re-created copy 2 UNDERAGE CAFE The following letter was received by the "Village Bell". It was written by the kids from the Underage Cafe and signed by 68 people, including proprietors of neighbouring shops. An article in the "Pakenham Gazette" (Jan 23rd 1991) also addresses this issue. "This letter is in response to the untrue anonymous letter which was sent by the so-called concerned parent in Upper Beaconsfield concerning Jenny Elsby and the Underage Cafe. It is quite obvious this person who has the nerve to write such a slanderous letter does not know Jenny, her family, or how she runs the Underage Cafe. Being regular customers of the Cafe we feel that if people take note of the letter that was written to the Council and local newspapers it will damage Jenny's reputation and all the good that the cafe does. Jenny has helped many of us and is always prepared to give us moral support. "As for the lies about her supplying us with alcohol and being a bad mother, this person obviously gets their kicks out of involving themselves in other peoples private affairs and making up lies that could ruin reputations and could close down Underage Cafe. No matter what any-one says the Cafe has given kids of Upper Beaconsfield a place where we can enjoy each others company in an alcohol and drug free environment." "Village Bell" has heard no adverse comments about the Cafe since it opened. One comment made to us was that the Cafe was very well supervised and provided a much needed meeting place for teenagers.

RAGWORT GALORE!! — BEWARE!! Charles Wilson. Over the last few years there has been a considerable increase in plant numbers, and widespread invasion of roadsides and farmlands by this rather attractive declared noxious weed, which is in full flower in many parts of the town right now! The plant is easily recognized by its bright yellow daisy-like flower in clumps on the top of a plant which grows to about 3/4 metre and has leaves which are very irregularly shaped. The spread of this noxious weed can be reduced if you cut off all flower heads as soon as they are seen - put them in a garbag, and dispose of them with your rubbish. The germination rate for ragwort seed is very high, hence the importance of removing flowers. The remainder of the plant will need to be dug out completely, or sprayed to destroy it. Measurements have shown that the bulk of ragwort seeds fall within 5 metres of the parent plant, and virtually none is deposited more than 40 metres from it ! Simple methods can control it on most properties.

POSTAL NEWS Afternoon mail is being collected earlier: Pillar Box clearance times: 9.30 am & 3.00 pm Over the counter: 11.00 am & 4.00 pm 3




I hereby wish to nominate for the following position:

PRESIDENT ______(Insert name)




(Cross out that which is not applicable) PLEASE RETURN TO: The Secretary, U.B.A., C/- Upper Beaconsfield Post Office 4 COUNCIL NOTES Cr.Keith Ewenson Lenne Street Kerbing & Channel. It was decided that prior to preparing a half cost scheme, a circular be sent to the residents in an attempt to ascertain the response of property owners to such a proposal. The circular outlined the kerb and channel construction and the approximate cost to abutting owners. The circular was sent on 16 November requesting that comments be forwarded to the Council. To date only 36% of properties have responded. If the other 64% have opinions it is still not too late to tell the .

Proposed Local Laws. The Shire is proposing to adopt local laws as circulated on the following subjects: Local Law No. 2 - Council Land, Swimming Pools and Road; Local Law No. 3 - Amenity and Public Safety; Local Law NO. 4 - Incinerators and Open Air Burning; Local Law No. 5 - Public Health

The proposed schedule is: 23 January - public notice in Pak. Gazette of Council intention; 6 February - time for lodging submission expires; 11 February - Council consider submissions; 13th February -Notice of Adoption. Now is the time to give consideration to these matters.

Manestar Road. The tender for the construction of the next stage is planned, to be let on the 4th March meeting. Work will then commence on the city end of the road.

Hall Extensions. The work has commenced and it is encouraging that a local company N.R. & E.M. Wilson was the successful tenderer. When completed the extension will improve the child care facilities and indeed other groups' facilities as well.

COUNCIL NOTES Cr.Peter Meeking

The Tree - Leppitt Road As many of you would now be aware the tree at the entrance to the general township area is to remain. Officers have now prepared a scheme which will provide for road widening opposite the tree which will still allow the tree to remain, and improve the safety for drivers.

Shrubs - Plants - General Store Area. In an attempt to safeguard the plants and shrubs placed in the median strip, stakes have now been added.

Disabled Persons Parking Scheme. The Government has advised that a new code for disabled persons parking was gazetted on 12 December 1990. As such there will be a need for the Shire to be involved in the making available of new permits to be introduced. Code A - Disabled Passenger/Driver; Code B - Disabled Passenger; Code C - Organisation providing transport service for the disabled; Code D - Temporary Permit - 6 months.

Codes A and B will have three year permits, Code C a one year permit and Code D - 6 months.

PAKENHAM AND DISTRICT HOUSING GROUP GLAD FISH The Pakenham and District Housing Group invite community members to join their group; our efforts and achievements reflect the strength of our membership. For further information about the Group, please ring the Berwick-Cranbourne- Pakenham Housing Service on (059) 413-594 or Anne Wilson at the Shire Offices on (059) 411-011. 5 UPPER BEACONSFIELD FIRE BRIGADE Jan Boura NEW FIRE STATION OFFICIALLY OPENED On Sunday 2nd December approximately 250 people witnessed the opening of Upper Beaconsfield's new fire station. Guests included politicians Mr. Bob Charles and Mr. Rob Maclellan, Shire President Cr. Pam Wyley, Crs. Keith Ewenson and Peter Meeking, senior C.F.A. officers, representatives of local fire brigades, tradesmen and suppliers who had helped in the construction and members of the Upper Beaconsfield community.

