Final for approval Monday 8th April 2013 in the Kirk Rooms

Members Present: - Margaret Vass, John Gray, Richard Arnold, Marian Lever, Sue Rand, Julie Hutchison, Elspeth Posnett, Willie Oswald, Susan Morgan. In attendance: - Dai Hutchinson, Gordon Ash CDT, PC David McNally, Cllr Graham Lambie; Ian MacMillan, Stewart Smolarek & Kelton Bennett, Scottish Water and Murray McEwan, Scott Ambulance. + 15 members of the community

(SC = Council. CC = Community Council. CDT= Community Development Trust * Denotes an action)

1. Welcome from Chair and apologies: from Margaret Vass

Margaret welcomed everyone to the meeting. She intimated that Mike McNulty had tendered his resignation from the CC because of work pressures, but would be available to help as and when needed. Margaret thanked him for all he has done, especially at various work parties. She reminded everyone again that the term for this community council is coming to a close with elections due in October. It was hoped that residents would offer themselves for election. Apologies had been received from Mike McNulty, Alan Hutton, Philip Graves, Michael Lyner and Richard Begg. It was requested that agenda items be taken out of sequence.

2. Declaration of interests: - WO and JH indicated possible interests in environmental and Scottish Water issues.

3. Minutes of December meeting and matters arising: Minutes were taken as being a true record needing no amendment. Proposed by JH and seconded JG.

Matters Arising Item 3 – a report had been submitted to the Environmental and Housing Committee of SC setting out proposals for the village environmental issue. The affected properties may now only be 13, reduced from 42. This will be discussed on Thurs 11th April by elected members and it is hoped that there will be a further report on the matter by 6th June. It is hoped that there will be positive feedback from this Thursday’s meeting and MV requested approval from the CC to raise the matter in writing with SC. This was given. Item 5 – A81 parking and speed reduction measures – no response received yet from Brian Roberts. The roads budget does, however, seem to show more money for village road improvements, with Kirkhouse road to Ballewan Cresc to be resurfaced in August. The section from Duntreath to Spadeworks should also be resurfaced with a proposed road closure w/c 20th May. This may be approved during Thurs 11th meeting and will go on the website for comments. It was pointed out that the Roads e-mail did not invite comment from the CC. Consultation might have resulted in parking and speed calming

1 measures being incorporated into the road resurfacing exercise – possible efficiencies of scale and cost savings? Cllr Lambie pointed out that he had called a roads meeting in and had managed to elicit more work from SC. Maybe a similar approach could be tried here.

Update on location of defibrillator at the Blane Valley Inn. The building is owned by the brewery and they are being consulted. Qualified electrician on hand to install.

4. Discussion with Scottish Ambulance Service re Defibrillators – Murray McEwan and Di Hodgkinson A defibrillator had been donated to the village by the Hodgkinson Trust. Murray pointed out that the unit should be sited in an area of high footfall and that speed of application after a cardiac arrest was paramount. Every minute lost before application of treatment means a 12% reduction in the chance of survival. Standard CPR increases chances by 40/60%; defibrillation by 85/90%! He went on to give brief description of how to use the unit and to give confidence in using same the ambulance service would be willing to provide 2 hr training sessions which would also include CPR. A first date had been set for Tuesday 21st May in the school hall. Further dates may follow. Community first responders were also being sought who would be able to undergo training to the requirements of the Royal College of Surgeons to cover all types of emergency. This will not reduce ambulance service response cover in any way.

5. Update on Scottish Water turbines by Stewart Smolarek A powerpoint presentation was given, providing more technical detail on the project and an animated slide would be made available for use by the CC in the village by way of clarification at forthcoming community events. Works were due to commence during w/c 15th April with noisy saw cutting and demolition drilling taking place intermittently towards the year end. The turbine would not arrive until early 2014. On practical issues it was agreed that a letter drop to affected delivery route residents would keep them advised. School children arrival and departure times would be avoided. Any issues or complaints would be directed to Stewart locally or the SW helpline number. During closure of a footpath within the works area an alternative route would be provided. Various other issues including site security, damage to access roads and pavements and a possible water supply for the allotments were raised and answered (positively).

6. Police report – from PC McNally.

Last month was again quiet. The new school-located police office is running well-since 6th March, opened by the youngest schoolchild at school. There were parking issues to be addressed on busy days at Park access road – gridlock! Issues from the floor- break in and trashing of first aid kit in the allotments community hut. - a couple of local groups causing concern to community and motorists. - Fires set by vandals on Dumbrock Moor. It was pointed out that the local police could be contacted by dialling 101.

