254 F. ANGELINI Mem. Sor. ent. ital., Genova, 70 (1) (1991): 255 - 277, 30.9.1991 I TASSIF., 1962 a - Su alcuni Buprestidi italiani specialmente delle Regioni centro-meridonali - Boll. Soc. ent. ital., Genova, 92 (3-4): 53-57. - 1962 b - Coleotteri Buprestidi M'Aspmmonte e della Sila - Mem. Mus. civ. St. not. Verona, 10: 211-231. -, 1966 a - Su alcuni Buprestidi italianj nuovi o particolarmente intermanti - Boll. Soc. ent. ital., Genova, 96 (1-2): 17-27. RECENT RECORDS OF FROM THE MALTESE ISLANDS - 1966 b - Ricerche zoologiche sul Massiccio del Pollino. XXXII. Coleoptera - 17. Gram- bycidae - Ann. Isr. Mus. Zool. Univ. Napoli, 17 (6): 1-65. - 1970 - Endemismi italiani. 8 - Boll. Ass. Rom. Entomol., Roma, 25: 86. (Diptt-ra) VIENNAP., 1971 - Gli Hiteridae del Museo Civico & Storia Naturale & Verona - Mem. Mus. civ. St. nut. Verona, 19: 267-301. - 1980 - Fauna d'It&. Coleoptera Histeridae. XVI - Ed. Calderini, Bologna, 386 pp. Introduction ZAMPETTIM.F., 1979 - Note sulla geonemia di alcuni Colmtteri Clavicurni - Boll. Soc. ent. ital., Genova, 111 (4-6): 96-97. ZANETTIA., 1977 - Due nuove spmie di Stafilinidi dell'Appennino - Mem. Mus. civ. Stor. nut. The Diptera of the Maltese Islands have received very little attenticm when Verona, 4: 307-315. compared with other groups. The oldest citations are probably those of -, 1982 - Materiali per una revision? degli Euspbalerum italiani e centro europei con de- RONDANI(1856 - 1880) whose eight volume work, Dipterologicae Italicae Prodro- scrizione di nuove sottospecie e note sinonimiche - Mem. Mus. civ. St. nut. Verona, 8: mus, i,ncludes some Maltese records. This work was not consulted by us. TAGLIA- 97-156. FERRO (1893) publi~hedthe first local advisory booklet on economic entomology, - 1987 - Fauna d'Italia. Coleoptera Staphylinidae. Omaliini - Ed. Calderini, Bolv, vol. XXV, XI1 + 472 pp. which deals with the damage caused by the Mediterranean Fruitfly, Ceratitis ca- ZOIA S., 1987 - Appuntl su Gtopidi ltaliani con descrizione di una nuova specie - Boll. SOC. pitafd and its control. ent. ital., Genova, 119 (2): 117-122. -, 1989 - Segnalazioni faunistiche italiane, 138 - Boll. Soc. ent. ital., Genova, 121 (1): 75. NEWSTEAD(1912) published a medically irnprtant work on Phlebotomus from the Maltese Islands. He described two new species of this genus: P. perniciosus, "widely distributed over the isld of Malta" and P. nigerrimus from 2 females. NEWSTEADalso recorded P. minutus Rondani and P. papatasi ( Scop&). RIASSUNTO -1 A.- ; Ceratitis capitata Wacs again the subject of an article i'n the agricultural ma- Sono riportati i &ti di raccolta relativi a %5 specie di Coleotteri nuwi per la Sila e com- gazine Melita Agricola (MICALLEF,1935). This walk, more or less followed the prendenti: 220 specie nuove per la fauna hlla &,labria, 38 specie presenti in singole regioni o same 1,ines as TAGLIAFERRO'Searlier work. a diffusione alpha. Si ,ri.portano inoltre i &ti bibliografici, ed eventuali &ti origindi, per le 776 specie gii segnalate per I'altipiano della Sda. FALCOZ(1926) mentioned Lynchia falcinelli (Rondani), an ectaparasite of Cornplessivamente della Sila uggi sono note 1.741 specie di Coleotteri, ccmprendenti 4 pre- birdms, as occurring in Malta, but without giving any host information. This spe- sunti endernismi e 275 specie che hnoin tale altipiimo il loro lirmite meridionale & Wusione. cies i,s regarded a,s being the same as Pseudolynchia canariensis Macquart (SCHEM- BRI, 1978). CARUANAGATTO (1926) published a descriptive list of rhe plant-damagimng adgd-causing organisms which he encountered locally. Among the Diptera are ABSTRACT included the Cecidomyiidae Aploneura lentisci Pass., Contarinia nasturtii Kieff ., Cantarinia sp., Asphondilia Stefani Kid. (sic!); Asphondilia verbasci Vallota, Ste- Coleoptera of the Sila plateau (Calabria, ). phaniella sp. and a Cecidomya sp.; also he marginata Fallen, Tephritis megarephala Low and Ceratitis Savastani Martelli (sic!). 965 new species of Coleoptera from the Sila plateau (Calabria, Italy) are recorded, each with collecting data. They include 220 new records from Calabria ;tnd 38 species which were A series of 'papers and reports were published between 1970 and 1977 in known from single ditricts in Italy or Alpine regions. connaion with the Con,trol Research %heme (see HARRISet al., 1973, 1976 Data from literature and origid ones are given for the 776 species which were already a & b; SALIBAet al., 1976, 1977; GROSEet al., 1977 and references contained known from Sila. Altogether, 1,741 species of Coleoptera are known so far from Sila, including 4 presumable endernisms and 275 species that exhibit their southern distributional bord~in oherein). Species dea1.t with ,are the farm flies Musca domestica and Stomoxys cal- this plateau. citrans, but GROSE(1972) d'so mmtioned the genera Fannia and Lucilia. BORG(1922) in his book on the cultivation and di'sea.ses of fruit trees in the Mdtese 1,slds mentioned seven species of economically important flies. These species represent 4 families: the Tephritidae, Ceratitis capitata Wied. (also refer- d Indirizzo dell'A.: S.S. 7 per Latiano, Km 0,500 - 72021 Frannavilla Fcnrana (Brindisi). red to as Halterophora capitata Randani Ceratitis citriperda Uied. [.sic!] ), and 256 s. SCHEMBRI,P. GATT & 7. SCHEMBR~ FLIES FROM THE MALTESE ISLANDS 257

Halterophora hispanica (rnen,tioned also under the name Ceratitis hispanica [sic! I ), mones Hg., P. conyzae Hd., P. horticola hr., and P. orobanchia Kalt.; the Me- two species chmiefly affecting citrus trees; Daucus Oleae Rossi (sic!), (additional diterranean species are: Agromyza apfelbecki Str., A. hiemalis Beck., Phytomyza names given are Musca Oleae and Stomomus Keironi [sic!] ), which attacks alive bellidina Hg., P. ferulivora Gdfiths., and P. mallorcensis Sp. trees; and .Tpilographa Cesari Fb. ('sic!), larvae of which were in chemas imimported Five speoies of Hippokidae have been taken from various bitr& and other from Sicily md Italy (adults were not reported from Maltese orchards); the Lon- vertebrates within these islands (see SCHEMBRI,1978, 1979, 1985 and new records chaeidlae, Lonchaea aristella Beck, which attacks fig trees; and the Cecidomyiidae, in the present work). The Ephydrididae and Canaecidae inha,biting the "smd Cecidomyia Piri Beck (sic!), (~peci~ficdyment.ioned as occurring on local pear islands" around Italy were the subject of a paper by CANZONERI(1985), who trees). listed 11 ephyd,rids irom the Maltese Islands: Ochthera schembrii Rond., Ephydra SALIBA'S(1963) work on local pests of crop plants includes four families of macellaria Egger, Ephydra falvipes (Masq.), Notiphila cinerea Fd., Hydrellia gri- fl.ies: Muscidae (Delia antiqua Meig, Hylemia brassicae Bouche), Lonchaeidae (Lon- seola (Fall.), Mosillus subsultans (F.), Allotrichoma laterale (Loew), Atissa heptaco- chaea arystilla Beck.), Trypetidae (Ceratitis capitata Ivied., Dacus oleae Rossi), aind loris Beck., Psilopa nigritella Stenh., Psilopa nitidtrla (Fall.) and Psilopa compta Cecidomiidae (Contarina nasturtii Kieff., Dichelomyia oenophila Haimh., Cecido- (Meig.). The same spies were again r~ordedfrom the Mdtese 1,slands in the myia pyri Bouche). Fauna d'ltalia series volume on Ephydridae and Canaceidae (CANZONERI& MENE- GHINI, 1983). EBEJER(1988 a) listed 22 species of Bombylilidae, based partly on CILIA (1973) published a list of common Diptera consisting of 20 species re- material mentioned in the present work. EBEJER'Sadditional records include Bom- presenting 1 1 families: Tipufidae (Tipula oleraceu L.), Bibianidae ( marci L., bylius citrinus Loew, Anthrax fuscipennis Ricardo, Spongostylum sp. (aff. dubium Bibio hortulanus L.), Culicidae (Culex pipens L.), (Psychoda phalae- Zaitsev), grarrdis Wiedemann and Thyridanthrax polymenrus Wiede- noides L,), Tabanidae ("a least three species"), Asilidae (Machimus pyragra Zelkr), mmn. EBEJER(1988 b) also recorded 29 species of Syrphidae inc1ud.i~the follow- Syrphidae (Plarycheirur albimanus F. = peltatus Mg., Syrphus balteatus Deg., Chry- ing: Melanostoma mellinum (L.), Paragus coadunarus Rond., P. bicolor (F.), P. qua- sotoxum festivium L., Eristalis tenax L., Myatropa florea Mkgen), Hippoboscidae drifasciatus Meig., P. strigatus Meig., Ceriodes vespiformis (Latr.), Eumerus barba- (Ornithompa auicularia L.), Muscidae (Fantria canicularis L., Musca domestics L., rus (Conq.). E. etnensis Van der Goot, E. pusillus Loew, E. terminalis Santos- Delia cepetorum Meade ( = Phorbia cepetorum Med.), Calliphoridae (Lucilia caesar Abreu, Merodon geniculata Strobl and M. pruni Rmsi. L., Calltphora erythrocephala Meigen, Sarcophaga carnaria L.) and Tachhiidae (Gym- nochaeta virides Fdlen, Echinomyia fera L.). The aim of this work is to provide a list of the Diptera which are known to occur in the Mtaltese Islands and which have been personally collected by the More recent works on Mdtese Diptera menrion mainly isolated records. The authors. This list is based on collections made in recent times, chiefly between annotated list of moths by VALLETTA(1973) i,ncludes Sarcophaga larvarum (sic!) the years 1975 - 1978. No attempt has been made to revise rhe more ancient re- [psibly referring to Exorista larvarum (L.)] as parasitic on Acherontia atropos cords. The present work is mostly intended as a preliminary list of species on L., and Echinomyia ferm Pmz. (sic!) [poss3l~ly Nowickia ferox (Paflzer)] as a which future, more detailed studies can be based. It is ~qedchat this catalogue parasite of Antitipe canescens Dup. GOEDLING( 1976) redescribed th'e syrphid Pa- wi'll stimulate other workers to carry out more in-depth studies of the Maltese ragus coadunatus Rondani from two mdes dected in Malta. MUNARI& VIENNA Diptera and to fill same of the obvious gaps highhghted in this report. (1979) added Sepsis fissa Becker to the Italian fauna from matwid taken from Malta and Sici'ly. Previously the species was known only form E,gypt. RAMP IN^ Not all the familis mentioned have -received rhe same degree of attention. (1981) also recorded from Mdta and Sicily the dolicopodod fly Medetera roghii While some groups contain a good representation of a least the comoner spe- Ramp. & Cmz , previously known only from Minorca. CHV~LA(1980) d~cribed cies, other families represent lislsects more or less accidentally encountered during the endemic acrocerid Ogcodes schembrii (holotype from Fort St. Lucian, Mafsax- the caurse of other entomological investigations. The latter are, however, a mi- lokk), while SCHEMBRI(1982) reported new localitis for this species. DANDRIA nority. Of the mdler families (hose containing less than 10 species) we consider (1984) mentioned Ceratitis capitata and Daucus olea in a popular account on these the Fmiidae, Anrhomyiidae, , and especially, the Dolicop.didae 0s flies. An und&bed specie of Stilpon (Hybotida~e)is mentioned by CHV~LA poorly covered. Few additions are expected for the rest. This is not the case with ( 1988). The same author ahrecorded Microphor rostellatus Loew (Microphoridae) the larger families anrd more species are expected to war. The exclusion of a from Corni'no, CHV~LA(1986). SCHEMBRI& SCHEMBRI(1979) recorded the genera family need not necessarily mean its nonecurrence withm these islands; rather, Chironomus, Culex, Aedes, Erist~lisand Stratiomys as Diptera associated with local th'is reflects lack of a specialist in the group. Typical examples are several of rhe freshwater. SCHEMBRI(1981) mentioned Pericoma and Psychoda, while SCHEMBRI smaller families of the Cyclorrhapha and the Nematocm, and of the Asilidae. & GAUCI(1984) recorded the larvae of Shsulidae from Malta. Only five families have been revised as .a group. SPENCER(1972) recorded 18 species of Agromyzidae, mainly of European di,stribution, but inch& Species list a few Mediterranean species and one, Liriomyza melitensis Spencer, new to science and presumably endemic. Wastam and southern European species are: Agromyza The species are grouped into families following mainly the classification of abiens Zett., A. nata Mg., A. nigrescens Hd., Liriom~zabryoniae Kalt., L. congesta KLOET & HINCKS(1976) with adaptations from RICHARDS& DAVIES(1979). The Beck., L. orbotra (Mg.), L. pedestris Hd., Napomyza carotae Sp., Phytomyza ane- name of the specialist responsible for determining the whole family appears oppo- 258 s. SCHEMBRI,P. GATT & J. SCHEMBRI FLIES FROM THE MALTESE ISLANDS site the family name. Specialists who determined single Ypecies from an otherwise 10. Tabanus autumnalis Linnams (var. brunnescens Szil) covered $amily are named m parentheses (after the species name). Each species is Malta: Bahrija; Chadwick Lakes (VII, on vegetation). followed by local distribution, ecological notes where known, and month of capture in Roman numerals. 11. Tabanus regularis Jaen Malta: Ghadira (11).

