
arXiv:1807.04725v4 [math.AG] 14 Dec 2020 .Introduction 1. ..Avrato excision affinoids of of variant A étale rigid for 6.3. GAGA squares glueing 6.2. Formal of 6.1. Consequences characteristic of schemes 6. zero Perfect characteristic in forms 5.4. Differential sheaves étale 5.3. Constructible cohomology 5.2. Étale of 5.1. Examples via 5. Excision 4.3. Aic- 4.2. Aic- for result main 4.1. The the in 4. Detection universal of 3.4. Detection sheaves and 3.3. Ultraproducts 3.2. Finitary 3.1. Studying submersions to 3. Relation of 2.2. Properties 2.1. The 2. of Acknowledgments Consequences of 1.3. Instances 1.2. The 1.1. eso fteAtnGohnic aihn hoe rmS from ap final theorem a vanishing As Fujiwara–Gabbe Artin–Grothendieck the pair. the henselian as of a well version of as examples), the of of cohomology class large a (in ooooy Using cohomology. Abstract. aif ait fguigcniin uha xiini t in excision as such conditions glueing of variety a satisfy oesaetse i rank via tested are covers oooyi enmn fthe of refinement a is eso htéaechmlg san is cohomology étale that show We arc v v arc ecso n excision and -excision and -excision -topology -topology v v sevsvavlainrings via -sheaves -sheaves esuyaGohnic oooyo cee hc ecl the call we which schemes on topology Grothendieck a study We arc arc arc arc -sheaves arc -descent -sheafification arc -covers v arc -topology -descent arc dset erpoeteGbe–ue ffieaao fproper of analog affine Gabber–Huber the reprove we -descent, arc -descent HRA HT N KI MATHEW AKHIL AND BHATT BHARGAV -descent -descent F ≤ -descent 1 auto ig.Fntr hc are which Functors rings. valuation THE v tplg tepovrino Voevodsky’s of pro-version (the -topology > p arc Contents arc 0 -TOPOLOGY sefadddc aiu ulaksursi étale in squares pullback various deduce and -sheaf 1 esneo algebraic of sense he A,etnigrslso Hansen. of results extending GA4, aecag hoe nteétale the on theorem change r lcto epoeargdanalytic rigid a prove we plication arc sevsaefre to forced are -sheaves h arc tplg)where -topology) K tplg.This -topology. -theory. aechange base 54 50 47 47 44 43 39 37 37 32 31 25 25 22 21 18 16 16 11 9 9 8 5 3 2 2 2 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

7. An application: Artin–Grothendieck vanishing in rigid 56 References 62

1. Introduction The purpose of this paper is to study a Grothendieck topology on the category of schemes, which we call the arc-topology. This topology is a slight refinement of the v-topology of [Ryd10, BS17]. The benefit of such extremely fine arises when one studies invariants of schemes which satisfy descent with respect to them. In this case, one can try to work locally. For the v-topology, working locally essentially means that one can reduce many questions about these invariants (on any scheme) to potentially far simpler questions involving valuation rings, even ones which have algebraically closed fraction field. Our strengthening in this paper shows that, for arc-sheaves, one can restrict even further, to rank 1 valuation rings. (Recall that the rank of a valuation is the same as its .) ≤ We will show that several natural invariants of schemes, such as étale cohomology with torsion coefficients and perfect complexes on perfect Fp-schemes, satisfy descent for the arc-topology. In these cases v-descent was previously known. The seemingly slight strengthening of topologies (from v- to arc-) turns out to have concrete consequences: namely, arc-descent additionally forces several excision-type squares. For instance, arc-sheaves satisfy “excision” in the classical K-theoretic sense as well as an analog of the Beauville– Laszlo “formal glueing” theorem [BL95]. As applications, using the arc-topology, we obtain relatively soft proofs of some classical results in étale cohomology, such as the Gabber–Huber affine analog of proper base change and the Fujiwara–Gabber theorem on the étale cohomology of punctured henselian pairs. We also prove new general results including a version of Artin–Grothendieck vanishing in rigid geometry (which improves on recent work of Hansen [Han20]). 1.1. The arc-topology. The starting point for us is the so-called v-topology or universally subtru- sive topology, studied by [Ryd10, BS17]: Definition 1.1 (The v-topology). (1) An extension of valuation rings is a faithfully flat map V W of valuation rings (equivalently, an injective local homomorphism). (2) A→ map of quasi-compact and quasi-separated (qcqs) schemes Y X is called a v-cover if for any valuation ring V and any map Spec(V ) X, there is→ an extension of valuation rings V W and a map Spec(W ) Y that fits→ into a commutative square → → Spec(W ) / Y (1)

  Spec(V ) / X. (3) The v-topology on the category of schemes is the Grothendieck topology where the covering families fi : Yi X i∈I are those families with the following property: for any affine open { → } − V X, there exists a map t: K I of sets with K finite and affine opens U f 1 (V ) ⊂ → k ⊂ t(k) for each k K such that the induced map U V is a v-cover in the sense of (2). ∈ ⊔k k → For finite type maps of noetherian schemes, the v-topology coincides with Voevodsky’s h-topology [Voe96, Sec. 3], i.e., the one generated by étale covers and proper surjections. In general, every THE arc-TOPOLOGY 3 v-cover is a limit of h-covers. In this paper we study the following definition, which has also been explored by Rydh in the forthcoming work [Ryd]. Definition 1.2 (The arc-topology). (1) A map f : Y X of qcqs schemes is an arc-cover 1 if for any rank 1 valuation ring V and a map→Spec(V ) X, there is an extension V W of rank≤ 1 valuation rings and a map Spec(W ) → Y lifting the composition Spec(→ W ) Spec(V≤) X to a commutative square as in (1).→ (2) The arc-topology→ on the→ category of all schemes is defined analogously to Definition 1.1 (3). We shall show (Proposition 2.19) that the arc-topology coincides with a finer variant of the topology of universal submersions (or universal topological quotient maps) of [Pic86, Ryd10] that behaves better under filtered inverse limits. This result had been independently observed by Rydh in the forthcoming [Ryd]. For noetherian targets, there is no distinction between v-covers and arc-covers (Proposition 2.6). On the other hand, they do not coincide in general. For the purposes of this paper, the fundamental example capturing this discrepancy is the following. Example 1.3. Let V be a valuation ring of rank 2. If p V denotes the unique height 1 prime, ⊂ then both Vp and V/p are rank 1 valuation rings, and the map V Vp V/p is an arc-cover → × (Corollary 2.9) but not a v-cover. In fact, if f V p is not invertible, then V Vf V/fV is a finitely presented arc-cover that is not a v-cover.∈ − → × The existence of this example illustrates one of the subtleties in working with the arc-topology. Namely, even though every arc-cover is a limit of finitely presented arc-covers, a finitely presented arc-cover cannot be obtained as a base change of an arc-cover of noetherian schemes. In particular, noetherian approximation arguments do not work as well as they do in the v-topology. The main goals of this paper are two fold: we show that certain naturally defined functors are arc-sheaves (as summarized in §1.2), and we exhibit some remarkably nice structural properties of any arc-sheaves (as summarized in §1.3). Remark 1.4 (Restriction to qcqs schemes). A contravariant functor F on the category Sch of all schemes that is a sheaf for the is automatically determined by its restriction to the subcategory Schqcqs of qcqs schemes. Conversely, any Zariski sheaf on Schqcqs comes from a unique Zariski sheaf on Sch. As the arc-topology is finer than the Zariski topology, and because all interesting functors that we consider are Zariski sheaves for essentially formal reasons, we typically restrict attention to qcqs schemes in the rest of the paper. This simplifies and shortens the exposition as the arc-topology on Schqcqs is finitary (in the sense of [Lurb, §A.3.1]), making it slightly faster to check the sheaf property on Schqcqs (see Definition 1.5). 1.2. Instances of arc-descent. Given a Grothendieck topology τ, we can ask when a functor satisfies descent with respect to it (or equivalently is a sheaf). Let us spell this out next in an -categorical context2 for presheaves on Sch . We will only consider Grothendieck topologies on ∞ qcqs Schqcqs which are finitary (i.e., every cover admits a finite subcover) and such that if X, Y Schqcqs, then X, Y X Y forms a covering family, cf. [Lurb, Sec. A.3.2 and A.3.3]. ∈ { → ⊔ } 1 The name “arc” was chosen in view of the natural analogy between rank 1 valuations and arcs. Thus, an arc cover is a map of schemes along which every arc lifts. 2 The theory of ∞-categories does not play a crucial role in this paper. However, it is convenient to use this language to formulate clean statements. Our main example of a target ∞-category C shall be the derived ∞-category D(Λ) of a ring Λ (or variants), though we occasionally also use the ∞-category Cat∞ of all ∞-categories when discussing “stacky” phenomenon. 4 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

op Definition 1.5. Let F : Schqcqs be a presheaf valued in an -category . We will say that F satisfies descent for a morphism→Y C X of qcqs schemes if it∞ satisfies the C -categorical sheaf axiom with respect to Y X, i.e., if the→ natural map ∞ → → F (X) lim(F (Y ) ⇒ F (Y Y ) → ... ). → ×X → ←− is an equivalence. If this property holds for all maps f : Y X that are covers for a Grothendieck topology τ (satisfying the finiteness conditions above) and→ further if F carries finite disjoint unions to finite products, then we say that F satisfies τ-descent or is a τ-sheaf. It is relatively straightforward to see that notion of a τ-sheaf in Definition 1.5 is equivalent to the notion of a -valued sheaf with respect to τ (see [Lurb, Proposition A.3.3.1]). An important source of examplesC for our purposes is the following: Example 1.6. Let τ be a Grothendieck topology on the category of schemes (of suitably bounded cardinality if τ is “large”). For any scheme X and a coefficient ring Λ, write F (X) := RΓ(Xτ , Λ) for the τ-cohomology of X, viewed as an object of the derived -category (Λ). The resulting functor F : Schop (Λ) is a τ-sheaf. ∞ D qcqs → D In this paper, we will be interested in invariants which satisfy arc-descent. As v-covers are arc- covers, it is clear that arc-sheaves are v-sheaves. Conversely, we prove the following general criterion for a v-sheaf to be an arc-sheaf; roughly speaking, it says that a v-sheaf (satisfying a mild finite presentation constraint) which also satisfies descent with respect to the covers from Example 1.3 (and slight variants) is automatically an arc-sheaf. The idea of studying functors which satisfy the excisiveness condition in Example 1.3, and recovering them from valuation rings of rank 1, also appears in the work of Huber–Kelly [HK18]. ≤

op ≥0 Theorem 1.7 (Criteria for arc-descent, Theorem 4.1). Let F : Schqcqs (Z) be a functor on 3 → D qcqs schemes which is finitary , i.e. F takes filtered limits with affine transition maps into filtered colimits. Then the following are equivalent: (1) F is an arc-sheaf. (2) F is a v-sheaf and for every valuation ring V with algebraically closed fraction field and prime p V , the square ⊂ F (Spec(V )) / F (Spec(V/p))

  / F (Spec(Vp)) F (Spec(κ(p))) is cartesian. As an application, we give some examples of arc-sheaves. Our first example is étale cohomology with torsion coefficients; note that this invariant was known to be a v-sheaf, essentially because of the proper base change theorem, cf. Proposition 5.2. More generally, we show that constructible complexes on a scheme X can be constructed arc-locally.

3 For sheaves of sets, this property has been dubbed “local finite presentation” by Grothendieck and is pervasive in the classical literature [Sta18, Tag 049J]; however, we avoid this terminology to avoid clashes with other similarly named notions, such as that of finitely presented objects in an ∞-category. THE arc-TOPOLOGY 5

Theorem 1.8 (arc-descent for étale cohomology, Theorems 5.4 and 5.13). For a finite ring Λ, the assignment X b (X, Λ) sending X to the bounded derived -category of sheaves of Λ-modules 7→ Dcons ∞ on X with constructible cohomology satisfies arc-descent. In particular, the functor X RΓ(X´et, Λ) is an arc-sheaf. 7→ Our second example is that of perfect complexes on perfect schemes of characteristic p; again, this invariant was already known to be a v-sheaf [BS17, Sec. 11].

Theorem 1.9 (arc-descent for perfect complexes, Theorem 5.16). On qcqs Fp-schemes, the functor X Perf(X ) satisfies arc-descent. 7→ perf As an application, we obtain a completely categorical description of arc-covers on perfect schemes. Theorem 1.10 (Characterization of arc-covers of perfect schemes, Theorem 5.17). On qcqs perfect F -schemes, a map Y X is an arc-cover if and only if it is a universally effective epimorphism p → [Sta18, Tag 00WP] in the category of qcqs perfect Fp-schemes. 1.3. Consequences of arc-descent. It is sometimes easy to show (thanks largely to the relatively simple nature of rank 1 valuation rings) that certain squares of schemes that “look like” they ought to be pushouts do≤ in fact yield pushout squares on associated arc-sheaves. In particular, any arc-sheaf carries such a square of schemes to a pullback square. This leads to concrete consequences for arc-sheaves, such as excision squares or Mayer–Vietoris , which we describe next. Let us begin with the classical formulation for excision for functors on rings. Definition 1.11. An excision datum is given by a map f : (A, I) (B,J) where A and B are commutative rings, I A and J B are ideals, and f : A B →is a map that carries I A isomorphically onto J ⊂ B. In this⊂ situation, we obtain a commutative→ square of rings ⊂ ⊂ A / A/I (2)

  B / B/J that is both cocartesian and cartesian. Such diagrams are also called Milnor squares (after [Mil71, §2]). We say that a (Z)-valued functor F on commutative rings is excisive if for any excision datum as above, theD square obtained by applying F to (2) is cartesian; equivalently, the natural map from the fiber of F (A) F (A/I) to the fiber of F (B) F (B/J) is an equivalence. → → The question of excision has played a crucial role in algebraic K-theory, see for instance [SW92, Cn06, GH06, LT19]. We prove the following result relating excisiveness to the arc-topology. Theorem 1.12 (arc-sheaves satisfy excision, Theorem 4.1 and Corollary 4.25). Let be an - category that has all small limits. Any arc-sheaf F : Schop satisfies excision. C ∞ qcqs →C Remark 1.13. The hypothesis that F be an arc-sheaf, and not just a v-sheaf, is essential to Theorem 1.12. Indeed, general v-sheaves can fail to be excisive. This distinction is explained by the following observation (which was also the basis of our discovery of the arc-topology): if (A, I) (B,J) is an excision datum, then Spec(B) Spec(A/I) Spec(A) is always an arc- cover (Lemma→ 2.7) but not in general a v-cover; in fact,⊔ with notation→ as in Example 1.3, the map (V, p) (Vp, pVp) gives an example. → 6 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

Next, we study “formal glueing” results for arc-sheaves. The formal glueing property of a functor captures whether its value on a variety can be reconstructed from its value on a formal neighbour- hood of a subvariety and its value on the complement. We formulate this precisely as follows. Definition 1.14. A formal glueing datum is given by a pair (R S, I) where R S is a map of commutative rings and I R is a finitely generated ideal such that→ R/In S/In→S for all n 0. We consider the corresponding⊂ square ≃ ≥ Spec(S) V (IS) / Spec(S) (3) \

  Spec(R) V (I) / Spec(R) \ of schemes. We say that a contravariant functor F on schemes satisfies formal glueing if for every formal glueing datum (R S, I) as above, the functor F carries the square (3) to a cartesian square. → This property has been studied frequently in algebraic geometry. For example, the functor that assigns to a scheme its category of vector bundles satisfies formal glueing (at least when restricted to noetherian schemes, see [Sta18, Tag 05E5] and the references therein). We prove the same holds for arc-sheaves without any noetherianness constraints: Theorem 1.15 (Formal glueing squares for arc-sheaves, Theorem 6.4 and Corollary 6.7). Let be an -category that has all small limits. Any arc-sheaf F : Schop satisfies formal glueing.C ∞ qcqs →C Remark 1.16. Just as in Theorem 1.12, the hypothesis that F should be an arc-sheaf, and not merely a v-sheaf, is essential for Theorem 1.15. In fact, just as in Remark 1.13, this can be explained by the following observation: if (R S, I) is a formal glueing datum, then the corresponding map f : Spec(S) (Spec(R) V (I)) Spec(→ R) is an arc-cover (Proposition 6.3) but not in general a v-cover; see⊔ Example 6.8\ to see→ what can go wrong. Specializing the previous theorems to étale cohomology, we obtain:

Corollary 1.17. For any torsion Λ, the functor X RΓ(X´et, Λ) is excisive (on rings, in the sense of Definition 1.11) and satisfies formal glueing (in7→ the sense of Definition 1.14). As applications, we give quick proofs of two foundational results in the étale cohomology of rings and schemes: the Gabber–Huber affine analog of proper base change4, at least when working over a henselian , and the Fuijwara-Gabber theorem, generalized to the non-noetherian setting. Corollary 1.18. Let R be a commutative ring that is henselian with respect to an ideal I R. Let be a torsion étale sheaf on Spec(R), viewed as a sheaf on all schemes over Spec(R) via⊂ pullback. F (1) (Gabber [Gab94], Huber [Hub93b], §5.1 below) Assume that R admits the structure of an ∼ algebra over a henselian local ring. Then5 RΓ(Spec(R) , ) RΓ(Spec(R/I) , ). ´et F −→ ´et F 4 At its core, our proof has some similarity with Gabber’s proof: both proofs involve reduction to the absolutely integrally closed case. Once this reduction is made, Gabber proceeds to study the topology of closed sets inside ab- solutely integrally closed schemes directly. However, in our proof, we actually reduce to absolutely integrally closed valuation rings, where there is no nontrivial topology at all. 5 Note that [Gab94, Hub93b] prove the result without the assumption that R is an algebra over a henselian local ring. THE arc-TOPOLOGY 7

(2) (Fujiwara–Gabber [Fuj95], Corollary 6.10 below) Assume that I is finitely generated. Then ∼ RΓ((Spec(R) V (I)) , ) RΓ((Spec(Rˆ ) V (IRˆ )) , ). \ ´et F −→ I \ I ´et F Unlike the proof of Corollary 1.18 (2) in [Fuj95], our proof is relatively soft and does not rely on Elkik’s approximation theorem or its variants. Similar techniques also allow us to prove a descent property for the étale cohomology (Corollary 6.17) that essentially amounts to the equality of the algebraic and analytic étale cohomology of affinoid spaces in rigid analytic geometry (which, under noetherian hypotheses, is Huber’s affinoid comparison theorem [Hub96, Corollary 3.2.2] for constant coefficients and Hansen’s [Han20, Theorem 1.9] for general coefficients). As a final application, we apply these descent-theoretic techniques to sharpen recent results of Hansen [Han20] and prove the following version of the classical Artin–Grothendieck vanishing theorem for rigid geometry. In loc. cit., this is proved when K has characteristic zero and when A arises as the base change of an affinoid algebra over a discretely valued nonarchimedean field. Theorem 1.19 (Artin–Grothendieck vanishing for the cohomology of affinoids, Theorem 7.3). Fix a complete and algebraically closed nonarchimedean field K. Let A be a classical affinoid K-algebra of dimension d. Fix a prime ℓ and let be an ℓ-power torsion étale sheaf on Spec(A). If A is F i smooth or if ℓ is not the residue characteristic of K, then H (Spec(A)´et, )=0 for i > d. In general, we at least have Hi(Spec(A) , )=0 for i > d +1. F ´et F Our proof of Theorem 1.19 is independent of Hansen’s work [Han20]. Moreover, with the excep- tion of the affinoid comparison theorem mentioned above, our arguments can be formulated purely in terms of the étale cohomology of rigid spaces (though we do not do so in our expositon).

Conventions. For a commutative ring R, let RingR (resp. Schqcqs,R) denote the category of com- mutative R-algebras (resp. qcqs R-schemes). We simply write Schqcqs := Schqcqs,Z for the category of all qcqs schemes. Given a presheaf F on Schqcqs,R, we often write F (A) = F (Spec(A)) for an R-algebra A if there is no confusion. For a torsion étale sheaf on a scheme X and a morphism f : Y X, we often write RΓ(Y, ) ∗F → F as shorthand for RΓ(Y´et,f ) if there is no confusion. In particular, cohomology with constant coefficients is always computedF with respect to the étale topology unless otherwise specified. For a S (such as the space underlying a qcqs scheme), we write Scons for the S equipped with the constructible topology inherited from the spectral topology on S (so the open of Scons are exactly the ind-constructible subsets of S); recall that Scons is a profinite set whose clopen subsets are exactly the constructible subsets of S. We refer to [Sta18, Tag 08YF] for an account of the theory of spectral spaces and the constructible topology, and [Gro67, Sec. 1.9] for an account of the constructible topology in the case of schemes (for instance, cf. [Gro67, Prop. 1.9.11] for the characterization of clopen subsets). Given a qcqs scheme X and a specialization x y of points in X, we say that this specialization is witnessed by a map f : Spec(V ) X if V is a valuation ring, and f carries the generic point (resp. the closed point) to x (resp.→y); every specialization can be witnessed by a map from the spectrum of a valuation ring [Sta18, Tag 00IA]. Following terminology from the theory of adic spaces, we shall refer to a nonzero nonunit in a rank 1 valuation ring V as pseudouniformizer. ≤ Given a commutative ring R and a finitely generated ideal I R, we denote by RˆI the I-adic completion of R; note that this is well-behaved even when R is non-noetherian,⊂ [Sta18, Tag 00M9]. We let denote the -category of spaces, and ≤n denote the full subcategory of n-truncated spaces. S ∞ S 8 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

Acknowledgments. The first author was supported by NSF grants #1501461 and #1801689 as well as grants from the Packard and Simons Foundations. This work was done while the second author was a Clay Research Fellow. The second author would also like to thank the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor for its hospitality during a weeklong visit where this work was started. We thank Piotr Achinger, Benjamin Antieau, Dustin Clausen, David Hansen, Marc Hoyois, Johan de Jong, Matthew Morrow, David Rydh, and Peter Scholze for helpful conversations. We also thank Joseph Ayoub, Kęstutis Česnavičius, Shane Kelly, and Jacob Lurie for comments on an earlier version of this paper. Finally, we heartily thank the referees for a very careful reading of the manuscript and for many helpful comments and corrections. THE arc-TOPOLOGY 9

2. The arc-topology The goal of this section is twofold: in §2.1, we collect some basic properties and examples of the arc-topology, while in §2.2, we explain why the arc-topology can be defined topologically via the notion of “universal spectral submersions”.

