B6no Slainue an Lartam
Minutes of the meeting of the Western Health Board 5th June 1973 Item Type Meetings and Proceedings Authors Western Health Board (WHB) Publisher Western Health Board (WHB) Download date 27/09/2021 01:35:05 Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10147/89456 Find this and similar works at - http://www.lenus.ie/hse b6no slAinue An lARtAm WESTERN HEALTH BOARD Telephone: Galway 7631 HEADQUARTERS, MERLIN PARK REGIONAL HOSPITAL, GALWAY. 5th June, 1973. To: Each Board Member: Re: Report of Working Party on Psychiatric Nursing Services of Health Boards Dear Member, I enclose, for your information, copy of the above report received today from the Minister for Health. Copies are also being distributed among the Nursing Staffs of these hospitals. Yours sincerely, E. Hannan, Chief Executive Officer. " corresponding upward od)u«t»ont in tho r*vU«d lovel of not expenditure at notified for tho currant financial year. /2 b6RO slAince An lARtAm WESTERN HEALTH BOARD Telephone: Galway 7631 HEADQUARTERS, MERLIN PARK REGIONAL HOSPITAL, GALWAY. 12th June, 1973. To: Each Member of the Board: Re: Future of County Hospital, Roscommon - Acute Hospital Services Dear Member, A Special Meeting of the Board to consider the above matter will be held in the Boardroom here on Monday next, 18th June, at 3.00 p.m. You are hereby requested to attend. Copy of my report enclosed herewith, which, at this stage, should be regarded as strictly confidential, and not for publication before time of meeting. Yours sincerely, &b^^ &vj • E.Jet Hannan , Chief Executive Officer. accordingly anticipated a corresponding upward adjustment in the revised level of net expenditure as notified for the current financial year.
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