CHRISTMAS IN 2A OPINION 4A OBITUARIES 7A SPORTS 2B PUZZLES 3B BOOKINGS 5B CLASSIFIEDS DARLINGTON ON 1B QUOTE ‘All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.’ EDMUND BURKE Vol. 144, No. 48 NewTWO SECTIONS • 24 PAGES s&PressESTABLISHED 1874 NOVEMBER 28, 2018 75¢ Darlington, S.C. WWW.NEWSANDPRESS.NET New moped Falcons’ coach quits laws close DUI loophole after 3-year losing streak By Bobby Bryant r e l e a s e , by Samantha Lyles ble, and if you tried, it got Editor D a r l i n g t o n Staff Writer thrown out as soon as it got
[email protected] [email protected] High School (to court) because it was not P r i n c i p a l Darlington High School var- deemed a vehicle.” C o r t n e y Mopeds are a common sity football coach John Jones With the change in classi- Gehrke said: sight on Darlington County Jr. ended three years of frustra- fication, moped operators “We appreci- roads, and new state laws tion on the field by resigning must now abide by South ate the four designed to increase safety Nov. 19, and school officials Carolina DUI and Per Se Zero years Coach and responsibility for moped will “immediately” start the drivers are now in effect. Tolerance laws, which apply Jones spent when a driver's blood alcohol search for a new coach. with our As of Nov. 19, the South Jones, whose Falcons foot- Carolina Department of content tests at or above 0.08 Falcon family.