Kuparuk 25Th 2007
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Page 2 Celebrating 25 years of production at the Kuparuk River oil field Celebrating 25 years of production at the Kuparuk River oil field Page 3 Page 4 Celebrating 25 years of production at the Kuparuk River oil field Congratulations to ConocoPhillips, BP, Chevron and ExxonMobil for 25 Years at Kuparuk Alaska Frontier Constructors, Inc. y PO Box 224889 y Anchorage AK 99522 y (907) 562-5303 Phone y (907) 562-5309 Fax Celebrating 25 years of production at the Kuparuk River oil field Page 5 A message from Jim Bowles JUDY PATRICK JUDY President, ConocoPhillips Alaska lease join me in congratulating Kuparuk went on to receive the Kuparuk on the occasion of its 25th Interstate Oil and Gas Compact P anniversary. The first production from Commission Environmental Stewardship the Kuparuk Oil Field took place on award, and become a proud member of the December 13, 1981.Though it was once Alaska Green Star program. These national thought to be a marginal field, Kuparuk and local recognitions are all symbols of the went on to surpass its 2 billion barrels pro- outstanding efforts by our employees and duced milestone and is still going strong. contractors who have made environmental Kuparuk’s history and cur- consciousness part of daily rent operations are distin- routine at Kuparuk. This guished by technology,envi- grassroots effort has grown ronmental stewardship and and evolved to include the dedicated people who ConocoPhillips’ support of work in the field. conservation and access pro- After the investment of grams supporting key fish 25 years of technology and and wildlife habitats in Agency Award for Pollution Prevention. This innovation, the Kuparuk field has proven to Alaska. was the first time such a prestigious award be a legacy asset. Over time, the infrastruc- In addition, Kuparuk has led the way in was given to an Alaska company and it was ture has expanded and we’ve been success- the arctic technology that has enhanced the the first time the award was given to an oil- ful in developing additional production field’s recoverable resources far beyond field. from the smaller satellite fields of Tarn, what was predicted at startup. These new Kuparuk went on to receive the Tabasco, Meltwater, and West Sak. technologies that have been instrumental in Interstate Oil and Gas Compact It’s exciting to think that Kuparuk has the development of the area viscous oil Commission Environmental Stewardship only reached the midpoint and now we’re resources. Kuparuk’s future plans include award, and become a proud member of the working on the next 25 years. Kuparuk has the continued development of the large Alaska Green Star program. These national long been a pioneer in the development of West Sak heavy oil satellite,the redevelop- and local recognitions are all symbols of the new technology and a leader in environ- ment of the Kuparuk “A”sands using coiled outstanding efforts by our employees and mental stewardship. tubing and extended reach drilling tech- contractors who have made environmental In 1999, the Kuparuk River Unit was pre- nologies, and another look at the Ugnu consciousness part of daily routine at sented with the Environmental Protection development. Kuparuk. This grassroots effort has grown Agency Award for Pollution Prevention. This Kuparuk has long been a pioneer in the and evolved to include ConocoPhillips’ sup- was the first time such a prestigious award development of new technology and a port of conservation and access programs was given to an Alaska company and it was leader in environmental stewardship. supporting key fish and wildlife habitats in the first time the award was given to an oil- In 1999, the Kuparuk River Unit was pre- Alaska. field. sented with the Environmental Protection see BOWLES page 7 Page 6 Celebrating 25 years of production at the Kuparuk River oil field CONTENTS 24 Kuparuk considered for VPP star 27 Emergency responders keep skills sharp 8 28 Two rigs drilling West Sak 5 A message from Jim Bowles at 1J pad 8 At 25, Kuparuk at midpoint 27 A remarkable workforce 11 Discovery to start-up Kuparuk safety continues 15 H1 Kuparuk discovery made by to improve 31 Early 1980s: Kuparuk build Sinclair at Ugnu No. 1 11 continues H2 Getting there and other challenges 1979-81 45 Tarn: Satellite development begins H6 Production begins 3 months early 48 Meltwater discovered, in production H6 Early wells were Kuparuk 16 Environmental studies formation, in spite from the get-go of names 20 Kuparuk Earth Energy H7 Newer technology 52 Partners Recycled at Kuparuk 44 Kuparuk timeline Original owners 22 ULSD plant going in H7 at Kuparuk in '08 still represented 52 Kuparuk field animals and birds Celebrating 25 years of production at the Kuparuk River oil field Page 7 Kuparuk by the numbers Camps Eggs (weekly) . .9,600 (800 dozen) Peak occupancy . .1,208 Cups of coffee and juice (weekly) . .52,000 Beds available . .1,279 (KOC 551, KCC 643 and KIC 80) Prime rib (one meal) . .850 pounds Avg. daily occupancy (1998) . .1,042 Steak (one meal) . .600 pounds Offices on KOC pad . .298 Total