Brigade President, Dr. George Silberbauer welcomed the guests and introduced Captain Eric Bumpstead who thanked all those who had been involved in the project, especially the Ladies Auxiliary, and then gave a brief history of the Brigade. Cr. Wyley praised the new station and complimented both the Brigade and the general community on their contribution to the funding and construction of the building. She also commented on the age of the Tanker and suggested that the workload of the Brigade and the proven fire danger of the area, warranted a modern vehicle.

The fire station was then opened by Deputy Chief Officer Bill Mcintosh of the C.F.A. who commented on the Brigade's level of self-help, and stressed that the station highlighted the co-operation between Country Fire Authority, Brigade and local community that was essential for a successful fire service.

Guests were then able to inspect the new facilities, and partake of the refreshments provided by the Ladies Auxiliary. All in all a most enjoyable day was had, and the Brigade would like to thank the many hundreds of people who contributed in some way to the construction of the fire station. It is a magnificent facility which will enable the Brigade to continue its high level of service to the community for many years to come.

BRIGADE HAS BEEN BUSY - Since the last Village Bell the Brigade has responded to 14 incidents. These were: 3 motor vehicle accidents; 2 scrub fires (1 a support to Narre Warren North F.B. and the other a support to Emerald F.B.); power lines down which caused a grass fire; 4 alleged rubbish fires (NOTE: FIRE RESTRICTIONS ARE NOW IN FORCE) and 4 false alarms. ______

The U.B.A. wishes to pass on its compliments on the opening of the new Fire Station, and to acknowledge the hard work of the Ladies' Auxiliary in its fund- raising effort. ______

HILLVIEW QUARRIES ERECT SIGNS - Public Meeting at OFFICER. Hillview Quarries have defined the boundaries of the property they own in Upper Beaconsfield with 12 notice boards. These boards display the name Hillview Quarries and state that the land is private property. The Annual General Meeting of the Quarry Impact Association Inc. will be held in the Officer Hall at 8 p.m. on Thursday February 7th. Following a brief formal meeting, a summary of the activities of the committee during the past year will be presented. All matters relating to the Hillview land and its usage will be open for discussion. 6 Upper Beaconsfield Community Care Group. Upper Beaconsfield's Annual Community Week is with us again -the period set aside for residents to meet together socially in small street groups or as members of organisations within the community. This year Community Week is scheduled for Saturday 15th February to Sunday 24th February inclusive. We deliberately timed Community Week, to coincide with the anniversary of Ash Wednesday (16 February 1983) as a means of remembering the wonderful community spirit which arose in the aftermath of that tragedy. For old time residents it is a chance to recall that night with your neighbours and for newcomers a chance to hear about, what it was really like. It has been good for people to talk about it. It is hoped that each and every resident will be invited to one of the community get togethers which we aim to hold in every street. If you haven't heard from your neighbours, please contact them and between you organise a small gathering. As it's B.Y.O. everything and held in the open air, there is no great hassle about organisation. Our experience has shown that the people who come along are the people that are invited personally. So if you are going to put a written invitation out, please follow it up with a personal contact or even deliver it in person. Everybody who attended any of the functions last year "had a ball" and will be enthusiastic about coming again. There have been many benefits in the community as a result of last year's efforts and more are certain to follow in 1991. Further details of special community functions will be detailed in the local press. Des McKenna

As part of Community Week there will be an Ecumenical Service at St. Johns at 2.30 on Sunday 24 February with John Harrower, as visiting speaker. John Harrower left in 1979 to be a missionary and youth worker in Argentina. He was ordained to the priesthood in Argentina in 1986, returned to in 1988 and is now Vicar of St. Pauls, Glen Waverley. The service will be a thanksgiving for community and community week with a theme of living together in community. 7

Members of the Rotary Club and their wives and families extend to all the residents of Upper Beaconsfield warmest wishes for a safe, happy and prosperous New Year. Even in these difficult times, we are sure that if we all work together, then we can make it a really successful year for one and all. The first event from the Rotary Club for the Upper Beaconsfield community is the now annual..... "PANCAKES IN THE PARK" 12th February, 1991. 6.00 - 6.30pm. Grant Court Reserve. This event was founded by the late Tommy Griffin, and was first held on Shrove Tuesday 1984, a year after the Ash Wednesday fires of 1983. Tommy dedicated the event as his very special way of bringing the people of Upper Beaconsfield together, and to get people meeting one another, especially the children and young people. After Tommy Griffin passed away, the event was run by Eric Chaplin, who wanted to ensure that Tommy's idea was retained for the community at large, and that people were always able to come together once a year in fun and friendship. After two years of Eric running the evening, the Rotary Club agreed to sponsor and run the evening, and hence, this year's "Pancakes in the Park". Pancakes are free of charge, and there is no admission fee. We do suggest that you bring some refreshments for you and the children, but above all, BE THERE !!! Come and enjoy a pleasant evening with friends and family.

The Treasurer, ...... Date Upper Beaconsfield Association, Inc. C/- P.O. Box, Upper Beaconsfield, 3808.

Please find enclosed $5.00 for our family subscription for the Village Bell and membership of the Upper Beaconsfield Association for 1991.

Name ......

Address ......

