Review and Herald for 1919
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Takoma Park, Washington, D. C., Thursday, October 16, 1919 '64 !4 Y• k-Z.6105. 'fi*O' a. 9. i5AIA WZAVF ' • Ft. I IiimmilliiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiviiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiimmimitimiliimMimENIMMIMMEMEINIMMiniumifiminilimiimuilitirt-31 Life's Conflicts and Conquests WORTHIE HARRIS HOLDEN No roseate path but bears an ugly thorn; And ever midnight harbingers the morn, When faith from out the blackness of the night Lists with an eager ear " Let there be light! " A siren call makes shipwreck of the true — The love to risk and dare the wrong to do; The sting of sin must leave its suffering, While faith appropriates an offering. Fevered the brow that bares to rays of hate; Alarm breeds fear — forsaken, desolate; But peace abides with benediction blest To bear an endless fruit of righteousness. Yield not to sin — the mighty and the strong; Wrestle still on, though giant strides the wrong; A little while and thou henceforth shalt see The prize that wakes for an eternity. 5111111111111101111111113111EUMINNIMIIIIIIMINIMINEIVER1111111111111111111111111111111111111MINI111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111n 2 (1314) THE ADVENT REVIEW AND SABBATH HERALD Vol. 96, No. 42 — For the first time an airplane and — Wellesley College, recognized as the gti135:4 attb fniztellanp a submerged submarine have communi- acme of select exclusiveness in women's Notes and clippings from the daily and cated with each other directly by wireless. educational institutions, has just posted weekly press This experiment was conducted off New notices of a new ruling prohibiting smok- London, Conn., in Long Island Sound, and ing among the students. What a de- — During the railway strike in Great is considered by officials to be a very im- parture from the ways of our Puritan Britain several hundred clubmen from portant factor in coast defense and naval ancestors the need for this ruling dis- England's old and titled families, some warfare. closes! wearing monocles, volunteered to help — We have been accustomed to read — Albert I, soldier-king and hero of the government in reopening the avenues of large tracts of land in the Northwest Belgium, accompanied by Queen Eliza- of transportation. Among other duties under one control, but the war was the beth and Crown Prince Leopold, arrived assigned these volunteers was that of act- occasion for the breaking of all records at Hoboken on the transport " George ing as ticket takers at the large elevator in this direction. Some 200,000 acres of Washington " October 2. The royal vis- in Manson House. The station chief, land in Montana and Wyoming are now itors were greeted by Vice-President and pushing through the crowd to investigate being cultivated as one tract. Mr. Thomas Mrs. Marshall as personal representatives the reason for a jam in traffic, discovered D. Campbell, of North Dakota, conceived of President and Mrs. Wilson, who were that the delay was caused by the extreme the plan of breaking up this virgin soil unable to leave Washington on account politeness of these young men, who al- for the purpose of increasing the produc- of the President's illness. The royal vis- ways lifted their hats when taking tickets tion of wheat, much needed in the world itors will remain in the United States from lady passengers. crisis. The land is being prepared for twenty-six days, and in that time will — The greatest strike in all Great Brit- the 1919 crop, and if but 20 bushels per travel from coast to coast, ending their ain's striking history began September acre should be the first year's yield, Mr. tour at Washington, where they will be 27, bringing a complete tie-up of rail- Campbell will have produced 4,000,000 guests at the White House for three days. way transportation throughout the coun- bushels of wheat, which at the Govern- During their stay in New York City they try. Sympathetic strikes in numerous ment price of $2.26 per bushel, would be were entertained at the Waldorf-Astoria, other industries have brought about a worth $9,040,000. The farm is cultivated where the king was a guest when he vis- state of industrial stagnation throughout entirely by means of tractors. It has ited the United States as crown prince the United Kingdom. The government been divided into units of 5,000 acres, twenty-one years ago. has so far refused to consider the matter and to each unit has been assigned one — The most disastrous of the recent of arbitration until the men have returned giant tractor, with a dozen others held race riots occurred in Omaha, Nebr., Sept. to their duties. An effort is being made in reserve. Each unit has its own group 28, when a mob of 25,000 wrecked