BIBIONOIDEA STRATIOMYIDAE(det. R. Rozkosny) (det. P. Pecina) 12. Nemotelus anchora Loew 1. Bibio siculus Loew Malta: Ghadira; Salina (IV). Malta: Fort St. Lucian (Mdokk); Wied Babu; Wied d-Ghwl; Wied Incita (11, 111. on Smyrnium olusarrum). 13. Stratiomys longicornis (Scopoli) Malta: Pidtlien; GMra; Salina; Wied il-Hemsija; Wied Incita; Wied Qamotta. Gozo: 2. Dilophus bispinosus Lmdstroem Wid tal-Lunzjata (VII, VIII, IX, all taken from near freshwater pools, either on the banks Malta: Bingemma; Birkirkara; ~al-~roqqTCornho:near Tower (I, 11, 111, X, XI). ar on nearby vegetation).

3. Dilophus tenuis Wiedernann (= D. ternatus Loew) M'alta: Wied Babu. Comino: near Tower (11, 111, on Smyrnium olusarrum). THEREVIDAE(det. L. Lyneborg)

MYCETOPHILOIDEA 14. Thereva binotata Loew MYCETOPHILIDAE(det. P.J. Chandler) Malta: Marsascala; Wied is-Sewa; Wied QWa. Comino: Santa Marija (VIII, IX).

4. Leia? bimaculata (Megen) 15. Thereva spiloptera Wiedernann Malta: Wied hbu (111, on Smyrnium olusarrum) Malta: Marsascala: Wied is-Sewda; Wied Qannotta. Comino: Santa Marija; San Niklaw (VII, 1x1. 5. Leia fasciata Stord 16. Thereva tuberculata Loew Malta: Biikirkm; Hmn(111, IV). Malta: Salina; Wied il-Ghasel. Comino: Sanra Marija (IV). 6. Neoplatyura biumbrata (Edwards) Malta: Wied Inata (IV). SCENOPINIDAE(det. R. Rozkasny)

BRACHYCERA 17. Scenopinus ep. Gozo: Qolla is&fra (VII).

ACROCERIDAE(det. M. Chvdla) 7. Atylotus fulvus (Meigen) 18. Ogcodes schembrii Chvda Malta: Ras il-Mignuna (Sehun) (VII). Malta: Buskett; Chadwick Ides; Wied is-Sewda. Gozo: Xlendi (VI, VIII, X, mostly on 8. Atylotus latistriatus (Brauer) sunny stones; dso ahghts on humans). Malta: St. Paul's Islands (VII). (det. D.J. Greathead) 9. Atylotus quadrifarius Loew Malta: Mlstm (VIII). 19. Anthrax trifasciata Meigen GATT & J. SCHEMER1 260 S. SMEMBRI, P. FLIES FROM THE MALTESE ISLANDS

Malta: Bahar ic-Caghaq; Birki~kara;Buskett. Gozo: Wied I-Infern. Cornino: Santa Marija (VI, VII, VIII). 32. Thyridanthrax elegans (Wiedemann) Malta: Buskett; St. Thomas Bay; Wied Qannotta. Gao: Wied I-Idem (VII, VIII). 20. Bombylius canescens Mikan Malta: Wid is-Sewda (111). 33. Usia forcipata BdC Malta: Chadwick Lakes (111). 2 1. Bom bylius f ulvescens W iedemann Malta: Wardija (VI). 34. Usia versicolor (Fabricius) Malta: Buskett; Chadwick Lakes; Ghajn Tuffieha; Ghat i1-Kbir (neat Girgenti); Girgeati; 22. Bombylius undatus Mikan Wied Babu; Wid is-Swda (11, 111, IV, on Calendra avensis). Malta: Cha&ick Lakes; Wied is-Sewda. Cornino: Santa Marija (111). 35. Villa quinquefasciata (Wiedemann) , - - T* Malta: Bahrija; Buskett; Chadwick Lakes; Mistra; Ghajn Rihana; Wied ~motta(VI: 23. BombyIilfr medius Linnaeus VII, dmfrom flowers of Polygonum salicifolium, Mentha pulegium and Foeniculum vul- Malta: Misua: Wid is-Sewda. Gozo: Rabat (111). gare. Also fm leaves of Populus alba).

24. Exhyalanthrax afer Fabricius 36. Villa hottentota Linnaeus Malta: Chadwick Lakes; GzLa; Ghajn Rihma; Wied Incita; Wied Qannotta. Gozo: Qbai. Malta: Buskett (VI). jar; Qolla s-Safra; Wied I-Idem. Cornino: near Tower (111, VI. V, 11, VIII, IX). 25. Exoprosopa jacchus (Fabricius) HYBOTIDAE(det. M. Chvdla) Malta: Bahri'ja; Buskett; Gebrl Ciantar; Mistra; Marsascala; Wardija; Wid is-Sewda. & zo: Qolla s-Sdra; Wied I-Infem (VI, VII, VIII). 37. Platypalpus longiseta (Zetterstedt) Malta: Birkirkara; Buskett; Ghajn Rihana; Salina; Wied Qannotta (111, IV). 26. Geron sp. near gibbosus (Olivier) Malta: Salk; Wied Babu. Gozo: Wied I-Infern; Qolla s-Safra (VII, IX, very agi,le 38. Platypalpus pallidiventris (Mdsgen) ahghting momentarily on shrubs such as lnula crithmoides). Malta: Birkirkam; Fiddien; Wied Incita. 27. Heteralonia megerlei (Meigen) 39. Platypalpus praecinctl~s (Coilin) - Malta: Chadwick Lakes; Fiddien; Mistra; Ghajn Rihana; Wied Qannotta (VI, VII, VIII, masionally on Men/ha pulegi~m). Malta: Wied Iacim; Wied Qmtta (111, IV).

