42B bus time schedule & line map

42B City Centre - Derriford Hospital - View In Website Mode

The 42B bus line (Plymouth City Centre - Derriford Hospital - Tamerton Foliot) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Plymouth City Centre: 8:09 AM (2) Tamerton Foliot: 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 42B bus station near you and nd out when is the next 42B bus arriving.

Direction: Plymouth City Centre 42B bus Time Schedule 40 stops Plymouth City Centre Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 8:09 AM Cunningham Road Terminus, Tamerton Foliot Tuesday 8:09 AM Tamerton Community Centre, Tamerton Foliot Linton Close, Plymouth Wednesday 8:09 AM

Henley Drive, Tamerton Foliot Thursday 8:09 AM Ashleigh Close, Plymouth Friday 8:09 AM

Harwood Avenue, Tamerton Foliot Saturday Not Operational

Horsham Lane, Tamerton Foliot

Queens Arms, Tamerton Foliot Lambert Road, Plymouth 42B bus Info Direction: Plymouth City Centre Church Row Lane, Tamerton Foliot Stops: 40 Trip Duration: 56 min Cann Lodge, Tamerton Foliot Line Summary: Cunningham Road Terminus, Tamerton Foliot, Tamerton Community Centre, Cheshire Drive, Southway Tamerton Foliot, Henley Drive, Tamerton Foliot, Harwood Avenue, Tamerton Foliot, Horsham Lane, Dunnet Road, Southway Tamerton Foliot, Queens Arms, Tamerton Foliot, Church Row Lane, Tamerton Foliot, Cann Lodge, Tamerton Foliot Road, Plymouth Tamerton Foliot, Cheshire Drive, Southway, Dunnet Southway Drive Green, Southway Road, Southway, Southway Drive Green, Southway, Looseleigh Lane, Southway, Fronteld Crescent, Southway Drive, Plymouth Southway, Warleigh Crescent, Derriford, Looseleigh Looseleigh Lane, Southway Close, Derriford, Marjons, Derriford, Derriford Hospital, Derriford, Rowans, Derriford, Derriford Copleston Road, Plymouth Roundabout, Derriford, Tavistock Road, , Fronteld Crescent, Southway William Prance Road, Crownhill, Charlton Road, Crownhill, Crownhill Low Level, Crownhill, Great Fronteld Crescent, Plymouth Berry Road, Manadon, Manadon Roundabout, Warleigh Crescent, Derriford Manadon, Golden Hind, Hartley, Russell Avenue, Hartley, Hartley Reservoir, , Church Of Looseleigh Close, Derriford Latter Day Saints, Mannamead, Henders Corner, Mannamead, Emmanuel Church, Mannamead, Seymour Road, Mannamead, Mutley Plain, Mutley, Marjons, Derriford Alton Place, Plymouth, Bedford Terrace, Plymouth, Derriford Hospital, Derriford City Library & Museum, Plymouth City Centre, Mayower Street, Plymouth City Centre, Western Rowans, Derriford Approach Flats, Plymouth City Centre, Western Approach, Plymouth City Centre, Royal Parade (A19) Derriford Roundabout, Derriford

Tavistock Road, Crownhill

William Prance Road, Crownhill Tavistock Road, Plymouth

Charlton Road, Crownhill

Crownhill Low Level, Crownhill Alexandra Road, Plymouth

Great Berry Road, Manadon

Manadon Roundabout, Manadon Manadon Hill, Plymouth

Golden Hind, Hartley Mannamead Road, Plymouth

Russell Avenue, Hartley

Hartley Reservoir, Mannamead

Church Of Latter Day Saints, Mannamead Mannamead Road, Plymouth

Henders Corner, Mannamead Mannamead Road, Plymouth

Emmanuel Church, Mannamead

Seymour Road, Mannamead

Mutley Plain, Mutley

Alton Place, Plymouth

Bedford Terrace, Plymouth Bedford Terrace, Plymouth

City Library & Museum, Plymouth City Centre

Mayower Street, Plymouth City Centre 51 Mayower Street, Plymouth

Western Approach Flats, Plymouth City Centre

Western Approach, Plymouth City Centre

Royal Parade (A19) Direction: Tamerton Foliot 42B bus Time Schedule 35 stops Tamerton Foliot Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Royal Parade (A19) Tuesday 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Charles Street, Plymouth City Centre Charles Street, Plymouth Wednesday 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

University, Plymouth City Centre Thursday 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Friday 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Skardon Place, Plymouth Skardon Place, Plymouth Saturday Not Operational

High School For Girls, Plymouth

Mutley Plain, Mutley Seaton Lane, Plymouth 42B bus Info Direction: Tamerton Foliot Thorn Park, Mannamead Stops: 35 Trip Duration: 47 min Thornhill Road, Mannamead Line Summary: Royal Parade (A19), Charles Street, Mannamead Road, Plymouth Plymouth City Centre, University, Plymouth City Centre, Skardon Place, Plymouth, High School For Vapron Road, Mannamead Girls, Plymouth, Mutley Plain, Mutley, Thorn Park, Mannamead Road, Plymouth Mannamead, Thornhill Road, Mannamead, Vapron Road, Mannamead, Hartley Reservoir, Mannamead, Hartley Reservoir, Mannamead Russell Avenue, Hartley, Golden Hind, Hartley, Manadon Roundabout, Manadon, St Boniface Russell Avenue, Hartley College, Manadon, Crownhill Low Level, Crownhill, Crownhill Fort, Crownhill, Tavistock Road, Crownhill, Golden Hind, Hartley Windsor House, Derriford, Derriford Road, Derriford, Derriford Hospital, Derriford, Marjons, Derriford, Mannamead Road, Plymouth Notre Dame Close, Derriford, Warleigh Crescent, Manadon Roundabout, Manadon Derriford, Fronteld Crescent, Southway, Looseleigh Lane, Southway, Borrowdale Close, Southway, St Peters Road, Plymouth Dunnet Road, Southway, Cheshire Drive, Southway, St Boniface College, Manadon Cann House, Tamerton Foliot, Station Road, Tamerton Foliot, The Chapel, Tamerton Foliot, Manadon Hill, Plymouth Harwood Avenue, Tamerton Foliot, Henley Drive, Crownhill Low Level, Crownhill Tamerton Foliot, Community Centre, Tamerton Foliot, Cunningham Road Terminus, Tamerton Foliot Crownhill Road, Plymouth

Crownhill Fort, Crownhill

Tavistock Road, Crownhill

Windsor House, Derriford

Derriford Road, Derriford

Derriford Hospital, Derriford

Marjons, Derriford

Notre Dame Close, Derriford Warleigh Crescent, Derriford

Fronteld Crescent, Southway Fronteld Crescent, Plymouth

Looseleigh Lane, Southway Copleston Road, Plymouth

Borrowdale Close, Southway Tamerton Foliot Road, Plymouth

Dunnet Road, Southway William Evans Close, Plymouth

Cheshire Drive, Southway Cheshire Drive, Plymouth

Cann House, Tamerton Foliot

Station Road, Tamerton Foliot Lambert Road, Plymouth

The Chapel, Tamerton Foliot

Harwood Avenue, Tamerton Foliot

Henley Drive, Tamerton Foliot Ashleigh Close, Plymouth

Community Centre, Tamerton Foliot Cunningham Road, Plymouth

Cunningham Road Terminus, Tamerton Foliot 42B bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in South West. About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved