Year of Proof: Making & Unmaking 21 One Book, One Philadelphia: Speakeasy: Poetry, Prose and Race; Penn Museum. Through August 18. Picture Bride. Anything Goes!; 7:30 p.m. Ongoing 22 Exhumed Films presents 18 A Salute to the Pioneering John Cage: How to Get Started; ZOMBIES!: Video Dead, Dead Heat; 8 Journalists of the 1960s: A Talk with interactive installation of a rarely heard p.m.; $15, $12/students. Mark Bowden; noon. February performance; Slought Foundation. 23 Chris Marker: Réalisateur—A 19 Release Party for “I Let a Song Go Human Evolution: The First 200 Grin without a Cat (Le Fond de l’air est Out of My Heart” by Sam Allingham; 7 p.m. Million Years; Hover Gallery, 2nd floor, rouge); 2 p.m. 21 7 Up on Camp; 6 p.m. Penn Museum. Chris Marker: Réalisateur—Level Five. The History of Nursing as Seen 25 Live at the Writers House; 7 p.m. A T P E N N Through the Lens of Art; Carol Ware 26 Reelback Presents Wolf. 27 3808 Reading; 5:30 p.m. Lobby, Fagin Hall. MEETINGS Penn Bookstore Wherever these symbols appear, more images or audio/video clips are Amarna, Ancient Egypt’s Place in Info.: available on our website, the Sun; Worlds Intertwined: Etruscans, 12 PPSA Board Meeting; 1 p.m.; Greeks and Romans Canaan and Ancient 6 The Political Worlds of Slavery and ; Board Room, Dunning Coaches; RSVP: Freedom; Steven Hahn,; 5:30 p.m. Israel; Living in Balance: The Universe of
[email protected] Burrison Gallery, University Club the Hopi, Zuni, Navajo and Apache; In the 12 Fans, Not Consumers: Creating ACADEMIC CALENDAR at Penn: free; Mon.-Fri., 7:30 a.m.-5 19 WPPSA Meeting; 12:30-1:30 p.m.; Super Growth in a No-Growth Industry; Artifact Lab: Conserving Egyptian Mum- first floor, Stiteler Hall.