2015 REGENTS EDUCATION PRELIMINARY PROGRAM September 22, 2015 PHF Conference Center

7:30 a.m. Registration

8 a.m. Reception/ Breakfast

8:30 a.m. Welcome 1 credit Chancellor Glen D. Johnson Regent Toney Stricklin, Chairman, State Regents for Higher Education

Overview – State System of Higher Education Chancellor Glen D. Johnson

9:30 a.m. Keynote Address 1 credit The Honorable ,

10:30 a.m. Consequential Governance 1 credit Tom Meredith, Association of Governing Boards

11:30 a.m. Lunch 1.5 credit Higher Education’s Changing Role in a Global Economy Dane Linn, Business Roundtable

1:00 p.m. Making Investment in Higher Education a State Priority 1 credit Chancellor Glen D. Johnson (moderator) President David Boren, President Burns Hargis, Oklahoma State University

2:00 p.m. What a Board Member Needs to Know – Student Success and College Completion 1 credit Tom Meredith, Association of Governing Boards Tony Hutchison, Vice Chancellor for Strategic Planning & Analysis and Workforce & Economic Development Amanda Paliotta, Vice Chancellor for Budget and Finance and Information Technology, Telecommunications and OneNet

3:00 p.m. Creating a Safe Campus Environment: Cultural Diversity, Title IX Compliance, and State Regents Safety and Security Task Force 1 credit Tom Meredith, Association of Governing Boards Mackenzie Wilfong, Associate General Counsel, Board of Regents for the Oklahoma Agricultural & Mechanical Colleges

Angela Caddell – Associate Vice Chancellor for Communications

3:00 p.m. Board Chairman’s Meeting

4:00 p.m. The Ins and Outs of the Oklahoma Ethics Rules 1 credit The Honorable Glenn Coffee, former Oklahoma Secretary of State and former Senate President Pro Tempore Lee Slater, Executive Director, Oklahoma Ethics Commission

5:00 p.m. Ethics – Open Meetings/Open Records 1 credit Jan Preslar, Assistant Attorney General

6:00 p.m. Legislative Update .5 credit Chancellor Glen D. Johnson Hollye Hunt, Vice Chancellor for Governmental Relations

6:30 p.m. Dinner 1 credit System Initiatives

Budget Update and Higher Education Funding Formula Amanda Paliotta, Vice Chancellor for Budget and Finance and Information Technology, Telecommunications and OneNet

Oklahoma’s Promise Bryce Fair, Associate Vice Chancellor for Scholarships and Grants

Reach Higher Program Dr. Debbie Blanke, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Sheila Smith, Administrator for the Reach Higher Program

OCAP-Money Matters Mary Heid, Executive Director, Oklahoma College Assistance Program

GEAR UP Jolynn Horn, GEAR UP Project Director