Jhitside Appraiser Asked in Marlboro Lash of Cafeteria Appropriation Hit
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H CO. HISTORICAL ASS"!., .This Week COVERING TOWNSHIPS OP 2465 CORES IIOLMDEX, MAUI8ON MARLBORO, MATAWAN AND 14PAGES MATAWAN BOEODOn National Editorial Association Member 88th YEAR — 37th WEEK iw Jersey Preu Association MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1957 Uonraoutt County Prua Auocliueo Single Copy Ten Cents CM. In Holmdel (?) lash Of Cafeteria Mrs. Rainaud's Radar Presbyterian Church MANGLED AUTO SHOWS FORCE OF CRASH of the Marlboro Mrs. Margaret L. Bain- Matawan, Keyport, Holmdel, Regional Township • Planning Board and, Matawan Journal cor- reported Thursday to mem- Appropriation Hit respond c n t Joined for- Expenditure Ratified High School Talk Jarred By Warning bers of the township com- i with the United' Stales mittee in that municipality Marlboro Committee Army's 526 AAA Balalllon $360,000 Construction Assistant Commissioner Warner Findt that their attempts to In- for a few hours 'Saturday duce General Motors to lo- Unmoved By Protest morning. M n. BaU.aud's To Start Immediately Crisis In Area In Secondary Education * private telephone conversa- cate In the township had Protest against leaving the Monday night the congrega- failed. tions were coming in loud William 13, Warner, assist- afeteria in the new Central tion of the First Piesbyterlan , It was their report that and clear at the SZCth's oper- nl stnto commissioner of ed- School Just an unused room for ations room anil vice versa. Church, Matawai', authorized the large auto concern had me year for lack of furnish- amities Petition icntlon, warned Tuesday, atata looked over sites In Marl- gs was made by Joseph M It all was explained by an expenditure up to $309;O0O ohool officials wero "con- boro and . in other nearby iraik weathc. conditions or the Immediate •eoBstluo ipurgat, a spectator, at' the which affected the telephone or Curb Measure :crncd" about the moves of municipalities but that the arlboro Township Committee Ion of their new Sanctuary Genera) Motors decision had circuits ol the New Jersey lie Koyport nnd Mlddle'.own Thursday. Mr. Spurgnt be- Bell Telephone Co., the md Christian Education b^lld Matter Referred To been to locate "In Uolmdel eved in certifying $5000 less township Botirds of IMucit.on Township alone the rail- army 'reported. The tele- ng to be located on the rijno Matawan Attorney rid their high school* of road " * The planners said, jan the $18,100 agreed to by phone company quickly cor- icre tract at the Intersection to their knowledge, it would board Mar. & as the cut rected the mbtup after being futilities welding enrollment from ftarU— rom Its $46,000 capital outlay 1 Eoute-34.. and-ffranMln|st, an Township and Kcu'rbmg. —not--be - a> major auto assem- notified. -. purchased .last summer f50m n WashluRton Avo., botwocn bly plant. '"» em, the township committee liberty and Union Sts., Tues- lo nnw the situation as hav. Mrs. Ralnaud wasn't at all the late Mrs. Thomas» 9, rould be reserving enough for surprised by the errant cir- lay night petitioned ther Matn- IIB "a very serloun effect" on Bernard Goldsmith, secre- e schools to outfit the cafe- Koopman, This proposal made tary of the Holmdel plan- cuits though. She said that an Bovouuh Council tor tho ort. Ho even used tho rla on at least a minimum 35 years aro, whi^) living In by the Building Steering Com- islniuuion of curbs on their orm "a sliotiiun marrluju" ning- Board, said Monday orklng basis. night no plans had been Newark, she oal'ed a friend mittee after an exhaustive roet. onipliiisl7.n MOW tho dosner- ' submitted nor approaches The capital outlay item, em- and her voice came out over >tu<*y had been approve by Property-owners are willing mosa of U\n uttuntlon mlnlit iracing, among other things, the radio. made yet to that body by he official boards ol the William Wells, Zl, of S9 Atlantic Avo., Matnwan Township, ) pay for tho Installation o! mlwlno Koyport, us a roosiv- General. Motors. 3.100 for cafeteria equipment, lie ourblng according to tho J h u r q h, It was carried by was injured fatally early Saturday morning In the grinding liead* inn dlatrlol.-Wltli both Itarltnn.- md $4000 for cafeteria tables on crash of this ear and a traotor trailer on Route 34 near Fieri o ictlllon, Counoll referred the ind benches, was beaten a sec- inanimous vote of' the. con- Townshlp nnd Kcanoburg..