0~uinttuztnutTIDES 0IIZ41L~WATER CONDITION HIGH LOW Charlie V 2:41 a.m. 8:16 a.m. U. S. NAVAL BASE, GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA STORAGE ASHORE 2:35 p.m. 9:10 p.m. 12.7 Million Gallons

Phone 9-5247 Date TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1969 Radio (1340) TV (Ch. 8) Nixo Announces 50,000-Man Pullout WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)-- President Nixon an- nounced last evening of 50,000 more American troops from South Vietnam by April 15 of next year. The President told a nation radio and tele- vision audience the pullout has been ordered "despite a substantial increase in enemy in- filtration." But Nixon said, "We must take risks for peace." The President added that North Vietnam also will be taking a risk "if infiltration and the level of enemy activity increases while we are reducing our forces. He described the with- drawal as "another orderly step in our plan for peace in Vietnam" and tied thefpullout to progress in training the-South Vietnamese Army to replace American forces. Nixon added that no progress has been made Mr. J. Milton Patrick, Commander of the amer- at the peace talks in Paris toward a negotiat- ican Legion, chats with a Marinettank crew near ed peace. the Base fenceline during his tour of the Naval The reduction follows an announced pullout Base yesterday. The Legion's senior man made a of 6,000 troops last June and September. The one-day visit to Guantanamo Bay as part of an White House says a total of 110,000 men will orientation tour of various military facilities have been removed by mid-April. throughout the world. This would drop the troop level to 434,000 men, the lowest since March of 1967. In Saigon, South Vietnamese President Thieu Bars Laos, Cambodia Combat Funds said the new withdrawal is in line with his WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)-- The Senate has voted country's policy of assuming the war burden to bar the use ofdefense funds for the "in- gradually. troduction of American ground combat troops in Thieu issued a statement announcing the cuts Laos or Thailand." The announcement came simultaneously with President Nixon's announce- after a rare and unexpected secret session. ment. He said he was in agreement with Presi- The restriction was attached to a $69 bil- dent Nixon on the cutback. lion defense appropriations bill by a vote of 73-17. The ial Publicity Hearing Set in My Lai Case amendment's sponsor, Democrat Pre-Tr, FT. BENNING, Ga. (M?/AFRTS)- 1968. The hearing will - A military judge has sched- place at Ft. Benning. ruled a hearing for tomorrow The Army questioned to determine if any witnesses Samuel Koster yesterday have violated his order not to the original investigation: discuss the court-martial case to the alleged massacre. of Armv Lt. William Callpv. investigation was cond Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, December 16, 1969

WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)-- Comedian Bob SAIGON (AP/AFRTS)-- Terrorists yesterday Hope took off on the road to everywhere blasted the influential Chinh Laun Daily news- yesterday, bound for U.S.bases around the paper office in Saigon and escaped under a world with his 19th annual Christmas show for volley of rifle fire. overseas servicemen. The terrorists hurled plastic explosives in- Hope and his 83-member cast and crew are to the front of the building, demolishing the acheduled for-19 performances in the 15- ground-floor office and sending flames through day, globe-citcling trip including a week all three stories. Preliminary reports indi- of base-hopping in Vietnam. cate at least three civilians were wounded. Putting on his first servicemen's show The terrorists also fired at Air Force de- at Washington's Andrews Air Force Base curity guards but none was hit by the shots. before the plane left the ground, In the war, allied troops clashed Hope with said he had only one regret about this North Vietnamese in heavy fighting near the longest-ever road Christmas road show: district headquarters at Bu Duc, 83 miles "I just hate to miss Tiny Tim's north of Saigon. wedding." He won't misp much else in the Military spokesmen said United States and 24,000- mile schedule of one-night stands: the South Vietnamese troops killed 51 enemy sol- company plays Berlin on Wednesday; a 6th diers and took two prisoners. N6 American Fleet aircraft carrier off Naples on Thurs- casualties were reportedbut two South Viet- day; and Air Force base namese were killed and nine were wounded. near Incerlik, ***** Turkey, on Friday. Then comes a week of flying in and out WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)-- Supreme Court Jus- of bases in Vietnam, while tice John Harlan has refused to order based in Bangkok, the Thailand. release of 12 Black Panthers while they await Appearances in Taipei on Dec. 28 and trial in New York City for an alleged bombing conspiracy. Guan Dec. 29 complete the tour 0*9*** The 12 Panthers and a former member of the JERUSALEM (AP/AFRTS)-- Prime Minister militant organization claim their bail has Golda Meir won a massive parliamentary been set high because they are considered vote of confidence yesterday for her new "political undesirables." Harlan also re- cabinet after saying the Soviet fused to reduce the bail. Union was the chief obstacle to Arab-Israeli peace. The formation of an unofficial commission The Knesset, or parliament, voted has been announced to investigate allegations 90 to 10 in approval, climaxing a five-hour of a national extermination plot against the debate touched off by Mrs. Meir's recent Panthers. Former United Nations Ambassador peace proposals which included international Arthur Goldberg and the NAACP's made the guarantees, U.S. observers, a United Nations announcement. They cited recent clashes between the Panthers and police in Chicago emergency force and the Armistice Agreements. and Los Angeles. Summing up the military situation in the ***** past year, the priihe minister said that despite Egypt's so-called war of WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)- The House has ap- attrition, Israel's position along the cease-fire proved a 15 per cent increase in Social Se- line was stronger than before and its curity benefits. The vote was 397-0. air force was in full The Senate has voted a similar over-all ciqzol of the air. hike, plus some other increases in Social 0 Security benefits. But Chairman Wilbur Mills of the House Ways and Means Committee says that in a Senate-House conference he will back only the blanket increase. *** WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)-- An appeal to all Americans to send Christmas cards to the Pres- ident of North Vietnam has come from the Amer- ican Red Cross. It wants those cards to plead for release of United States prisoners of war. Red Cross official Ramone Eaton noted in Washington that such critics of the Vietnam war Senator J.W. Fulbright of Arkansas neverthe- less support the Christmas card effort. ***** TAI PEI (AP/AFRTS)-- A United States Air Force plane crashed in Soutuhern Taiwan v _ Tuesday, December 16, 1969 Guantanamo Gazette Page 3

