Chukat Year 5856-24 more Page 1 “decree or laws” the “3rd & 7th Days” This weeks Portions: Numbers 19:1-22:1, Judges 11:1-33, John 3:10-21

Torah “begins year 38 of the wilderness journey”. The 2nd Generation is about to cross-over along with Miriam, Aaron, , Joshua, & Caleb. Messianic & Kingdom verses: Isaiah 9:7, 16:5, 24:19-23, Daniel 7:13-14, Amos 9:11, Micah 4:6-8, Acts 1:6, 15:16, etc. etc.

Numbers 19:1-4 says “This is the statute or LAW” FOREVER. (Yahweh decrees it and you have no right to challenge it ) take the blood of a red cow (without blemish-solid red) and sprinkle it 7 times before the Tabernacle. (why 7 times-7 millennia when sin is present and atonement is necessary before the coming NHNE and 8th Millennium) vs 6 Take cedar wood, hyssop, and crimson (scarlet) wool, the red heifer (no spot) and burn in the fire. Takes more than the red heifer. We must be & do like Yeshua our example. vs 9 Take the ashes and keep to use with sprinkling water to be used for purifications vs 11 Anyone who touches a dead body is unclean for 7 days note: The sages say that this is not some “magic act” to make an unclean spirit leave the person. They say that touching a dead person does not have any “spiritual” or “physical” effect on a person. The sages say the water of purification is a ceremony to do because Yahweh says to do it. It is SYMBOLISM to go from one ritual state “unclean” or death to another ritual state “clean” or life.

Rabbi Rashi says that a dead body is the supreme source of contamination (the death of a human soul). Rashi says that “red” symbolizes “sin”. why cedar wood? the cedar tree is the highest of all trees (pride). why hyssop? the hyssop is the lowest tree (humility). why crimson? the Hebrew is “worm”. (humble to doTorah!) note: where else in scripture do the words scarlet & crimson occur? Remember Rahab and the scarlet rope? representing “hope” that a future kingdom will be set up with everlasting righteousness? Also the mid-wife for Tamar & Judah tie a scarlet thread around their 1st Born wrist by the name of Zerah, but he pulled his wrist back in and Perez was born for whom the sceptre was given eventually to King David.

Now that sceptre and “kingdom” was lost in Jeremiah “tore down” and rebuilt. Where? With Zerah’s descendants who now holds the sceptre with the “lost tribes of Israel” but soon to be re-gathered in the “last days” to set up the forever KINGDOM OF ISRAEL that will rule from Jerusalem during the Millennial Age.

Sprinkle the cleansing water 7 times or 7 millennia due to sin, but on the 8th day is something new! finally a heart circumcised forever-the NHNE. Isaiah 1:18 prophecy Year 5856-24 more Page 2 “decree or laws” the “3rd & 7th Days” Numbers 19:12-13 ON THE 3rd AND 7th DAY one must be clean with the ashes of the red heifer, cedar wood, hyssop, and crimson wool (or they are cut off) note: living out our lives like Yeshua by following how He honored Torah fulfills this “water purification ceremony” because our “faith” in Yeshua to do Torah like Yeshua and His Father is then perfected-or cleansed.

Yeshua said “I and My Father are “ONE”-John 10:30, and in 1 Corinthians 12:13 We are one body (with Yeshua & Yahweh). John 8:28 My commandments are the same as My Father’s commandments so if you love me, keep My Fathers commandments.

On the 3rd Day (since Yeshua’s Passover) and on the 7th Day (since Adam in the Garden of Eden) we must be one body. The 3rd & 7th days are at the end of 6000 years actually the end of 5880 years! ONE BODY-THE KINGDOM OF ISRAEL!

We are currently in year 5856 from Adam. Only 24 more years! If we are not “one body in TORAH”, we are cut off. Yeshua rules. Read Dan 7:13-14

Numbers 19:13-14 Do not touch a dead body or if anyone dies in his tent and one enters the tent that one becomes unclean. vs 18-19 The “clean person or Torah Keeper” is to sprinkle the purification water on the unclean person on the 3rd and the 7th Day. After sprinkling on the 3rd and 7th days, one (the Torah Keeper) is to wash and bathe on the 7th day and then he is unclean until evening.

