HMA National Conference and Expo Action-Packed by Paul Miller Jr
The Import/Export Wood Purchasing News PRSRT STD P.O. Box 34908 U.S. POSTAGE PAID Memphis, TN 38184-0908 MEMPHIS, TENN. PERMIT 270 Address Service Requested Vol. 36 No. 5 Serving Forest Products Buyers Worldwide April/May 2010 HMA National Conference And Expo Action-packed By Paul Miller Jr. Tampa Bay, Florida – Hardwood Manufacturer’s Association (HMA) members and HMA organizers said The Renaissance Tampa International Plaza Hotel provided a great industry friends recently gathered in Tampa Bay for the HMA’s 2010 National Conference venue for networking at the highest level. and Expo. Those able to attend found themselves in the midst of a group of doers, thinkers Among the guest speakers at the annual meeting were: and industry producers. And the verdict is in. The event was all it was designed to be, and •John Seifert, Indiana Department of Natural Resources; more, according to HMA organizers. •Michael Carlson, Carlson Studio Architecture; During the two-day event, HMA members shared their thoughts and experiences, and dis- •Art Raymond, A.G. Raymond & Co.; cussed mutual concerns and issues. Exhibitors showcased their forest products goods and •Jim Gauntt, Railway Tie Association; services, and had plenty of opportunity to mix and mingle with all in attendance. Industry •David Branch, John Hancock Bond and Corporate Financial Group; and economic professionals presented “expert” information critical to the forest products •Dr. Chris Zinkhan, The Forestland Group LLC; industry, providing significant insight for all. •Michael Snow, American Hardwood Export Council Additional photos on pages 10 & 12 Continued on page 9 Jack Shannon, Shannon Lumber Co., Memphis, Tenn.; Bill Buchanan, Buchanan Hardwoods Inc., Dan and Sue Harrison, Cersosimo Lumber Co.
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