About the Contributors

Jérôme Darmont is full professor of computer science at the University of , , and the director of the ERIC research center. He received his Ph.D. in 1999 from the University of Clermont-Ferrand II, France, and then joined the 2 as an associate professor. He became full professor in 2008. His research interests mainly relate to database and data warehouse performance (performance optimization, auto-administration, benchmarking, data lakes...) and cloud business intelligence (data security, query performance and cost, personal BI, big data analytics...). He is a member of several editorial boards and has served as a reviewer for numerous conferences and journals. Along with Torben Bach Pedersen, he initiated the VLDB Cloud Intelligence workshop series in 2012.

Sabine Loudcher is a full professor in Computer Science in a research lab of data science and business intelligence of the University of Lyon (France). She re- ceived her PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Lyon in 1996 and since 2015, she is a full professor. From 2003 to 2012, she was the Assistant Director of the ERIC laboratory. Now, she leads a scientific axis of the Institute of Human Sciences of Lyon (MSH LSE) and she manages the Master of Digital Humanities of the University of Lyon (France). She carries out research on OLAP and Data Mining. She is more interested about data coming from documents or social networks. Her current work focuses on Graph OLAP, Text OLAP and Text Mining. She is involved in several projects especially in Digital Humanities with Social Sciences researchers.

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Leila Abidi is PhD in computer science, her specialty is system distributed on a large scale. She defended her thesis in March 2015 at the University of 13 and since then she is a research engineer at Sorbonne Paris for the IDV project (Life imaging project) for which she is responsible for setting up and managing a cloud computing platform. Website: http://lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~abidi/. About the Contributors Rajendra Akerkar is leading Big Data research at Vestlandsforsking. His primary domain of activities is big data and semantic technologies with aim to combine strong theoretical results with high impact practical results. His recent research focuses on application of big data methods to real-world challenges such as urban mobility and emergency management, and social media analysis in a wide set of semantic dimensions. He has extensive experience in managing research and development projects funded by both industry and funding agencies, including the EU Framework Programs and the Research Council of Norway.

Hana Alouaoui is a research assistant at IUT Aix en Provence-Aix Marseille Uni- versity. Member of DBA team at LIF laboratory. Previously, postdoctoral researcher at Icube laboratory at Strasbourg University. She received her PHD in computer science from ISG Tunisia. Her research interests include spatiotemporal knowledge discovery, future risks prediction, spatial data mining and time series forecasting.

Hanene Azzag is currently associate professor at the University of Paris 13 (France) and a member of machine learning team A3 in LIPN Laboratory. Her main research is in biomimetic algorithms, machine learning and visual data mining. In 2002 she gained an MSC (DEA) in Artificial Intelligence from University. In 2005, after three years Tours Lab, she received her PhD degree in Computer Science from the . She received the “Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches” (accreditation to lead research) degree in Computer Science from Paris 13 University in 2013.

Salima Benbernou is a Professor in Computer Science at université Sorbonne- Paris Cité -Paris Descartes. She is leading data intensive and knowledge oriented system group (diNo). Her interests are on the interplay of data management at scale and privacy. She is an associate editor at ACM TOS journal. Her research is sup- ported by French national research organizations (CNRS, BPI, ANR) and European Commission.

Mehdi Bentounsi received a Ph.D. in Computer Science at Université Paris Descartes in 2015 and then joined Université Sorbonne Paris Cité as a postdoc for the IDV project. His research interests lie in the field of information security, privacy and databases with emphasis on data lifecycle management, privacy, and data security in cloud computing and untrusted environments.

Christophe Cérin has been a professor of computer science at the University of Paris 13, France since 2005. He initiated an infrastructure project related to big data and high performance computing for e-sciences for USPC (Université Sor-

306 About the Contributors bonne Paris Cité). At Paris13, he chairs the board for the cluster computing facility available to all campus scientists and also chairs the ‘Expert Committee’ in charge of recruiting and mentoring full time junior and senior professors in computer sci- ence. His industrial experience includes serving as local chair for the Dolphin and Wendelin projects related to Cloud and Big-Data. His previous industrial project was the Resilience project related to Cloud Computing where he was the local chair. His research focuses on High Performance Computing, including Grid Computing and he develops middleware, algorithms, tools and methods for distributed systems. His Web page at http://lipn.univ-paris13.fr/~cerin/ contains links to his publications list and educational activities.

