Founded 1950


Volume 6 Number 1

Compiled and Edited by:

s. P. Coney I.B. Evans C.E. Lankester R.E. Mellish

Reading & Commenting on the Whole Text Elaine Evans & Keith & Chris Mason

Proof Reading by Peter & Joan Gardner

Published August 2003 by Herefordshire Ornithological Club

Price £7.50 - Post Free

Text Drawings by Christina Milward Colour Photographs by Ifor Evans Front cover 'Yellowhammer' by Chris Gomersall by kind permission of RSPB

Copyv~ -HOC 2003 Report: Design & typeset by James Bisset for Oldlands Press. Printed by Oldlands Press - Telephone 01544 387911 - Email: [email protected] HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB

ANNUAL REPORT 2001 Volume 6 Number 1

CONTENTS Officers and Committee 2 Introduction - John Pullen 3 Club Meetings 2001 .4 Weather Report - John Pullen 5 Bodenham Lake Bird Report - Trevor Hulme 7 The Hawfinch in Herefordshire 1888-2001 - !for Evans 9 Berrington Pool Heronry 2000 - Dr. David Boddington 14 Systematic List 2001 17 Herefordshire Map and Main Sites 40-41 List ofContributors to the Systematic List .70 A Hoopoe's Nest - Dr. C. W Walker MC. 71 The Pelican "Twitch" - !for & Elaine Evans .73 Earliest and Latest Dates for Summer Migrants 2001 74 Latest and Earliest Dates for Winter Migrants 2001 75 Herefordshire County Rarities 2001 .75 County Bird List for Herefordshire .79 Report Exchanges 81 Affiliated Associations 81 Corrections to Annual Report 2000 Vo1.5 No.lO 81 Income and Expenditure Account Year Ended 30th November 2001 .Inside Back Cover HEREFORDHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB Founded 1950

Officers and Committee 2001 President LB. Evans Vice-Presidents Mrs J.M. Bromley P.J. Eldridge Chairman J.R. Pullen Vice-Chairman G.R. Parker Hon. Secretary c.E. Lankester Hon. Treasurer and Membership Secretary R.E. Mellish Hon. Report Editor P.H. Downes Hon. Bulletin Editor P. Gardner Hon. Meetings Secretary K.A. Mason Recorder & Conservation Liaison Officer S.P. Coney Education Liaison Officer Mrs V. Jermy Committee T.W Downes (Publicity) :\I.A Smith T.M Weale Miss N.J Perry (Co-opted)

BTO Representative - S. P Coney RSPB Representative - I.B. Evans

Club Websitc: http://www.hcrefordshircbirding.nct


This is the 51 st. Annual Bird Report of the Herefordshire Ornithological Club. The Club has remained active. Although the indoor meetings were well attended the outdoor programme was seriously affected by the disastrous Foot and Mouth epidemic that broke out in February. Access to the countryside was denied for much ofthe year and this had a devastating effect on survey work which was suspended for a good part ofthe year. The monitoring of the 40 sites did not resume until the winter months and therefore the HOC's Garden Bird Watch Survey which was continuous became more valuable along with the records members were able to submit, often recorded from the roadside. Two firsts were recorded during the year: a Great White Pelican in October and an Ovenbird in December. A Rose­ Coloured Starling in November was a fourth County record.

It was with great sadness that in December we recorded the passing of Josephine Bromley 1919 - 2001 who joined the HOC in 1951, was an early Committee member, its Secretary from 1973 to 1987 and Vice - President since 1998. She will be remembered with great affection and gratitude for her immense contribution to the HOC.

The Club is appreciative of the effort made by all Survey volunteers and those members who take time to submit their records. Any interesting records are welcome and are always recorded on the Club's Web Site, http://www.herefordshirebirding.net which remains very popular recording many 'hits'. The membership remained at just over 400. The Club has tried to reach the wider public by launching a new Club Leaflet, displays in libraries and definitive publicity in local papers.

The Club made a donation to the Woodland Trust towards the creation of a new wood at Drover's Wood, Breinton. Three members, Peter Eldridge, John Pullen and Nick Smith joined other members ofthe public to plant the first ofthe trees. Another activity the Club arranged was a Bird Recognition Course held over 3 weeks in March. The tutors were Ifor Evans, Keith Mason and John Pullen. The classes attracted over 20 members, unfortunately the culminating Field Trip had to be postponed until 2002.

This Report was edited by lfor Evans assisted by Steve Coney, Chas Lankester and Ray Mellish. The drawings were contributed by Christina Milward.The Mute Swan Family and duck photographs by Ifor Evans. We thank them and all other contributors for their contributions.

John Pullen


Field Meetings were held at the following locations: Date Venue Leader 7th. January Credenhill Park Wood Gerald Parker 18th. January Talybont Reservoir & Llangorse Lake Chas Lankester 27th. January Park Hall, Blithfield & Chasewater John Pullen 10th. February Whitford Point, Gower Keith Mason 20th. February Carrots Wye Terry Foxton

All further meetings planned to the 24th. May were cancelled due to an outbreak ofFoot & Mouth Disease throughout the country. Field Meetings commenced again on that date and were arranged so as to avoid contravening the Foot & Mouth Epidemic restrictions.

24th. May Slimbridge WWT Keith Mason 10th. June Cotswold Water Park John Pullen 19th. June Ross-on-Wye Town Robin Jeffries 30th. June Martin Down John Vickerman & Terry Foxton 5th. July City John Pullen 16th. August Upton Warren Keith Mason 26th. August Wellington Gravel Pits Terry Downes 31 st. Aug.- 4th. Sept. Cornwall Weekend John Pullen 23rd. September Gwent Levels Goldcliff Tony Eveleigh 13th. October Wigmore Rolls & Criftin Ford Bridge Keith Mason 24th. October Castleton Wye Steve Coney 2nd. - 5th. November North Norfolk Keith Mason 14th. November Haugh Wood Terry Foxton 24th. November Kenfig Nature Reserve & Blackpill Keith Mason 9th. December Bodenham Lake & Wellington Gravel Pits Terry Downes

The following indoor meetings were held at Holmer Parish Centre during the winter periods:

Date Topic Speaker 9th. January Members' Evening 13th. February Dr. Walker Memorial Lecture Keith afford 27th. February "Birds of Scotland" Keith Mason 6th. March A.G.M. & "Galapagos Islands" Ray & June Mellish 27th. March "Wildlife of Northern France" Roy Croucher 11th. September "Arctic Canada & the Rockies" S.M.D. Alexander 9th. October "Pick 'n Mix" (A Journey Through Life) Colin Titcombe 13th. November "Goshawks & Honey Buzzards" Jerry Lcwis 27th. November "Where Griffons Soar" (Spain) Keith afford 11 th. December "Wetland & WWT" Tony Richardson (MD ofWWT)


January - Rain fell on 14 days recording 60.6 mms., somewhere near the average. Frost was recorded on 13 nights starting on the 8th . and culminating in a 55 mm. snowfall on the 20 th . On the 27 th . a temperature of -7 degrees C. was recorded. The continuing overnight frosts and cold daytime temperatures between the 9th . and 10 th . resulted in many frozen pools forcing wildfowl to pool margins. Eywood Pool for example was 99% ice covered pushing 115 Mallard to a small area of open water. This caused the wildfowl, especially ducks, to look for larger areas of water which werentt frozen.

February - Rain was recorded on 17 days with the heaviest on the 6 th . and the 12 th . resulting in local flooding. Total rainfall for the month was 76.1 mm. which was slightly higher than the average. Snow was recorded on the 28th. and frost on 10 nights. The weather from the 13th. to the 19th. was cold, dry and sunny with overnight frosts. These conditions returned on the 27th. and carried on until the 5th. March.

March - The cold weather ofthe first few days gave way to mild dry days with 15 degrees C. recorded on the 7th. The cold weather returned on the 18th. with snow recorded on the 18th., 20th. and 21 st. when there was a fall of 80 mms. The weather became mild towards the end of the month. There were 12 days when no rain was recorded. Total rainfall was 103.8 mms. which was nearly double the average for the month. With the mild weather at the end of the month early migrants returned on time: Chiffchaff on the 14th., Sand Martins on the 24th. and Swallow on the 29th.

April- The early part of the month was damp and mild and from the 8th. to the 21st. the days were mostly dry although cold with nightly frosts from the 18th. to the 21st. The rainfall amounted to 75.6 mms. and there were 165.7 hours of sunshine.

May - This month returned to being a dry summer month with only 37.6 mms. ofrain, last year 57.4 mms. There were 21 dry days with most rainfall recorded on the 10th. with 10.5mms and the 17th. with 20 mms. On many days the temperature was quite hot, 24.4 degrees C. on the 13th. & 14th. and on 8 other days the temperature reached over 20 degrees C. The early hot weather encouraged caterpillars to appear so enabling good numbers of tits to fledge.

June - The first half of the month was mainly dry, with most rain occurring on the 15th., 16th. & 17th. Especially heavy storms on the 15th. & 16th. which, as last year, washed the caterpillars out of the tree canopy affecting Pied Flycatcher feeding. This month the highest number of hours of sunshine for the year of 228 hours was recorded.

July - This month will be remembered for heavy storms and a much higher than average rainfall of 78.9 mms. Rain was recorded on 13 days. Hot dry weather was recorded from the 23rd. From the 26th. to the 31 st. the temperature was over 20 degrees C. reaching a high of 29 degrees C. on the 29th.

5 WEATHER REPORT 2001 continued

August - The higher than average rainfall ofthe previous month continued this month with a total of 62.5 mms. There was recordable rainfall on 18 days and it wasn't until the 21 st. that a dry, sunny spell was recorded which remained until the end of the month.

September - The early part of the month was cloudy, dull and mostly dry. The middle of the month was dry from the 13th. to the 18th. when large flocks of Jackdaws and Rooks were noted. The end of the month was mainly dry and sunny with the temperature reaching 17 degrees C. on the 28th. The total rainfall for the month was 31.3 mms., much less than the long term average.

October - For the third year running a high rainfall was recorded, 162.3 mms. with only 12 dry days, being 235% higher than the long term average. This was by far the wettest month of the year, again causing localised flooding on the 7th. with 29.1 mms. and on the 19th. with 39.8 mms. of rain falling. Most of the month was quite mild with a temperature of 18 degrees C. from the 13th. to the 16th. and from the 18th. to the 24th. making it the mildest October on record.

November - This was a much drier than average month with only 33.4 mms. ofrain. (47% of the long term average). The first week was dry and sunny. In all 20 dry days were recorded. The first recorded frost was on the 9th. There was another dry spell from the 14th. to the 20th. The end of the month was cloudy and damp.

December - This was an exceptionally dry month with only 16.4 mms. of rain recorded compared with a long term average of 69 mms. There were 20 dry days. The dry spell started on the 5th. with frosts on and off from the 7th. with more extreme night time temperatures ofless than -4 degrees C. recorded on the 20th. and from the 23rd. to the 31 st.

John Pullen

6 Bodenham Lake Bird Report 2001

Observations & Analysis Another interesting and encouraging year at the site although closure to the public during the Foot & Mouth outbreak inevitably resulted in fewer observations and records from the public and in particular from the HOC. Nevertheless, staff (with precautions) were able to continue the monthly survey for the third complete year. Evaluation of this data reveals a steady year on year increase in the overall numbers of water birds recorded, with the 2001 counts up 22% on 1999. A success I would attribute largely to the creation and policing of the disturbance free refuge at the west end ofthe lake.

As with previous years, it should once again be stressed that the monthly counts are always likely to be an under estimate of the actual numbers present at the site. The amount of cover provided by the islands and emergent vegetation precludes a total count. Never the less this remains the best methodology available and conducted regularly should provide a good picture of comparative species variety and numbers.

Winners & Losers This proved a good year for Wigeon with observed counts more than double those oflast year. Teal also showed a significant increase for the third year running, in common with Goldeneye. Six nest boxes were erected in late spring in the hope ofencouraging this rare breeder to stay, but were not used this year. It was a good year too for Pochard. In contrast counts of Great Crested Grebe and Barnacle Goose both declined for the third successive year. Whilst the latter is the remnant of an escaped/feral flock, Grebe seem to have had a miserable few years at the site, in terms of breeding success. Flooding and sudden rises in spring water level may well be to blame, inundating their vulnerable floating nests.

Species of Note Despite reduced observations at the site, the survey and a few regular recorders identified several scarce and rare species during the course ofthe year. A Hawfinch in December was joined by a Brent Goose and Ring-necked Duck in February, all first records for the site, with the latter a rare North American vagrant. Also ofnote were visits by Scaup, Gadwall, Shoveler and Smew.

An up to date species list for the site was also compiled with the help ofthe Herefordshire Ornithological Club. Based on reliable records for the period 1970 - 2001 this lists an impressive 134 species. Further evidence that this is one of the most important ornithological sites in the county.

Trevor Hulme

7 Bodenham Lake Bird Report 2001 Species Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Qct Nov Dec G.C.Grebe 1 6 5 4 2 1 3 2 2 3 2 4 Little Grebe 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I Cormorant 3 5 3 3 0 0 0 3 13 13 9 14 Grey Heron 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 2 1 1 1 Mute Swan 0 0 1 0 3 2 14 5 7 8 2 3 Greylag Goose 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 Barnacle Goose 0 0 0 0 0 4 I 0 1 1 1 0 Canada Goose 218 41 58 37 14 39 153 13 308 69 34 10 Mallard 69 21 20 15 3 8 11 20 16 61 54 40 Gadwall 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Wigeon 136 124 43 6 0 0 0 0 29 49 103 68 co Teal 15 4 2 3 0 0 0 0 6 18 17 26 Shoveler 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Tufted Duck 23 46 47 60 19 11 49 30 31 54 61 84 Scaup 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 Pochard 2 15 6 0 0 0 2 0 2 4 40 35 Goldeneye 2 8 13 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 12 Goosander 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Smew 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Moorhen 3 2 8 5 1 0 1 4 2 8 7 3 Coot 28 15 20 6 4 5 8 19 23 18 42 50 Common Sandpiper 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 B-h.Gull 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15

Bold numbers indicate peak count for soecies The Hawfinch Coccothraustes coccothraustes in Herefordshire 1888 - 2001

Compiled by LB. Evans January 2002

Although there are many records ofthe Hawfinch in Herefordshire since 1888 it is highly probable, that due to its shyness and secretive nature, especially during the breeding season, it is often overlooked despite it being such a distinctive bird with its huge bill and short tail. Often the only indication of its presence are the remains of split fruit stones where it has fed or its "tick" call as it flies overhead. The records have been compiled from the following sources:-

Bull, Henry Graves Notes on the Birds ofHerefordshire 1888. Home, George List ofthe Birds ofHerefordshire 1889. Hutchinson, T. Birds ofHerefordshire 1899. Phillips, E. Cambridge Herefordshire Birds from Victoria History of the counties of , Herefordshire. Gilbert, Captain H.A. & Walker, C.w. Herefordshire Birds 1941. Gilbert, Captain H.A. & Walker, c.w. Herefordshire Birds 1954. Walker, C.w. & Smith, AJ. Herefordshire Birds 1975. Williams' Collection Manuscript data of the collection made by Dr. Williams of Croaze House, Kingsland. Herefordshire Ornithological Club Annual Reports 1951 - 2001. Woolhope Club Transactions.

Bull 1888 Not a common bird in Herefordshire and yet it is a regular winter visitor in some localities, a few remaining to breed. Pair shot at Culver Hill, Norton Canon cl845. One caught in a trap at Stretton Rectory in 1878 or 1879. One shot at Dormington in 1884. Noted possible breeding at Norton Canon, Lyston, Aylston Wood, Ross-on-Wye, Colwall, Lucton and Walford.

Horne 1889 Not rare, seen many specimens during the last few years.

Ashdown, W.e. (W.e.T.) 1895 During the winter several immature specimens were brought home for preservation from various parts of the County and had undoubtedly hatched there. During the winter of 1890 - 91 it was abundant in the County, over a score of specimens being sent him for preservation.

Ashdown, W.e. (W.e.T.) 1898 The Hawfinch has been pretty plentiful during the winter season.

Hutchinson 1899 Commoner resident than formerly.

9 Cambridge Phillips 1908 Resident and fairly abundant. I have seen it at Fownhope Court and believe it to be on the increase. It often occurs in the neighbourhood of Ross.

Williams' Collection 13 nests recorded between 1886 and 1913.

Herefordshire Birds Gilbert & Walker 1941 Resident and breeding and generally distributed but appears to have decreased. The Rev. Prebendary G.H. Powell of Dorstone has seen large winter flocks ofHawfinches amounting at times to seventy, feeding on the kernels of hawthom berries on the hill sides to the south of Dorstone. The Hawfinch, however, appears to have decreased of late years. For instance, immediately after the war, 1914 - 18, the birds could be seen daily round Bishopstone, and on the Garnons and Foxley estates seven or eight nests could easily be found in May. Nowadays the Hawfinch is rarely seen in that district and nests are very difficult to find.

Herefordshire Birds Gilbert & Walker 1954 Resident, breeding but appears to have decreased and now quite rare.

Herefordshire Birds Walker & Smith 1975 Resident, breeding but appears to have decreased and now quite rare. Nowadays the Hawfinch is reported annually and nesting is occasionally recorded. Where hombeam exists parties of Hawfinches may be found in winter feeding beneath them on the fallen seeds. Its distribution is general but sparse. More records come from the Bircher and districts than elsewhere.

Herefordshire Ornithological Club Annual Reports 1951 - 2001.

1951 - Scarce. Single birds reported at Aconbury Hill 18th. March, Kington 1st. April, pair at Swainshill in February and pair at Hircher 23rd. March.

1952 - Pair suspected nesting at Colwall 16th. May. Pair at nesting territory at Lemore Dingle, Almeley in June. Single at Eardisley. A male in poor condition, unable to fly, was found in mid-December at Rosedale Court, Pudlestone and caged. It was fed on yew berries, rose hips and some seed. After a month it had regained its strength and was released.

1953 -A hen seen at on 23rd. April. A cock at Lucton on 17th. May.

1954 - 3 in a garden at Weobley on 31 st. July, 2 on Ist. August and 1 on 2nd. August. 1 at Eardisley on 11 th. August.

1955 - No records received.

1956 - Thc Hawtinch, once quite numerous, has become very rare. Pair at Titley end of April. Flock of3 males and 2 females at Bireher on 1st. May. Nest of5 eggs found at Hope End Estate situated in a low cedar bough at height of R feet. When inspected on the 24th. it was found to have been robbed. 10 1957 - A single male at Fownhope on 21st. June. Two days later 2 well fledged young found.

1958 - One on Hill Top, Wellington Heath on 31 st. March & 4th. April. I in a Hereford garden on 1st. April. 3 adults at Little Marcle on 18th. April. 1 at Ross on 22nd. April. Pair at Layster's Pole, Middleton-on-the-Hill on 17th. May. 1 at Bishopstone on 29th. August. 1 at Mansell Lacy on 31 st. August.

1959 - Frequently seen at Pudey during the Spring. Party of 5 at Fishpools Valley on 18th. July. 1 at Goldhill, Eastnor on 3rd. December.

1960 - Hen seen visiting nest with 3 young at Fishpools Valley on 21st. May.

1961 - 6 immature birds at Dulas in July. 1 at King's Caple on 25th. August and 4 on the 26th. 2 at Lower Cleve Fann, Ross-on-Wye on 1st. November.

1962 - Male and 2 females seen on several occasions during early March at Goodrich and 1 on the 17th. March. I at Kington on 21st. July.

1963 - Male & female noted at Pudey in March.

1964 - 1 at Breinton on 1st. March. Pair at Wellington Heath on 16th. March. 1 at Mordiford on 20th. March. Noted at Pudey in March. 1 seen on several occasions at Yeld Wood, Kington April to July and 2 noted on 7th. July. Juvenile at Fishpools Valley on 27th. June. 1 flying over Hereford on 27th. July.

1965 - Pair at Vennwood, Bodenham in April. Pair nested at Pudey.

1966 - 1 at Burghope on 23rd. May. Single pairs noted at three separate areas near Whitbourne.

1967 - 1 at Ledbury on 15th. January. 1 male feeding on hawthorn seed on ground at Aston on 19th. January (workmen said they had seen a dozen at the same place). 1 at Lyepole on 23rd. February. 1 at Colwall on 12th. March. 1 at Holly Bush, Malvern on 6th. May. I noted at Mathon and 2 young seen on 23rd. July.

1968 - No records received.

1969 - I at Hereford on 3rd. April. Female caught in Jackdaw trap at Garnons in May and released. Pair notcd in Holmer garden. 1 at Brcdwardine on 2nd. July. Also reports, unconfirmed, from Aston near Wigmore.

1970 - 1 at Moccas Park on 14th. June. 1 at Great Doward. Whitchurch on 1st. December.

1971 - Small party in Holmer garden in May. Noted nesting in Dinmore area. I noted at Walford.

11 1972 - 1 male at Burrington Bridge on 20th. January. Pair at Coddington on 27th. March. 1 at Lugwardine on 7th. July. 1 noted at Walford.

1973 - 1 at Aconbury on 20th. May.

1974 - 6 at Weston-under-Penyard in early January. 2 adults and 2 young feeding on holly berries at Ashton in May.

1975 - Dead male found in poultry run at Lucton on 27th. March. 1 at Fownhope on 6th. November. 1 feeding on seed ofmaple at Fownhope on 15th. November.

1976 - Pair noted at Ross for 6 weeks from 24th. February. 2 noted near Hereford in early April.

1977 - 1 at Bringsty on lIth. January. I at Checkley on 10th. March. 1 at Common Hill on 19th. March. 2 at Putley on 4th. April. Pair at Hoarwithy on 3rd. May. 1 at Common Hill on 25th. July.

1978 - 1 at Common Hill on 20th. January. 1 male at Wigmore on IIth. June. 1 adult and 1 young at Stansbatch on 5th. July. 1 at Common Hill on 23rd. October. I male at Newton on 31st. December.

1979 - 1 at bird table at Bredwardine on 24th. January. 1 at Common Hill in February and 3 on the 8th. March. 1 male at Almeley Wootton on 22nd. April. 2 at Criftin Ford on 18th. October. I at Dinedor on 28th. November.

1980 - Several frequented Holmer garden March - April.

1981 - 1 at Common Hill on 18th. March and 2 on 7th. November.

1982 - Flock of 6 at Copelands, Holmer March - May. 3 at Haugh Wood on 10th. April. Female feeding single young at Mortimer Forest on 12th. June. 1 female and 2 young in churchyard yew at Michaelchurch on 11 th. July.

1983 - Party of 6 at Copelands, Holmer in April but no signs of breeding.

1984 - 2 feeding on fallen seeds of hornbeam at Copelands, Holmer in February.