- ve., Matawan. Mr. Wells, a bachelor, \vn» n passenger In thn oquost to the Borough Attorn Hln declaration at a joint ind time by the voters in the Methodist Church 'Chicle operated by Walter Seber, Jr., 49 Church St., Matnwan, icy to dptormlno whothcr auf- Jhitside Appraiser eb. 28 poll. It became lncum- regfltiori. vho is reported In grave condition at Perth Amboy General lion- lolent families on tho otioei Hooting nt Matu.vnn High lent on the township board of In July' 1056, the congrega- lital. looking tho Installation war- School of tho Koyport, Mata- iducation thereby to make To Buy Property tion, according to the archi- antod tha Intvoduotlon of All wiin nnd K o 1 m d o 1 scliool Asked In Marlboro ime reduction and then sub- tect's estimate based on cur- rdlnance providing for t It a liniudn on the 'regional aohool tit their figures to the town- Former Terhune Plot*, rent prices, approved the ex- nstallation and opeolnl nssceo- plan liad a nufLlauIarly -jar* - Assessor Reported nip committee who would Sought For Expansion penditure of an estimated cost Area Man Killed Primary Battles ment, ring note nftcr Konneth Whnr* "Revaluing AU Land iave to accept or reject them of $206,000 wl'h mortgage "Counoll nooontod a proposnl tan, o Koynoi't board mem- lthln 10 days for certification Members of the First Meth- money at five per cent; At n Highway Crash Slated In Area iy the Conlrnl Hallroad of ber, had pointed out how »o)f- .'• : Marlboro Township's $18.81 ) the county tax board. idlst Church, Matawan, at a that tims It was questionable ow Jersey that tho nor Biifflolont Koypnrt would be J" per S100 tax rate brought de- The board voted Mar. B to :ongregatlonal meeting held if the entire proposed struo- Route 34 Accident Splits Noted In lUgh'n lease of Blntlon Plaea with only Union Donoli and mands for tellef from specta- telete the $13,100 and $4000 n the church Sunday night, uro could bo financed .and mads on a permanent ban voted to purchase tha Ed- Holimlol i\a sending dlatrlota tors at the municipal meet- tems for the cafeteria and to consideration vns given to Fatal To Win. Well. Townihip, Marlboro » but with tha stipulation that to Us pi orient high aoliaol reduce the number of auditor- wards property, better known ing Thursday. Karl Schroeder what has been designed u 10 days notion by either pnvty plant nnd Rnrltan Townthlp um chairs from 500 to 200. the former property of the Step l, which did not, and William WoUs, 21, of so A.t- Area primary lights »rn Marlboro Gardens, submitted may terminate tho logic excluded. a letter that hei claimed bad saving another $1000. This was ate John Terhune, that ad- does not now, Include tho rear antlo Ave., Mntawan Town- latect In Matawan, Marlboro groomnnt. Tha utility this effect of a petition from ot unanimous action of the lolns the church property on wing of four Urge rijoms, ship, was injured fatally Sat- md Holmdel Townships, ao- jcsled tlio proposal would he south on Main St., at Ra- Mr, Warrior promptly warn- that area. It pointed out the loard, Mrs. Gloria M. Antlsell which the church anticipates rday morning when tho ear lording to nominating potl- inako annual rcnowAls of. tho (I members of the three ind Carl W., Blnger voted "no'l vine Dr., at a price of $27,- building at some future time. contrnot botwoon tho borough township tax rate had risen 500. Eighty members attend- In which he was riding collid- lons filed In tho munlotuall- boards present of thinking in 109, per cent In two years. n the motion to strip the cafe- nd tha allroad forms of "a building," He am- ed .the meeting. Furthermore, tbe authorized d headoii with a trailer ,103. No primary fight la slated '•- The 1 e t.t e r stressed that teria equipment and furnish- Salary Inoreaaod iliftslned the nood was to against a 60 per cent rise ID ings, The property is approxi- xpendlture Monday night truck on Roulo 34, near Flsr- In Matawan Borough or Madi- tlilnk in terms of education. mately 72 feet wide by 450 eliminated the immftllnte o Ave., Matawan, polio* te- An ordlnnnoa, litarenslng ' school costs there only had Situation Deplorable son Township for lmporUnt ho salary of tlio munlolpul This thinking could go bayondS been a 10 per cent rise' In feet deep and cdntlans three-' erection of the steepls,' some iorted.;Mr. Wells wa» pro- the high sohool letup, down to> Mr. Spurgat, Thursday, found quarters of on acre with )osts. naglstrato from $1000 to land values. The letter - con- deplorable that the Central plumbing, stage and acousti- nouncod, dead on arrival , At H2B0 annually wan adopted by thn olghth and seventh frontage on both Main a n d cal celling In thp Fellowship Matawan Borough Clerk J. tended. the type of building Ichool was being left with no 'erth Amboy Oeneral Hospi- ho council following a public grades, an lio snw It. Ho quo»- coming Into the township was Broad Sts. Situated on t '\_e Hall, some partitioning paint- Franklin Domlnlok reported l at which no objpo- afeteria at all for one year.