Optical Surface Photometry of a Sample of Disk Galaxies. II
A&A manuscript no. ASTRONOMY (will be inserted by hand later) AND Your thesaurus codes are: 3 (11.19.2; 11.19.5; 11.19.7) ASTROPHYSICS Optical Surface Photometry of a Sample of Disk Galaxies. II Structural Components M. Prieto1, J. A. L. Aguerri1,2,A. M. Varela1 & C. Mu˜noz-Tu˜n´on1 1.- Instituto de Astrof´ısica de Canarias, E-38200 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain 2.- Astronomisches Institut der Universitat Basel, CH-4102 Binningen, Switzerland Received ; accepted Abstract. This work presents the structural decomposi- In general, the B/D relation has very little reliability due tion of a sample of 11 disk galaxies, which span a range to these above-mentioned reasons and also because the of different morphological types. The U, B, V , R, and I bulge scale length is sometimes smaller than the seeing photometric information given in Paper I (color and color- disk. Perhaps the most reliable decompositions are those index images and luminosity, ellipticity, and position-angle for galaxies with a very well defined disk. This means, well profiles) has been used to decide what types of components sampled and free from other emission features. form the galaxies before carrying out the decomposition. In recent decades much work has been done in or- We find and model such components as bulges, disks, bars, der to improve the methods for ascertaining the principal lenses and rings. (bulge and disk) components of disk galaxies from their optical photometric profiles. Kormendy (1977), Boroson’s (1981), Shombert & Bothum (1987), Kent (1987), Capac- Key words: Galaxies: optical photometry, galaxies: cioli, Held, & Nieto (1987), Andredakis & Sanders (1994), structure, galaxies: fundamental parameters, galaxies: spi- De Jong (1996), Moriondo, Giovanardi, & Hunt (1997).
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