28. Petrorossia hesperus Rossi 40. Platypalpus pseudounguiculatus (Strobl) Malta: Baher ic-Caghaq; Buskett; Qlardwick Lakes; Fiddien; Ghadira; Qawra Point; \Vied Malta: Ghajn Rihana (111, generally nnder stones in very humid conditions). Qannotta (VI, VII, VIII). 4 1. Platypalpus spinicercus Chva'la 29. Spogostylurn sp. near isis (Meigen) Malta: Buskett; Qvadwick Lakes; Fiddim; Ghajn Rihana; Wied il-Hemsija; Wied Qan- notta; Wied il-Ghasel (111, IV, IX, XI). Malta: Fiddien; Mktra; Ghajn Rihana; Ghadira; Wied Qmnotta. Gozo: Qbajjar; Ramla (VII, VIII). 42. Tachydromia arrogans (Lhaeus) 30. Spogostylurn tripunctatum (Wiedemann) Malta: Birkukara; Ghajn Rihma; Wid Babu; Wied il-Ghasel; Wied Qannotta (11, 111, Malta: Wied is-Sewda (IV). XII, generally on stones in damp conditions). 43. Crossopalpus aeneus (Walker) 3 1. Spogostylurn virgo (Egger) Mdta: Buskett; Burmarrad; Chadwick Lakes; Gzira; Ghgdira; Wied P-Ghasel; Wied is- Malta: Wied Qannotta (VII). Sewda; Wied il-Hemsija; Wied Qannotta. Gao: Wied tal-lunzjata (VII, VIII, IX, XII). S. SCHEMBRI, P. GATT & J. SCHEMBRI FLIES FROM THE MALTESE ISLANDS 263

54. Eristalinus aeneus (Scopoli) Malta: Fiddien; Fomm ir-Rih; Ghadira; Wied Babu; Ghajn Ri'hana; Wid il-Ghasel; Wied 44. Microphor rostellatw Loew is-Sew&; Wted Qannotta. Gao: Wied 1-Indm (11, VII, VIII, IV, IX on various plants, especially Euphorbia melitensis and Foeniculum uulgare). Comino: Central area (111). 55. Eristalis tenax (Linnnnaeus) Malta: Bahrija; St. Julians; Wied Babu; Wied il-Ghasel; Wid idewda; Wied Qirda. Gozo: Wid 1-Infern. Comino: near Village (11, 111, V, VI, IV, XII, on Ferula commu- 45. Argyra argyria (Meilgen) nis, Euphorbia melitensis and especially Chrysanthemum coronarium). Malta: Buskett (IV, near water) 56. Eumerus rlmoenus Loew 46. Campsicnemus crinitarsis Stenbl. Malta: Wied Il-Ghasel (111, on Ferula communis). Malta: Chadwick Lakes (VI). 57. Eumerus obliquus (Fabrkius) -- 47. Orthochile saccata Loew Malta: Wied Qannotta (VIII, on Foeniculum uulgare). Comino: Wied near Taht il-Mazz (111). 58. Meliscaeva auricollis (Meigen) 48. Sciapus eozonus Loew Malta: Wied Babu; Wid edl-Ghasel (11, IV, on Ferula communis). Malta: Birkirkara; Buskett (VI, VII, attracted to light). 59. Metasyrphus corollae (Fabricim) 49. Syntormon pumilus (Meigen) Malta: Fiddien; Fort St. Lucian (Marsaxlokk); Saliaa; Wied Babu; Wid ilGhase1; Wied Qannotta. Gao: Wid tal-Lunzjata (11, 111, V, VII, IX, on Chrysanthemum coronarium, Malta: Wied ill-Hmija (111, on mud near freshwater). Euphorbia melitensis and Ferula communis). 50. Teuchophorus spinigerellus (Zetterstedt) 60. Myanthropa florea (Lh'naeus) Malta: Wied d-Henssija (111, on mud near freshwater). Malta: Buskett; Rabat; Tal-Qroqq; Wied il-Ghasel; Wied 1,ncita; Wied Qi.Gozo: Wid tal-Lunzjata (111, IX, VII, IV, on various plants, especially Foeniculum uulgare).

61. Platynochaetus rufus (M,acquart) (= 'Merodon rufus Macquitrt) Malta: Buskett; Marsascala; Wied il-Ghasel; Wid is-Sew&; Wied Qwotta. Comino: Santa Marija (111, IV, on Foeniculum vulgare, Galictites tomentosa and omhers). SIRPHIDAE(det. K.G.V. Smith) 62. Scaeva albZmaculata (tMacquart) 51. Chrysotoxum intermedium Meigen Comino: Santa Marija (IV). Malta: Buskett; Gadwick Lakes; Wid il-Ghasel; Wied Incita; Wied is-Sewda; Wid Qannotta; Wid Qi&(I, 11, 111, V, VI, VII, X, on various ~lants,but especially Ferula communis). 63. Scaeva pyrastrf (Limaeus) Malta: Bahrija (V). 52. Episyrphus balteatus (Degea) Malta: Buskett; Wid il-Ghasel; Wied Incita. Comino: Santa Marija (IV, IX, on Ferula 64. Sphaerophoria rueppellii (Wiedemann) communis and Ranunculus sp.). Malta: Bahriia (V).

53. Eristalinus t~eniops(Wiedemann) 65. Sphaerophoria scripta (Linaaeus) Malta: Mriia; Buskett; Wied Babu; Wied il-Ghasel; Wied il-Hemsija; Wied Qannotta (11, 111, IV, VI, VIII, on Foeniculrim uulgare). Malta: Wid is-Sewda (111, IV, on Chrysanthemum coronarium). 264 s. SCHEMBRI,P. GATT & J. SCHEMBRI FLIES FROM THE MALTESE ISLANDS

66. Syritta pipiens (Linnaeus) Malta: Fon St. Lucian (Marsaxlokk); Slkma; Wied il-Ghasel; Wied is-Sewda; Wied Qan- SEPSIDAE(det. L. Munari) notta; Wied Qkda. Gozo: Qolla sSafra (111, IX, V, IV, mostly on Chrysanthemum .corw narium and Ferula communis). 76. Sepsis lateralis Widemam Malta: Buskett; Fiddien; Salina; Wied Qirda (IV, IX, mostly on Festucia arundinacea). 67. Xanthandrus comtus (Harris) Malta: Hamrum (I). 77. Sepsis punctum (Fabiicius) Malta: Bahrija; Birkirka~a; Chadwick Lakes; Salina; Wied Gerzuma; Wied il-Ghasel; Wied Incita (111, IV, VI, VII, IX, occasionally very abundant on vegetation in moist C~NOPIDAE(det. K.G.V. Smith) shady situations).

68. Melanosoma bicolor Meigen 78. Sepsis fissa Becker Malta: Gwadamangia (V). Malta: Wied Qirda (IX).

69. Myopa testacea (Linnaeus) AGROMYZOIDEA Malta: Buskett: Wied ilGhasel (IV) TEPHRITI~AE(det. A. Friedberg) 79. Acanthiophilus helianthi (Rossi) 70. Physocephala vittata (FaMcius) Comino: Santa Marija (VII). Malta: Mktra; Wid Qmmtta; Fon Manoel (VI, VII, on Senecio sp.). 80. Capparimyia savastani Martelli 71. Thecophora atra (Fabricius) Comino: Santa Marija (VIII). Comino: near Tower (111, on Leontodon tuberosus). 8 1. Ceratitis capitata Wiedanann 72. Thecophora distincta Wiedemmn Malta: Mgarr (IX, on Capparis spinosa). Malta: Wied Qannotta (111, on Sonchus sp.). 82. Euleia heraclei Linnaeus 73. Cerania uespiformis Macquart (det. R.A. Hayman) Malta: Buskett; Sdina (IV, VII, on Capparis spinosa). Malta: Buskett; Fiddien; Mriehel; Salina; Wied il-Hesri; Wied Qannotta (IV, VJ, VII, VIII, IX, on Foeniculum vulgare). 83. Herina? lugubris Meigen Malta: Fiddien; Gttajn Rvhana (VII, IX).

