Siiiiittan DAILY Hale-Bopp Returns Comet Last Rounded Earth in 2213 B.C
,11,,111111.1111 VOLUME 108, NO. 44 FRIDAY APRIL 4, 1997 SPORTS 1 Profile of gymnast, April 6: Don't forget to senior Tara Law set your clock forward Page 4 Jose State University Since 1 9 3 4 SiiiiitTAN DAILY Hale-Bopp returns Comet last rounded Earth in 2213 B.C. By Mark Steidel around right now," Hale said on the web. farther from the sun than other comets, Spartan Daily Staff Writer site, "CNN Interactive." "If you don't venting 20 times as much gas at 600 mil- believe me, go out and look at the comet lion miles away and 100 times as much Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird, it's a ... and sec for yourself if there's anything dust as Halley's comet at the same dis- plane. It's Hale-Bopp, the comet that last there. And if you still don't believe me, tance. When it was discovered, at was 250 visited our inner solar system in 2213 I'm selling tickets to the alien landing." times brighter than Halley's comet at a B.C. Hale-Bopp. scientists believe, began similar distance from the sun. The Hale-Bopp comet The comet was discovered on July 23, life like any other comet just another Astronomers say it could be one of the 1995 by Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp, appears, top right, over clump of swirling gases and stardust aim- brightest comets of the 20th century. San Jose by making a who were more than 400 miles apart from lessly wandering at the edge of our solar "It's at its brightest right now, and it double exposure each other.