1985 - No records received.

1986 -I female at Putley on 2nd. February. 2 noted on Common Hill on 13th. February. I at Downton on 2nd. April. I at Checkley on 28th. May. 1 at Hampton Bishop on 6th. October.

1987 - Pair at Haugh Wood on 25th. April.

12 1988 - 1 at Common Hill from 12th. to 19th. December. 1 at Burrington on 13th. December. 1 at Check1ey on 27th. December.

1989 - 1 at Common Hill on 3rd. January. 1 at Check1ey on 15th. January. 1 in grounds of John Masefie1d High School, Ledbury on 4th. February. C20 noted at Ha1mer in May.

1990 - Pair noted at Ross-on-Wye in February.

1991 - 1994 No records received.

1995 - The only records came from Ledbury:- 4 on 2nd. January, 7 on 12th. February, 12 on 5th. March, 12 - 15 on 12th. March, 11 - 15 on 25th. March and 1 on 15th. April.

1996 - 2 records both from Ledbury:- 2 on 28th. January and 2 on 10th. March.

1997 - 1 at Ledbury on 15th. January. 1 male at Ho1mer on 18th. - 19th. April. 2 at May Hill on 27th. April.

1998 - c20 at Woo1hope on 2nd. March. 1 male and 3 females feeding on damson stones at Check1ey on 3rd. April.

1999 - No records received.

2000 - No records received.

2001 - 1 seen on trees by entrance to Bodenham Lake on 22nd. December.

13 BERRINGTON POOL HERONRY 2000 (On behalf of the National Trust)

Introduction The Grey Heron Ardea cinerea has been breeding at Berrington for a great number of years, the Woolhope Club visited the island in June 1884 and found between 15 - 20 nests on some tall larch, fir and beech trees (Bull 1888). The HOC have records of this heronry since 1950 when Mike Alexander was given written permission by Lord Cawley to birdwatch in the area. These records have been included in the Club's Annual Reports since the first Report of 1951. Previously, for some years, the nests had been counted by P. W. Hinde, a ringer and HOC Committee Member, but no records ofhis visits have been found. At the time it was thought that the Berrington Heronry was the only one known in the County but according to the Heronry Census of 1950 there were also small heronries at Aconbury, Letton and Tyberton.

Synopsis of Report by David Hughes, National Trust Countryside Manager 20th. January 2000.

Initial declination from at least early 1980's to mid 1980's. Steady total of 12 - 15 pairs since then. Possible reason for declination:

Levels of fishing activity. Disturbance from shooting. High level of water contamination. Presence of Canada Geese.

These have to some extent been attended to. Some further recommendations were made by this author.

Observations 2000 - early 2001. Seven visits were made between and including 18th. February 2000 and 24th. January 2001. After the first introductory visit, which included a visit to the island accompanied by the manager, further observations were made from a point on the western causeway, because birds were present at the nests on the March visit, and until the oak leaf - burst in late April disturbance was not deemed necessary. The island was not walked until the 13th. June after a preliminary inspection from the elevated position with telescope from in front of Berrington Hall. From then on all visits included the island. Oak leaf cover persisted until mid November, and it was not possible to compare the causeway records with records made from under the trees until the 24th. January. It had been hoped that a December or even January visit would enable nests which had been occupied by young to be picked out by faecal and food staining, but the heavy autumn rainfall had removcd these. One large nest had also fallen as a result of this rainfall. The January visit gave a clear vision of the size and thickness of the nests and cnablcd the 'quality' of each nest to be estimated and grouped as to use. 14 Results. The presence of a breeding pair in a nest was established by one of the following:

A. Definite breeding pair. 1. Presence of a bird in or very near a nest, standing or sitting. 2. Activity; bird preparing to land, or an 'argument' at nest. 3. Feeding ofunseen young. 4. Young seen. 5. Detritus under nest. B. Possible breeding pairs. 1. A nest large enough to be a breeding nest with some activity near. 2. A bird present within four metres when young should have hatched but with little activity. (Close brooding by one or other adult for 11 - 21 days and guarded for a further 7 - 15 days. Birds ofthe Western Palaearctic. Oxford 1977)

C. Nests present that were unlikely to have contained eggs or young. 1. Very small, perhaps 10" - 12" across with light showing through them. 2. Nests with large parts missing. 3. Large nests not qualifying under A or B.

Total number of nests, i.e. A+B+C 26 Number classed under Cl 7 Number probably too small -l Definite (possible) occupied nests, A+B 17(19)

During full oak leafa count from the island suggests a total number ofpossible and definite occupied nests. A + B 14 / 15

The January figure for small nests (C) is taken as 7 or 9. This group would never have been visible with full foliage. There is therefore a disparity of2-5 in the nest numbers that could reasonably be expected to be suitable for occupation.

Summer counts indicated that there were definitely 10, probably 11, nests occupied with breeding birds with a 1 in 10 possibility of 12.

The figures could reasonably be expected to be: Usable nests present 14 - 18 Occupied 11

Comments. The small nests classified as usable could either be nests from which sticks have been robbed or nests started by one year old birds.

BWP (Oxford 1977) states that most do not breed in their first year. but if a year old bird does so. it is usually a female paired to an older male. 15 Addendum. The fact that these older oaks are dying at their tops giving a stag's head top to an otherwise vigorous tree, was remarked to the author by Mr. Hughes at an early stage. The significance of this proved relevant in an unexpected way. On the 13th. June 1 sat and lay in undergrowth under trees No. 3 and No. 5 for an hour. Three times at regular intervals during this time a raptor appeared over the same exposed nest doing tight circles a few feet above the nest, flying in a controlled manner postured to avoid stalling. Not once did it land. No adult bird was present at the nest and no young were calling. The bird gave the impression of indecision. Light was bad and I was handicapped by the position I was in. The bird was too large for a Sparrowhawk and was very probably a Goshawk. I am familiar with this species but under the circumstances, identification could not be more definite. The possibility ofpredation on young in the nests in these thinned treetops must therefore be considered.

The table shows the numbers of confirmed breeding 1990 - 2000

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

27 27 16 19 16 12 12 12 13 25 17

NB 1992 was a late count with trees in full leaf. 1995 confirmed total. Estimated total 24. 1996 confirmed total. Estimated total 17 1997 confirmed total. Estimated total 19. David G. Boddington 30th. January 2001


Sequence and nomenclature follows those of Professor K.H. Voous in his List of Recent Holarctic Species (1977) The nomenclature of the British Ornithologists' Union (The British List 2001) has been added in brackets where it differs from current usage.

Abbreviations used:­ BHP Berrington Hall Pool BL Bodenham Lake BOM Bulmer's Orchard Moorhampton CFB Criftin Ford Bridge FM Field Meeting HL Hartleton Lakes HQB Hereford Quarry Bromyard Rd. KP Kenchester Pools LP Leach Pool LIL Letton Irrigation Lake LDB Lion's Den Bredwardine LBP Little Berrington Pool LLM Lower Lugg Meadow MGP Mathon Gravel Pit NR Nature Reserve RG Ringing Group RWP Putson SIE Shobdon Industrial Estate SGW Sink Green Wye SSSP Stretton Sugwas Sand Pit TPNR Titley Pool Nature Reserve TP Tybcrton Pools TB Turner's Boat ULM Upper Lugg Meadow WGP Wellington Gravel Pits

NB Eywood Pool has been renamed Titley Pool Nature Reserve.

GREAT NORTHERN DIVER Gavia immer Very rare winter visitor. An ad. arrived at WGP on 24th Nov (P&TD) and remained at the site until 9th Dec allowing many Club members to view it. This was the 6th County record.

LITTLE GREBE Tachybaptus ruficollis Common breeding resident on pools and rivers. Recorded from 33 locations. Breeding confirmed at:- MGP, where 1 pr. produced 3 juvs. (ATF+KAM+JRP) and SSSP, where there were 4 prs. (CW). Large groups were 9 at Castleton on 14th Dec and 7 at Little Berrington on 13th Feb (GSB+CW). Maximum counts at regular sites:-

Location Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

HL 3 3 ------2 2 1 I

KP 4 2 - -- I - - 1 3 1 - RWP 4 4 4 - - - - - 2 2

SSSP 7 5 8 - 6 4 2 3 4 3

GREAT CRESTED GREBE Podiceps cristatus Fairly common breeding resident on larger pools and lakes and winter visitor. Reported from 6 locations. Breeding confirmed at:- BL with a pr. with I juv.(GSB); HL, with 2 prs. rearing 3 juvs. and I juv. and TPNR, with a pr. with 3 juvs. (J&CP). A pair were displaying at Eastnor Castle lake on 10th Mar (PGG) and a pr. nested unsuccessfully on the island of the main lake at WGP (PHD+SPC). A single bird was on the R. Wye at Moccas on 28th Jan (JRWP). 17 Maximum counts at main sites:-

Location Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec BL 3 9 6 1 3 3 3 2 - 3 5 5

HL 8 6 ---- 4 8 2 4 4 4

WGP 2 1 3 4 3 3 2 2 2 3 5 12

BLACK-NECKED GREBE Podiceps nigricollis Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant. 3 summer-plumaged ads. arrived at the roadside pit at WGP on 27th Apr (PHD+SPC et al), 1 remained until 29th Apr allowing many Club members an opportunity to view the bird in this plumage. A winter-plumaged ad. was at WGP from 18th Aug, until 8th Oct (PHD et al). These were the 9th and 10th County records.

CORMORANT (Great Cormorant) Phalacrocorax carbo Common winter visitor, with increasing numbers remaining throughout the year. Reported from 31 locations, with maximum counts from:-

Location Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

BHP - 7 ------1 3 3 2 BL 23 20 ------22 18 42

Castleton 2 3 ------27 37

CFB 30 14 9 ------

LIL 2 26 ------16

RWP 3 1 2 2 1 1 2- 1 - 2 3 2

TB 2- 2 1 1 - 1 1 4 4 5 2 10

WGP 8 4 - - 3 1 2 7 8 31 1 22

New year counts at roosts were: CFB - 0, Hampton Court - 50 and LDB - 37.

GREAT WHITE PELICAN Pelecanus onocrotalus Accidental. An ad. of unknown origin, which had been sighted previously, in several counties in the South of England, was seen by a fisherman on the River Wye at Letton on 21 st Oct. It was relocated at LIL on 23rd Gct and when flushed. flew off with othcr wildfowl towards the River Wye (CW). Later that afternoon it was sighted flying along the River Wye at Clifford and was watched until it flew NW over the County border into Radnorshire (1&EE). The record was acceptcd by BBRe, who wcrc vcry interested in the bird's wcll-documcnted movcmcnts across thc Country, ending in its dcath at a RSPCA rescue-centre in Norfolk, after it had collided with power-lines in that County. This was the first County record.

18 LITTLE EGRET Egretta garzetta Passage migrant. Possibly more common in the County than the sightings portray. Singles were reported from Bridge Sollars on 9th Aug (PJE), River Wye just downstream ofHay­ on-Wye on 27th Aug (JV), Letton Lakes on 15th Feb (ALS) and (LOB) on 24th Aug and 9th Sep (SPC).

GREY HERON Ardea cinerea Fairly common breeding resident. Reported from 41 locations, but no counts were taken at the heronries due to Foot and Mouth Disease restrictions. Breeding was confirmed at BHP, LP and Weston Farm, Bredwardine. Larger counts were:- 9 at BHP on 23rd Mar (S&LC), 6 at LP on 30th Jan (SPC), 6 at TB in Jun (C&JC) and 6 at WGP on 6th Oct (PHD).

MUTE SWAN Cygnus olor Common breeding resident, with birds collecting in large herds during the winter, and smaller herds of non-breeding birds in early summer. Breeding confirmed at:- BL pr. with 4 juvs. (GSB) Byford Wye pr. with 3 juvs. (PB) Eardisland pr. with 3 juvs. (PHD) HL pr. with 4 juvs. (MFP) Huntington Lane pr. with 8 juvs. (KAM) LDB pr. with 7 juvs. (SPC) TPNR pr. with 5 juvs. (J&CP) TB pr. with 2 juvs. (C&JC) WGP pr. deserted nest with cggs. (PHD) Other sites were probably productive, but not recorded due to Foot and Mouth Disease restrictions. Larger counts were:- 72 at Bolstone on 18th Jan (GSB+CW), maximum of79 at Castleton on 14th Jan (KAM+ATF), 52 at River Wye - Clifford on 25th Feb (PHD), 62 at LP on 30th Jan (SPC), maximum of 57 at Letton Lakes on 29th Jan (CW), maximum of 72 at Holme Lacy Wye on 18th Jan (CW) and maximum of65 at WGP on 15th Dec (PHD).

BEWICK'S SWAN (Tundra Swan) Cygnus columbianus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. The only records were of2 ads., including yellow neck-ring 344A, which commuted betwecn Letton Lakes and Castleton from 14th Jan to 18th Feb (ALS et al) and were joined by 2 further ads. at Letton Lakes on 15th Feb (GSB+CW); 10 by River Wyc at Fownhope on 16th Dcc (PGG); 5 at Tidnor Mill on 27th Oct (ATF et al) and 3 at WGP on 9th Dec (PHD).

19 WHOOPER SWAN Cygnus cygnus Scarce winter visitor. In the first winter period, there was an ad. at BL on 27th Feb (GSB), 2 ads. commuting between Castleton, Clifford Wye and Letton Lakes between 9th Feb and 11th Mar (CW et al), 1 at Tidnor Mill on 28th Mar (CW+GSB) and an ad. at WGP from 1st Jan to 6th Apr (PHD+SPC+GSB) joined by a second ad. on 21 st Feb (CW). In the second winter period the only sighting was of 2 ads. at LP on 22nd Dec (MFP).

PINK-FOOTED GOOSE Anser brachyrhynchus Rare winter visitor. The only sighting ofthe year was of4 including green neck-ring IAN, at LIL from 16-21 Dec (ALS+CW+PHD). This was the 13th record for the County.

GREYLAG GOOSE Anser anser Scarce winter visitor and occasional breeder. Some sightings may be of escapees or from the large population of feral birds originating in the Severn Valley. 6 were at BL on 6th Oct (RWR), 1 at HL on 17th and 21 st Nov and during Dec (WOO), 2 were with Canada geese on receding floodwater by the River Wye at Backney on 2nd Jan (PGG) and I at WGP on 5th. & 12th. May (PHD) and 13th Dec (GSB).

CANADA GOOSE Branta canadensis Common introduced breeding resident. Breeding confirmed at:- BL 3 prs. with broods of 6, 2 & I (PHD) KP 1 pr. with 4 juvs. (PJE) TP 1 pr. with 5 juvs. (DAW) WGP 1 pr. with 4 juvs. (PHD+SPC) Probably quite a few breeding sites were not recorded, due to the Foot and Mouth Disease restrictions. Larger flocks were:- Maximum of 105 at BHP in Nov (TCC); Maximum of 211 at BL on 1st Oct (lCD); 106 at Chase Wood, Ross-on-Wye on 28th Jan (ER); 290 at HL on 31 st Dec (lRP); 135 at KP on 16th Jan (GSB); maximum of200 at LlL in Oct (lRP); 340 by River Wye at Fownhope on 16th Dec (PGG); 264 by River Wye at Holme Lacy on 18th Dec (CW+GSB); c.1 00 by River Wye at Sink Green on 14th Jan (R&JM); 130 by River Wye at Wilton on 12th Dec (lRP); 365 including juvs. at SSSP on 19th Sep (CW) and maximum of 51 0 at WGP on 19th Aug (PHD).

20 BARNACLE GOOSE Branta leucopsis Rare winter visitor and introduced breeding resident. All sightings relate to the small population originating around BL, but their movements varied, and sometimes included extra individuals of unknown origin. No breeding was reported this year. All records as follows:- BL: 13 on 17th Feb (PHD), 11 on 21st Feb (CW), 14 on IstApr (PHD), 14 on 6thApr (GSB) and I on 26th Nov (GSB+CW). River Wye - Holme Lacy: 1 with Canada Geese on 18th Dec (GSB+CW). WGP: 14 on 1st Jan (PHD+SPC), 14 on 14th Jan (PHD), 14 on 19th Jan (CW), 4 on 1st May (P&TD et aI), 2 with a hybrid resembling a blue-morph Snow Goose on 23rd May (PHD), 8 on 13th Aug (GSB), 9 on 22nd Sep (P&TD) and 15 on 23rd Sep (PHD).

BRENT GOOSE Branta bernicla Very rare visitor. An ad. ofthe dark-bellied race, bernicla bernicla, arrived at BL on 17th Feb and remained there, or at the nearby Vern pool until 25th Feb (P&TD). This was the 10th County record.

SHELDUCK (Common Shelduck) Tadorna tadorna Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. 2mm were on floodwater near Arrow Fisheries, on IstApr (PHD); 3 were at LIL on 10th and 15th Feb (CW+GSB); 5 on LLM on 3rd Jan (GSB), followed by 6 on 7-8th Feb (CW+I&EE), 5 on 24-25th Mar (CW+GSB+PHD) and 1 on 26th Mar (CW+ATF); 1 feeding on edge of pond at Norton Wood on 4th May (MJW); 2 at SSSP on 3rd May (CW); 1 at Tidnor Mill on 26th Jan, followed by I on 29th Mar and a ill. on 3rd Apr (GSB). At WGP, there was a m. on 21st Apr, 2 juvs. on 14th Jul, an ad. f. on 24th Aug and an ad. f. on 17th Nov (PHD).

MANDARIN (Mandarin Duck) Aix galericulata Introduced breeding resident. There was no record of breeding in the County this year. Most sightings relate to the small population around Castle Pool, Hereford. All records as follows:- BL: m. on 27th Dec, was probably the long-staying bird from WGP (PHD). Castle Pool, Hereford: m + 2ffon 16th Jan (R&JM), eclipse m. on 24th Aug (R&JM), m + 2ff on 3 - 4th Dec (R&JM+ I&EE) and 2mm + 2ff on 6th Dec (R&JM). Putson Wye: 2 on 4th Nov and 3 on 16th Dec (R&JM). Rotherwas Chapel pool: m + 2ff on 18th Mar (GSB+CW). WGP: f on 16th Sep (PHD) was followed by a m. which stayed from 3rd Nov until the end of the year (PHD et al).

21 WIGEON (Eurasian Wigeon) Anas penelope Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Counts at regular sites were:-

Location Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jut Aug Sep Oct Nov Dee

BL 180 109 70 ------77 120 130 KP 80 35 60 ------21 18 - LIL 29 117 ------6 74 23 LLM 135 54 3 ------2 - - WGP 136 15 - - - - - 2 9 46 15 50 (GSB+SPC+TCC+PJE+P&TD+CW)

Also reported were:- 2 on floodwater at Arrow Fisheries, Leominster on 28th Mar (PHD); 14 at BHP on 14th Jan (TCC), followed by 32 on 24th Jan (DGB), 7 on 27th Jan (PHD), 2 on 11th Feb (TCC), a m. +2ff on 4th Nov (TCC); 9 at Castleton on 6th Jan (SPC), followed by 12 on 14th Jan (KAM+ATF); a single at HL in Jan, followed by 2 in Feb (WOD); a m. + f. at MGP on 27th Dec (MFP); lion floodwater, at Monkland on 27th Oct (PHD); 48 by River Wye between Strangford and Sellack on 21st Jan followed by 56 on 28th Jan (CW); a f. at SSSP on 15th Dec (CW) and singles at TPNR on 7th Oct, 4th Nov and 16th Dec (J&CP).

GADWALL Anas strepera Uncommon breeding resident and passage migrant. No breeding reported this year and numbers at HL decreasing.

Location Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dee

HL 13 10 -- - - - 3 4 2 2 -


Other sites with records were:- m. at BL on 15th Jan (CW+GSB), m. + f. on 25th Nov (ATF+JRP) and 2 in Dec (GSB); m.+ f. at LLM on 15th Feb (CW); m. at MGP on 25th Oct and 2 on 24th Nov (MFP); m. at TPNR on 28th Oct, a single on 4th Nov and f. on 30th Dec (J&CP); 2mm + f. at WGP on 19th Jan (GSB+CW), f. on 24th Jan (GSB), f. on 27th Jan &11th Feb (PHD), m. on 23rd Apr & 28th Aug (PHD), m. + f. on 29th Sep (P&TD), 2mm. on 28th Oct (PHD), 2 on 4th Nov (SP+ND), m. + f. on 28th Nov. (GSB+CW), m. + f. on 10th Dec (GSB), m. + f. on 12th Dec (JM) and a m. on 23-24th Dec (P&TD).

22 TEAL (Eurasian Teal) Anas crecca Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Maxima at main sites:-

Location Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jut Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

BL 93 100 2 12 -- - 2 - 32 50 lOO HL 26 15 ------18 23 27 KP 3 ------8 28 - LIL 3 10 -- -- - 4 - 4 4 17 SSSP 19 - - - 2 - - - 1 3 5 19 TPNR 125 60 ------5 2 32 40 WGP 27 9 3 8 -- - 8 15 19 30 44 (GSB+SPC+WOD+P&TD+PJE+ATHJMa+ALS+CW)

Records from other sites included:- 1 at BHP in Oct and 4 in Dec (TCC); 6 at Castleton on 14th Jan (KAM+ATF), followed by 2 on 16th Dec (MFP); 7 at CFB on 17th Feb (JCD); 3 at Flintsham on 16th Sep, followed by 2 on 16th Dec (J&CP); 2 at LP on 30th Jan (SPC); 26 at LLM on 2nd Jan and 63 on 3rd Jan (GSB); 11 at MGP on 15th Dec (PGG) and 8, including an injured bird, at Rudhall on 21st Feb (MFP).

MALLARD Anas platyrhynchos Common breeding resident and winter visitor, with some introduced for shooting. Widespread records, with breeding confirmed at:- Huntington Lane 2 broods of 9 and 3 (KAM). KP 11 juvs. (PJE). Monkland: 7 juvs. (AJB) Norton Wood pr. with 6 juvs. (MJW). SSSP pr. with 3 juvs. (CW). TB pr. with 11 juvs. (JC). WGP 5+ broods (PHD).

Larger counts from other sites were:- 100 at MGP on 24th Nov (MFP) and a maximum of 150 at Monkland on 27th Oct (JE).

