Animal Research International (2019) 16(2): 3412 – 3417 3412


UZONNAH , Nwamaka Mary - Immaculata, IHEAGWAM , Chijioke Nwabueze, IDIKA , Idika Kalu, NNAJI , Favour Nnenna and IYOKE , Abel Okoye Department of Veterinary Parasitology, University of Nigeria, , , Nigeria.

Corresponding Author : Uzonnah, N. M. De partment of Veterinary Parasitology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Enugu State, Niger ia. Email: [email protected] Phone: +234 9033123263 Received: June 10 , 201 9 Revised: July 23 , 2019 Accepted: July 26 , 2019


Clinostomid metacercaria e are common parasites of fish in many natural and artificial aquatic systems. In aquaculture, infection by clinostomid metacercariae reduces fish quality and causes production losses resulting from the discard of infected fish. Also, c linostomid metacercariae are of zoonotic importance becaus e man can become the final host following consumption of raw or undercooked infected fish. This study investigated the prevalence of Clinostomum tilapiae metacercariae in Oreochromis niloticus sampled from Dugudu Lake , Enugu State, Nigeria . 120 individuals were examined from February to May 2018. Sex, total length (TL) and weight of fish, as well as number of parasites were recorded . A prevalence of 64.17 % was observed with mean intensity and mean abundance values of 18.22 ± 21.92 parasites/fish and 11.69 ± 19.59 parasites/fish respectively . Abundance of parasites increased as total length of fish increased. Sites of infection include intestines, gills, skin, eyes, body cavity and heart. Findings of the present study contribute to existing knowledge on the distribution of clinostomid metacercariae in O . niloticus in Nigerian water systems. This is the first documentation of this parasite from O. niloticus in Dugudu Lake, Enugu State, Nigeria .

Keywords: Clinostomum tilapiae , Metacercariae, Oreochromis niloti cus , Dugudu Lake , Prevalence

INTRODUCTION eaten raw or undercooked ( Park et al. 2009) . In the artificial environment, source of infection to The genus Clinostomum houses digenetic fish is the wild - c aught juvenile f ish which may trematodes that use mollusc and fish as their b e infected with parasites at point of first and second intermediate host respectively , introduction to ponds and tanks (Martens and while piscivorous birds such as cattle egrets and Moen , 1995 ). herons are their definitiv e hosts (Dias et al., Clinostomum tilapiae metacercariae has 2003) . Clinostomum metacercariae have been been reported in cichlids from diff erent fish reported in many fish species (Caffara et al ., species in Nigerian water systems including 2017) , where they inhabit different micro - lakes ( Ukoli, 1 966; Okaka and Akhigbe, 1999; habitats namely intestines, skin, muscles, Agbede et al ., 2004; Olurin and Somorin, 2006; behind the buc cal cavity, operculum and eyes. Echi et al., 20 09 a,b ; Olurin et al. 2012; Echi et As a result, infected fish are not suitable for al., 2012; Okoye et al ., 2014; Caffara et al ., human consumption (Paperna , 1991) and also 2017). Lakes in the Southeastern region of serve as sources of infection to humans when Nigeria are ascribed socio - cultu ral val ues by

ISSN: 1597 – 3115 ARI 2019 16(2): 3412 – 3417 www.zoo - Uzonnah et al. 3413 host communities, f or example, the Iyi - ocha surrounding communities in many socio - Lake in Amaokpala and Ezu Lake in Agulu, both economic activities . in Anambra State are centers for spiritual and therapeutic activities (Odum, 201 8) . This has aided in the conservation of aquatic animals , some of which are re garded as totems, e.g. crocodiles , tortoise etc in these spiritual lakes (Odum, 201 8) . This study investigated the occurrence of the parasite - Clinostomum tilapiae metacercariae in the Nile Tilapia , O . niloticus , from Dugudu Lake , a spiritual lake in Igbo etiti Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria . To the best of our knowledge, no scientific or ecological data has been documented from this lake. Thus, this work is the first of its kind conducted in this aquatic system. R esults of this study will ad d to the existing record s o n the prevalence of Clinostomum tilapiae metacercariae in Nigerian aquatic eco systems, and will be helpful in the control and monitoring of fish diseases as well as in public health education .


