Book Reviews
Book Reviews . NEIL GOODWIN, We Go As Captives: The Royalton Raid and the Shadow War on the Revolutionary Frontier. Roy A. Wright 188 MARILYN BLACKWELL AND KRISTEN T. OERTEL, Frontier Feminist: Clarina Howard Nichols and the Politics of Motherhood. Susan M. Ouellette 190 LYNN A. BONFIELD, EDITOR. New England to Gold Rush California: The Journal of Alfred and Chastina W. Rix, 1849–1854. Amy F. Morsman 192 PAUL G. ZELLER, Williamstown, Vermont, in the Civil War. J. David Book 194 BROOKFIELD HISTORICAL SOCIETY, The History of Brookfield: 2010 edition. Helen Husher 196 DONALD H. THOMPSON, Castleton, Vermont: Its Industries, Enterprises & Eateries. Helen K. Davidson 198 PEGGY PEARL, A Brief History of St. Johnsbury. Paul Searls 200 RICHARD H. ALLEN, North Williston: Down Depot Hill. Vincent E. Feeney 202 DANIEL J. LYONS, PRODUCER, Headline Vermont. Tyler Resch 204 JOHN W. HUDSON, II AND SUZANNA C. HUDSON, Scenes along the Rails. Rutland Railroad: Rutland to Bellows Falls. Gerald B. Fox 206 JEREMY K. DAVIS, Lost Ski Areas of Southern Vermont. Meredith Scott 208 ANN ZINN BUFFUM AND SANDRA STILLMAN, COMPILERS AND EDITORS, To Life! A Celebration of Vermont Jewish Women. Ann E. Cooper 209 More About Vermont History Compiled by PAUL A. CARNAHAN 212 Book Reviews . We Go As Captives: The Royalton Raid and the Shadow War on the Revolutionary Frontier By Neil Goodwin (Barre: Vermont Historical Society, 2010, pp. xxii, 294, paper, $24.95). eil Goodwin’s full and detailed study of the Royalton Raid has Nbeen published by the Vermont Historical Society in a profes- sional yet accessible edition that will inform all future work on this for- mative event from the fourth year of the Vermont Republic.
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