New Trend Set in Asian Policy Dubcek Named Envoy to Turkey WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)-- The State Department's top PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia (AP/AFRTS)-- Former Party Chief specialist on Asia says 1969 brought development of Alexander Dubcek, whose reform movement was stopped by four major and encouraging new U.S. policies in the Soviet tanks last year, was appointed Czechoslovak Am- Far East under the direction of President Nixon. bassador to Turkey yesterday in a move that indicated Calling the policy changes the most striking in many growing strength of moderate forces in the new Communist years, Marshal Green, Assistant Secretary of State in leadership. charge of Asian Affairs, listed them in an interview The appointment came after a protracted and see-saw in this chronological order: battle at the talks between extreme left-wingers and --Vietnamization. Thinking started dn this shortly moderate conservatives led by Gustav Husak, Dubcek's after the new administration came to power. It was successor. announced in June. In effect, the appointment by President Ludvig Svoboda --New approaches to Communist China, announced in amounted to an official clean bill of political health early July. for Dubcek, who had steadfastly refused to engage in --The Guam Doctrine, announced July 25. self-criticism. --The Nov. 21 communique of President Nixon and Just 12 days ago, a sharp left-wing attack tried to Japanese Prime Minister Eisaku Sato in which the set the stage of Dubcek's final political ouster. United States agreed to return Okinawa to Japan in Earlier, Deputy Foreign Minister Antonin Krouzil had 1972. stated that the foreign diplomatic service would be rid . Green said the change of U.S. style and approach to of "all people who failed and people who are politically Asian questions involves a lower posture, and a more unstable." sharing of responsibilities with other nations in aid News of his appointment was reported to have reached giving. Dubcek at his home in BratislaVa, where he has been liv- Green said that underlying the policy changes are a ing in virtual seclusion for most of the time since he number of more basic developments including the in- -lost his last high post-- Chairman of the Federal Assem- creased education and technical training of Asians, new bly-- last October. leadership by men who understand the need for develop- Conflicting forecasts about the future of the 48-year- ment and the desire of Asians to solve their own pro- old politician had been circulating for weeks. He was blems and get away from outside direction and influence. forced out as Party Chief last April but he is still a Another factor, as Green sees it, is a changing mood member of the Cehtral Committee. Recently there had in the United States of avoiding further involvement in been mounting calls from the extreme left that he be Asia whole honoring agreementsalready given. ousted from the committee and possibly even from the Green gave this appraisal of the new policies: party. Vietnamization-- It has reversed a four-year upward Gen. Otakar Rytir, the Czechoslovak-Army's Chief Liai- trend in U.S. troop numbers and involvement in Vietnam son Officer with the Soviet Army, had in effect urged and concentrated on the development and training of the that he be stripped of party membership in a recent Vietnamese armed forces. Vietnamization is a substitute article that denied even the rights of citizenship. A for negotiation in Paris. They are' not alternative pol- diplomatic post came shortly after Dubcek received rous- icies but rather inter-related courses of action. ing ovations from a crowd as he watched a soccer game in New approaches to Communist China-- In early July the Slovakia. Some party officials are understood to have United St ates listed restrictions on the travel abroad suggested that such embarrassing demonstrations could categories of American scholars, Congressmen, doctors, be avoided if he were given a mission abroad. scientists and humanitarians to the China mainland. That Dudcek accepted the appointment and that it came The problem so far has been that China has turned through despite the strong left-wing opposition meant a down every request. new success for Husak. It was in line with the "sensi- In a big break with the past, the U.S. lifted the ban tive approach" he preaches, reportedly with the backing on the purchase of any goods made in mainland China and of the Soviet Union and other allies, as opposed to rad- now permits the purchase of $100 in Chinese goods in ical left-wing demands for a purge from top to bottom. Hong Kong. U.S. readiness to resume ambassadorialblevel talks with the Red Chinese in Warsaw has been made clear. Guam Doctrine-- This concept was built on the growing strength of Asians who are seeking to carry out .politi- cal and economic plans of their own making. The United States for its part wishes to avoid actions which will bring creeping involvement on the Asian main- land but at the same time this nation will stand by com- mitments already given for defense. Page 4 Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, December 16, 1969

Bits and Chaplain's ]Pieces Corner "Tis the season to be jolly. Christmas in WHY FREEDOM ALWAYS WINS Guantanamo Bay is here once again and with it By Father Bertulio all the decorations, laughter, gaiety and "You have called us to liberty, 0 Lord." shopping. To me, one of the most delightful -- Galations 5:13 parts of Xmas here is the enthusiastic and in- More than 2.5 million East Germans have fled genious home decorating. I haven't seen any- to the West since 1949. This means that, out thing to match it in the States! This year of a total population of 17 million, about one .the lighting systems may not be as elaborate person in seven "voted with his feet" by run- or intricate, but the decorating is sure to be ning away. just as good. For a pleasurable evening, drive All through the centuries, men have risked around the housing areas. .and pick your winner. their lives to seek the legitimate freedom .Kindness goes a long way. Jerry and Dee that God intends one and all should enjoy. 0 Goeden of Ocean View wish to extend their thanks This built-in tendency is an everlasting and appreciation to everyone who expressed con- stumbling block to tyrants and living proof cern and kindness to their son, 8-year-old they must eventually fail. Kenny. Kenny broke his leg and damaged his A great philosopher of ancient Rome, Dionys- spleen recently and was in pretty bad shape in ius of Halicarnassus, focused attention on the hospital for a considerable time. The this eternal truth when he said: "A love of Goedens say it's almost impossible to person- liberty is planted by nature in the breasts ally thank all those who came to cheer Kenny's of all men." long days in bed. Special thanks go to Mr. Jim In 1764, James Otis, an early champion of ach and his crew of Red Cross volunteers, and American freedom, declared: "God Almighty. tb all the doctors, nurses and corpsmen who has given to all men a natural right to be worked with Kenny beyond the normal call of free." duty. Kenny is doiig fine now; he's on crutch- Show your appreciation for the blessing of es, and he'll soon be doing all those things freedom by protecting it for those who do not an 8-year-old is supposed to do.,How about realize its precious value until it is lost. that new yellow line down the middle of Sherman Avenue? It was very much needed, especially to- "Thanks, O loving Father, for making each somewhat blind drivers like me. But I got so of us free to do good and avoid evil." tickled looking at it, I almost drove off the road. In some places it looks as though a drunk manned the paint brush .Saw the first show of Dragnet on TV the other night, WE'RE 601N60N UY DON'T KNOW HOld TO and it had a very good message. Policemen are THE SCHOOL 5KI! YOU'LL KILL YOUR5ELVES! SKI TRIP OU'LL 6ET LOST IN A SLIZZARP! on duty to protect you, the citizen, and the I. T I~lVYOU'LL GET SUNEBURNED!j same applies here in Guantanamo. There was a complaint or two about the "Beeps" going thru RPr parked cars recently; I discovered there was a very good reason. If the Base Police find keys left in the ignition, they will-take the keys to prevent the theft of your car. And the odds of getting your car back in one piece after it's been stolen are mighty slim.about one in 50! .Duncan Hines of Guantanamo reports "what Tuesday, December 16, 1969 Guantanamo Gazette

