
3 Extensions of Rings and Valuations

When studying the model theory of certain theories of valued fields our first step will usually be to prove quantifier elimination in an appropriate language. Proofs of quantifier elimination in algebraic theories usually require some algebraic extension results. That is particular true in valued fields. In this section we will prove some basic results and then will use them in 4 to begin the study of the model theory of algebraically closed valued fields.§ In 5 we will focus on extension results for henselian valued fields. § For more details on some of the background results from commutative al- gebra see, for example [12] or [19]. All of the results we will be proving on extensions of valuations can be found in [13]. To be careful we will tend to state most results for domains even though many are true in more generality.

3.1 Integral extensions We begin by reviewing some facts about the integral extensions. Recall that a domain A is local if and only if A has a unique maximum m which is exactly the nonunits of A. Definition 3.1 If A B are domains, we say that b B is integral over A,if ⇢ 2 there are a0,...,an 1 A such that 2 n n 1 b + an 1b + + a1b + a0 =0 ··· for some n. We say that B is integral over A if every element of B is integral over A. Lemma 3.2 Let A B be domains and b B. The following are equivalent. i) b is integral over⇢ A. 2 ii) A[b] is a of B that is a finitely generated A-module. iii) A[b] is contained in a finitely generated A-module.

m m 1 n Proof i) ii) If b = n=0 anb where a0,...,am 1 A.ThenA[b]is ) m 1 2 generated over A by 1,b,...b . P ii) iii) is clear. ) iii) i) Let x1,...,xm generate a submodule containing A[b]overA. For i =1,...m) we can find a ,...,a A such that i,1 i,m 2 m

bxi = ai,jxj. j=1 X Let M be the matrix a ba ... a 1,1 1,2 1,m a2,1 a2,2 b... a2,m 0 . . . . 1 . . .. . B C B a a ... a bC B m,1 m,2 m,m C @ A 27 i.e, the matrix with ai,i b along the diagonal and ai,j everywhere else. Then T M(x1,...,xm) = 0. Let Adj(M) be the adjoint of M.Then

T T T 2 Adj(M)M(x1,...,xm) =(detMx1,...,det Mxm) =(0,...,0) .

Thus we must have det M = 0. But det M is a monic polynomial in A[b]. ⇤ Corollary 3.3 If A B C are domains, B is an integral extension of A and C is an integral extension⇢ ⇢ of B, then C is an integral extension of C.

n i Proof Let c C. There are b0,...,bn 1 B such that c + bic = 0. Then 2 2 A[b0,...,bn 1,c] is a finitely generated A-module and c is integral over A. ⇤ P The next lemma is a simple but useful tool.

a1 an Lemma 3.4 If A is a local subring of a field K, x K⇥ and 1=a0+ x +... xn where a m and a ,...,a A, then x is integral2 over A. 0 2 1 n 2 n n 1 Proof Then (1 a0)x a1x an = 0. Since a0 m,1 a0 m. Since A is local, 1 a is a andx···is integral over A. 2 62 0 ⇤ Lemma 3.5 If A B are domains and B is integral over A, then A is a field if and only if B is⇢ a field.

Proof ( ) Suppose B is a field and a A is nonzero. Then there are ( 2 c0,...,cm 1 A such that 2 m 1 1 m 1 n (a ) + cn(a ) =0. n=0 X m 1 Multiplying by a we see that

m 1 1 m n 1 a = c a A. n 2 n=0 X Thus A is a field. ( ) Suppose A is a field and b B is nonzero. Then, by Lemma 3.2 A[b]is a finitely) generated vector space over2 A. The map z bz is an injective linear transformation of A[b] and, since A[b] is a finite dimensional7! vector space must be surjective. Thus there is z A[b]withzb = 1. 2 ⇤ Definition 3.6 Let A B be domains and let P A, Q B be prime ideals. We say that Q lies over⇢P if A Q = P . ⇢ ⇢ \ Corollary 3.7 Let A B be domains with B integral over A and let P A and Q B be prime ideals⇢ such that Q lies over P . Then P is maximal if⇢ and only if ⇢Q is maximal.

2Remember Cramer’s Rule!