Study Area : In formation on study area was obtained through interview of informants (indigenes of Umunko), direct observation and photographic documentation. Dugudu Lak e is a Figure 1: (A) Map of Igbo - Etiti LGA, Enugu spiritual lake associated to the Dugudu deity of State, Nigeria showing the location of Dugudu Umudimewa Clan of Umunko, Igbo - Etiti LGA of Lake (Source: GoogleEarth, 2019) and (B) E nugu State. It is regarded as an abode of the picture of Dugud u Lake taken during the study afore - mentioned deity, who is believed by the worshippers to have helped their ancestors in The climate of the area has two seasons times of war and in moments of need. Hence, namely, dry season (October/November – the lake has a low level of anthropogenic March) and rainy season (April – September/ d isturbance, except for the occa sional fishing by October), with annual rainfall of 1567 mm and local fisherman and watering of cattle by Fulani temperature of 26.2°C (Climate - Data .Org, herds men . The Lake lies between latitude 2019 ). Coordin ates were captured from 6°48’N and 6°49N and longitude 7°24’ E and Google Earth Map API Library ( GoogleEarth, 7°25’E in Igbo - Etiti LGA (Figure 1 a ) . Along with 2019) , keyed into Arc Global Information other aquatic systems ( Odome Lake and certain System (GIS) version 10.7 (ESRI, 2019) and rivers suc h as Ezebinagu, Ngwogoro, Ofie, Iyi - used to digitise a m ap of Igbo - E titi Local Ogbakpi and Ebuyi) in Igbo - Etiti LGA , Dugudu Government Area showing the location of the Lake is located at a lower escarpment reserved Lake . for agricultural activities (Itanyi, 2009 ; Onubulueze and Agbowo, 2009 ) . The water is Sample Col lection: 120 fish were sampled dark in colour , surrounded by riparian for ests from February to May 2018. They were caught (Figure 1 b ) , and serves the people in the alive with hook and line using earthworm as bait, and immediately transported to a cold

Animal Research International (2019) 16(2): 3412 – 3417 Prevalence of Clinostomum tilapiae metacercariae in wild Nile tilapia 3414 room for preservation. Before dissection, respectively. Prevalence was higher in females individuals were allowed to thaw and their total ( 66.67 % ) than in males ( 63.81 % ) , though not le ngths (TL in cm) were measured from the significantly ( ᵡ 2 = 0.05, df = 1, p = 0.82 ) . snout to the tip of the caudal fin using a meter rule and a thread. Weight (g) and sex were also recorded. Sex was determined by the presence of testis and ovary for males and females respectively after dissection. F ish specimens were carefully examine d for the presence of ecto - and endo - parasites . Following dissection, organ squashes were made on slides, covered with cover slip s and examined with a light microscope (Motic, China). Recovered parasites were counted an d recorded for use in the calculation of descriptors of parasite populations Figure 2: Frequency distribution of total length (cm) for O. niloticus collected from Dugudu namely prevalence, mean intensity and mean Lake, Umunko, Igbo - Etiti Local Government abundance (Bush et al ., 1997) . Area, Enugu State, Nigeria from February to M ay 2018

Preservation and Identification of 140 Parasites: Parasites were fixed in 70 % y = 0.1166x + 4.6385 120 2 ethanol, stained in haematox ylin and mounted R = 0.0428 100

on slides. They were viewed under a light y c

n 80 e

microscope (Motic, China) at x 100 and x 400 u q

e 60 r

magnification. Identification was done using F appropriate keys (Yamaguti, 1961; Khalil, 1971) 40 and micrographs were taken using a camera 20

