February 3, 2014 www.knoxfocus.com FREEPAGE A1 Take One! Visit www.knoxfocus.com to access February 3, 2014 Commission listens to teachers FOCUS By Mike Steely Weekly Poll*
[email protected] Tony Norman said. “We have he and School Board Chair meeting the day before the “I think it’s useful, we can no information on its struc- Lynne Fugate will both run retreat begins and Commis- talk and be frank.” He also Do you support Who exactly controls dis- ture. Last year’s retreat had the retreat, which will be sioners and Joint Education mentioned that the Teach- cussions at the upcoming marginal benefit and I’d like held at Maryville College Committee members Sam er Survey will be discussed the sale of wine County Commission and to hear more about it.” on February 7 and 8. He McKenzie, Amy Broyles and again at the February retreat in retail food Board of Education Retreat? Commissioner Mike offered the commissioners Mike Hammond agreed that and added that he believes stores such as This was a question at last Brown told the other com- a summary of what would the past meetings were that “money and budget” week’s commission meet- missioners that he felt the be discussed, who would useful and asked that meet- are the main issues contest- convenience ing, with some of the com- teacher issues have been be attending, and promised ings continue, with or with- ed between the two elected stores, grocery missioners voicing some controlled by a spin doctor. time for “open discussion.” out a facilitator.