28 Proof Since P = A Q we can view B/Q as an integral extension of A/P .By \ the last lemma, A/P is a field if and only if B/Q is a field. ⇤ Lemma 3.8 Suppose A B are domains, B is integral over A, Q is a prime ideal in B and P = Q A⇢. Then then BA is integral over A . \ P P

Proof Consider b/t where b B and t A Q. There are a0,...,am 1 A m i 2 2 \ 2 with b + aib = 0. But then

P m m i i (b/t) + (ai/t )(b/t )=0. X ⇤ Lemma 3.9 Suppose A B are domains, B is integral over A, P A is a prime ideal and Q Q ⇢are prime ideals in B lying over P . Then Q⇢= Q . 1 ✓ 2 1 2

Proof Consider the localization AP and the integral extension BAP .Then Q1AP and Q2AP are prime ideals of BAP lying over PAP .ButPAP is max- imal. Thus each QiAP is maximal and we must have Q1AP = Q2AP .Butif x Q Q ,thenx Q A .Ifwedidhavex = q/t for some q Q and 2 2 \ 1 62 1 P 2 1 t A P .Thenxt Q1 and since x Q1 and Q1 is prime, we would have t 2 Q \ A = P , a contradiction.2 62 2 1 \ ⇤ Theorem 3.10 (Lying Over Theorem) Suppose A B are domains, B is integral over A and P is a prime ideal of A. There is a prime⇢ ideal Q of B such that A Q = P . \ Proof First, suppose A was a local then P is the unique maximal of A. If Q B is any maximal idea extending P , then, by Corollary 3.7, Q A is maximal.⇢ But then Q = P . \ In general, we pass to the localization AP . As above, if Q0 is any in BAP ,thenQ0 AP = PAP .SoQ0 A = P . Let Q = Q0 B.Then Q A = P and, since Q\ is prime, Q is prime.\ \ \ 0 ⇤ 3.2 Extensions of Valuations Theorem 3.11 (Chevalley’s Theorem) Suppose A is a subring of a field K and P A is a prime ideal. Then there is a ring of K with A ⇢= P O \MO

Proof Replacing A by AP we may assume that A is a with maximal ideal P . Let be the set of all local B of K with mB A = P . Clearly is partiallyP ordered by and if (B : i I) increasing chain\ in then P ⇢ i 2 P i I Bi is an upper bound. Thus by Zorn’s Lemma, has maximal elements. Let2 be maximal. Let m be the maximal idealP of . We will argue that S isO a2 valuationP ring. O O

29 Suppose x, 1/x K .Ifx is integral over , then we can find a maximal ideal of [x]lyingover2 \Om contradicting the maximalityO of .Thusx is not integralO over . O2P By Lemma 3.4,O 1 m [1/x]. Thus there is a maximal ideal Q of [1/x] that lies over m, contradicting62 O the maximality of . Thus for all x K atO least one of x and 1/x is in . O 2 O ⇤ Exercise 3.12 Show that if v : K⇥ is a valuation and L K is an ! extension field, there is 0 and w : L 0 extending v. ◆ ⇥! integral closures and valuations

Definition 3.13 We say that A is integrally closed in B if no element of B A is integral over A. We say that A is integrally closed if it is integrally closed\ in its fraction field. The integral closure of A is the smallest integrally closed ring containing A.

Lemma 3.14 If (K, v) is a valued field, then the valuation ring is integrally closed. O

n n 1 Proof Suppose b K and b +an 1b + +a1b+a0 =0wherea0,...,an 1 .Ifb ,then2v(b) < 0 and ··· 2 O 62 O i v(aib )=v(a)+iv(b)

n n 1 since v(ai) 0 for all i.Thusv(b + an 1b + + a1b + a0)=nv(b) < 0, a ··· contradiction. ⇤ We can use valuation rings to find the integral closure of a local subring.

Lemma 3.15 Let A be a local subring of a field K with maximal ideal m.The integral closure of A K is the intersection of all valuation rings K with m lying over m. 2 O⇢ O Proof Suppose x K be nonintegral over A. Then by Lemma 3.4, 1 1 2 62 mA[1/x]+ x A[1/x]. Thus we can find a maximal ideal Q of A[1/x]lyingover m with 1/x Q. Let A[1/x] be a maximal local subring of K. Then, as in the proof of2 TheoremO 3.11,◆ is a valuation ring, m lies over m and 1/x m . Thus x . O O 2 O 62 O ⇤ Algebraic Extensions Suppose K L are fields and v is a valuation on K.Thenv restricts to a ⇢ valuation on K. Let L, L, kL and K , K , kK denote the respective valuation rings, value groups andO residue fields.O

Lemma 3.16 Then L is contained in the divisible hull of K and kL is an algebraic extension of kK .