2.1. Properties of arc-covers. In this subsection, we collect various results on the arc-topology. We will work freely with the theory of valuation rings; see [Sta18, Tag 0018, Tag 0ASF] or [Bou98, Ch. 6] for an introduction. In particular, we use the basic properties that valuation rings are closed under localization and taking quotients by prime ideals, as well as the notion of a rank 1 valuation. Proposition 2.1. Let f : Y X be a v-cover of qcqs schemes (Definition 1.1). Then f is an arc-cover. → Proof. Let V be a rank 1 valuation ring with a map Spec(V ) X; by assumption there exists a valuation ring W with≤ a faithfully flat map g : V W and a→ map Spec(W ) Y making the diagram (1) commutative. The only issue is that W→need not be rank 1. To→ remedy this, we proceed as follows. ≤ Let m be the of V . The collection of prime ideals in W is totally ordered, so any intersection of prime ideals remains prime; thus, there exists a minimal prime q W such that −1 −1 ⊂ g (q)= m. Similarly, there exists a maximal prime ideal q0 W such that g (q0)=0. The map ′ def ⊂ ′ V W W = (W/q0)q is faithfully flat because it is an injective local homomorphism, and W is a→ rank→ 1 valuation ring. In view of the map Spec(W ′) Spec(W ) Y , we see that f is an arc-cover,≤ as desired. → → 

Remark 2.2. The primes q and q0 appearing in the preceding proof can be described more explicitly as follows. Recall that for any valuation ring W equipped with an element f W which is not a ∈ n , the ideal q := √fW is the minimal prime ideal containing f, and the ideal q0 := nf W is the maximal prime ideal contained in fW ; one proves this using the primality of radical∩ ideals in valuation rings. In the situation of the proof above, one simply applies this to f W being the ∈ image of any element t V such that √tV is the maximal ideal. In the preceding construction,∈ if f W is nonzero and not invertible, then the resulting special- ∈ ization q0 q is an immediate one, i.e., (W/q0)q has rank 1 (and f gives a pseudouniformizer in this valuation ring). Consequently, for any non-trivial specialization p p′ in a valuation ring W , ′ there exist specializations p q0 q p where the middle one is an immediate specialization realized by applying the construction in the previous paragraph to some f p′ p. In particular, the totally ordered sets arising as spectra of valuation rings cannot be arbitrary∈ − totally ordered sets admitting minimal and maximal elements. This observation (for all commutative rings more generally) already appears in [Kap74, Sec. 1-1, Theorem 11].

g f Lemma 2.3. Consider a composite map Y ′ Y X of qcqs schemes. If f g is an arc-cover, then so is f. → → ◦ Proof. Clear.  Lemma 2.4. Let (V, m) be a rank 1 valuation ring and let A be a V -algebra with the structure map f : V A. Then the following are equivalent: → (1) Spec(A) Spec(V ) is a v-cover. (2) Spec(A) → Spec(V ) is an arc-cover. → 10 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

(3) There exists an inclusion p p A of prime ideals with 0= f −1(p ) and f −1(p )= m. 1 ⊂ 2 ⊂ 1 2 That is, the specialization (0) m in Spec(V ) lifts to a specialization p1 p2 in Spec(A). Proof. (1) implies (2) in view of Proposition 2.1. If Spec(A) Spec(V ) is an arc-cover, then there exists a rank 1 valuation ring W , faithfully flat over V , such→ that the map Spec(W ) Spec(V ) factors through Spec(A). The images of the generic and special points in Spec(A) then→ verify (3). Finally, (3) implies (1), we use [Ryd10, Prop. 2.7].  Corollary 2.5. Let f : Y X be a map of qcqs schemes. Then f is an arc-cover if and only if every base change of f along→ a map Spec(V ) X, for V a rank 1 valuation ring, is a v-cover.  → ≤ In the noetherian setting, there is no distinction between the v- and arc-topologies; we record this result here, though it is not essential to the sequel. In particular, the results of [Ryd10] show that for a map of qcqs schemes with the target noetherian, one can check whether it is a v-cover after base change to discrete (in particular, rank 1) valuation rings. ≤ Proposition 2.6 ([Ryd10, Theorem 2.8]). Let f : Y X be a map of qcqs schemes with X noetherian. Then f is a v-cover if and only if it is an arc→-cover.  To deduce excision, we must necessarily work with non-noetherian rings. In this setting, the arc-topology differs from the v-topology. To see this, let us first explain how to extract arc-covers from excision data; we shall later see that these covers are typically not v-covers. Lemma 2.7. Consider an excision datum f : (A, I) (B,J) as in Definition 1.11. Then the map A A/I B is an arc-cover. More precisely, any map→ from A to a rank 1 valuation ring factors through→ A/I× B. ≤ × Proof. Let W be a rank 1 valuation ring and consider a map g : A W . If g(I)=0, then g factors over A A/I. It thus suffices≤ to assume that g(I) =0, and show that→g factors over A B. Choose → 6 g[1/x] → x I such that g(x) =0 W . Inverting x yields a map A[1/x] W [1/g(x)] K := Frac(W ). ∈ 6 ∈ −−−−→ ⊂ As A[1/x] B[1/x] is an isomorphism thanks to the pullback expression A B B/J A/I, we obtain a map→ B B[1/x] K. Let W ′ be the W -subalgebra of K generated≃ by the× image of B, ′ → → i.e., W = im(W A B K). But x kills the cokernel of A B: this cokernel is identified with that of A/I B/J⊗ (by→ hypothesis) which is trivially killed by→x I. This implies g(x) W ′ W . But then W→= W ′ as any between W and K with bounded∈ denominators is necessarily· ⊂ equal to W as W has rank 1. The resulting map A B W ′ W is the desired factorization of g. ≤ → → ≃  We now give the basic example (for this note) of an excision datum that will yield an arc-cover. Proposition 2.8 (Excision data attached to valuation rings). Let V be a valuation ring. Fix p Spec(V ). Fix an inclusion p q of prime ideals in V . Then (Vq, pVq) (Vp, pVp) is an excision∈ datum. ⊂ →

In particular, the map (V, p) (Vp, pVp) is an excision datum. → Proof. We may replace V with Vq to assume q is the maximal ideal. That is, we need to show that p pVp. The map is clearly an injection (both sides are contained in the quotient field of V ). Conversely,≃ given a fraction a/s with a p and s V p, we have necessarily s a and a = sb for b p. Thus, a/s = b p as desired. ∈ ∈ \ |  ∈ ∈ Corollary 2.9. Let V be a valuation ring, and let p V be a prime ideal. Then V Vp V/p is an arc-cover. ⊂ → ×  THE arc-TOPOLOGY 11

Thus, the arc-topology is strictly finer than the v-topology: if V has rank 2 and p is a nonzero nonmaximal prime, then the map from Corollary 2.9 is clearly not a v-cover.≥ Remark 2.10. Using the easier “only if” part of Proposition 2.19 below, one may also deduce Corollary 2.9 from [Pic86, Corollary 33] (see also [GL01, Ex. 4.5], and [Ryd10, Ex. 4.3]). Finally, we observe that the condition of being an arc-cover is essentially module-theoretic. Proposition 2.11. Let f : Spec(B) Spec(A) be a map of affine schemes. Then the following are equivalent: → (1) f is an arc-cover. (2) The map A B has the property that after every base change along a map A V with V a rank 1 valuation→ ring, it is universally injective [Sta18, Tag 058I]. → ≤ Proof. We immediately reduce to the case where A = V is a rank 1 valuation ring with a pseu- douniformizer t. Suppose that A B is universally injective. Let B′ be the quotient of B by the ideal of t-power torsion elements.→ We claim that the map A B B′ is faithfully flat, which is sufficient to prove that A B is a v-cover (cf. [Ryd10, Rem. 2.5]).→ → Since B′ is flat over A as it is t- torsionfree, it suffices to show→ that B′[1/t] and B′/(t) are both nonzero. First, B′[1/t]= B[1/t] =0. Second, if B′/t =0, then we can write in 1= tx + y in B for x, y B with y being t-power torsion.6 Multiplying by some tm for m 0, we get the equality tm = tm+1∈x in B; however, this contradicts our assumption that the map A/t≫ m+1 B/tm+1 is injective. Conversely, if A B is an arc-cover→ with A a rank 1 valuation ring, choose an inclusion of prime ideals p p B→which pull back to the zero and maximal ideal of A. Then B/p is an integral 1 ⊂ 2 ⊂ 1 domain which is faithfully flat over A, so that A B/p1 is universally injective. Thus A B is also universally injective. → →  2.2. Relation to submersions. In this subsection, we relate the arc-topology to the topology of universal submersions from [Pic86, Ryd10]. Recall that coverings in the latter are given by maps of schemes that are universally submersive in the following sense. Definition 2.12 (Submersions). A map f : X Y of qcqs schemes is called submersive or a submersion if it induces a quotient map on underlying→ topological spaces, i.e., f is surjective and Y has the quotient topology. We say that f is universally submersive if for all maps Y ′ Y of qcqs schemes, the base change X Y ′ Y ′ is a submersion. → ×Y → Proposition 2.13. Let f : X Y be a v-cover. Then f is universally submersive. → Proof. Since v-covers are stable under base change, it suffices to show that f induces a quotient map. Indeed, if U Y is a such that f −1(U) is open, then the hypothesis that f is a v-cover implies that U is⊂ stable under generization (since valuation rings detect specializations, thanks to [Sta18, Tag 00IA]). Now f is a surjection, hence induces a quotient map in the constructible topologies (as any continuous surjection of profinite sets is a quotient map); therefore, f −1(U) is also open in the constructible topology and hence so is U. But any subset of X which is both open in the constructible topology and stable under generization is actually open, cf. [Sta18, Tag 0903]. If follows that U is open.  In general, not every universal submersion is a v-cover; for example, if A is a rank two valuation ring with Spec(A) = 0, p, m with 0 ( p ( m, then A A/p Ap is a universal submersion [Pic86, Prop. 32] which{ is not} a v-cover. By contrast, we→ will see× that the notion of an arc-cover is a slight weakening of that of a universal submersion. Since universally submersive maps are not 12 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW stable under limits (Remark 2.18), we shall use instead the following variant where the quotient property is tested only using quasi-compact open subsets: Definition 2.14 (Spectral submersions). A map f : X Y of qcqs schemes is called spectrally submersive or a spectral submersion if it satisfies the following→ two conditions: (1) f is surjective; and (2) given a subset U Y , if the preimage f −1(U) is quasi-compact and open, then U is open (and automatically⊂ quasi-compact). We say that f is universally spectrally submersive if for all maps Y ′ Y of qcqs schemes, the base change X Y ′ Y ′ is a spectral submersion. → ×Y → Remark 2.15. Fix a surjective map f : X Y of qcqs schemes. Condition (2) in Definition 2.14 can be relaxed to the following: → (2′) Given a constructible subset U Y , if the preimage f −1(U) is open, then U is open. ⊂ To see why, fix U Y with f −1(U) quasi-compact open in X. We must show that U is a quasi- compact open if f ⊂is surjective and satisfies (2′) above. As f is surjective, the quasi-compactness of U is clear. To show openness, thanks to (2′), it is enough to show that U is constructible. The map f : X Y is a surjective spectral map, and hence induces a quotient map in the constructible topology. Now→ f −1(U) is constructible, hence clopen for the constructible topology; thus U is also clopen for the constructible topology and hence constructible. Remark 2.16. As universally spectrally submersive maps are closed under composition and base change, the property of being universally spectrally submersive can be checked Zariski locally (or even v-locally) on the source and the target. That is, given a diagram X′ / X

′ f f   Y ′ / Y of qcqs schemes with both maps X′ X and Y ′ Y being v-covers, the map f is universally spec- trally submersive if f ′ is universally→ spectrally submersive.→ This follows easily from Remark 2.15. The following stability property of universal spectral submersions is crucial for our application. In Remark 2.18, we give a counterexample showing that this property fails if we drop the adjective “spectral.” Lemma 2.17. Let f : X Y be a map of qcqs schemes that can be written as a cofiltered inverse → limit of morphisms fi : Xi Yi of qcqs schemes along affine transition maps. If each fi is a spectral submersion (resp. a→ universal spectral submersion), then f is a spectral submersion (resp. a universal spectral submersion).

Proof. Let us first show that f is a spectral submersion when the fi are spectrally submersive. As cons each fi is surjective, the map f is also surjective: if fi is surjective, then fi is surjective, whence f cons := lim f cons is surjective by Tychonoff’s theorem, and thus f is surjective. For the rest, we i i use the criterion←− in Remark 2.15. Choose a constructible subset U Y such that f −1(U) is open. As Y lim Y , we also have Y cons lim Y cons, so the constructible⊂ set U arises as the pullback ≃ i i ≃ i i of some constructible←− set Ui Yi for some←− index i. For j i, write Uj for the preimage of Ui in Yj . ⊂ ≥ −1 As each fj is spectrally submersive, it is enough to show that the constructible set fj (Uj ) is open THE arc-TOPOLOGY 13 for j i. As f −1(U) is a quasi-compact open in X and X lim X , we can realize f −1(U) as the ≫ ≃ i i preimage of some quasi-compact open Vk Xk for some index←−k; reindexing, we may assume k = i. Write V X for the preimage of V . Then⊂ lim V = f −1(U) = lim f −1(U ) as constructible j ⊂ j i j≥i j j≥i j j ←−−1 ←− subsets of X. But then we must have Vj = fj (Uj ) for j sufficiently large: by passage to the constructible topology, this reduces to the observation that in a cofiltered inverse limit S := lim S i i ′ of profinite sets Si, if we have clopen subsets W, W Si for some i with the same preimage←− in S, then the preimages of W and W ′ in S for j i must⊂ coincide (as the collection of clopen subsets j ≫ of S is the direct limit of the collection of clopen subsets of the Si’s). In particular, we learn that f −1(U ) is open for j i, as wanted. j j ≫ It remains to check that every base change of f is spectrally submersive if the fi’s are universally spectrally submersive. But a base change of f can be realized as the cofiltered inverse limit of base changes of the fi’s. As the fi’s are universally spectrally submersive, the same holds for their base changes, so we conclude using the previous paragraph. 

Remark 2.18. We give an example of a universal spectral submersion that is not a quotient map. Write N for the set of positive natural numbers. Let V be a valuation ring with Spec(V ) given 1 N by the totally ordered set T := 0 n n [0, 1], so 0 T corresponds to the generic point; the existence of such a valuation{ }⊔{ ring| ∈ follows} ⊂ from [Sar17,∈ Theorem 3.9 (b), (e)]. Write 1 pn Spec(V ) for the prime corresponding to n T for n 1; set Vn := (V/pn)pn−1 for any n> 1 and∈ set V = κ(p ) to be the residue field of V .∈ Then each≥ V is a rank 1 valuation ring (with 1 1 n ≤ rank exactly 1 unless n = 1) with residue field κ(Vn) identified with κ(pn−1) if n > 1 and κ(p1) when n =1. Moreover, we have npn = (0). In particular, the map V B := n Vn is injective, whence f : X := Spec(B) Spec(∩ V ) hits the generic point and is thus→ surjective (as non-generic points are obviously in the→ image). Moreover, the map f is also an arc-cover:Q the specializations p p − exhaust all the immediate specializations in Spec(V ), so any map V W where W is n n 1 → a rank 1 valuation ring either factors over some V Vn or factors over a residue field of V (we include the fraction field of V as a possibility). It follows→ from Proposition 2.19 that f is a universal spectral submersion. Let us show that f is not a quotient map. First, one checks that π0(X)= β(N) is the Stone–Čech compactification of N (cf. Construction 3.13 below for a review). The connected component of X corresponding to an ultrafilter U β(N) (i.e., the fiber of X π (X) β(N) over U β(N)) is ∈ → 0 ≃ ∈ given by the spectrum of the ultraproduct U Vn (see also Remark 3.16 and Lemma 3.27 below). We claim that the preimage f −1((0)) of the generic point of Spec(V ) coincides with the preimage in X of the closed set βN N βN. GrantingQ this claim, it is clear that f is not a quotient map: if it were, then the generic− point⊂ of Spec(V ) is closed, which is absurd. To identify f −1((0)) with β(N) N, note that the containment f −1((0)) β(N) N is clear: the points in the preimage − ⊂ − of N map down to the pn’s in Spec(V ). Conversely, given a non-principal ultrafilter U on N, we must show that the image on Spec( ) of the map V V is the generic point. Unwinding − → U n the definitions, this amounts to checking that if U is not principal, then the map V U κ(Vn) is injective. If this map were not injective, then the woQuld be nonzero. But, by→ definition of Q the ultraproduct, this kernel is exactly those a V such that n N a = 0 κ(Vn) U; this ∈ ∗{ ∈ | ∈ } ∈ set is finite if a = 0 since a / pn for n 0, whence a κ(Vn) for n 0. Taking a nonzero a in the kernel then shows6 that U∈contains a≫ finite set, so it∈ must be principal,≫ as wanted. In this example, if we write V as a filtered direct limit lim W of finite rank valuation rings W i i i along faithfully flat maps as in Lemma 2.22, then the induced−→ maps Spec(B) Spec(Wi) are all (universal) submersions, but the inverse limit Spec(B) Spec(V ) lim Spec(W→) is not a quotient → ≃ i i ←− 14 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW map. Thus, we also obtain an example of the failure of (universal) submersions to be stable under filtered inverse limits; this phenomenon cannot happen with spectral submersions by Lemma 2.17. We now arrive at our main topological characterization of arc-covers; this was independently observed by Rydh in the forthcoming [Ryd]. Proposition 2.19 (arc-covers and universal spectral submersions). Let f : X Y be a map of qcqs schemes. Then f is universally spectrally submersive if and only if f is an arc→ -cover. We note the following immediate corollary of Proposition 2.19 and Lemma 2.17. Corollary 2.20. The collection of arc-covers of qcqs schemes is closed under filtered inverse limits with affine transition maps.  The proof of Proposition 2.19 will rely on a few (standard) facts about valuation rings that we recall next; these will also be useful later. For future reference, we also include assertions about absolutely integrally closed valuation rings (see Definition 3.26), i.e., those valuation rings with algebraically closed fraction field.

Lemma 2.21. Let W be a valuation ring with fraction field K. Let K0 K be a subfield. Then W := K W is a valuation ring, and the map W W is faithfully flat.⊂ If, in addition, K is 0 0 ∩ 0 → 0 algebraically closed, then W0 is absolutely integrally closed.

Proof. We see immediately that W0 is a valuation ring in the field K0. Moreover, the map W0 W is a local injective homomorphism of valuation rings, so it is faithfully flat. → Suppose now that K0 is algebraically closed. Then W0 is absolutely integrally closed, since it is integrally closed and has algebraically closed fraction field.  Lemma 2.22. Let V be a valuation ring. Then V can be written as a filtered colimit of a family of valuation V V such that: i ⊂ (1) Each Vi has finite rank. (2) Each map V V is faithfully flat. i → j If in addition V is absolutely integrally closed, we may also choose each Vi to be absolutely integrally closed. Proof. Consider first the case of valuation rings (not assumed absolutely integrally closed). Let K be the fraction field of V . For each finitely generated subfield K K, we let V = K V ; this is a i ⊂ i i ∩ valuation subring of Ki, and is finite rank since the transcendence degree of Ki is finite, cf. [Bou98, Theorem VI.10.3.1]; furthermore Vi V is an extension of valuation rings by Lemma 2.21. This gives the desired expression of V as→ a filtered colimit. When V is absolutely integrally closed, we run a similar argument but take the Ki to be the family of algebraically closed subfields of K of finite transcendence degree over the prime{ } field.  Proof of Proposition 2.19. Assume first that f is universally spectrally submersive. We must show f is an arc-cover. By base change and Lemma 2.4, it is enough to show that the following holds: if Y := Spec(V ) for a valuation ring V of rank 1, the nontrivial specialization (0) m in Spec(V ) lifts to a specialization in X. Now f −1((0)) X is a nonempty quasi-compact open subset that is not closed: if it were closed, its complement⊂f −1(m) X would be a quasi-compact open, which, by the spectral submersiveness of f, would imply the⊂ absurd conclusion that the closed point of Spec(V ) is open. As points in the of a quasi-compact open of a spectral space are given by specializations [Sta18, Tag 0903], there must exist a specialization x0 xm in X such that THE arc-TOPOLOGY 15

−1 −1 −1 x0 f ((0)) and xm X f ((0)). But then xm f (m), so we have found the desired specialization.∈ ∈ − ∈ Conversely, assume that f is an arc-cover. We must show f is universally spectrally submersive. In fact, since arc-covers are stable under base change, it is enough to show that f is spectrally submersive. By Remark 2.15, we must show the following: a constructible subset U Y is open if f −1(U) X is open. We may assume that U is non-empty. ⊂ First,⊂ assume Y = Spec(V ) is the spectrum of a finite rank valuation ring. Then Spec(V ) = p p ... p is a finite totally ordered set of prime ideals p V . Each immediate { 0 1 n} i ⊂ specialization p p gives rise to a map V V := (V/p )p where the target is a rank 1 i i+1 → i i i+1 valuation ring. As f is an arc-cover, these maps lift to X (after extending Vi if necessary). It n is thus enough to check the claim when f equals the map i=0Spec(Vi) Spec(V ). But this is an elementary fact about finite totally ordered sets. Our⊔ hypothesis on→U implies that each U := U Spec(V ) is open in Spec(V ) for all i. As U = U is non-empty, we may choose j maximal i ∩ i i ∪i i such that Uj = . If j =0, the claim is clear. If not, then Uj Spec(Vj ) is either just the generic point p 6 Spec(∅ V ) or the whole space p , p = Spec(V⊂). In either case, we have p U, { j} ⊂ j { j j+1} j j ∈ which then implies p − U since U − = U Spec(V − ) is open in Spec(V − ) = p − , p . j 1 ∈ j 1 ∩ j 1 j 1 { j 1 j} Continuing this way, we find U = p0 ... pk for k j, j +1 , so U is open. Next, assume Y = Spec(V ) is the{ spectrum of an} arbitrary∈{ valuation} ring V . Write V as a filtered colimit lim V of finite rank valuation rings V V as in Lemma 2.22, and let g : Spec(V ) Spec(V ) i i ⊂ i → i be the projection.−→ The induced map fi : X Spec(Vi) is then an arc-cover by Proposition 2.1, and thus a spectral submersion by the previous→ paragraph. It follows from Lemma 2.17 that the inverse limit f : X Spec(V ) lim Spec(V ) of the f ’s is also a spectral submersion. → ≃ i i i Finally, we tackle the general←− case of any qcqs Y . As a constructible set in a spectral space is open exactly when it is stable under generalizations [Sta18, Tag 0903], it is enough to show that U is stable under generalizations, i.e., if u U and y Y is a generalization of u in Y , then y U. Choose a valuation ring V and a map g :∈ Spec(V ) ∈ Y such that the specialization y u lifts∈ to ′ ′ → a specialization y u in Spec(V ) along g. Assume that the base change fV : X Y Spec(V ) −1 −1 × → Spec(V ) of f along g is already known to be spectrally submersive. Now fV (g (U)) is a quasi- −1 compact open in X Y Spec(V ) by hypothesis, so g (U) must be open by spectral submersiveness × ′ −1 ′ −1 ′ of fV . In particular, since u g (U), we must have y g (U), whence y = g(y ) U, as wanted. In other words, we have∈ made the promised reduction.∈ ∈  16 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

3. Studying v-sheaves via valuation rings In this section, we shall describe how to control v-sheaves in terms of their behaviour on absolutely integrally closed valuation rings. We begin in §3.1 by isolating a class of v-sheaves that we call finitary; these are the ones that commute with filtered colimits of rings, and are thus determined by their values on finitely presented rings. In §3.2, we collect some tools for describing the behaviour of finitary v-sheaves on (infinite) products of rings in terms of ultraproducts. In §3.3, we prove some general results concerning morphisms of universal -descent with respect to certain functors . Finally, these ingredients are put together in §3.4 Fto explain why finitary v-sheaves can be controlledF by their behaviour on absolutely integrally closed valuation rings. 3.1. Finitary v-sheaves. In the sequel, we will need to work with sheaves for the v- and arc- topology. Throughout, we let be an -category that has all small limits; we will later impose additional assumptions on . C ∞ C Definition 3.1. Let R be a ring, and let be an -category that has small limits. A functor : Schop is a v-sheaf (resp. arc-sheafC ) if ∞carries finite disjoint unions of schemes to F qcqs,R → C F products and for every v-cover (resp. arc-cover) Y X in Schqcqs,R, the natural map → → (X) lim( (Y ) ⇒ (Y Y ) → ... ) F → F F ×X → is an equivalence. Note that the limit is←− indexed over the simplex category ∆, i.e., it is a totalization.