23 Records from main sites throughout the year were:- Location Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

BHP ------65 110 39 69 BL ------90 117 123 53 CFB 4 7 - 8 ------FL 32 26 ------25 30 30 67 GM 2 ------5 2 12 HL 35 23 - --- - 65 40 30 56 KP 27 31 - -- - 12 - 10 20 25 - LIL 21 13 -- --- 17 54 43 2 100 RWP 95 45 - 19 21 33 54 48 - - 26 38

SSSP 75 10 - - - - 11 - 9 25 30 31 TPNR 115 35 ------35 - 46 34

TB - 9 5 6 11 - 6 5 12 100 30 25

WGP 325 262 - 9 - - - 90 100 60 218 372 FL=Fhntsham, GM=Gamber Meadow (GSB+JC+SPC+TCC+JCD+WOD+PHD+PJE+R&JM+J&CP+JRP+ALS+CW)

PINTAIL (Northern Pintail) Anas acuta Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant. Recorded from 7 locations during the year. BL: m. on 1st Jan (PHD+SPC), 3mm. on 3rd Jan (GSB), 11mm. + 6ff. on 6th Jan (P&TD), m. + 3ff. on 7th Jan (PHD), 24 on 26th Jan (PGB) and f. on 16th Oct (GSB). Castleton: f. on 24th Oct (Club FM). KP: 2 on 14-15th Jan (PJE) and 3mm. + 2ff. on 17th Jan (CW+GSB). LIL: 2ff. on 15th Feb (GSB+CW). LLM: 2mm. + 3ff. on 2nd Jan, 3 on 3rd Jan, 3mm. on 6th Jan and m. + f. on 26th Jan (GSB). SSSP: m. + 2ff. on 14th Jan (CW+GSB), f. on 15th Jan (CW) and 4mm. + 2ff. on 16th Jan (CW+GSB). WGP: 4 on 1st Jan (PHD+SPC), m. + f. on 6th Jan (PHD), 6mm. + 5ff. on 7th Jan (GSB), 5mm. on 13th Jan (PHD), lOon 14th Jan (PHD), m. on 19th Jan (GSB+CW), 3mm. + 3ff. on 20th Jan (PHD), m. on 27th Jan (GSB+CW), f. on 28th Jan (PHD), 2mm. on 18th Feb (PHD), m. + f. on 19th Feb (G&MB) and f. on 10th Nov (P&TD).

GARGANEY Anas querquedula Scarce summer visitor and passage migrant. The only sightings for the year were of a m. + f. reported in Club area from 21st May until 12th Jun (CW+GSB et al) and a m. on the roadside-pit at WGP on 12th May (PHD+AG+ATF). These were the 19th and 20th records for the County.

24 SHOVELER (Northern Shoveler) Anas clypeata Uncommon winter Yisitor and passage migrant. This year, reported from 11 locations. BHP: m. on 4th Nay (TCC). BL: 2ff. + jUY. on 16th Oct (GSB), f. + jUY. on 4th Dec (GSB), 4 on 7th Dec (GSB) and a 1st winter m. on 22nd Dec (P&TD). Castleton: m. on 27th Oct (SPC). KP m. + f. on 2nd Jun (PHD). LP 1 on 30th Jan (SPC). LIL 1 on 11 th Feb (ALS). LDB m. on 13th Jul (ERC+SPC). LLM 2mm. + 2ff. from 3rd- 4th Jan (GSB), 6mm. + 3ff. from 5th to 6th Jan (GSB), 2mm. on 25th Jan (GSB) and f. on 24th Mar (GSB). Monkland 2 on 27th Oct (lE). SSSP jUY. from 11th to12th Jul (CW). WGP m. on 1st Jan (PHD/SPC), m. on 27th Jan (PHD), 2mm. on 4th Apr (GSB+CW), m. + f. on 10th May (PHD), f. on 20th Aug (MFP), eclipse m. on 22nd Aug (PHD), eclipse m. on 28th Aug (PHD), eclipse m. on 1st sep (PHD), f. on 16th Sep (PHD), eclipse m. + f. on 22nd Sep (P&TD), f. on 6th Oct (PHD), f. on 8th Oct (PHD), f. on 14th Oct (PHD), 5 on 20th Oct (P&TD), f. on 21st Oct (P&TD), f. from 3rd to 4th Nay (PHDIND/SP), eclipse m. + f. from 10th to 11th Nay (P&TD), eclipse m. on 17th Nay (P&TD), eclipse m. + f. on 18th Nay (P&TD), m. + f. and imm. on 20th Nay (ATF), f. on 27th Nay (P&TD + SPC), f. on 1st Dec (PHD+SPC), eclipse m. on 2nd Dec (PHD), m. + f. on 6th Dec (lM) and 18 on 17th Dec (GSB).

RED-CRESTED POCHARD Netta rujina Introduced resident and passage migrant. A f. was at BL on 15th Jan (CW+GSB) and 4mm. and 2ff. were at WGP on 25th Nay (PHD et al). These were the 5th and 6th records for the County.

POCHARD (Common Pochard) Aythya ferina Common winter Yisitor and passage migrant. Monthly maxima for the main sites were:-

Location Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

BL - 41 10 - - - 2 - - 40 60 20 MGP 13 ------5 14

WGP 128 73 1 2 2 - 1 4 8 27 40 42


Also reported from:- Flintsham with 2 on 14th Jan (J&CP); HL with 1 in Jan (WOD) and 3 on 26th Feb (CW); 4 at Leach Pool on 30th Jan (SPC); I at LlL on 11 th Feb (ALS); 1 at SSSP on 4th Feb (CW), 9 on 25th Feb (CW+GSB) and la on 28th Feb (CW) and 20 at TPNR on 10th Feb, I on 31 si Oct and 2 on 4th Nay (J&CP).

25 RING-NECKED DUCK Aythya collaris Rare winter visitor. A f. was at WGP from 21st - 27th Feb (GSB+CW+PHD+C&AL), following the sighting of2 birds, at the same location, in the previous December. This was the second record for the County.

TUFTED DUCK Aythyafuligula Common breeding resident, passage migrant and winter visitor. Breeding was reported from:- Eltons Marsh with lOads and 9 juvs. in Jul (K&CM) Haygrove Pool with 2 prs. with broods of II and 4 juvs. on 14th Aug (AHE) MGP with 2 pairs breeding on 26th May (PGG) SSSP with 2ff. and 14juvs. on 29th Jul (CW) and TPNR with 2 prs. producing 8 juvs. on 28th Ju! (l&CP). The monthly maxima at main sites were:- Location Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Dct Nov Dec

BL 5 73 27 - - - - 70 - 43 127 52 HL 13 12 ------1 9

KP 2 5 ------3 I 3 -

LIL 4 19 ------1 - 3 MGP 26 30 - - 19 - - - - - 70 68 SSSP 7 17 - - - 6 -16 - 6 22 7 11

TPNR - 24 - - - - 12 42 27 27 8 4 WGP 209 48 25 41 63 23 75 115 131 165 66 97


Records of I- 20 birds were also received from:- BHP (TCC); Flintsham (J&CP); Hereford City (lCD); Little Berrington (CW); Putson Wye (R&JM); SIE (PHD); ULM (BH) and River Wye at Victoria Bridge, Hereford (R&JM).

SCAUP (Greater Scaup) Aythya marila Rare passage migrant and winter visitor. A f. at BL on 22nd Mar only stayed for I day (GSB+CW), but a f. found on the roadside-pit at WGP on 18th Nov (PHD) remained in the area, commuting between WGP and BL, until the end of the year (GSB+P&TD+CW+PW).

LONG-TAILED DUCK Clangula hyemalis Rare winter visitor. 2 ad. mm. and 2fT. (or imms.) were observed leaving SSSP and flying towards the River Wye at dusk on 14th Jan (CW). This very unusual multiple sighting ofthe species, inland, was the first record of its kind for the Midlands, and the 3rd County record.

26 GOLDENEYE (Common Goldeneye) Bucephala clangula Uncommon winter visitor. Recorded at 6 sites. The majority of records came from:-

Location Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Get Nov Dec

BL 9 11 9 3 ---- - I 8 9 WGP 8 2 I - --- - I - 5


Other sightings were:- f. at Castleton on 15th Feb (K&CM); juv. at LLM from 27th to 29th Oct (P&TD+CW); 4mm. + 1f. at Sink Green on 10th Jan (GSB) and a juv. on ULM on 28th Oct (CW).

SMEW Mergus albel/us Rare winter visitor. In the first winter period, there was a f. at BL, from 6th Jan until 27th Feb (P&TD+GSB et al), joined by a second f. on 11 th Jan (GSB), 19th Jan (ATF) and 13th Feb (GSB+CW). In the second winter period, there was a f. from 24th Nov until 30th Dec (P&TD+CW et al), joined by a second f. on 28th Nov (GSB) and a "redhead" at WGP on 2nd Dec (PHD+ND).

RED-BREASTED MERGANSER Mergus serrator Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant. The only records for the year were from the River Wye with a pr. at Fawley Chapel on 21st Jan (CW) and a m. near Goodrich on 28th Jan (NAS). These were the 16th and 17th County records.

GOOSANDER Mergus merganser Increasing breeding resident and winter visitor. Probably under-recorded due to Foot and Mouth Disease restrictions. Breeding recorded at Castleton, with f. and 9 juvs. on 20th May (PHD); LDB, with f. and 10 juvs. on 11th May (SPC) and TB with m.+ f. and 8 juvs. on 27th Apr (C&JC). Larger counts at other locations were:- 28 at HL on 29th Dec (PGG); 22 at LLM on 24th Mar (CW+GSB); 5mm + 7ff. on River Wye at Eign on 3rd Mar (R&JM); 4mm. + 4ff. on River Wye at Mordiford on 2nd Feb (lCD); maximum of21 on River Wye at Putson in Dec (R&JM); 3mm. + Sff. at SIE on 11 th Nov (SP+ND); 9 on River Wye at Sink Green in Jan (KPT) and maximum of 5mm. and 2ff. at WGP on 27th Jan (PHD). Smaller numbers were well-distributed along the County's main river-systems.

RUDDY DUCK Oxyurajamaicensis Feral population of unknown status. Native to North America. Has bred, and may still breed on pools with thick waterside vegetation. Now subject to an official nationwide culling to preserve the endangered White-headed Duck. A m. was at BL on 8th Apr (PHD) and a m. was at TPNR on 22nd Sep (l&CP). All other records from WGP, a m. on 31 st Mar (PHD), a f. on 23rd Apr (PHD+SPC), 1 on 8th Aug (GSB), 3 from 20th to 28th Aug (PHD), 2ff on 1st Sep (SPC). I f. on 2nd and 9th Sep (TCC) and 1f. on 3rd Nav (PHD).

27 HONEY BUZZARD (European Honey Buzzard) Pernis apivorus Extinct breeder in County and scarce passage migrant. A juv., ringed at the nest in Scotland, and fitted with a satellite-transmitter, was recorded migrating across the County, east ofLedbury on 6th Oct (Per CW).

RED KITE Milvus milvus Uncommon visitor and rare possible breeder. There were 8 records ofsingle birds in 200 I. I at Aconbury Wood on 5th Aug (LC); 1 at Garway Hill on 23rd Feb (KJR); 1 circling village at Little Birch on 9th May (JP); 1 flying west from Malvern Hills into Herefordshire on 18th Oct (MW); 1 seen twice the same day at 13:45 and again at 14:30 at Wormsley Golf Course then TiIlington on 3rd Noy (KCs); I flying over at Oldway, Fownhope on 30th May; 1 flying from Credenhill to Beeches Business Park then northward on 25th Jun (NCP) and 1 at WGP on 14th Apr (PHD).

Total number ofRed Kite sightings in Herefordshire 1992 to 200 I 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 6 1 (4*) 6 2 3 (7*) 6 8 7 16 8 * numbers in brackets indicate number ofrecords ifunsubstantiated records are considered.

GOSHAWK (Northern Goshawk) Accipiter gentilis Uncommon breeding resident. A total of 9 sightings from around the County plus 2 breeding records reported. Birds seen at BHP in Nov (TCC); a m. at BL on 21st Feb (GSB+CW); 2 at Buckholt Wood in Jun (A&NF); twice at CFB with a f. on 21st Apr (PHD+SPC) and m. on 10th Nov (P&TD); at Fishpool Hill, Woolhope on 25th Aug (TEL); at Newhouse Wood in Jul (TF+JBi); a m. disturbing woodpigeons at Wapley Hill on 13th Jan (PHD) and Wigmore Rolls on 29th Sep (JV).

SPARROWHAWK (Eurasian Sparrowhawk) Accipiter nisus Common breeding resident. Sightings received from many locations around the County. There were 2 confirmed breeding records, one at Botts Wood, Kings Acre in Apr (SP) and one from Witney Wood, Dulas also in Apr (I&DH).

BUZZARD (Common Buzzard) Buteo buteo Common breeding resident. Widely reported throughout the County, with 7 breeding records - see below. Also seen in numbers though not as many as in recent years with 12 at CFB on 13th Jan (PHD); II near the church at Leintwardine on 26th Mar (JV); 10 at Coughton Marsh on 31 st Dec (AHE+JRP); 8 at Bacton on 22nd Feb (I&DH), 8 circling over Capler Camp at Brockhampton Wye on 15th Feb (leD); 8 at Mordiford on 29th Mar (GSB) and 8 at Queenswood on 12th Mar (TH).

Breeding records from: BL (MFP); Botts Wood, Kings Acre (SP); Little Dewchurch (R&PK); Rudhall; Shobdon; Tretire and WGP (MFP).

28 OSPREY Pandion haliaetus Scarce passage migrant. Single sightings from 5 locations, being LDB on 10th May and again on 5th Oct (SPC); Little Birch on 25th Aug (JP); Tidnor Mill, LLM on 26th Mar (CW) and Putson Wye on 4th May (JM).

Total number of Osprey sightings in Herefordshire 1992 to 2001 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 8 2 4 I 1 3 2 2 6 5

KESTREL (Common Kestrel) Falco tinnunculus Common breeding resident. Many sightings from all over the County, including several pairs, but breeding only confirmed at 2 locations being Shobdon (PHD) and Storridge with 2 ads. and 3 juvs. (CG).

MERLIN Falco columbarius Uncommon breeding resident and passage migrant. 10 sightings reported from 6 locations, all of single birds. Castleton & Winforton Wye on 28th lan (PGG). CFB a m. on 17th Feb (lCD). Pipe & Lyde a m. on 28th Mar (JCD), an ad. f. on 2nd Apr (JCD) and an ad. m. on 15th Oct (lCD). Warren Lane a f. on 29th Dec (PGG). WGP an imm. m. mobbed by corvid on 11th Nov (PHD), a f. on 15th Dec (P&TD) and one on 30th Dec (PE). Wellington Village; a m. on 19th Feb (GSB).

HOBBY (Eurasian Hobby) Falco subbuteo Uncommon passage migrant and scarce breeding summer visitor. A good number ofsightings, mostly singles this year with one breeding record. The earliest was at WGP on 5th May (P&TD) with regular sightings until 22nd Sep at this location (G&MB). One was at Leominster seen attacking starlings on 6th May (GE) and 2 at KP on 16th May (JK). LDB had regular sightings from 20th May until 18th Sep (SPC) with a pair displaying on 7th lun and an ad. with a juv. begging for food on 18th Sep (S&LC+ 0 AW). 2 were at Didley in May with breeding confirmed (MM) and 2 were sparring in flight at Barons Cross on 13th lun (PHD). A single was seen daily throughout the summer from a garden at Leominster, with one at Leominster By-pass on 20th Aug (SP). There were 2 sightings of single birds at Adforton on 10th Aug and 12th Oct which was also the last record of the year (lV). Other singles were seen at Pembridge on 14th lul (lCD), on 8th Aug (JCD), Letton on 8th lul (ID), Shobdon on 17th Aug (JV), a juv. heard at the Flitts on 30th Aug (PGG), Weobley on 27th May (PHD), hunting over fields at Weobley By-pass on 12th lul (Pl), Weston-under-Penyard on 31 st lul (MFPj, Wigmore Rolls on 29th Aug (JV), Broomy Hill waterworks on 5th Aug (SP), Eardisland on 17th Aug (JV), HL on 22nd Aug (AHE), Hereford City on 10th lul (leD) and I flying around Hereford Cathedral on 11 th Aug (lP).

29 PEREGRINE (Peregrine Falcon) Falco peregrinus Uncommon breeding resident and winter visitor. 32 sightings from 20 locations but no breeding records which is very disappointing. 2 birds were seen twice (a pr., then a f. andjuv.) at BHP in Nov (TCC), with a f. andjuv. at Black Darren on 15th Jun (JRP+NAS+RAJ), with one at Red Darren on 3rd Jul (I&EE), and an ad. and juv. at the Darrens on 14th Jun (JRP). There were 2 sightings at BL an imm. f. attacking wigeon on 25th Nov (PHD), and a f. on 28th Dec (PHD). At WGP there were 7 sightings, all winter ones, with one on 1st Jan (PHD+SPC), a f. and a juv. on 31st Aug (GSB), one on 1st Sep (SPC), an ad. m. on 3rd and 4th Nov (PHD), a f. on 30th Dec (PE), and again the following day (GSB). At LIL there was one on 14th Jan with 2 on 11 th Feb (AS). There were 2 fighting above LDB on 6th Jan (SPC), with a pr. at Whitman's Hill Quarry on 13th Jan (CG). All the others were of single birds - Breinton on 5th Dec (SP), Castleton & Winforton Wye on 14th Jan (KAM+ATF) with one heard at the same location on 28th Jan (PGG), a f. at CFB on 31st Mar (PHD), with another at the same location on 13th Oct diving after Teal (JRP), one attacking racing pigeons over a loft at Gorsley on 29th Jan (RH), one disturbed from fresh kill on ground but returned to remove it at Middlewood on 20th Sep (G&GR), one putting up a lapwing flock at Backney on 2nd Jan (PGG), one on the Wye at Holme Lacy on Club outing on 20th Feb, a m. at Reeves Hill on 10th Nov (P&TD), one at Upper Hill on 30th Sep (FSB), one at Welsh Newton Common on 14th Jan (FMP), one at the Sun Valley Plant flying north on 1st May (TCC) and one at Yarpole on 19th Oct (N).

RED-LEGGED PARTRIDGE Alectoris rufa Fairly common introduced breeding resident. Reported from 3 locations: 15 ads. and young at Canon Pyon on 13th Sep (FSB), 2 ads. with 4 juvs. at Milton Cross on 22nd Sep (P&TD) and 2 in a nest in a garden at Ross (RC). Sites with more than 2 birds were 4 at Brampton Abbotts on 6th Aug (RJH), 4 at CFB on 27th Jan (PHD), 3 at Garway on 6th Mar with 8 on 2nd Dec (JRP), 3 at Hampton Bishop on 20th Feb (ATF), 5 at Monkland on 11 th Feb (JE), 3 on at Hampton Bishop on 20th Feb (FM), 5 at Upper Hill on 30th Sep (FSB), and 5 in wood yard at Whitfield Estate on 22nd Feb (DAW).

GREY PARTRIDGE Perdix perdix Fairly common but declining breeding resident. Reported from only 8 locations including one breeding record with 1 ad. and 8 juvs. at Shobdon on 20th Aug (MFP). The only other numbers were 8 in stubble at Stoke Edith on 19th Jan (RWR), with about 6 at the same location on 20th Dec (RWR). Ones, twos and threes were seen at Foy on 4th Jun (ATF), Hampton Bishop on 3rd Oct (ATF), Much Birch on 15th May (T&EW), near River Wye between Foy and How Caple on 25th Jan (C&AL), SIE on 4th May (PHD), Townsend farm on 6th Aug (RJH) and in the wood yard at Whitfield Estate on 21st Feb (DAW).

QUAIL (Common Quail) Coturnix coturnix Scarce summer visitor, more often heard than seen. Only one report of a bird heard at Middlewood on 7th Jul (G&GR).

30 PHEASANT (Common Pheasant) Phasianus colchicus Common introduced breeding resident with many sightings, probably relating to birds released for shooting. No "wild" breeding records were reported. Birds seen from all areas of the County.

WATER RAIL Rallus aquaticus Uncommon winter visitor and scarce breeding species. No breeding records and sightings from only 6 locations :- Gamber Meadows 2 seen in Nov and Dec (lRP). LIL I heard on 15th Feb (GSB+CW). RWP 1 seen on 16th & 17th Dec (R&JM). The Flitts 1 on 20th Aug (PGG). Tram Inn, Allensmore 1 in wet ditch on 19th Feb and again from 20th to 22nd Mar (SN). Winforton one on 24th Gct (MFP).

MOORHEN (Common Moorhen) Gallinula chloropus Common breeding resident. Widely reported from all areas with suitable habitat. Breeding confirmed at Burghill (lCD), Castle Pool, Hereford (R&JM), Castleton and Winforton Wye (MFP), Grey Valley, Cockyard (DH), SSSP (CW), Huntington Lane (KAM+MFP), King George V Playing Fields, Hereford (R&JM), Norton Wood (MJW), Rudhall (MFP), Weston Farm, Bredwardine (MFP) and Weston-under-Penyard (MFP). Due to access restrictions, most ofthe regular sites had less than 6 counts, and therefore only those with 6 months or more counts are included in the table for this year. Location Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Dct Nov Dec

Hartleton 14 i7 ------2 5 12 13 RWP 14 14 6 2 8 8 4 2 - 1 8 10

TB - 8 5 2 - 2 1 3 2 3 6 8

COOT (Common Coot) Fulica atra Common breeding resident and winter visitor. Widely reported from all areas with suitable habitat. Breeding confirmed at BL (GSB), TPNR (l&CP), HL (MFP), SSSP (CW), MGP (PGG), WGP (PHD & GSB), and Weston Farm, Bredwardine (SPC+MFP). For table below see comments for Moorhen.

Location Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Dct Nov Dec

Flintsham 24 5 - - - - - 10 26 25 23

Harleton 27 35 - - - - 15 17 J 5 17

WGP 171 105 20 35 198 :131 418 256 310 390

31 OYSTERCATCHER (Eurasian Oystercatcher) Haematopus ostralegus Scarce passage migrant and winter visitor. 2 reported on breeding territory at SSSP, but no confirmation ofbreeding. Sightings from 9 locations :- Arrow Fisheries 1 on floodwater on 1st Apr (PHD). Castleton & Winforton Wye 1 on 14th Jul (PHD), and 3 ads. on 12th Aug (PHD). Clock Mill, Clifford 1 on 24th Jun (SPC+HEC+ERC). SSSP between 1 and 3 reported on 5 dates from 27th Apr to 28th May (CW) (GSB) (PGG). KP 1 on 24th May (PJE+GRP). LDB 1 flying upstream on 9th Jun (SPC). LLM 1 on 13th Apr (PHD). TB 1 in Jun (C&JC). WGP 1 on 22nd Feb (PHD+C&AL).

