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- 900 0MB No. 1024- 0018 NPS Form 1010-900 0MB No. 1024-0018 8 - 86) (Rev. 8-86) States Department of the Interior United States Department of the Interior National Park Service ^ JUN 2_ 11990-. J S [ID National Park Service Jt;:J 211990 · PLACES NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES FORM NATIONAL REGISTRATION FORM national REGISTER : = = = = = = = =: = =: = = = = : :=: = = = = = = : :==============: Property 1. Name of Property :=ss=: = = : : = = = = = = = =:=: = =: CHURCH historic name: ST. JAMES' EPISCOPAL CHURCH other name/site number: N/A : = = = = = =: = s===r=: = = = = =: = r:s = = = = = = : 2. Location : = = = = = = = = = = = = = =: = = : street & number: 125 Huntington Street,Street. corner of Federal Street not for publication: N/A vicinity: ~N~L~A~----- city/town: New London vicinity: N/A London code: 011 zip code: 06230 state: CT county: New London code: Oil zip code: 06230 : = = = = = = : : = = = = = : 3. Classification : = = = = = : : = = = = = : : = = = = = : Ownership of Property: private Category of Property: buildingbuilding(s)(s) Number of Resources within Property: 4 Contributing Noncontributing 1 buildings 1 ____ buildings sites structures 2 objects 3 _00__ Total Number of contributing resources previously listed in the National 0 Register: 0 N/A Name of related multiple property listing: N/A - USOI/NPS NRHP Registration Form Page 2 USDI/NPS NRHP Registration Form Page 2 ss=:s;=;=:=:s:=:s:=:s=========================== = s:=:=s=:s3ss = s:s = =;ss=;=;=; = =:r:=:=:=:=:=== === ======== = s==:=:s:=:sr=s==:=;s:=:=;s====== ======================-== = sas!s;ssss=:=:ssss = = s=:ssss=s: 4. State/Federal Agency Certification 4. State/Federal Agency Certification ==========================aw mm mm mm mm mm mm ^m mm ^ma ^m ^m mm ^m mm ^m ^m ^m ^m ^m w mm== mm wmm===== mm mm ^m mm mm== ^m»= mm=~= <m» mm mm=== «mb ^m mm= mm====== mm <am» mtm ^m mm= mm=====-================ mm mm mm mm mm ^m ^m mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm wmm mm Asmm mm mm themm wmm ^m ^m designated^m mm mwm mm wmiw mm mm mm mm mm mm authoritymm mm mm mm mm wmm mm ^m w^ mm underwmm mmm mm mwm wwm mm the^mw mwm .mm Nationalmm mm wmm mm w^ mm mwm wmm wmm Historicwmm mmw wwm wwtm wwm wwmw mmm mm Preservationmm mm mm wmm ^m mm mm wmm mm mwm ^m mm wmw Actmm mm mm Asof the1986, designated as amended, authority I hereby under certify the Nationalthat this Historic__X_ nomination Preservation __ Act of 1986, as amended, I hereby certify that this X nomination ____ request for determination of eligibility meets the documentation request for determination of eligibility meets the documentation standards for registering properties in the National Register of standardsHistoric Placesfor registering and meets propertiesthe procedural in theand Nationalprofessional Register requirements of Historic Places and meets the procedural and professional requirements set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In my opinion, the property _X_ meets set forth in 36 CFR Part 60. In my opinion, the property X meets __ does not meet the National Register Criteria. See continuation ____ does not meet the National Register Criteria. _____ See continuation sheet. sheet.~~-.-c" 6/18/90 Sia~er~ialSiQja«f€ure of cert>^ing official - Date Jo~Joan W. Shannahan, State Historic Preservation Officer State or Federal agency and bureau ' In mymv opinion,ODinion. the orooertvproperty meets does not meet the National Register criteria. See continuation sheet. Signature of commenting or other official Date State or Federal agency and bureau ========================== == ==== ===== ===== ============================== 5. National Park Service Certification ss S5 = as ss = :r s: ss =: = = = =; =s = = = = = s= = = s= = =s = = = rs = = =: = =r ==== = = I, h/ireby certify that this property is; entered in the National Register, / __ See continuation sheet. lnea !lf ·fi,"re _V_ determinedd __ See continuation eligible for sheet. the determined eligible for the (1^ National Register ~ See continuation s heet. ~ ~ A ,j ___ See continuation sheet. determined not eligibleligiblee for the ^ <.- V7 National Register tLo:b:1. National Register adlll removed from the National Register --------mlt!ir'll'dlll-llill.