Suppose that has filtered colimits. We will say that is finitary if whenever Yα α∈A is a tower of qcqs R-schemesC (indexed over some cofiltered partiallyF ordered set A) with affine{ transition} maps, ≃ then lim (Y ) (lim Y ). In this case, by “relative approximation” [Sta18, Tag 09MU], is A F α −→F α α F determined−→ by its restriction←− to R-schemes of finite presentation. op For functors defined on RingR instead of Schqcqs,R, we have analogous definitions. We next review generalities on descent. To abstract the sheaf property, we use the following definition. Definition 3.2 (Universal -descent). Let : Schop be a functor, with as in Defini- F F qcqs,R → C C tion 3.1. We say that a map f : Y X in Schqcqs,R is of -descent if the natural map → F → (X) lim( (Y ) ⇒ (Y Y ) → ... ) F → F F ×X → ←− is an equivalence in . We say that f is of universal -descent if all base changes f ′ : Y ′ X′ of f (along maps X′ CX in Sch ) are of -descent.F → → qcqs,R F Example 3.3. For an abelian group A, let (X)= RΓ(X´et, A) valued in = (Z). Then any étale surjection Y X is of universal -descent:F this is a general fact about cohomologyC D on a site. More interesting, for→ A torsion, any properF surjection is of universal -descent by proper cohomological descent for torsion étale cohomology; see Proposition 5.2 for a moreF general assertion. We recall the following basic result (cf. [LZ17, Lemma 3.1.2]), which gives basic closure properties for the class of maps of universal -descent. Compare also [Gir64, 10.10 and 10.11] and [G+72, Vbis, 3.3.1] for closely related results.F Lemma 3.4. Fix a functor : Schop as before. Let f : Y X and g : Z Y be maps in F qcqs,R →C → → Schqcqs,R. (1) If f has a section, then f is of universal -descent. (2) If f,g are of universal -descent, then f Fg is of universal -descent. F ◦ F THE arc-TOPOLOGY 17

(3) If f g is of universal -descent, then f is of universal -descent. (4) The◦ collection of mapsF of universal -descent is closed underF base change. F We now specialize to cases such as = (Λ)≥0, for Λ a ring, where we have additional properties. To begin with, we isolate the relevantC desiredD feature, following [EHIK20]. Definition 3.5 ([EHIK20, Def. 3.1.4]). We say that an -category is compactly generated by cotruncated objects if: ∞ C (1) is compactly generated (i.e., is presentable and is generated under colimits by its Ccompact objects). Compare [Lur09C , Sec. 5.5.7] for an account of the theory of compactly generated -categories. (2) Every compact∞ object x is n-cotruncated for some n (which may depend on x), i.e., ∈ C HomC(x, y) is n-truncated for all y . ∈C Example 3.6. The following give examples of -categories which are compactly generated by cotruncated objects. ∞ (1) Let Λ be any ring. Then the -category (Λ)≥0, the coconnective part of the derived - category (Λ), is compactly generated∞ byD cotruncated objects. In fact, the compact objects∞ have theD form τ ≥0P for a perfect complex P (Λ) (since perfect complexes compactly generate (Λ)), and this object is n-cotruncated∈ D if P (Λ)≤n. D ∈ D (2) Let n 0 be an . Then the -category ≤n of n-truncated spaces is compactly generated≥ by cotruncated objects. This∞ follows becauseS is compactly generated by , S ∗ which becomes cotruncated in ≤n. (3) Let n 0 be an integer. ThenS the -category Cat of (n, 1)-categories is compactly ≥ ∞ n generated by cotruncated objects. This follows because the -category Cat∞ of ( , 1)- categories is compactly generated by , ∆1. ∞ ∞ ∗ In contrast, the “unbounded” versions of each of these examples (i.e., the full derived -category ∞ (Λ), the -category of spaces, and the -category Cat∞) are not compactly generated by Dcotruncated∞ objects. C ∞ The following lemma captures some essential features of this notion for our purposes. Lemma 3.7. Let be an -category compactly generated cotruncated objects. C ∞ (1) Totalizations in commute with filtered colimits. (2) Suppose that :C Schop is finitary. Then the collection of maps which are of univer- F qcqs,R →C sal -descent (resp. -descent) is closed under filtered limits with affine transition maps. F F Proof. For part (1), observe that totalizations and filtered colimits in can both be detected by C n+2 applying HomC(x, ) for x compact. Now we use that ≤n is an (n+1, 1)-category, so Tot Tot , and finite limits commute· with filtered colimits. PartS (2) follows from part (1) as is finitary.≃  F In addition, the v-topology has the following basic finiteness property. The analogous result is not true with the arc-topology. Proposition 3.8. Let R be a ring. Let be an -category that is compactly generated by cotrun- cated objects. A finitary functor : SchopC ∞is a v-sheaf if and only if it satisfies the following F qcqs,R →C conditions: (1) carries finite disjoint unions of finitely presented R-schemes to products. F 18 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

(2) For every v-cover of finitely presented R-schemes Y X, the map → → (X) lim( (Y ) ⇒ (Y Y ) → ... ) F → F F ×X → is an equivalence. ←− Proof. Let Y ′ X′ be a v-cover between qcqs R-schemes. We want to show that this map is of universal -descent.→ Suppose that Y ′,X′ are finitely presented over R. Because any qcqs X′- scheme is a filteredF limit of finitely presented X′-schemes under affine transition maps [Sta18, Tag 09MU], it follows that any base change of Y ′ X′ in this case is a filtered limit of v-covers between finitely presented R-schemes. Our hypotheses→ thus show that Y ′ X′ is of universal -descent. A similar argument as in the preceding paragraph shows that → is a Zariski sheaf.F Indeed, any Zariski cover Y ′ X′ of qcqs R-schemes can be written by generalF limit formalism (cf. [Sta18, Tag 01YT]) as a→ filtered limit with affine transition maps of Zariski covers of finitely presented R-schemes; by assumption, these latter Zariski covers are of -descent, and hence Y ′ X′ is of -descent. F → F Now suppose that Y ′ X′ is an arbitrary v-cover between qcqs R-schemes, which we need to show is of universal -descent.→ Without loss of generality, we can assume that X′ is affine since is a Zariski sheafF (and by Lemma 3.4, since Zariski covers are of universal -descent). Since F′ ′ ′ ′ F Y X is a filtered limit of finitely presented maps Yα X (each of which is forced to be a v-cover)→ with affine transition maps, we can assume that Y ′→ X′ is finitely presented. Then using [Ryd10, Th. 3.12], Y ′ X′ admits a refinement Y ′′ X′ which→ is a composite of a quasi-compact open cover and a proper→ finitely presented surjection.→ It suffices (by Lemma 3.4) to show that this refinement is of universal -descent. By general results (see, e.g., [Sta18, Tag 01YT]) we can descend quasi-compact open coversF and proper finitely presented surjections to a base which is finitely presented over R. Therefore, Y ′′ X′ is a filtered limit (with affine transition maps) of v-covers between finitely presented R-schemes.→ Since we saw earlier that these maps are of universal -descent, it follows that Y ′′ X′ is of universal -descent, as desired. The statement that carriesF finite disjoint unions of→ qcqs R-schemes to finiteF products is similar and easier. F Corollary 3.9. Let be an -category that is compactly generated by cotruncated objects. The C ∞ -category of finitary -valued v-sheaves on Schqcqs,R is equivalent to the -category of -valued ∞v-sheaves on finitely presentedC R-schemes. ∞ C  3.2. Ultraproducts and sheaves. To proceed further, we will need to show that equivalences of v-sheaves can be detected by their values on absolutely integrally closed valuation rings (at least in the noetherian case, this is a classical result). In order to do so, we first review some facts about ultraproducts and sheaves; our goal is to prove Corollary 3.18, explaining how certain functors defined on all commutative rings can be controlled when evaluated on an infinite product of rings. We also refer to [Jar97] for a more detailed treatment. For the rest of this section, we fix a base ring R and an -category admitting small limits and filtered colimits. Recall that under∞ StoneC (see [Joh86] for a general reference), there is a duality between Boolean algebras and profinite sets given by sending such a space to its collection of clopen subsets. One can also describe sheaves on profinite sets in terms of the corresponding Boolean algebra: Proposition 3.10. Let X be a profinite set, and let be the poset of quasi-compact open (or equiv- alently clopen) subsets of X. The -category of -valuedB sheaves on X is identified via restriction with the -category of functors op∞ that carryC finite disjoint unions to products. ∞ B →C See [Lurb, Corollary] for a more general statement. THE arc-TOPOLOGY 19

Proof. Given a -valued sheaf f on X, restriction certainly gives a functor f : op carrying finite disjoint unionsC to coproducts. Conversely, given such a functor g : op B , we→ C can define a presheaf g on X by setting g(U) = lim g(V ) where the limit runs overB all quasi-compact→ C open subsets V U. To see that g is a sheaf,←− it is enough to check that its restriction g to quasi-compact ⊂ open subsetse forms a sheaf; bute this follows from the assumption on g together with the observation that if V U is an inclusione of quasi-compact open subsets of X, then both U and V are clopen, and U = V⊂ (U V ) is the disjoint of V with its complement in U. It is straightforward to check that these⊔ − constructions give inverse equivalences. 

The following definition is partially motivated by Proposition 3.10.

Definition 3.11. Let T be a set. We let (T ) denote the poset of all subsets of T . We say that a functor f : (T )op is a sheaf if it carriesP finite disjoint unions to products. P →C Example 3.12. Suppose that we have a functor u: T (where T is considered as a discrete op → C ′ category). Then we have a sheaf f : (T ) defined via f(T )= ′ u(t). P →C t∈T This notion of a sheaf turns out to be equivalent to the classical notionQ of a sheaf on the profinite set corresponding to the Boolean algebra (T ). P Construction 3.13 (Stone–Čech compactification). Let T be a set. An ultrafilter U on T is a collection of subsets such that / U, the collection U is closed under finite intersections, and for every T ′ T , either T ′ or T T∅′ ∈belongs to U. Each element t T defines the principal ultrafilter ⊂ \ ∈ Ut of all subsets of T containing t. The collection of all ultrafilters on T is naturally a profinite set βT , called the Stone–Čech compactification of T (considered as a with the discrete topology), cf. [GJ76, Ch. 6] for an account of the Stone–Čech compactification more generally. The assignment t Ut gives an open T ֒ βT with dense image, where T again has the discrete topology.7→ The Boolean algebra of all clopen→ subsets of βT is identified with the power set (T ) via (V βT ) (V T T ). Under the equivalence of Proposition 3.10, the -category ofP sheaves on ⊂ (T ) in7→ the∩ sense⊂ of Definition 3.11 is equivalent to the category of sheaves∞ on βT in the classicalP sense. In particular, given a sheaf f : (T )op and an ultrafilter U on T , we may define the stalk of f at U by the formula P → C ′ fU = lim f(T ), T−→′∈U where the colimit is taken over the (filtered) of all T ′ U. ∈ Lemma 3.14. Assume that is compactly generated. Fix a map η : f g of sheaves in Fun( (T )op, ). C → P C Then η is an equivalence if and only if ηU : fU gU is an equivalence for each ultrafilter U on T . →

Proof. The “only if” direction is clear. Thus, assume ηU is an equivalence for each ultrafilter U on T . Applying HomC(x, ) for each compact object x , we can reduce to the case where = . In − ∈C C S this case, the result follows because sheaves of spaces on the Stone–Čech compactification βT (which has covering dimension zero in the sense of [Lur09, Def.]) are automatically hypercomplete, by [Lur09, Th.], whence equivalences can be tested on stalks. 

To proceed further, recall the following classical definition. Fix a base ring R. 20 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

Definition 3.15 (Ultraproducts of rings). Given a set A of R-algebras and an ultrafilter U { t}t∈T on T , we define the ultraproduct U At via the formula Q At = lim At . ′ U T−→∈U t∈T ′ ! Y Y Note that the colimit appearing above is filtered.

Remark 3.16 (Ultraproducts via the spectrum of a product). Given a set At t∈T of commutative rings, the space Spec( A ) comes equipped with a natural projection map{ π}: Spec( A ) t∈T t t∈T t → βT determined by requiring that the preimage π−1(U) of a quasi-compact open U βT corre- Q ′ ⊂Q sponding to a subset T T is the clopen subscheme Spec( ′ A ) Spec( A ). The ⊂ t∈T t ⊂ t∈T t ultraproduct U At is then simply the coordinate ring of the closed (and pro-open) subscheme −1 Q Q π (U) Spec( t∈T At). Explicitly, the map carries a prime ideal p t∈T At to the following ⊂ Q ′ ⊂ ′ ultrafilter on T : we consider all subsets T T such that the characteristic function 1T t∈T At Q 6 ⊂ Q ∈ does not belong to p. Q

Next, given a set At t∈T of R-algebras, let us explain how certain functors defined on all rings give sheaves on (T ){. } P Construction 3.17. Let At t∈T be a set of R-algebras. Let : RingR be a functor which preserves finite products and{ filtered} colimits. Then we obtain aF functor (using→ C Example 3.12) f : (T )op P →C sending ′ T T ( At). ⊂ 7→ F ′ YT The hypothesis that preserves finite products implies that f is a sheaf. Moreover, for any F ultrafilter U on T , we have an identification fU ( U At) since commutes with filtered colimits. That is, the stalks of f can be identified with≃F the values of onF the ultraproducts. For future reference, we record a slight variant ofQ the preceFding paragraph. Fix an A-algebra B. Then we obtain a functor f : (T )op defined by B P →C T ′ T (B A ). ⊂ 7→ F ⊗A t ∈ ′ tYT Then fB is again a sheaf on (T ), and (fB)U (B A U At). That is, the stalk of fB at an ultrafilter U is applied to theP base change of ≃B Falong⊗ the map from A to the U-ultraproduct. F Q We can now prove the promised result, explaining how to control the behaviour on infinite products of certain functors defined on commutative rings. Corollary 3.18. Suppose that is a compactly generated, presentable -category. Fix a base ring R. Let , : Ring Cbe two functors which commute with filtered∞ colimits and finite Fa Fb R → C products. Suppose given a map a b of functors. Fix a set At t∈T of R-algebras. Suppose that for each ultrafilter U on T , theF map→ F ( A ) ( A ) {is an} equivalence. Then the map Fa U t →Fb U t a( At) b( At) is an equivalence. F T →F T Q Q Proof.Q This followsQ from Lemma 3.14 in light of the above constructions. 

6 For more details, see https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1533237/spectrum-of-mathbbz-mathbbn. THE arc-TOPOLOGY 21

Corollary 3.19. Fix a base ring R. Let : Ring be a functor which commutes with filtered F R → S colimits and finite products. Let At t∈T be a set of T -algebras. Suppose that for each ultrafilter U on T , ( A ) is n-truncated for{ some} fixed n. Then ( A ) is n-truncated. F U t F T t Proof. ThisQ also follows in view of the above constructions.Q Here we use that a sheaf of spaces (T ) with n-truncated stalks at all ultrafilters U is automatically n-truncated; this follows forP instance→ S by comparison with sheaves on the topological space βT , which are automatically hypercomplete, cf. [Lur09, Cor. and Th.].  3.3. Detection of universal -descent. Throughout this section, we let be an -category that is compactly generated byF cotruncated objects. Let : Schop beC a functor.∞ The goal F qcqs,R →C of this section is prove a result (Lemma 3.25) that explains how to detect -descent properties of morphisms of schemes by base changing to ultraproducts instead of products.F To formulate this precisely, it is convenient to make the following definition.

Definition 3.20 (Detection of universal -descent). Let X Schqcqs,R. Consider a family of maps X X of qcqs R-schemes for i I.F We say that the family∈ X X detects universal i → ∈ { i → }i∈I -descent if a map f : Y X in Schqcqs,R is of universal -descent if and only if the base change Ff : Y X X is of universal→ -descent for each i IF. i ×X i → i F ∈ Example 3.21. Suppose a map Y X is of universal -descent. Then the map Y X detects universal -descent. This follows in→ view of Lemma 3.4.F → F Example 3.22. Suppose we have a family X X which detects universal -descent. Sup- { i → }i∈I F pose for each i I, we have a set J and a family of maps Y X ∈ which detects universal ∈ i { j → i}j Ji -descent. Then the family Yj X detects universal -descent. F { → }j∈Ji, some i F

Example 3.23. Suppose that Spec(Ai) Spec(A) i∈I detects universal -descent. Then the map f : Spec( A ) Spec({A) is of universal→ -descent.} In fact, the mapF admits a section i∈I i → F after base change to Spec(Aj ) for each j and each such base change is therefore of universal - descent. By assumption,Q this implies that f is of universal -descent. As a partial converse, underF mild hypotheses on , we shall show in Lemma 3.25 thatF if the singleton family Spec( A ) F { i i → Spec(A) detects universal -descent, then the family Spec( Ai) Spec(A) U∈βI (obtained } F { U → } Q by localizing Ai at all possible ultrafilters on I) detects universal -descent. i Q F Lemma 3.24Q(Detection and filtered colimits). Let be an -category that is compactly generated by cotruncated objects. Let : Schop be aC finitary∞ functor. Let X Sch be a qcqs F qcqs,R → C ∈ qcqs,R scheme and let Yi i∈I be a family of qcqs X-schemes. Suppose we can write X as a filtered limit X = lim X in{ Sch} with affine transition maps. Suppose that for each j, the family of maps j∈J j qcqs,R Yi ←−Xj i∈I detects universal -descent. Then the family of maps Yi X detects universal { -descent.→ } F { → } F ′ ′ Proof. Let X X be a map. Suppose that each base change Yi X X Yi is of universal -descent. For→ each i, j, we have a factorization × → F Y X′ Y X′ Y i ×X → i ×Xj → i and since the composition is of universal -descent, it follows that Y X′ Y is of universal F i ×Xj → i -descent (Lemma 3.4). Since Yi Xj i∈I detects universal -descent, we find that each map F ′ { → } F ′ X Xj is of universal -descent. Taking the limit over j, we find that X X is of universal -descent→ (Lemma 3.7). F →  F 22 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

Lemma 3.25. Let be an -category that is compactly generated by cotruncated objects. Let : Ring be aC finitary∞ functor which preserves finite products. Let A be a set of R- F R → C { t}t∈T algebras and let A = t∈T At. Then the maps A U At , where U ranges over the ultrafilters on T , detect universal -descent. { → } QF Q Proof. Let B C be a map of A-algebras. Suppose that B A U At C A U At is of - descent for each→ U on T . Then we claim that B C is of -descent,⊗ which→ will⊗ imply the result.F In fact, consider the augmented cosimplicial object→ of F Q Q C → (B) (C) ⇒ (C C) → ... (4) F →F F ⊗B → which we want to show to be a limit diagram. By Construction 3.17, the augmented cosimplicial diagram upgrades to a diagram of sheaves (with values in ) on (T ). Furthermore, by assumption, the diagram of U-stalks is a limit diagram for each ultrafilterC PU. Since totalizations and filtered colimits commute in by assumption, it follows by Lemma 3.14 that we have a limit diagram of sheaves, and thus B C C is of -descent, as desired.  → F 3.4. Detection in the v-topology. The goal of this section is to prove that finitary v-sheaves are controlled by their behaviour on (certain) valuation rings (Propositions 3.30 and 3.32). To formulate these, we first recall the following basic definition: Definition 3.26. A ring R is called absolutely integrally closed if every monic polynomial in R[x] admits a root in R. We will only use this definition in the case where R is an , in which case it is equivalent to the condition that Frac(R) is algebraically closed and that R is normal. Note that the class of absolutely integrally closed domains is preserved by localizations and quotients by prime ideals. Lemma 3.27. An ultraproduct of absolutely integrally closed valuation rings is an absolutely inte- grally closed valuation ring. Proof. The condition that a ring should be an absolutely integrally closed valuation ring is a first- order property in the language of commutative rings. Therefore, the result follows from Łoś’s theorem (cf. [CK90, Th. 4.1.9] for an account).

Alternately, one can argue directly as in [BS17, Lemma 6.2] to show that an ultraproduct U Vt of a collection Vt t∈T of valuation rings is a valuation ring. If each Vt is absolutely integrally { } Q  closed, the same holds for t∈T Vt, and thus also for any localization such as U Vt. Our next goal is to showQ that every ring admits a v-cover by a product ofQ absolutely integrally closed valuation rings (Proposition 3.30); this is a variant of [BS17, Lemma 6.2], and is closely related to the fact that absolutely integrally closed valuation rings give a conservative system of points for the h-topology (at least for noetherian rings, see [GL01, Prop. 2.2, Cor. 3.8] and [GK15]). To get there, let us first study absolute integral closures of valuation rings. Lemma 3.28. Let V be a valuation ring. Then there exists an absolutely integrally closed valuation ring V ′ and a map V V ′ which is faithfully flat (hence a v-cover). → Proof. Consider an extension of the valuation to Frac(V ), and take V ′ to be the valuation ring associated to that valuation. By Lemma 2.21, we see that V ′ satisfies the desired claims.  To avoid set-theoretic inconsistencies, we bound the size of the absolutely integrally closed val- uation rings required to probe a given ring. THE arc-TOPOLOGY 23

Lemma 3.29. Let A be an arbitrary commutative ring and let κ = max(card(A), 0). Then for every absolutely integrally closed valuation ring W with a map A W , there exists aℵ factorization A W ′ W such that: → → → (1) W ′ is an absolutely integrally closed valuation ring with card(W ′) κ. (2) W ′ W is faithfully flat. ≤ → Proof. Fix a map f : A W and consider the image im(f) W . Let K be the fraction field of → ⊂ 0 im(f) inside K := Frac(W ), and let K1 K be the algebraic closure of K0. Then card(K1) κ, so W ′ := K W has cardinality at most⊂κ. The rest of the result follows from Lemma 2.21. ≤  1 ∩ We can now prove the promised result. Proposition 3.30. Let be an -category that is compactly generated by cotruncated objects. Let : Schop be a finitaryC v∞-sheaf. Let A be an R-algebra. Then there exists a set of maps F qcqs,R → C A V ∈ such that: { → i}i S (1) Each Vi is an absolutely integrally closed valuation ring. (2) The maps A Vi i∈S detect universal -descent. (3) The map A{ → } V is a v-cover. F → i∈S i Proof. Let κ = max(card(Q A), ). Let W ∈ be a set of representatives of isomorphism classes ℵ0 { t}t T of absolutely integrally closed valuation rings of cardinality κ receiving maps A Wt. We ′ ≤ → first claim that the map A A := t∈T Wt is a v-cover. This follows from Lemma 3.28 and Lemma 3.29. Explicitly, if A→ V is a map to any valuation ring V , we can enlarge V and assume V absolutely integrally closed→ (by LemmaQ 3.28). Then the map A V actually factors through A A′ (by Lemma 3.29); together, these imply that A A′ is a v-cover.→ →This produces a collection of absolutely integrally closed→ valuation rings satisfying (3), but we have not yet shown detection of universal -descent; for this we enlarge the family further. We F construct the family Vi of A-algebras as the collection of ultraproducts of the Wt. For each { } ′ ′ ′ ultrafilter U on T , we consider the A -algebra AU := U Wt. Then each AU is an absolutely ′ ′ integrally closed valuation ring (Lemma 3.27). Moreover the family of maps A AU (as U ranges over all ultrafilters on T ) detects universal -descentQ thanks to Lemma 3.25{ .→ The assertion} (3) now follows because A A′ is a v-cover, as verifiedF in the previous paragraph.  → Remark 3.31. Proposition 3.29 and Lemma 3.27 imply that for every commutative ring A, there is a v-cover A B such that each connected component of B is a valuation ring. By contrast, already for A =→k[x, y] over a field k, there does not exist an arc-cover A B such that that every connected component of B is a rank 1 valuation ring. Indeed, if such an→arc-cover A B existed, then this map would be a v-cover by≤ Proposition 2.6, so every valuation on A would→ extend to B, which is impossible: A admits a rank 2 valuation, while every valuation on B has rank 1 by the assumption on connected components. ≤ Using the preceding constructions, we can control finitary v-sheaves in terms of their behaviour on absolutely integrally closed valuation rings. Proposition 3.32. Let be an -category that is compactly generated by cotruncated objects. Let , : Schop be finitaryC v∞-sheaves and fix a map f : . Then f is an equivalence of v- F G qcqs,R →C F → G sheaves if and only if for every absolutely integrally closed valuation ring V RingR, (Spec(V )) (Spec(V )) is an equivalence. ∈ F → G 24 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

Proof. Suppose that for every absolutely integrally closed valuation ring V RingR, the map (Spec(V )) (Spec(V )) is an equivalence. By Corollary 3.18 and Lemma∈ 3.27, we have F ∼→ G (Spec(S)) (Spec(S)) whenever S is a product of absolutely integrally closed valuation rings Fwith the structure−→F of R-algebra. Now for any R-algebra A, we have a v-cover Spec(S) Spec(A) for S an appropriate product of absolutely integrally closed valuation rings, by Proposition→ 3.30. Continuing, we can construct a v-hypercover of Spec(A) where all of the terms are spectra of prod- ucts of absolutely integrally closed valuation rings. But we have v-hyperdescent of , : this can F G be checked after applying HomC(x, ) for x compact, and then the result follows since sheaves of n-truncated spaces are automatically· hypercomplete∈C (for any n), cf. [Lur09, Sec. 6.5.3] for a treatment.  THE arc-TOPOLOGY 25

4. The main result for arc-descent In this section, we prove our main result, explaining the relationship of arc-descent to excision. Fix a base ring R. Theorem 4.1 (Equivalence of arc-descent and excision). Let be an -category that is compactly generated by cotruncated objects. Let : Schop be aC finitary∞ functor (see Definition 3.1) F qcqs,R → C which satisfies v-descent. Then the following are equivalent: (1) satisfies arc-descent. (2) F satisfies excision. (3) F satisfies aic-v-excision, i.e., for every absolutely integrally closed valuation ring V with Fthe structure of an R-algebra and prime ideal p V , the square in ⊂ C (V ) / (V/p) F F (5)   / (Vp) (κ(p)) F F is cartesian. (Recall that the corresponding square of rings is a Milnor square, cf. Proposi- tion 2.8.) Clearly (2) implies (3). We will structure the proof of the theorem as follows. In subsection 4.1, we show that (1) and (3) are equivalent. In subsection 4.2, we show that (3) implies (2). Together these will complete the proof. Note that the condition of v-excision has been considered by Huber– Kelly [HK18].

