Carnival and Fairs Consider Options May to See
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NEWS-JOURNALEmmitsburg VOLUME 13, NO. 5 Exulting the importance of ideas and information —Edward R. Murrow MAY 2021 WWW.MYFAIRFIELD.NET • WWW.EMMITSBURG.NET • WWW.MYTHURMONT.NET • WWW.TANEYTOWN.NET Multiple Annexations On Horizon Annexations will require Carnival and fairs consider options Emmitsburg to amend the town’s growth boundary. Page 2 or more than a year, fairs, car- However, Rocky Ridge Volunteer Fnivals, organizational fund- Fire Company President Dale Kline Bankruptcy Leaves Road In Limbo raising and other events in North told the News-Journal that, follow- Liberty Township is at a loss as to Frederick and Southwest Adams ing their April meeting, the leader- how to deal with Rist Trail Road. counties have been canceled as the ship decided that “the Rocky Ridge Page 3 result of the threats to health posed Fire Company will be planning to by the COVID pandemic. have a ‘modified’ carnival this year Old Shamrock Restaurant Sold In both regions, emergency-re- in August,” adding, “It will proba- Site will be divided up into sponders have also been deprived bly not be the same as before, but four parcels. A Royal Farms is of critical, fundraising activities we want to put something together rumored to open on one. Page 4 such as carnivals and car shows, for the community.” and have been relying on engaging Walkersville Volunteer Fire in alternative types of fundraisers Company Vice President Vaughn Sewer Issues Plague Taneytown Once again, summer carnivals and fairs will fall victim to COVID-19 Actions initiated to stem water to compensate. Zimmerman said whether they will concerns. Only the South Mt. Fair plans to return this year. loss and wastewater infiltration Among local events that have be having their carnival this year into the sewer system. Page 5 been canceled for the second con- remains in limbo at the moment, the carnival for this year has been Taneytown will be holdings its secutive year is the Mother Seton noting, “We are putting-off our canceled, but that the company is Wine, Art & Film Festival on June School carnival. The carnival, decision until May 3.” going to have drive-through food 19 at Memorial Park, while Thur- COMMENTARY which usually runs during the third Likewise, the Thurmont Guard- like that offered last year, but with mont will be holding a Springfest American Mind week of May, was the first to fall vic- ian Hose Company will be deciding some additions. with town-wide yard sales May 7 Is the prevalence of profanity tim to the restriction limiting gath- in May regarding whether or not to Regarding festivals, fairs and and May 8. Community Heritage in our media today really erings to ten or less individuals last hold their carnival. other outdoor events, the South Day in Emmitsburg will be held on necessary? Page 10 year. Now, for the second time in Harney Volunteer Fire Compa- Mountain Fair will be held this June 26. The Emmitsburg Vigilant year from July 27 through July Hose Company will be holding its The Bulwark 38 years, the school-run carnival has ny’s Len Bower said the company’s American’s gun culture – when is once again been canceled. annual carnival has been canceled 31. In addition, the South Moun- annual Spring Fling event on June tain Fair organizers will be hold- 26th and offer an “exciting oppor- enough enough? Page 11 As far as carnival that are held by due to “too many (COVID) regula- various emergency-responders are tions and restrictions. The company ing a yard/craft sale event on May tunity to win great prizes.” concerned, the Thurmont Commu- will be holding a Money Bonanza 15. The event is being held espe- Be advised events in-general are ARTICLES nity Ambulance Service carnival will drawing in August 28 as a fundraiser. cially to help sellers whose sales requiring attendees to maintain The Book of Days be held at the Thurmont Event Com- Taneytown Volunteer Fire have been hindered or diminished social distancing and wear face- Blood’s attempt of the Crown plex from June 1 through June 5. Company’s Sam Perry said that by the COVID restrictions. masks. Jewels – an extraordinary attempt at robbery. Page 13 Ecology May to see elections of new local officials Get ready – the 17-year Cicadas are coming! Page 14 he time is approaching for Steve Beans is running for re-elec- Tlocal residents in Pennsylvania tion as constable. Real Science and Maryland to elect or re-elect Fairfield Borough has three The technology behind facial a number of their township, bor- council seats to be filled, as well recognition and how it is abused. ough, city and town officials. as the mayoral seat and that of Page 16 In Adams County and elsewhere the