LITTLE RINGED PLOVER (Little Plover) Charadrius dubius Fairly common breeding summer visitor and passage migrant. Breeding confirmed at WGP (P&TD) with a maximum of 3 breeding pairs and broods of 3, 3, and 2 in July (PHD). The earliest bird seen at WGP was on 28th Mar (PHD). Breeding was also reported from SSSP with a maximum of 4 ads. and 1 juv. on 11th Ju1 (CW), with the earliest bird seen on 27th Apr (CW). Other sightings were at :- Castleton & Winforton Wye: 1 on 20th May (PHD). CFB: 1 ad. on 21st Apr (PHD). River Wye, Letton: 2 imm. on 8th Ju1 (ID).

RINGED PLOVER Charadrius hiaticula Uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor. 14 records from 2 locations. SSSP ad. on 30th Apr (GSB+CW), 2 on 13th May (CW), and 5 on 14th May (CW). WGP ad. on 7th Apr (PHD), 2 ads on 9th Apr (GSB+CW), 1 on 29th Apr (PHD), 3 on 4th May (PHD), 1 on 8th May (PHD+SPC+AS), 1 on 10th May (SPC), 1 on 13th May (SPC+ND+SP+AS), 2 on 14th May (PHD), 4 ad. summer on 15th May (PHD), 1 ad. on 16th Aug (PHD), and 1 juv. on 6th Oct (PHD).

GOLDEN PLOVER (European Golden Plover) Pluvialis apricaria Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Has bred in the past. 20 reports from 11 locations, the main site being Huntington Lane. 125 on root field at Grafton on 14th Jan (JK), c.25 at Hereford City on 23rd Aug (lCD), 1 ad. at SSSP on 5th Nov (CW), 12 at Hergest Ridge on 19th Dec (JLR), c.l 00 many in breeding plumage at Milton Cross on 7th Apr (PHD), 5 with large lapwing flock at Backney, River Wye on 2nd Jan (PGG), c.30 at Redhill on 14th Nov (ND), 30 at Tittey Court Farm on 13th Jan (C&AL), c.50 at Upper Bullingham on 18th Mar (PHD) and 17 at Wergins Bridge on 7th Jan (PHD).

32 LAPWING (Northern Lapwing) Vanellus vanellus Common winter visitor and scarce breeding resident. Breeding confirmed from 5 locations. SSSP 10 birds with at least 3 nests in Apr (CW+GSB), c.20 with 4+ broods in May (CW), 3 juvs. on 29th Jul (CW). Monkland a breeding pair with 4 juvs. on 4th May (MJW), c.20 with 10 breeding pairs mostly at the Pans in Jul (JE). Raddle Bank 1 breeding pair with 2 juvs. on 7th May (MJW). Castle Moat, Dilwyn 1 ad. and 3 juvs. from 28th Apr to 22nd May (A&NF), 2 ad. with 4 juvs. and 1 ad. and 4 chicks plus a 3rd pair incubating on 22nd May (A&NF). WGP 5 ad. and 4 juvs. by roadside pit on 2nd Jun (P&TD), 4 breeding pairs with 6 juvs. (2,2,1,1) on 9th Jun (PHD).

Notable large flocks were 188 at KP on 10th Feb (CW), cA50 at Leominster By-pass on the same date (PHD), 200 at Magna Castra Farm on 16th Dec (GRP), cAOO on muddy fields left by floods at River Wye, Backney on 2nd Jan (PGG), 283 at Tidnor Mill on 16th Feb (GSB), 350 at WGP on 22nd Feb (PHD), and 433 at Wergins Bridge on 7th Jan (PHD).

Also reported from quite a few other locations, but with smaller flock numbers.

SANDERLING Calidris alba Very rare passage migrant. 4 reports from 2 locations, this doubles the county records to 8:­ SSSP 1 on 16th May (CW). WGP 1 ad. summer on 10th May (SPC+PHD+AS+CW+GRP), 1 ad. spring on 13thMay (SPC+AS+ND+SP), and 1 ad. spring on 28th May (P&TD+SPC).

LITTLE STINT Calidris minuta Rare passage migrant. Just 3 sightings all at WGP, the first being ajuv. on 23rd Sep (PHD), 1 on 20th act (P&TD), and ajuv. on 21st act (PHD). This takes the County record to 14 sightings.

DUNLIN Calidris alpina Uncommon passage migrant and winter visitor. As for last year, reports from only 3 locations:­ SSSP 11 reports from this site with from I to 6 birds in Apr and May, and 1 to 5 adult birds from Sep to Dec (CW+GSB). WGP many reports from Apr to Dec; from April to Jun from 1 to 4 birds, and from Jul to Dec from 1 to 4 birds including between 1 and 2 juvs. from Aug to act (P&TD+GSB+SPC+JRP+ND+SP+AS+ TCC). Withy Pool, Bredwardine 1 on 25th Aug (SPC).

JACK SNIPE Lymnocryptes minimus Uncommon winter visitor and passage migrant. Reported from 3 locations :- Frogend I in stubble field at crossroads on 24th Dec (PGG). SSSP 6 on 28th Jan and 2 on 21 st Feb (PGG) and I on 16th Dec (CW). WGP 1 on 13th Jan and 10th Feb (PHD).

33 SNIPE (Common Snipe) Gallinago gallinago Fairly common winter visitor and passage migrant. Reported from 16 locations, the main ones being tabled below. Other notable sites were up to 32 at Gamber Meadows (lRP), and 8 at MGP on 15th Dec (PGG). River Wye at Holme Lacy produced 3 reports, with 3 on 2nd Feb (CW), 4 on 16th Feb and 2 on 15th Nov (MJW). Ones and twos were seen at BHP (TCC), BL (P&TD), Bromsash (MFP), Castleton & Winforton Wye (MFP+K&CM), Ford Bridge (MFP), KP (SPC+PHD+PJE), LIL (AS+JRP+MJW), 1 caught and ringed at Much Marcle (SGD), 1 probing a lawn in a Ross town centre garden (R&JC), Shirlheath (TCC), 2 singles at TB (lC) and at Winforton (MJW).

Less than 6 months reports received for Gamber therefore this has been excluded from the table. Location Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

SSSP 48 58 - - - - 1 - 3 17 7 17 WGP 9 25 5 - -- - - 1 8 25 5

WOODCOCK (Eurasian Woodcock) Scolopax rusticola Fairly common breeding resident and winter visitor. Seen at 14 locations this year, but the only report ofroding was of3 birds at Haugh Wood on 29thApr (PHD).

Other sightings were 1 at BL on 22nd Dec (MFP), 1 at Bringsty Common on 14th Feb then 19th Nov and 9th Dec (SGD), 1 at Brinstone Woods on 29th Dec (MJW), 1 at Castleton and Winforton Wye on 2nd Jan (MFP), 1 at Gamber Meadows twice in Feb (JRP), 1 at Garway Hill on 7 dates from 26th Jan to 8th Nov (KJR), 1 disturbed in garden at Garway Hill on 8th Nov (KJR), 1 at Jury Farm Wormbridge on 5th Feb (DAW), 1 at Kingswood on 25th Jan (MJW), 1 at Little Dewchurch on 9th Jan, 1 at Welsh Newton Common in Feb (PJH), 1 flushed at Witney Wood on 16th Feb (I&DH), and 5 separate birds at Stanford Bishop on 14th Nov (JH).

Other reports were of 12 shot by a syndicate at Abbey Dore and 6 at Whitfield Estate on 5th Feb (DAW).

BLACK-TAILED GODWIT Limosa limosa Rare passage migrant. 4 sightings this year, with the earliest being of 8 birds, 6 of which were in summer plumage on 27th Mar at Tidnor Mill (GSB+CW+PHD) and 5 at LLM on lath Apr (GSB+CW+P&TD+AM). The other 2 sightings were both at WGP, with 5 on 12th Jul (GSB+CW), and I on 5th Aug (T&AC). This takes the county record to 17.

BAR-TAILED GODWIT Limosa lapponica Very rare passage migrant. Sightings from 2 locations. The first report was a single at LLM on 25th Mar which remained until 28th Mar (CW+GSB+PHD), a single ad. was also reported at Tidnor Mill, LLM on 26th Mar (ATF). There was 1 ad. summer at SSSP on 15th May (CW+GSB+PHD) and again llll 17th May (GSB+CW). This increases the county records to la. 34 CURLEW (Eurasian Curlew) Numenius arquata Fairly common winter visitor and scarce breeder. Breeding only reported at LLM, with c.7 birds including 2 breeding pairs on 29th Apr (PHD), but a good number of sightings with 16 on 28th Mar (CW); ULM produced 12 on 29th Mar (PHD). There were also regular reports from CFB with 7 in Jan (JCD), Garway Hill with 2 on several occasions (KJR), 1 seen regularly at Norton Wood (MJW), and up to 5 at WGP (PHD). A fair number of sightings at other locations produced between 1 and 3 birds, though 30 at Little Dewchurch on 18th Jul (R&PK) was exceptional. A breeding pair was also reported on 9th Apr from Welsh Newton (ND) but the outcome unknown.

SPOTTED REDSHANK Tringa erythropus A rare vagrant. Just one sighting of a single bird, the 8th County record, at SSSP on 11th Feb (CW).

REDSHANK (Common Redshank) Tringa totanus Uncommon passage migrant, has been known to breed. Reported from only 3 locations ;­ KP 1 on 14th Jun (PJE). SSSP 1 on 27th Apr with singles also seen in Jul and Oct with the last sighting on 20th Nov (CW+GSB). WGP 1 on 6th Apr with singles seen in Jul and Oct with the last sighting on 14th Oct (GSB) (PHD) (TCC).

GREENSHANK (Common Greenshank) Tringa nebularia Uncommon passage migrant. Again, reported from only 3 locations ;- R.Wye, Letton 1 on 8th Jul (ID). SSSP 1 from 6th to 8th Ju! with 1 ad. and 2 juvs. on 9th Jul (CW+GSB). Single ad. birds were also noted from 10th to 13th Jul (CW). WGP 2 seen on 24th Jul (SPC), 6 on 18th Aug (GRP), with between 1 and 3 present from 20th Aug to 1st Sep (PHD+MFP+SPC+ND).

GREEN SANDPIPER Tringa ochropus Fairly common passage migrant and winter visitor. Recorded at 12 sites, mainly in ones and twos, but 7 at SSSP on 11th Feb and 8 on 7th Ju! (CW), 4 at KP on 23rd Oct (SP) and a maximum of 3 at WGP on 20th Oct (P&TD).

WOOD SANDPIPER Tringa glareola Scarce passage migrant. 3 sightings all from SSSP, with an ad. summer on 22nd May (CW+GSB), an ad. on 7th Ju! (CW) and finally a juv. on 14th Ju! (CW). These were the 15th. 16th and 17th County records.

35 COMMON SANDPIPER Actitis hypoleucos Fairly common breeding summer visitor and passage migrant. Seen at 7 sites but no breeding records this year. SSSP produced several single birds except on 19th Sep when there were 2 ad. (CW). 1 at LDB on 21 st Apr (HEC) was eclipsed by 8 at the same location flying downstream on 19th Aug (SPC). Single records came from River Arrow at Lawton on 26th Aug (AJB), the River Wye at Bredwardine Bridge on 26th May (SPC), and SGW on 14th Jan (R&JM). 1 or 2 birds seen on several occasions at River Wye, Putson (R&JM) (PGG). Most sightings came from WGP, starting with 1 on 11th Apr (GSB+CW),18 on 29th Apr (PHD+GRP) and 12 on 13th Jul (GSB). There were many sightings of between 1 and 8 birds at this site.

TURNSTONE (Ruddy Turnstone) Arenaria interpres Uncommon passage migrant. A single ad. summer was seen at SSSP on 15th May (CW). This is only the 5th record for the County. Previous records were a specimen in Hereford Museum labelled "Backney Marsh 1859", Hereford Sewage Works in 1962, Castleton Wye on 8th Aug 1981 and BL on 12th Aug 1991.

MEDITERRANEAN GULL Larus melanocephalus Scarce passage migrant. Reports from 3 locations this year, with the first being a 1st winter at WGP on 1st Jan (CW). The same site also saw a first winter in the roost on 10th Nov (P&TD). LLM had several birds in late Mar with a first winter and ad. summer at Tidnor Mill on 27th Mar (GSB+CW+PHD); a first winter at the same location the next day (CW+GSB); plus an ad. at Tidnor Mill (GSB) and a first winter on ULM (PHD) on 29th Mar. On the 30th Mar an ad. was seen at Lugg Bridge (ATF). Finally, 2 ads. were at SSSP on 29th Jul (CW).

LITTLE GULL Larus minutus Rare passage migrant. Just 2 reports this year, with a first summer at SSSP on 15th May (CW+GSB), and ajuv. at WGP on 23rdAug (G&MB). These take the County record to 16.

BLACK-HEADED GULL Larus ridibundus Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Widely reported, but only recorded breeding at SSSP, c.50 birds with up to 22 nests in May (CW), and a maximum year's count at this site of 371 on 29th Nov (CW). Notable counts for other sites were 143 at BL in Dec (GSB); 85 at HL on 27th Nov (WaD); 50 at Hunderton Bridge on 11 th Feb (KPT); c.220 at Putson River Wye on 11 th Feb (R&JM); 150 at River Lugg, Hampton Bishop on 20th Feb (Club Field Meeting); 936 at ULM on 29th Oct (CW) and c.2500 at WGP on 24th Nov (P&TD).

COMMON GULL (Mew Gull) Larus canus Common winter visitor and passage migrant. Seen at sites all over the county, with many reports again this year. A maximum count of 1131 at LLM on 31 st Mar (GSB) was well above last year's. Other good numbers were 45 at Gamber Meadows in Nov (JRP), 120 at St.Weonards on 15th Feb (JRP) and 25 at WGP on 14th Oct (PHD). 36 LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULL Larus fuscus Common winter visitor and fairly common summer breeder. Breeding reported from 4 sites all in May: c.50 nests at Bulmers in Plough Lane, Hereford (SPC), 12+ nests at Inco Alloys, Holmer (SPC), 1 nest at Maylords Orchard (SPC) and 10+ pairs at the Royal Mail Sorting Office in Hereford (SPC). As usual many reports from SSSP with 141 on 4th Dec (CW) and WGP with a maximum of c.4500 on 28th Oct (PHD). Other high counts were c.l089 on Lugg Meadows on 29th Oct (CW), c.400 on floodwater by R.Arrow at Monkland on 27th Oct (PHD), 54 on the R.Wye at RWP on 24th Jun (R&JM), c.200 at Ross on the Wye on 25th Oct (MFP) and 500 following a plough at Wharton on 6th Oct (PHD).

HERRING GULL Larus argentatus Uncommon winter visitor. Reports from 5 locations with frequent sightings from WGP and a few in spring and autumn from Lugg Meadows. There were 7 sightings of up to 3 birds at Lugg Meadows (inc!. Tidnor Mill) and many sightings ofup to 4 birds at WGP. Lugg Meadows (incl. Tidnor Mill): a third winter was reported on 7th Feb (CW), a second winter on 23rd Mar and again on 29th Mar (PHD) with a second summer on 11th Apr (PHD) and on the same date a second and third winter (GSB+CW) and a second winter and third summer on 13th Apr (CW). Autumn birds were an ad. on 23rd Oct (CW) and finally a third winter and 2 ad. on 29th Oct (CW). WGP: the first was a single bird on nnd Feb (C&AL), with 2 second summer and a third summer on 10th Apr (P&TD), a third summer on 15th Apr (PHD) with an ad. on 6th May (GSB) and a first summer the next day (P&TD) and again on 20th May (PHD). An ad. on 15th Jul (TCC), a third winter on 22nd Jul (GSB), a third winter on 6th Sep (GSB+CW) and a second winter on 15th Sep. Other locations were 1 at SSSP on IIth Feb (CW), I ad. at LDB on 19th Aug (SPC) and 1 ad. winter at Wharton on 7th Oct (PHD).

SCANDINAVIAN HERRING GULL Larus argentatus argentatus 4 reports ofthis race all from WGP. A single ad. winter on 1st Oct with the same bird again on 8th Oct (PHD). A single ad. winter on 14th Oct (PHD) and another on 20th Oct (P&TD).

YELLOW-LEGGED GULL Larus cachinnans michahellis Uncommon passage migrant. Seen at 4 sites this year, a third winter at SSSP on 20th May (CW+GSB); 2 sightings of a single ad. bird at LLM on 11th Apr (PHD); I on 29th Oct (CW) and 1 at ULM also on 29th Oct (CW) - was this the same bird? There were a number ofsightings at WGP with an ad. on 11 th Apr (P&TD); a second winter and 2 third winters on 16th Sep (PHD); 3 ads. on 1st Oct and again on 7th Oct (PHD); 2 ad. winter on 8th Oct , with I on 14th Oct (PHD); a second winter on 20th Oct (P&TD); a third winter on the 3rd and 4th Nov (PHD) and an ad. winter on 18th Nov (PHD).

ICELAND GULL Larus glaucoides Very rare winter visitor. One record of a third year bird at WGP on I Gth Apr (P&TD).

37 GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL Larus marinus Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant. A total of9 individuals reported from 3 locations. Hereford City Buzzard being mobbed by one high over City on 26th Apr (lCD) Lugg Meadows I at LLM on 23rd Oct (CW); 3 ads. at ULM on 29th Oct (CW). WGP 1 ad. on 1st Aug (TWD); 1 ad. winter on 14th Oct; 1 third winter pre-roost on 4th Nov (PHD) and 1 first winter on 10th Nov (P&TD).

Number ofGreat Black-backed Gull records in Herefordshire 1992 to 2001 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 0 3 I 2 3 4 3 5 6 9

KITTIWAKE (Black-legged Kittiwake) Rissa tridactyla Rare passage migrant and storm blown visitor. Only 2 records this year, both ads. and both from WGP. The first was on 1st Jan (CW), and the second on 22nd Feb (PHD).

COMMON TERN Sterna hirundo A scarce passage migrant. Six records for the year. The first was ofone fishing while flying downstream at Lion's Den Wye on 15th May (SPC). The other records: an adult at WGP on 14th Jul (GSB), 2 adults 1 imm. & 1 juv. at WGP on 23rd Aug (G&MB), 3 adults and a juv. at WGP on 25th.Aug (G&MB/P&TD/AS/P&FB) and one adult at Castleton & Winforton Wye on 1st Oct. A single noted at LIL on 6th Oct was accepted as a Sterna species (AS).

ARCTIC TERN Sterna paradisaea A scarce passage migrant. Three records received: 5 at WGP on 22nd Apr (PHD); 1 at WGP on 2nd May (GSB) and 1 first winter bird over main pit at WGP on 7th Oct (PHD). These were the 13th, 14th and 15th County records.

BLACK TERN Chlidonias niger A scarce passage migrant. Three records received, all from WGP: 1 adult on 14th May, 1 juv. on 23rd Aug (G&MB) and 1 juv. on 7th Oct (PHD).

FERAL PIGEON Columba livia :feral' Common breeding resident from escaped origins. All records as follows:- 1 at Combe Moor on 16th Feb (RM); 7 at Bringsty Common in Sep (T&JW); 87 at High Town, Hereford on 25th Sep (I&EE); 9 at BL in Oct (GSB) and 1 at Hill Farm, Bosbury on 20th Nov (T&JW).

38 F. Mandarin ALl:' galericu/ata

M. Mallard in cciJpsc AIIUli p/m\'rhYl1chos

39 HEREFORDSHIRE ORNITHOLOGICAL CLUB 400 500 okilometres 10 20 recording area and fifty main sites ('{--'~I , ..... :::: I 'intwanlmc Grid Grid 600 LocaliulI Rer. LOClItion Kef.

D Oemnglon 1'01)1 510630 mKcnchcstcr Pools -l3142R 700 o []lrchcr Common -l606M mLcomlll:>lef B)p:ts.

11 Black & Red Darrcn 295295 mLclIon IrrigatIon Lull' 351><77

El Rl'ldcnh:un Lal.c 525512 Em LIon's Den W}l' 303457

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40 41 Ruddy Duck Oxyltra jamll;censis

42 STOCK DOVE (Stock Pigeon) Calumba aenas Common breeding resident. Again the majority of records were ofwinter flocks. Breeding recorded at:- Bringsty Common (SGD) Garway Hill (KJR) LDB (S&LC) Little Brampton (MFP) Tretire (MFP)

The highest numbers recorded were 25 at Gamber Meadows in Jan (JRP); 30 at RudhaIl on 21st Feb (MFP); 80 at Bromsash on 21st Feb (MFP); 20 at SIE on 20th Aug. (MFP); 30 at King's Acre Hereford from 21st Oct - 21st Dec (SP); 32 at Gamber Meadows on 22nd Nov (JRP); 17 at Berrington Hall Pool in Dec (TCC) and 30 at Winforton on 16th Dec (MFP).

WOODPIGEON (Common Wood Pigeon) Calumba palumbus Common breeding resident and winter visitor. Breeding confirmed from just 3 locations, evidently under recorded. Hereford (JCD) LDB (S&LC) Hentland (JCD)

The majority of records were ofwinter flocks. During the first winter period the larger counts were:- January: 17 at Sink Green (KPT); 100 at Criftin Ford Bridge (JCD); 100 at Holmer (JA); 150 at Wapley (PHD) and 40 at KP (PJE). February: c.800 at Marlbrook (PHD); 90 at St. Weonards (JRP) and 25 at Welsh Newton Common (PJH). During the second winter period the larger counts were:­ September: 30 at LDB (S&LC). October: 35 at Wapley Hill (JK); 80 at Wigmore Rolls (N) and 25 at Merrivale Wood (NAS). November: 45 at Gamber Meadows (JRP); 18 at LIL (AS); 30 at Hill Farm Bosbury (T&JW); 30 at Berrington Hall Pool (TCC); 20 at Bircher Common (TCC) and 19 at Castleton and Winforton Wye (K&CM). December: 61 at Garway (JRP); 130 at WGP (JM); 317 at WGP (G&MB); 50 at Stansbatch (T&EW) and 50 at Monnington Wye (JCD).

COLLARED DOVE (Eurasian Collared Dove) Streptopelia decaacta Common breeding resident. The only breeding record came from Garway Hill where adults were seen feeding yng. on 23rd Jun (KJR). There were numerous other records from over 20 localities. The larger numbers noted were 6 at Holmer in Mar (lA); 6 at Tupsley on 13th Mar (I&EE); 6 at Garway Hill on 5th Oct (KJR); 8 at Holmer in Dec (JA) and ]4 at Tyberton on 21 st Dec (JK).

43 TURTLE DOVE (European Turtle Dove) Streptopelia turtur Uncommon breeding migrant. Just 11 records received, the first a single at Newhouse Wood on 29th Apr (TF), the latest 3 at Wapley Hill on 22nd Jul (JK). There were 2 breeding records:- Ewyas Harold on 1st Jun (PCJ). Wapley Hill on 11 th Jun (MB)

Records also received from Checkley, Credenhill and Much Marcle.

