PAGE APB The Knoxville Focus May 18, 2020 May 18, 2020 ONLINE AUCTIONPAGE A1 FRIDAY, May 22 The Knoxvillele Over 400 lots! See pictures at Fountain City Auction (865)474-9931 FREE OCUS Take One! F May 18, 2020 Phone: 865-686-9970 | PO Box 18377, Knoxville, TN 37928 | Located at 4109 Central Avenue Pike, Knoxville, Tennessee 37912 Mark Campen, Courtney Shea KSC becomes 1:1 district as honored by Fountain City proposal 8E By Mike Steely Senior Writer contributed much to Fountain League of America.
[email protected] City. This year they chose two He and his wife, Emily, have passes local residents deeply involved two children and Emily owns The Honor Fountain City Day has in preserving our environment. Flower Pot florist shop. Campen By Amy Box Fellhoelter been a Memorial Day high- The Fountain City Man and continues to address conserva- light for many years. The mem- Woman of the Year 2020 are tion issues and water quality. Mark Campen Courtney Shea Last week’s Knox County bers of Fountain City Town Hall Mark Campen and Courtney Courtney Shea came to East School Board digital meeting was have hosted the celebration of Shea. Tennessee with the Office of Sur- the CHS Foundation and her filled mostly with discussion of their community but this year Campen, a former Knoxville face Mining in 1979 and loved favorite project was the Wall of the funding and wording partic- the coronavirus pandemic has City Council member, is a UT the area so much she stayed.