tax collector. The seats are for in Pennsylvania, local elections are four-year terms. Gardening tied to the national primary elec- According to borough Secretary Consumers are becoming more tions, while in Frederick County Susan Wagle, incumbent Mayor aware of the importance of and elsewhere in Maryland, munic- Robert Stanley is running for re-elec- pollinators. Join them by creating ipalities tend to establish their own tion, while incumbents Camille Unlike last year’s primary, this year’s primary will be all about a bee-friendly garden. Page 18 local election dates, regardless of Cline, Nathanael McNeill, and Dean the national primaries. Thomas have filed to run for re-elec- selecting leaders for local governments. History In Southwest Adams, voters in tion to council. Incumbent Tracy Of the possible candidates run- Foster, Fuller, and Vigliotti, and This month, Gateway to the Carroll Valley and Fairfield bor- Paul has filed to run for tax collector. ning for the three seats, township challenger Barbara Cook. The can- Mountains remembers Thurmont’s oughs, and in Hamiltonban and Liberty Township has three seats Secretary Nina Garretson stated didates have been certified and the 1951 Bicentennial celebration. Liberty townships will be holding to be filled: supervisor, tax collec- only incumbent Douglas Woerner deadline to file has expired. Page 28 their local elections on May 18. tor, and elected auditor. will be running for re-election. No Emmitsburg’s election will not Carroll Valley Borough has a According to township Secre- one has yet filed to run for auditor be held until September 28 when Taneytown History number of seats to be filled. Vot- tary/Treasurer Wendy Peck, Rob- or tax collector. two three-year commissioner seats Taneytown in the Revolutionary ers will be filling three seats on the ert Jackson (whose seat is open In Maryland, Taneytown will be presently occupied by Timothy War. Page 28 borough Council, and electing or to be filled) will not be running filling three, four-year council seats O’Donnell and Clifford Sweeney re-electing the mayor, the tax col- for re-election. Jessica Ilko was on that board in the upcoming May 3 will be up for election/re-election. Four Years At The Mount lector, and the constable. The appointed last year for tax collector town election. The council seats that Thurmont’s election will not This month, we asked our writers council and mayoral seats are four- and is running for election, while, will be up for election or re-election be held until October 26 when to reflect on the nature of Memorial year terms, while that of the con- as of April 27, Brandon Lowe is the are those presently held by Diane Fos- John Kinnaird’s mayoral seat Day and what it means to them and stable is a six-year term. sole contender to fill Jackson’s seat. ter, Judith Fuller and Joe Vigliotti. will be filled, as well as the com- their families. Page 34 According to Assistant Borough Susan Hek is running for re-elec- Candidates who are running missioner seats of Martin Burns Manager Gayle Marthers, running tion as elected auditor, but is not for the seats include incumbents and Wayner Hooper. Complementary Corner for council seats are incumbents on the ballot, and she is running as A look at how challenges create Richard Mathews, Robert Verde- a write-in. PRE-SORTED growth. Page 42 raime, David Lillard and borough Hamiltonban Township has one STANDARD Planning Commission mem- supervisor’s seat open, as well as tax U.S. Postage Postal Customer Humor ber Sara Laird. Ron Harris is run- collector and township auditor. The PAID More totally useless facts that ning for re-election as mayor, while supervisor’s seat is a six-year term, as Gettysburg, PA Phyllis Doyle-Smith is stunning is that of the auditor, while the tax only those with no life actually Permit No. 53 know. Page 47 for re-election as tax collector and collector seat is a four-year term. 2 | EMMITSBURG NEWS-JOURNAL | MAY 2021 EMMITSBURG NEWS Multiple annexations on horizon ommissioner Joe Ritz, liaison Those that could entail residen- would be annexed to the town as Cto the town Planning Com- tial development: A 15.53-acre lot ‘neighborhood commercial.’ the missioner, told the commissioners that would essentially be an exten- county has them zoned as resi- at their April 5 meeting that a pro- sion of Northgate. A developer dential. news-journal posal to amend the town’s growth may be seeking to construct 48 Finally, the Daughters of Char- P.O. Box 543 boundary will be going before single-family dwellings. A 22.97- ity property, adjacent to the waste- Emmitsburg, Maryland 21727 county and state planning boards acre lot located north of North- water-treatment plant property on 301-471-3306 for review.