Local Holiday Schedule December 16, 7:30 p.m. School.Choir; NavSta Chapel December 17, 6:30-7:30 School Choir on AFRTS TV, Channel p.m. 8/4 December 19, AFRTS Television Holiday Schedule begins. On the air at 1 p.m. weekdays until January 2. December 20, Santa at Navy Exchange Toyland _;------CPO Children's Christmas Party; Leeward Point Community Christmas Party December 21, 6:30 p.m. Leeward Point Chapel; Protestab Sunday School Children's Pageant and Christmas Party December 22, 6:00 p.m. McCalia, VC-10, NAS Children's Christmas Party -- Hanger December 23, 6:30 p.m. letters to Santa read aiAFRTS TV Channel 8/4 7:00 a.m. "Live" Christmas Pageant; NavSta Chapel Parking Lot December 24, 6:05 p.m. Mrs. Dunmire's Christmas Show on AFRTS TV Channel 8/4 7:00 p.m. Protestant Candlelight Service; Base Chapel 10:00 P.M. McCalla Chapel Service of Carols and Communion For Christmas, the staff of the Base Housing 12:00 p.m. Leeward Midnight Mass Office in Building 804 are displaying this let- Windwnrd Midnight Mass ter expressing the sentiments of the 100 men December 25, presently awaiting housing for their families 9:00 a.m. Leeward Mass in Guantanamo Bay. The Housing Office regrets 9:45 a.m. Windward Mass that Santa cannot deliver. & 12:20 p.m. 11:00 a.m. Christmas Day Service, Protestant; Base During the Christmas-New Years Holiday Chapel; Windward Mass Seas o n, leave and liberty for the U.S. Leeward Protestant Service Admiral and CO Marine Barracks Naval Hospital will be regulated so as visit sentry's and distribute to assure constant readiness for conduc- Chrisypas cookies ting emergency operations, maintaining December 29, routine watches and duties and, at the 7:00 p.m. PWC Christmas Party at Acey- same time, permit maximum leave and lib- Ducey Club erty. During the period 22 December 1969 to 2 January 1970, clinical services at the hospital will be open for routine ap- nointments between 8 a.m. and noon on Page 6 Ouantanamo'Gazette Tuesday, December 16, 1969

