1 - Volume MMVII. No. 1 January 2007 President: Mark Folkerts (425) 486-9733 folkerts at seanet.com The Stargazer Vice President: James Bielaga (425) 337-4384 jamesbielaga at aol.com P.O. Box 12746 Librarian: Mike Locke (425) 259-5995 mlocke at lionmts.com Everett, WA 98206 Treasurer: Carol Gore (360) 856-5135 janeway7C at aol.com Newsletter co-editor: Bill O’Neil (774) 253-0747 wonastrn at seanet.com Web assistance: Cody Gibson (425) 348-1608 sircody01 at comcast.net See EAS website at: (change ‘at’ to @ to send email) http://members.tripod.com/everett_astronomy nearby Diablo Lake. And then at night, discover the night sky like EAS BUSINESS… you've never seen it before. We hope you'll join us for a great weekend. July 13-15, North Cascades Environmental Learning Center North Cascades National Park. More information NEXT EAS MEETING – SATURDAY JANUARY 27TH including pricing, detailed program, and reservation forms available shortly, so please check back at Pacific Science AT 3:00 PM AT THE EVERETT PUBLIC LIBRARY, IN Center's website. THE AUDITORIUM (DOWNSTAIRS) http://www.pacsci.org/travel/astronomy_weekend.html People should also join and send mail to the mail list THIS MONTH'S MEETING PROGRAM:
[email protected] to coordinate spur-of-the- Toby Smith, lecturer from the University of Washington moment observing get-togethers, on nights when the sky Astronomy department, will give a talk featuring a clears. We try to hold informal close-in star parties each month visualization presentation he has prepared called during the spring, summer, and fall months on a weekend near “Solar System Cinema”.