Full name of LEIPZIG UNIVERSITY University Program Type MAUI AEN REARI-RJ Number of MAUI / AEN / REARI-RJ students you can accept during 10 10 10 2017/18 Indicate total number of semesters. Jane Moros, Jane Moros, Jane Moros, coordinator exchange coordinator exchange coordinator exchange Contact person Leipzig University Leipzig University Leipzig University for incoming International Centre International Centre International Centre students Goethestraße 6 Goethestraße 6 Goethestraße 6 name, title, full address, phone, fax, email 04109 Leipzig, Germany 04109 Leipzig, Germany 04109 Leipzig, Germany +493419732032/+493419732049 +493419732032/+493419732049 +493419732032/+493419732049
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Jane Moros, Jane Moros, Jane Moros, coordinator exchange coordinator exchange coordinator exchange Contact person Leipzig University Leipzig University Leipzig University for outgoing International Centre International Centre International Centre students Goethestraße 6 Goethestraße 6 Goethestraße 6 name, title, full address, phone, fax, email 04109 Leipzig, Germany 04109 Leipzig, Germany 04109 Leipzig, Germany +493419732032/+493419732049 +493419732032/+493419732049 +493419732032/+493419732049
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] General University www.zv.uni-leipzig.de Website International Office/Website for http://www.zv.uni-leipzig.de/studium/studium-international/erasmus-austauschstudierende.html Incoming Students Areas