Beaufort Sea Planning Area Oil and Gas Lease Sales 186, 195, and 202
Alaska Outer Continental Shelf OCS EIS/EA MMS 2003-001 Beaufort Sea Planning Area Oil and Gas Lease Sales 186, 195, and 202 Final Environmental Impact Statement Volume II (Section VII, Bibliography, Index) B w e o a r r u a fo B rt Sea t le n I e s a e D h it m y S a B Cape Halkett H arriso n Bay ay oe B rudh Colville Delta P Kaktovik Nuiqsut NPR - A Deadhorse C A ANWR U N . A S D . A BEAUFORT SEA PLANNING AREA OIL AND GAS LEASE SALES 186, 195, AND 202 Final Environmental Impact Statement OCS EIS/EA, MMS 2003-001, in 4 volumes: Volume I, Executive Summary, Sections I through VI Volume II, Section VII, Bibliography, Index Volume III, Tables, Figures, and Maps for Volumes I and II Volume IV, Appendices The summary is also available as a separate document: Executive Summary, MMS 2003-002. The complete EIS is available on CD-ROM (MMS 2003-001 CD) and on the Internet ( Sea/). This Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) is not intended, nor should it be used, as a local planning document by potentially affected communities. The exploration, development and production, and transportation scenarios described in this EIS represent best-estimate assumptions that serve as a basis for identifying characteristic activities and any resulting environmental effects. Several years will elapse before enough is known about potential local details of development to permit estimates suitable for local planning. These assumptions do not represent a Minerals Management Service recommendation, preference, or endorsement of any facility, site, or development plan.
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