(Moticam, China) at tached to the microscope. 0 34 44 53 57 63 70 77 88 97 111 125 151 Weight (g) Statistical Analysis: Data was analyzed using Chi - square test (VassarStats, 2019) to Figure 3: Frequency distribution of weight (g) determine the sex prevalence of C. tilapiae for O. niloticus collected from Dugudu Lake, Umunko, Igbo - Etiti Local Government Area, metacercariae . P - value of ≤ 0.05 was considered Enugu State, Nigeria from February to May significant. Graphs were produced in Microsoft 2018 Office Excel 2007 package. 140

120 y = 0.0138x + 10.86 RESULTS R 2 = 0.0006 100 y c

n 80

Out o f the 120 individuals examined in the e u q

e 60 study, 105 were males and 15 were females. r F

Length of fish ranged from 12.2 to 24.1 cm and 40 C . t ilapiae had positive relationship with length 20 (y = 0.112x + 4.870, R 2 = 0.04 0 ) (Figure 2 ) . 0 The weights of fish ranged from 34 to 179 g 1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 111 Abundance (Parasite/Fish) and C . tilapiae had positive relationship with 2 weight (y = 0.1166x + 4.6385, R = 0.0428) Figure 4 : Frequency distribution of C. tilapiae (Figure 3 ). C . tilapiae m etacer caria abundance metacercaria ab undance in O niloticus ranged from 0 to 116 with a mean of 11.69 ± collected from Dugudu Lake, Umunko, Igbo - 19.59 parasites/fish (Figure 4 ) . Prevalence and Etiti Local Government Area, Enugu State, mean intensity values were observed to be Nigeria from February to May 2018 64.17 % and 18.22 ± 21.92 parasites/fish

Animal Research International (2019) 16(2): 3412 – 3417 Uzonnah et al. 34133415

C. tilapiae metacercariae were found in different DISCUSSION body organs namely intestines, operculum, skin, body cavity, eyes and heart with the highest The re is need for constant surveillance of fish - proportion observed in the intestines (Figure 5 ). borne parasites and their epidemiological Light micrographs of the anterior and distribution because of the low literacy level and posterior regions of C. tilapiae metac ercariae the lack of awareness of food hygiene in reveal the presence of oral and ventral suckers, consume rs especially in rural settlements such ceaca and genital complex (Figure 6) . as communities surrounding our study site . As f ish remains one of the cheap sources of protein and most highly sought food items in Nigerian dishes, survey of parasites borne by readily available fish species is imp ortant because of their deleterious effects on their hosts and their zoonotic potential . C . tilapiae has been reported from many African countries includi ng Nigeria ( Ukoli, 1966; Okaka and Akhigbe, 1999; Agbede et al ., 2004; Olurin and Somorin, 2006; Ech i et al., 20 09 a,b ; Olurin et al. 2012; Echi et al., Figure 5 : Proportion of C. tilapiae 2012; Okoye et al ., 2014; Caffara et al ., 2017 ). metacercariae found in different body organs In Nigeria, it was first described from the

intestine of O . niloticus (Ukoli, 1966) , and s ubsequent studies have documented its presence in the different o rgans of fish hosts most especially members of the Family Cichlidae (Okaka and Akhigbe, 1999; Agbede et al . , 2004; Olurin and Somorin, 2006; Echi et al., 20 09a,b; Olurin et al. 2012; Echi et al., 2012; Okoye et al . , 2014) . The present study observed C. til apiae metacercariae in the fol lowing sites : intestines, operculum , body cavity, heart, skin and eyes. This result agree s with the findings of previous authors. The presence of C. tilapiae metacercariae in different organs of fish hosts examined in the stud y ensures their transmission to the final hosts following consumption of raw or poorly cooked fish. In the present study, older fish were observed to have more parasites than their younger counterparts , agree ing with Okoye et al. (2014) who did not find any C. tilapiae metacercarie from sexually immature fish. This is probably because adults feed on a wide range of food and have di fferent feeding styles as well Figure 6 : Light micrograph of anterior (A) and ( Hussen et al ., 2012) and this predisposes them posterior (B) sections of C. tilapiae to a variety of infections . Also, Olurin and metacercaria from haematoxylin - stained slides So morin (2006) reported a positive relationship viewed at x400 magnification. Oral sucker, os; ventral suck er, vs; ceaca, c; and genital between p arasite abund ance and the length /age complex, gc are shown. of fish hosts. However, Biu and Nkechi (2013) recorded higher prevalence of parasites in smaller fish and attributed this finding to the

