254 F. ANGELINI Mem. Sor. ent. ital., Genova, 70 (1) (1991): 255 - 277, 30.9.1991 I TASSIF., 1962 a - Su alcuni Buprestidi italiani specialmente delle Regioni centro-meridonali - Boll. Soc. ent. ital., Genova, 92 (3-4): 53-57. - 1962 b - Coleotteri Buprestidi M'Aspmmonte e della Sila - Mem. Mus. civ. St. not. Verona, 10: 211-231. -, 1966 a - Su alcuni Buprestidi italianj nuovi o particolarmente intermanti - Boll. Soc. ent. ital., Genova, 96 (1-2): 17-27. RECENT RECORDS OF FLIES FROM THE MALTESE ISLANDS - 1966 b - Ricerche zoologiche sul Massiccio del Pollino. XXXII. Coleoptera - 17. Gram- bycidae - Ann. Isr. Mus. Zool. Univ. Napoli, 17 (6): 1-65. - 1970 - Endemismi italiani. 8 - Boll. Ass. Rom. Entomol., Roma, 25: 86. (Diptt-ra) VIENNAP., 1971 - Gli Hiteridae del Museo Civico & Storia Naturale & Verona - Mem. Mus. civ. St. nut. Verona, 19: 267-301. - 1980 - Fauna d'It&. Coleoptera Histeridae. XVI - Ed. Calderini, Bologna, 386 pp. Introduction ZAMPETTIM.F., 1979 - Note sulla geonemia di alcuni Colmtteri Clavicurni - Boll. Soc. ent. ital., Genova, 111 (4-6): 96-97. ZANETTIA., 1977 - Due nuove spmie di Stafilinidi dell'Appennino - Mem. Mus. civ. Stor. nut. The Diptera of the Maltese Islands have received very little attenticm when Verona, 4: 307-315. compared with other insect groups. The oldest citations are probably those of -, 1982 - Materiali per una revision? degli Euspbalerum italiani e centro europei con de- RONDANI(1856 - 1880) whose eight volume work, Dipterologicae Italicae Prodro- scrizione di nuove sottospecie e note sinonimiche - Mem. Mus. civ. St. nut. Verona, 8: mus, i,ncludes some Maltese records. This work was not consulted by us. TAGLIA- 97-156. FERRO (1893) publi~hedthe first local advisory booklet on economic entomology, - 1987 - Fauna d'Italia. Coleoptera Staphylinidae. Omaliini - Ed. Calderini, Bolv, vol. XXV, XI1 + 472 pp. which deals with the damage caused by the Mediterranean Fruitfly, Ceratitis ca- ZOIA S., 1987 - Appuntl su Gtopidi ltaliani con descrizione di una nuova specie - Boll. SOC. pitafd and its control. ent. ital., Genova, 119 (2): 117-122. -, 1989 - Segnalazioni faunistiche italiane, 138 - Boll. Soc. ent. ital., Genova, 121 (1): 75. NEWSTEAD(1912) published a medically irnprtant work on Phlebotomus species from the Maltese Islands. He described two new species of this genus: P. perniciosus, "widely distributed over the isld of Malta" and P. nigerrimus from 2 females. NEWSTEADalso recorded P. minutus Rondani and P. papatasi ( Scop&). RIASSUNTO -1 A.- ; Ceratitis capitata Wacs again the subject of an article i'n the agricultural ma- Sono riportati i &ti di raccolta relativi a %5 specie di Coleotteri nuwi per la Sila e com- gazine Melita Agricola (MICALLEF,1935). This walk, more or less followed the prendenti: 220 specie nuove per la fauna hlla &,labria, 38 specie presenti in singole regioni o same 1,ines as TAGLIAFERRO'Searlier work. a diffusione alpha. Si ,ri.portano inoltre i &ti bibliografici, ed eventuali &ti origindi, per le 776 specie gii segnalate per I'altipiano della Sda. FALCOZ(1926) mentioned Lynchia falcinelli (Rondani), an ectaparasite of Cornplessivamente della Sila uggi sono note 1.741 specie di Coleotteri, ccmprendenti 4 pre- birdms, as occurring in Malta, but without giving any host information. This spe- sunti endernismi e 275 specie che hnoin tale altipiimo il loro lirmite meridionale & Wusione. cies i,s regarded a,s being the same as Pseudolynchia canariensis Macquart (SCHEM- BRI, 1978). CARUANAGATTO (1926) published a descriptive list of rhe plant-damagimng adgd-causing organisms which he encountered locally. Among the Diptera are ABSTRACT included the Cecidomyiidae Aploneura lentisci Pass., Contarinia nasturtii Kieff ., Cantarinia sp., Asphondilia Stefani Kid. (sic!); Asphondilia verbasci Vallota, Ste- Coleoptera of the Sila plateau (Calabria, Italy). phaniella sp. and a Cecidomya sp.; also he Tephritidae Tephritis marginata Fallen, Tephritis megarephala Low and Ceratitis Savastani Martelli (sic!). 965 new species of Coleoptera from the Sila plateau (Calabria, Italy) are recorded, each with collecting data. They include 220 new records from Calabria ;tnd 38 species which were A series of 'papers and reports were published between 1970 and 1977 in known from single ditricts in Italy or Alpine regions. connaion with the Fly Con,trol Research %heme (see HARRISet al., 1973, 1976 Data from literature and origid ones are given for the 776 species which were already a & b; SALIBAet al., 1976, 1977; GROSEet al., 1977 and references contained known from Sila. Altogether, 1,741 species of Coleoptera are known so far from Sila, including 4 presumable endernisms and 275 species that exhibit their southern distributional bord~in oherein). Species dea1.t with ,are the farm flies Musca domestica and