2 7. Current Planning and Licensing applications – from John Gray. a) 13/00122/FUL Muirhouse Farm target shooting ground – the presence of this first became apparent because of parking issues one year ago. At a meeting on site last Sunday it was ascertained that this was a long–established air rifle shooting club which had had to relocate. There had been a meeting every Sunday last year and it seemed that this might be a well-run organisation that local people might like to join. No concerns re planning apart from that parking should be restricted to within the site. b) 13/00133/FUL – this was a routine renewal update of a current approved application. c) Various other ongoing applications were non-contentious as long as planning officers apply the rules correctly. d) The solar panel farm adjacent to the distillery had been approved. MV pointed out that Comments on the LDP are now in the public domain and will be submitted to council on 2nd May. There had been only three local objections –Cala and another building company had also made comments. It was interesting that there had been few objections to the proposals for the Singh field. She also advised us to watch out for the potential development of housing at the Hospital site (outwith our area) but traffic flows would impinge. The felled trees at the devil’s elbow were discussed. The site was being “tidied” but looked worse than before. Claire Milne and the forestry officer have been contacted and will investigate. New trees are supposed to be planted to replace the old.

7. Community Comments MV had alerted Cllr Lambie of a reported hazardous surface on the lower footpath opposite the Co-op. An article in a recent Sunday paper about shortcomings in the management and running of Care Home were worrying. An enforcement notice had been raised by the Care Inspectorate and it was reported to be the worst home in . This was worrying as we do not want to lose the facility. An impressively speedy reaction from SC to a complaint last month had concentrated their efforts to replace one kerb stone! Several more which need attention could have been done during the same visit!

EP said that she had been asked whether a 20mph zone could be introduced in housing estate roads as there were a number of speeding cars evident –some of them regulars.MV also highlighted speeding on Kirkland Ave. Cllr Lambie said that there should be a safe routes to school programme in place around the village. A resident from Craigenlay Ave complained about the condition of estate roads which had seen no resurfacing in the 38 yrs he had lived there. It was pointed out that it was important to complain to the council to increase priority. GL pointed out that the Scottish High Hedges legislation had been passed into law and may give residents blighted by high trees and foliage a chance to address problems of loss of light and amenity.

8. Financial Matters – from Sue Rand

The financial situation was as follows: Current a/c £ 2405.00; Gold a/c £2722.00. A cheque had been generously donated to the CC from the Bottomly Charitable Trust via MacLay Murray and Spens. This was received with thanks.

3 MV asked SR if a review of likely expenditure of the CC could be prepared to allow for future financial planning.

9. Elected member report – from Councillor Lambie A council Budget meeting had been held on Thurs 24th Feb where statute required that they set a balanced budget. There had been a reduction in roads expenditure for the current year. He gave details of various road projects in the local area. Other topics reported on were: Planning application at Killearn Hospital Road Safety on A809 Stirling Council broadband initiative Windfarms Various planning matters Dog fouling Possible car parking charges at Mugdock Country Park to help towards running the park.

A full report is reproduced on line in Appendix I at www.strathblanefield.org.uk

Other matters raised by WO were the verge damage at the roundabout at the bottom of Kirkhouse Road caused, it seems, by lorries u-turning on the main road; lack of tree pruning at the Kirkhouse Inn and detritus on the road at Muirhouse Quarry. He had e-mailed SC re these issues, but had not yet received a response.

10. Community Path network from Margaret Vass A meeting had been convened with MV, AH and Jonathan Padmore of SC. It had been decided to let the Community Development Trust paths group lead on this. It was agreed that a document be drawn up – Walking Network – which would facilitate obtaining grants in future. Yet again the lack of a footpath between the bus stops on the A81 from Milndavie Rd was raised.

11. Litter and Dog Fouling – from Elspeth Posnett a) EP first of all mentioned that a cheque for £50 had been received from the Church to go towards the upkeep of the CC tubs and borders. This was in celebration of Easter. £30 had been expended on plants and £20 would go towards the tubs. ( A letter of thanks had been sent to the Rev Richard Begg) b) The animal control officer Jim Fisher had been contacted re dog fouling sign at Ballewan Cresc. Gordon Dewar had visited Strathblane several times to review dog walker activities and will return again. MV indicated that the suggested dog waste bin at the entry to the railway track had been turned down so it was planned to arrange an on-site meeting. It was suggested that in view of the heavy fouling of the railway track environs a notice might be erected- dog walkers may be oblivious of their responsibilities in this area. c) A litter pick by Scouts and Guides was planned w/c 13th May. The school litter pick will be at a different time. The CC organized litter pick is planned for 22nd –27th April.