NEW YORK (AP/AFRTS)-- In weekend results, the beat the Montreal Canadiens, 5-2. Gordie Howe scored twice and added *a pair of assists. Teammate Frank Mahovlich also scored two goals for the Wings. SPORTS The Toronto Maple Leafs scored a 3-1 victory over the . Mike Walton's with 46 seconds left remaining on the NEW YORK (AP/AFRTS)-- In weekend National second period put the Leafs in front 2-1. Basketball Association results, the Philadel- Norm Ullman added an insurance goal in the phia 76'ers won their third straight beating third. Chicago, 126-121. Billy Cunninghan hit 32 The moved to within two points points for Philadelphia, and Chet Walker hit of first place New York in the NHL Eastern 24 for Chicago. Division by beating the Pittsburgh Penguins, Lew Alcindor hit 32 points and Jon McGlock- 2-1. Gary Doak and Derek Sanderson scored lin added 26 to pace the Milwaukee Bucks to first period goals for the Bruins. 0 a 118-105 win over the San Diego Rockets. Three goals by rookie Clif Koroll carried Don Jojis scored 31 points for San Diego. the Chicago Black Hawks to a 4-1 victory over In double overtime, the Cincinnati Royals the Philadelphia Flyers. Bobby Hull added outlasted the Phoenix Suns, 137-130. Connie Chicago's fourth score. Hawkins hit 36 for Phoenix, and Oscar Robertson In the RHL this weekend, four games were tallied 37 points for the winning RoyAls. scheduled, buy only three were, played. The The Los Angeles Lakers beat the Seattle Cleveland Hershey contest at Cleveland was Supersonics, 131-127. Elgin Baylor led the postponed. Heavy.snows kept Hershey from Lakers in scoring with a 37 point game. Bob traveling. In the three remaining games Rule of Seattle took scoring honors with 45 Buffalo and Montreal tied, 1-1;Baltimore points. beat Rochester, 5-3; andQuebec beat Providence 3-1. NEW YORK (AP/AFRTS)-- In the American Basket- ball Association, the Denver Rockets, led by Spencer Haywood, scored a 122-101 win over NEW YORK (AP/AFRTS)-- Arthur Ashe went to the South African Consulate yesterday to apply for a visa to play the Los Angeles Stars. Haywood hit 26 points in the South African Open Tennis Championships. and grabbed 26 rebounds. Larry Jones scored Ashe hurried away after turning in his application 27 points for the Rockets. and said he did not want to discuss the matter too much. A 45 point game by Miami's Don Freeman led He said his application was a personal matter, and he the Floridians to a 119-115 victory over them preferred no publicity. Dallas Chaps. Also sparking the Miami victory, Ashe is a Negro and the center of a dispute involving Center Skip Thoren with 28 rebounds. the South African government. South Africa insists The New Orleans Buccaneers downed the Wash- Ashe wants to play for political reasons to protest its policy of racial segregation. ington Caps, 104-94 as Guards Steve Jones and Mike Butler hit 29 and 21 points each. The PRILADELPHIA (AP/AFRTS)-- Officials of the 11th Annual Bucs lost scoring star Jimmy Jones in the first Liberty Bowl yesterday promised a record payoff to Ala- quarter when he injured his knee. bama and Colorado. "This will be an all-time Liberty Bowl record," said NEW YORK (UPI/AFRTS)- The Kentucky Wildcats lead the Executive Director Bud' Dudley, who indicated each school would receive $155,000-$160,000 the United Press poll 6f thi nation s top*20 collitge for the game, which basketball tiams for the second straight week. ended in a 47-33 victory for Colorado on Saturday. Tuesday, December 16, 1969 Guantanamo Gazette Page 7