This 7-Day “purification ceremony” is what Paul did in Acts 21:26 many years after his “Damascus road” encounter with Yeshua. IF PAUL TAUGHT NO TORAH-why do a purification ceremony? Paul also performed a Nazarite vow in Acts 18:18. vs 20 If one becomes unclean and he does not purify himself he shall be cut off from the congregation (CUT OFF FROM ISRAEL) “once saved always saved”? note: if one says he believes in Yeshua, the blood of Yeshua cleans us. If we sin after our initial salvation, we must repent and cease from the sin or we become unclean.

And yes, the blood of Yeshua cleanses us from all sin past, present, and future BUT ONLY AFTER AND WHEN WE REPENT AND TURN AWAY FROM THE SIN.

Think: Is this why there are 10 virgins in NT-all are the “bride”, but only 5 cross-over. Five are unrepentant due to incorrect “theology” or not enough oil “Torah” as in only 9 commandments instead of all 10. vs 22 Anyone who touches someone who is unclean is unclean until evening. Chukat Year 5856-24 more Page 3 “decree or laws” the “3rd & 7th Days” note: lots of things can make us unclean—even our thoughts of Lashon Hara or contact with people who are unclean. how do we respond? Pray that their eyes and hearts be opened to LOVE YAHWEH AND YESHUA. So we are to sprinkle “cleansing waters” upon them (Torah). We must separate from them for a “time”-evening.

We must not think we are better than them. This brief separation during restoration can be a humbling moment for self-examination, reflection, and thankfulness.

Numbers 20:1 The children of Israel “the whole congregation” arrives at the Desert of Zin at Kadesh in Nisan (in year 38 of the wilderness years). Miriam dies-Moses shocked?. How many of the 1st Generation that left Egypt (above the age of 20) are still alive after Miriam dies? ans: Aaron, Moses, Caleb, Joshua Kadesh- a place of rebellion- Ishmael born here, 10 spies evil report here, Miriam dies, Moses (Aaron) strikes the rock—they both die soon. note: The whole congregation means that they were all “one body” to cross the Jordan possible parallel: the older generation die off today before we enter the “promised land” or 7th Millennium. could this be Billy Graham? Myles Monroe, David Wilkerson, Henry Gruver, others?

Numbers 20:2-6 They had no water. (because Miriam sang to the rock for water) The people complain and say why are we in Kadesh and not already in the promised land with figs, grapevines, pomegranate trees, and water?

They did not complain with a desire to go back to Egypt like the older generation. They were impatient to go to the promised land. note: when one is in the desert with no water, death occurs quickly and thirst becomes intense. Americans have no concept or little concept of thirst that brings death.

Some say they had gotten water from a rock (Jacob’s Pillar? also called Miriam’s Well) for 38 years supernaturally and that when Miriam died, the rock dried up. WHY? no praise?

Numbers 20:7-8 Yahweh tells Moses to take your staff and speak (LIFE) to the rock (like Miriam did), but because of several things such as the death of his sister, the complaining of the people, Yahweh telling Moses to hit the rock in the past, Moses and Aaron lost their temper and Moses HIT THE ROCK-an obstacle? sometimes things in front of us can appear to be obstacles. or opportunity? DOES YOUR STAFF COMFORT YOU when faced with obstacles? read Psalm 23 What is written on your staff? In a book? etc.?

WE STAND ON WHAT YAH HAS ALREADY DONE FOR US——OUR STAFF!!! Chukat Year 5856-24 more Page 4 “decree or laws” the “3rd & 7th Days” note: was this a “test” for Moses and Aaron before they were to cross-over? “To whom much is given (as in heavenly glory and words spoken face to face) much is required?” humility 24/7! We must be careful to follow Yah’s words exactly because in Exodus 17:6 Yahweh tells Moses to “hit” the rock at Rephidim.

But at Massah, or — a mistake (too emotional)? or deliberate disobedience? read also in Deuteronomy 32:51,33:8, Psalm 81:7, 95:8

Numbers 20:10 Moses (& Aaron) said to all the people “MUST WE GET WATER FROM THIS ROCK?” Moses and Aaron were claiming to do the supernatural instead of saying that Yahweh would do it. MOSES WAS FRUSTRATED & DISOBEDIENT. He hit the rock “twice”. He hit Yeshua.