10. Correspondence – from Richard Arnold A letter with enclosures had been received covering Governance Arrangements for council business. This indicated that the public could view committee papers on line to view issues prior to council meetings

Note copy deadlines for Blane Valley Bulletin – Monday 22nd April Monday 20th May

11. Date of next meeting – Monday 13th May 2013 in the school


5 Appendix I follows on-line at www.strathblanefield.org.uk

Forth and Endrick News - Strathblane - Monday, 8th April 2013

Arnprior Buchanan Killearn Kippen Strathblane Councillor Lambie Report • Council Budget Meeting: This was held on Thursday 21st February where the council was required by statute to set a balanced budget. There are reductions in capital spend on roads for 2013/2014 - The budget heading Road Infrastructure – Managing Asset Condition has a £675,000 reduction from 4,075,000 to £3,400,000 for 2013/2014. There are other reductions for Bridges and Culverts, Road Safety Improvements, Speed Activated Signs, Speed Limit Review & Village Entrance Improvements. I have asked the roads officers about the impact on the Forth and Endrick ward, which comes under Section 2 of the 3 Section council road maintenance schedule. (Update: There does not appear to be any notice of disruption to the recently completed, in progress, and planned projects including – A81 Blane Smithy Killearn, Old Mugdock Road Strathblane, B837 Drymen to , A811 Arnprior). • Education Committee: This is one of the new committees that was set up after the council elections in May 2012. The last agenda included items on: Education Standards and Quality Report; Devolved School Management; Curriculum for Excellence and Rural Skills; and School Estate Review. The previous Committee agenda included items on: Installation of PVs (Photovoltaic Panels) in the school estate; and Campus Based Police Officers – the role of the Police Office in Strathblane Primary School was referred to). • New Head Teachers in Stirling Council: There have been 2 relatively recent appointments at Wallace and Balfron High Schools. The successful candidates were respectively - Scott Pennock (Deputy Head Teacher - High School, and Elaine Bannatyne (Deputy Head Teacher - Bearsden Academy). (Update: I met the new Head Teacher at the Area Forum and have arranged to meet her in March/April). • Road Projects for Strathblane: I have asked roads for am update on some specific work in Strathblane – A81 Resurfacing to Spadeworks Corner, A81 Resurface or Surface Dressing from Spadeworks to Blanefield, A81 Resurfacing work within Strathblane boundary, any other works associated with Old Mugdock Road. • Road Projects for Strathblane & Forth and Endrick 2013/2014: Planned and Ongoing projects include – A809 Croftamie, A81 near Blane Smith Roundabout, B822 Fintry Cemetery, A81 Duntreath, A875 Boquhan, A81 Hoish, A81 Mid-Ballat, A811 Arnprior, A81 Blanefield, B822 Gribloch, B837 Balmaha and Drymen, B822 Crow Road, B818 Carronbridge, B818 Fintry, C22 Station Rd Gargunnock, C6 Rowardenan, C36 Kippen Firs Rd to Arnprior. • Road Works A81 Blane Smithy Roundabout: I understand this was completed ahead of schedule and have thanked the roads officer for the works, along with the new white lining at Ballat crossroads, although I am concerned about the quality of white lining on other road projects.

6 • Road Works A811 Drymen/Croftamie to Balloch Subsidence Repair: I have asked if this can be done via a Contra Flow and can it be done in conjunction with other roads projects in West Dunbartonshire. (See Appendices 1 and 2) • Planning Panel Membership Change: Cllr Muirhead and I are now both full planning panel members, which prevents us from giving a public position of support or objection for a ‘live’ application. If a position is given the member would be debarred from voting on the panel. Panel members can still refer applications to the panel provided no specific message of support or objection is given in the referral request. • Planning Killearn Hospital Site Application: This is also a live application which prevents Cllr Muirhead and my-self from making a public statement of support or opposition to this now ‘live’ application. However, I can report that communities and residents across West are in broad support for a quality mixed development on the site. • Road Safety on A809: I’ve asked what additional mitigation is planned for this route and requested a site visit from the roads officer – Stuart Geddes. (Update: The inspection visit took place on 24th Jan and covered the entire route including – Queens View, Auchineden Entrance, Cuilts Rd B821 Entrance onto A809, and the section of the A809 into East Dunbartonshire. There are a number of road safety works planned for the road including – signage, road markings, and removal of branches etc. to improve sight lines. Some of these improvements such as cutting back of vegetation to improve sight lines are not expensive. See Appendix 3). • Stirling Council Broadband Initiative: The council held a Broadband seminar on 12th January which was well attended by rural community representatives. The level of expertise shown by the attendees was very high with Broadband upload capacity high on the requirements. The council have committed expenditure of some 600K for the advancement of Broadband and the Scottish Government. Community Councils have been contacted about this. A similar event was held on Saturday 16th March at 09:00 in the Council Chambers. A useful website for community based broadband is the www.communitybroadbandscotland.org • Windfarms in Stirling Council: All of the recent wind farm applications that have gone to appeal have not been supported by the Planning Reporter. This is consistent with planning officer’s recommendations. Given the robustness of the Stirling Council wind farm policy I have asked why most wind farm applications have to go to the planning panel. • Policing – Retirement: Chief Inspector Kevin Findlater has recently retired and we would want to acknowledge his nearly 30 years of service to rural policing in west Stirlingshire. Some recent successes that Kevin and his team of officers have achieved include – very encouraging reductions in house breaking, a significant cut in road fatalities, and the removal of large elements of anti social behaviour along the shores of East Loch Lomondside. Indeed Kevin was a prominent supporter of the introduction of the Alcohol and Rough Camping By Laws designed to protect this vulnerable area of the National Park.