30 i Proof Let x L K. There are a0,...,an K such that aix = 0. There 2 \ 2 v(a ) v(a ) i j i j must be i = j such that v(aix )=v(ajx ). But then v(x)= j i . 6 P Suppose x L and the residue x kL kK . There is a polynomial f[X] (X) such that2 f(x) = 0. Let f(2X)=\ a Xi. Suppose a has minimal2 OK i j value and let g(X)= ai Xi.Theng(x) = 0 and g(X) is not identically zero aj P as some coecient is 1. Thus x is algebraic over K. P ⇤ Corollary 3.17 i) If k is an algebraically closed field, is a divisible ordered and K = k((())), then K is algebraically closed. ii) If k is a real closed, is a divisible ordered abelian group and K = k((())), then K is real closed.

Proof If K is not algebraically closed field let L/K be an algebraic extension, then we can extend the valuation to L and since kL/k is algebraic and (L)is contained in the divisible hull of (K) by Exercise 1.8 (see also Lemma 3.16). But k is algebraically closed and is divisible, thus L/K is immediate. But we saw in Lemma 2.46 that Hahn fields have no proper immediate extensions. Thus K is algebraically closed. ii) If k is real closed, then kalg((())) is a degree 2 algebraic extension of k((())). Thus by the work of Artin and Schreier (see for example [19] XI 2 § Proposition 3), k((())) is real closed. ⇤ We will prove much more general of these results later. If L/K is a finite algebraic extension and [L : K]=d, then the argument above shows that [ : ] d and [k : k ] d.Wewillproveamuch L K  L K  sharper bound. We let e =[L :K ]betheramification index and f =[kL : kK ]betheresidue degree . Note that if e = f = 1, then L is an immediate extension of K.

Theorem 3.18 (Fundamental Inequality) If L/K is a finite algebraic ex- tension of degree d then ef d. 

Proof Choose x1,...,xe L such that v(x1),...,v(xn)representdistinct cosets of / . Choose y2 ,...,y L such that y ,...,y is a basis for L K 1 f 2 1 f kL/kK . It suces to show that (xiyj : i e, j f) are linearly independent over K.   Suppose

ai,jxiyj =0 i e,j f X where not all ai,j = 0. Pick i and j such that

v(a x )=min v(a x ):i e, j f . i,j i b b{ i,j i   } b b b Suppose i = i and j f. We claim that v(ai,jxi)

b b b b b bf ci,jyj =0, j=1 X contradicting that y1,...,yf are linearly independent over kK . ⇤ Exercise 3.19 Show that even if L/K is an infinite algebraic extension the argument above shows that if (x : i I) represent distinct cosets of / i 2 L K and (yj : j J) are such that (yj : j J) are linearly independent over k ,then(x 2y : i I,j J) are linearly2 independent and v( a x y )= K i j 2 2 i,j i j min v(ai,jxiyj). P Definition 3.20 If K L are fields and L/K is algebraic, we say that L/K is normal if L is a splitting⇢ field for every irreducible f K[X]withazeroinL. 2 A separable normal extension is a Galois extension. Thus in characteris- tic 0 normal and Galois are the same. But in characteristic p we can build nonseparable normal extensions by taking pth-roots. Our goal for the rest of this section is to show that if L/K is a normal extension and is a valuation ring of K, then the valuation rings of L extending are all conjugateO under the action of the Galois group. O We need a form of the Chinese Remainder Theorem.