ANTHOMYZOIDEA 84. Myopites zernyi Hering (det. B.H. Cogan) Malta: Salina (VII).

74. Suillia uariegota (Loew) 85. Paroxvna tessellata (Loew)

Malta: Buskett (XI, under trees on shaded vegetation). . Malta: Wied IIracita (IV).

LAUXANIOIDEA 86. Tephritis formosa (Loew) (det. B.H. Cogan) Malta: Marsascala (VII, to light).

75. Minettia plumicornis Fall& 87. Tephritis poecilura Loew Malta: Buskett (VII, on vegetation). Malta: Mamascala (VII, to light). 266 S. SCHEMBRI, P. GATT & 1. SCHEMBRI FLIES FROM THE MALTESE ISLANDS

88. Trupanea amoena Fraumdeld 10 1. Psilopa nigritella Stenhammar Malta: Bahrija (V on Chrysanthemum coronarium). Gao: Wid tal-Lunzjata (IX, on mud near freshwater).

89. Urophora macrura Lcew 102. Psilopa nitidula (FaUkn) Malta: Wid Qirda (V). Malta: Fiddien (IX, on mud near freshwater).

90. Urophora quadrifasciata Meigen 103. Discocerina duplosetosa (Becker)

Malta: Wied Qamotta (111, 011 grasses). Malta: Fiddien (IX, on mud near freshwater).

9 1. Orellia steropea Rondani 104. Allotrichoma laterale (Loew) Malta: no data. Malta: Fiddien (IX, on mud near freshwater).

92. Euarestella megacephala Loew Malta: no data. DROSOPHILOIDEA

EPHYDRIDAE(det. S. Canzoneri & D. Meneghini) 105. Chaetogena acuminata Rondani Malta: Ghajn Rihana. Gozo: Qolla s-Safra; Wied tal-Lunzjata (VII, IX). 93. Ochthera schembrii Rondani (== 0. mantispa Loew) Malta: Bahrija; Fiddien; Sdina; Wied il-Hemsija; Wid Qamotta. Gozo: Wied td-Lun- 106. Nemorilla maculosa Meigen zjata (V, VII, VIII, IV, IX, fmrn muddy banks near freshwater). Malta: Chadwick Lakes. Comino: near Tower (IV, VI, on Foeniculum vulgare).

94. Ephydra bivittata Loew 107. Drino atropivora Robineau - Desvoidy Malta: Marsascda; Wm; St. Paul's Islaads (V, VII, IV, from brackish water surface. Malta: Birkirkara (adults emerged fmm Aceronthia atropos, IX). Also attracted to light). 108. sp. 95. Ephydra flavipes Macquart Clemelis nr. pullata Meigen) Malta: Fiddien; Wied Qannotta (VII, VIII). Malta: Fiddien; Mmaxlokk; Wied il-Hemsija. Gozo: Wid d-Lunzjata (IX, from water surface). 109. Prosopea nigrkans Egger 96. Ephydra macellaria Egger Malta: Wied Qannotix (VII, on Foeniculum vulgare). Malta: Fiddien; Wied il-Hemsija; Wied isSeuda (IX, fmm near freshwater pools). - 110. Gonia bimaculata Wiedemann 97. Scatella parudum Meigen Malta: Bkkirkara; Mamala; Ghajn Rihma; Wied il-Ghasel; Wied Qannotta; Wied Qirda (V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, on Foeniculum vulgare. Also fmm mud near freshwater Malta: Fiddien (IX, on vegetation m freshwater pool). pools).

98. Scatello stagnalis (Fallen) 111. (Echinomyia) magnicornis Zettentedt Malta: Fi,d&en (IX, on mud near freshwater pool). Malta: Fiddien; Mmaxlokk; Ghajn Rihana; Wied il-Gharnl; Wied is-Sewda; Wied Qan- notta (11, V, VI, VII, X, on Chrysanthemum coronmium, Ferula communis). 99. Hydrellia griseola (Fden) Malta: Fiddien; Wied il-Hemsija (IX, on vegetation near freshwater pools). 112. Tachina (Echinomyia) praeceps Meigen Malta: Marsaxlokk; Ghajn Rihana; Wied Has-Sabtan (VI, VII, IX). 100. Psilopa biskrae Beckm Malta: Salina (IV, from vegetation near freshwater pool). 113. Linnaemya soror Zimin FLIES FROM THE MALTESE ISLANDS 268 s. SCHEMBRI,P. GATT & J. SCHEMBRI 125. ruf ifrons Loew Malta: Bahrija; Mistra; Wied il-Ghasel (111, IV, V,on Chrysanthemum coronarium). Malta: Bahrija; Chadwick Lakes (VII). 114. Mintho compressa Fabricius 126. Cylindromyia rufipes Meigen Malta: Chadwick Lakes; Wid Incita; Wied Qirda (VIII, XII, all specimens taken from shady, damp situations especially shallow crevices on large rocks and at base of dlffs). Malta: Ghadira; Marsa; Mistra; Salina; Wied il-Hemsija (VII, VIII, IX).

115. Mintbo paraeceps Scopoli (det. K.M. Harris) 127. Besseria zonaria Loew Malta: Chadwick Lakes (VII). Malta: Chadwick Lakes (VI, on Foeniculum vulgare).

128. Chaetora stylata Becker 116. Fischeria bicolor Robineau - Dosvoidy Malta: Wied Il-Hemsija (VIII). Malta: Marsascala; Marsaxlokk; Selmun. Gozo: Qolla sSafra (11, VII, IX). 129. Euthera manni Mik (det. K.M. Harris) 117. confusa Mesniil Malta: Wied Qannotta (IX). Malta: Marsascala; Wied il-Ghasel; Wied Incita; Wied is-Sew& (111, IV, IX, XI1 on Smyrnium olusatrum. NSQ attmcted to light). RHTNOPHORIDAE(det. B. Hertig) 118. Ectophasia oblongula Robineau - Desvoidy 130, Melanophora rordis (Limaeus) Malta: Eahrija; Buskett; Mistra; Marsascda; Ghajn Rihw; Wied il-Hesri; Wied Qan- notta. Comino: Santa Marija (V,VI, VII, VIII, IX, nu'merous on Chrysanthemum coro- Malta: Buskett; Chadwick Lakes; Fidden; Salina; Wied il-Gkl; Wied il-Hemsija; narium and Foeniculum vulgdre). Wied Qannotta. Codno: Santa Marija; near Village (IV, VI, VII, VIII, XII, generally on Foeniculum vulgare). 119. Gymnosoma sp. (? rotundatum auct.) 13 1. Phyto adolescens Rodmi Malea: Buskett; Fiddien; Gebel Cianta; Marsascala; Ghajn Rihana; Wied Has-Sabtm; Wied Qirtlllotta (VI, VIII, IX, generally on Foeniculum vulgare). Malta: Buskett; Gzira; Marsaxlokk; Sliema; Wied il-Ghasel; Wied il-Hernsija; Wied il- Kbir; Wied is-Sewda; Wid Qirda. Comino: near Tower (111, IV, V, VII, VIII, IX, on Chrysanthemum coronarium and Ferula communis). 120. Leucostoma crassa Kugkr Malta: Buskett; Chadwirk Lakes; FicMen; Mistra; Marsaxlokk; Ghajn Rhana; Wied il- 132. Steuenia deceptoria Loew Hesri; Wid Qmnotta. Comino: Santa Maija (111, VI, VII, VIII, IX, on Chrysanthe- mum coronarium and Foeniculum vulgare). Malta: Buskett; Fidien; Ghadira; ~hajnRibana; Wied il-Ghasel; Wid il-Hemsija; Wid Qannotta; Wied Qkh.Comino: VUage (111, IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX). 121. Leucostoma engeddense Kugler SARCGPHAGIDAE(det. J.P. Dear) Mta: Ghajn Rih.Comino: neat Tower (VII,- VIII).