Signed ...... 8 UPPER BEACONSFIELD COMMUNITY CENTRE - 1991 Marg Thomson Happy New Year to all the community. Upcoming Events 29th January - 1st February: Enrolment Week 31st January - Thursday 8 p.m.: Annual General Meeting (please come) 4th February - First day of Term One 12th April - Last day of Term One

Re-cycling Paper - It has been suggested that the Community Centre be the base for a paper re-cycling point. If anyone is interested please call the Centre. Allergy & Asthma Support Group - All those interested in being part of this group should phone the Centre. "The Extension" - Due to the chaos here at the moment, things will be a little bit confusing in Term One. Parking will be extremely limited so please TAKE CARE! The main entrance into the Hall will be used, as building will obstruct the Crèche entrance. The office will be temporarily relocated wherever I am! Courses 1991 - Most of you will by now have received Term 1 programme. PLEASE - be early in booking in to your desired class and child care - it is disappointing to miss out. Phone bookings can be made but will not be confirmed until the course is paid for. There are a lot of new things happening this year: powerwalking, tennis, golf, Chinese cooking, jazz ballet, Japanese, guitar, book-keeping, ninja for kids, art - just to mention a few! If you'd like to help out in any way please come along and talk to either myself (Marg) or Chris - our Neighbourhood House Co-ordinator - we'd love to see you. Likewise if you're new to the area or just want an impartial, sympathetic ear - coffee's free! 1991 membership is also now due. Look forward to seeing you all again real soon. STOP PRESS!! Leathercraft will be available at the Community Centre in Term 1. Commencing Wednesdays from February 6th from 6 - 7 p.m. BOOK EARLY.

SALISBURY HOUSE NEWS Julie Leed We are all rested now after our busy pre-Christmas activities and are now starting to prepare for Senior Citizens Week as well as continue on with all our other activities. Salisbury House would like to thank Rotary for their help in taking some residents to the Carols by Candlelight on Christmas Eve and also for the lovely Christmas cake that was given to our residents which, by the way, was eaten with delight. 9 VILLAGE STATISTICS IN 1991. Charles Wilson. Recently, during a group discussion the lack of information concerning our demography became apparent. Several authorities were approached in order to provide some answers, but this proved difficult because the town boundaries are not accurately defined. From Post-Master Ray Allsop, we learn that the mail contractor delivers letters to 620 homes in Upper Beaconsfield. In addition mail is also placed in 140 rented mail boxes. Of these, approximately 40 are for clubs, or people who live out of our area. A further 40 people elect to call at the P.O. for their mail. These figures suggest that there are approximately 730 homes in Upper Beaconsfield. If we accept the census figures which show that on average, 3.2 people live in each house in this area, our population should be about 2336. The Health and Community Service Section of Pakenham Council have taken figures from the 1986 census, and allowing for 3% growth per annum, have provided the following breakdown of a Village population estimated to be approximately 2775. Note that 37.4% of the population is under the age of 20 years, and 28% under the age of 15 years. Only 5% is over the age of 70 years.

CHILDREN UNDER 15 YEARS 777 (28%) YOUNG PEOPLE 15-19 YEARS 260 (9.4%) AGED PERSONS 70+ 138 (5.0%)

Upper Beaconsfield MALE FEMALE TOTAL % 0-4 128 121 249 8.9 5- 9 118 122 240 8.7 10-14 157 131 288 10.4 15-19 130 130 260 9.4 20-29 167 154 321 11.6 30-39 283 299 582 20.9 40-49 208 176 384 13.8 50-59 114 77 191 6.9 60-69 60 62 122 4.4 70-79 35 45 80 2.9 80+ 18 40 58 2.1 1418 1357 2775 100.0

MAILING LIST Will those readers whose names are on the mailing list, who receive their Village Bell in a stamped addressed wrapper, please note that subscriptions are now due for the calendar year of 1991. Subscriptions of $5.00 should be sent to the Treasurer, Upper Beaconsfield Association, C/- Post Office, Upper Beaconsfield Vic. 3808. If you wish to renew, please do so now. There will be no further reminders. 10 THE CUTTING EDGE OF ROAD SAFETY Ray Ratcliff I watched them falling one by one Those stringy barks along the verge Chain saws revving, cable taut, Chopped down in this final purge.

They've lived for ever on this ridge A watershed in man's domain Giving shelter to all alike from the wind, and sun and rain.

Thru' centuries of searing winds Lightning, snow, and pelting rain, Fire has often burned them black to see them shoot out green again.

Trees the length of Bowman's Track Saw men - mad for golden yields, As miners raced to join the rush "there's gold galore" in Wood's Point hills.

They've seen the land boom rise and fall They've seen the apples come and go Guest houses filled with city folk and spring carts running to and fro!

They've met their match, - this time tho' as the grader blade bites in They're down and out - had to go Split Rock Road is widening.

Now the grader's done its job Gaps don't show - it's looking good Of those fifty roadside trees It's hard to work out where they stood.

Now eight foot trucks and buses pass in safety on our country lane. The next rank wonder - "when's our turn?" to strain the cable - feel the chain.

When I look up to leafy heads I'd like to tell them it's O.K., Six metres wide is ample room space enough for many a day.

History may not bear this out "Watch my lips one large gum sighed "When I was only growing up Bowman's Track was four feet wide!"

