
Skin Structure Test Review

Remember - this test is on the tissues, and structure.

Identify the layer(s) of skin described by the statements below

a. b. c. Hypodermis/Subcutaneous d. two or more layers e. none of the above

1. contains sebaceous glands 2. produces melanin 3. used for insulation and cushioning 4. contains the stratum corneum 5. used in 6. contains cells full of keratin 7. produces sebum 8. contains nerve endings 9. waterproofs the skin 10. contains collagen and elastin fibers 11. strong thick flexible layer 12. contains layers of dead cells 13. site of Vitamin D production with the help of sunlight 14. site of 15. site of red blood cell production 16. stores fuel reserves in the form of fat 17. site of melanoma development

A. Explain how the structure of the skin enables it to help in regulating body temperature, protect the organs below, and provide sensation. The dermis contains all of the blood vessels which dilate or constrict to allow heat to escape or be held in spied the body. Also, the arrector pili Caden make the stand on end, which pulls the epidermis tighter creating goosebumps.

B. What are the four tissue types, and describe their functions and roles in the body. Epithelial - protection, secretion, and absorption of substances. Muscle - structure, support, movement, locomotion Nervous - send and receive signals (like telephone lines) Connective - support, connecting tissues together, form structures, etc.

C. Nutritionists will tell you that the healthiest way to eat chicken is to remove the skin down to below the hypodermis, why?

You're removing all of the fat, because the fat helps holds the dermis and epidermis To the muscles.

D. How are “” produced by the body? Use the structure of the skin, and what is found in the different layers?

The arrector pili make the hair stand up, this cause the epidermis to pulled tight

causing goosebumps.

E. Explain why UV radiation is a cause for concern, but also why it is necessary for your body to function.

Can cause skin to age quicker by killing skin cells, which need to be replaced. It's needed for the production of vitamin d, and can help increase mood.

F. Explain how UV radiation affects your body and how your body deals with exposure to radiation, and how it protects itself.

It kills skin cells, causing the need to make new ones earlier then normal, increases the production of melanin on the melanocytes (causing tan). The more melanin you have the more protected your skin is from receiving damage from the radiation.