4.1. Aic-v-excision and arc-descent. In this subsection, we will prove that (1) and (3) in The- orem 4.1 are equivalent. First we show that (1) implies (3). Let be as in Theorem 4.1. F Proposition 4.2. Suppose that satisfies arc-descent. Then satisfies aic-v-excision. F F Proof. Let V be an absolutely integrally closed valuation ring that is an R-algebra, and let p ∈ Spec(V ). We consider the map V V := Vp V/p. By our assumptions and Corollary 2.9, satisfies descent for this morphism.→ Unwinding× the definitions, and using the assumption thatF preserves finite products, we see thate the cosimplicial object (V ⊗•+1) computes precisely F F (Vp) (V/p). In particular, the statement that satisfies descent for V V is equivalent F ×F(κ(p)) F F → to the statement that satisfies excision for the excision datum (V, p)e (Vp, pVp).  F → e We will next show that for a v-sheaf which satisfies aic-v-excision, there are enough maps to rank 1 valuation rings which detect universal -descent. To proceed, we will use the following lemma ≤about maps between absolutely integrally closedF valuation rings. Lemma 4.3. Let V W be a map between absolutely integrally closed valuation rings. Fix a prime p V . Suppose→ that pW = W . Then: ⊂ 6 (1) The ideal pW W is prime and pulls back to p in V . (2) There exists a⊂ largest prime q W whose pullback to V equals p. For such q, we get ⊂ W Vp Wq and W κ(p) Wq/pWq. ⊗V ≃ ⊗V ≃ As the proof below shows, we do not need the full strength of absolute integral closedness above: it suffices to assume that the value groups of V and W are n-divisible for some integer n> 1. 26 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

Proof. By replacing V by its image, we may assume that V is a subring of W . For the first assertion of (1), since radical ideals in a valuation ring are prime, it is enough to show that pW is radical. Say y W with y2 pW . Then we can write y2 = n a x with ∈ ∈ i=1 i i ai p and xi W . As V is a valuation ring, we may assume after rearrangement that a1 ai ∈ ∈ 2 P | for all i, so we can rewrite y = a1 z for some z W . As both V and W have 2-divisible value · 2 ∈ 2 groups, we can choose a c1 p such that c1V = a1V and w W such that w W = zW . It follows 2 2 2 ∈ ∈ that y W = c1w W , and hence yW = c1wW as W is a valuation ring. But this implies that y c1W pW , as wanted. ∈Next we⊂ verify the second assertion of (1), i.e., that pW W pulls back to p V . Suppose that ⊂ ⊂ there is an element x V p such that x pW , so x = yizi for some yi p,zi W . Using divisibility to collect terms,∈ \ we may assume∈ that there is only one term in the sum,∈ i.e.,∈ x = yz for y p,z W . Since V is a valuation ring, we can write y =Pxy′ for some y′ p. We get x = xy′z in∈W , and∈ canceling we find that y′z =1 in W . This means that pW = W , a∈ contradiction. For the existence of q in (2): note that the collection of primes q′ W whose pullback to V equals p is directed: as W is a valuation ring, any set of prime ideals of⊂W is even totally ordered. The existence of q follows as a filtered colimit of prime ideals is prime (and because forming filtered colimits of primes in W commutes with pulling back to V ). Having constructed q, we immediately get a map W V Vp Wq. This is an injective map of two valuation rings (as both sides are localizations of⊗W ). To→ prove bijectivity, it is thus enough to show that their spectra match up. But Spec(W V Vp) is the preimage of Spec(Vp) Spec(V ), and hence is identified with the collection of primes⊗ of W whose pullback to V lies in p⊂. As q was the maximal element in this collection, it follows that W V Vp Wq is a bijection on Spec( ) and thus an isomorphism. The final assertion follows by comparing⊗ → residue fields at the closed point− in the preceding isomorphism. 

We can now prove a crucial stability property of aic-v-excision: it passes up to algebras.

Lemma 4.4. Let V be an absolutely integrally closed valuation ring, and fix a V -algebra A. Let : Schop be a finitary v-sheaf which satisfies aic-v-excision, where is compactly generated F qcqs,V →C C by cotruncated objects. Then for every prime ideal p V , the map ⊂ (A) (A Vp) (A/p) F →F ⊗V ×F(A⊗V κ(p)) F is an equivalence.

Proof. Since both sides are finitary v-sheaves in A, it suffices (by Proposition 3.32) to show that the map is an equivalence for A = W an absolutely integrally closed valuation ring. If pW = W , then W W V Vp and W/pW = 0, so the result is clear. If pW = W , then Lemma 4.3 shows that pW≃ is a⊗ prime ideal in W . Since pW pulls back to p, we obtain6 a natural map Vp Wp . We consider the diagram → W W / W/pW

  / W Vp W κ(p) ⊗V ⊗V

  / WpW κ(pW ), THE arc-TOPOLOGY 27 where all rings are absolutely integrally closed valuation rings. There are three squares we can extract naturally from this diagram. The outer one is a Milnor square as in (5) (i.e., belongs to the setting of aic-v-excision), and so is the bottom square (Proposition 2.8). Therefore, carries the outer and bottom squares to pullback squares. It follows that carries the top squareF to a F pullback, i.e., (W ) (W/pW ) (W Vp).  F ≃F ×F(W ⊗V κ(p)) F ⊗V Lemma 4.5. Let A B ∈ be a diagram of finitely presented ring maps indexed by a filtered { i → i}i I category I. Assume that for each map i j in I, the map Aj Ai Bi Bj is an isomorphism. If lim A lim B is a v-cover, then so→ is A B for some⊗ j I→(and thus for all j large I i → I i j → j ∈ enough).−→ −→

Proof. Let A∞ = lim A ,B∞ = lim B . The map Spec(B∞) Spec(A∞) is finitely presented and I i I i → a v-cover and therefore−→ [Ryd10,−→ Theorem 3.12] admits a refinement which factors as a composite of a quasi-compact open covering and a proper finitely presented surjection. By general results of noetherian approximation [Sta18, Tag 09MV], some map Spec(Bi) Spec(Ai) admits a refinement which factors as a composite of a quasi-compact open covering→ and a proper finitely presented surjection, and is therefore a v-cover.  To proceed further, we will need a general lemma which will aid us in reducing valuation rings to rank 1 valuation rings. Let V be a valuation ring. Consider the totally ordered set Spec(V ) of prime≤ ideals of V . Definition 4.6 (Intervals). An I = [p, q] (for p q prime ideals in V ) will denote the set ⊂ of prime ideals of V which are contained between p and q; note that this is also Spec((V/p)q), so to each interval I we have an associated absolutely integrally closed valuation ring VI := (V/p)q. The collection of intervals of Spec(V ) is partially ordered under inclusion: we have [p, q] [p′, q′] if and only if p p′ and q q′ as prime ideals. Given an inclusion of intervals I J, we⊂ have a ⊃ ⊂ ⊂ map VJ VI , so we have a contravariant functor from the poset of intervals to absolutely integrally closed valuation→ rings. Finally, any chain (i.e., totally ordered subset) in the poset of intervals admits a supremum and an infimum. TheC infimum is given by the intersection, and the functor I VI sends an intersection of intervals along a chain to the associated filtered colimit of the V 7→, I . I ∈C Lemma 4.7. Let V be a valuation ring. Let be a collection of intervals in Spec(V ) such that: P (1) If I is an interval of length 1 (so I either consists of one point or I = [p, q] where p ( q is an inclusion that cannot be≤ refined further), then I .7 (2) If I and J I is a subinterval, then J as well.∈P (3) Suppose∈P p Spec(⊂ V ) is not maximal. Then∈P there exists q ) p with [p, q] . (4) Suppose p ∈ Spec(V ) is nonzero. Then there exists r ( p with [r, p] . ∈P (5) Suppose that∈ I,J are overlapping intervals in , so that I J is an interval.∈P Then I J . P ∪ ∪ ∈P Then consists of all intervals in Spec(V ). P Proof. By (2), it suffices to show that the interval Spec(V ) belongs to . The proof is a straight- forward Zorn’s lemma argument. Suppose is a chain of intervals [p P, q ] in . We let p = p D i i P i and q = qi. We want to show that [p, q] is also in , so has an upper bound. By assumption ′ ′ P D ′ T and (2) any interval [p , q ] that is properly contained in [p, q] belongs to : if q ( iqi, then q′ q forS i 0 (for otherwise we would have q q′ for all i, whence Pq q′, contradicting∪ ⊂ i ≫ i ⊂ ∪i i ⊂ 7 Strictly speaking, (1) is a consequence of (3) and (4), but it is convenient to state it separately. 28 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW our assumption), and similarly at the other end. Now there exists an interval I0 containing p ′ ∈P and a strictly larger prime ideal p , and an interval I1 containing q and a strictly smaller prime ′ ′ ′ ∈P ideal q by (3, 4). But then I2 := [p , q ] is properly contained in [p, q], so I2 . Since I2 Ij = for j =0, 1, we conclude using (5) that I I I = [p, q] , so [p, q] ∈P. ∩ 6 ∅ 0 ∪ 1 ∪ 2 ∈P ∈P Thus the collection of intervals in contains a maximal element by Zorn’s lemma. Let [p∞, q∞] P be such a maximal element; we claim that p∞ = 0 and q∞ is the maximal ideal. Suppose the ′ ′ ′ former fails. Then, by (4), we can find p ( p with [p , p] . Using (5), we find that [p , q∞] , ∈P ∈P contradicting maximality. Thus, we find that p∞ =0. Similarly, q∞ is the maximal ideal, whence the result. 

Proposition 4.8. Let be an -category that is compactly generated by cotruncated objects. Let : Schop be a finitaryC v∞-sheaf which satisfies aic-v-excision. Then is an arc-sheaf. F qcqs,R →C F Proof. Let f : Y X be an arc-cover of R-schemes. We want to show that it is of universal - descent. Without→ loss of generality, we can assume X, Y are affine. By Proposition 3.30, we canF further reduce to the case where X = Spec(V ) is the spectrum of an absolutely integrally closed valuation ring V . Let Y = Spec(A), for a V -algebra A. Now A is a filtered colimit of finitely presented V -algebras, each of which is also an arc-cover of V (Lemma 2.3). Since morphisms of universal -descent are closed under filtered colimits of rings (Lemma 3.7), it suffices to assume that A is finitelyF presented over V . We consider now those intervals I such that the map VI A V VI (a finitely presented map of R-algebras) is of universal -descent. We let be the collection→ ⊗ of such intervals; our goal is to show that the interval Spec(VF) belongs to . ToP check this, we verify the hypotheses of Lemma 4.7 in order. P (1) If I is an interval of length 1, then V is a rank 1 valuation ring. Therefore, for such I, ≤ I ≤ the map VI A V VI is actually a v-cover (cf. Corollary 2.5) and therefore of universal -descent. Thus,→ ⊗I . (2)F If I and J I,∈P then J . This is evident since morphisms of universal -descent are stable∈ P under⊂ base change.∈ P F (3) Suppose that p Spec(V ) is not maximal. Then we claim that there exists q ) p such that [p, q] belongs to∈ . Indeed, if p has an immediate successor, then we can take that successor as q, in view ofP (1) above. Suppose p has no immediate successor. Then the interval p ′ ′ { } is the intersection of the intervals [p, q ] for q ) p. As I VI carries such intersection to filtered colimits, we learn that 7→

κ(p) = lim VI . I=[p,−→q′],q′)p

Now κ(p) A κ(p) is a v-cover and is finitely presented. Therefore, by Lemma 4.5, → ⊗V there exists I = [p, q] for q ) p such that VI A V VI is a v-cover and hence of universal -descent. Thus I . → ⊗ (4)F Suppose that q Spec(∈P V ) is nonzero. Then there exists p ( q such that [p, q] belongs to . This is proved∈ similarly. (5)P Suppose that I,J are overlapping intervals. Then the interval I J belongs to . To see this, we may∈ first P assume without loss of generality that I J =∪ Spec(V ), by baseP change. Suppose I = [0, p],J = [q, m] for p q and m the maximal∪ ideal. We claim that ⊃ THE arc-TOPOLOGY 29

for any V -algebra B, the diagram (B) / (B V ) F F ⊗V I (6)   / (B V ) (B V ∩ ) F ⊗V J F ⊗V I J is cartesian. If I J is a single point, then this assertion follows from Lemma 4.4. To reduce to this case, let∩ J ′ = [p, m] so that J ′ J and I J ′ = p . We can extend the diagram to ⊂ ∩ { } / (B V ) (B V ∩ ) F ⊗V J F ⊗V I J (7)   / (B V ′ ) (B V ∩ ′ ). F ⊗V J F ⊗V I J This square is cartesian, since we can consider the intervals J ′, I J whose union is J and which intersect at a single point. Moreover, if we paste together∩ the diagrams (6), (7) the outer square is cartesian (via the intervals J ′, I). Combining, we get that (6) is cartesian. Since (6) is cartesian, it follows easily that the collection of maps V V , V V , V → I → J → V ∩ detect universal -descent. This proves the claim. I J F Now observations (1) through (5) and Lemma 4.7 imply that Spec(V ) , and hence A V is of universal -descent as desired. ∈P →  F Proof that (1) is equivalent to (3) in Theorem 4.1. We already saw that (1) implies (3) in Propo- sition 4.2. In Proposition 4.8, we saw (3) implies (1).  For future reference we record the following corollary (Corollary 4.11): one can test equivalences of finitary arc-sheaves on absolutely integrally closed valuation rings of rank 1. This is a slight strengthening of Proposition 3.32 in this case. To begin with, we need two lemmas.≤

Lemma 4.9. Let V be an absolutely integrally closed valuation ring. Let : RingV be a finitary arc-sheaf. For each interval I Spec(V ), suppose that: F → S ⊂ (1) The space (VI ) is discrete. (2) If furthermoreF I has length 1, then (V ) is contractible. ≤ F I Then (V ) is contractible. F Proof. By assumption, (V ) is discrete. First, we show that π0( (V )) consists of at most one element. Let x, y π (F(V )). Consider the collection of intervalsF I Spec(V ) such that the ∈ 0 F P ⊂ images of x, y in π0( (VI )) agree. Since is a finitary arc-sheaf, we find that if I,J Spec(V ) are overlapping intervals,F then the naturalF square ⊂ / (V ∪ ) (V ) F I J F J

  / (V ) (V ∩ ) F I F I J is cartesian (e.g., because VI∪J VI VJ is an arc-cover). By our discreteness hypotheses, this is simply a pullback diagram of→ sets.× Consequently, our assumptions imply that the collection P 30 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW satisfies the conditions of Lemma 4.7 and hence consists of all intervals I. In particular, we can take I = Spec(V ) as desired. Applying the above argument to each V replacing V , we find that π ( (V )) has cardinality I 0 F I 1 for all intervals I Spec(V ). Consider the collection of intervals I Spec(V ) such that (VI ) ≤is nonempty (and hence⊂ contractible). By what we have shown, this⊂ collection of intervalsF also satisfies the conditions of Lemma 4.7 and therefore consists of all intervals, as desired. 

Lemma 4.10. Let R be a ring. Let : RingR ≤n be a finitary arc-sheaf. Suppose that for every absolutely integrally closed rank F 1 valuation→ S ring W with the structure of R-algebra, the space (W ) is k-truncated for some 1≤ k n. Then (R′) is k-truncated for all R-algebras R′. F − ≤ ≤ F

Proof. We prove the result by descending induction, as follows. Given k +1 r n, we suppose that is r-truncated (as a presheaf of spaces), and we will conclude that ≤is actually≤ (r 1)- truncated.F Resolving any R by a hypercover of products of absolutely integrallyF closed valuation− rings and using Corollary 3.19, we see that it suffices to show that takes (r 1)-truncated values on arbitrary absolutely integrally closed valuation rings with the structureF of−R-algebra. Let W be an absolutely integrally closed valuation ring under R. Suppose that (W ) ∗∈F r is an arbitrary basepoint; then we need to show that πr( (W ), )=0. The construction Ω (where the loop space is taken with respect to the chosen baseF point∗ ) forms a finitary arc-sheaf onF ∗ RingW , whose value on WI is discrete for any interval I Spec(W ) and is contractible when I has r ⊂ length 1. By Lemma 4.9, it follows that π0(Ω (W )) = vanishes, as desired. Thus, (W ) is (r 1)-truncated≤ as desired, whence the result. F ∗ F  − Corollary 4.11. Let be compactly generated by cotruncated objects. Let , : Schop be C F1 F2 qcqs,R →C finitary arc-sheaves. Suppose given a map such that for every absolutely integrally closed F1 →F2 valuation ring W of rank 1 that is an R-algebra, the map 1(W ) 2(W ) is an equivalence. Then is an equivalence.≤ F → F F1 →F2 Proof. By the Yoneda lemma, it suffices to assume that = ≤n for some n. By Proposition 3.32, it suffices to show that for any absolutely integrally closedC vSaluation ring V with the structure of ∼ R-algebra, we have (V ) (V ). Taking fibers over a basepoint, we may assume F1 −→F2 F2 is contractible. Then Lemma 4.10, we see that 1 is ( 1)-truncated, so the values of 1 are either empty or contractible and, by assumption, contractibleF − on absolutely integrally closedF rank 1 ≤ valuation rings under R. By Lemma 4.9, we find that 1 takes contractible values on absolutely integrally closed rank 1 valuation rings under R, henceF on products of them, and hence in general on all R-algebras by hypercover≤ resolutions. 