7 Other Issues from the Village: • Planning – Air Rifle Range 13/00122/FUL: I have asked Lynne Currie (Planning Enforcement Officer) for details on this and if it is a category that can be referred to the planning panel. • Planning – Blanefield House Extension 3/00133/FUL: I have asked Mark Laird (Case Officer) for details, and whether it could be subject to a referral to a planning panel. (Extensions are normally delegated to officers). • Planning – PV’s Photo Voltaic Solar Arrays near Killearn: I had asked Killearn CC about this and as far as I am aware there did not appear to be any objections. Also, at a recent planning panel meeting the panel approved an application to install PV’s on a building owned by the council – the officer recommendation was for refusal – this item featured on the front page of the Stirling Observer. • Planning - Dumgoyne Walkers Car Park: I contacted the applicant’s agent about this and have followed this up with the roads officer. I will contact the applicant this week to see if we can get some movement on this much needed facility. • Dog Fouling: I note that this is on the agenda and have contacted Bobby Cranie (Animal Control Officer) and PC McNally. On a recent walk around Mugdock Country Park there were a number of dog fouling bags lying around and a lack of bins to deposit them in – this will be investigated at the next Management Committee meeting. • Mugdock Country Park Car Park: There have been discussions at the park committee that an affordable car parking charge might be levied to cover costs of running the park including - dog fouling, litter collection, improved facilities etc. I understand that this may not be a popular move and am seeking the views of Strathblane residents before investigating this. • Others: Any issues important to residents and the CC not covered here.

Councillor Graham Lambie Stirling Council Old Viewforth Stirling FK8 2ET 0845 277 7000 [email protected]

8 Appendix 1:

Road Officer Response to Cllr questions about A81 and B837 Works

It is not possible to use a contra flow system as there is not enough road width to operate safely within Health & Safety Regulations. As per previous works on this location there will be a time banded closure, this allows the road to be closed for 2 ½ hour periods before being opened to traffic for half an hour at a time.

The works on the A811 will consist of stabilising the existing material using recycling methods, this will result in the road being closed to all through traffic for at least three days. It is not possible to work in conjunction with West Dumbarton as any works on this road does require a closure, we also need to ensure that any residents can always access there properties albeit via a diversion in some cases.

We are basically governed by legislation when it comes to roadworks and when a road must be closed to ensure the safety of the workforce and the public. Any decision to close roads is a last resort, but due to the nature and widths of our rural road network it is now very difficult to avoid road closures whilst carrying out major works in this area.

If there is any further information that you require please get in touch.



Stephen Todd Rural Team Leader Environment Services Roads Maintenance

Appendix 2:

Road Closure Order

A811, nr Drymen From its junction with the A809 to its junction with the A813 from 8-4-13 until 12-4-13 to facilitate carriageway reconstruction works.

Alternative route - via A813, A82, A810 and A809 and vice versa.

9 Appendix 3:

As far as I am aware, minor improvement work at Queen's View (2 trees and a barrier were removed prior to our visit) and Garvel bends is almost complete. The vehicle activated sign supplier is in our area just now commissioning installations at various sites across the Council area. I will speak to my traffic management colleagues (on their return from leave & illness) to confirm that all of the work is complete, or near completion.

I am continuing my work on the A809 route study and hope to finish this soon, allowing any actions that arise to be considered in the coming year.

Brian and I haven't had a chance to discuss the road safety impact of the latest budget yet. The reduction in capital budget may make it more difficult to carry out medium sized projects such as bend realignment or junction improvements, though these can be phased over 2 financial years. Beyond that, I hope the effect of any cuts will be minimal in those areas most in need of action, particularly A809.

I hope this information is useful.


Stuart Geddes Stirling Council Room 315 Viewforth STIRLING FK8 2ET