CUCKOO (Common Cuckoo) Cuculus canorus Less common breeding migrant. Recorded from 24 locations throughout the County. A single at Alton Court Pond on 16th Apr was the first record ofthe year. Possible breeding records were at Much Marcle where ajuv. was seen on 2nd Jul (SGD) and at WGP where a juv. was seen during a Club Field Meeting on 26th Aug. At Wyevale Wood 3 were seen perched together on 27th Apr (SP). The sighting on the 26th Aug was the latest ofthe year.

BARN OWL Tyto alba Fairly common breeding resident. Another good year of records from 61 localities. There were only 2 breeding records, in farm buildings at Nunnington Court Farm and in an old oak tree at Sollershope (HM). There was one road kill on the A49 at Portway north of Callow on 15th Mar (NH).

The table shows the numbers of monthly sightings:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jut Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

9 9 26 9 0 3 2 t I 2 3 6

LITTLE OWL Athene noctua Fairly common breeding resident. Recorded from 27 locations with breeding noted at:­ Fownhope in May (LL&MB) WGP in Jul (GSB)

Majority of other records were of single birds. The table shows the monthly sightings:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jut Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

2 2 3 4 9 4 6 3 0 1 2 5

44 TAWNYOWL Strix alueo Common breeding resident. Records from 23 locations. Confirmed breeding records from: Botts Wood King's Acre bred in nest-box (SP) LDB (SPC/PHD) Perkins Rail Brockhampton Ross-on-Wye nest box in garden (HM) Tupsley 2 adults and juv. (I&EE) Wyevale Wood 2 adults and juv. (SP)

Pairs were also noted at Bringsty Common, Queenswood Dinmore and Shirlheath.

LONG-EARED OWL Asio otus Scarce winter visitor and probable breeding resident. The only record was of a bird seen regularly at dusk in trees above the car-park at Wapley Hill in Nov. (MB).

SHORT-EARED OWL Asio jlammeus Rare winter visitor and passage migrant. I or 2 birds noted at WGP from 1st lan to 24th Feb. (GSB/SPC/PHD/P&TD/ATF/C&ALlCW).

NIGHTJAR (European Nightjar) Caprimulgus europaeus Rare summer visitor and former breeding migrant. Last recorded in 1998 it is pleasing that the Nightjar has again been seen in the County. 2 f. and a m. were noted at a confidential Forestry site in lun (MT).

SWIFT (Common Swift) Apus apus Common breeding summer visitor and passage migrant. The first of the year was a single taken into care at Athene Bird Hospital on 24th Apr. It was kept overnight and successfully released the next day. Breeding was confirmed at only 3 locations:- Bredwardine (SPC) Perkins Rail, Brockhampton, Ross-on-Wye (HM) Little Mountain (R&DS)

The larger numbers reported were c.50 at BL on 5th May (P&TD); c.12 at Ledbury town centre on 13th May (RWR); 25 at Leominster on 22nd May (lCD); 12 at Newton on 26th May (I&DH); 100 at WGP on 2nd lun (PHD); 50 at LDB on 7th lun (SPC); 15 at Ross­ on-Wye on 30th lun (lRP); 20 around churchyard at Garway on 21 st lul (JRP) and c.20 flying over church at Ivington on 25th lul (AJB). The last sighting ofthe year was a single at WGP on 26th Aug (ND).

45 KINGFISHER (Common Kingfisher) Alcedo atthis Fairly common breeding resident. Another good year of records from 40 localities. Breeding confirmed at HL (MFP); Hereford City (lCD); Breinton Wye (PHD/ND); LDB (S&LC); Much Marcle juv. caught and ringed (SGD); Putson Wye (R&JM) and Witney Wye (ID).

HOOPOE Upupa epops Rare summer visitor. The only record was of a single bird seen flying from the ground, across a minor road and landing on a short grass field at Oaklea Farm, Bicton on 6th Jun (PC). A pr. nested at Lyonshall in May/June 1955 and according to Dr. Walker it was the most northerly breeding record in the British Isles at that time.

WRYNECK (Eurasian Wryneck) Jynx torquilla A rare vagrant and passage migrant. Unfortunately the only record ofthis odd looking bird was of one found recently dead at Lower Lyde on 21st Aug (KAM).

GREEN WOODPECKER Picus viridis Common breeding resident. Recorded in all months from 94 sites. Breeding confirmed at:­ SSSP 7th and 8th Jul (CW) Little Dewchurch in Aug (R&PK) Pipe & Lyde on 11th Aug (lCD) SIE in Jun (MFP) WGP on 13th Jul (GSB)

The majority of records were of single birds with only 12 records of 2 or more birds. Of these there were 3 records of 3 or more birds - 4 at Bringsty Common in Jan (T&JW); 3 at Frith Wood Ledbury in Aug. (C&AL) and 3 at BL in Dec (GSB).

GREAT SPOTTED WOODPECKER Dendrocopos major Common breeding resident. An excellent year of records with 167 from 58 widespread sites throughout the County. Breeding confirmed at:- Garway (lRP) SSSP (GSB/CW) LDB (SPC) Little Dewchurch (R&PK) Shirlheath (JK/MK) TB (C&JC) Upper Crossway Newton (RGD) Wapley Hill (JK) Wyevale Wood (K&BH)

46 LESSER SPOTTED WOODPECKER Dendrocopos minor A declining and elusive breeding resident. Recorded from 18 sites with just 2 breeding records:­ Kingstone 2 juvs. in a dead tree in Aug (RJH) Lea 3 juvs. successfully fledged from nest in oak 35 ft. above ground on 8th Jun (RH)

At Newton on 10th Mar a male was seen investigating nuts used by Great Spotted Woodpecker but it was not seen to feed (RGD). At Queenswood Dinmore the birds were more conspicuous due to lack of disturbance during the Foot & Mouth crisis (TH).

SKYLARK (Sky Lark) Alauda arvensis Common breeding resident and winter visitor. Records from 32 widespread locations. There were no breeding records but singing males were noted at the following sites during the breeding season:- Bishopstone, Gamber Meadows, Moorhampton, Pipe & Lyde, Reeves Hill and Willersley. Only 3 flocks were recorded during the first winter period, 23 at Bishopstone on 6th Jan (P&JE); 23 at Titley Court on 13th Jan (PJE) and 20 at Garway on 14th Jan (lRP). The larger flocks during the second winter period were 50 at Bradnor Hill on 29th Sep (P&TD); 40 at Castleton & Winforton Wye on 4th Oct (PJE/ATF/JRP); c.50 at WGP on 7th Oct and cAO on 21st Oct (PHD); 50 at Bromsash on 25th Oct (MFP); c.60 at Monkland on 27th Oct (lE); c.l00 at Castleton & Winforton Wye on 24th Nov (MFP); c.200 at Huntington Lane on 22nd Dec (MFP) and 28 at Hereford City on 24th Dec (lCD).

SAND MARTIN Riparia riparia Fairly common breeding summer migrant. 6 birds at BL (PHD), c.30 at LLM (GSB/CW) and 25 at WGP (PHD) all on 24th Mar were the first records ofthe year. The numbers at BL increased to c.250 by the 7th Apr. Very few breeding colonies reported:- Castleton & Winforton Wye 150 nest burrows on 25th Jul (PGG) SSSP 256 nest burrows on 1st Jul (CW) Clifford Wye 9 breeding pairs in Jun (TF)

Also noted at 11 other sites. The larger concentrations were c.1 00 at WGP on 13th Apr (PHD); c.20 at TB in Jun (C&JC); 50 at LDB on 2nd Oct (SPC) and 100 at Weston Farm Bredwardine on 2nd Oct (SPC). The latest recorded were 12 at LDB on 3rd Oct (SPC).

47 SWALLOW (Barn Swallow) Hirundo rustica Common breeding summer migrant. 83 records received from 44 localities. The first recorded was a single at ULM on 29th Mar (PHD). The larger spring counts were c.30 at WGP on 13th Apr and c.50 at BL on 22nd Apr (PHD). Breeding records came from:­ Fowden Farm Kingsland (V&AR) Leominster 2 prs. with broods of 5 & 3 (EC) LDB nested in stable (S&LC) Little Dewchurch 3 breeding prs. (R&PK) Pembridge 5 juvs. on 14th Ju1 (lCD) Perkins Rail Brockhampton Ross-on-Wye 2 breeding prs. in Jul, 1 in garage, 1 in barn (HM) Pipe & Lyde (lCD)

The larger post breeding flocks noted were c.60 at Stapleton on 29th Jul (T&EW); 30 at Little Dewchurch on 29th Jul (R&PK); c.2000 roosting at Much Marcie on 16th Aug (SGD); c.50 at Stapleton on 17th Aug (T&EW); 180 at Brilley Court on 18th Sep (lK) and c.120 at Bringsty Common in Sep (T&JW). The latest recorded was a single over WGP on 14th Oct (PHD).

HOUSE MARTIN Delichon urbica Common breeding summer migrant. 77 records received from 40 localities. The first recorded was a single at Roman Road Hereford on 24th Mar (DF). The only large spring counts were 23 at WGP on 16th Apr (C&AL); c.lOO at BL on 5th May (P&TD) and 30 at Hope-under-Dinmore on 24th May (JCD). Breeding records were:- Fowden Farm Kingsland (V&AR) Welsh Newton Common rebuilding nest in May (FMP) Bishopstone eggs hatched on 10th Jun (P&JE) Clifford, The Paddocks, Fairbank & Clock Mill Lodge in Jul (SPC) Norton Wood 4 breeding prs. 1st Ju1 (MJW) Marston 2 breeding prs. 16th Jul (AJB) Monkland 3 juvs. 16th Jul (AJB) Ivington 3 breeding prs. 25th Jul (AJB)

The larger post breeding flocks recorded were: c.30 at Goodrich Castle on 4th Jun (lCD); c.30 at Little Dewchurch on 8th Jul (R&PK); 30 at The Whittern on 15th Jul (T&EW); 40 at Pipe & Lyde on 13th Aug (lCD); 100 at Little Dewchurch on 19th Aug (R&PK); c.20 at Hampton Bishop on 25th Aug (JCD); 45 at Garway Hill in Sep (lRP); c.80 at Titleyon 1st Sep (lCD); 14 at Hereford City on 4th Sep (leD); 80 at Hentland on 12th Sep (JCD); c.250 at Pembridge on 18th Sep (lK); 50 at Bringsty Common in Oct (T&JW); 75 at Weston Farm Bredwardine on 2nd Oct (SPC) and lOO at LDB on 6th Oct (S&LC). Last noted at LDB on 23rd.Oct (SPC).

48 TREE PIPIT Anthus trivialis Fairly common breeding and passage migrant. A poor year with very few records received. The first noted were 3 on the Malvern Hills on 19th May (C&AL). The only breeding record was of 2 pairs at Wapley Hill in July (JK). All other records as follows:- 1 at Queenswood Dinmore in May (TH); 1 at Wapley Hill on 27th May (PHD); 1 at the Darrens on 14th Jun (JRP); 1 at the Black Darren on 15th Jun (JRP et al) and 2 at Wapley Hill in Aug (JK) was the latest record.

MEADOW PIPIT Anthus pratensis Common breeding resident and winter visitor. 60 records received from 25 localities but no breeding records received. Apart from 2 records, 1 at SSSP on 5th Jul (CW) and 1 on the Malvern Hills on 19th May (C&AL) all other records were from the winter periods. The table shows the number of sightings for each month:

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jut Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

6 6 I 1 1 0 II 5 18 10 12

The monthly maxima recorded by PHD at WGP were: Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jut Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

27 20 35 50 0 0 0 0 30 200 6 20

During the first winter period the higher counts were 12 at WGP on 1st Jan (PHD); 27 at SSSP on 28th Jan (CW/PGG); 28 at Colwall Sewage Treatment Works on 22nd Feb (PGG) and c.35 at WGP on 24th Mar (PHD).

The higher counts for the second winter period were 30 at Bringsty Common in Oct (T&JW); 65 at Breinton on 2nd Oct (SP); 63 on Garway Hill on 3rd Oct (JRP); 80 at Castleton & Winforton Wye on 20th Oct (MFP); c.200 at WGP on 21 st Oct and cAO on 28th Oct (PHD); c.80 at Netherton Farm on 14th Nov (RJH); and cAO at Frogend Crossroads on 24th Dec (PGG).

Small flocks were noted migrating south over Garway Hill from 10th to 29th Oct (KJR).

YELLOW (BLUE-HEADED) WAGTAIL Motacilla flavaflava Scarce passage migrant, usually in spring. The only record a single by a reed-bed pool at WGP on 5th May (P&TD).

49 YELLOW WAGTAIL Motacilla flava flavissima Common breeding summer visitor and passage migrant. 2 at WGP on the 12th Apr was the first record ofthe year (GSB). Records received from 11 sites the majority from WGP where the counts for each month were as follows:

Apr May Jun Jut Aug Sep

3 3 6 18 15 5 Breeding was confirmed at Bromsash where 2 breeding prs. were seen in Ju1 (MFP) with possible breeding at Castleton & Winforton Wye where juvs. were noted in Jul. Other records as follows:- 1 at LDB on 8th May (SPC); 1 at Lyonshall Park Wood on 16th May (K&BH/BAH); 3 at LDB on 23rd May (SPC); 1 at Hope-under-Dinmore on 24th May (lCD); 2 at Ross­ on-Wye on 19th Jun (NAS); 1 at R. Wye Putson on 31st Ju1 (PGG); 2 at Backney Bridge on 6th Aug (RJH) and 3 at Brampton Abbotts on 7th Aug (RJH).

The last record was a single at LDB on 3rd Oct (SPC).

GREY WAGTAIL Motacilla cinerea Common breeding resident. An excellent year with 112 records received of 1 - 3 birds from 39 locations but with fewer breeding records. Breeding was confirmed at:- Dulas Brook Cusop (RT) SSSP (CW) Newton (l&DH) Old Wye Bridge Hereford (K&CM) RWP (R&JM) WGP (PHD)

Birds were also noted at Bartonsham, Berrington Hall Pool, Bircher Common, BL, Brampton Bryan, Buckton Bridge, Castle Green & Castle Pool Hereford, Castleton & Winforton Wye, Criftin Ford Bridge, Dulas Brook Cusop, Fishpool Valley, Gamber Meadows, Garway Hill, Hampton Bishop, Hartleton Lakes, Kenchester Pools, King George V Playing Fields Hereford, Kings Acre Hereford, Letton Irrigation Lakes, LDB, Monnington-on-Wye, Noke Bridge Pembridge, R. Arrow Lawton, R. Lugg Leominster, R. Wye Putson, R. Lugg Hampton Bishop, Sink Green Wye, R. Arrow Staunton-on-Arrow, TB and Wapley Hill.

WHITE WAGTAIL Motacilla alba alba Scarce passage migrant. Usually recorded on spring passage. Other than 2 seen at SSSP on 15th May (GSB/CW) all records were from WGP as follows:- 1 on 19th Jan (GSB/CW); 4 on 12th Apr (GSB); 5 on 13th Apr, 2 on 22nd Apr, 3 on 29th Apr (PHD); I on 5th May, I on 13th Jul, I on 8th Aug and I on 14th Aug (GSB).

50 PIED WAGTAIL Motacilla alba yarrellii Common breeding resident. 72 records received from 44 locations with breeding reported from:­ Brampton Bryan (T&EW) Dulas (l&DH) SSSP (CW) Lea 4 young successfully fledged (RH) Monkland (AJB) Perkins Rail Brockhampton Ross-on-Wye (HM) WGP (PHD)

Winter flocks/roosts as follows:- 30 at Colwall Sewage Treatment Works on 22nd Feb (PGG); cAOO roosting in car park at Safeway Ross-on-Wye on 5th Feb (RAJ); c.120 at WGP on 20th Jul (GSB); 60 at SIE on 30th Aug (lK); 80 at SIE on 15th Sep (P&TD); c.100 gathering at dusk in Hereford City on 27th Sep (SPC) and c.200 around Safeway Hereford on 4th Dec (PJC).

BOHEMIAN WAXWING Bombycilla garrulus Scarce autumn / winter visitor usually just small numbers but with higher numbers in "irruption" years. Last seen in the County in Feb1996 it was pleasing to record this uncommon winter visitor again. A single was at Hunderton School on 10th and 13th Mar (CG/JC/P&TD/JRP/ATF/C&AL) and 16 were seen feeding on berries on trees at Upper Bullingham on 17th and 18th Mar (PHD/ND/SP/CW/ATF).

DIPPER (White-throated Dipper) Cinclus cinclus Fairly common breeding resident. 17 records from 11 localities. at Batch Brook Almeley one was noted on 10th Gct after an absence of 9 years. Also noted at Clock Mill Clifford (G&GR); Clodock (JRP/NAS/RAJ); Du1as Brook Cusop (RT); Dulas Brook Dulas (I&DH); Noke Bridge (PHD); Olchon Valley & Pontrilas (lRP/NAS/RAJ); R. Arrow Staunton-on-Arrow (T&EW); Titley (lCD) and Titley Court (lRP). Just 1 breeding record, 2 adults and 2 juvs. at Brampton Bryan on 17th Aug (lK).

Table showing number of sites and breeding records since 1995:- No. of Year No. of Sites Breeding Records

1995 20 7

1996 2R 5

1997 2 2

1998 15 2

1999 22 12

2000 10 1

SI WREN (Winter Wren) Troglodytes troglodytes Common breeding resident. Number of records again increased with 140 sightings from 47 localities. Breeding reports from:- Queenswood Dinmore I breeding pair on 6th Jun (TH) Lyonshall I adult & 4 juvs. on 23rd Jun (JCD) Little Dewchurch 2 adults & I juv. on 3rd Jul (R&PK) Merrivale Wood 20th Jul (NAS) SSSP 3 juvs. on 21 st Jul (CW) Lea Bailey Enclosure on 31 st Jul (NAS)

The larger winter counts of 10 or more were 10 at WGP on 1st Jan (PHD/SPC); 10 at Welsh Newton Common in Feb (PlH); c.20 at Fishpool Valley on 17th Feb (PHD); 27 on Garway Hill in Sep. (JRP); 12 at Wigmore Rolls on 29th Sep (JV); 16 at Bringsty Common in Oct & 23 in Nov (T&JW) and 25 at Gamber Meadows in Dec (JRP).

DUNNOCK (Hedge Accentor) Prunella modularis Common breeding resident. Fewer records than those of last year with 107 sightings from 42 locations. Breeding reported from only 3 sites:- Little Dewchurch on 3rd Jun (R&PK) Goodrich on 4th Jun (JCD) Monkland 2 adults & 1 juv. on 10th May and 1 adult & 2 juvs. on 26th Jul (AJB)

The larger counts recorded were 7 at Gamber Meadows in Jan (JRP); 10 at Welsh Newton Common in Jan (PJH); 7 at Sutton Walls in Jan (JCD); 8 at Bringsty Common in Feb (T&JW); 8 at Gamber Meadows in Feb (JRP); 11 at Titley Court Farm on 17th Feb (C&AL); 6 at Frith Wood on 24th Feb (C&AL); 6 at Wapley Hill in Jul (JK); 6 at Lea Bailey Enclosure on 15th Sep (NAS); 10 at Letton Irrigation Lakes in Oct (JRP); 6 at Gamber Meadows in Oct (JRP); 8 at Bringsty Common in Nov (T&JW); 19 at Gamber Meadows in Nov & 18 in Dec (JRP); 12 on Garway Hill in Dec (JRP) and 10 at Holmer in Dec (lA).

ROBIN (European Robin) Erithacus rubecula Common breeding resident. A good year with records from 53 widespread localities but breeding records were few:- Tupsley in Apr (I&EE) Monkland in Apr nest destroyed (cat?) 5 eggs left in nest (AJB) Hereford City on 23rd Apr (JeD) Little Dewchurch in Jun (R&PK) Lea Bailey Enclosure in Jul (NAS) Queenswood Dinmore in Jul (TH) Notable records were 17 at Bringsty Common in Jan (T&JW); 10 at WGP in Jan (PHD/SPC); 10 at Welsh Newton Common in Jan (PJH); 13 at Wigmore Rolls in Feb (JV); 10 at Haugh Wood in Feb (RJT); 13 at Queenswood Dinmore in Apr (TH); 18 at Lea Bailey Enclosure in Sep (NAS): 18 at Wigmore Rolls in Sep (JV); 16 at Frith Wood in Sep (C&AL); 30 atWigmore Rolls in Oct (N); 21 on Garway Hill in Oct (JRP) and 19 at Gamber Meadows in Dec (JRP).

52 BLACK REDSTART Phoenicurus ochruros Scarce passage migrant. Has bred. There were 2 records:- 1 at County Hospital Hereford on 27th May (TWD) and I at Kington on 20th Oct (J&CP).

REDSTART (Common Redstart) Phoenicurus phoenicurus Common breeding summer migrant. First noted was a male heard at Mathon on 6th Apr (CG). There were 42 records from 27 locations with breeding reports from:- Garway Hill in May (JRP) Little Mountain in lun (R&DS) Lea 5 juvs. fledged successfully 15th lun (RH) Witney Wood Dulas bred in nestbox 4 juvs. 16th lun (I&DH) Avenbury 24th lun (T&lW) Much Marcle juvs. caught and ringed in Aug (SGD) Bradnor Hill on 29th Sep (P&TD)

Noted during the breeding season from Cusop, Newton, Olchon Valley and St. Margarets. The last seen was a male at Stretford Bridge on 2nd Sep (TCe).

WHINCHAT Saxicola rubetra Uncommon breeding summer and passage migrant. A poor year with just 4 records. The first 2 were singles at WGP on 5th Apr and 3rd May (TWD). The last were 3 at Bradnor Hill on 26th Aug (J&CP) and the only sign of possible breeding, a juv. at WGP also on 26th Aug (MFP).

STONECHAT Saxicola torquata Uncommon breeding resident and passage migrant. A very pleasing increase in the number ofrecords from 20 locations nearly all from the winter periods as shown in the table:- Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

5 7 4 0 0 1 0 2 7 21 15 10 There were no breeding records but juvs. were noted at Bromsash and Castleton & Winforton Wye in Oct. (MFP). Of the 41 records received 15 came from WGP. Other locations included Bradnor Hill, Bringsty Common, Gamber Meadows, Garway Hill and Milton Cross.

WHEATEAR (Northern Wheatear) Oenanthe oenanthe Common breeding summer and passage migrant. Noted from 10 sites (20 in 2000). The majority of records were birds of passage at WGP in spring and autumn. The earliest a single at Bromsash on 17th Mar (AHE). The only signs of breeding were 2 juvs. at WGP on 19th Aug (PHD). The last sighting was ofa single male at Sodgley Fann Kingsland on 13th Oct (V&AR).