food per day . .4 1/2 tons (shipping weight) Hallways . .2 miles in main camp area Kuparuk 25 Roads & Pads Released January 2007 Dining Pick-ups . .319 Brought to you by ConocoPhillips Dinners served (weekly) . .5,500 Heavy equipment . .125 Alaska in conjunction with Petroleum Breakfasts served (weekly) . .3,600 Non-mobile . .299 News Donuts and pastries (weekly) . .25,000 Tires replaced (annually) . .1,500 PETROLEUM NEWS Sandwiches (weekly) . .14,000 Windshields replaced (annually) . .232 PO Box 231651 Potatoes (weekly) . .1 ton 15/40 motor oil . .38,700 gallons Anchorage, AK 99523-1651 Vehicle PM’s w/oil change . .10,327 Apples (weekly) . .1/2 ton Phone: (907) 522-9469 Bananas (weekly) . .1 ton Gallons of diesel used (annually) . .7.8 million gallons Fax: (907) 522-9583 Watermelon (weekly) . .1/2 ton Miles of roads . .123 www.petroleumnews.com Milk (weekly) . .900 gallons Acres of gravel pad . .852 Petroleum News magazine staff KAY CASHMAN • Publisher & Executive Editor continued from page 5 support the communities where we live. MARY LASLEY • Chief Financial Officer I’m proud of their commitment to safety KRISTEN NELSON • Editor-in-chief BOWLES and this year Kuparuk will receive its OSHA SUSAN CRANE • Advertising Director STEVEN MERRITT • Production Director I’m sure there are many stories about VPP Star certification for those efforts. Many of TOM KEARNEY • Advertising Design Kuparuk, but there seems to be a common the people who work at Kuparuk are your neighbors. They volunteer their time and ener- TIM KIKTA • Copy Editor thread through our history,that’s our people. MICHAEL NOVELLI • Circulation Director With an average winter population of more gy at home as well as work. It’s the dedication Cover photo by Judy Patrick. than 1,200 workers, Kuparuk has become its of these men and women that make me so optimistic about the next 25 years. Cover design by Steven Merritt own community whose people reach out Printed by Camai Printing, across this great state. Each year the field gen- Our past, present, and future successes are Anchorage, Alaska erates thousands of Alaska jobs and millions in a result of the innovation, commitment and state revenues, which benefit every Alaskan and passion shared by these men and women. "UPBTU UPUIFGVUVSF #1 JT QSPVE PG ,VQBSVLµT ZFBS MFHBDZ 8F UBLF HSFBU QSJEF JO CFJOH B DPPXOFS PG TVDI B TVDDFTTGVM EFWFMPQNFOU 5IJT TVDDFTT JOTQJSFT VT BT XF MPPL GPSXBSE UP UIF OFYU ZFBST BOE CFZPOE BMBTLBCQDPN Page 8 Celebrating 25 years of production at the Kuparuk River oil field At 25, Kuparuk at midpoint Field began producing in December 1981, has conventional resources, vast amounts of viscous oil yet to develop By KRISTEN NELSON Petroleum News he Kuparuk River field has been in production for more than 25 years, T since Dec. 13, 1981. It has a lot more anniversaries to go. TURNER DALE COURTESY “We don’t feel we’re halfway through the field’s life yet, even though we’re at the 25-year anniversary,”says Paul Dubuisson, manager of North Slope oper- ations for Conoco Phillips Alaska. Jim Bowles, president of ConocoPhillips Alaska, said:“Today the field continues to be an important legacy asset to our company.” “Kuparuk has played a key role in the development of ConocoPhillips’ technol- ogy in many areas,”Bowles said.“Our key to long-term growth at Greater Kuparuk Three rigs, two Doyon and one Nordic, drilling West Sak wells at 1J pad in September 2006. will be found in the development of the heavy and viscous oils found at West Sak horizon,”Storaker said. enhanced oil recovery in the existing Kuparuk production conventional oil and the Ugnu.” Kuparuk continues to expand Georg Storaker, ConocoPhillips Alaska production. vice president of operations and develop- “Like most large fields it continues to Three-D seismic shot at the field two ment, said “Kuparuk is far from retire- expand,”Dubuisson said.There’s “a lot of winters ago allowed the company to ment.” potential” in both the West Sak viscous identify “quite a bit”of development “Leadership in innovation and expand- oil and the older, more conventional potential in the existing field, he said, ing the use of today’s technology could reservoirs at Kuparuk.Technology has places where the waterflood and lead to the redevelopment of the unlocked “a tremendous amount — but enhanced oil recovery project can be Kuparuk ‘A’ Sands using coiled tubing and there’s even more there.” fine tuned, based on “knowing more extended reach drilling technologies. That future lies in two areas, about the geology from the 3-D seismic.” Dubuisson said: infill drilling and “There are more opportunities on the see MIDPOINT page 9 Celebrating 25 years of production at the Kuparuk River oil field Page 9 continued from page 8 “So I think we’ll probably be installing day.” additional water injection capacity over Lineberger was working for Conoco at MIDPOINT time.”Additional power will probably also Milne Point in the early 1990s, when they The 3-D also identified more than 100 be needed in Kuparuk’s existing facilities were just starting to develop the West infill locations which can be drilled over over time.