For future reference, we record the following variant of Corollary 4.11. Corollary 4.12. Let be compactly generated by cotruncated objects. Let , : Schop C F1 F2 qcqs,R → C be finitary arc-sheaves. Suppose given a map 1 2 such that for every absolutely integrally closed valuation ring W of rank 1 that is anFR-algebra,→ F there exists an extension of rank 1 ′ ≤ ′ ′ ≤ valuation rings W W such that the map 1(W ) 2(W ) is an equivalence. Then 1 2 is an equivalence. → F → F F → F

Proof. As before, we can assume = ≤ and that is contractible. We claim that is ( 1)- C S n F2 F1 − truncated. To see this, we show by descending induction on k 1 that 1 is k-truncated; the induction starts with k = n. ≥ − F THE arc-TOPOLOGY 31

Suppose we know that is k-truncated for some k 0; we need to show that is actually F1 ≥ F1 (k 1)-truncated. By Lemma 4.10, it suffices to show that 1(V ) is (k 1)-truncated whenever V is an− absolutely integrally closed valuation ring of rank 1 thatF is an R-algebra.− For such V , we have ′ ′ ≤ a V V which is faithfully flat such that 1(V ) is contractible. We can form the Čech nerve, yielding→ (V ) lim ( (V ′) ⇒ (V ′ VF′) ... ). This is a ∆-indexed limit where the 0th term F1 ≃ F1 F1 ⊗V is (k 1)-truncated←− and where every other term is k-truncated; it follows that the limit (V ) is − F1 also (k 1)-truncated as desired. We thus conclude that 1 is (k 1)-truncated and, by descending induction− on k, ( 1)-truncated. In particular, the valuesF of are− either empty or contractible. − F1 To see that 1 is contractible, it suffices (by Corollary 4.11) to show that 1(V ) is contractible for any absolutelyF integrally closed, rank 1 valuation ring V with the structureF of R-algebra. Choose an extension V V ′ such that (V ′)≤is contractible. But (V ) lim ( (V ′) ⇒ (V ′ V ′) ... ), → F1 F1 ≃ F1 F1 ⊗V and the zeroth term in the totalization is contractible while all the other←− terms are ( 1)-truncated, − by what we have shown above. It follows easily that 1(V ) is contractible as desired, whence the result by Corollary 4.11. F  4.2. Aic-v-excision and excision. Finally, we show that a functor which satisfies arc-descent also satisfies excision. That is, we show that (1) implies (2) in Theorem 4.1. We follow a general argument going back to Voevodsky, though we find it more convenient to argue directly instead of quoting an axiomatization (such as [AHW17, Th. 3.2.5]). Lemma 4.13. Consider a Milnor square A / A/I . (8)

  B / B/J Then for any map A V where V is an integral domain, the base change of the square (8) along A V is also a Milnor→ square. → Proof. In fact, the square V / V/IV

  B V / B/J V ⊗A ⊗A has at least the property that the map f : V V/IV (B/J)⊗AV B A V is surjective, by right- exactness of the tensor product. To see that the→ map is× injective, it suffices⊗ to show that after base change to the fraction field Frac(V ), the target is nonzero. This holds because the map A Frac(V ) factors through A/I B (Lemma 2.7), so (A/I B) Frac(V ) =0. →  × × ⊗A 6 Lemma 4.14. Let be compactly generated by cotruncated objects. Let : Schop be a C F qcqs,R → C finitary v-sheaf. Given a Milnor square as in (8) such that A B is surjective, carries every base change of it to a pullback square. → F Proof. Since everything is local on A (and is a v-sheaf), it suffices to check that carries every base change of (8) to an absolutely integrallyF closed valuation ring to a pullback square.F By Lemma 4.13, base change to an absolutely integrally closed valuation ring preserves Milnor squares. Thus, it suffices to show that carries any Milnor square (8) with A an absolutely integrally closed F 32 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW valuation ring and A ։ B surjective to a pullback square. In this case, we must have that one of the maps A A/I or A B is an isomorphism; otherwise, we could not have a Milnor square as the ideals→ of A are totally→ ordered. In either case, it is clear that carries the diagram to a pullback. F  The following result shows that in the statement of Theorem 4.1, (1) implies (2), and therefore completes the proof of Theorem 4.1. Proposition 4.15. Let be compactly generated by cotruncated objects. Let : Schop be C F qcqs,R →C a finitary arc-sheaf. Then is excisive. F Proof. Consider a Milnor square (8); we show that carries every base change of it to a pullback square. Using Corollary 4.11, the observation that everythingF is local on A, and that is an arc- sheaf, we reduce to the case of a base-change to a rank 1 valuation ring. Using LemmaF 4.13, we see that it suffices to show that carries any Milnor square≤ (8) where A is a rank 1 valuation ring to a pullback. F ≤ In this case, either the map A A/I or the map A B admits a section thanks to Lemma 2.7. If the first map admits a section,→ then I =0 and it is clear→ that carries (8) to a pullback square. Suppose that A B admits a section. Then we can form a newF Milnor square → B / B/J , (9)

  A / A/I where the section B A is surjective. Now it suffices to show that carries (9) to a fiber square, by a two-out-of-three→ argument. However, carries (9) to a fiber squareF thanks to Lemma 4.14.  F 4.3. Excision via arc-sheafification. In this subsection, we give a slightly different formulation of the relation between excision and arc-descent. Namely, we shall prove that the square of schemes attached to an excision datum gives a pushout square of arc-sheaves of spaces on arc-sheafification; this implies Proposition 4.15 (without the hypothesis that should be compactly generated by cotruncated objects, or that should be finitary) by the universalC property of pushouts. To obtain a topos, we first bound the sizeF of all relevant schemes by a cutoff cardinal. Definition 4.16 (The arc-topos on schemes of size < κ). We fix an uncountable strong limit cardinal κ (i.e., κ is uncountable and λ<κ implies 2λ <κ) and a base ring R of cardinality <κ. Let Schqcqs,R,<κ denote the category of qcqs R-schemes which can be written as a finite union of affine schemes whose coordinate rings have cardinality < κ. The arc-topology on Schqcqs,R,<κ is defined as the Grothendieck topology where covering families Ui U,i I are families of maps ′ { → ∈ } such that there exists a finite I I such that i∈I′ Ui U has the arc-lifting property with respect to valuation rings of size <κ⊂, i.e., for any rank⊔ 1→valuation ring V of size <κ and a map Spec(V ) U, there exists an extension V W of rank≤ 1 valuation rings of size <κ and a lift → → ≤ Spec(W ) i∈I′ Ui. Write Shvarc(Schqcqs,R,<κ) for the category of arc-sheaves on Schqcqs,R,<κ; this is a topos.→ ⊔ Remark 4.17 (Independence of κ in the notion of coverings). Since κ is a strong limit cardinal, essentially all the constructions appearing previously in this paper to construct valuation rings out of schemes preserve the property of having size < κ. For example, each X in Schqcqs,R,<κ admits an v-hypercover Y• X such that each Y is in Sch and is the spectrum of a product of → i qcqs,R,<κ THE arc-TOPOLOGY 33 absolutely integrally closed valuation rings (necessarily of size < κ): this follows from bounding the cardinality of the construction in Proposition 3.30, noting that if λ<κ, then a product of λ λ sets of size λ each has size λλ 2λ×λ 22 < κ. In particular, the equivalence class of ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ ≤ each rank 1 valuation on any X Schqcqs,R,<κ admits a representative Spec(V ) X with V being an absolutely≤ integrally closed∈ rank 1 valuation ring of size < κ. Using this→ observation ≤ as well as the closure of Schqcqs,R,<κ under fiber products in all schemes, it is easy to see that a map f : X Y in Schqcqs,R,<κ is an arc-cover in the sense of Definition 4.16 if and only if it is an arc-cover in→ the sense of Definition 1.2.

Remark 4.18. The category Schqcqs,R,<κ and the topos Shvarc(Schqcqs,R,<κ) evidently depend on κ. Nevertheless, for κ′ >κ a larger uncountable strong limit cardinal, the inclusion Sch qcqs,R,<κ ⊂ Schqcqs,R,<κ′ commutes with limits and preserves the notion of coverings by Remark 4.17, so there is an induced map f : Shvarc(Schqcqs,R,<κ′ ) Shvarc(Schqcqs,R,<κ) of topoi. One can show most “geometrically meaningful constructions” do→ not depend on κ in the sense that they are compatible with f. For example, sheafification and f∗ are compatible for presheaves of bounded size (such as h for X Sch ); see [Wat75] for similar statements in the fpqc topology. X ∈ qcqs,R,<κ We shall use the language of coherent objects in a topos and that of coherent topoi in the rest of this section; we refer the reader to [G+72, Expose VI] as well as [Lurb, Sec. A] for the relevant background (including definitions of quasi-compact, quasi-separated, and coherent objects). The next lemma records some generalities on coherent topoi, specialized to our setting.

Lemma 4.19. (1) The topos Shvarc(Schqcqs,R,<κ) is coherent. ♯ (2) Write hX Shvarc(Schqcqs,R,<κ) for the arc-sheaf associated to X Schqcqs,R,<κ under the ∈ ♯ ∈ Yoneda map. Then hX is a coherent object of Shvarc(Schqcqs,R,<κ). (3) An object F Shv (Sch ) is coherent if and only if there exists a surjection h♯ ∈ arc qcqs,R,<κ X → F for some X Sch such that h♯ h♯ is quasi-compact. ∈ qcqs,R,<κ X ×F X (4) The topos Shvarc(Schqcqs,R,<κ) has enough points. Proof. Part (1) and (2) are [Lurb, Prop. A.3.1.3]. Part (3) is a consequence of [G+72, Exp. VI, Cor. 1.17.1]. Part (4) is Deligne’s completeness theorem [G+72, Expose VI, Appendix].  Warning 4.20. The arc-topology is not subcanonical, so the sheafification is necessary in Lemma 4.19 (2) and (3). The following criterion for detecting surjections between coherent objects will be useful. Lemma 4.21. Let F G be a map of arc-sheaves of sets on Sch . → qcqs,R,<κ (1) Assume that G is coherent and F is quasi-compact. Then F G is surjective if and only if it has the arc-lifting property, i.e., for every rank 1 valuation→ ring V of size <κ with the structure of R-algebra and every section g G(V≤), there exists an extension V W of rank 1 valuation rings of size < κ and a section∈ f F (W ) lifting the image of→g in G(W ). ≤ ∈ ∼ ∼ (2) Assume that both F and G are coherent. Then F G if and only if F (V ) G(V ) for a cofinal collection of rank 1 valuation rings V of−→ size <κ. −→ ≤ Note that (1) above is trivially false without the quasi-compactness hypothesis: the canonical map h♯ h♯ h♯ (where the coproduct is indexed by the prime numbers) Spec(Q) ⊔ p Spec(Z(p)) → Spec(Z) ≃∗ has the arc-lifting property but is not a surjection of arc-sheaves. F 34 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

Proof. In both cases, the “only if” direction is clear, so it suffices to prove the “if” direction. ♯ ♯ We first prove (1). When F and G are representable, i.e., have the form hX and hY , the desired claim is essentially a reformulation of the definition of an arc-covering combined with the observation that the map from a presheaf to the associated sheaf has the arc-lifting property by ♯ definition of the topology. In general, one first chooses a surjection hU G (which is possible as G ♯ ♯ → is quasi-compact); one may then then choose a surjection hV hU G F (which is possible as G is quasi-separated and F is quasi-compact). By the stability of→ the arc×-lifting property under fiber ♯ ♯ products (and the fact that it holds for surjections), then the map hV hU is surjective by the ♯ ♯ → representable case. But then hV hU G is also surjective, whence F G is surjective as it factors a surjection. → → → For (2), note that F G is an isomorphism if and only if both F G and its diagonal → → F F G F are surjective. The claim now follows from (1) and the stability of coherent objects under→ fiber× products since the hypothesis F (V ) G(V ) implies that both F G and its diagonal F F F have the arc-lifting property. ≃ →  → ×G

Lemma 4.22. Let F0 G0 be a map of presheaves of sets on Schqcqs,R,<κ. Suppose that the ♯ ♯→ arc-sheafifications F0 , G0 are coherent in the arc-topos of Schqcqs,R,<κ. Suppose that for every rank 1 valuation ring V of size <κ with the structure of R-algebra, there exists an extension V W ≤of rank 1 valuation rings of size < κ with F (W ) G (W ) surjective (resp. bijective).→ Then ≤ 0 → 0 F ♯ G♯ is surjective (resp. bijective). 0 → 0 Proof. We apply Lemma 4.21. Consider the commutative diagram of presheaves on Schqcqs,R,<κ,

/ ♯ F0 F0 .

  / ♯ G0 G0 For (1), given a rank 1 valuation ring V of cardinality < κ with the structure of R-algebra, ≤♯ and any class in x G0(V ), there exists an extension V W of rank 1 valuation rings of size ∈ ♯ → ≤ < κ such that the image of x in G0(W ) comes from x G0(W ). By assumption, there exists a further extension W W ′ of rank 1 valuation rings∈ of size < κ such that the image of x in ′ → ′ ≤ ♯ ′ ♯ ′ G0(W ) comes from F0(W ). Therefore, the image ofex in G0(W ) comes from F0 (W ), whence the surjectivity by Lemma 4.21. The second claim follows from the first applied to the diagone al F F F , since sheafification commutes with finite limits.  0 → 0 ×G0 0 The following lemma shall be used to deduce coherence of certain pushouts: Lemma 4.23. Consider a pushout square diagram

A / B

  C / D in Shvarc(Schqcqs,R,<κ). Assume A B is injective, and that A, B, and C are coherent. Then D is coherent. → THE arc-TOPOLOGY 35

Proof. We apply the criterion recorded in Lemma 4.19 (3) to the cover B C D. Since B C is trivially coherent, it remains to show that B B, B C, and C C⊔are→ all quasi-compact.⊔ ×D ×D ×D Since A B is injective, the same holds for its (co)base change C D, so C D C C (via the diagonal)→ is quasi-compact by assumption on C. → × ≃ Next, the natural map A B D C is an isomorphism: this can be checked after taking stalks (using Deligne’s theorem in→ Lemma× 4.19 (4) to ensure there are enough points), where it reduces to a standard calculation with pushout squares of sets with one arrow injective. Thus, B D C is quasi-compact by assumption on A. × Finally, we claim that the map B (A C A) B D B given by the diagonal on the first summand B of the source, and the natural⊔ map× A →A ×B B is surjective; this will prove the ×C → ×D lemma as B is quasi-compact (by assumption), A C A is quasi-compact (as A is quasi-compact and C is coherent) and the image of a quasi-compact× object is quasi-compact. As in the previous paragraph, this surjectivity can again be checked after taking stalks. Write ( )′ for a fixed stalk functor. The desired statement is now the following elementary assertion (that− we leave to the ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ reader to check): if (x, y) B D′ B , then x = y is an element of B A B (whence (x, y) lies ∈ ×′ ′ ′ − ′ ⊂ in the image of the diagonal B B D′ B ), or both x and y live in A and are mapped to the ′ → × ′ ′ ′ ′ same element of C (whence (x, y) lies in A ′ A B ′ B ).  ×C ⊂ ×D We can now prove the promised statement, Proposition 4.24. Let (A, I) (B,J) be an excision datum with A and B having size < κ, so one obtains a Milnor square as→ in (8). Consider the associated square Spec(B/J) / Spec(B)

  Spec(A/I) / Spec(A) in Schqcqs,R,<κ. The square of arc-sheaves of sets obtained by applying arc-sheafification to the above square is a pushout square in both the ordinary topos Shvarc(Schqcqs,R,<κ) of arc-sheaves of sets as well as the -topos Shv S (Sch ) of arc-sheaves of spaces. ∞ arc, qcqs,R,<κ Proof. Let Q denote the pushout of Spec(B) Spec(B/J) Spec(A/I) in the -category of presheaves of spaces. As Spec(B/J) Spec(B←) is a closed immersion,→ it gives a monomorphism∞ of presheaves of sets, so Q is discrete8→and hence we may regard it as a presheaf of sets. There is a natural map η : Q Spec(A) of presheaves. The sheafification of Q is coherent by Lemma 4.23. We must show that η→gives an isomorphism on arc-sheafification. By Lemma 4.22, it is enough to show that η(V ): Q(V ) Spec(A)(V ) is bijective for any rank 1 valuation ring V of size <κ. The surjectivity is immediate→ from Lemma 2.7. For injectivity, fix ≤ x1, x2 Q(V ) with common image y Spec(A)(V ). Since Spec(B/J) Spec(B) is the preimage of Spec(∈A/I) Spec(A), we find that Q∈ Spec(A) is an isomorphism after⊂ pullback to Spec(A/I). We may thus⊂ assume that y Spec(A)(V→) corresponds to a map y∗ : A V with y∗(I) =0. Then ∈ → 6 both x1 and x2 must lie in the image of Spec(B)(V ) Q(V ): if not, then one of them would give ∗ → a factorization of y through A A/I, which we just ruled out. Thus, x1 and x2 come from two → ∗ ∗ ring maps b1,b2 : B V that factor y . Choose some t I such that y (t) =0. As t I, we have 1 1 → 1 1 1 1∈ ∗ 6 ∈ 1 A[ ]= B[ ], and so b [ ]= b [ ] as maps B[ ] V [ ∗ ]. As y (t) =0, the map V V [ ∗ ] is t t 1 t 2 t t → y (t) 6 → y (t) injective, so we must have b1 = b2, whence x1 = x2 as wanted.  8 Given a pushout diagram of sets where one of the maps being pushed out is injective, it is also a pushout in S. 36 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

Corollary 4.25. Let be a sheaf on Schqcqs,R,<κ valued in an -category that has all small limits. Then satisfiesF excision. In other words, carries excision∞ squaresC (i.e., the squares of schemes appearingF in Proposition 4.24) to pullbackF squares. Proof. For arc-sheaves of spaces, this follows from Proposition 4.24. In general, for any object x , the assignment U HomC(x, (U)) gives an arc-sheaf of spaces and thus satisfies excision. The∈C claim now follows by7→ the YonedaF lemma in .  C THE arc-TOPOLOGY 37

5. Examples of arc-sheaves In this section, we record several examples of functors which satisfy arc-descent. There are two classes of examples we consider: those arising from étale cohomology, and those arising from perfect Fp-schemes. 5.1. Étale cohomology. Let R be a fixed base ring, and let be a torsion sheaf on the small étale site of Spec(R). In this section, we will consider the functorG Schop (Z) qcqs,R → D which sends a qcqs scheme X with structure map f : X Spec(R) to the étale cohomology object ∗ → RΓ(X´et,f ). Recall that this functor is finitary, cf. [Sta18, Tag 03Q4]. Our main result is that it satisfies arcG-descent (Theorem 5.4). To begin with, we review the (classical) result that it satisfies v-descent. This comes from the theory of cohomological descent [G+72, Exp. V-bis], and also appears explicitly in [CD16, Prop. 5.3.3]. Lemma 5.1. Let Λ be a ring, and let : Schop (Λ)≥0 be a finitary functor. Suppose that F qcqs,R → D satisfies étale descent. If f : Y X is a map in Schqcqs,R such that the base changes of f to the Fstrict henselizations of X are of →-descent, then f is of -descent. F F Proof. This follows from the fact that the étale topology has enough points, given by the spectra of strictly henselian local rings. Suppose that f : Y X is such that after base change to any strict henselization of X, f is of -descent. We need to→ see that the natural map F → (X) lim( (Y ) ⇒ (Y Y ) → ... ) (10) F → F F ×X → ←− is an equivalence. To do this, we consider both sides as sheaves on the small étale site of X. For instance, for any étale X′ X, we consider X′ (X′), and similarly for the right-hand-side → 7→ F → (i.e., via X′ lim( (X′ Y ) ⇒ (X′ Y Y ) → ... )). Both sides are finitary functors, 7→ F ×X F ×X ×X → since totalizations←− in (Λ)≥0 commute with filtered colimits. Our assumption is that this map of étale sheaves becomesD an equivalence on stalks for each strict henselization of X; therefore the map of sheaves is an equivalence, and so is (10).  Proposition 5.2. Let be a torsion sheaf on Spec(R) . Let : Schop (Λ)≥0 be the G ´et F qcqs,R → D functor (f : X Spec(R)) RΓ(X ,f ∗ ). Then satisfies v-descent. → 7→ ´et G F Proof. Let Y X be a v-cover of schemes, which we want to show is of universal -descent. Since Y,X are→ qcqs, we can write Y as a filtered limit of a tower of finitely presented XF-schemes Y with affine transition maps. Since étale cohomology turns such filtered limits to filtered { α} colimits, and since each Yα X is a v-cover too, we may assume that Y X is finitely presented (cf. Proposition 3.8). The→ map Y X admits a refinement which factors→ as a composite of a quasi-compact open covering and a proper→ finitely presented surjection [Ryd10, Th. 3.12]. Quasi-compact open coverings are of universal -descent. We claim that proper surjections are too, thanks to proper base change. In fact, if Y FX is proper and surjective, with X the spectrum → of a strictly henselian ring, let x X be the closed point with residue field κ(x). Let Yx be the ∈ + fiber of Y at x. Then (Y ) (Yx) thanks to proper base change [G 72, Exp. XII, Th. 5.1], whereas the map Y Fx admits≃ F a section after base change along the universal x → κ(x) κ(x) (which does not change the value of ). The analogous result holds for fiber products → F of Y over X. It follows that Y X is of -descent by comparison with Yx x, which is of universal -descent by Lemma 3.4→. Thus anyF proper surjection Y X with X →strictly henselian F → 38 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW is of -descent; by Lemma 5.1, it follows that proper surjections are of -descent. Since proper surjectionsF are stable under base change, they are of universal -descent.F  F Next, we show that satisfies arc-descent. F Lemma 5.3. An absolutely integrally closed valuation ring V is strictly henselian. Proof. Let m V be the maximal ideal. Given a monic polynomial p(x) V [x], we know that p splits into linear⊂ factors; this forces V to be strictly henselian, and the residue∈ field to be algebraically closed. 

Theorem 5.4 (arc-descent for étale cohomology). Let be a torsion sheaf on Spec(R)´et. Let : Schop (Λ)≥0 be the functor (f : X Spec(RG )) RΓ(X ,f ∗ ). Then satisfies F qcqs,R → D → 7→ ´et G F arc-descent. In particular, it satisfies excision. Proof. Proposition 5.2 already shows that satisfies v-descent. Also, is finitary because étale cohomology commutes with filtered colimitsF of rings. It is therefore enoughF to check the condition of aic-v-excision from Theorem 4.1. Fix an absolutely integrally closed valuation ring V that is an R-algebra and a prime ideal p V . Note that any reduced quotient of a localization of V is also an absolutely integrally closed valuation⊂ ring, and hence a strictly henselian local ring. In particular, as V and V/p are both strictly henselian with identical residue fields, we have (V ) (V/p) by F ≃F standard facts in étale cohomology. Similarly, we also have (Vp) (κ(p)), so the cartesianness of the square from Theorem 4.1 (3) is clear. F ≃F  We now prove part (1) of Corollary 1.18 from the introduction, recovering many special cases of the Gabber–Huber rigidity theorem for the étale cohomology of henselian pairs [Gab94, Hub93b]. Proof of part (1) of Corollary 1.18: rigidity from excision. Let (A, I) be a henselian pair, where A is an algebra over a henselian local ring k. Let be a torsion abelian sheaf on Spec(A)ét. We must F show that the map ηF : RΓ(Spec(A), ) RΓ(Spec(A/I), ) is an isomorphism. F → F First, note that the collection of all sheaves for which ηF is an isomorphism satisfies the “2-out- of-3” property and contains the sheaves pushedF forward from Spec(A/I). We may therefore assume ֒ (has the form j! for some torsion étale sheaf on Spec(A) V (I), where j : Spec(A) V (I FSpec(A) is the displayedG open immersion. G \ \ → Next, let us prove the claim when A/I is a henselian local ring with residue field E, which implies that A is also a henselian local ring with residue field E. By pro-(finite étale) descent, this reduces to the case where A is a strictly henselian local ring. But the global sections functor is exact on such a ring, and Γ(Spec(A), ) Γ(Spec(E), Spec(E)) for any étale sheaf on Spec(A), whence the claim in this case. H ≃ H| H We will now use excision to reduce to the special case treated above. Let k A be the structure → map. Set B := k A/I A. Then, we can also view I as an ideal J of B, and we get an excision datum (B,J) (A,× I) with B/J k being a henselian local ring. By an observation of Gabber [Gab92], (B,J→) is a henselian pair.≃ As B A is an isomorphism after inverting any element of → ′ ′ J, the sheaf can be viewed as a torsion étale sheaf on Spec(B) V (J). Write := j! , where (′ , )j′ : Spec(B) GV (J) ֒ Spec(B) is the displayed open immersion.\ Consider the functorF RGΓ on the category\ of qcqs→ schemes over Spec(B); we need to show that this functor carries A − A/IF to an equivalence. Theorem 5.4 implies that this functor carries the Milnor square associa→ted to (B,J) (A, I) to a pullback square. We are thus reduced to showing that the functor carries B B/J→ to an equivalence. But then B/J k is a henselian local ring, so we are done by the special→ case shown earlier. ≃  THE arc-TOPOLOGY 39

Next, we observe that excision for étale cohomology is also a quick consequence of Gabber– Huber’s affine analog of proper base change [Gab94, Hub93b]. Remark 5.5 (Excision from rigidity). Suppose that we have an excision datum f : (A, I) (B,J). To see that the induced square on RΓ( , Λ) is cartesian, note first that the datum of an→ excision datum is preserved under flat base change· in A. Thus, we may localize on A and assume that A is a henselian local ring with maximal ideal m A (cf. the proof of Lemma 5.1). We need to see that the square ⊂ / RΓ(Spec(A)´et, Λ) RΓ(Spec(A/I)´et, Λ) (11)

  / RΓ(Spec(B)´et, Λ) RΓ(Spec(B/J)´et, Λ) is a pullback. Then, there are two cases: (1) I = A, so 1 I. In this case, J = B since J is an ideal and therefore A B. Therefore, the excision∈ assertion is evident. ≃ (2) I m. Then (A, I) is a henselian pair. It then follows by an observation of Gabber [Gab92⊂ ] that (B,J) is a henselian pair. By the affine analog of proper base change, we have RΓ(Spec(A)´et, Λ) RΓ(Spec(A/I)´et, Λ) and RΓ(Spec(B)´et, Λ) RΓ(Spec(B/J)´et, Λ). Therefore, excision≃ holds in this case as well: the horizontal maps in≃ (11) are equivalences. Of course, in our approach above, we do not need to invoke the affine analog of proper base change at any point, but we need to assume that one is working over a henselian local ring. 5.2. Constructible étale sheaves. In this subsection we prove “categorified” versions of Theo- rem 5.4. We demonstrate the following result, which is due to Rydh in the forthcoming work [Ryd]; we thank him for originally indicating the result to us. We give our own quick proof using Theorem 4.1. Theorem 5.6 (Rydh [Ryd]). Consider the following three functors: op (1) The functor 0 : Schqcqs Cat1 that sends a qcqs scheme X to the category of étale qcqs X-schemes whichF are separated→ over X. op (2) The functor 1 : Schqcqs Cat1 that sends a qcqs scheme X to the category of finite étale X-schemes. F → op (3) The functor 2 : Schqcqs Cat1 that sends a qcqs scheme X to the category of constructible étale sheavesF of sets on X→, or equivalently the category of étale qcqs algebraic spaces over X (see [Mil80, Ch. V, Th. 1.5] and [G+72, Exp. IX, Cor. 2.7.1] for this equivalence). Then , , are finitary arc-sheaves. F0 F1 F2 Proposition 5.7. Let V be an absolutely integrally closed valuation ring. Let f : X Spec(V ) be a quasi-compact separated étale morphism. Then X is a disjoint union of V -schemes→ of the form Spec(V [1/t]), t V . That is, the category of separated étale V -schemes is equivalent to the category of disjoint unions∈ of quasi-compact opens of Spec(V ). Proof. This is a general fact about integral normal schemes with separably closed function field, cf. [Sta18, Tag 0EZN]. For the convenience of the reader, we also sketch a direct proof. Using Lemma 2.22 and a standard noetherian approximation argument, we may assume V has finite rank. We prove the claim by induction on the rank. When the rank is 0, then V is an algebraically closed field, so the claim is clear. In general, since V is strictly henselian, we can use 40 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

Zariski’s main theorem to write X := X′ U where X′ Spec(V ) is finite étale, and U Spec(V ) does not hit the closed point. As V is absolutely⊔ integrally→ closed, the map X′ Spec(→ V ) is a disjoint union of sections: the ring of functions on each component of X′ is a normal→ domain finite over V , but there are no such domains other than V as the fraction field of V is algebraically closed. Also, f(U) Spec(V ) is a quasi-compact open subset that misses the closed point. As V is an absolutely integrally⊂ closed valuation ring, each finitely generated ideal is principal, so f(U) := Spec(V [1/t]) for some nonunit t V . In particular, f(U) is the spectrum of an absolutely integrally closed valuation ring of rank strictly∈ smaller than that of V . Applying the inductive hypothesis to the map U f(U) now gives the claim.  →

Proof of Theorem 5.6. First, the functors , are finitary by the general theory about limits of F0 F1 qcqs schemes along affine transition maps (cf. [Sta18, Tag 081C]). Similarly 2 is finitary, as a presentation of the algebraic space can be descended, cf. [Sta18, Tags 07SJ, 084V].F The functors 0, 1, 2 satisfy v-descent. Recall that since the functors are finitary, it suffices to check v-descentF onF schemesF of finite type over Spec(Z), where the v-topology reduces to the topology of universal submersions. Rydh’s result [Ryd10, Cor. 5.18] implies that , , satisfy F0 F1 F2 v-descent. To complete the argument, thanks to Theorem 4.1, it remains to show that 0, 1, 2 satisfy aic-v-excision. Let V be an absolutely integrally closed valuation ring and let p F VF beF a ⊂ prime ideal. Then V/p, Vp,κ(p) are absolutely integrally closed valuation rings as well.