122. Clairuillia pninae Kugler 13 3. Crataculina tabaniformis Fabricius Malta: Gzira; Ghajn Rih; Wied Qannotta; Wied Qir& (V,VI, VII, on Foeniculum Gozo: Ramla (VII, from sad dunes near nests of Bembex oculata). vulgare). 134. Miltogramma rutilans Meigen 123. Cylindromyia auriceps Meigen Malta: Wied il-Hesri; Wied il-Ghasel (VI, IX). Malta: Fiddien; Ghajn Rib; Wid Qmotta (VI, VIII, mostly on Foeniculum vul- gare). 135. Nyctia halterata (Pmzer) Malta: Wied il-Ghasel; Wied Qamotta. Comino: near Tower (111, IV, VI, IX, on Xnula 124. Cylindromyia intermedia Meigen viscosa). Malta: Buskett; Chadwick Lakes; 'Fiddien; Marsaxlokk; Ghajn Ribam; Wied HasSab- tan; Wied a-Hemsija; Wied Qmotta; Wid Qirda. Gow: Wied I-Infern. Comi,no: Santa 136. Sarcophaga sp. nr. bezziana Bottcher Marija (VI,VII, VIII, IX). 270 s. SCHEMBRI,P. GATT & J. SCHE~IBRI FLIES FROM THE MALTESE ISLANDS

Malta: Hal Far; Wied il-Ghasel. Gow: Qolla s-Safra. Comino: Santa Marija (IV, VI, 150. Sarcophnga monspellensia Bottcher VII, on Foenicuiurn vulgare). Malta: Wied Qirda (VIII). 137. Sarcophaga sp. nr. penicillata Villeneuve & rnaroccana Rondani 151. Sarcophaga noverca Rondani Malta: Wied d-Ghasel. Gozo: Wied 1-Infern (X, IX). Malta: Wied Has-Sabtan; Wied ilGhasel (VI, IX). 138. Sarcophaga bolivori Collado 152. Sarcophaga penicilla:~ Villeneuve Malta: Wied Has-Sabtan (IX). Malta: Hal Far (VI). 139. Sarcophaga carnaria Linnaeus 153. Malta: Chadwick Lakes; Wid il-Ghasel; Wied is-Sewda; Wid Qannotta (111, VII, Sarcophaga novercoider Bottcher VIII). Malta: Ghajn Rihana; Wied ilGhase1 (111).

140. Sarcophaga crasripalpis Macquart 154. Sarcophaga portschinskyi Rondani Malta: Buskett; Ghadira; Ghajn Rihana. Gozo: Wied tal-Lunzjata (VI, VII, VIII). Malta: Chadwick Lakes; Hal Far; Wied Has-Sabtan; Wied ilGhase1. Gao: Ramla (VI, VII, VIII, IX). 141. Sarcophaga crientata Meigen Malta: Wied 8-Ghasel. Gozo: Qolla s-Safra (111, VII). 155. Sarcophaga striata Fabdcius Malta: Ghajn Rihana (111). 142. Sarcophaga exuberans PandellC Malta: Chadwick Lakes; Salina (VI, VII). 156. Sarcophaga nigriventrir M,eigen Malta: Mistra. Comino: Santa Marija (IV, VII). 143. Sarcophaga fertoni Villeneuve Malta: Ghadira; Wied Babu; Ghajn Rihana; Wid il-Ghasel; Wied Qannotta; Wied 157. Sarcophaga boettecheriana Rondani Qircta (VI, VII, VIII). Comino: Santa Madja (IV). 144. Sarcophaga filia Ror~dani 158. Sarcophaga teretirostrir Pandell6 Malta: Wied i!l-Ghasel; Wied is-Sewda; Wied Qannotta (VI). Malta: Chadwick Lakes; Wied Has-Sabtan; Wid ilGhase1; Wied is-Sew& (111, VI, IX). 145. Sarcophaga gracea Ro& 159. Sarcophaga tibialis Macquart Malta: Hal Ear; Wied il-Ghasel (111, VI). Malta: Fiddien; Wied Has-Sabtan; Wid Qirda; Bahrija (V, IX). 146. Sarcophaga haemorrhoides Bottcher 160. Sarcophaga unicurva PandmdC Malta: Wied ilGh-1 (IV). Ghadira; Wied Has-Sabtan; Wied i,l-Hesri Wied Qamotta; Wied Qirda (VI, VII, IX). 147. Sarcophaga hirticrus Pandell6 Malta: Mistra; Wied Ha-Sabtan; Wied il-Ghasel; Wid is-Sewda; Wied Qannotta; Ghajn 161. Sarcophila latifrons (Fallin) Rhm. Gao: Qolla sSah (111, VI, VII, IX). Malta: FicMien; Wied Babu; Ghajn Rihana; Wied ilGhase1; Wied Qanmotta; Wied Qir- & (VII, VIII, IX, X). 148. Sarcophaga rnelanura Meilgen Mdta: Wied %-Ghasel; Wied is-Sew& (111). 162. Setulia sp Malta: Wied il-Ghasel (VI) 149. Sarcophaga rnirera Walker Malta: Ghajn Rihana; Wied il-Ghasel; Wied isSewda (111). 163. Macronychia polydon (Meigen) 272 s. SCHEMBRI,P. GATT & J. SCHEMBRI FLIES FROM THE MALTESE ISLANDS 273