Rosine Cicchetti is a full professor at the University of Aix-Marseilles (France) and former responsible and actual member of the database and machine learning research team at the Laboratory of Fundamental Computer Science (LIF) of Mar- seilles. She obtained the PhD in 1990 (University of Nice, France) and the Habili- tation for Research Direction in 1996 (University of Aix-Marseilles). Her research topics encompass Databases, Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Statistical databases and Multidimensional Skylines.

Tarn Duong completed a Ph.D. in computational statistics in 2005. Since then he has been employed as a researcher at numerous university departments in Australia and in France. His research interests include Big Data Analysis for experimental sciences.

Philippe Garteiser graduated from Strasbourg University in Biology, Physics and Chemistry. He then got an engineering degree in bioengineering followed by a PhD in Bioengineering in the University of Oklahoma. Dr. Garteiser now holds a senior researcher position in the Center for Research on Inflammation (Inserm U1149, Paris). Philippe Garteiser is an executive member of the “Imageries Du Vivant” programme of the Sorbonne Paris Cité Universities.

Eric E. Geiselman is an Engineering Research Psychologist at the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory’s 711th Human Performance Wing, in the Airman Systems Directorate. He spent eight years as an airline pilot and eventually became a crew resource management instructor. He holds an MA in experimental psychology from the University of Dayton and is pursuing a doctorate in systems engineering at the Air Force Institute of Technology.

307 About the Contributors Le Gruenwald is a Professor, Dr. David W. Franke Professor, and Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation Presidential Professor in the School of Computer Science at The University of Oklahoma. She received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from Southern Methodist University, MS in Computer Science from the University of Houston, and BS in Physics from the University of Saigon. She worked for National Science Foundation as a Cluster Lead and Program Director of the Information Integration and Informatics cluster and a Program Director of the Cyber Trust program. Dr. Gruenwald’s major research interests include Data Management, Data Mining, and Information Privacy and Security.

Paul Havig is a senior engineering research psychologist at the Air Force Research Laboratory’s 711th Human Performance Wing. He received his BA in Psychology from the University of California at San Diego in 1989 and his PhD in Experimental Psychology from the University of Texas at Arlington in 1997. His major area of research is visual perception.

Youssef Hmamouche is PhD student interested in the fields of data mining and machine learning. His actual research focuses on prediction models and feature selection methods specific to forecasting time series with large number of variables.

Kuo-Wei (David) Hsu was an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at the National Chengchi University. He earned his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota. Prior to that, he worked as an Information Engineer in the National Taiwan Uni- versity Hospital. He obtained his M.S. degree from the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at the National Taiwan University, and B.S. degree from the Department of Electrical Engineering at the National Chung Hsing University. His current research interests include data management and analysis.

Yung-Chang Ko is a scientist at the Iron & Steel Research & Development De- partment of China Steel Corporation. He received PHD in Mechanical Engineering from National Cheng Kung University. His professional achievements include heat transfer, gas and liquid combustion blast furnace iron making.

Lotfi Lakhal received the PhD degree in computer science and the Habilita- tion for Research Direction from the University of Nice-Sophia-Antipolis (France) respectively in 1986 and in 1991.He is a full professor at the University of Aix- Marseille - IUT of Aix en Provence and member of the Laboratory of Fundamental Computer Science (LIF) of Marseilles. His research interest includes Databases,

308 About the Contributors Formal Concept Analysis, Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Multidimensional Skylines and Time Series Forecasting.

Eleazar Leal is an assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science in the University of Minnesota Duluth. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Oklahoma. His research interests are: Spatial Databases, Stream Databases, Multicore and GPU Algorithms for Databases and Data Mining.

Mustapha Lebbah is currently Associate Professor at the University of Paris 13 and a member of Machine learning Team A3, LIPN. His main researches are centred on machine learning and data mining (Unsupervized Learning, Self-organizing map, Probabilistic and Statistic, scalable machine learning and data science). Graduated from USTO University where he received his engineer diploma in 1998. Thereafter, he gained an MSC (DEA) in Artificial Intelligence from the Paris 13 University in 1999. In 2003, after three year in RENAULT R&D, he received his PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Versailles. He received the “Habilita- tion à Diriger des Recherches” (accreditation to lead research) degree in Computer Science from Paris 13 University in 2012. He is a member of the french group in “complex data mining”, and Secretary for the French Classification Society since november 2012.

