Press kit ARTISTS contact presse: Sophie Dulin • • +33 6 07 90 76 30 Yann Perreau • • +33 6 40 97 70 73 • Instagram : @setelosangeles Association Sète - Los Angeles • siret : 83875791200012 SCOLI ACOSTA Born in 1973 in Los Angeles, Scoli Acosta is represented by galerie Laurent Godin in France. «The aesthetics of resourcefulness» is a phrase that Scoli Acosta has often used to describe his wide-ranging artwork, which includes sculpture, installation, drawing, painting, photography, video and performance. Thirty-eight years old and slight of frame, Acosta has a sheepish but subtly theatrical demeanor that gives every conversation the feel of a performance. Though he grew up in Lincoln Heights and Baldwin Hills, he lived in Europe on and off through his 20s, speaks French, some German and some Spanish, and maintains a somewhat self-conscious relationship to English, his diction intermittently formal and colloquial. His process is one of meandering absorption, his work the outgrowth, in many cases, of his interactions with a particular place.” Holly Myers, Los Angeles Times, 2011. Levitating the Pentagon (poems), performance, 2011 ©La Ferme du Buisson LES ARTISTES SCOLI acosta Scoli Acosta films himself in front of the frescoes in Los Angeles, those that Agnes Varda filmed in Walls Walls, which is happening in his hometown. The members of Asco (nausea in Spanish), militant Chicanos artists of the 1960s, appear with Scoli Acosta in the Phantom Sightings exhibition at LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art) in 2008. VANESSA atlaN Born in Paris (France) in 1971. Lives and works in Los Angeles.
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