Title of Report: Item 11 - Consultation Officer Presenting: Principal Planning Response to Mid District Council re: Officer their LDP Preferred Options Paper (POP) and Interim Sustainability Report (SA) Author: Senior Planning Officer

1 Purpose of Report/Recommendations 1.1 This report is to advise Members of the content of a proposed consultation response from this Council to District Council regarding the Preferred Options Paper (POP) for its Local Development Plan (LDP). A copy of the consultation letter, and the Draft response, are attached at Appendices 13 and 14.

2 Background 2.1 The Mid Ulster District Council issued the Preferred Options Paper (POP) for its Local Development Plan (LDP) on 7th November 2016. This is the first formal public consultation stage in the LDP-preparation process. It is subject to a twelve week consultation period, which ends on 27th January 2017. 2.2 As an adjoining council, City and District Council is considered to be a ‘consultation body’ in accordance with the Planning (Local Development Plan) Regulations (NI) 2015. Accordingly, Mid Ulster District Council must therefore ‘engage’ and ‘take into account’ any representations received from the consultation bodies. 2.3 The Mid Ulster District Council LDP Team has previously issued an initial consultation letter (10th May 2016) and our officials responded on 26th May 2016, setting out the main issues of common concern. This Council has now been notified of the publication of their Prepared Options Paper (POP) on 7th November 2016. We can also expect to be consulted again at the Draft Plan Strategy stage (approx. Spring 2017) and at Local Policies Plan stage (approx. Winter 2018 / 2019). 2.4 As an adjoining council, it is important for Derry City and Strabane District Council to consider the Mid Ulster LDP direction as set out in their POP, to ensure co- ordination with our current Area Plans and particularly with our own future LDP. Accordingly, this Council’s LDP officials have prepared a response letter which is to issue to Mid Ulster to meet their consultation deadline of 27th January 2017, subject to consideration by this Committee and Council ratification in the normal manner.

3 Key Issues 3.1 A copy of this response is attached at Appendix 14. It sets out the key issues of common concern for both our Districts and proposes further discussion and input from this (and other adjoining) Councils, so as to ensure the co-ordination of the strategic Planning issues for our Districts. 4 Financial, Equality, Legal, HR, Improvement and other Implications 4.1 There are considered to be no legal, equality, financial or other implications for Council in this response.

5 Recommendations 5.1 It is recommended that Members consider the content of the appended letter, confirming that this Council is content with these initial comments and the course of action for continued co-operation with Mid Ulster District Council, including officer participation in our ‘Adjoining Councils Stakeholder Group’ and ongoing liaison at informal / formal key stages of the process.

Background Papers

Appendix 13 – Consultation Letter from Mid Ulster District Council

Appendix 14 – Draft Response Letter to Mid Ulster District Council