Our “words” & “actions” have consequences. Moses/Aaron/Miriam/Korah spirit led? Does the Holy Spirit speak to us “by measure” depending on our faith, walk, etc.? Rashi says that THIS is the reason that Moses and Aaron were not allowed to cross the Jordan River and enter the promised land. a soon purging of pastors?


When we get emotionally upset like Moses at the death of Miriam, we must still obey Yahweh and Torah in thought and deed or we could be cut-off like Moses and he was the most humble man ever to live.

What do I do when I am frustrated and angry? What do you do when you get frustrated and angry? There will always be an obstacle to obey Yahweh as He requires. Do we see the obstacle as an obstacle or as an opportunity to prove Yahweh and give Him the glory? TAKING THOUGHTS CAPTIVE!!!

Just go ahead and speak Yahweh & Kingdom over the situation and against the principalities and powers that are against Yahweh and His Kingdom.

Pray “Thy Kingdom Come, Yahweh” NOW. Then be still. Don’t talk. Try not to think for a little while. Listen. Revelation may come quickly or most of the time, it is a process because Yahweh needs to change us. Pray in the spirit DAILY. no analyze. vs 12 Yahweh tells Moses that “since you did not have faith in Me to SANCTIFY ME in the face of Israel, you shall not enter the promised land. WE MUST BE CAREFUL. note: do we do the same thing Moses did when we grumble & complain about frustrating circumstances in our day to day walk? Do we build “our identity” on the current (less than ideal) scenario or things that have happened in our past? or do we take those “thoughts” captive as commanded and COUNT IT ALL JOY— Chukat Year 5856-24 more Page 5 “decree or laws” the “3rd & 7th Days” 2Corinthians 7:4, James 1:2, Romans 15:13, Philippians 4:11-13, Psalm 37:4 2 Corinthians 10:5 We are commanded to be joyful and to not STAY “frustrated”.

What gets revealed in this process? pride? or humility? IF WE DO NOT SEE THE OBSTACLE AS A “WAY” TO PROVE GOD, ARE WE DEBASING HIS NAME? The problem is we want “things to change” now and we have too little patience because Yahweh is trying to change us! Are we too stubborn to change? REMEMBER THE SERENITY PRAYER.

Numbers 20:14-17 Moses sends messengers to Edom (descendants of Esau) and asks the king to let Israel (their brother/cousins) to pass through their land. (saying we will not harm your land) vs 18-28 Edom told Moses that they could not pass through their land (the shortcut to the promised land in the 38th year) so Israel went the “long way” around.

Did this happen to give Israel an opportunity “to sin” (with 3 wars-obstacles?) and weed out the disobedient ones to Torah before entering the promised land? to include the sin at the waters of Meribah? and the soon sin at Baal Peor?

They then travel to Mt Hor near Petra where Aaron dies on Av 1 in the 5th month of the 40th year (Numbers 33:38) because of his sin at Meribah. Eleazar takes the role of High Priest. vs 29 All Israel mourn for 30 days: For a great king or official the period is 30 days- Deuteronomy 34:8 and Numbers 20:29 the routine period for an Israelite is 7 days-Genesis 50:10

Numbers 21:1-3 The Canaanites (Amalekites) waged war (1st War before entering the promised land for the 2nd Generation) and the Canaanites were defeated because this 2nd Generation were ready to rumble and fight for Yahweh. They also knew that Yahweh would go before them to prepare the way as He had done for 40 years.

DO WE BELIEVE THAT YAHWEH WILL PREPARE THE WAY AND FIGHT OUR GIANTS TODAY? vs 4-5 From Mt Hor Israel circled the land of Edom (the long route) and the people complained (no water, no food, and we hate this manna) against Moses and Yahweh’s manna. (the route was exceedingly difficult), they were tired of eating manna. Their motive is different from the 1st generation who did not want to eat manna because they did not want to obey Torah. They felt that it was taking too long. Can do Torah & still sin!!! vs 6-7 The people are bitten by venomous snakes and many die. (They admit their sin (repent) and ask Moses to pray to Yahweh to forgive them. Chukat Year 5856-24 more Page 6 “decree or laws” the “3rd & 7th Days” Numbers 21:8-9 Yah tells Moses to put a snake upon a pole and IF the people gaze (not just a look) (they must keep their focus on the heavenly and Torah), they would be healed.