Malta: Wied Qirda (IX). 174. Lispa tentaculata (Degeer) (det. S. Canzoneri & D. Menghini) Malta: Bahrija, Buskett; Chadwick Lakes; Fiddien; Gha~nRib; Wied il-Hemsija; 164. Arnobia signata (Meigen) Wied isSewda. Gao: Wied tal-Lunzjata (VI, VII, VIII, X, IX, on mud near freshwater pools). Malta: Wied il-Ghasel; Wied Qannotta (IV, VII, on Euphorbia sp.) 175. Musca dornestica Linmeus CALLIPHORIDAE(det. J.P. Dear) Malta: Chadwick Lakes; Gzira; Wied il-Ghasel. Gozo: Qbajjar. Gmino: Santa Marija; near Village (V, VII, IV, IX). 165. Calliphora vicina Robineau - Desvoidy Malta: Birkirkara; Buskett; Gzira; Selmun; Sliema; Wied il-Ghasel (11, 111, V, com- 176. Musca uitripennis Meigen monly enters human habitations. Also occurs in the open country). Malta: Buskett; Wied il-Ghasel; Wied Qannotta. Comino: Santa Marija (VII, X, IX, commonly alights on humans). 166. Chrysomya albiceps Wiedemann Malta: Birkirkara; Wied il-Ghasel (VIII, IV, 111, on Euphorbia melitensis). 177. Muscina stabulans (Fall&) Malta: Birkirkaa; Buskett; Fidd'ien; Gzira; Salina; Wied il-Ghasel; Wied isSewda; 167. Lucilia sericata (Meigen) Wied Qirda. Gozo: Wied tal-Lunzjata (11, 111, IV, X, XII, IX, on Ferula communis Malta: Buskett; Wied il-Ghasel; Wid is-Sewda. Fifla. Gmino: Santa ~arija(111, IV, and other plants. Also in hum habitations). VIII, IX). 178. Myospila rneditabunda (Fabricius) 168. Pollenia pallida Rohdendorf Malta: Wied Qirda. Gozo: Wied tal-Lunzjata (IX). Malta: Ghadira (IV). 179. Ophyra aenescens (Widemann) 169. Pollenia rudis (Fabricius) Malta: Gzi'ra (VII, in human habitations). Mdta: Buskett; Salina; Wid Babu; Wied ilGhase1; Wied is-Sew&. Gmino: near San Niklaw (11, IV, IX, XII, on Euphorbia sp. and Ferda communis). 180. Ophyra capensis (Miedemann) 170. Stomorhina lunata (Fabricius) Malta: Bi~kirkara;Wied il-Hemsija (VIII, XI). Malta: Buskett; Chadwick Lakes; Ghadira; Wied il-Ghasel; Wied Incita; Wid Qirda (111, IV, VI, VII, VIII, IX, mostly on Ferula communis). 18 1. Ophyra leucostoma (Widernam) Malta: Buskett; Chadwick Lakes; Salina; -Wied Qirda (IV, VII, IX, a.U specimens taken MLJSCOIDEA on the wing fmunder trees). SCATOPHACIDAE(det. J.P. Dear) 182. Orthellia viridis Wliedern~a'm 17 1. Scatophaga stercoraria (Linnaeus) [& vamr. rnerdaria Fabricius I Malta: Wied il-Ghasel (111, IV, on dung). Malta: Bingemma; Marsascala; Wied il-Ghasel; Wied Incita (111, IV, X, XII, on Chry- santhemum coronarium. Also attracted to hght). 18 3. Phaonia uariegata (Meigen) Malta: Buskett (VII, VIII, IV, XI). MIJSCIDAE(det. A.C. Pont)

172. Coenosia tigrina (Fabricius) Mdta: Buskett; Chadwirk Lakes; 'Fiddien; Wied il-Hemsija; Wied Qannotta; Wied Qir- Malta: Chadwick Lakes; Wied il-Ghasel; il-Hemsija; Wied Qamotta (VI, VIII, da. Gozo: Qbajjar; W,id tal-Lunzjata (VI, VII, VIII, X, IX). taken near freshwater pools).

173. Lispa nana Macquart (det. S. Canzonerl & D. Menghini) 185. Graphornya maculata (Scopoli) Malta: Chadwirk Lakes; Fiddien; Salina; Wied il-Hemsija (VIII, IV, IX, from banks Malta: Buskett; Wied il-Ghasel; Wied Qannotta (111, IV, VII, on Foeniculum uulgare of water pools). and Ferula communis). 274 s. SCHEMBRI, P. GATT & J. SCHEMBRI FLIES FROM THE MALTESE ISLANDS

186. Helina almeriensis Strobl HIPPOBOSCIDAE(det. A.M. Hutson) Malta: Bi,ngemma; Buskett; Manoel Island; Tal-Blata (Selmun); Wied Qannotta. &mi- no: near Village (IV, VII, VIII, X, XI, on Euphorbia melitensis). 198. Ornithophila metallica Schiner 187. Helina clara Meigen Gozo: Wid tal-Lunzjata (XII, from Motacilla alba, White Wagtail). Mdta: Bingemma; Birkirkara; Buskett; Chadwick Lakes; Selmun (VI, X, XI, IX, gene- rally in shady crwices). 199. Ornithomya biloba Dufour Malta: Rabat (X, from Xirundo rustrca, European Swallow). 188. Helina duplicata (Meigen) Malta: Wied 1Ghasel (VI, a Ferula communis) 200. Ornithomya avicularia (Limaeus) 189. Helina punctata (Robi,neau- Desvoidy) Gozo: Wied tal-Lunzjata (X, from Locustella luscinioides, Savi's Warbler). Malta: Buskett; Chadwick Lakes (VI, VII, generally in damp conditions. Also on Popu- lus alba trunks). 201. Pseudolynchia canariensis Macquart Malta: Birkirkara (V). ANTHOMYI~DAE(det. A.C. P0nt) 202. Icosta minor (Bigot) 190. Delia platura (Meigen) Malta: Ghadira; Xemxija. Gozo: Ramla Valley (I, IV, IX, XI, from Passer hispaniolen- Malta: Bima;Wied il-Ghasel. Comiao: Santa Marija (IV, X, on Ferula communis. sis, Spanish Sparow; F~cedulahypoleuca, Pied Flycatcher; Eritachus rubecula Robin and Also in human habitations). Sylvia melanocephal Sardinim Wader).

191. Fucellia tergina (Zetterstdt) 203. Hippobosca equina LirYnaeus Malta: Mistra; Matsaxlokk (X, IX, on rocky beach and near heshwater pools). Malta: Ghammieti (X, numerous on cattle)

192. Leuc~phora dissimilis V.1111 eneuve Malta: Maxsaxlokk; Wled Incita (11, IV, abundant on Drplotaxis erucoides). Acknowledgements

