POUDRE FIRE AUTHORITY BOARD of DIRECTORS MEETING AGENDA VIRTUAL MEETING January 26, 2021 Prompt, Skillful, Caring 8:30 AM *Requires Board Action Due to Covid-19, the January PFA Board meeting will be a virtual meeting. Instructions to join the meeting follow. Individuals who wish to make comments regarding items scheduled on the agenda or wish to address the PFA Board during public comment on items not specifically scheduled on the agenda must use the Q&A option within the meeting, or send comments to
[email protected]. Your comments/questions will be read by a moderator and answered by the Board. Please click the link below to join the Board meeting: https://tinyurl.com/y5rnht9m Or iPhone one-tap: +13462487799,,82041733700#,,,,*102# Or Telephone: +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 Webinar ID: 820 4173 3700 Passcode: 102 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT AGENDA 1. December 15, 2020 Poudre Fire Authority Board Minutes * DISCUSSION ITEMS 2. Welcome Board Member Emily Gorgol 3. Poudre Fire Authority Board Agenda Planning Calendar STAFF REPORT 4. 2020 Accreditation Report/Recommendations Update DISCUSSION ITEMS 5. Ethical Standards and Principles for Poudre Fire Authority Board of Directors and Fire Chief * 6. Fire Chief Selection Process Update and Process Planning 7. Memorandum of Agreement: Training Center Cooperative Project with City Utilities * BRIEFING PAPERS/OTHER BUSINESS 8. Briefing Papers / Other Business CORRESPONDENCE 9. Correspondence 1 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Item #: 1 Meeting Date: 01/26/2021 PFA Staff: Kirsten Howard Prompt, Skillful, Caring SUBJECT: December 15, 2020 Poudre Fire Authority Board Minutes EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this item is to approve the minutes from the December 15, 2020 regular meeting of the Poudre Fire Authority Board of Directors.