The people are not to worship the copper snake. They are to worship what it represents-it represents a Torah-observant Yeshua. Read what Hezekiah did in 2Kings 18:4—they still had the bronze serpent that Moses had made.

Who do we gaze upon in the last days? A Jesus with “no Torah” or “with Torah”? Are many Christians doing what the people in Hezekiah’s day did? 2Kings 18:12 The people had broken the covenant (of Torah) with Yahweh. vs 10-13 They traveled near Arnon which was a place between the Amorites and the land of the Moabites. vs 14 Was there a book or document of “The Wars of Yahweh”? about the miracles at the Red Sea and at Arnon vs 16-17 Go Israel to the well of water (Jacob’s Pillar?) and Yahweh tells Israel to “sing to the well”. like Miriam! how much water did they need each day? 11 million gallons or tank cars of water about 3 miles long. vs 21-22 Israel (Moses) sends messengers to Sihon “the giant Amorite” to let Israel pass through their land. Og the giant is Sihon’s brother. vs 23-30 Sihon was the strongest of all the kings of the land and he protected the Moabites. He waged war against Israel and was defeated. vs 31 Israel settled in the land of the Amorites vs 33-35 Israel then goes to Bashan where Og the giant, the brother of Sihon lived and he was defeated by Israel. (2nd War against the Amorites).

Numbers 22:1 Israel now travels to the plains of Moab next to the Jordan River-the border of the promised land. On the other side of the Jordan is the fortified city of Jericho where more giants live.

FINALLY, ISRAEL IS ABOUT TO ENTER THE PROMISED LAND!!! but something bad happens to them. THE 3RD WAR-Midianites & Balaam/Baal Peor. the parallel for a “last days” Israel to enter the promised 1000 Year Age of Rest is the same: 3 wars:

WW1, WW2, then WW3— the “war in the book of Revelation (Balaam & how to defeat Israel—the USA—Revelation 2:14? We fight the PTB & they lose!!! when the USA commits the sin of Baal Peor. USA leaders, etc. sinning today? Chukat Year 5856-24 more Page 7 “decree or laws” the “3rd & 7th Days” CEO’s, Politicians, Sex Trafficking, Abortion, Selling Fetal parts.


Yahweh will provide us leaders or “judges” in the 2nd Exodus that are strong spiritually and physically like Jephthah, Samson, Samuel, Deborah, Gideon, etc. These 2nd Exodus judges are to be more like Samuel who never let the “words” of Yahweh fall to the ground.

They will not make the mistakes of Jephthah and Samson.

Judges 11:1-11 Jephthah was told to leave his family and his father named Gilead in Gilead-a region east of the Jordan river, because he was the son of a harlot.

Later Ammonites wage war with Gilead and the people of Gilead ask Jephthah to be their military leader and judge. He agrees. vs 12-13 Jephthah asks the Ammonites why they want war and they say because Israel took their land in the area of Arnon when they were heading to Jericho (Numbers 19-21). vs 22 When Israel took the land from the Arnon to the Jabbok, they took it from King Sihon the Amorite who attacked them. This land is the modern nation of Jordan. the Amorites were descended from the Canaanites the Ammonites were descended from Lot vs 23 Jephthah said “Yahweh expelled the Amorites before Israel so should not Israel possess this “Jordan” land?” vs 24 The Ammonites (descendants of Lot) were worshipping the pagan god Chemosh vs 25 Balak the king of Moab has never fought against Israel. Are you better than Balak? vs 26 Israel has dwelt in this land peacefully for 300 years so why do you want it now? vs 27 Israel has not sinned against Ammon, but Ammon sins against Israel so Yahweh will judge whose “land” (the land of Jordan) belongs.

If we get in a disagreement with a “pagan” or “unbeliever”, it might be good to say “Let Yahweh judge between you and I over this issue”. vs 28 The Ammonites did not listen. Chukat Year 5856-24 more Page 8 “decree or laws” the “3rd & 7th Days” Judges 11:31 Jephthah made a vow that whoever came to meet him at his home when he returned from battle that he would offer them as a burnt offering. If he breaks the vow, he takes Yahweh’s “name in vain”? vs 32-33 Jephthah defeated the Ammonites.