TRAILER BARBEQUE FOR HIRE Gas operated, large cooking surface - great for catering for larger numbers. Proceeds to the Upper Beaconsfield Primary School. Telephone Helen Smith 443 219. 11 "LEINTWARDINE" IN FOOTT ROAD. John Milligan. "Leintwardine", family home of the Morris family, was burnt down in the Ash Wednesday bushfires. The house, around 101 years old, was originally the holiday home of the grandfather of Audrey Morris. Audrey Morris lives in Foott Road in a new house where "Leintwardine" once stood. In our issue of December 1983 we published an article about the historic Morris family home, based on information contributed by Audrey Morris. That article prompted the late Norman Beaumont to give me the following exchange of verses about the place. They have not appeared previously in the "Village Bell", and they do so now with the kind permission of Audrey Morris. Ronald Vicars Pratt was at University College Cambridge when William P. F. Morris was at Ridley College Cambridge, 1900-1906. He followed Morris out here on holiday. Morris was the founder and Headmaster of "Churchie", Brisbane, Q'land, 1912-1946. The second Head, nominated by Morris, was ex Head of Toowoomba Grammar School.

Leintwardine. R.V. Pratt. 1904. to W.P.F. Morris. O'Leintwardine, sweet Leintwardine, the fairest homestead ever seen, Proud is thy seat on hills of green. I pine for thee, dear Leintwardine. At thee we've played at hare and hounds. Ah! there was pleasure without bounds. The bush with gleeful shouts resounds, When we're at thee, dear Leintwardine. If restful hours the weary seek, they're found beside each winding creek Thy charms are new each passing week, O ever youthful Leintwardine. We'll think of thee when far away, thy memory brightens every day. Of Heaven's own light there falls a ray, on thy fair brow, dear Leintwardine.

Leintwardine. W.P.F. Morris to R.V. Pratt. With a minimum of clothing, and a maximum of heat, With a very little pudding but a large supply of meat, I am left alone to batch it, and to sleep and cook and eat, By myself among the gum trees in a far off bush retreat. Have you ever "done the lonely", chiefly on a biscuit tin? Have you ever had for breakfast, tea and porridge much too thin? Have you looked with hungry horror at the empty huge flour bin? While the last remains of corned beef transubstantiate within. Have you gone to bed at midnight and forgot to wind the clock? Have you had the sun to go by, with suggestions from the cock? While the "maggies" only twit you, and the "johnnies" only mock? And you feel yourself as lonely as a convict in the dock. Do you know the complications of the unassuming cow? Are you cognisant with milking, the when and where and how? Have you skill at butter-making, how much salt you should allow? Then come now and instruct me - to your wisdom I will bow. 12 UPPER BEACONSFIELD CRICKET CLUB Richard Edwards The senior sides resumed playing after Christmas on 12th January when A Grade and C Grade commenced Round 8 with a two day game.

A Grade up until Christmas had won three games, lost three and drawn one so would probably need to win all four games after Christmas to make the Finals. However all sides they play are below them on the ladder and as long as they do not throw any more games away after looking winners, which has happened twice, they may make it.

Peter Brennan has been chosen to train with the W.G.C.A. Country Week squad, after starring with the bat prior to Christmas, as has John Brierley. I am not sure if either is available at this stage but it is still a good effort, and the members of the Cricket Club would like to offer their congratulations to both players.

C Grade are still sitting on top of the ladder unbeaten at Christmas and have developed into a very competitive unit under the leadership of David McConchie. The seconds are looking to finish on top at the end of the season and move into B Grade next year which would be of great benefit to the Club. D Grade and E Grade are battling hard but finding it hard to force wins, however 44 players each week play senior cricket. A number of U.16s help with the numbers in the Seniors after playing in the morning for which we are grateful.

The Juniors have shown steady improvement with the U.16s breaking through for their first win before Christmas. The U.16s are about equal with wins and losses and the U.12s are starting to compile some big scores with the bat and have come in on leaps and bounds.

Ben Delarue and Jamie Cummings were picked in the U.16 W.G.C.A. squad for the carnival against neighbouring cricket associations over the holidays and David Mitchell and Kynan Ford made the U.14 Association squad. Congratulations to all four players.

Finally, thank you to all the parents who have helped with transportation and management of the Junior sides and to all the Club supporters. On behalf of the Club I would like to especially thank Terry and Jan Worrell and Matt and Daisy Andrewartha for their continuing support for the Upper Beaconsfield Cricket Club.

BIRTHWISE Ruth Hainsworth Birthwise is a consumer based self help group. It offers support for couples and families before, during and after birth. Information on birthing related resources is available. Meetings coming Up: 15 February - Topic "Using Herbs during Pregnancy & Birth" Contact Denise (03)755 2710 at Kallista 15 March - Topic "Viewing of homebirth video(s) Contact Keryn (059) 684 284 - Macclesfield 19 April - Topics An independent midwife speaking about her work. Contact Patricia (059)689 531 - Cockatoo All meetings start at 10.30 a.m. 13 “OLDE WORLDE” VILLAGE FAIR 1991 The Fair this year will be held at the Recreation Reserve on SATURDAY 6 APRIL from 10.00 a.m. It will commence with a float procession from the Pine Grove Hotel to the Reserve, where the Fair will be officially opened by the Shire President. The Theme will once again be "Olde Worlde" and in keeping with the theme we plan old fashioned games, displays and other "old" activities. For suggestions about the Fair or offers of assistance please call either Barbara Hassall on 443 418 or Pam McDonald on 443 782. If you wish to hold a stall at the Fair complete the form below. Enquiries to Barbara Hassall.