193. Leucophora? sponsa Meigen This work would not have been possible without the collaboration of numerous specialists who undertook the often labodous task of specimen determination. It is our pleasure to thmk Malta: Binsgemma (X). the specialists mentioned below: the Dipterists of the British Museum (Natural History), Lon- don - Dr. N.P. Wyatt for taxonomic advice; Dr.'J.E. Chainey (Tabanithe); Dr. K.G.V. Smith 194. Paregle cinerella (Fdin) (Synphidae and Conopae); Dr. BH. Cogan (TephFirtidae, in pan, Heleomyzidae and Lawani- dae); Dr. RA. Hayman (Chopidge, in part); Dr. J.P. Dear (Scatophagide, Cahphoridae and M,alta: W2ed fi-Ghasel (111, on Ferula communis) Sarcoph&dae); Dr. A.C. Pont (Musddae, Anthomyiidae and Fmniihe); Dr. A. Friedberg (Te- phritidae); Dr. KM. Harris (Tachikdae, in part) and Dr. A.M. Hutson (Hippoboscidae). Dr. Hutson also deserves special thanks for organizing the determinations at the B.M.N.H. and for 195. Pegomya sp. lvis frequent mediatory efforts. Th& am also due to Dr. P.J. Chandler of the Weston Research Laboratories, Berks for determining the Mycetophaidae; Dr. P. Pecina of Praha for the Bibioni- Malta: Biigemma; Buskett (X, XI). dae; Dr. R. RozkoSny of the F'urkyne Univetsity, Brno, for the Stratiomyidae and Scenopinidae; Dr. L. Lynebotg of the Zoologisk Museum, Kob&n, for the Therevidae; Dr. M. Chvfla of the Charles University, ViM, far the Acroceridae and Hybtidae; Dr. D.J. Greathead for- FANNIIDAE(det. A.C. Pont) merly of ck Comnwealth Institute of Biological Control, for th Bombyliidae; Dr. B. Hertig of the Staatliches Museum fiir Naturkunck, Stuttgmt, for the Rkimpharidae and . Dr. S. Canzoneri and Dr. D. Meneglini determined the Ephydridae zuid Lispa spp.; Dr. L. 196. Fannia canicularis (Limeus) Rampini and Dr. L. Mumi tackled the DolicbpOmdae and Sepsidae respectively. To these Mdta: Birkirkara; Buskett; Gzira; Siggiewi; Wied ilGhase1; Wied Incita; Wied is-Sew- speci&ts of the MUSA)Civico di Storia Naturale, Venezia, we express our gratitude. Addi- da (111, IV, V, VI, VII, X, IX, in various habitats; on Populus alba bark, on Smyrnium tidy, Dr. Chvda deserves specid thanks for his constant su,pport and assistance and for olusatrum and others. Also in human habitations). intrdcing us to other taxonomists. We also acknowledge the help of Dr. A. kina ,E. Lan- franco, D. Dandria, Dr. C. Aquiliaa, C. Gauci, C. Briffa, J. Cilia, M.V. Gaud, J. Grech, J. Sultana and M. Gaud for providng part of the material; E. Lahanco also identified botanical 197. Fannia leucosticta Meigen material. Rnally we thank P. Sammut, M.A. Schembri and J. VeUa Gaffiefo for providing helpful suggestions and Prof. P.J. Schembn for reading the manuscript of dm paper and for Malta: Bkkirkara (VII). his constructive criticism. S. SCHEMBRI, P. GATT & J. SCHEMBRI FLIES FROM THE MALTESE ISLANDS 277

REFERENCES SALIBAL.J., DANDRIAD.F., GROSEJ.E.H., HARRISE.G. & ZAMMITLUCIA M., 1976 - Control of fam flies in Malta - 111. The effect of residual insecticide on Musca domestica and Stomoxys calcitrans in the Maltese Islands - Pans, 22 (2): 215-222. BORGJ., 1922 - Cultivation and diseases of fruit trees in the Maltese Islands - Malta: Govern- SALIBAL.J., ZAMMITLUCIA M., GROSEJ.E.H. & HARRISE.G., 1977 - Observations on flies ment Printing Office, 622 pp. found on livestock farms in Malta. I1 - Fly population studies - Miscellaneous Report No. CARUANAGATTO A,, 1926 - Primo contributo alla conoscenza dei zoocecidii delle Isole Maltesi - 35 - Londbn: Center for Ovarseas Pest Reseatch, 8 pp. Archivurn Melitense, 7 (3): 103-126. SCHEMBRIM., 1981 - Moth-flies - Potamon, 7: 84. CANZONER~S., 1985 - S~tesidelle attudi conoscenze degli Ephydridae e Canacidae delle 'Piccole SCHEMBRIJ.L., & SCHEMBRIS.P., 1979 - Freshwater insects in Malta - Potamon, 1: 3-6. Isole" Italiane (Diptera, ) - Boll. Mus. Ciu. Stor. Nut. Verona, 12: 97-108. SCHEMBRIP.J. & GAUCIM., 1984 - Blackflies (Diptera: Simulidae) in the Maltese Islds - Po- CANZONERIS. & MENEGHINID., 1983 - Ephydridae - Canaceidae. [Fauna d'Italia 201 - Bologna: tamon, 13: 75-76. Calderini, 337 pp. SCHEMBRIS., 1978 - Diptera Hippoboscidae parasitizing birds from the Maltese Islands - I1 - Me- CILIAJ., 1973 - An entomologist's diary: Dipte~a- The Maltese Naturalist, 1 (4): 15-18. rill, 19: 5-6. CHV~LAM., 1980 - Two new European Ogcodes species (Diptera A-ridae) - Acta Entomo- -, 1979 - Additional records of Etippobosddae (Insecta Diptera) from the Maltese Islands - logica bohemoslovaca, 77: 131-137. 11 - Merill, 20: 22. -, 1986 - Revision of Palaeartic Microphoridae (Diptera) 1. Microphor Macq. - Acta entomo- -, 1982 - Range extension of Ogcodes schembrii (Diptera: Acroceridae) - Potamon, 10: 134. logica bohernoslovaca, 83: 432-454. -, 1985 - Dipteta Hippoboscidae of the Maltese Islands - Potamon, 14: 107. -, 1988 - A new species of Stilpon Loew (npt., Hybotidze) related to S. nubilus Collins SPENCERK.A., 1972 - Some Agromyzidae (Diptera) from the Maltese Islandk - Entomologist's from England and Western Europe - Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, 124: 225-231. Monthly Magazine, 108: 190-192. TAGLIAFERRON., 1893 Fuk id-dubbiena tal-laring - Malta: Societd Economics Agraria, 8 pp. DANDRIAD., 1984 - The Mediterranem fruit-fly. Malta's major fruit pest - The ~imes,Talletta, - December 13, pp. 23 & 26. VALLETTAA,, 1973 - The moths of the Maltese Islands - Valletta: Progress Press, 118 pp. EBEJERM.J., 1988 a - Beeflies (Dipt. Bombvliidae) from Malta - Entomologist's Monthly Maga- zine, 124: 233-241. -, 1988 b - Some records of hoverflies (Di,ptera: Svrphidae) from Malta - Entomologist's Gazette, 39: 160-164. This work summhses current knowledge on the dipterological fauna of the Central Me- FALCOZL., 1926 - Diptero Pupipares. [Faune de , 141, Paris: Masson, 64 pp. diterranean Islands of Malta, Gozo and Comino (the Maltese Archipelago). Previously published GOELDINP., 1976 - Rhision du genre Paragus (Dipt. Syrphidae) de la rigion paliarctique orri- literature on the Mzltese Diptera are briefly reviewed in the introduction. A list of the Diptera taken by the authors, chiefly between the years 1975 - 1978, is given. This list, totalling 203 dbtale - Mitt. schweiz. ent. Ges., 49: 78-108. species divides into 27 families, is a good representation of at least the commoner species. For GROSEJ.EH., 1972 - A uisi! to Malta in connection with the Fly Control Research Scheme - each species listed, distribution within the Maltese Islands, ecological data where relevant, and Report No. CVR/72/4, London: Centre for Overseas Pest Research, 4 pp. month of capture (in Roman numerals) are given. The following families are included: Bibio- GROSEJ.E.H., HARRISE.G. & SALIBAL.J., 1977 - Observations on flies found on livestock nidae (3 sp.), Mycetophilidae (3 sp.), Tabanidae (5 sp.), Stratiomyidae (2 sp.), Therevidae (3 farms in Malta. 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