53 GREENLAND WHEATEAR Oenanthe oenanthe leucorrhoa Rare passage migrant. There were 3 definite records, I at SSSP on 30th Apr (GSB/CW) and I on 2nd May (CW) and I adult fem. at WGP on 12th May (PHD).

RING OUZEL Turdus torquatus Uncommon breeding summer and passage migrant. Only 3 records received, the first a male at the Darrens OIchon Valley on 14th lun (lRP), a male seen and heard calling at the Black Darren on 15th lun (JRP et al) and the latest a single at Gardeners Quarry, Malvern Hills on 11 th Nov (MW).

BLACKBIRD (Common Blackbird) Turdus merula Common breeding resident, passage migrant and winter Visitor. Numerous records received of this widespread species. Breeding reports came from Castle Green Hereford, Cusop, Little Dewchurch, Monkland, Perkins Rail Brockhampton Ross-on-Wye, Queenswood Dinmore, Lea Bailey Enclosure, Putson and Tupsley. The larger winter counts were: January: 14 at Chase Wood (ER); 18 at Welsh Newton Common (P1H); 12 at Wessington Pasture (PH); 10 at Merrivale Wood (NAS); 13 at Queenswood Dinmore (TH); 12 at Sink Green Wye (KPT), 12 at Titley Court Farm (C&AL) and 13 at Tupsley (I&EE). February: 16 at Wigmore Rolls (JV); 17 at Sutton Walls (JCD); 13 at Titley (C&AL) and 19 at Bringsty Common (T&lW). September: 18 at Garway Hill (JRP). October: 19 at Frith Wood (C&AL); 20 at Monkland (lE) and 12 at Letton Lakes (JRP). November: 16 at Gamber Meadows (JRP). December: 11 at Bircher Common (TCC); 30 at Gamber Meadows (JRP); 31 at Garway Hill (JRP); 21 at Holmer (JA) and 14 at Tupsley (I&EE).

At Bishop's Meadow on the 8th lun R&lM noted an adult male with a black and white head, an example of partial albinism.

FIELDFARE Turdus pilaris A common winter visitor and passage migrant. Widespread reports received from both winter periods. During the first winter period counts of 50 or more birds as follows:­ January: 100 at Criftin Ford Bridge (PHD); c70 at SSSP (CW); c.l 00 at Kenchester Pools (PJE); 70 at Little Dewchurch (R&PK); 120 at Foy (C&AL); 182 at Titley Court Farm (C&AL); 54 at WGP (GSB); 60 at Wellington village (JCD) and 60 at Wyevale Wood (SP). February: 52 at Titley Court Farm (C&AL); 200 at Stretton Sugwas (SPC); 130 at Ross-on-Wye (MFP); 250 at Monkland (JE); 150 at Milton Cross (PHD); c.50 at Marden Church (PHD); 160 at LLM (1&EE); 120 at Holmer (lA); 160 at Hampton Bishop (lCD); c.IOO at Garway Hill (KlR); 200 at Bodenham village (SPC); 200 at Bradnor Hill (I&EE); c.I 00 at Breinton (SP) and 50 at Bringsty Common (T&lW). March: c.300 at Pipe & Lyde on the 26th (lCD). The last sighting of the first winter period was of 18 at Eardisland/Pembridge back road on 7th April (PHD). 54 The first autumn record was of2 birds on Garway Hill on 3rd Oct (lRP). The larger counts during the second winter period as follows:- October: c.50 at Haywood Common (T&EW); 73 at SSSP (CW); 500 at Castleton & Winforton Wye (Club Field Meeting); c.60 at Rowlstone (lCD) and 300 at WGP (PHD). November: 300 at Wellington Heath (RWR); c.670 with some Redwing at SSSP (CW); 200 at WGP (PHD); c.200 at Monnington-on-Wye (JCD) and 250 at Moorend Court (MFP). December: 70 at Berrington Hall Pool (TCe); 200 at Bodenham Lake (PHD); 350 on Bradnor Hill (T&EW); c.60 at Bringsty Common (T&JW); c.lOO on fields near Ledbury/British Camp (pGG); c.l00 in orchard near Coneygree Wood (PGG); 300 at Eardisland (lK); c.200 at Five Bridges, Bishop's Frome (MFP); cAOO at Frogend Crossroads (PGG); 200 at SSSP (PGG) and c.500 at Milton Cross (PHD).

In orchards at Breinton c.200 were seen daily from 18th Oct. until 31 st Dec (SP).

SONG THRUSH Turdus philomelos Common breeding resident. A pleasing number of 131 records from 54 locations. Breeding records from: Canon Pyon on 17th Apr (FSB) Howley Grove, Lea 3 breeding pairs: nestl - laid 5 eggs, failed to hatch. nest 2 - 2 young fledged on 25th May. nest 3 - 4 young ready to fledge 25th May (RH) Monkland seen nest building 7th Mar. A second nest in neighbours garden and fledgling seen on 2nd May (AJB). WGP seen collecting nest material on 28th Mar (PHD).

The larger numbers reported were 9 at Bringsty Common in Jan (T&EW); 5 at Frith Wood on 24th Feb. (C&AL); 6 at WGP on 4th May (PHD); 5 at Queenswood Dinmore on 6th May (PHD); 6 at Garway Hill in Oct (lRP); c.20 at Monkland in Oct (lE) and 6 at WGP on 21st Oct (PHD).

REDWING Turdus iliacus Fairly common winter visitor. Often the first indication ofthis passage migrant are the call­ notes of birds passing over at night from mid Sep onwards. Flocks of 50 or more during the first winter period were as follows :- January: c.60 at Bartonsham (R&JM); 60 at Bringsty Common (T&JW); 50 at Castleton & Winforton Wye (MFP); 53 at Kenchester Pools (GSS / CW); c.50 at LIL (AS); and c.l 00 at Wyevale Wood (SP). February: 200 at Wyevale Wood (SP); 51 at Foy (CW); c.l 00 at Monkland (lE); c.l 00 at Garway Hill (KJR); c.80 at Breinton (SP) and c.l 00 at Bringsty Common (SGD). March: c.50 at Mathon (pGG). The last record of the first winter period was of 10 at Bartonsham on the 26th Mar (R&JM).

ss The first returning bird recorded in the autumn was a single heard at Leominster on 13th Oct (PHD). Larger counts during the second winter period were as follows:- October: c.l00 at Bircher Common (PHD); c.150 at BL (P&TD); 200 at Castleton & Winforton Wye (Club Field Meeting); lOO at Hartleton Lakes (MFP); c.80 at Monkland (JE); c.200 at Rowlstone (JCD) and cAOO at WGP (PHD). November: c.200 at WGP (PHD); 80 at Moorend Court (MFP) and c.55 at Bringsty Common (T&JW). December: c.50 at Frogend Crossroads (PGG); 62 at Garway Hill (JRP) and 50 at Shobdon (MFP). c.60 were seen daily at Breinton from 21 st Oct. - 31 st Dec (SP).

MISTLE THRUSH Turdus viscivorus Common breeding resident. Breeding noted at only three sites from the 77 records received: Holmer on 13th Feb pair (JA). Broadmoor Common on 29th Apr one seen collecting food (PHD). Leominster on 13th Sep mixed flock of 25 adults + juvs. flying into fields W ofthe town (TWD). In addition to the 25 seen at Leominster, other large groups included 23 at Breinton on the 7th Sep (SP). Varying numbers of up to 13 seen daily in Wyevale Wood between 19th Oct and 31 st Dec (SP); 8 seen at Holmer in Dec (JA) and 7 on Bringsty Common in Dec (T&JW). Ones and twos recorded throughout the County.

GRASSHOPPER WARBLER (Common Grasshopper Warbler) Locustella naevia Scarce breeding and summer passage migrant. Only 3 sightings recorded this year. One was heard reeling from the garden of Brick Kiln Cottage (S0544165) each evening from 8.30pm. 31st May until3rd Jun (GW), another was heard at Great Doward on 4th Jun (ATF) and 1 in the set-a-side at Mathon Lodge on 29th Jul (PGG). Number of Grasshopper Warbler records in Herefordshire 1990 to 200I 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2 3 2 6 3 1 1 3 4 3 4 3

SEDGE WARBLER Acrocephalus schoenobaenus Fairly common breeding summer migrant. Breeding was confirmed at 2 sites: Weston Farm Bredwardine c.6 with 3 breeding prs. in Jun (MFP). HL cA + 2 breeding prs. in Jul (MFP). Other records as follows: I singing at Hereford Quarry on 28th May (PGG); 2 at Weston Farm Bredwardine on 1st lun (JRP); 2 adult males singing at Madley Earth Station on 27th Jun (SPC) and 8 singing males were heard at WGP in Jul (PHD). 2 adult birds were caught and ringed at Much Marcle on 5th Sep and a juv. was also caught and ringed the following day (SGD). There were other sightings of one or two birds at 9 locations within the County: this is down on last year (21 locations).

56 REED WARBLER (Eurasian Reed Warbler) Acrocephalus scirpaceus Scarce breeding summer migrant. Only reported sightings were from Much Marcle and WGP. No breeding records submitted. 14 birds were caught and ringed at Much Marc1e, I adult on the 3rd Apr, 10 adults on the 5th lun and 2 adults + a juv. on 4th Sep (SGD). Singing males were reported at WGP with the earliest being on the 4th May and the last on the 27th May (PHD). The last sighting was at WGP on the 1st Aug (SPC). A disappointing year with sightings well down from the previous year's figures.

LESSER WHITETHROAT Sylvia curruca Fairly common breeding summer migrant. Reports from 17 sites with confirmed breeding reported from: Newton 2 adults + 2 juvs. Parents observed feeding young in garden hedge on 8th lul (l&DH). Tretire c.2 on 31 st lul (MFP). There were two reports of ringing, both at Much Marcle, I bird on the 8th May + 2 juvs. were caught and ringed on the 14th Aug (SGD). A bird in song was recorded at Stretford Bridge on the 28th Apr (TCC), also heard at Ledicot on the 12th May (PGG) and St. Margarets on 29th Apr and again on the 3rd lun (IH). Sightings of single birds were reported from Adforton on 30th Apr (JV); Brobury on 12th May (SPC) and 13th May (S&LC); Magna Castra Farm on 29th May and again on 23rd lun (GRP); Credenhill on 2nd lun (SP); Breinton on 4th lun (SP); Ewyas Harold Common on 30th lun (IH) and LDB on 1st Aug (SPC). Maximum numbers reported were 4 at WGP on the 4th May (PHD). The earliest sighting came from LDB on 7th Feb (SPC) the last at Merrivale Wood on the 29th Sep (NAS).

WHITETHROAT (Common Whitethroat) Sylvia communis Common breeding summer migrant. Only three records ofbreeding submitted although the species was again widespread throughout the County. Earliest record was of a male at Lower Lugg Meadows on the 13th Apr (PHD) the last being at Much Marcle on the 4th Sep (SGD). Mathon Gravel Pit a breeding pair on territory from 7th - 26th May (PGG). Tyrrells Court Dilwyn female seen carrying food on 14th lul (TCC). Canon Pyon 2 males + a juv. on 15th lul (FSB).

Birds were caught and ringed at Much Marcle as follows; I on 30th Apr, 3 on 8th May and a juv. on 4th Sep (SGD). The larger counts were at WGP with 14 singing males on 10th May (GSB); 5 on the Malvern Hills on 19th May (C&AL); 2 at Wapley Hill in lul (JK); 2 at Kingstone on 1st Aug (RJH); 4 on 19th Aug (PHD) and 3 at Bringsty Common in Aug (T&IW).

57 GARDEN WARBLER Sylvia borin Fairly common breeding summer migrant. First record from WGP on the 21st Apr (PHD). Reports from only 16 sites this year with 3 breeding records (2 last year). Higgin's Wood Clifford 2 on 21 st May (SPC). Haugh Wood adult feeding young on 8th lun (JRP/AHE). Olchon Valley I carrying food on 15th lun (JRP/NAS/RAl).

Elsewhere singing birds were noted at Hereford City, Hole in the Wall and at MGP. The following birds were caught and ringed at Much Marcle, I on the 30th Apr and 2 juvs on 27th Aug (SGD).

BLACKCAP Sylvia atricapilla Common breeding summer migrant. Sightings of wintering birds reported at 32 of the 41 locations noted, breeding was confirmed at I site: Birchwood near Storridge 3 feeding young with redcurrants on 8th lul (CG).

Ones and twos reported in most locations with many singing males amongst them, I seen on the peanut feeder at Hampton Park on 5th Dec (ATF); another feeding on nectar from Mahonia flowers in Hereford City on 10th Dec (C&LS) and a male feeding in orchard with tits and finches at Ross on Wye on 12th Dec (RlH). Larger numbers were 4 (2m. + 2f.) at RWP on 25th Feb (R&lM); 4 in song at Lyndor Wood on 7th May (PGG); 10 at Queenswood Dinmore on 6th lun (TH); 6 at Lea Bailey Enclosure on 31 st lul (NAS) and 3 (Im. + 2f.) at Tupsley from 10th Dec until 31st Dec (I&EE). Ringing took place at Bringsty Common where a total of I adult m. + I juv. m. and I juv f. were netted (SGD).

WOOD WARBLER Phylloscopus sibilatrix Fairly common breeding summer migrant. Only four records submitted of this species, well down on last year. First noted was a single m. singing at Ross rowing-club on 25th Apr (AHE). The only other records: 1 seen in Queenswood Dinmore on 3rd May (TH) and I singing in the beeches near the arboretum and later in North Wood at Queenswood Dinmore in May (TH). The latest record was of I singing at Leinthall Earles on 24th lun (PGG).

CHIFFCHAFF (Common Chiffchaff) Phylloscopus collybita Common breeding summer migrant and uncommon winter visitor. Number of sites submitting records were well down this year, only 37 locations compared to 81 reported last year. There were no breeding records compared to 5 last year. Wintering birds were recorded at 13 locations, the earliest being 1 in Hereford City on 26th Oct (lCD) and the last, 6 at Lyonshall Park Wood on 30th Mar (T&EW). A possible Scandinavian race was seen at WGP on 8th Dec (P&TD).

Maximum counts recorded were 12 at Queenswood Dinmore on 3rd May (TH); 5, all singing, at Wapley Hill on 27th May (PHD); 30 caught and ringed at Much Marcle on 4th Sep (SGD); 15 on Garway Hill in Sep (JRP) and 7 juvs. caught and ringed at Much Marcle on 4th Sep (SGD). 58 WILLOW WARBLER Phylloscopus trochilus Common breeding summer migrant. First record of the year was at Castle Green with I in song on 3rd Apr (R&lM) followed by sightings at BL. of 2 singing males on 6th Apr (GSB). There were no records of breeding from the 19 locations the species was observed. Maxima counts were c.1 0 at WGP. on 21 st Apr (PHD); 12 at Bringsty Common in Aug (T&lW) and 6 at Wigmore Rolls on 29th Aug (JV). The last sighting was of I singing in Hereford City on 4th Sep (JCD).

GOLDCREST Regulus regulus Common breeding resident and winter visitor. The only breeding record came from LDB where I was seen carrying food on 20th May (PHD/SPC); 2 breeding prs. were reported amongst 9 seen at Queenswood Dinmore on 9th Jul (TH). Males were only reported singing in 3 locations the earliest being one at Garway in the garden daily from 15th Feb until 30th Mar (JRP); 12 (all singing) at Wapley Hill on 27th May (PHD). The higher counts during the first winter period were 7 at Queenswood Dinmore on 16th Jan (TH); 5 at Hereford Quarry on 20th Jan (CW); 6 at Frith Wood on 24th Feb (C&AL) and 4 at Castle Green Hereford 14th Mar (R&JM). The higher counts during the second winter period were 20 at Wapley Hill in Oct (JK); 13 at Lea Bailey Enclosure on 16th Nov (NAS); 10 on Garway Hill in Dec (JRP) and 8 on Bircher Common in Dec (TCC). Although seen at 32 locations throughout the County and with some good flocks reported, the number of breeding sites is well down on previous years.

SPOTTED FLYCATCHER Muscicapa striata Fairly common breeding summer migrant. First recorded sighting this year was at RWP, on 14th May (JM) and the last at Shirlheath on 17th Sep (MK). There were 15 records of breeding at the following locations: Abbey Dore 2 in lul (MFP). Birchwood nr. Storridge I breeding pr. 18th May (CG). Monkland seen feeding young from 30th May until 25th Jun (AJB). RWP 2 prs. nested 5th June (R&JM). Lea I breeding pr. (4 eggs predated by Jay) 9th lun (MFP). Little Dewchurch nest at Old Vicarage, by church 10th Jun (R&PK). Norton Wood I breeding pr. Jul (MJW). Peterchuch pr. Jul (MFP). Castle Green Hereford breeding pr. 23rd Jul (JM). Weston-under-Penyard Ipr. in Jul (MFP). BL 2 in Jul (MFP). Bromsash 2 in Jul (MFP). HL 3 in Jul (RH). Monkland 2nd nest and hrood in hanging hasket 9th Aug (AJB). Ludstock I breeding pr. feeding yng. in nest 15th Aug (RH).

59 Largest groups reported were 12 in Wyevale Wood on 7th lul (SP); 6 at Pembridge on 14th lul (lCD); 5 jUys. at RWP on 19th Jul (R&JM) and 4 on Garway Hill in Sep (lRP). 2 juvs. were caught and ringed at Much Marcle on 27th Aug with a further 2 on 4th Sep at the same location (SGD).

PIED FLYCATCHER Ficedula hypoleuca Fairly common breeding summer migrant. Was reported from 6 locations (17 last year) the earliest being a male at Witney Wood Dulas on 16th Apr (I&DH) and the last, a male, at Treago Castle on 9th Jun. Breeding was confirmed at two sites only: Higgins Wood Clifford 2 seen in Jun (S&LC). Perkins Rail I breeding pr. + 4 juvs.in lun (HM).

A male was heard singing at LDB on 20th May (PHD&SPC).

LONG-TAILED TIT Aegithalos caudatus Common breeding resident. Recorded at 53 locations throughout the county (71 last year) with breeding only confirmed at three: RWP 2 nest building in holly bush (bred) 1st Apr (R&JM). Hereford City 4 adults near new nest on 4th Apr (lCD). Perkins Rail c.8, one breeding pr. + 6 jUYs. nesting in gorse in "wild garden" in Jul (HM).

Larger flocks seen were c.25 at Witney Wood Dulas on 20th Sep (I&DH); 27 on Bringsty Common in Noy (T&JW); 25 at Wigmore Rolls on 20th Dec (lV) and c.25 at Holmer in Dec (lA) with smaller flocks distributed at the remaining locations.

MARSH TIT Parus palustris A fairly common breeding resident. Records came from 22 locations, mainly of ones and twos. Higher counts reported: 5 on Bringsty Common in Jan (T&JW); 4 on Welsh Newton Common in Feb (PJH); 3 at Brockhamton Wye on 22nd Feb (lCD); 3 at Aconbury Wood in Feb (R&lM) and 3 at Lea Bailey Enclosure on 15th Sep (NAS). There were no reports of breeding in the County.

WILLOW TIT Parus montanus Uncommon breeding resident recorded at 8 sites and again only regularly recorded at Wapley Hill as follows:

2 in Jan (.IK) (, on 9th Fcb (SPC) 2 on 24th Feb (TCC) 1 in Dec (.IKl

There were no breeding records.

60 COAL TIT Parus ater Common breeding resident. Seen throughout the County, mainly ones and twos feeding in gardens. Larger numbers seen were c.30 at Wapley Hill on 13th lan (PHD); 28 at Lea Bailey Enclosure on 20th lan (NAS); 15 at Bircher Common on 27th lan (PHD); 38 at Wigmore Rolls on 16th Feb (lV) and c.15 at Ridgebourne Kington on 4th Mar (l&CP). There was only one confirmed report of breeding with an adult + a juv. at Little Dewchurch on 10th lun (R&PK) although 3 juvs. were seen at Goodrich on 4th lun (lCD); 1 at RWP in lun (R&lM) and 3 at Garway on 26th Sep (lRP).

BLUE TIT Parus caeruleus Common breeding resident with breeding only confirmed at 5 locations (18 last year). Tupsley 2 inspecting nest box 4th Apr (I&EE). Little Dewchurch 2 adult + 4 juvs. on 11 th lun (R&PK). Perkins Rail 5 breeding prs. in lun (HM). Shirlheath 4 prs. bred on 10th lun (lK). LDB 4 successful broods from garden boxes in lul (SPC).

Larger numbers were 35 at Garway Hill, 27 at Frith Wood Ledbury, 27 at Bringsty Common and 25 at Fishpool Valley.

GREAT TIT Parus major Common breeding resident seen throughout the County with reports of breeding from: Monkland 2 in nest box on 16th Apr (AJB). Tupsley 2 nesting in nest box 18th Apr and 2 fledged on 2nd lun (I&EE). Little Dewchurch 4 adults + 2 juvs. on 10th lun (R&PK). Perkins Rail 4 breeding prs. in lun (HM). RWP 2 adult + 2 juvs. 27th lun (R&lM). LDB 12 juvs. At least two successful broods from boxes 24th lul (S&LC).

Larger sightings were 20 at Bringsty Common, 20 at Frith Wood, 17 at Letton Irrigation Lake and 10 at Wyevale Wood.

NUTHATCH (Wood Nuthatch) Sitta europaea Common breeding resident. Recorded at 40 locations throughout the County but only 2 confirmed breeding records received (8 last year): LDB 2 adult + 2 juvs. on 16th lun (SPC). TB 3 inc. 1 breeding pr. in lun (C&lC).

4 were calling vigorously at Queenswood Dinmore on 16th .lan (TH); 1 at Putson on 22nd Aug was the first seen in the garden since 24th .lun 1991 (R&.lM) and 5 were seen at Wigmore Rolls on 29th Aug (JV).

61 TREECREEPER (Eurasian Treecreeper) Certhia familiaris Common breeding resident with records coming from 39 sites. Breeding confirmed at 3 sites: King George V playing field, Hereford I at nest on 2nd May (R&JM). Shirlheath c2 nested under garage roof 5th May (MK). Castle Green, Hereford I at nest onl5th May (R&JM).

Regularly reported from the following locations; Bringsty Common (T&JW); Castle Green (R&JM); Garway Hill (JRP); Queenswood Dinmore (TH) and Putson (R&JM). Maximum numbers reported at Bringsty Common 4, Hill Farm Bosbury cA, Bircher Common 3 and Garway Hill 3. At Much Marcle 3 juvs. were caught and ringed on 2nd Jul (SGD).

GREAT GREY SHRIKE Lanius excubitor Scarce winter visitor and passage migrant. This is now the third successive winter that I was recorded at Oaker Coppice, Bircher Common. Seen on 1st Jan (SPC/PHD); on 23rd Dec (TCC), on 25th Dec (PHD) and on 30th Dec (T&AC).