(1) For 1, the categories of finite étale algebras over V,V/p, Vp,κ(p) are all equivalent to the categoryF of finite sets thanks to Lemma 5.3. Thus clearly satisfies aic-v-excision. F1 (2) For 0, we see by Proposition 5.7 that the category of quasi-compact, separated, and étale V -schemesF is equivalent to the category of disjoint unions of quasi-compact open sets of V . Similarly for V/p, Vp,κ(p).

We need to see that 0(Spec(V )) 0(Spec(Vp)) F0(Spec(κ(p))) 0(Spec(V/p)). We can reduce to the case whereF V has finite≃F rank by writing× V as a filteredF colimit of absolutely integrally closed valuation subrings (Lemma 2.22). Suppose V has rank n, so Spec(V ) is the totally ordered set 1, 2,...,n under specialization, and p corresponds to the element i [1,n]. Then we observe{ that: } (a)∈ The category of quasi-compact separated étale V -schemes is the category of functors (1 2 n)op FinSet , the category of finite sets and injections. → →···→ → inj (b) The category of quasi-compact separated étale Vp-schemes is the category of functors op (1 2 i) FinSetinj. (c) The→ category→···→ of quasi-compact→ separated étale (V/p)-schemes is the category of func- op tors (i i +1 n) FinSetinj. (d) The category→ of→···→ quasi-compact→ separated étale κ(p)-schemes is the category of functors iop FinSet . → inj In view of the above identifications, 0(Spec(V )) 0(Spec(Vp)) F0(Spec(κ(p))) 0(Spec(V/p)) as desired. F ≃F × F (3) For 2, the category of constructible sheaves of sets on Spec(V ) is just the category of functorsF 1, 2,...,n op FinSet, again via Proposition 5.7 which describes the étale site. { } → One has a similar description for Vp,V/p,κ(p) and the result follows.

Therefore, 0, 1, 2 satisfy aic-v-excision and are finitary v-sheaves. In light of Theorem 4.1 we can conclude.F F F  THE arc-TOPOLOGY 41

Let Λ be a finite ring. Next, we prove that the functor which sends a qcqs scheme X to the b -category cons(X´et, Λ) of constructible sheaves satisfies arc-descent. This is a refinement of Theorem∞ 5.4D(which we recover by taking derived endomorphisms of the constant sheaf). b op Notation 5.8 (Constructible sheaves). Consider the functor X (X , Λ), Sch Cat∞ 7→ Dcons ´et qcqs → which assigns to a qcqs scheme X the subcategory of the full derived -category (X´et, Λ) of étale sheaves of Λ-modules spanned by those objects which are bounded with∞ constructibleD cohomology. b [−n,n] b For n 0, we let cons(X´et, Λ) cons(X´et, Λ) be the subcategory consisting of objects with amplitude≥ in [ n,nD ]. For example,⊂ when D n = 0 we recover the ordinary abelian category of constructible sheaves− of Λ-modules on X. Remark 5.9. When Λ is a field or a product of fields, the preceding definition coincides with the standard one appearing in the definition of the ℓ-adic derived category, cf. [Sta18, Tag 09C0]. When Λ has a nontrivial Jacobson radical, one can also enforce finite Λ-Tor-dimension (which is necessary to obtain something functorial in Λ). The results below also hold for the variant where we force finite Tor-dimension. Proposition 5.10. The functor X b (X , Λ) is finitary. More generally, for each n, the 7→ Dcons ´et functor X b (X , Λ)[−n,n] is finitary. 7→ Dcons ´et b [−n,n] Proof. It suffices to prove that each functor X cons(X´et, Λ) is finitary, since then we can take the union over n. 7→ D Suppose that we can write X = lim X as a filtered inverse limit of a tower of qcqs schemes i∈I i X over a totally ordered set I, such←− that the transition maps X X are affine. Let p : X X i j → i i → i and pji : Xj Xi (for j i) denote the transition maps. → ≥ b ∗ ∗ Let 0 I. First, we show that if , ((X ) , Λ), then Hom b (p ,p ) cons 0 ´et Dcons(X´et,Λ) 0 0 ∈ ∗ ∗ F G ∈ D b F G ≃ lim HomDb ((X ) ,Λ)(p ,p ) . This easily implies that the map lim ((Xi)´et, Λ) i≥0 cons i ´et i0F i0G Dcons → −→b −→ cons(X ´et, Λ) is fully faithful (and similarly with truncations attached). In fact, by a dévissage (first viaD the Postnikov tower, then using [Sta18, Tag 095M]), we reduce to the case where is obtained F as the (discrete) sheaf j!(M) for some finite Λ-module M and j : U0 X0 a separated étale map → ∗ ∗ and where is also (up to shift) discrete. We have then for each i, Hom b (p ,p )= Dcons((Xi)´et,Λ) i0 i0 G ∗ F G HomD(Λ)(M, RΓ(U0 X0 Xi, qi )) for qi : U0 X0 Xi X0, and similarly for X. In this case, however, the result follows× fromG the commutation× of étale→ cohomology with filtered colimits over the bases U X . { 0 ×X0 i} Next, we need to show that the functor lim b ((X ) , Λ)[−n,n] b (X , Λ)[−n,n] is Dcons i ´et → Dcons ´et essentially surjective. Since the functor is already−→ known to be fully faithful (indeed on the whole  bounded derived -categories), it suffices by dévissage to show the result in the case n =0, where it follows from [Sta18∞ , Tag 09YU].  Proposition 5.11. The functor X b (X, Λ) on Sch is a hypercomplete v-sheaf. More 7→ Dcons qcqs generally, for each n, the functor X b (X, Λ)[−n,n] is a hypercomplete v-sheaf. 7→ Dcons Related results can be found in [LO08].

b b [−n,n] Proof. Note that the assertions for cons(X, Λ) and cons(X, Λ) (for each n) are equivalent, since given a surjection of qcqs schemesD Y X, amplitudeD in the derived category on X can be tested by pullback to Y ; moreover, b (X,→Λ) = b (X, Λ)[−n,n] and this filtered union Dcons n≥0 Dcons commutes with the relevant homotopy limits. For this, compare the proof of [BS17, Th. 11.2]. Hence S it suffices to show that X b (X, Λ)[−n,n] is a hypercomplete v-sheaf. Note that this functor 7→ Dcons 42 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW takes values in Cat2n+1, which is compactly generated by cotruncated objects, so hypercompleteness is automatic once we prove that it is a v-sheaf; this follows from [Lur09, Lemma] for sheaves of n-truncated spaces, and by the Yoneda lemma (applied using the cotruncated compact generators) in general. The functor is an étale sheaf by construction, and we have seen in Proposition 5.10 that it is finitary. Using the refinement result [Ryd10, Th. 3.12], together with Proposition 3.8, it now suffices to prove that for a proper surjection of schemes Y X finite type over Spec(Z), we have for each n, → ∼ → b (X , Λ)[−n,n] lim b (Y , Λ)[−n,n] ⇒ b ((Y Y ) , Λ)[−n,n] → ... . (12) Dcons ´et −→ Dcons ´et Dcons ×X ´et → ←− Indeed, the map Y X determines via the Čech nerve an augmented cosimplicial scheme (over → b [−n,n] X) and the diagram (12) is obtained by applying cons(( )´et, Λ) to it. We verify the equivalence using the abstract resultD [Lura· , Cor.] (applied to opposite - categories); this is an -categorical version of the connection between the Barr–Beck theorem and∞ ∞ b b descent, cf. [Del90, Sec. 4.2]. Note that the pullback cons(X´et, Λ) cons(Y´et, Λ) is clearly con- D → D b [−n,n] servative since isomorphisms are checked on stalks. Since pullback is exact, cons(X´et, Λ) b [−n,n] D → cons(Y´et, Λ) preserves finite limits and hence totalizations (which behave as finite limits since weD are working with (2n + 1)-categories). Moreover, for any cartesian diagram of qcqs schemes E′ / E

  F ′ / F along proper maps, the square of -categories ∞ b (F , Λ)[−n,n] / b (F ′ , Λ)[−n,n] Dcons ´et Dcons ´et

  b (E , Λ)[−n,n] / b (E′ , Λ)[−n,n] Dcons ´et Dcons ´et is right adjointable in the sense of [Lura, Def.]. The right adjoints are given by truncations of derived pushforward and the adjointability follows from proper base change [G+72, Exp. XII, Th. 5.1]. Therefore, we can apply [Lura, Cor.] to conclude the desired equivalence (12).  Proposition 5.12. Let V be an absolutely integrally closed valuation ring of finite rank m, so X = Spec(V ) (under specialization) is the partially ordered set 0 1 2 m. Then b (X , Λ) is the -category of functors (0 1 2 →m)op→ →b ···(Λ) →for b (Λ) Dcons ´et ∞ → → → ··· → → Dfg Dfg the bounded derived category of finitely generated Λ-modules. Similarly b (X , Λ)[−n,n] is the Dcons ´et -category of functors (0 1 2 m)op b (Λ)[−n,n]. ∞ → → →···→ → Dfg Proof. Recall (Proposition 5.7) that the category of separated étale V -schemes is equivalent to the category of finite disjoint unions of quasi-compact open subsets of Spec(V ). Every quasi-compact open subset is of the form 0, 1, 2,...,i for some i m, and the Grothendieck topology in this { } ≤ case is trivial. Thus, a sheaf on Spec(V )´et is simply a presheaf on the category of open subsets, whence the result.  b Theorem 5.13 (arc-descent for constructible sheaves). The functor X cons(X´et, Λ) is a hy- b 7→ D [−n,n] percomplete arc-sheaf. More generally, for each n, the functor X cons(X´et, Λ) is a hyper- complete arc-sheaf. 7→ D THE arc-TOPOLOGY 43

Proof. As in the proof of Proposition 5.11, it suffices to prove the second assertion. Moreover, the construction X b (X , Λ)[−n,n] is automatically hypercomplete if it is an arc-sheaf because 7→ Dcons ´et it takes values in Cat2n+1. b [−n,n] Since X cons(X´et, Λ) is already checked to be a v-sheaf (Proposition 5.11), it suffices to verify aic-7→v-excisiveness D by Theorem 4.1. Let X = Spec(V ) for V an absolutely integrally closed valuation ring and let p V be a prime ideal. We need to show that b ( , Λ)[−n,n] satisfies ⊂ Dcons ·´et descent for the cover Spec(V/p) Spec(Vp) Spec(V ), i.e., that we have a homotopy cartesian square ⊔ →

b (Spec(V ) , Λ)[−n,n] / b (Spec(V/p) , Λ)[−n,n] . Dcons ´et Dcons ´et

  b [−n,n] / b [−n,n] (Spec(Vp) , Λ) (Spec(κ(p)) , Λ) Dcons ´et Dcons ´et

Without loss of generality (in light of Proposition 5.10 and Lemma 2.22), we can assume that V has finite rank, so that Spec(V )= 1, 2,...,m as a poset under specialization. Suppose p corresponds { } to the element i; then Spec(Vp)= 1, 2,...,i , Spec(V/p)= i,i +1,...,n , and Spec(κ(p)) = i . Using the description of étale sheaves{ on spectra} of absolutely{ integrally closed} valuation rings{ in} Proposition 5.12, the result now follows. 

5.3. Differential forms in characteristic zero. In this subsection, we give an example of an arc-sheaf in characteristic zero. We thank Joseph Ayoub for raising this question. Let k be a field of characteristic zero. Let X be a finite type k-scheme. We consider the h- i differential forms of Huber–Jörder [HJ14], RΓh(X, Ωh) (k); by definition, this is the cohomology in the h-topology of the usual presheaf of differential i-forms.∈ D This defines a (k)-valued functor on schemes of finite type over k which, by definition, is a sheaf for the h-topology.D A basic comparison i i result [HJ14, Cor. 6.5] yields that for X smooth, RΓh(X, Ωh) RΓZar(X, Ω ): that is, one can equally work in the Zariski topology for smooth schemes. ≃ Consider the functor : Schop (k) given as the left Kan extension of X RΓ (X, Ωi ) on Fi qcqs,k → D 7→ h h finite type k-schemes. Explicitly, given a qcqs k-scheme X, we write X as a filtered limit lim X j∈J j of finite type k-schemes X , j J along affine transition maps; then (X) = lim RΓ ←−(X , Ωi ). j ∈ Fi j∈J h j h −→ Theorem 5.14. The functor : Schop (k) is an arc-sheaf. Fi qcqs,k → D

Proof. We first recall that i is a v-sheaf, since we started with an h-sheaf on finite type k-schemes (Proposition 3.8). Now weF verify the hypotheses of Theorem 4.1. If R is an ind-smooth k-algebra, then (Spec(R)) is represented by the (usual) differential i-forms Ωi , thanks to [HJ14, Cor. 6.5]. Fi R/k In particular, this holds for R = V a valuation k-algebra, since valuation rings are ind-smooth as a consequence of local uniformization [Zar40] in characteristic zero; indeed, in the needed special case of absolutely integrally closed valuation rings, ind-smoothness also follows (in any characteristic) from alterations [dJ96]. Let V be an absolutely integrally closed valuation k-algebra and let p be a prime ideal. To verify the homotopy pullback square (5), it suffices to show that for each i 0, one has a homotopy ≥ 44 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW pullback square i / i ΩV/k Ω(V/p)/k .

(13)   Ωi / Ωi Vp/k κ(p)/k 1 For this, compare [HK18, Lem. 3.12]. Since V/k is ind-smooth, ΩV/k is a flat V -module. Moreover, we have that Ω1 Ω1 (V/p); by the transitivity triangle, this follows since p = p2 as V (V/p)/k ≃ V/k ⊗V is absolutely integrally closed. Therefore, (13) follows from the pullback square of valuation rings i  by tensoring with the flat V -module ΩV/k. • A variant of this comes from the de Rham complex. For a finite type k-scheme X, let RΓh(X, Ω ) denote the (h-sheafified) algebraic de Rham cohomology of X. As before, we left Kan extend this to all qcqs k-schemes to obtain a functor : Schop (k). F qcqs,k → D Corollary 5.15. The construction X (X) defines an arc-sheaf. 7→ F Proof. This follows from the (h-sheafified) Hodge filtration and Theorem 5.14.  5.4. Perfect schemes of characteristic p > 0. Using exactly the same strategy used to prove arc-descent in étale cohomology, one also obtains arc-hyperdescent for perfect complexes on perfect schemes, extending the analogous v-hyperdescent result in [BS17, Theorem 11.2 (2)]. Theorem 5.16 (arc-hyperdescent for perfect complexes on perfect schemes). Fix a prime number p. Let be the functor on Schqcqs,Fp carrying a qcqs scheme X to the -category Perf(Xperf ) of perfectF complexes on the perfection X of X. Then is a hypercomplete∞ arc-sheaf. perf F Proof. For each n, let denote the functor on Sch carrying X to the subcategory of Fn qcqs,Fp Perf(Xperf ) consisting of objects with Tor-amplitude in [ n,n]. Then n takes values in the -category Cat of (2n + 1)-categories, which is compactly− generatedF by cotruncated objects. ∞ 2n+1 We have that = n n. As in the proof of Proposition 5.11, it suffices to show that n is an arc-sheaf (whenceF it is automaticallyF hypercomplete). F By [BS17, TheoremS 11.2 (2)] and its proof, we already know that is a hypercomplete v-sheaf. Fn Also, n is clearly finitary. To show that n is an arc-sheaf, it suffices to check aic-v-excision as in TheoremF 4.1 (3). Thus, fix an absolutely integrallyF closed valuation ring V of characteristic p with a prime ideal p. We must check that applying to the Milnor square Fn V / V/p

(14)   / Vp κ(p) gives a cartesian square of (2n + 1)-categories; in fact, for this it suffices to show that applying to (14) gives a cartesian square of -categories. Note that all rings appearing above are perfecFt. ∞ Moreover, the map V B := Vp V/p is descendable in the sense of [BS17, Definition 11.14] or [Mat16, Definition 3.18]→ because the× above square is cartesian, expressing V as a finite homotopy limit of objects in (V ) which admit the structure of B-modules. By [BS17, Theorem 11.15] (which D is [Mat16, Proposition 3.21]), we have (V ) lim (B•), where B• is the Čech nerve of V B in F ≃ F • → the -category of E∞-rings. In fact, as both V←−and B are perfect, the terms of B coincides with ∞ THE arc-TOPOLOGY 45 the Čech nerve of V B in the category of ordinary commutative rings by [BS17, Lemma 3.16]. It is now easy to see,→ just as in Proposition 4.2, that the statement (V ) lim (B•) implies F ≃ F exactly that applying (and hence n) to the above Milnor square results in a←− cartesian square. Therefore, we concludeF that is anFarc-sheaf, whence the result.  Fn Using the previous result, we show that on the category of qcqs perfect Fp-schemes, the arc- covers are precisely the universal effective epimorphisms (i.e., the covers for the canonical topology, see [Sta18, Tag 00WP]). Theorem 5.17 (Universally effective epimorphisms of perfect schemes). Fix a prime number p. Let Y be a qcqs algebraic space over F . Consider the functor on Sch carrying X to the p F qcqs,Fp set of maps Xperf Y . Then is an arc-sheaf (of sets). Moreover, a map→ of qcqs perfectF F -schemes Y X is an arc-cover if and only if it is a p → universally effective epimorphism in the category of qcqs perfect Fp-schemes.