* A fee of $10 is required with this application * $2 extra for power (powered sites are limited to fence area. * Heavy duty power leads to be supplied by stall holder.

Remember - the earlier you send off this application, the more chance you have of holding the stall type of your choice. We try not to have too many stalls of the same variety.


RETURN THIS FORM TO THE UPPER BEACONSFIELD POST OFFICE WITH YOUR FEE. 14 USE SENSE WITH THOSE CENTS Pakenham Citizens Advice Bureau Consumer watchers have a few hints for everyday shopping. Plan meals for the week in advance, shop only once a week and shop alone. Studies show that if you go with a partner or a child you spend more. Resist the temptation to touch or pick up an item unless you really need it. "Shopper watchers" say five times out of ten you buy what you pick up whether you need it or not.

Another trick is to check out the lower shelves. Because products at eye level, sell best, some retailers place higher profit items they want to push on the higher shelves. Don't leap at goods marked "Special" as it's not a bargain unless you need it. Remember, if you need it buy it, if you just want it, think twice before you purchase.

Now, if you have a budgeting problem, the Citizens Advice Bureau can put you in touch with a Financial Counsellor who visits the Pakenham Community House. He could help you find ways to trim that weekly cost of living.

The Citizens Advice Bureau has a wide range of information available to everyone plus pamphlets on all types of subjects and if we haven't got what you require we do our best to obtain it or put you in touch with someone who can assist you.

Call and see us at the Community House, 24 Main Street, Pakenham or phone 059 412 377 Monday to Friday between 10.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.

RED CROSS M. Womersley

Berwick/Upper Beaconsfield Unit

Red Cross Units and local Appeals Committees throughout prepare during February for Red Cross Calling, otherwise termed the "Door Knock", which will take place from 1st to 10th March in most areas.

We are always on the lookout for additional callers to assist our Area Organisers. All callers give their services free of charge. How is a caller identified? He or she will be wearing a Red Cross Caller 1991 Badge displaying their name, carrying a Caller kit and offering a receipt for all donations.

Each year our target, moneywise, must increase in order to keep all Red Cross services operational, so, at local level, we will be working strenuously to maintain a worthwhile percentage gain.

Please welcome your caller during March.

EMERALD NURSING MOTHERS' ASSOC. Numerous activities and information sessions are planned. Ring Jody for information (683 467) 24 Hour Counselling for Nursing mothers - 03 878 3304. 15 CWA - A PROUD UPPER BEAC TRADITION Ysabelle Hobson Many rural communities have their own branch of the Country Women's Association. Upper Beaconsfield is fortunate enough to have two. One group meets during the day. The other, CWA Woorinyan, meets at night, thus catering for members who work or who have young children to care for during the day.

The CWA has been a part of life in Upper Beac for 64 years. During that time the group has contributed to the community in all sorts of ways; home knitted socks for Salisbury House residents; fund raising cake stalls at the Fair; casserole brigades; lending a hand and a sympathetic ear to anyone who might need it. On Ash Wednesday the CWA supplied refreshments to exhausted fire fighters and afterwards worked tirelessly to raise funds for locals who had lost everything in the fires.

There is a widespread misconception that the CWA is for "older" ladies only. In fact, the Upper Beac group has members of all ages, the youngest being only eight!

Lyn Wright has been a member of the day group for five years. After moving to the area and having children at school, she found herself with spare time on her hands. When she joined the CWA she was given a warm welcome, and has subsequently made many close friends. She has learned various crafts and enjoys other activities in which the group participates, such as get-togethers with other branches and fund-raising for charities like the Fire Brigade, the Berwick Hospital and the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal. Lyn also enjoys the friendly challenge of in-house craft competitions. She describes the meetings as relaxed and laid back, and finds her involvement very rewarding. She is appreciative of the skills and knowledge passed on by the older members, and is justifiably proud of the CWA's commitment and contribution to the community.

If any ladies out there (of any age) would like to join a local organisation, the CWA has plenty to offer. The day group meets at the Community Hall the first Thursday of every month, and you would be welcome to drop in for a cuppa and a chat. For details phone Betty Mars 443 214. If you are busy during the day but would like to join the night group, call Joan Harris 443 410.

UPPER BEACONSFIELD HALL A celebration coming up? Considering a fund raising night? Then give thought to hiring your local Hall. At a very reasonable rate you. get a comfortable roomy venue with a good sized supper room and well equipped kitchen. There is seating and tables for 100 and more. ALSO FOR HIRE: Cutlery and crockery etc. Enquiries & Bookings: Helen Smith 443 219

* Don't Forget: U.B.A. Annual General Meeting 8.00 pm, 6 Feb. (See page 3). 16 UPPER BEACONSFIELD CONSERVATION GROUP Sue Harris

What's flowering now? Sweet Bursaria, Bursaria Spinulosa

From a distance Sweet Bursaria is an open somewhat straggly bush to a small tree found from our gullies to ridge tops. At this time of year it's in flower with masses of creamy white blossoms clustered in pyramidal shaped groups at the ends of its branches. As you approach there is a sweet fragrance. Closer still detail comes into focus. The flowers are small, 1 cm across, and star shaped. Leaves are tiny, wider at their apex than base and lighter green underneath than on top.