JAY (Eurasian Jay) Garrulus glandarius Common breeding resident. Recorded from 34 locations this year (43 last year) throughout the County. There were 2 records of breeding: Wyevale Wood I breeding pr. 17th to 18th Jun and 2 adults + I juv. on 30th Jun (K&BH). LDB 2 adults + 5 juvs. on 6th Jul (SPC).

Larger numbers seen were 7 at Lea Bailey Enclosure on 20th Jan (NAS); 7 at BL 20th Oct (P&TD); 5 at Wigmore Rolls on 15th Nov (1V) and c.6 at Wyevale Wood from 18th Oct until 31 st Dec (SP).

MAGPIE (Black-billed Magpie) Pica pica Very common breeding resident although only two confirmed breeding records were received: LDB 2 adults + 4 juvs. on 20th May (S&LC). Tupsley 2 adults + 4 juvs. on 7th Jul (I&EE).

Reported at 44 locations with larger counts of 12 seen at Bringsty Common (T&JW); 11 at Hereford Quarry and Rotherwas (CW) and at Stretford (TCC); 10's were reported from Holmer (lA); Tupsley Quarry (I&EE) and Sutton Walls (lCD). A juv. that had been injured by a cat was taken to the Athene Bird Hospital on 1st Jun (I&EE) whilst one was seen sitting on the back of a horse, acting like an Ox-pecker, at Welsh Newton (FMP).

JACKDAW (Eurasian Jackdaw) Corvus monedula Common breeding resident again well reported from all parts ofthe County. There was only one breeding record confirmed and that was from Goodrich Castle where an imm. was calling from a nest in the castle wall. The larger numbers recorded were c.3000 at WGP on 17th Sep (PHD), smaller numbers ofc.500 and c.300 were observed flying into roost at LDB in Dec (S&LC/CW). 62 ROOK Corvus frugilegus Common breeding resident recorded throughout the County. A substantial increase in numbers and nests were reported in at least three locations in Almeley from Jan to Mar (lLR). Breeding was confirmed at Cusop Dingle: c.180 with 90 nests in May (GC) and The Hyde Ivington: c.80 with 30-40 nests in various trees by farm buildings near to the stream and moat in May (MLB-T). The largest count of c.3000 was seen at WGP on 17th Sep (PHD) with another of c.60 at Brampton Bryan on 26th Mar (T&EW).

CARRION CROW Corvus corone Common breeding resident. There were four breeding records from the following locations: Pipe and Lyde 1 on nest on 25th Mar (JCD). Hereford City (SG511418) I on nest 27th Mar (lCD). WGP 3 on nest on 21st Apr (PHD). Tupsley 2 adults + 1 juv. on 2nd Ju1 (I&EE).

Larger counts include c.100 at Newton on 15th Jan (T&EW); 150 at Withy Pool Bredwardine on 1st Aug (SPC); 100 flying in to roost at dusk at LDB (S&LC) and 100 at Castleton & Winforton Wye on 24th Gct (FM). A part-albino, with silvery-white dull feathers on upper surface of wings was reported at Hampton Bishop on 4th Dec (lCD).

RAVEN (Common Raven) Corvus corax Fairly common breeding resident. Found at 53 locations throughout the County with breeding confirmed at: Garway Hill (KJR). Welsh Newton Common (PJH). Birchwood Storridge (CG).

Nest building in a large Wellingtonia tree was reported at Homme Park (JHM). Larger counts were 15 flying south in a loose flock at Stretford Bridge on 6th Jan (TCC); c.27 at Westhope Hill on 8th Aug (K&CM); 17 at Lingen on 9th Sep. (J&CP); 28 at Wigmore Rolls on 29th Sep (JV) and 20 at the Warren on 7th Dec (T&EW).

STARLING (Common Starling) Sturnus vulgaris Common breeding resident and winter visitor. Reported from all over the County with the larger counts being found at Monkland c.700 on 11 th Feb (lE); c.250 plus several thousand flying towards Shobdon on 24th Feb (PHD); c.500 at Marden Church on 24th Feb (PHD); 250 at Norton Wood on 27th Feb (MJW); c.1 00 mixed flock with Fieldfare and Redwing on Bartonsham Meadow on 16th Mar (R&JM); 900 at WGP on 6th Gct (PHD) and 3 flocks of 25-40 at Almeley (a significant increase after seven years ofcomparative rarity) from Jan until Mar (lLR). Breeding was only confinned at LDB with 3 breeding prs. on 5th May (S&LC).

63 ROSE-COLOURED STARLING (Rosy Starling) Sturnus roseus A very rare vagrant. Ajuv. seen in garden at Putson on 8th and 9th Nov (R&JM) was the first Herefordshire record since 1941. Record accepted by BBRC on 6th Mar 2002. This is only the fourth county record the others being Garway 1858, Leintwardine 1937 and Mordiford in the winter of 1940/41. They breed in eastern Europe and central Asia into Afghanistan. Winters throughout India S to Sri Lanka. Due to the numbers recorded, especially in years 2000 and 2001 the species was dropped from the rarity list at the end of2001. (British Birds Gct 2002). The monthly numbers of year 2001 sightings in Britain were as follows:- Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Total 21 8 11 8 7 2 57 Considering the numbers seen in 2000 and 2001 it is surprising that this was only the 4th. Record for Herefordshire.

HOUSE SPARROW Passer domesticus Common breeding resident. Breeding confirmed at Canon Pyon: (FSB) and Monkland: (AJB). Larger flocks recorded were c.60 Criftin Ford Bridge on 27th Jan (PHD); c.50 at Canon Pyon on 12th Aug (FSB); cAO at Shirlheath on 8th Sep (MK) and the following on the 15th Sep - c.lOO at Shobdon, c.80 at Kingsland and c.50 at Milton Cross (P&TD). Smaller flocks were noted at many other locations in the County.

TREE SPARROW (Eurasian Tree Sparrow) Passer montanus Uncommon breeding resident. Recorded from only 10 locations (16 last year). Recorded throughout the year at TB with breeding confirmed on 9th Jun (SPC). Larger counts of 8 at Titley Court Farm on 13th Jan (PJE); c.30 were recorded at Castleton & Winforton Wye (PGG); 18 feeding along hedge with strip of 'fat-hen' and other weeds at Norton on 23rd Nov (MJW); 14 at TB on 24th Nov (C&JC) and 14 at SIE on 22nd Dec (MFP).

CHAFFINCH Fringilla coelebs Common breeding resident and winter visitor. Breeding was confirmed at RWP with an adult pr. + 3 juvs. on 24th Jun (R&JM). Larger counts were recorded from King George V playing field, c.35 on 6th Jan (R&JM); 200 on beech mast at Bircher Common and c.250 at Fishpool Valley on 27th Jan (PHD); 18 at Tupsley on 8th Feb (I&EE); 70 at Wapley Hill on 19th Feb (lK); c.30 at Monkland on 27th Gct (lE); c.100 in unharvested flax at Five Bridges Bishops Frome on 22nd Dec (C&AL) and c.200 (large mixed flock) at Frogend crossroads on 24th Dec (PGG). Smaller numbers were reported throughout the County. A female was heard singing in similar fashion to a Whitethroat but including obvious 'chaffinch' notes at Canon Pyon on 15th Jul (FSB).

64 BRAMBLING Fringilla montifringilla Fairly common winter visitor. Recorded at II sites (20 last year) with no large flocks seen, larger numbers were 30 at Wapley Hill on 30th Nov (MB); cAO in field of maize and sunflowers with 300 assorted finches on Coppett Hill on 31st Dec (AHE/JRP) and 35 in mixed 300 + finch flock at Goodrich on 31 st Dec (JRP/AHE). The earliest recorded sighting was at Tupsley on 13th Nov (I&EE) and the last at Bircher Common on 27th lan (PHD). There were six reports of sightings at Wapley Hill in Nov - Dec.

GREENFINCH (European Greenfinch) Carduelis chloris Common breeding resident. Breeding records were submitted from: Little Dewchurch 2 adults + a juv. on 25th May, 5 adults + a juv. on 3rd lun, 3 adults + juvs. on 10th lun and 3 adults + a juv. on 22nd lul (R&PK). Monkland 2 nesting in hedge on 4th lun (AJB). Newton family party of 5 feeding in hedgerow on 14th lun (I&DH).

Larger flocks seen included 20 at Welsh Newton in lan (PIH); 30 at TB in Mar (JC); c.25 in railway cutting at Ross-on-Wye on 26th lun (RJH); 30 at Wapley Hill in lul (JK); c.1 00 at Criftin Ford Bridge on 10th Nov (P&TD); 25 at Putson on 25th Nov (R&IM) and 25 at SIE on nnd Dec (MFP). Smaller numbers were widespread throughout the County.

GOLDFINCH (European Goldfinch) Carduelis carduelis Common breeding resident with breeding confirmed only at Little Dewchurch with an adult + 2 juvs. on 26th lul (R&PK). Well reported from over 60 locations (up on last year) the larger numbers being c.80 at Wapley Hill on 13th lan (PHD); c.250 at Veldo Lane on 28th lan (l&EE); cAO on thistles at TPNR on 30th Aug (J&CP); c.50 at Dulas on 6th Sep (l&DH); c.50 at WGP on 21 st Oct (PHD) and 23 at Hartleton Lake on 25th Oct (MFP).

SISKIN (Eurasian Siskin) Carduelis spinus Common winter visitor and scarce breeding resident. An annual winter visitor to conifer woods, alders and gardens with one breeding record received from Wapley Hill with 1juv. from the nest in Clematis by the house in May (MB). Larger flocks of cA5 at Haygrove Pools on 2nd lan (PGG); 60 at Sink Green on 10th lan (GSB); c.200 at Wapley Hill on 13th lan (PHD) and c.150 on 29th Jan (JK); 71 at BL on 7th Feb (CW); cAO at HL on 25th Oct (MFP) and 20 at Castle Green on 6th Dec (R&IM). A flock of45 including I leucistic m. - pale green/yellow, with faint outline of head markings and pale buff wings (no dark feathers) - at BL on 27th (PHD). Garden sightings included 3 at Tupsley on 18th. Nov (early visitor) normally seen in lan/Feb (l&EE); I adult fat Birchwood Storridge on 13th. Apr only sighting in garden all winter (CG) and 2 adult m. on nut feeder at Bishopstone on 28th Mar (P&IE). There was one summer sighting of2 at Frith Wood in Aug (C&AL).

65 LINNET (Common Linnet) Carduelis cannabina Common breeding resident. Breeding confirmed at; Little Brampton 3 breeding prs. on 7th Jul (MFP). Ross-on-Wye 2 adults + 3 juvs on 25th Jul (RJH). Tretire 3 breeding prs. on 31 st Jul (MFP). Bromsash 2 breeding prs. on 31 st Jul (MFP). Pipe and Lyde 2 adults + 3 juvs. on 10th Aug (lCD).

Large flocks were reported at locations throughout the County the largest being c.250 feeding with Goldfinch in linseed field at Veldo Lane, Withington on 28th Jan (I&EE); c.120 at Bringsty Common on 31 st Jan (SGD); c.150 at Lyonshall on 24th Jul (l&CP); c.IOO at WGP on 19th Aug (PHD); 200 at Checkley on 10th Dec (JRP); c.100 at Five Bridges Bishops Frome on 22nd Dec (PGG); c.25 mixed flock at Frogend crossroads on 24th Dec (PGG) and c.1000 at Wapley Hill on 31st Dec (CW).

TWITE Carduelis flavirostris A rare passage migrant and winter visitor. At Wapley Hill on 31st Dec c.3 seen in a maize field along with a huge flock offinches (PHD/CW). This is only the fourth county sighting since the Club was formed in 1950, the others being: 30 at Bridge Sollers on 1st Feb 1953, 9 at Holme Marsh on 23rd Sep 1978 and 1 at Great Doward in Feb 1979. Bull 1888. Sometimes seen in tolerable abundance on slopes of the Black Mountains. Home 1889. Seen in Peterstow, has been seen on the Black Mountains. Hutchinson 1898. Uncommon resident, local, breeding. Cambridge Phillips 1908. Scarce, has been seen on Black Mountains.

LESSER REDPOLL Carduelis flammea cabaret Common winter visitor and rare breeding resident. No records of breeding in the County were received. Only reported from 17 locations with the larger counts being c.30 at BL on 1st Jan (PHD/SPC); c.50 at Castleton and Winforton on 2nd Jan (MFP/PGG) and c.500 at Bringsty Common (some siskins in flock) in Dec (T&JW). A single m. was seen feeding on grass seed and dust bathing in garden near the County Hospital on 13th Jul (TWD). 100 were caught and ringed at Bringsty Common on 10th Nov with a further 60 on the 13th (SGD).

CROSSBILL (Common Crossbill) Loxia curvirostra Scarce breeding resident and irruptive migrant. Seven records from four sites with no record of breeding. The larger flocks were seen at Wapley Hill, c.60 in Jul (MB) and cAO on 27th Jul (lK). Other sightings included I at Bircher Common on 27th Jan (PHD); c.2 heard (unseen small flock) at Queenswood Dinmore on 9th Jul (TH); c.1 0 at Copley Hill Fort on II th Aug (SP+ND); 2 at Bircher Common on 26th Dec (ND) and 4 ff. and 3 mm. at Wapley Hill on 29th Dec (T&EW).

66 BULLFINCH (Common Bullfinch) Pyrrhula pyrrhula Common breeding resident. Breeding confirmed at the following locations: Dulas family party of 5 on 16th Jun (I&DH). Credenhill Village 2 adults + 4 juvs on 22nd Jul (GRP). Wapley Hill 2 juvs on 27th Aug (PHD). Lea Bailey Enclosure 5 on 30th Aug (NAS).

Well seen throughout the County with the higher counts being 8 at Wyevale Wood from 2nd until 16th Jan (SP); 9 at Sutton Walls in Jan (lCD); 8 at WGP on 13th Aug (G&MB); 9 in a railway cutting at Ross on Wye on 15th Dec (RJH) and 12 at Lea Bailey Enclosure on 26th Dec (NAS).

HAWFINCH Coccothraustes coccothraustes A scarce breeding resident. Only reported from BL where I was seen in the trees by the entrance on 22nd Dec (PHD).

OVENBIRD Seiurus aurocapillus Accidental autumn to winter. An exceptional record and the first for Herefordshire of this terrestrial Wood Warbler. It was found feeding under rose bushes at a cottage garden near Much Marcle on 20th Dec and was last seen on 16th Feb 2002. Ovenbirds breed in E. North America and winter in Florida, Central America and the West Indies. There have only been 2 accepted previous records in the British Isles, the first was at Out Skerries, Shetland on 7th Oct 1973. It was seen again the following day by several bird watchers including Bobby Tulloch. The second record was at Dursey Island, County Cork in 1990. There have been 2 records of birds found dead, I in Ireland in 1977 and I at Wembury, Devon in 1985. The only other record was ofa wing only, found on the tide line at Formby, Merseyside in Jan 1969.

YELLOWHAMMER Emberiza citrinella Common breeding resident. Breeding confirmed at MGP with I breeding pr. on 26th May (PGG). Seen at more than sixty locations the larger numbers being c.24 including young birds. One male had albinistic traits including a very pale head and white tail feathers, at Batch Cottage Almeley from 1st Jan until Mar (lLR); c.25 ground feeding every day at Breinton Kings Acre from 1st Jan until 20th Mar (SP); c.70 at Adforton on 27th Jan (PHD); c.120 at Monkland on 27th Oct (lE); c.30 at Reeves Farm on 10th Nov (P&TD); c.25 at Castleton & Winforton Wye on 18th Nov (PGG) and 70 at Marcle Ridge on 10th Dec (JRP). An adult pr. at Garway Hill was the first record in 40 years at this location (KJR).

REED BUNTING Emberiza schoeniclus Common breeding resident. Only reported at 9 locations (30 last year) with no record of breeding. Largest numbers seen were 5 at Breinton Kings Aere on 5th Jan and 7 on nth Mar (SP); 5 at WPG on 28th Oct (PHD) and 10 at CastIeton Wye on 18th Nov (PGG). Ringing took place at Much Marcle where I was ringed on 30th Apr and 2 on the 4th Sep (SGD).

67 CORN BUNTING Miliaria calandra Scarce breeding resident. Only reported from 2 sites: Bromsash 3 singing males on 13th Apr (PHD/AHE) and 1 male on 31 st Jul (MFP). Tretire c.2 males in brassicas - 1 singing m. probably 2 on 31 st Jul (MFP).


BLACK SWAN Cygnus atratus Escaped Australian species. An ad. was with mute swans by River Wye between Castleton and LDB from 10th Feb until 16th Mar (SPC+PHD+CW et al) and 2 imms. were at WGP on 21st Feb (GSB+CW). The Black Swan is endemic to Australia and Tasmania. It was introduced to New Zealand in 1864 where it expanded to such an extent that serious steps had to be taken to control their numbers.

BAR-HEADED GOOSE Anser indicus Escaped Asian species. The same ad. was reported, with Canada Geese, on floodwater by River Wye at Wilton Bridge on 9th Oct (RJH) and by River Wye at Backney on 11 th Oct (T&JW). This attractive goose comes from mountainous regions north of the Himalayas. To reach their wintering grounds in India they have to fly at altitudes of 27,000 feet!

WOOD DUCK Aix sponsa Escaped North American species. 2mm. were at WGP on 1st Jan (PHD+SPC). The Carolina Wood Duck, also known as the North American Wood Duck, is a natural tree hole nester that will use artificial nest boxes.

AIX Hybrid Aix 1 at Castle Green Hereford on 23rd Jun (PHD).

CHILOE WIGEON Anas sibilatrix Escaped South American species. Am + fwere at LIL on 7th Oct (ALS+SPC) and an eclipse m. was at WGP on 3rd Nov, flying off S. at 15:00 (PHD). The Chiloe or Chile Wigeon is found from the Cordoba province in Argentina and Atacama province in Chile to Tierra del Fuego and the Falkland Islands. The 3 syllable whistling call of the drake is very loud and long echoing with the female often answering resulting in a harmonious duet.

FERRUGINOUS X TUFTED DUCK Aythya 1 adult m. (as seen winter 2000/1) at WGP on 27th Oct (P&TD). I at WPG on 4th Nov (PHD).

68 GREY PARROT Psittacus erithacus Seen on Bircher Common on 27th Jan (T&AC). The African Grey Parrot, a member of the square-tailed Parrot group from Equatorial Africa is said to be very long-lived and the best talker of all the parrots.

ZEBRA FINCH Poephila guttata At Marden one crashed into a kitchen window, recovered and flew off on 29th Apr (LL). This popular cage-bird, one ofthe weaver finches, is considered to be one ofthe easiest to breed in captivity. It is distributed over most ofAustralia and is also found on Timor, Flores and the Lesser Sunda Islands.

69 CONTRIBUTORS 2001 *Indicates Non-member

Mrs 1. Alien P. Gardner MF Peers M. Baddeley * Mrs S Garland J Penrice Miss B. Bayliss PG Gamer I Phillipson Or AJ Beasley J. Garrett* .r & Mrs C Port L&M Biggs * C. Gayle * SPotter GS& Mrs 0 M Bilbao * Miss EA Gillard W. Pridie * K. Bishop * Mr Grantham * Mrs FM Probyn Or O.G. Boddington Mrs C Greenway Mrs E Richards S. Bowyer * Ms J Hackman * RW Roseveare P& Mrs F Bradley P Hadley KJ Ruck Miss P. Brown * K. Hammond JL Russell Mrs F. Burge J 0 Hanks * P Russell * P. Canning * I & Mrs O. Hart Or RC Russell Or A. Caunt NHart* V& Mrs A Russell L. Causon RJ Harrington G& Mrs G Rye C& Mrs. J. Chapman Mrs J Hawkins * G Saidy * J BD. Colley PJ Hopkins C& Mrs L Sheldrake Forestry Commission T Hulme * R& Mrs 0 Small Miss ER Coney * G Hurst ALSmith S& Mrs L. Coney R. Husbands Mrs VB Smith Mr & Mrs K. Connor Ms V James * NA Smith Or RJ& Mrs J. Cook P Jennings * Ms H Stace * T& Mrs A Cooke J. Kedward R. Stokes * Mrs Cowens * Miss M Kedward G Taylor-Ouxbury * Mrs P. Crick * o W Kilgour M. Thomley * o P Cuin I King * KP Tillett G Cundale R& Mrs P King RJ Tingley JC Oavies O. Klein * Mrs .r Truckle Miss W 0 Oavies C& Mrs A Lankester R. Tushingham N.Oevereux Mr & Mrs L Lawson * 1. Voysey * 1. Oickie * TE Lynch * o A Warren SG Oodd A Marchant* T& Mrs .r Weale PH Oownes JH Marsden * TW Welch * TW Oownes .r H Martin C Wells R.Ount H Mason T& Mrs E Wcston J. Ebrey * K& Mrs C Mason MJ Williams P. Embling * R& Mrs J Mellish Ms T Wildenmoth* PJ Eldridge Or RG Miller M Woodward I & Mrs E Evans Miss C A Milward G Wren T Evans * R. Morley A H Evelcigh Mrs M Morris * G. Ewart Mr & Mrs Necsham * 1. Fairticld * Mrs S Nicholas * O. Fisher A Nom1an * A Foulds * .r RW Paigc Or AT Foxton Ci R Parker

70 Editor's note: An account by P.W. Hinde on the breeding of the Hoopoe Upupa epops in Herefordshire appears in the Club's 1955 Annual Report and was based on the notes of a lecture that R.H. Baillie gave to the Club on the 12th. December 1955. The following is a hand written account by Dr. Walker of the same event that I found among the diaries and papers that he had given to me before he died and others that were rescued by Dr. John Ross soon after he died. All of these are now housed in the Hereford Record Office.This account has also appeared in the Herefordshire Nature Trust's 'Flycatcher'

A HOOPOE'S NEST By Dr. C.W. Walker M.C. A few Hoopoes succeed in running the gauntlet of continental bird-killers to reach this country each spring, and occasionally a pair has nested here. When we consider the kind of welcome this beautiful and rather confiding bird meets with on its passage through the Mediterranean countries, its rarity here ceases to be surprising.

The bird's bright colours and remarkable crest have gained for it the interest of mankind since the earliest historical times. It figures frequently in the ancient Egyptian picture­ writings, and was there revered as a sun emblem. It appears in the Old Testament list of "forbidden fowls" (Leviticus XI, 13) where its Hebrew name "dukiphat" was wrongly translated in the English bible as "Lapwing". The last verse of the list in Leviticus should therefore read "And the stork, the heron after her kind, and the hoopoe and the bat." As a result ofthis tabu the Hebrew race have through the ages refrained from eating it and have spared itslife. What a pity these rules were never applicable in such countries as Spain and Italy! As things are the Hoopoe is relentlessly shot and snared in southern Europe, and a long row oftheir corpses may sometimes be seen strung up on provincial poulterers' shop­ fronts, destined to end up in a pie or fricassee.

