New Records, Two New Synonyms and One New Species of Holhymenia LE

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New Records, Two New Synonyms and One New Species of Holhymenia LE ©Staatl. Mus. f. Naturkde Karlsruhe & Naturwiss. Ver. Karlsruhe e.V.; download unter Andrias 20 (2014): 33-38, 9 Abb.; Karlsruhe, 1.12.2014 33 New records, two new synonyms and one new species of Holhymenia LE PE L ETIER & SERVI ll E , 1825 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae: Anisoscelini) from Bolivia and Ecuador* HARRY BRAI L OV S KY Abstract In the present paper two new synonymies are One new species, Holhymenia riegeri nov. spec., is proposed [H. intermedia (BURMEI S TER ) = H. clavi- described from Bolivia and Ecuador. Holhymenia in- gera (HER bs T ) and H. tibialis BREDDIN = H. clavi- termedia (BURMEI S TER , 1835) and H. tibialis BREDDIN , gera (HER bs T )], and one new species is described 1904, are considered junior synonyms of H. clavigera from Bolivia and Ecuador. As a result, seven valid ( HER bs T , 1784); new records of H. histrio (FA B RICIU S , 1803), H. persimilis BREDDIN , 1903, H. rubiginosa BRED - species are currently included in the genus which DIN , 1904, and H. scenica (STÅ L , 1865) are given; a key is characterized by having the hind tibiae slightly to all known species is included. expanded on both sides, outer expansion wider than inner, and both running entire length of tib- Keywords: Heteroptera, Coreidae, Anisoscelini, Hol- iae; corium almost entirely hyaline with very dis- hymenia, new species, new synonyms, new records. tinct dark brown venation; pronotum with prono- tal expansions at the sides of scutellum; antennal Kurzfassung segments II and III expanded laterally; antennal Eine neue Art der Gattung Holhymenia LE PE L ETIER segment IV yellowish white. A key to all the valid & SERVI ll E , 1825 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Coreidae: Anisoscelini) von Bolivien and Ecuador species of the genus is given. Eine neue Holhymenia-Art, Holhymenia riegeri nov. sp., aus Bolivien und Ecuador wird beschrieben. H. Materials and methods intermedia (BURMEI S TER , 1835) und H. tibialis BREDDIN , Acronyms used for institutions cited in the paper 1904, werden als Synonyme von H. clavigera (HER bs T , are: CASC (California Academy of Sciences, 1784) aufgefasst. Neue Funde von H. histrio ( FA B RICIU S , San Francisco, USA); CMNH (Carnegie Museum 1803), H. persimilis BREDDIN , 1903, H. rubiginosa of Natural History, Pittsburgh, PA, USA); DEIC BREDDIN , 1904, und H. scenica (STÅ L , 1865) werden (Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Eberswal- mitgeteilt. Für alle bekannten Arten wird ein Bestim- mungsschlüssel aufgestellt. de, Germany); FSCA (Florida State Collection of Arthropods, Gainesville, Florida, USA); INBIO Author (Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad, Santo Do- HARRY BRAI L OV S KY , Instituto de Biología, Universidad mingo de Heredia, Costa Rica); INPA (Instituto Nacional Autónoma de México, Apdo Postal 70153, Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazonia, Manaus, México 04510 D. F.; E-Mail: [email protected] Brazil); JEEC (Joe E. Eger Collection); JMAC (Juan Manuel Ayala Collection); LACM (Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los An- Introduction geles, California, USA); MABR (Museo Argentino The genus Holhymenia LE PE L ETIER & SERVI ll E , de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”, 1825 belongs to the tribe Anisoscelini, subfam- Buenos Aires, Argentina); MELN (Museo Ento- ily Coreinae of the family Coreidae. Prior to this mológico, León, Nicaragua); MLPA (Museo de La study, eight species have been considered valid Plata, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, División (PACKAU S KA S 2010, LIVERMORE et al. 2013). The ge- Entomología, La Plata, Argentina); PBCC (Peter nus occurs in the tropical and subtropical regions Banar Collection, Czech Republic); PUCE (Pon- of the Western Hemisphere with the majority of tificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito, the species being distributed in South America. Ecuador); ROMO (Royal Ontario Museum, To- ronto, Ontario, Canada); UCV; (Universidad Cen- tral de Venezuela, Escuela de Agronomía, Ma- * Dr. CH RI S TIAN RIEGER , honouring his 70th birthday. racay, Venezuela); UKS (University of Kansas, ©Staatl. Mus. f. Naturkde Karlsruhe & Naturwiss. Ver. Karlsruhe e.V.; download unter 34 Andrias 20 (2014) Snow Entomological Museum, Lawrence, Kan- stripe near posterior third; metapleura yellow sas, USA); UNAM (Instituto de Biología, Univer- with wide “H” like black mark; prosternum yellow, sidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México D. basally reddish brown; mesosternum yellow, lat- F.); UNDC (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, erally pale brown; metasternum yellow with pale Facultad de Ciencias, Bogotá, Colombia); USNM reddish orange reflections; anterior and posterior (National