and to prevent suffering from food shortage of permanent buildings, and is under the burned the countyeourt house, a new and to move trains and freight by means direction of a competent manager. All building valued at $1,500,000, and bat- of a volunteer force, which includes many the work is done on scheduled time, and tled with the police and deputies for pos- of England's well-known nobility. no deductions are required for rainy session of a Negro who was held for as- — Declaring that the question of the weather, as this is dry farming land. saulting a white girl. After the criminal open shop — the right of a man to work Each of the tractors will plow about 25 had paid for his crime with his life, the irrespective of whether or not he is a acres a day, this in the face of the fact fighting became general between the member of the labor union is the real that the land has never yet been under blacks and whites, and because the mayor issue in the nation-wide steel strike, Judge the plow. Mr. Campbell leased his land of the city endeavored to protect the col- Albert H. Gary, chairman of the board from the Secretary of the Interior and ored citizens, he was dragged from his of the United States Steel Corporation, was actuated purely by patriotic motives. auto and was only himself saved from has told the Senate investigating commit- lynching by the timely arrival of help. — The forces of the Government are tee that his corporation will never yield He was taken to the hospital in a serious being massed for an attack upon the high to the demands of organized labor. In condition. Further attacks on white cost of living, with the purpose of bring- the Pittsburgh district the mills are op- women by Negroes have only added fuel erating at very nearly their usual strength. ing about a solution of the critical in- to the flames, and the city is undergoing In other areas the strike has made greater dustrial situation in this country. Presi- a virtual " reign of terror." Federal headway, closing down many of the dent Wilson has announced the names of troops in charge of Major-General Leon- smaller plants. A large percentage of the 22 prominent citizens whom he has ap- ard Wood are stationed at various points, men striking are foreigners, and doubt- pointed to represent the public at the armed with machine guns. less do not understand the real spirit of labor conference to be held in Washing- Americanism. ton on October 6, to formulate plans " for the development of a ,new relation- — The long-anticipated steel strike be- ship between capital and labor." Attor- The Advent Review came a reality on September 22. The ney-General Palmer states that evidence walkout was not universal, however, and will be laid before a grand jury this week and Sabbath Herald it is thought that the situation has re- which will sustain indictments of the Big GENERAL CHURCH PAPER OF solved itself into a test of strength, the Five packers for violation of the Federal THE SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS party holding out the longest to be re- statutes. The story will amaze America, Devoted to the Proclamation of " the Faith garded as the winner. Many mills are he says, and the prosecutions he believes which was once delivered unto the saints." operating with practically their usual will result in lower prices for some of the VOL. 96 force. Officials state that 95 per cent of necessaries of life. A subcommittee of OCTOBER 16, 1919 No. 42 the strikers are foreigners. The twelve the House Committee on Agriculture has Issued every Thursday by the demands of the twenty-four unions in tentatively agreed upon the principal pro- the iron and steel industries on which the visions of a bill regulating the cold stor- Review & Herald Publishing Assn. strike vote was based are: (1) Right of age of food products, in accordance with Takoma Park; Washington, D. C. collective bargaining; (2) reinstatement the suggestions of the President in his of men discharged for union activities; recent message. Food thus stored must TERMS: IN ADVANCE (3) an eight-hour day; (4) one day's rest be plainly marked with the date of stor- One Year $2.50 Six Months. $1.50 in seven; (5) abolition of the 24-hour age, and reports must be made at least Two Years . 4.50 Three Years. 6.00 shift; (6) increase in wage sufficient to quarterly to the Secretary of Agriculture No extra postage is charged to countries guarantee American standard of living; on the contents of all warehouses. These within the Universal Postal Union. (7) standard scales of wages in all trades various steps, all of them of importance Make all post office money orders payable at the WASHINGTON, D. C., post office (not and classifications of workers; (8) dou- and each containing some measure of Takoma Park).