Brit Chadashah “how to have eternal life via Yahweh’s works-Torah”

John 3:10-21 Yeshua is telling Nicodemus that “how can you leaders understand heavenly things (being born again to do Torah) if you will not understand the earthly things that I tell you”.

Yeshua is saying we are born of water (natural birth) and die. If we are born “in the Spirit” before we die (we become ONE with THE FATHER & THE SON-& TORAH) then our spirit will never die (the 2nd Death) after the Resurrections to enter the Kingdom of Heaven or the NHNE.

Yeshua is talking about the resurrections and the putting “death” in the Lake of Fire.

The “kingdom” came with John the Baptist & Yeshua, but the “kingdom” is set up by Yeshua during the book of Revelation with Torah taught worldwide for 1000 years, then the final judgements & the NHNE-the heavenly kingdom on earth. vs 13 NO MAN HATH ASCENDED TO HEAVEN!!! (definitely not Enoch or Elijah) before I descended HIS BIRTH and ascended-His soon resurrection- after HIS DEATH.

(the “resurrected” 1ST Fruits can enter heaven). Yeshua is the 1st of the 1st Fruits. Yeshua’s spirit body & soul (mind, will, & emotions) are in heaven. vs 14 Just as Moses lifted up a serpent in the wilderness, even so the son of man MUST BE LIFTED UP- the resurrections! WE LOOK TO CHRIST OUR EXAMPLE!

Yeshua is the only man that has ever been resurrected and given an immortal body. Why? No Sin!

Enoch & Elijah have not been resurrected yet? Will they be resurrected at the completion of the 1st Resurrection when the 2 witnesses are resurrected?

I tend to think that ONLY YESHUA is in heaven because of what Yeshua said in verse 13. Chukat Year 5856-24 more Page 9 “decree or laws” the “3rd & 7th Days” Matthew 19:30 Yeshua said “many of the first shall be last”.

Abraham, Moses, Aaron, Miriam, etc.) who were 1st may be last”.

John 3:15 for whosoever “follows Christ” by doing Torah like Christ , shall have eternal life. vs 21 But he that doeth truth (the word or Torah-John 17:17) walks in the light (Psalms 119:105), that his deeds (or works-Revelation 20:13) may be made manifest, that (their works) are “of Yahweh” (according to Torah).

This verse 21 is saying how to be born again and have ETERNAL LIFE.

Total Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017 and another on April 8, 2024

This “x” represents the “last” WARNING. Making an x over the USA. BRINGING JUDGEMENT on the “church”-read 1 Peter 4:17 Yeshua said there will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars (eclipse) and earthquakes in various places Luke 21:11—when the towers fall?—Isaiah 30:25 Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, on September 12, 2001, in response to the terrorist attacks the day before—when the Twin Towers fell—Isaiah 9:10 YESHUA SAYS IN Luke 21:36 pray always that you are counted worthy (Torah) to escape ALL THESE THINGS that shall soon come to pass & to stand (staff in hand) before Jesus/Yeshua/Yahweh. THE SIGN OF JONAH “X” ON THE USA. Is this the same sign that was given to Ninevah before they REPENTED as in the days of Jonah? repent before 2023-2024 for not obeying ALL Yahweh’s words.

When the USA government and JUDGES “rule” for abortion, gay marriage, taking God out of schools, allows unbridled immigration, for allowing pedophilia, etc., what does Yahweh do to that government AND THAT NATION?

Baal Peor sin?-Balak & Balaam being done to the USA? Our leaders will not REPENT? Is it proper to continue to pray “bless” a wicked USA-“Babylon”? Did Moses pray for Korah the 3rd time!!!

Tamuz 17 or the 9th of Av———2020? The walls of the USA breached? Yes, today The “foundations”, “walls”, “law & order” have been breached!!! CHAOS follows. Let’s write our “staff” words down THIS WEEK? WE ARE GOING TO NEED THEM! When you see the storm coming, the wise prepare! Need something to multiply. Chukat Year 5856-24 more Page 10 “decree or laws” the “3rd & 7th Days”