It's the shape of their seed pods which gives the flower its name Bursaria; from bursa, Latin for purse; for the seed pods are flattened little brown purse shaped structures on fine stems which persist in clusters long after its seeds have dropped.

Upper Beaconsfield's Sweet Bursaria have fine spines arising from the base of some leaves, making it a prickly customer to meet in the bush, elsewhere Sweet Bursaria does not always have these thorns.

Insects love the blossoms, especially our native bees and beetles and of course the rare Eltham Copper Butterfly (not found here) breeds only on Sweet Bursaria.

Sweet Bursaria can, when not in flower, be confused with Prickly Currant Bush, Coprosma Quadrifeda, also found in our area. The Currant Bush though bears leaves in opposite pairs and the leaves themselves are not wider at their apex.

There are good examples of Sweet Bursaria at the bottom end of the median strip, Emerald Rd., Guys Hill. Seedlings raised from seed collected locally can be purchased from Sue Simmons 443 690.

The next meeting of the Conservation Group is on 13th February at the Primary School at 8.00 p.m. All Welcome.

Illustration by Prue Anderson.

FOR SALE - Organic Clay Breaker. Wholesale Price: $3.00 per Litre phone 443 183 17 UPPER BEACONSFIELD ADULT RIDING CLUB Lynette Bergin

The Upper Beaconsfield Adult Riding Club welcomes riders (and horses) of all standards, and meets on the first Sunday of each month. Anyone wishing to obtain more details about the club should contact Anne Livera on 443 876.

Events conducted during 1990 included an Open Dressage Competition (in which our own club members fared very well), an in-house Dressage and Show Jumping Competition and a Cross Country Training Day at Tooradin. Normal rallies included instruction from such noted people as David Strapp, Margo McDougal, Sandra Hamill, Beryl Hails, Sally Francis and many more.

Obviously such instruction paid off as Upper Beaconsfield came second in the Top Team Trophy One Day Event held in November at which over 212 entries were received - a great feat. The club also produced gold and bronze medal winners at the Masters ODE held on the Mornington Peninsula.

Rallies scheduled for 1991 include instruction from Bert Jacobs (Chief Assessor for the Horse Riders Club of Victoria) and Beryl Hails from the Berwick Dressage Club. We must not forget our social events such as the "Auction" at the Christmas Party and "horsey" video evenings.


At the January rally held on Thursday 17 January, Upper Beaconsfield Pony Club said farewell to one of the Club's most outstanding members Shane Trewin.

Shane has been a great ambassador for the Club, setting and achieving very high standards, and gaining remarkable results at Zone and State level competitions. He has helped, guided and encouraged the younger club members and is always one of the first to offer assistance whenever required.

Shane's Pony Club days ended on 22nd January when he celebrated his 21st birthday. The Committee and Club members would like to thank Shane for his contribution in the past, and hope he will stay involved with the Club for many years to come.

NEW RESIDENTS We welcome the following new residents: Albers Road Chris & John Bloem Burton Road Manfred & Val Steidel Brennan Avenue Margaret & Ron Newman, Royce & Kris Horwood Harpfield Road Suzanne Hauff St. Georges Road Jenny Roberts, Tony Page, Rosemary & David Cotton Split Rock Road Ron & Judy Affleck 18 DIARY DATES 29 January - 1 February Enrolment Week - Community Centre 31 January Community Centre A.G.M. - 8.00 p.m. 3 February Adult Riding Club Rally with Bert Jacobs. Bookings 443 009 4 February Baby Sitting Club A.G.M. 4 February Term 1 Begins Community Centre (Ends 12 April) 6 February Upper Beaconsfield Assoc. A.G.M. 8.00 pm in Hall 7 February Quarry Impact Assoc. Inc. A.G.M. 8.00 p.m. in Officer Hall 12 February Pancake Tuesday - Grant Court from 6.30 pm All Welcome 13 February Conservation Group meeting - Primary Sch. All Welcome 15-24 February Community Week 15 February Birthwise Meeting (see article) 24 February Ecumenical Service, St.Johns 2.30 p.m. Visiting Speaker 1-10 March Red Cross Calling 3 March Adult Riding Club Rally 9,10,11 March Tennis Club - Annual Mixed Doubles Tournament 15 March Birthwise Meeting 14 April U.B. Pony Club Dressage Day Grades 1,2,3and 4

UPPER BEACONSFIELD HALL EXTENSION Pat Edwards We are very excited that building has started at last on the extension. A special thanks must go to the generosity of several organisations who have helped Pakenham Shire, Council of Further Education, Andrews Foundation, Upper Beaconsfield Assoc, Conservation Group, and the hard work by the Fundraising Committee who every Saturday night had a meat raffle at the Pine Grove. Planning has taken over 12 months to complete as there were many things to consider? (a) Style of Building - which will be in keeping with the Hall (b) Removal of trees - we realized that the trees were important so we looked into saving them. On the advice of the Dept. of Conservation and Environment we were told when inspected that the trees were diseased and needed to be removed. We had a further opinion from the Shire of Pakenham who agreed they were unsafe and needed to be removed. A public meeting was held on 7 October to advise the residents of the removal of trees and the extension plans. The opening should be around the end of April. In the extension there are new rooms for the Maternal & Child Health Centre, an extra classroom and new office for the Community Centre, along with large storerooms for the Toy Library, Conservation Group and Upper Beaconsfield Assoc. After completion of the building, parking facilities will need to be considered and landscaping including the planting of trees will follow.

