean Laine 29. Brighton& Hove Clinical Chomps Commissioning Group 14. Good News Shed 30. Friends Centre 15. Moulsecoomb Hall 31. Brighton & 16. St George’s Hall Universities 17. St Andrews Church 32. The Avenue Surgery

However we recognise that by the time this list is published many more people, organisations and services will have contributed through their work and efforts to improving the local area and community. The huge efforts and continued input from all is acknowledged and valued and it will be this that drives the work of NAP to ensure the actions are turned into reality.

22 23