Animal Research International (2019) 16(2): 3412 – 3417 Prevalence of Clinostomum tilapiae metacercariae in wild Nile tilapia 3414341 6 low level of immunity in th ese younger fish. BUSH, A. O., LAFFERTY, K. D., LOTZ, J. M. and More male fish were infected than females in SHOSTAK, A. W. (1997). Parasitology this study. This could be associated with the meets ecology on its own terms: breeding habit of O . niloticus , in which, d uring Margolis et al. revisited. Journal of breeding, the male fishes protect the nest, Parasitology, 83 (4) : 575 – 583. keeping off other fishes including females that CAFFARA, M., LOCKE, S. A . , ECHI, P. C, are n ot spawning. As a result, these males HALAJIAN, A., BENINI, D., LUUS - POWELL, spend more time than the females in shallow W. J., TAVAKOL, S. and FIORAVANTI, M. waters with th e snail intermediate hosts which L . (2017). A morphological and are vital to the life cycle of Clinostomum molecular study of Clinostomid tilapiae . metacercariae from African fish with a redescription of Clinostomum tilapiae. Conclusion : The study reports the pre valence Parasitology , 144 (11) : 1519 – 1529. of Clinostomum tilapiae met acercariae in CLIMATE - DATA.ORG (2019). Climate data of Oreochromis niloticus in Dugudu lake ; thus Igbo - Etiti, Enugu State, Nigeria. contributing to existing knowledge on the https://en.climate - distribution of this parasite in Nigeria. To the ia/enugu/igbo - etiti - 398515. Accessed best of our knowledge, this is the first June 22 , 2019. documentation of this parasite from an aquatic DIAS, M. L. G. G., EIRAS, J. C., MACHADO, M. system in Enugu Stat e. H., SOUZA, G. T. R., a nd PAVANELLI, G. C. (2003).The life cycle of Clinostomum ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS complanatum Rudolphi, 1814 (Digenea, Clinostomidae) on the flood plain of the We are grateful to Martin Eze for his help in high Paraná River. Parasitology getting the fish samples used in the study. We Research , 8 9 (6) : 506 – 508. would also like to acknowledge Cosmas Ndichie ECHI, P. C., EYO, J. E. and OKAFOR, F. C. of the Cartography Unit, Department of (2009 a ). Co - parasi tism and Geography, University of Nigeria, Nsukka for morphometrics of three clinostomatids providin g a map showing the location of (Digenea: Clinostomatidae) in Dugudu lake. We appreciate Drs . E. I. Itanyi Sarotherodon melanotheron from a and J. C. Odum , both of the Department of tropical freshwater lake . Animal Archaeology and Tourism, University of Nigeria, Research International , 6(2): 982 – 986. Nsukka for their helpful inputs and suggestions. ECHI, P. C., OKAFOR, F. C. and EYO, J. E. We also thank Dr. Philip Agbowo for prov iding (2009 b ). Co – infection and morp hometrics information on the study site. Many thanks to of three Clinostomatids (Digenea: Clinostomatidae) in Tilapia guinenesis the revi e wer(s) who read the manuscript. Bleeker, 1862 from Opi Lake,

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Animal Research International (2019) 16(2): 3412 – 3417