Stomoxys cal- this plateau. citrans, but GROSE(1972) d'so mmtioned the genera Fannia and Lucilia. BORG(1922) in his book on the cultivation and di'sea.ses of fruit trees in the Mdtese 1,slds mentioned seven species of economically important flies. These species represent 4 families: the Tephritidae, Ceratitis capitata Wied. (also refer- d Indirizzo dell'A.: S.S. 7 per Latiano, Km 0,500 - 72021 Frannavilla Fcnrana (Brindisi). red to as Halterophora capitata Randani Ceratitis citriperda Uied. [.sic!] ), and 256 s. SCHEMBRI,P. GATT & 7. SCHEMBR~ FLIES FROM THE MALTESE ISLANDS 257 Halterophora hispanica (rnen,tioned also under the name Ceratitis hispanica [sic! I ), mones Hg., P. conyzae Hd., P. horticola hr., and P. orobanchia Kalt.; the Me- two species chmiefly affecting citrus trees; Daucus Oleae Rossi (sic!), (additional diterranean species are: Agromyza apfelbecki Str., A. hiemalis Beck., Phytomyza names given are Musca Oleae and Stomomus Keironi [sic!] ), which attacks alive bellidina Hg., P. ferulivora Gdfiths., and P. mallorcensis Sp. trees; and .Tpilographa Cesari Fb. ('sic!), larvae of which were in chemas imimported Five speoies of Hippokidae have been taken from various bitr& and other from Sicily md Italy (adults were not reported from Maltese orchards); the Lon- vertebrates within these islands (see SCHEMBRI,1978, 1979, 1985 and new records chaeidlae, Lonchaea aristella Beck, which attacks fig trees; and the Cecidomyiidae, in the present work). The Ephydrididae and Canaecidae inha,biting the "smd Cecidomyia Piri Beck (sic!), (~peci~ficdyment.ioned as occurring on local pear islands" around Italy were the subject of a paper by CANZONERI(1985), who trees). listed 11 ephyd,rids irom the Maltese Islands: Ochthera schembrii Rond., Ephydra SALIBA'S(1963) work on local pests of crop plants includes four families of macellaria Egger, Ephydra falvipes (Masq.), Notiphila cinerea Fd., Hydrellia gri- fl.ies: Muscidae (Delia antiqua Meig, Hylemia brassicae Bouche), Lonchaeidae (Lon- seola (Fall.), Mosillus subsultans (F.), Allotrichoma laterale (Loew), Atissa heptaco- chaea arystilla Beck.), Trypetidae (Ceratitis capitata Ivied., Dacus oleae Rossi), aind loris Beck., Psilopa nigritella Stenh., Psilopa nitidtrla (Fall.) and Psilopa compta Cecidomiidae (Contarina nasturtii Kieff., Dichelomyia oenophila Haimh., Cecido- (Meig.). The same spies were again r~ordedfrom the Mdtese 1,slands in the myia pyri Bouche). Fauna d'ltalia series volume on Ephydridae and Canaceidae (CANZONERI& MENE- GHINI, 1983). EBEJER(1988 a) listed 22 species of Bombylilidae, based partly on CILIA (1973) published a list of common Diptera consisting of 20 species re- material mentioned in the present work. EBEJER'Sadditional records include Bom- presenting 1 1 families: Tipufidae (Tipula oleraceu L.), Bibianidae (Bibio marci L., bylius citrinus Loew, Anthrax fuscipennis Ricardo, Spongostylum sp. (aff. dubium Bibio hortulanus L.), Culicidae (Culex pipens L.), Psychodidae (Psychoda phalae- Zaitsev), Exoprosopa grarrdis Wiedemann and Thyridanthrax polymenrus Wiede- noides L,), Tabanidae ("a least three species"), Asilidae (Machimus pyragra Zelkr), mmn. EBEJER(1988 b) also recorded 29 species of Syrphidae inc1ud.i~the follow- Syrphidae (Plarycheirur albimanus F. = peltatus Mg., Syrphus balteatus Deg., Chry- ing: Melanostoma mellinum (L.), Paragus coadunarus Rond., P. bicolor (F.), P. qua- sotoxum festivium L., Eristalis tenax L., Myatropa florea Mkgen), Hippoboscidae drifasciatus Meig., P. strigatus Meig., Ceriodes vespiformis (Latr.), Eumerus barba- (Ornithompa auicularia L.), Muscidae (Fantria canicularis L., Musca domestics L., rus (Conq.). E. etnensis Van der Goot, E. pusillus Loew, E. terminalis Santos- Delia cepetorum Meade ( = Phorbia cepetorum Med.), Calliphoridae (Lucilia caesar Abreu, Merodon geniculata Strobl and M. pruni Rmsi. L., Calltphora erythrocephala Meigen, Sarcophaga carnaria L.) and Tachhiidae (Gym- nochaeta virides Fdlen, Echinomyia fera L.). The aim of this work is to provide a list of the Diptera which are known to occur in the Mtaltese Islands and which have been personally collected by the More recent works on Mdtese Diptera menrion mainly isolated records. The authors. This list is based on collections made in recent times, chiefly between annotated list of moths by VALLETTA(1973) i,ncludes Sarcophaga larvarum (sic!) the years 1975 - 1978. No attempt has been made to revise rhe more ancient re- [psibly referring to Exorista larvarum (L.)] as parasitic on Acherontia atropos cords. The present work is mostly intended as a preliminary list of species on L., and Echinomyia ferm Pmz. (sic!) [poss3l~ly Nowickia ferox (Paflzer)] as a which future, more detailed studies can be based. It is ~qedchat this
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