Mickaël Martin-Nevot currently prepare the Phd degree in computer science from the University of Aix-Marseille (France). He is an part-time assistant professor at the University of Aix-Marseille - IUT of Aix en Provence and is a member of the Laboratory of Fundamental Computer Science (LIF) of Marseilles. His research work concerns OLAP Mining and Data Warehousing.

John P. McIntire is an engineering research psychologist at the Air Force Research Laboratory 711th Human Performance Wing. He received his Ph.D. in human factors psychology from Wright State University in 2014. He specializes in vision-related human factors experimental research, including in visualization, depth perception, 3D vision, stereoscopic and 3D displays, display design, and user interface evaluation. Recently, he has worked on rapid innovation projects involving military installation security systems and dismounted soldier navigation technologies.

Prakhar Mehrotra is head of Data Science, Finance, Uber Technologies.

309 About the Contributors Sébastien Nedjar obtained the Phd degree in computer science from the Univer- sity of Aix-Marseille (France) in 2009. He is an assistant professor at the University of Aix-Marseille - IUT of Aix en Provence and is a member of the Laboratory of Fundamental Computer Science (LIF) of Marseilles. His research work concerns OLAP Mining, Data Warehousing and Multidimensional Skylines.

Isaac Osesina is a research scientist at Aware Inc. Prior to joining Aware, he was a researcher at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR) Center for Advanced Research in Entity Resolution and Information Quality. He obtained his doctorate degree in Integrated Computing at the same institution. His current re- search areas include entity and identity resolution, named entity recognition, social network analysis and information visualization. His works are published in several international journals and conferences.

Mourad Ouziri is assistant professor at Paris Descartes University. His research interests concern the use of knowledge representation formalisms and reasoning mechanisms for efficient data management, especially in distributed environments. He develops approaches to manage data on the Web, semantic Web, data uncer- tainty and inconsistency, semantic heterogeneity, and privacy. Recently, his research focuses on managing big RDF data dealing with data quality in huge amounts of heterogeneous RDF data. The aim of this work is to develop suitable reasoning algorithms to make efficient data querying with respect to quality requirements. His application domains are related to big data, open data, crowdsourcing, privacy and social networks. In big data, his aim is to develop MapReduce and Spark-based inferences to combine company internal data with open data to improve data quality. In crowdsourcing, privacy and social networks domains, he developed a team-based approach to process crowdsourcing by involving members in social networks with respect to privacy. He has published his works in journals (ACM TWEB 2016 Transactions on the Web, ACM TOIT 2016 Transactions on Internet Technology, ML 2017 Machine Learning Journal), conferences (WISE – Web Information System Engineering) and workshops (DL – Description Logics).

Piotr Przymus received PhD from Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics, and Mechanics, University of Warsaw in the field of data mining and databases in 2014. Currently works at the LIF at Aix-Marseille University. His main scientific interests are: data mining, database systems, distributed and parallel programing and GPGPU computing.

310 About the Contributors Soror Sahri is associate professor at Université Paris Descartes (Sorbonne Paris Cité) and is a member of LIPADE (Laboratoire d’Informatique Paris Descartes). She received her PhD in computer science from Paris-Dauphine University, where she worked on scalable and Distributed databases. Actually, her main research concerns especially data management, data quality and distributed databases.

M. Eduard Tudoreanu, DSc, is Professor of Information Science at University of Arkansas Little Rock. Professor Tudoreanu has expertise in human-computer interaction, in advanced visualization of complex data, information quality, and in virtual reality. He worked on 2D and 3D visualization environments and has extensive experience in software development and user interface design. Professor Tudoreanu was the founding Technical Director of the Emerging Analytics Center. He has been teaching Human-Computer Interface (HCI) for the past ten years as well as Information Visualization for more than ten years. He has been the keynote speaker at ABSEL 2010, served as a panelist for the National Science Foundation, advisory panel for Missouri EPSCoR, and received grants from the G. W. Donaghey Foundation, National Science Foundation, Air Force Research Laboratory, NASA, US Department of Education, and Acxiom Corporation. He earned his Doctor of Science degree in Computer Science in 2002 from the Washington University in St. Louis.

Jianting Zhang is Associate Professor in Geographical Information System (GIS) and Computer Science at the City College of New York. He has broad research interests in geospatial technologies and their environmental and social-economic applications. Trained as both a geographer and a computer scientist, he is commit- ted to the interdisciplinary research that crosses the boundary of computer science, information technologies and domain sciences, such as geography, ecology and transportation.