--·----- other (explain): other (explain); /signatureSi nature of Keeper Date of Action ================================================= =========== ================= ' ================5========== 6. Function or Use 6. Function or Use • ================================================= ========= ==== == ========= · ===================== = = = = = Historic: Sub: religious structure Historic: RELIGION Sub; religious structure Current RELIGION Sub: religious structure Current : RELIGION Sub: religious structure USDI/NPS NRHP Registration Form Page 3 USDI/NPS NRHP Registration Form Page 3 =:========================== = = srr;s==: = =:5SSsrsr:r:s= = = = = = ss = =s = = 2s === = ==============rs=:=s = =E = =:=: = =—============================== =:=:=:5=:=s:2:ssr:=:=:rs=ss5 = =: = 5ss=r = = = = =:s:s:=s 7. Description ========================= =s5rs:s:rr = = =:ss = =:=:=:=:rr=rrssr=s=ssr=: = = = ===r:=:=:s2:s:r:======== = =:=: = =-= r: ==== = =:=r== = =============================:=:=:=r = s:=:5s=s=: = = = =s=s = = =rs5 = = ss = = =:2s = : Architectural Classification: Architectural Classitlcation: Gothic Revival Other Description: Other Description: Materials: foundation sandstone roof Materials: foundation sandstone roof slate walls other walls sandstone other other: stained glass Describe present and historic physical appearance. Describe present and historic physical appearance, .....x_X See continuation sheet.sheet. =========================== = = = =: = = = = : : = = : === =:=:2r=r=:==== = ===== =: = = ==r=:=:sr=:=:=s==== ============================== = = =:r:=ssrs 8. Statement of Significance =========================== r:s = =:=: = = =: = = =: = =: = = = = = = =:=rr:=:=:=:=== ====== = =:=: = = -==:~rr=:--=~== === =:r:=is:=sss=:rrsrs== ====~=============----=--=--: = = = =: = : :r:sssss Certifying official has considered the significance of this property in relation to other properties: na~t~i~o=-=n=a~l._ _ ______ relation to other properties: national. Applicable National Register Criteria: A.C~ Criteria Considerations (Exceptions) : _AA.~--- Areas of Significance: __...,A=R=C=H~I~T~E-C~T-U-R=E=---------ARCHITECTURE ART RELIGION Period(s) of Significance: __ 1847-fu_19=11847-c.1918~8 __ Significant Dates: 1847-1850 (built),(built). c.c.1905-19201905-1920 (windows)<windows) Significant Person(s): _NLA~-----------N/A Cultural Affiliation: N/AN A Architect/Builder: -U~p~j~ouh~n"---1-,~RJi~c~bua=r~d"'-----Uolohn. Richard -------- State significance of property, and justify criteria, criteria considerations, and areas and periods of significance noted above. _x_X See continuation sheet. NPS Form 10-90010-900-a- a 0MB Approval No. 1024-0018 (8-86) United States Department of the Interior National Park Service NATIONAL REGISTER OF HISTORIC PLACES CONTINUATION SHEET Section 7 st.St. James' Episcopal Church Page 7-1 New London, CT New London, CT Description (continued): St. James'James’ Episcopal Church (Photographs 1 and 2) in New London is a large Gothic Revival-style stone church building completed in 1850. The church occupies a prominent corner lot at the intersection of Huntington and Federal Streets at the northern edge of New London's downtown commercial area. The church is cruciform in plan and measures downtown commercial area. The church is cruciform in plan and measures about 110' long and 85' across the transepts. The gable roof, covered with gray slates, is steeply pitched over the narrow nave and has only a slightly gentler slope over the side aisles. At the northwest cotnercorner of the church a large square-plan tower rises to a height of 156'. Its tall belfry stage has a single large pointed-archpointed - arch opening oh each side, filled with complex wooden tracery. Crockets line the ridges of the tower's octagonal stone spire, which is surmounted by a cross. The corners of the building, including the shallow projection of the nave on the facade (west elevation), have stepped buttresses, some with gablets on the lower stages. The buttress on the southwest corner is large and continues above the eaves as a pinnacle. The building's main entrance (Photograph 3) is centered on the west elevation. Double board-and-battenboard-and-batten doors on intricately scrolled ironIron hinges are enframed by a simple beveled surround. Above the pointedpointed- arch doorway lsis a steeply pitched gable molding flanked by small pinnacles and terminated by a fleur - de-lis finial. The area between pinnacles and terminated by a fleur-de-lis finial. The area between the arched opening and the molding is filled with geometric stone tracery formed of circle, teardrop, and trefoil elements. There are similar secondary entrances at the base of the tower and on the north transept.transept. Above the main entrance in the west-facingwest - facing gable is a large round window with a four-petaled flower outlined in the tracery. Most other windows in the church are lancet windows incorporating trefoil arches within their curving, geometric tracery. The windows have simple stone dripmolds, and all are fitted with stained glass. The windows in the transepts and above the altar are larger than the side windows. otherOther decorative features found on the church include fleur-de-lis finials on the southwest pinnacle and gable peaks,,peaks,. corbelling beneath the gable coping, and an elaborate molded water table at the base of