THE Beeline- --- 95551

The W. T. Sampson-School wishes to survey Cub Pack 401 will hold it's monthly fully qualified dependent wives who wish Pack meeting on Dec. 17 at 7:30 P.M. to teach full time in Guantanamo for school The meeting will be held.at the Pack year 70-71. The qualifications require Hut on Sherman Ave. across from BOQ-3. 18 semester hours in education and a Four new dens will be opened'and teaching certificate. To be considered approximately 20 new Cub Scouts will for a Junior-Senior High School position, receive their Bobcat Awards. The parents a minimum of 20 semester hours in the of all Cub Scouts are reminded that they teaching field is necessary. Needless must be present for the boys to receive to say, the services of the teacher in their awards. Everyone is invited to either school must be available the come enjoy -an evening of fun with the entire school year. This announcement Cub Scouts. is in no way to be construed as an offer of employment. The sole pUrpose is to assist in determining staff needs for school year 70-71. Call at any of the school offices for necessary forms. For Sale Barrel Boat in very good condition. New The First National City Bank will not barrels. Must be sold due to recent re-open for business at 4:30 P.M. on military cut. 98234 AWH or 85134 DWH Dec. 24 or Dec. 31. Set of 4 new Monroe 500 heavy duty shock absorbers. Will fit '64 thru '69 Plymouth Belvedere or Dodge Coronet AGENDA Series, 95303 AWH The Three Jacks and a Jill Golf Tourney Automatic swing with reclining seat for will be held on Sunday, Dec. 21. Have infant. Like new. $12, 95260 AT you signed up? Don't forget the Turkey Dinner that will follow tournament AKAI Stereo tape recorder, two external play. Ladies are asked to call portable speakers, two microphones, $120, JoAnn Brown at 98111 to find out what 95557 AT special dish they can bring. '65 Plymouth 4-door, extra fine Sailing Classes shape, will start Saturday, undercoating, new paint, tires, springs, Dec. 20 from 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. shocks, 85277 DWH at the Fish and Gear Locker. Classes will last for five weeks and the fee '56 Ford pick-up truck, $225, 99161 AT is $7. Sign up with Mrs. Leslie at Special Services. Stereo Magic Sound Radio $25; 14,000 BTU Coldspot Air-cond., $125; AKAI Tape There will be a meeting of Security Recorder, $15; Group Wives Big Swinger Poloroid Camera, Club on Wednesday, with case $15; Six Dec. 17 at volt battery, brand new, 8:00 P.M. at the home $15; Ten games, $20 95258 AT of Mrs. J. Wines, G.C. 77A. Election of officers will be held. Floor-length evening gown, pink, size 10, Members are reridded to bring their worn once, $35; 12,500 BTU Fedders Air-cond $125, 97252 AT lc;4~ WI icAA r ntin--m Page 8 Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday,-December 16,,1969

Caution should be the byword with Christmas lighting and electrical parts this year. Mount all Christmas trees in water and or wet sand at the base of the tree. Thousands of accidents occur each Christmas because of lighting and electrical hazards. '68 Pontiac Wagon, Very good condition. shouldn't $250, 85443 AT Wax candles are very dangerous and be used anywhere near a Christmas tree. Fray- Modern desk-type swivel chair $30, ed wires, loose connections, and broken sockets 95576 DWH are other villains during the Christmas season. Check tree lighting sets, electric candles and Zenith portable stereo, like new. $60, other holiday lights for discrepancies of this 85794 DWH or 95474 AWH sort. Use only lights that carry the Under- writers Laboratories (UL) label. Unlabeled Manual lawn mower, barely used $6; brand new baby food warmer $11, 95566 AT. goods, domestic and foreign, seldom meet safety standards. Ladies black rayon dress shoes, size 7AA, Check to make sure the fuse on the circuit never worn, this seasons style, 95109 AT serving the tree and other lighting is not over 15 amperes. Cord sets with a fuse in a plug '58 Ford Station Wagon, 8 cylinder, bearing the UL label are available for outdoor automatic transmission, Exc. running use. condition. Avail Jan 4. Call Deluna at 85694 DWH or 98118 AT Don't plug too many cords into one outlet. Turn off all tree and other lighting before retiring or leaving the house. Merry Christmas. Wanted Babysitter for New Year's Eve. Will need someone capable of caring for four young children. Call 97141 AT

Parts for drum set or a drum set. Prefer giveaway, 90136 AT

Someone to teach piano to two children, 95109 AT

Lost and found Lost: Package at Marine Exchange con- taining a blue sweater. The sweater is a Christmas gift. A reward is being offerred. Call 99123 AWH or 85632 DWH. Ask for Mrs. Campbell Lost: Set of car keys at Navy Exchange Parking lot. 97220 AWH. Found: two packages on the Station Flight C-54. Addressee is-R. A. Lennox, Rt. #1, Box 4, Hastings, Fla. Owner can call Operations Maintenance at 85155 to claim the packages.