This is a repository copy of Embodiment, transformation and ideology in the rock art of Trans-Pecos Texas. White Rose Research Online URL for this paper: Version: Accepted Version Article: Hampson, Jamie (2016) Embodiment, transformation and ideology in the rock art of Trans-Pecos Texas. Cambridge Archaeological Journal. pp. 217- 241. ISSN 0959-7743 Reuse ["licenses_typename_other" not defined] Takedown If you consider content in White Rose Research Online to be in breach of UK law, please notify us by emailing
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[email protected] Cambridge Archaeological Journal For Peer Review Embodiment, transformation, and ideology in the rock art of Trans-Pecos Texas Journal: Cambridge Archaeological Journal Manuscript ID: CAJ-AR-2014-0095.R1 Manuscript Type: Article Date ubmitted by the Author: n/a Complete List of Authors: (ampson, Jamie* U,A, Archaeology Manuscript .eywords: roc0 art, embodiment, ideology, Trans-1ecos, Te2as Cambridge University Press Page 1 of 73 Cambridge Archaeological Journal 1 Embodiment, transformation, and ideology in the rock art of Trans-Pecos Texas Present in the Trans-Pecos rock art of west Texas are many motifs intelligible within hunter-gatherer ontological frameworks. These motifs – including human figures missing heads and limbs, figures with disproportionately large eyes, polymelia, and pilo-erection – are concerned with somatic transformations and distortions experienced in altered states of consciousness. Ethnographic analogies also demonstrate that other Trans-Pecos features – smearing, rubbing, and chipping of pigment, and incorporationFor ofPeer natural inequalities Review of the rock surfaces into images – are evidence of kinetic experiences or embodied processes, including the important interaction with the ‘veil’ that separates one tier of the cosmos from others.