In Herefordshire hardly a year passes without a report of a Hoopoe being sighted. These are usually fleeting glimpses only - here today and gone tomorrow -, but occasionally a bird finds a habitat to its liking and stays there for a time.

In spring - late April and May 1955 - strange bird calls were heard near Elsdon House, Lyonshall: these were harsh and guttural, but no bird was seen, and when the typical "hoop hoop" or "hu hu" calls were heard coming from a cottage orchard they were thought to be those of "a cuckoo with a bad throat". At last on May 29th. a Hoopoe was seen and recognised. It was fluttering against the outside of a window of Elsdon House, greatly excited and with crest erect. No doubt it could see its own reflection in the window-pane and thought it was attacking a rival.

R.H. Baillie saw the bird later that day, and on the next I spent the afternoon searching the fields and orchards in the vicinity. At last I caught sight of a Hoopoe in the meadows behind Elsdon, and was watching it as it probed with its long bill, apparently for ants, when 1heard the "hoop - hoop" call coming from the orchard behind me! So there were two birds - no doubt a pair - and hreeding was possible - indeed probable.

71 For the next few days the area was haunted by members of the Ornithological Club, and the Hoopoes were seen to be carrying food - mainly earthworms - often towards a group of big oak-trees behind the house. The birds were, however, wary and suspicious, and did not betray the whereabouts of their nest.

On June 5th. a number ofwatchers took up concealed positions in a determined effort to pin­ point the nesting site. It became clear that it was the largest of the old oaks that was the destination to which the birds were bringing food. On approaching this tree the bird always "hooped" softly and continued to do so as it moved among the branches, often hidden from view by the foliage. It was seen to flyaway silently and with no food in its bill.

After the rest of the party had gone home Len Smith and I remained, hidden in the thick hedge close to the oak-trees. The Hoopoe flew in carrying a full-sized earthworm. It called "hu hu" softly as it perched and clung to the bark just below a hole in a large branch. Into this it thrust its head - raised crest included - and withdrew it without the worm, looked round and gave a startled and very harsh warning note sounding like "Karr", and flew off. About 45 minutes later it came flying in with a worm, but instead ofalighting, stopped and fluttered in mid-air as if suddenly aware ofdanger, scolded harshly again - a succession of "Karr" notes - and flew right away. We waited until late afternoon, but there was no further sign ofthe birds.

A few days after this discovery it became plain that the birds had ceased to frequent the oak tree, and were sometimes seen or heard among the old apple trees in a neighbouring orchard. The nesting hole in the oak was reached by means ofa 40-foot ladder on the 18th. and was by then, of course, empty.

Mrs. Baker of the East Lodge, which lies between the oak clump and the orchard where the bird's call had often been heard, had a number of views of the birds during the rest of the summer. She saw on 14th. July one ofthe adults followed by a smaller Hoopoe, and again on the 16th. she reported that an adult had fed a young bird perched on a near-by fence. On July 30th. she saw all four birds - two adults and two young - fly towards the oak-trees where they had nested. The last time the "hu-hu" call was heard was on August 20th.

The Hoopoe has nested occasionally, and sometimes successfully, in most southern English counties. Herefordshire can now be added to this list with the additional distinction that the Lyonshall nest provides the most northerly breeding record for the Hoopoe in the British Isles.


We were more amused than astonished when Peter Eldridge rang on Tuesday morning the 23rd. October and said that a fisherman had seen a Pelican on the Wye near Bredwardine. We have seen captive White Pelicans in wildlife parks and wild ones in the Gambia and were sure that this bird would be regarded as an escaped bird from one ofthese parks. This was most likely because, as far as we know, there have only been just over 20 records of the Great White Pelican in England since one was seen at Breydon Water, Norfolk in 1906 and all were considered escaped birds.

Nevertheless, although we are not "twitchers", we decided early that afternoon to go for a run to Hay-on-Wye following the Wye from Bredwardine and viewing the river from wherever the road overlooked the Wye.

We arrived at Bredwardine around 12.30 and from the bridge scanned up and down the river without success. We continued along the B4532 stopping at all viewpoints overlooking the river so as to scan the area through binoculars but we had no sign ofa Pelican.

By the time we arrived at Hay we had decided to abandon the search and look for bird books instead. After a couple of hours browsing in some of the book shops we decided to return home along the main Brecon to Hereford road, the A438. Approaching Bronydd at around 3.20pm a very large white bird was seen circling over the river to our right. We carried on slowly until we could park off the road with a view over the river. We got out of the car and watched the bird through binoculars. It continued to circle over the river, in turn over Herefordshire and Radnorshire. After circling for a further few minutes the bird flew away from us heading towards Hay but before reaching the town it turned and flew back to continue soaring once more over the river in and out of the two counties. We watched it for three to four minutes when it suddenly changed direction and flew towards us, passing so low overhead that details ofthe bird could clearly be seen without the aid of binoculars. We last saw it flying over the trees in a westerly/north westerly direction.

The bird was a huge white bird with very dark flight feathers. It flew with strong, steady wing-beats occasionally gliding and due to its appearance and manner of flying we ruled out any other possibility such as Grey Heron Ardea cinerea or the Mute Swan Cygnus alar and we agreed that it was a Great White Pelican Pelecanus anacrotalus that had been reported earlier.

When the bird flew overhead the head and very long yellow beak hunched back over the body were clearly seen, as well as the pink legs showing under the tail feathers, giving the body a short stumpy appearance, unlike the long trailing legs of Grey Heron.

On returning home we rang Steve Coney, the Herefordshire Recorder, and informed him of the sighting. We tilled in a rarities form and returned it to Steve who forwarded it for consideration by the British Birds Rarities Committee. In June 2002 Steve received

73 notification that the record had been accepted by BBRC. The record was placed under Category D (species where there's reasonable doubt that they have ever occured in a natural state) and published in British Birds in the October edition 2002.

We are optimistic that one day, on review, our record will be accepted as a genuine wild bird and placed in Category A as the possibility of vagrancy in this species cannot be ruled out.

No, we are not "twitchers" but if you do hear of a rare bird in the County, please let us know, we may be tempted!

Ifor & Elaine Evans


Species date Location Date Location

Hobby 5/5 WGP 12/10 Adforton Little Ringed Plover 28/3 WGP 29/7 WGP Greenshank 6/7 SSSP 1/9 WGP Common Sandpiper 11/3 R. Wye-Putson 6/10 WGP Turtle Dove 5/6 Much Marcle 27/8 Much Marcle Cuckoo 25/4 Various sites 17/8 Lion's Den Swift 24/4 Hereford City 26/8 WGP Sand Martin 24/3 BL/WGP 3/10 Lion's Den Swallow 31/3 BL/WGP 6/10 Wormbridge House Martin 24/3 Roman Road, Hereford 23/10 Lion's Den Tree Pipit 19/5 The Malvems Aug. Wapley Hill Yellow Wagtail 12/4 WGP 3/10 Lion's Den Redstart 21/4 Criftin Ford Bridge 2/9 Stretford Bridge Wheatear 17/3 Bromsash 20/8 WGP Sedge Warbler 29/4 WGP 6/9 Much Marcle Reed Warbler 30/4 Much Marcle 4/9 Much Marcle Lesser Whitethroat 30/4 Adforton 29/9 Merrivale Wood Whitethroat 3/4 Much Marcle 4/9 Much Marcle Garden Warbler 21/4 WGP 27/8 Much Marcle Wood Warbler 3/5 Queenswood, Dinmore 24/6 Leinthall Earles Willow Warbler 6/4 BL 4/9 Hereford City Spotted Flycatcher 17/5 Aylestone Hill 17/9 Shirlheath Pied Flycatcher 17/4 Queenswood, Dinmore 9/6 Treago Castle


Species Date Location Date Location

Bewick's Swan 18/2 Letton Lakes 27110 Lower Lugg Meadows Whooper Swan 4/4 WGP 22/12 Leach Pool Wigeon 31/3 Arrow Fisheries 28/8 WGP Pochard 16/5 WGP 18/7 WGP Goldeneye 26/4 BL 27/10 WGP Golden Plover 7/4 Milton Cross 5/11 SSSP Jack Snipe 2112 SSSP 16/12 SSSP Snipe 30/4 Much Marc1e 9/7 SSSP Fieldfare 7/4 Eardisland 14/10 Little Dewchurch Redwing 25/3 Mathon 19/10 Adforton Brambling 31/12 Wapley Hill / Coppett Hill 13/11 Tupsley


The following require field-notes and supportive description before being considered for use in the Annual Report.

All national rarities (to be forwarded to BBRC for assessment) All unusual races of a species (except spring White Wagtail) All out of season migrants

The following rare County species:­ Divers (all species) Garganey (not breeding-plumage male) Grebes (except Little and Great Crested) Red-crested Pochard Fulmar Ring-necked Duck Shearwaters (all species) Scaup Petrels (all species) Eider Gannet Long-tailed Duck Shag All Scoters Bittem Red-breasted Merganser Night Heron Raptors (all except Red Kite, Purple Heron Sparrowhawk, Buzzard, Osprey, Kestrel, White Stork Merlin, Hobby and Peregrine) Spoonbill Red Grouse (not Black Mountains) Geese (Bean, Pink-footed and Brent) Black Grouse Egyptian Goose Quail (if not heard) Ruddy Shelduck Golden Pheasant American Wigeon Lady Amherst's Pheasant

7S Spotted Crake Nightingale (if not heard) Corncrake Bluethroat Crane Black Redstart Waders (all except Oystercatcher, Little Ring Ouzel (not Black Mountains) Ringed Plover, Ringed Plover, Golden Warblers (Cetti's, Aquatic, Marsh, Icterine, Plover, Lapwing, Little Stint, Dunlin, Ruff, Melodious, Dartford, Barred, Pallas's and Jack Snipe, Snipe, Woodcock, Whimbrel Yellow-browed) (if heard), Curlew, Redshank, Greenshank, Firecrest Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper) Red-breasted Flycatcher Skuas (all species) Bearded Tit Gulls (Mediterranean, Little, Sabine's, Crested Tit Ring-billed, Yellow-legged, Iceland, Golden Oriole Glaucous and Kittiwake) Shrikes (all species) Terns (all except Black) Chough Auks (all species) Hooded Crow Ring-necked Parakeet Rose-coloured Starling Owls (Short and Long-eared) Finches (Serin, Twite, Common Redpoll Nightjar and Common Rosefinch) Bee-eater Buntings (all except Yellowhammer and Wryneck Reed Bunting) Larks (except Skylark) Corn Bunting (except at Bromsash or Pipits (except Tree and Meadow) Tretire) The Rarities Sub-Committee reserves the right to request further information, in order to assess any record. Unsubstantiated records will not be published.

RARITIES SIGHTINGS 2001 In 2001, 72 sightings ofCounty rarities were assessed by the rarities sub-committee. The following sightings, by month, and in the order oftheir assessment, are those which were accepted. January Red-breasted Merganser R. Wye - Goodrich NAS 4 Long-tailed Duck Stretton Sugwas CW Kittiwake WGP CW Mediterranean Gull WGP CW Red-crested Pochard BL CW Red-breasted Merganser R. Wye - Strangford CW Goshawk Wapley Hill PHD

February Ring-necked Duck WGP GS Bilbao Goshawk BL CW Spotted Redshank SSSP CW Dark-breasted Brent Goose BL PH&TWD Kittiwake WGP PHD

76 March Waxwing Hunderton C. Gayle 16 Waxwing Upper Bullingham L. Caulson Scaup BL CW/G S Bilbao Bar-tailed Godwit Lower Lugg Meadows CW/G S Bilbao Meditarranean Gull Tidnor Mill GS Bilbao Osprey Lower Lugg Flats CW 8 Black-tailed Godwit Lower Lugg Flats CW/PHD

April Osprey Putson JM Iceland Gull WGP PHD Arctic Tern WGP PHD Greenland Wheatear SSSP CW Goshawk Criftin Ford Bridge PHD Black-necked Grebe WGP PHD

May Arctic Tern WGP GS Bilbao Osprey Bredwardine SPC Sanderling WGP SPC Common Tern Bredwardine SPC Sanderling WGP SPC Black Redstart Hereford County Hospital TWD Garganey WGP PHD Sanderling WGP PHD Blue-headed Yellow Wagtail WGP PHD Greenland Wheatear WGP PHD Osprey Clifford Wye SPC Common Tern Castleton SPC Sanderling SSSP CW Bar-tailed Godwit SSSP CW Yellow-legged Gull SSSP CW Greenland Wheatear SSSP CW Bar-tailed Godwit SSSP CW Little Gull SSSP CW Turnstone SSSP CW Garganey SSSP CW Wood Sandpiper SSSP CW Wood Sandpiper SSSP CW Wood Sandpiper SSSP CW

77 June Garganey Kenchester pools SPC

July 5 Black-tailed Godwit WGP GS Bilbao Goshawk Burton Court MFP Wood Sandpiper SSSP CW Wood Sandpiper SSSP CW Mediterranean Gull SSSP CW

August Little Gull WGP GS Bilbao Black-tailed Godwit WGP TCC Black-necked Grebe WGP PH &TWD/SPC

October Common Tern Castleton SPC White Pelican Letton Irrigation Lake I Clifford Wye CW/IB & GEE Black Redstart Kington PJ&CP Arctic Tern WGP PHD Scandinavian Herring Gull WGP PHD Honey Buzzard Ledbury Radar tracking

November 6 Red-crested Pochard WGP PHD Great Northern Diver WGP PH&TWD Rose-coloured Starling Putson RE&MJM Mediterranean Gull WGP PH&TWD Ring Ouzel Malverns MJW

December Twite Wapley Hill PHD/CW 4 Pink-footed goose Letton Irrigation-Lake CW Ovenbird Much Marc1e Name & Address withheld


The number, in brackets, after certain species, indicates the number of accepted sightings in the County, to the end of200I and is only included if there are twenty or fewer records.

Red-throated Diver (5) Eidcr (2) Sandcrling (7) Black-throated Diver (4) Long-tailed Duck (3) Little Stint (13) Great Northern Diver (6) Common Scoter (19) Pectoral Sandpiper (I) Little Grebe Velvet Scoter (2) Curlew Sandpiper (3) Great Crested Grebe Goldeneye Dunlin Red-necked Grebe (4) Smew (19) Ruff Slavonian Grebe (6) Red-breasted Merganser ( 17) Jack Snipe Black-neckcd Grebe (10) Goosander Snipc Fulmar (I) Ruddy Duck Great Snipe (2) Manx Shearwater Honey Buzzard Woodcock Storm Petrel (5) Black Kite ( I) Black-tailed Godwit (17) Leach's Petrel (9) Red Kite Bar-tailed Godwit (10) Gannct (12) White-tailed Eagle ( I) Whimbrcl Cormorant Marsh Harricr (3) Curlew Shag (5) Hen Harrier Spotted Redshank (X) White Pelican (I) Montagu's Harrier (2) Redshank Bittern Goshawk Grcenshank Night Heron (2) Sparrowhawk Green Sandpiper Cattle Egret ( I) Buzzard Wood Sandpiper (17) Little Egret (20) Rough-legged Buzzard (2) Common Sandpipcr Grey Heron Spotted Eagle (I) Turnstone (6) White Stork (I) Osprey Red-necked Phalarope (I) Glossy Ibis (2) Kestrel Grey Phalarope (I X) Mute Swan Merlin Pomarinc Skua (I) Bcwick's Swan Hobby Arctic Skua (2) Whooper Swan Peregrine Great Skua (2) Bean Goose (4) Red Grouse Mediterranean Gull Pink-footed Goose (13+) Black Grouse Little Gull (16) White-fronted Goosc Red-legged Partridge Sabine's Gull (I) Greylag Goose Grey Partridge Black-headed Gull Canada Goose Quail Ring-billed Gull (3) Barnacle Goose Pheasant Common Gull Brent Goose (10) Water Rail Lesser Black-backed Gull Egyptian Goose (I) Spotted Crake Herring Gull Ruddy Shelduck (I) Corncrake Yellow-legged Gull Shelduck Moorhen Iceland Gull (3) Mandarin Coot Great Black-backed Gull \\tTigcon Crane (4) Kittiwake Gadwall Oystercatcher Sandwich Tern (2) Teal Avocct (2) Common Tern Mallard Stone-curlew (2) Arctic Tern (15) Pintail Collared Pratincole ( I) Little Tcrn (5) Gargancy Little Ringcd Plover Black Tern Shovcler Ringed Plover Little Auk (2) Red-crcsted Pochard (6) Killdeer (I) Putlin (2) Pochard Dotterel (R) Feral Pigcon Ferruginous Duck ( I J Golden Plmer Stock Dove Ring-necked Duck (2) Grey Plover ( 12) Woodpigeon Tufted Duck Lapwing Collarcd Dove Seaup Knot (15) Turtle Dovc

79 Ring-necked Parakeet (7) Black Redstart Nuthatch Cuckoo Redstart Treecreeper Barn Owl Whinchat Golden Oriole Little Owl Stonechat Red-backed Shrike Tawny Owl Wheatear Great Grey Shrike Long-eared Owl Desert Wheatear (I) Jay Short-eared Owl Ring Ouzel Magpie Nightjar Blackbird Nutcracker (2) Alpine Swift (I) Fieldfare Jackdaw Swift Song Thrush Rook Kingfisher Redwing Carrion / Hooded Crow Bee-eater (3) Mistle Thrush Raven Hoopoe Grasshopper Warbler Starling Wryneck Sedge Warbler Rose-coloured Starling (4) Green Woodpecker Marsh Warbler House Sparrow Great Spotted Woodpecker Reed Warbler Tree Sparrow Lesser Spotted Woodpecker Melodious Warbler (10) Chaffinch Woodlark Dartford Warbler (10) Brambling Skylark Lesser Whitethroat Greenfinch Sand Martin Whitethroat Goldfinch Swallow Garden Warbler Siskin House Martin Blackcap Linnet Tree Pipit Wood Warbler Twite Meadow Pipit Chiffchaff Lesser Redpoll Rock Pipit (I) Willow Warbler Common Redpoll (10) Water Pipit (9) Goldcrest Crossbill Yellow / Blue-headed Wagtail Firecrest (8) Bullfinch Grey wagtail Spotted Flycatcher Hawfinch Pied / White Wagtail Pied Flycatcher Ovenbird (I) Waxwing Long-tailed Tit Snow Bunting (9) Dipper Marsh Tit Yellowhammer Wren Willow Tit Cirl Bunting Dunnock Coal Tit Reed Bunting Robin Blue Tit Corn Bunting Nightingale Great Tit County records still awaiting ratification are:- Little Bustard (Unknown date. "Shot near Dorstone. In Hereford Museum.) Cream-coloured Courser (Shot Backney Marsh, March 1852. In Hereford Museum.) Collared Pratincole (Shot Fownhope 1854. In Hereford Museum.) Roller (Goodrich 1857. In Hereford Museum.)


Brecknock Wildlife Trust Bristol Naturalists' Society / Bristol Ornithological Club (Avon Bird Report) Cheltenham Bird Club Derbyshire Ornithological Society Gloucester Naturalist Trust Gwent Ornithological Society Shropshire Ornithological Society Bird Club Wiltshire Ornithological Society


British Trust for Ornithology Herefordshire Nature Trust Royal Society for the Protection of Birds The Woolhope Club

CORRECTIONS TO ANNUAL REPORT 2000 VOL.5 No.10 Page 679 Add sub-heading to top of page "Lower Mowley Farm"

Page 688 Line 1 NIGHT HERON substitute nycticorax for nyticorax Line 19 MUTE SWAN substitute olor for oler

Page 689 Line 10 WHOOPER SWAN substitute Cygnus cygnus for Cygnus Cygnus

Page 691 Line 13 MANDARIN substitute Aix galericulata for Aix galericulatata

Page 695 Line 14 POCHARD substitute Aythya ferina for Aythya farina Line 26 substitute RING-NECKED DUCK for RING-NECKED-DUCK

Page 703 Line 32 COOT substitute Fulica atra for Fulicra atra

Page 724 Line 1 PIED WAGTAIL substitute Motacilla alba yarrellii for Motacillia alba yarrelli

Page 727 Line 17 GREENLAND WHEATEAR substitute Oenanthe oenanthe leucorrhoa for Oenanthe oenanthe leucorhoa

Page 741 Line 7 WOOD DUCK substitute Aix sponsa for Aix spousa

81 82 , Herefordshire Ornithological Club Income and Expenditure Account Year Ended November 30th 2001

2000 2001 £ INCOME £ 58 AdvertIsing 58 49 sale 01 Publications 59 1.634 Oonalloos (Includlng £1820.00 from Baker TtUey) 1,993 258 Interesl (Gross) 894 2.802 SubscnpllOns 2.811 1,410 Survey Fees 6.500 1,200 Grants (Awards for All) N,' 3,444 Income from Meetings 728 Nil Gifl Aid Refund 261 £10,855 £13,304

£ DeDUCT EXPENDITURE £ 837 Printing & Stationery 835 1,865 Annual Report 1999 1.820 589 Postage & Telephone 644 462 Meeltng Expenses 635 66 Affiliation SUbSCnplJOflS 128 51 Insurance 100 100 (Athene) Donabon (Woodland Trust) 250 N,' Purchases 1.124 1.076 Survey & Educational Expenses 702 64 Sundry Expenses N" 2,356 50th Anmversary FunClrons N" £:7,466 £6,236 3,389 Surplus for the Year 7,068 12.550 SurplUS as at 151 December 2000 15.939

15,939 General Funds as at 30lh November 2001 23,007 3.200 Add~ Special Funds brought forward 3.200

£19,139 Accumulated Funds at 30th November 2001 £26,207

Accumulated Funds at 30ltI November represented by:- 9.978 DepoSll Account (27th September) 12.863 10.000 Bonds 10.000 Bank Balance less year 2002 subs. In advance & 1.026 unpresented cheques 459 N,' AJCs Payable (BEAM. Surveys) 4750 £21.004 £28,072 1.865 less ProvIsion for Annual Report 1865 £19.139 £26.207 R.E.Mellish (Hon.Treasurer) We have audited Ihe above accounts and In our opinIOn they show a lrue and fan v_ew 01 the General Accoonts SurpllJ!io 101" the yaar end 01 the Chanty's AsselS and Uablhu9R at 30Ih November 2001 P.J.EldliOge & J Gardnar January 19th 2002