EMERALD ROAD TREES Sandra Warner Young trees planted by children from the Kindergarten may be in need of water. These trees are near the V.C.E. If you live nearby and would like to help care for them, please contact Sue Simmons 443690 so that she can co-ordinate watering. 19 UPPER BEACONSFIELD TRADES & SERVICES DIRECTORY $60 for 6 issues - Ring Phillip Rocke 44 3220 - closing date 10th of odd month

****ACCOUNTANTS**** BERWICK AUTO ELECTRICS COUSINS & CO. Peter D Cousins On Site Work-Change over starters & Certified Practising Accountant Alternators-All Car Airconditioning Registered Tax Agent -Specialising in Boats, Trucks & 57 High Street Berwick European Cars. B.H. 707 2788 A.H. 443 429 Geoff & Paul Beck 707 3617 AH 443811


CHRISTINE WATSON QUALIFIED BEAUTY ELLEN & HANS NOWAK THERAPIST - COSMETICIAN Obedience Training and Top * Skin Care * Hydrospa Relaxation Quality Dog Breeding. Private Sessions (Wed pm Sat pm.) * Glamour Cosmetics & Make-up for Ph. 44 3254 special occasions * Relaxation Massage 44 3553

*****APPLIANCES***** ****BUILDING**** ALL MECHANICAL & ELECTRICAL REPAIRS HOLWAY CONSTRUCTIONS PTY LTD Pumps, Washing Machines, Tape Small extensions and Recorders, Vac. Cleaners, etc. renovations our speciality No Job Too Small. * Pergolas * Carports Turning & Milling Capacity available. * Decking *Free Quotes Quotes given. Ken Ballinger 44 3395 Ring Wayne Simmons 44 3721

****BUTCHER**** VIDEO, T.V., MICROWAVE MARK & JEAN HUMPHRIS Repairs Specialists in Gourmet Foods Free Quotes Bulk Freezer Orders All work guaranteed Emerald Road, Upper Beaconsfield Phone 44 3661 after 6.00 pm Ph. 44 3260


PAUL REID JOHN DAWSON B ARCH ARAIA Specialising in ARCHITECT CARPETS, CURTAINS, VINYL FLOORS LANDSCAPE DESIGNER Free Shop-at-home Service, Day or (059) 443 094 Evening. Phone anytime 44 3766

****ARTS & CRAFTS****

ONE STOP DRAPES BROOMHILL POTTERY 9/31 Pultney St Dandenong Vic Greenaway, St. Georges Road. Curtains made to measure, Free Make, Domestic Pottery on Display Ready Made, Tracks Festoons, Showroom hours by appointment. Bedspreads, all types of blinds. Phone 44 3573 BH (03) 706 8688 AH 44 3928


MOONSHINE MOTORS HOMESTYLE CATERING SERVICE Open 6 days a week, 24 hour Towing & Salvage. Panel Beating & Spray For your next celebration Painting. Welding-Oxy, Arc & M.I.G. -Birthdays-Engagements-Weddings- and all your Mechanical Repairs. - Dinner Parties etc.- Phone 44 3264 Contact A.H. 44 3872 or 44 3635 20


CAROLE MCCULLOCH 44 3881 A GRADE ELECTRICIAN Emerald Road, Upper Beaconsfield ROBERT FIDONE Hrs: Mon-Fri 9 - 6; Sat 9 -12 Domestic, Commercial & Industrial Sunday 9.30 - 12 Specialising in Heating & Air- Agent for Yardley, Dand. Credit Conditioning. Ph. 44 3990 Union, Medibank Private & HBA

****CLEANING**** ***FINANCE*** KEITH FARTHING - ‘Finance Broker’ AMCLEAR PTY LTD Lot 118A Salisbury Road U/Beac. Septic & grease trap cleaning Is your interest rate too high? Prompt Efficient Service Consolidation of loans may help Reasonable rates - all hours Ring KEITH 44 3116 any time K Gehling 059 443 646 for caring advice on all finance

***FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT*** Carpets Windows J.E.S.S. JOHNSON General EXTINGUISHER SALES & SERVICE 059 44 3695 24 Grant Court Upper Beaconsfield Kevin Smith 059 44 3348 AGENT FOR CHUBB


"FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS" WINDOW CLEANING Weddings a Speciality John Plowman 44 3969 Lorna Brooksbank. Sugarloaf Road. Phone 44 3486

****COMPUTERS**** ****GARDENERS**** TUITION ON COMPUTERS GREEN & TIDY for total beginners or advanced Word Processing - Lotus - DOS Lawn Mowing, Rubbish Removal using hard disk and other equipment Garden Maintenance Typing and Word processing done 059 44 3243 Graeme Mickle 44 3989

****DRIVING INSTRUCTOR**** ****GENERAL STORE**** LEARN TO DRIVE WITH A PROFESSIONAL BEACONSFIELD UPPER GENERAL STORE RUSSELL SMITH Open 7 days per week ** Competitive Rates ** Sleepers, Bluestone, Sand, ** Patience & Courtesy assured ** Screenings, Honeycomb Rocks, Redgum 44 3093 Chips, Pine Logs, Gates, - See Mobile 018 - 382 079 Laurie for a quantity discount.