Note that the functor is finitary if Y is in addition of finite type over Fp, and the proof shows that it satisfies excision evenF if Y is only assumed qcqs (one can reduce to the finite type case via noetherian approximation [Ryd15]). Proof. For the sheafiness of , we use the Tannaka duality in the form of [Bha16, Theorem 1.5]. Given X, we let Perf(X )Fdenote the symmetric monoidal -category of perfect complexes on perf ∞ Xperf as before. Then we have Hom(X , Y ) Fun⊗ (Perf(Y ), Perf(X )), perf ≃ ex perf where the target denotes symmetric monoidal exact functors. Recall now that homotopy limits of symmetric monoidal, stable -categories are computed at the level of underlying -categories. ∞ ∞ Since we have just seen that X Perf(Xperf) satisfies arc-descent (Theorem 5.16), the result now follows. 7→ The previous paragraph shows that arc-covers of perfect qcqs Fp-schemes are universally effective epimorphisms in the category of perfect qcqs Fp-schemes. For the converse, it therefore suffices to show that if X Y is a map of perfect qcqs schemes that is a universally effective epimorphism, then it is also a cover→ for the arc-topology. As the property of being a universally effective epimorphism is local, we may assume Y := Spec(V ) is a rank 1 valuation ring. Moreover, as arc-covers are universally effective epimorphisms, we may refine≤X by an arc-cover to assume X has the form

Spec(R) where R := i∈I Wi is a product of valuation rings Wi (cf. Proposition 3.30). There are two cases to consider. Assume first that VQhas rank 0, so V is a field. We must show that X = or equivalently that R = 0. The sheaf property of Hom( , A1 ) with respect to the map V 6 ∅ R (assumed to be a 6 − perf → universally effective epimorphism of qcqs perfect Fp-schemes) shows that V is the equalizer of the two maps R R V R, and so R =0 since V =0. Assume now→ that⊗ V has rank 1.6 The previous6 paragraph shows that I = . If one of the induced maps V W is an injective local homomorphism, then it is also faithful6 ly∅ flat, so we are done. → i Assume towards contradiction then that each map V Wi is either non-injective or non-local. Any such map must factor over either the residue field→k (if non-injective) or the fraction field K ′ (if non-local) of V . But then each map V Wi factors over V R := K k, and hence the same → ′ → × holds for V R = i Wi. In particular, Spec(R ) Spec(V ) is also a canonical cover. But one → ′ ′ ′ → easily checks that R V R R via the multiplication map in all cases. Applying the sheaf axiom Q⊗ 1 ≃ ′ ′ for the sheaf Hom( , Aperf) then shows that V R , which is absurd since R is a product of fields while V is a rank 1−valuation ring. ≃  46 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

Remark 5.18. The canonical topology on qcqs perfect Fp-schemes is not quasi-compact. That is, a covering family in the canonical topology does not need to admit a finite refinement. Indeed, it is shown in [Sta18, Tag 0EUE] that Spec(Z) is not quasi-compact for the canonical topology on the category of all qcqs schemes. This example can be adapted to the setting of perfect Fp-schemes by 1 replacing Spec(Z) with Aperf . THE arc-TOPOLOGY 47

6. Consequences of arc-descent 6.1. Formal glueing squares. Next, we prove that any functor satisfying arc-descent also satisfies a “formal glueing square.” Recall the following assertion: if A is a and t A, then we can form the square ∈ / A Aˆt , (15)   / A[1/t] Aˆt[1/t] which is a pullback square; here Aˆt denotes the t-adic completion of A. Given a functor on rings, one can ask whether it carries (15) to a homotopy pullback square. Example 6.1. A basic example is that nonconnective K-theory K does; that is, the square / K(A) K(Aˆt) ,

  / K(A[1/t]) K(Aˆt[1/t]) is homotopy cartesian. This follows from the theory of localization sequences: the fibers of the horizontal maps are given by the K-theory of perfect t-power torsion A-modules (resp. t-power torsion Aˆt)-modules, cf. [TT90, Theorem 5.1], and these categories are clearly equivalent. More generally one can formulate a statement for finitely generated ideals. Here we prove an analogous result for finitary arc-sheaves. First we need some preliminaries. Proposition 6.2. Let V be a rank 1 valuation ring, and let t be a pseudouniformizer. Then the t-adic completion Vˆ is a rank 1 valuation ring, and the map V Vˆ is faithfully flat. t → t Proof. In fact, if K is the fraction field of V , then the rank 1 valuation on V defines a nonar- chimedean : K R≥0. The completion Kˆ of K with respect to the absolute value also admits a canonical| · | extension→ of the absolute value (denoted by again). One checks | · | | · | that Vˆ is precisely the rank 1 valuation ring x Kˆ : x 1 and that V Vˆ is an extension of t ∈ | |≤ → t valuation rings, hence faithfully flat. n o  Note in particular that if V is a rank 1 valuation ring, then the condition that V should be t-adically complete does not depend on the non-unit t =0. 6 Proposition 6.3. Let R be a ring and let I R be a finitely generated ideal. Then Spec(RˆI ) Spec(R) V (I) Spec(R) is an arc-cover. ⊂ ⊔ \ → Proof. Let V be a rank 1 valuation ring. By Proposition 6.2, we may assume that V is complete ≤ with respect to any element in the maximal ideal mV V . We then make a stronger claim: any map Spec(V ) Spec(R) factors through the above cover.⊂ Consider a→ map f : R V . If f carries I into the maximal ideal of V , then f(I) tV for → ⊂ some pseudouniformizer t mV as I is finitely generated. Clearly then f factors over RˆI since V is t-adically complete. Conversely,∈ if f(I) generates the unit ideal in V , then Spec(V ) Spec(R) factors through the open locus Spec(R) V (I) and we are done in this case too. →  \ 48 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

In the following, we use the notion of a formal glueing square (Definition 1.14). If A is a ring (not necessarily noetherian) and I A is a finitely generated ideal, then the map A AˆI induces n ⊂ → an equivalence modulo I for all n 0 ([Sta18, Tag 00M9]). In particular, the map (A AˆI , I) gives a formal glueing square. ≥ → For the next result, we fix a base ring R. Compare also Corollary 6.7 for a proof of the result with fewer assumptions via arc-sheafification. Theorem 6.4 (Formal glueing squares for arc-sheaves). Let be an -category that is compactly generated by cotruncated objects. Let : Schop beC a finitary∞ arc-sheaf. Then satis- F qcqs,R → C F fies formal glueing, i.e., if (A B, I) is a formal glueing datum of R-algebras in the sense of Theorem 1.15, then the natural→ square (Spec(A)) / (Spec(B)) F F (16)   (Spec(A) V (I)) / (Spec(B) V (IB)) F \ F \ is cartesian. Proof. The argument follows a familiar pattern, cf. the proof of Proposition 4.15. We first consider the case where A B is surjective (this may happen in a non-noetherian case, e.g., Zp Z Zp Zp for I = (p)). Then→ assertion is local on A, so we may assume that A is a rank 1 valuation⊗ → ring (Corollary 4.11). If I = A, then the assertion that (16) is homotopy cartesian≤ is trivial. If I is contained in the maximal ideal of A, then (since I is finitely generated) the only way A ։ B can induce an isomorphism A/InA B/InB is for A = B. In this case, too, (16) is evidently homotopy cartesian. ≃ Next, suppose A B admits a section s: B A. In this case, s: B A also induces an equivalence modulo each→ power of IB B, so when→ we contemplate the diagram→ ⊂ ∗ (Spec(A)) / (Spec(B)) s / (Spec(A)) F F F

  ∗  (Spec(A) V (I)) / (Spec(B) V (IB)) s / (Spec(A) V (I)), F \ F \ F \ we get that the rightmost square is homotopy cartesian by the previous paragraph. This also implies that the leftmost square is homotopy cartesian by a 2-out-of-3. Now we consider the general case. The assertion is local on A, so we may assume that A is a rank 1 valuation ring which is complete, cf. Corollary 4.12. Then either A is I-adically complete or I is≤ the unit ideal, since I is finitely generated. If I is the unit ideal, then the above square (16) is trivially homotopy cartesian. Suppose then that A is I-adically complete, so then A B admits a section. In this case we are also done by the previous paragraph. →  Example 6.5 (Formal glueing in étale cohomology). If I is generated by a single element, then Theorem 6.4 shows that étale cohomology (or any arc-sheaf) admits “formal glueing squares,” i.e., carries diagrams of shape (15) to homotopy pullbacks. Let us also sketch an essentially equivalent proof that is formulated slightly differently and applies to all arc-sheaves (but uses arc-sheafification); this is analogous to the alternative proof of Proposition 4.15 given in Proposition 4.24. In particular, we can prove the formal glueing THE arc-TOPOLOGY 49 property of an arc-sheaf without the assumption that that should be finitary or take values in a compactly generated by cotruncated objects. For the restF of this section, fix an uncountable C strong limit cardinal κ and a base ring R of cardinality < κ. Consider the category Schqcqs,R,<κ equipped with the arc-topology, as in Definition 4.16. Theorem 6.6 (Formal glueing via arc-sheafification). For any formal glueing datum of R-algebras (A B, I) as in Theorem 1.15 where A and B have size <κ, consider the square → Spec(B) V (IB) / Spec(B) \

  Spec(A) V (I) / Spec(A). \ The square of arc-sheaves obtained by applying arc-sheafification to this square is a pushout square in both the ordinary topos Shvarc(Schqcqs,R,<κ) of arc-sheaves of sets as well as the -topos Shvarc,S (Schqcqs,R,<κ) of arc-sheaves of spaces. ∞ Proof. We adopt the notation and set-theoretic conventions from §4.3. Before proceeding further, let us remark that if a ring has size <κ, then so does its completion with respect to any ideal, so the category of rings under consideration is closed under this operation. Let Q denote the pushout of Spec(A) V (I) Spec(B) V (IB) Spec(B) in the -category of presheaves of spaces. As in the proof\ of Proposition← 4.24\ , Q is→ discrete (i.e., equivalent∞ to a presheaf of sets) and its arc-sheafification is coherent. There is an evident map η : Q Spec(A). Arguing as in Proposition 4.24, it is enough to prove that η(V ): Q(V ) Spec(A)(V )→is bijective for all complete rank 1 valuation rings V of size < κ with the structure→ of R-algebra. The surjectivity of η(V ) follows≤ from Proposition 6.3. For injectivity, suppose we have two points x1, x2 Q(V ) giving the same point y Spec(A)(V ). As Spec(B) V (IB) Spec(B) is the preimage∈ of Spec(A) V (I) Spec(A), it∈ formally follows that η is an\ isomorphism⊂ after pullback to Spec(A) V (I) Spec(\ A⊂). We may thus assume that the point y Spec(A)(V ) does not lie in (Spec(A) V\ (I))(V⊂), i.e., the corresponding map y∗ : A V carries∈I into a nonunit ideal. But \ → then both x1, x2 Q(V ) must come from Spec(B)(V ): if they came from (Spec(A) V (I))(V ), then y∗(I) would generate∈ the unit ideal, which is not possible. This means that the map\ y∗ : A V ′ ′ → has two factorizations x1, x2 : B V through B. But V is I-adically complete while A and B have →′ ′ the same I-adic completions, so x1 = x2, whence x1 = x2. 

Corollary 6.7. Let be an arc-sheaf on Schqcqs,<κ valued in an -category that has all small limits. Then satisfiesF formal glueing as in Theorem 6.4. ∞ C F Proof. This follows from Theorem 6.6, just as Corollary 4.25 followed from Proposition 4.24.  Let us give an example illustrating why working locally in the arc-topology is essential for Theorem 6.4 and Theorem 6.6, and the v-topology does not suffice. Example 6.8. Let V be a rank 2 valuation ring. Write p for the height 1 prime. Choose a nonunit f V p, and let I = (f), so √I is the maximal ideal. Write Vˆ for the I-adic completion ∈ − I of V . Consider the formal glueing datum (V Vˆ , I). We claim that the corresponding map → I (Spec(V ) V (I)) Spec(VˆI ) Spec(V ) is not a v-cover. It suffices to show that there is no extension \V W⊔of valuation→ rings such that the Spec(W ) Spec(V ) factors over (Spec(V ) → → \ V (I)) Spec(Vˆ ) Spec(V ). In fact, as Spec(W ) Spec(V ) is surjective with Spec(W ) connected, ⊔ I → → the only possibility is that V W factor as V Vˆ W . But this is impossible as V W → → I → → 50 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

n n is injective while V VˆI contains p in its kernel: we have p I for all n 0 since f / p for all n 0. Note that→ this is not a problem if we are allowed to⊂ work arc-locally≥ on V as the∈ map ≥ V V/p Vp is an arc-cover which factors over (Spec(V ) V (I)) Spec(Vˆ ) Spec(V ) on spectra. → × \ ⊔ I → 6.2. GAGA for rigid étale cohomology of affinoids. In this subsection, we collect various resultsd related to the étale cohomology of “affinoids,” though we formulate them algebraically. Specifically, these results are related to the étale cohomology of rings obtained by inverting an element t on t-adically complete rings. Namely, we reprove the Fujiwara–Gabber theorem (Theorem 6.11). Next, we show that étale cohomology of rings of the form Aˆt[1/t] satisfies descent with respect to a variant of the arc-topology where the element t is taken into account (Corollary 6.17). Finally, we record a Künneth theorem (Proposition 6.22). Definition 6.9. We say that a functor on R-algebras is rigid if for every henselian pair (A, J) with A an R-algebra, we have (A) F(A/J). F ≃F Rigid arc-sheaves exhibit some additional rigidity: they are insensitive to completion, even after “passage to the generic fiber.” Corollary 6.10. Let R be a ring which is henselian along a finitely generated ideal I R. Let : Schop (Λ)≥0 (for some coefficient ring Λ) be a finitary arc-sheaf which is⊂ rigid on F qcqs,R → D R-algebras. Then the map (Spec(R) V (I)) (Spec(Rˆ ) V (IRˆ )) is an equivalence. F \ →F I \ I Proof. This follows from the fiber square (16) applied with S = RˆI . By assumption, the top arrow is an equivalence via rigidity; therefore, the bottom arrow is too.  By the affine analog of proper base change [Gab94, Hub93b], it follows that étale cohomology with torsion coefficients is rigid. We thus recover the following result of Fujiwara–Gabber. Theorem 6.11 (Fujiwara–Gabber, cf. [Fuj95, Cor. 6.6.4]). Let (R, I) be a henselian pair with I R finitely generated, and let f : R RˆI denote the I-adic completion. Then for any torsion étale⊂ sheaf on Spec(R) V (I), the map→ G \ RΓ(Spec(R) V (I), ) RΓ(Spec(Rˆ ) V (IRˆ ),f ∗ ) \ G → I \ I G is an equivalence.

Proof. Note first that extends to a torsion étale sheaf 1 on Spec(R), for example, by extension by 0. We consider the functorG : Schop (Z)≥0 whichG sends p: Y Spec(R) to RΓ(Y ,p∗ ). F qcqs,R → D → ´et G1 By Theorem 5.4 and the affine analog of proper base change [Gab94, Hub93b] (which we reproved in §5.1 in the special case where R/I is an algebra over a henselian local ring), it follows that the hypotheses of Corollary 6.10 apply to the functor , and hence we can conclude.  F Remark 6.12. In [Fuj95], the above result is proved under the additional hypothesis that R is noetherian. The non-noetherian case of the Fujiwara–Gabber theorem is due to Gabber, and is outlined in [ILO14, Exp. XX, Sec. 4.4]. Remark 6.13. Corollary 6.10 relies on the fact that equivalences in the derived -category (Λ) can be checked after pullback. In particular, the analogous result does not obviously∞ applyD to functors taking values in sets or categories. For instance, it does not obviously apply to the functor which sends a qcqs scheme to its category of finite étale schemes (which we have seen satisfies arc- descent, and which is rigid). Nevertheless, the conclusion of Corollary 6.10 is valid for this functor, by some results in the literature which we now recall. THE arc-TOPOLOGY 51

In the noetherian case, Elkik [Elk73] proved that if (R, I) is a henselian pair with R noetherian, then finite étale schemes of Spec(R) V (I) and Spec(RˆI ) V (IRˆI ) are identified. This statement has been generalized to the non-noetherian\ case in the impor\ tant special case where I = (t) is principal with t a nonzerodivisor, by Gabber–Ramero [GR03, Prop. 5.4.53] and in the general finitely generated case by Gabber [ILO14, Exp. XX, Théorème 2.1.2]. More generally, one has a rigidity result for arbitrary sheaves of sets or sheaves of ind-finite groups on Spec(R) V (I), that is, 0 0 1 \ H (resp. H ,H ) are identified over Spec(R) V (I) and Spec(RˆI ) V (IRˆI ). Compare also [HR, Theorem 6.4] for another proof of the case of sets.\ \ For our next application, we work (implicitly) in the category of t-adically complete Z[t]-algebras R0 (endowed with the t-adic topology). Recall that each such R0 yields a Banach Z((t))-algebra 1 ◦ R := R0[ t ] with unit ball R0 and thus corresponds to an affinoid rigid space Spa(R, R ) over Z((t)); conversely, every affinoid rigid space has such a form as one may simply take R0 to be a ring of definition. Our next result is roughly that the assignment Spa(R, R◦) RΓ(Spec(R), Λ) on affinoids satisfies descent with respect to the étale topology on affinoid rigid spaces;7→ in fact, we prove descent with respect to a much finer topology. In particular, it follows that the purely algebraically defined étale cohomology groups H∗(Spec(R), Λ) may serve as meaningful étale cohomology groups in rigid geometry. To avoid the language of rigid geometry (and, in particular, delicate sheafiness questions), we formulate our statements purely algebraically.

Definition 6.14. We say that a map of Z[t]-algebras R S is an arct-cover if for every rank 1 valuation ring V over Z[t] where t is a pseudouniformizer→ and every map R V , there is an extension of rank 1 valuation rings V W such that the map R V W extends→ over S. ≤ → → → We translate the above definition into the theory of adic spaces. Example 6.15. Let f : (A, A+) (B,B+) be a map of Tate (Z((t)), Z[[t]])-algebras, so t is a pseudouniformizer. Then f defines→ a map Spa(f): Spa(B,B+) Spa(A, A+) on adic spectra. + + → Then the map A B is an arct-cover if and only if the map Spa(f) is surjective on generic points (or equivalently→ that the map on associated Berkovich spaces is surjective). Indeed, this follows immediately from the definitions: the generic points of the adic spectrum Spa(A, A+) are in bijective correspondence with maps A+ V where V is a rank 1 valuation ring with t being a → pseudouniformizer (up to refinements of V ). In particular, the arct-topology on affinoid rigid spaces (as defined via pullback along (A, A+) A+) is finer than the v-topology of [Sch, Definition 8.1]. 7→ Construction 6.16 (Étale cohomology of the rigid generic fiber). Fix a torsion abelian group Λ. Consider the functor F on Z[t]-algebras with values in (Z)≥0 that sends a Z[t]-algebra R D to RΓ(Spec(Rˆt[1/t])´et, Λ). By Theorem 6.11, one can replace the t-adic completion with the t- henselization; therefore, F commutes with filtered colimits.

Corollary 6.17 (arct-descent for étale cohomology of affinoids). Let A be a ring with a distinguished element t A. Let be a torsion sheaf on Spec(A) . Consider the functor F which sends an A- ∈ G ´et algebra R to F (R) := RΓ(Spec(Rˆ [1/t]), ). Then F is a finitary arc -sheaf on A-algebras. t G t Proof. The statement that F is finitary follows from the discussion in Construction 6.16. We consider the fiber square (Example 6.5) RΓ(Spec(R) , ) / RΓ(Spec(R[1/t]) , ) , (17) ´et G ´et G

  ∼ RΓ(Spec(R/t) , ) o RΓ(Spec(Rˆ ) , ) / RΓ(Spec(Rˆ [1/t]) , ) ´et G t ´et G t ´et G 52 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW where the identification in the bottom left follows from the affine analog of proper base change. If R S is an arct-cover, then R S R/t R[1/t] is an arc-cover: given a map R V with V →a rank 1 valuation ring, the→ image× of t in× V can either pseudouniformizer or zero→ or a unit, and these≤ three possibilities correspond to factoring (up to extensions) through each of the three terms of the product. Moreover, the desired statement for S is equivalent to the statement for S R/t R[1/t] (since t-adic completion followed by inverting t kills both any R/t-module and any R×[1/t]-module).× Thus, it suffices to show that F is an arc-sheaf. We use the fiber square (17). To see that F is an arc-sheaf, it suffices to see that all the other terms in (17) are arc-sheaves. This follows because étale cohomology is an arc-sheaf (Theorem 5.4) and arc-covers are stable under base change. 

In the language of adic spaces, Corollary 6.17 implies that the purely algebraically defined étale cohomology groups of affinoid adic spaces satisfy descent for the analytic étale topology; in this form, it is equivalent to Huber’s affinoid comparison theorem [Hub96, Corollary 3.2.2]. Let us sketch why this result, together with proper base change, also give a GAGA result for proper adic spaces. A more general statement can be found in [Hub96, Theorem 3.2.10]. Corollary 6.18 (GAGA for rigid étale cohomology in the proper case). Let A be a ring with a distinguished element t such that (A, (t)) is a henselian pair. Assume either A is noetherian or that At[1/t] (where the completion is t-adic) is a strongly noetherian Tate ring, so the theory in [Hub96] applies. Let X be a proper A[1/t]-scheme, and write Xad for the associated adic space over Spa(Ab[1/t], A). Then for any torsion étale sheaf on X with pullback ad to Xad, the natural map gives an identification F F RΓ(X, ) RΓ(Xad, ad) F ≃ F between algebraic and analytic étale cohomologies. Proof. By Nagata compactification, we can find a proper A-scheme X extending X, i.e.,with an identification X Spec(A[1/t]) X. Let F be a torsion étale sheaf on X extending . Write ×Spec(A) ≃ F X for the t-adic completion of X. Consider the commutative square

ad / b X X (18)

 b X / X of morphisms of locally ringed topoi (where each vertex is given the étale topology and the usual structure sheaf). The sheaf F defines via pullback an étale sheaf on each of the topoi above, and we abusively denote this pullback by F as well. We shall show that applying RΓ( , F) to (18) gives − a cartesian square; this implies the corollary as RΓ(X, F) RΓ(X, F) by the proper base change theorem [G+72, Exp. XII, Th. 5.1]. ≃ To prove that applying RΓ( , F) to (18) gives a Cartesian square,b fix an affine open cover Ui of the A-scheme X. Via pullback,− this defines compatible open covers of X by affine schemes,{ of} X by affine formal schemes, and of Xad by affinoid adic spaces. Using these covers to compute cohomology, and thanks to the affinoid comparison theorem [Hub96, Corollary 3.2.2] (of which Corollaryb 6.17 is an algebraic variant), it is therefore enough to prove that applying RΓ( , F) to − the analog of (18) for each Ui gives a Cartesian square. But this follows from formal glueing for étale cohomology (Proposition 6.4).  THE arc-TOPOLOGY 53

For future reference we note the following consequences of Corollary 6.17 for the functor R 7→ RΓ(Spec(Rˆ [1/t]), ). t F Definition 6.19 (arct-equivalences). Let A be a base ring containing an element t. A map of ′ A-algebras R R is said to be an arct-equivalence if for every t-adically complete rank 1 absolutely integrally→ closed valuation ring V where t is a pseudouniformizer with the structure≤ of A-algebra, we have that Hom (R, V ) Hom (R′, V ). A ≃ A Example 6.20. Let us give some examples of arct-equivalences. Let R be an A-algebra. The following maps are arct-equivalences: (1) The map R R/(t∞-torsion). → (2) The map R Rˆt. (3) If R+ denotes→ the integral closure of R in R[ 1 ], then R R+ is an arc -equivalence. Indeed, t → t if V is any valuation ring over A with t =0 in V , then V is integrally closed in V [ 1 ]. 6 t (4) Assume t R is a nonzerodivisor. Let Rtic := x R[1/t] tcxN R for some c 0 ; this is called the∈ total integral closure of R in R[1/t{].∈ It is easy| to see∈ that Rtic is a subring≥ } of R[1/t] that contains the integral closure of R in R[1/t], and equals it when R is noetherian. tic Then R R is an arct-equivalence. This follows just as in (3) since rank 1 valuation rings are→ totally integrally closed in their fraction fields. ≤ Proposition 6.21 (Invariance under arc -equivalences). Fix a pair (A, t A) and let be a torsion t ∈ F sheaf on Spec(A) . Let R R′ be an arc -equivalence of A-algebras. Then RΓ(Spec(Rˆ [1/t], )) ´et → t t F ≃ RΓ(Spec(R′ [1/t], )). t F Proof. Let F be the functor on A-algebras given by F (S) = RΓ(Spec(Sˆt[1/t]), ). We have just c ′ F seen (Corollary 6.17) that F satisfies arct-descent. Now R R is an arct-cover, so → → F (R) lim(F (R′) ⇒ F (R′ R′) → ... ). (19) ≃ ⊗R → ′ ′ ′ ←− ′ ′ ′ Moreover, R R R R is an arct-cover as well, and taking the Čech nerve of R R R R , we ⊗′ →′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ′ ⊗ → find that F (R R R ) F (R ), and similarly F (R R R R R ) F (R ), etc. Substituting this back into (19) gives⊗ the≃ claim. ⊗ ⊗ ≃  Finally, as an application of Corollary 6.17, we obtain the following Künneth formula. Proposition 6.22 (Künneth formula). Let V be an absolutely integrally closed valuation ring of rank 1 with pseudouniformizer π. Fix a prime number ℓ prime to the characteristic of the residue field of V . Consider the functor F : Ring (F )≥0 given by F (R) = RΓ(Spec(Rˆ [1/π]), F ). V → D ℓ π ℓ Then F is a symmetric monoidal functor. That is, for any V -algebras R, R′, the map e e RΓ(Spec(Rˆ [1/π]), F ) RΓ(Spec(R′ [1/π]), F ) RΓ(Spec((R\R′) [1/π]), F ) e π ℓ ⊗Fℓ π ℓ → ⊗V π ℓ is an equivalence. c Proof. Since the functor F on V -algebras is a finitary arcπ-sheaf (Corollary 6.17), we can work locally on R, R′ separately to reduce to the case where R, R′ are themselves absolutely integrally 9 closed rank 1 valuatione rings (under V ), thanks to Corollary 4.11. If π = 0 or π is a unit in either of R, R≤′, then both terms vanish, so we may assume that π is a pseudouniformizer in each of

9 ≥0 Here we implicitly use that in D(Fl) , the tensor product commutes with totalizations in each variable. This follows since the tensor product commutes with finite limits in each variable, and a totalization in any range of degrees is given as a finite limit. 54 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

′ ′ R, R . In this case, F (R), F (R )= Fℓ since the étale cohomology of Rˆπ[1/π] is equal to that of the algebraically closed field R[1/π], and similarly for R′. It remains to determine F (R R′), i.e., the ⊗V e \e ′ étale cohomology of (R V R )π[1/π]. ⊗ e ′ For this, we use a formal glueing square. Let K denote the fraction field of V and let RK , RK denote the associated base changes. In view of the square (17), we obtain a homotopy pullback diagram RΓ(Spec(R R′), F ) / RΓ(Spec(R R′ ), F ) . ⊗V ℓ K ⊗K K ℓ

  RΓ(Spec((R/π) (R′/π)), F ) / F (R R′) ⊗(V/π) ℓ ⊗V Now the top right and bottom left squares are just Fl, thankse to the Künneth formula in étale cohomology for qcqs schemes over a separably closed field [Del77, Cor. 1.11] and a limit argument. ′ The top left square is Fℓ by a result of Huber, [Hub96, Cor. 4.2.7]. Therefore, F (R V R ) Fℓ and ′ ′ ⊗ ≃ the natural map F (R) Fℓ F (R ) F (R V R ) is an equivalence. This proves that F is symmetric monoidal. ⊗ → ⊗ e  e e e e Remark 6.23. The assumption that ℓ is invertible on the residue field of V in Proposition 6.22 is necessary. Indeed, even if K is a nonarchimedean algebraically closed field of characteris- tic zero with residue characteristic p, the analog of Proposition 6.22 fails for the functor R 7→ RΓ(Spec(R[1/p]), Fp), already on the category of smooth K -algebras. Nevertheless, one can show that this functor can be realized as the ϕ-fixed points on anotherO functor (the global sections of the tilted structureb sheaf, as in [Sch13a], on the rigid space Spa(R[1/p]) attached to Spf(R)) that does satisfy a Künneth formula in a certain completed sense. b b 6.3. A variant of excision. We end with a slight generalization of excision; the statement is formulated in a fashion that could be potentially useful in relating the étale cohomology of different formal schemes giving the same Berkovich space. First, we record the following simple observation.