Lemma 3.21 Let A be a domain and let m1,...,mn be distinct maximal ideals of A. Then for any a1,...,an we can find a A such that a = ai(mod mi) for all i. 2 Proof claim For each i we can find bi such bi = 1(mod mi)butbi mj for j = i. For notational simplicity assume i = 1. If j =1then2m + m =6 A, as 6 1 j otherwise m1 + mj is an ideal, contradicting maximality. Thus there is cj m1 and d m such that c + d = 1. Then 2 j 2 j j j

1= (cj + dj)= dj(mod m1). j=1 j=1 Y6 Y6

32 Let b1 = j=1 dj.Thenb1 = 1(mod m1)butb1 mi for i =⌘. 6 2 6 Let a Q= aibi.Thena = ai(mod mi) for all i. ⇤ Lemma 3.22P Let A be a local domain integrally closed in its fraction field K and let L/K be normal. Let B be the integral closure of A in L. Then any two maximal ideals of B are conjugate under Gal(L/K).3

Proof It suces to prove this when L/K is finite. Let m0 and m1 be maximal ideal of B and suppose there is no Gal(L/K)with(m )=m . Let 2 1 2 Xi = (mi): Gal(L/K) then X0 X1 = . By the Chinese Remainder Theorem,{ we can2 find b B such} that b \ m for ;m X and b = 1(mod m) for 2 2 2 0 m X1.Thus(b) m0 m1 for all Gal(L/K). 2For the remainder2 of the\ proof we will2 assume that our fields have character- istic zero. One needs to be slightly more careful in characteristic p when we have d d 1 i an inseparable extension. Suppose f(X)=X + n=0 aiX , a0,...,ad 1 A be the minimal polynomial of b over K.. Since L/K is normal, f (X)=2 d P i=1(X i)where1,...,d L are the distinct roots or f,i.e.,theset of conjugates of b under Gal(L/K2 ). Without loss of generality, we assume Q L = K(1,...,d). Then

d (b)= = a A. i 0 2 Gal(L/K) i=1 2 Y Y

Each (b) m0.Thusa0 m0 A = mA m1.Butno(b) m1,thus,since m is prime2a m , a contradiction.2 \ ✓ 2 1 0 62 1 ⇤ Lemma 3.23 Let A be a valuation ring with fraction field K, let L K be an algebraic extension and let B be the integral closure of A in L. For◆ every valuation ring K with mA m there is n amaximalidealofB with O⇢ ✓ O = Bn. O Moreover, for every maximal ideal n B, B is a valuation ring. ⇢ n Proof Let be a valuation ring of L with mA m .Since is integrally closed in L, BO . Let n = m B. ✓ O O ✓O O \ If x B n,then1/x .ThusBn . Let x .SinceL/K is 2 \ 2O ✓O 2Oi algebraic, there are a0,...,ad A not all zero such that aix = 0. Let m d 2 i be maximal such that v(am)=min(v(ai):i =0,...,d) and divide aix by m P amx .Thus,lettingbi = ai/am we have P d m 1 i m i m bix +1+ bix =0. i=m+1 i=0 X X d i m Note that b0,...,bm 1 A and bm+1,...,bd mA. Let y = bix +1 i=m+1 m 1 i m+12 2 and z = b x .Thenxy = z and y is a unit in . i=0 i OP 3We useP Gal(L/K)todenotethegroupofautomorphismofL/K even when L/K is not necessarily a Galois extension.

33 We claim that y, z B.SinceB is the integral closure of A in L,by Lemma 3.15, it suces to2 show that x, y V for any valuation ring V with 2 ⇢L mV A = mA.Ifx V ,theny V and z = xy V .Ifx V ,then1/x V , \ m 1 i m+12 2 2 62 2 z = b x V and y = z/x V . i=0 i 2 2 Since y is a unit in , y n.Thusx = z/y Bn.ThusBn = . P O 62 2 O To prove the last claim of the lemma we need to show that if n is a maximal ideal of B,thenBn is a valuation ring extending A. Clearly n A = mA.By Chevalley’s Theorem, there is a valuation ring such that B \m = n.Then by the first part of the lemma = B . O \ O O n ⇤ We summarize the last few lemmas.

Theorem 3.24 Let A be a valuation ring with fraction field K, let L K be an algebraic extension and let B be the integral closure of A in L. There◆ is a bijective correspondence m B between maximal ideals of B and valuation 7! m rings L with mO A = mA. Moreover, if L/K is normal, then any two such valuationO⇢ rings are\ conjugate under Gal(L/K).

Corollary 3.25 Let (K, ) be a valued field and let L/K be a purely inseparable O algebraic extension of K. Then there is a unique valuation ring ⇤ on L with O (K, ) (L, ⇤). O ✓ O Proof L is obtained from K by adjoining pth-roots where K has characteristic p.ThenL/K is normal but there are no nontrivial automorphisms of L fixing K. ⇤