*****ELECTRICIANS***** A GRADE ELECTRICIAN BEACONSFIELD UPPER GENERAL STORE WAYNE BENCE Also All types of work carried out Stockfeed, Fuel, Gas, Hardware, 37 Burton Road Newsagent, Groceries, Upper Beaconsfield 3808 Ph 44 3095 Laurie and Sandra Fenton (059) 44 3310 21


THE STUDIO TREE STUMP REMOVAL For Total Hair Care We are now operating from Upper Manager: Grant Mitchell Beaconsfield. We’ll turn that stump Mon to Fri 9 - 5.30 Thu. 9 - 9 pm into garden mulch. Large and small Sat. 8 - 1 jobs. Discount stump removals. 44 3911 Jeff Henderson 44 3186


PINE GROVE HOTEL 443524 BERWICK PUMP SHOP Stoney Creek Road Upper Beac. Pressure pumps irrigation pumps fire Wednesday Pasta Night (half price) fighting pumps and every other type Thursday Pancake Night (half price) of pump you can think of Family Bistro lunch & dinner open Cnr. Enterprise Ave & Clyde Road seven days. Function Room 707 4499

****INSURANCE**** Neil McDonald Dip. A.I.I. AMP A.M.P. Agent for 27 years GRAHAM WOOD MACHINERY Yackatoon Road. 44 3782 Life, Superannuation, Investment, New & Used Tractors * Home, Contents, General Insurance Sales-Service-Spares * Over 50’s discount available (059)97 1666 AH 44 3903


F & L CAMP UPPER BEACONSFIELD MUSIC Piano & Keyboard Tuition SLASHING - Blackberry Spraying - Modern/Classical/Theory Examinations Driveways Graded - Chainsaw Work catering for Rotary Hoeing pre-school to adult age groups Frank Camp 44 3947 BH (03) 756 7459 AH (059) 44 3585

**LANDSCAPING BULLDOZING** *****PAINTERS & DECORATORS***** TONY NYHUIS - HOUSING SPECIALIST LEAVER LANDSCAPE PAINTER-DECORATOR-GEN. MAINTENANCE Complete Professional Oak Lodge, Telegraph Road Landscape Service Upper Beaconsfield Phone 44 3882 Phone 44 3650

*****PHOTOCOPYING***** EXECUTIVE LANDSCAPES PHOTOCOPYING -Design & Construction- enlarg./reduct. - single colour Brick, Stone & Cobblestone Paving LAMINATING Rock & Water features CLUB NEWSLETTER PRODUCTION Sprinkler Systems etc. phone Erinrac Ent. 44 3383 Contact Ken Murphy 44 3870

*****LIGHTING**** *****PLUMBERS***** FIUME PLUMBING PTY LTD LIGHTING LEADERS CRAZY DAVES - NARRE WARREN Reg. 21940 Cnr Webb St & Princes Hwy Licenced MMBW Plumber & Gasfitter Ray & Anna Logan * Free Quotes ‘A’ Grade Electrician * Competitive Prices 704 7838 AH 44 3472 Phone Mick Fiume 44 3132 22

****SIGNS**** PARIC PLUMBING PTY LTD SIGNWRITING For Plumbing & General Maintenance SIGNWRITER ... Andrew Rowe Trenching - Ditchwitch. Phone 44 3370 Fire Protection Roof Sprinklers "Fiddlewood", Berglund Road Phone Eric Chaplin 44 3312

****SOLICITOR**** MR TREVOR HARRISON OF Upper PRESENTATION Beaconsfield, SOLICITOR, PLUMBING is available for consultation re Regd. No 17207 Domestic & Industrial Conveyancing, Finance, Common Law, John de Reus Family law, Estates, Wills, 28 Young Street 44 3046 Commercial Law. Ph BH & AH 707 4199

****POOLS*** ****SUPERMARKET**** BERWICK POOL SHOP UPPER BEACONSFIELD SUPERMARKET Domestic & commercial chemicals & St Georges Road - 44 3255 cleaning products at discount prices New Trading hours: Sizes from 1 litre to 25 litres Mon - Fri 8.30 - 6pm Cnr. Enterprise Ave & Clyde Road Saturday 8.30 - 1pm 707 4499 Sunday 9.30 - 1pm

****SUPERANNUATION - SAVINGS**** INDEPENDANT POOL CONTRACTORS P/L SAVINGS PLAN Quality inground pool & spa Non taxable Savings Plan for construction. Fully tiled, natural Children’s Tertiary Education pebble pools, rockeries & paving. Utilising Child Endowment Money. High performance Spa’s a speciality Also Superannuation Enquiries David Lowson 703 2918 44 3163 Phone Sudre Philpott 44 3183

****REAL ESTATE**** ****VIDEO**** BLACKBURN & LOCKWOOD BERWICK Real Estate Agents - Auctioneers $ DOLLAR VIDEOS $ Property Managers St Georges Road, next to supermarket 100 High Street, Berwick Hundreds to choose from PH. Peter Bowman - B/H 707 1400 Free membership - Bookings Taken A/H 44 3605 (From $1 week) Phone John 44 4035

BEACONSFIELD UPPER MILK BAR Community Week Latest Release Videos Special prices Monday to Thursday 15 - 24 February Bookings available “JOIN IN” 44 3423

CREDITS Editor: Sandra Warner Collating: Conservation Group Typing: Gilda Hansen Next Editor: Jeanette Ballinger Front Page: Danny McKenna Receiving Copy: Julie & Ray Printing: George & Judy Moir Allsop Advertising: Phillip Rocke Deadline: 15 March, 1991