McCain, Menendez and CTC Congratulate Tunisian Elections; ISIE Releases Preliminary Results

Photo Credit: France TV Info

Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) and Rep. Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL) who co-chair the Congressional Tunisian Caucus (CTC) “commended the Tunisian people on their highly successful legislative elections,” stating they were “certain that these historic elections will help to lay the foundation for a democratic and prosperous future in ,” and looked “forward to working with the newly elected officials to forge closer bonds between,” the two nations. Hastings added that he looked “forward to the opportunity to meet and work with our newly elected counterparts in the Parliament of Tunisia in order to continue strengthening the longstanding strategic partnership between our two countries.”

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) also “congratulated the Tunisian people on the successful conclusion of the first legislative elections conducted under Tunisia’s new constitution,” and hoped that “the new parliament will work to achieve the aspirations of the Tunisian people,” urging them to “undertake the difficult reforms that will be necessary to create economic opportunities and a better quality of life for the people of Tunisia.”

Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, also congratulated “the people of Tunisia on the peaceful and democratic election of their new parliament,” and commended the Tunisian leaders “for their commitment to dialogue, pluralism, and consensus.”

Based on the preliminary results released by the ISIE, succeeded in securing 85 seats. While the party won more seats than any other competitor, it failed to gain an outright majority in the Assembly, which means it will be required to form a coalition with other seat holders in order to form a government. Ennahda, which won 89 seats in 2011, only won 69 seats in the 2014 legislative elections. Ettakatol and the Congress for the Republic (CPR), which formed the government along with Ennahda, also lost a significant number of seats. Ettakatol, headed by current NCA President Mustapha Ben Jaafar, went from winning 20 seats in 2011 to a reported one seat in 2014, although the single seat is currently contested by Nidaa Tounes. CPR, which is closely associated with current President Moncef Marzouki, also lost a significant number of seats, going from 29 in 2011 to four this year. The , considered the successor to Aridha Chaabia, which won 26 seats in 2011, only secured two seats in 2014. The (UPL), formed by Tunisian businessman Slim Riahi in early 2011, gained significant representation in the coming Assembly, winning 16 seats. The , a coalition of smaller, leftist parties, won 15 seats during this election. The parties that would go on to form the Popular Front in 2012 had previously secured six seats in 2011. These results are preliminary and may be contested by various actors in Tunisia over the coming month.. The ISIE expects to release finalized results no later than November 24.