Proposition 6.24. Let Y X be a universal homeomorphism of qcqs R-schemes, for R a base → ring. If is a v-sheaf on Schqcqs,R with values in any -category that has all small limits, then (X) F (Y ) is an equivalence. ∞ F →F Proof. This is similar to Proposition 6.21. Since Y X is a universal homeomorphism, it is clearly a v-cover (as we can lift specializations). Thus, we→ have → (X) lim( (Y ) ⇒ (Y Y ) → ... ). (20) F ≃ F F ×X → ←− Moreover, the map ∆: Y Y Y is a universal homeomorphism too, and hence a v-cover, → ×X so we recover an expression for (Y Y ) in terms of (Y ), (Y × Y ),... ; since the map F ×X F F ×Y X Y ∆ is an immersion, this simplifies to (Y ) (Y X Y ). This also holds for the iterated fiber products of Y over X. Returning to (20F ), we≃ find F also× that (X) (Y ) as desired.  F ≃F Theorem 6.25. Let A B be a map of commutative rings, and let t A be an element which is a nonzerodivisor on both→A and B and such that Atic Btic, where Atic∈ denotes the total integral closure of A in A[1/t] (Example 6.20), and similarly for≃ Btic. Let be an -category that has all small limits. Let be a -valued arc-sheaf on Ring (such as theC functor∞ from Proposition 5.2). F C A THE arc-TOPOLOGY 55

Then the square (A) / (A/tA) F F

  (B) / (B/tB) F F is cartesian. The conditions on A B appearing above are satisfied, for example, if A B is an integral map of t-torsionfree rings→ such that A[1/t] B[1/t]. → ≃ ′ ′ Proof. Set A := B B/tB A/tA, so we have a factorization (A, tA) (A ,tB) (B,tB) of maps of pairs with the second× map being an excision datum. As is→ excisive by→ Theorem 4.1 and Corollary 4.25, it is enough to show that (A) (A′). By PropositionF 6.24, it suffices to show that Spec(A′) Spec(A) is a universal homeomorphism.F ≃ F We first check→ that A A′ is integral. As A′ is an extension of A/tA A′/tB by tB, we can write any x A′ as a + tb→where a A and tb tB A′. To show integrality≃ of x over A, it is enough to show∈ the integrality of tb over∈ A. But∈Atic ⊂Btic, so the element tnbn B actually lies in A (in fact, in tn−cA for some constant c) for n 0≃, which proves integrality. ∈ As integral maps are universally closed, to see≫ that Spec(A′) Spec(A) is a universal home- omorphism, it suffices to show that f : A[1/t] A′[1/t] and g→: A/tA A′/tA′ are universal on Spec( ). The claim for f follows→ from f being an isomorphism.→ For g, note that A/tA A′/tB is an isomorphism− by construction, so it is enough to check that the surjection A′/tA′ A→′/tB has nilpotent kernel; equivalently, we must show that for any tb tB, we have (tb)n →tA′ for n 0, which was already shown in the previous paragraph. ∈  ∈ ≫ 56 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

7. An application: Artin–Grothendieck vanishing in rigid geometry The classical Artin–Grothendieck vanishing theorem in algebraic geometry gives a bound on the cohomological dimension of affine varieties. Theorem 7.1 (Artin–Grothendieck [G+72, Cor. 3.2, Exp. XIV]). Let k be a separably closed field and let ℓ be a prime number invertible in k. Let A be a finitely generated k-algebra of dimension d. Let be an ℓ-power torsion étale sheaf on Spec(A) . Then Hj (Spec(A), )=0 for j > d. F ´et F The assumption that ℓ = char(k) is not necessary: if ℓ = char(k), we even have vanishing above degree 1 (and even above6 degree 0 if dim(A)=0). For this reason, in the sequel we focus on the interesting case discussed above. In this section, we prove an analog of the classical Artin–Grothendieck vanishing theorem in rigid analytic geometry, strengthening recent results of Hansen [Han20]. We use the basic objects of rigid analyic geometry, cf. [BGR84, Ch. 6–7] for a general reference. Notation 7.2. Throughout this section, we let K be a complete, separably closed nonarchimedean field with (nontrivial) absolute value : K R≥0. We let K K be the ring of , and π a pseudouniformizer. We fix|a · | prime→ number ℓ whichO is⊂ different from the characteristic ∈ OK of the residue field of K. Write K X1, ..., Xn for the π-adic completion of the polynomial ring O h i 1 K [X1, ..., Xn] and Tn := K X1, ..., Xn := K X1, ..., Xn [ π ] for the n-variable Tate algebra. In Othis section, all ring theoretich completionsi areO hπ-adic onesi unless otherwise specified. We freely use the theory of topologically finite type K-algebras (i.e., quotients of Tn for some n) and their completed tensor products and rational localizations, as treated in loc. cit. We will consider the étale cohomology of topologically finite type K-algebras, considered as abstract rings. It is known that these agree with the étale cohomology of rigid analytic varieties (e.g., [Hub96, Theorem 3.2.1]), but we will try to minimize the use of this language for simplicity; nevertheless, this comparison provides the proper context for many of the statements that follow. Our main result about étale cohomology of topologically finite type K-algebras is the following theorem. Theorem 7.3. Let K be a complete, algebraically closed nonarchimedean field. Suppose that A is a K-algebra which is topologically finite type and let d = dim(A). Let be a torsion abelian sheaf F on Spec(A)´et. Then: (1) We have Hi(Spec(A), )=0 for i > d +1. (2) If is an ℓ-power torsionF sheaf (ℓ prime to the characteristic of the residue field of K), thenF we have Hi(Spec(A), )=0 for i > d. F This extends recent results of Hansen [Han20]. In particular, in Theorem 1.3 of loc. cit. part (2) of the above result is proved in the case when A descends to a discretely valued field and K has characteristic zero.10 Our result confirms Hansen’s Conjecture 1.2 when K has characteristic zero, in view of the comparison [Han20, Theorem 1.7]. Remark 7.4. We would expect that part (2) of Theorem 7.3 holds for arbitrary torsion sheaves. By part (1), this amounts to showing the following: if A is a topologically finite type K-algebra of dimension d and p is the residue characteristic of K, then Hd+1(Spec(A), )=0 for all p-torsion sheaves on Spec(A) . Two special cases of this expectation are within reach:F F ´et 10 Hansen [Han20] works with Zariski-constructible sheaves on the étale site of the associated rigid analytic space. THE arc-TOPOLOGY 57

(1) If K itself has characteristic p, then this assertion is straightforward: the Fp-étale cohomo- logical dimension of any affine Fp-scheme is 1 (thanks essentially to the Artin-Schreier ). ≤ (2) The algebraization method used to prove Lemma 7.8 below can be adapted to prove this statement when A is smooth (in the sense of rigid spaces) and is constant, thanks to [Elk73, Theorem 7 and Remark 2 on page 587]. F Nevertheless, if K has characteristic 0 with its residue field having characteristic p, the general case remains out of reach by our methods. One difficulty is that that over such p-adic fields, p-adic étale cohomology behaves quite differently on affinoids than its ℓ-adic counterpart. For example, it is almost never finite dimensional (unlike the ℓ-adic case), even though it does take finite dimensional values for proper rigid analytic varieties [Sch13a], [Sch13b, Theorem 3.17]. More crucially, the tensor product trick used in Proposition 7.9 to improve the bound from d +1 to d in the ℓ-adic case is not available in the p-adic case. However, we have been informed by O. Gabber that the result should be provable using the partial algebrization techniques used in [GO08]. We review some facts about the étale cohomology of affinoid varieties. First we need the Künneth formula. Proposition 7.5 (Künneth formula). Given topologically finite type K-algebras A, B, the natural map RΓ(Spec(A), F ) RΓ(Spec(B), F ) RΓ(Spec(A ˆ B), F ) ℓ ⊗Fℓ ℓ → ⊗K ℓ is an equivalence in (F ). D ℓ Proof. Let A0 A, B0 B be open bounded subrings. Then A0,B0 are π-adically complete, and ˆ ⊂ ⊂ A K B is obtained by inverting π in A0 OK B0. The result now follows from the Künneth formula of⊗ Proposition 6.22. ⊗  Next, we need to observe that (algebraic)b étale cohomology satisfies descent in the analytic topology. We treat a special case of this. Proposition 7.6 (Descent in the analytic topology). Let A be a topologically finite type K-algebra and let f,g A generate the unit ideal. Then for any torsion abelian sheaf on Spec(A), we have a pullback square∈ F RΓ(Spec(A), ) / RΓ(Spec(A f ), ). F g F D E   RΓ(Spec(A g ), ) / RΓ(Spec(A f , g ), ) f F g f F D E D E In the language of rigid spaces, this square captures the Mayer–Vietoris sequence for the affinoid ◦ f space X := Spa(A, A ) for A attached to the open cover X( g ) := x X : f(x) g(x) and g { ∈ | | ≤ | |} X( f ). In particular, the proposition follows immediately from the comparison between analytic and algebraic étale cohomology of affinoids. Alternately, we can argue directly as follows using the machinery of this paper. Proof. We consider the functor F on -algebras given by F (S)= RΓ(Spec(S[1/π]), ), which we OK F have seen satisfies arcπ-descent (Corollary 6.17). Let A0 A be an open bounded subring; rescaling f,g we can assumeb that f,g A0, and they generate⊂ an open ideal of A . We consider the A -algebras S = A [T ]/(fT ∈ g),S = 0 0 1 0 − 2 58 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

A [U]/(gU f) and S = S S . Then the map A S is an arc -cover and the maps S S 0 − 1 × 2 0 → π 1 ⊗A0 1 → S1, S2 A0 S2 S2 are arcπ-equivalences. Form the Čech nerve of A0 S and apply the functor F to it,⊗ obtaining→ a limit diagram; in light of the above observation→ and Proposition 6.21, this translates to a pullback square / F (A0) F (S1)

  F (S ) / F (S S ). 2 1 ⊗A0 2 This is precisely the claimed pullback square.  Next, we review (what amounts to) a special case of Huber’s quasi-compact base change theorem, [Hub96, Sec. 4.4]. More precisely, we prove a continuity property for étale cohomology of affinoids that roughly says that the étale cohomology of a Zariski closed subset of an affinoid can be calculated as the filtered colimit of the étale cohomology of rational subsets that contain it. Proposition 7.7. Let R be a topologically finite type K-algebra. Let f R. This gives an induc- tive sequence of topologically finite type K-algebras R f/πr with transition∈ maps R f/πr R f/πr+1 . For any torsion sheaf on Spec({R)h , therei} is an equivalence h i → → · · · F ´et r lim (RΓ(Spec(R f/π ), )) RΓ(Spec(R/f), ). (21) h i F ≃ F −→r Proof. Let R R be an open bounded -subalgebra which is topologically finite type over . 0 ⊂ OK OK Rescaling f, we may assume f R0 as well. ∈ ≥0 We consider the functor F : RingR0 (Z) given by F (T ) = RΓ(Spec(T [1/π]), ). For each r, we consider the algebra S := R→[U D ]/(πrU f). We have a sequence of mapsF S r 0 r r − 1 → S2 Sr Sr+1 ... , where the map Sr Sr+1 sends Ur πUr+1b. We have that → ··· → →r → → 7→ Sr[1/π] = R f/π . Also, R0/f is a topologically finite type K -algebra and hence π-adically complete. Therefore,h i thanks to Corollary 6.17 and Proposition O6.21, it suffices to show that the naturalc map lim S R /f r → 0 −→r is an arcπ-equivalence. In other words, for any rank 1 valuation ring V (over K ) with pseudouni- formizer π, we must show that every map lim S V extends uniquely to mapsO R /f V . The r r → 0 → uniqueness is immediate from the surjectivity−→ of lim S R /f. For existence, we must show that r r → 0 f R and each U S maps to 0 in V under any−→ map lim S V . The image of f in lim S is ∈ 0 r ∈ r r r → r r divisible by all powers of π, and hence must map to 0 in −→V as V is π-adically separated.−→ But then r Ur =0 since π Ur = f in Sr and V is also π-torsionfree.  Next, we prove a special case of Artin–Grothendieck vanishing. Lemma 7.8. Let f ,...,f ,g T generate the unit ideal. Let A be an algebra which is finite 1 m ∈ n étale over T f1,...,fm . Then for any torsion abelian group Λ, we have RΓ(Spec(A), Λ) (Z)≤n n g ∈ D (i.e., Artin–GrothendieckD E vanishing holds for A). Proof. Note that min( f ,..., f , g ) is uniformly bounded below on the unit ball of Kn since | 1| | m| | | f1,...,fm,g generate the unit ideal. Therefore, we can assume that fi,g K[X1,...,Xn] Tn (for each i) without changing the rational subset x : f (x) g(x) , i in the∈ unit ball. Rescaling⊂ { | i | ≤ | | ∀ } THE arc-TOPOLOGY 59 the fi and g and possibly enlarging the set, we may assume furthermore that they belong to K [X1,...,Xn] and that f1 is a power of π, cf. [Hub93a, Prop. 3.9]. O Now R = [X ,...,X ,U ,...,U ]/(gU f ,...,gU f ) is a ring of finite type over 0 OK 1 n 1 m 1 − 1 m − m OK such that T f1,...,fm = R [1/π]. Note that R [1/π] K[X ,...,X , 1/g]: imposing the equation n g 0 0 ≃ 1 n gT1 f1 forcesD g to becomeE invertible on inverting π (as f1 is a power of π), thus trivializing the − other equations. In particular,c R0[1/π] has Krull dimension n. Furthermore, we claim that the π-power torsion in R0 is bounded. Let J0 R0 be the ideal of π-power torsion. Then R0/J0 is a finitely presented [X ,...,X ,U ,...,U⊂ ]-module thanks to [Sta18, Tag 053E], which forces OK 1 n 1 m J0 to be a finitely generated module. h Let R0 denote the henselization of R0 along π. By[GR03, Proposition 5.4.54] (which is the non-noetherian version of a result of Elkik [Elk73]; it applies to the quotient of R0 by its bounded h π-power torsion) finite étale covers of R0 [1/π] and R0[1/π] are identified. It follows that there exists h ′ a finite étale R0 [1/π]-algebra A such that ′ c A A Rh[1/π] R0[1/π]. ≃ ⊗ 0 By the Fuijwara-Gabber theorem (Theorem 6.11), it follows that A and A′ have the same étale ′ h c h cohomology. But A is finite étale over R0 [1/π]. Now R0 is a filtered colimit of étale R0-algebras, h so R0 [1/π] is a filtered colimit of étale R0[1/π] K[X1,...,Xn, 1/g]-algebras and therefore so is A′. In particular, it is a filtered colimit of finite≃ type K-algebras of dimension n. We can apply classical Artin–Grothendieck vanishing (and the fact that étale cohomology of rings commutes with filtered colimits) to conclude that RΓ(Spec(A), Λ) = RΓ(Spec(A′), Λ) (Z)≤n, as desired.  ∈ D Next, we prove Theorem 7.3 in the case of a constant sheaf. Proposition 7.9. Let R be a topologically finite type K-algebra of dimension d. Then: (1) For all torsion abelian groups Λ, we have RΓ(Spec(R), Λ) (Z)≤d+1. (2) For all ℓ-power torsion abelian groups Λ, we have RΓ(Spec(∈R D), Λ) (Z)≤d. ∈ D Proof. Consider the following assertion:

(Artd): For all topologically finite type K-algebras S of dimension d and all torsion abelian groups Λ, we have RΓ(Spec(S), Λ) (Z)≤d+1. ∈ D We shall prove (Artd) by induction on d; this will imply part (1) of the Proposition. The case d =0 is trivial. Suppose that we know (Artd−1). Fix a d-dimensional topologically finite type K- algebra R. Without loss of generality, we may assume that R is reduced. By Noether normalization [BGR84, Sec. 6.1.2, Cor. 2], there is a finite map T R. d → Since T is an integral domain, if char(K)=0, then there exists an f T such that R[1/f] is d ∈ d finite étale over Td[1/f]. If char(K) = p > 0, we have to work slightly harder since the map Td R given by Noether normalization may have a nonreduced geometric generic fiber. To fix this,→ for each t, consider the t tth iterated Frobenius φ : T T and the new T -algebra R = (R t T ) . Each of these d → d d t ⊗Td,φ d red Td-algebras Rt comes with a universal homeomorphism R Rt, so it suffices to prove the result for any R . But for t 0, the map T R has reduced geometric→ generic fiber. Therefore, up to t ≫ d → t replacing R by some Rt, we find that there exists f Td such that Td[1/f] R[1/f] is finite étale. For each r> 0, we consider the following rings: ∈ → 60 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW

(1) r πr (1) Rr = R ˆ (T π /f )= R . ⊗Td d h i f (2) r Df E (2) Rr = R ˆ T f/π = R r . ⊗Td d h i π (3) r r D E f πr (3) Rr = R ˆ T π /f,f/π = R r , . ⊗Td d h i π f We have a pullback square from PropositionD 7.6E , / (1) RΓ(Spec(R), Λ) RΓ(Spec(Rr ), Λ) .

  (2) / (3) RΓ(Spec(Rr ), Λ) RΓ(Spec(Rr ), Λ)

r r Since R π /f is finite étale over Td π /f (note that the completed tensor products in the defini- h (i) i h i r r tions of Rr ,i = 1, 2, 3 can be replaced by tensor products), and similarly R π /f,f/π is finite r r h i étale over Td π /f,f/π , by Lemma 7.8 we find that the top right and bottom right corners belong to (Z)≤d, forh any r. i SupposeD that x Hj(Spec(R), Λ) for j d +2 is nonzero. Using the long in cohomology from∈ the above fiber square,≥ we find that x must map to a nonzero class in Hj (Spec(R f/πr , Λ) for each r > 0. This contradicts the fact that the fact that the colimit of these groupsh isi zero by the inductive hypothesis and Proposition 7.7. This completes the proof of the claim (Artd) and, by induction, the first half of the theorem. For the second half of the theorem, we may assume that Λ = Fℓ and use the “tensor power trick.” For any topologically finite type K-algebra A which is d-dimensional, we have seen that ≤d+1 RΓ(Spec(A), Fℓ) (Fℓ) . Since A ˆ K A is 2d-dimensional, we get that RΓ(Spec(A ˆ K A), Fℓ) ≤2d+1 ∈ D ⊗ ⊗ ∈ (Fℓ) again by the first half of the theorem. Using the Künneth formula (Proposition 7.5), we Dhave RΓ(Spec(A ˆ A), F ) RΓ(Spec(A), F )⊗2, and this forces RΓ(Spec(A), F ) (F )≤d.  ⊗K ℓ ≃ ℓ ℓ ∈ D ℓ We now explain the proof of the full result. Proof of Theorem 7.3. For simplicity we treat the ℓ-power torsion case (i.e., the second half of the theorem); the other case is analogous. By a filtering in terms of its constructible subsheaves [Sta18, Tag 03SA] and in terms of the ℓ-adic filtration,F it suffices to prove the following statement:

( d): If A is a topologically finite type K-algebra of dimension d and is a ∗ i F constructible étale Fℓ-sheaf on X := Spec(A), then H (X, )=0 for i > d. F

We already know ( d) for all d when is constant (Proposition 7.9). We shall reduce the general case to this one by a∗ standard devissageF procedure. Note that if A is a topologically finite type K-algebra of dimension d, then any finite A-algebra (such as a quotient) is also a topologically finite type K-algebra and has dimension d. Indeed, this follows from the analogous statement for topologically finite type -algebras:≤ if R is topologically finite type over and S /R is OK 0 OK 0 0 finite, then S0 is a quotient of some K U1,...,Um and hence topologically finite type as desired. Let us prove ( ) by induction onOd.h When d =0i, the statement is clear as A is a finite product ∗d of copies of K. Assume that ( − ) holds and fix X := Spec(A) and as in ( ). There exists ∗d 1 F ∗d a dense open j : U ֒ X such that = U is locally constant. As j is dense open, the cokernel of the canonical injective→ map j L isF| supported on some closed subset of dimension < d. By !L→F induction and the long exact sequence, we may thus assume = j! . Moreover, as decomposes as a finite direct sum of its restrictions to each connected coFmponentL of U, we mayF replace by F THE arc-TOPOLOGY 61 a direct summand to assume that U is connected (though it might no longer be dense in X). By [Sta18, Tag 0A3R], there exists a finite étale morphism π : V U of degree prime to ℓ such that π∗( ) is an iterated extension of constant sheaves. As π has→ degree prime to ℓ, the “méthod de la trace”L [Sta18, Tag 03SH] coupled with the assumption on π∗ shows that we may assume that L = π∗F . Zariski’s main theorem then gives a commutative diagram L ℓ ′ j V / Y

π π  j  U / X with j′ an open immersion and π finite. In particular, Y is the spectrum of an algebra topologically finite type over K of dimension d. By replacing Y with the closure of V if necessary, we may ′ ≤ i i ′ also assume j has dense image. Now H (X, j!π∗Fℓ) H (Y, j! Fℓ) as π! π∗ and similarly for π (and because these functors have no higher derived functors≃ ). We are thus≃ reduced to showing that i ′ H (Y, j! Fℓ)=0 for i > d. If i: Z Y is the complementary embedding, then we have a short exact sequence → ′ 0 j (F ) F i∗(F ) 0 → ! ℓ → ℓ → ℓ → of sheaves on Y . Taking the long exact sequence and using the result for constant sheaves (Propo- sition 7.9) gives the claim since dim(Z) < d.  62 BHARGAV BHATT AND AKHIL MATHEW


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