Museum of Natural History, Smithso- lobes of metathoracic peritreme yellowish white; nian Institution, Washington, D. C., USA); UVG procoxae yellowish white with inner face pale red- (Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, Guatema- dish brown; meso- and metacoxae pale reddish la); USUL (Utah State University, Logan, Utah, orange with yellow reflections; fore trochanter USA); ZMHU (Zoologisches Museum, Humboldt yellow, middle and hind trochanters yellow with Universität, Berlin, Germany). pale reddish orange reflections; fore femur yel- lowish orange, middle and hind femora reddish Holhymenia riegeri sp. nov. (figs 1, 5-9) brown to reddish orange with basal third yellow; Type material tibiae pale orange; tarsal segments pale orange Holotype: ), Bolivia: Santa Cruz, Est. Samaipata, with pale brown reflections; abdominal sterna III- 21.-22.1.1989 (UNAM). Paratypes: Bolivia: 1 (, S. VII and genital capsule shiny castaneous orange; Yungas (Anazani Donin) (USNM); Ecuador: 1 ), abdominal spiracles and one prominent spot lat- Sucumbios: Reventador, 1100 m, 00°05’S-77- eral to middle line at abdominal sternite III yel- °40’W, 29.11.1997, F. Palomeque (PUCE); 1 ), lowish white; pleural margins III-V dark yellowish Napo: C5 Rafael, 8.5.1986, P. Vega (UNAM). orange and VI-VII yellowish white. Structure: Head: Broadly triangular, porrect, Description prolonged anteriorly to antenniferous tubercles; Male, holotype jugae and tylus nearly equal in length; posttylar Dorsal coloration: Head black with tylus, apex sulcus single; antenniferous tubercles unarmed, of juga and neck yellowish white; antennal seg- widely separated; antennal segment I slightly ments I-III black, IV yellowish orange with apical curved outward, sulcate, segments II and III ex- third brownish black; pronotum reddish brown panded, IV fusiform; antennal segment IV the with light yellowish white spots as follows: two longest, III the shortest, and II longer than I; an- submedian near anterior margin, one square, tennal segment IV shorter than II and III together; shield-like medially on anterior half and anterior antennal segment I longer than length of head; to the two lateral ones, which are slightly posteri- preocellar sulcus small, nearly circular; ocellar tu- or to middle, one large, nearly rectangular on the bercle raised; postocular tubercle indistinct; ros- posterior margin, and two small ones on the hu- trum short, reaching anterior margin of abdomi- meral angles; medial and postero-medial spots nal sternite III; neck present. Thorax: Pronotum separate (fig. 1). Scutellum reddish brown with wider than long, trapezoidal, punctate, slightly basal angles, apex and medial longitudinal stripe rugose and nontuberculate; collar present; trian- reaching anterior margin yellowish white; hem- gular process wide, lobulate, elongate, apically elytra translucent, with claval and corial veins, rounded; anterolateral borders spinate; postero- costal and apical borders, claval commissure and lateral margins smooth; frontal angles rounded; inner and outer borders of clavus dark brown; humeral angles slightly expanded; collar region hemelytral membrane translucent with veins dark slightly raised, impunctate, without tubercles me- brown; connexival segments III-VI pale yellowish dially; metathoracic peritreme with two separate orange with upper margin brownish orange, VII auricles. Legs: All femora with two ventral spines pale yellowish white with posterior angle orange; located distally; femora slightly clavate at apex, abdominal segments III-VII orange with interseg- dorsal surface smooth, neither spined nor tuber- mental borders, middle third of segment III, and culate; fore and middle tibiae cylindrical, sulcate; scars of scent glands IV-V, V-VI, pale brown. hind tibiae slightly expanded on both sides, outer Ventral coloration: Head yellowish white with two expansion wider than inner; expansions running short dark brown stripes, one near antennifer- entire length of tibiae. Scutellum: Longer than ous tubercle, the other below middle third of eye; wide, triangular, apically subacute. rostral segment I yellowish white, II to IV pale Abdomen: Connexival segments not spined pos- yellowish orange (apex of IV black); collar black; teroapically. propleura yellow with wide black stripe oblique- Genital capsule: Posteroventral edge entire (figs ly directed; mesopleura yellow with short black 7-8). Paramere (figs 5-6). ©Staatl. Mus. f. Naturkde Karlsruhe & Naturwiss. Ver. Karlsruhe e.V.; download unter BRAI L OV S KY : Holhymenia from Bolivia and Ecuador 35 Figures 1-8. Holhymenia spp. – 1. H. riegeri sp. nov. – 2. H. scenica (STÅ L ) – 3. H. histrio (FA B RICIU S ) – 4. H. rubescens (AMYOT and SERVI ll E ) – 5-6. H. riegeri sp. nov., Paramere – 7-8. H. riegeri sp. nov., Male genital capsule (7 lateral view, 8 caudal view). ©Staatl. Mus. f. Naturkde Karlsruhe & Naturwiss. Ver. Karlsruhe e.V.; download unter
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