Titus and Luke, being afraid at the sight us as Paul promised us. We have just seen of Longus and Cestus, tumed to run him in prayer beside you." Upon hearing away. this Titus and Luke gave them joyfully But they followed and said to them, the seal in the Lord, glorifying God "We follow you not in order to kilì and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ The Acts of Thecla you, blessed men of God, as you imagine, to whom be glory for ever and ever. but in order to live, that you may do to Amen.

The 'Acts of Thecla" is a legendary account of the adventures of Thecla, a woman converted to the Christian faith through the preaching of the apostle Paul'' Paul himself appears on the fringes of tlie rto.¡ u, u ro"ìulydisruptive evangelist who converts women to a life of shici and sexual renunciation, much to the chagrin of their husbands and fiancés. Thecla is portrayed here as the daughter of a woman named rheocleia and the financée of a prominent citizen of the city of lconium, Thamyris. Listening to Paul preach his message of chastity, Tirecla becomes enthralled and decides to become paul's follower, renouncing her family and abandon- ing her francée. In response, paul Thamyris has uå.r,"¿. when Thecla then refuses to fulfill her sociar obligation of marriage, she is condemned (at her mother's own instigation) to be burned at the stake. But she is miracuiously delivered from martyrdom, and joins up with paul on his journeys. rühen they arrive in Antioch, however, another series of setbacks occurs, in which rhecra is arrested for humiliating a leàding aristocrat of the^city while refusing his sexuar advances. But onðe more, in a remarkable series of episodes (in ùhich, among other things, Thecla baptizes herself in a pool of ravenous seals), God intervenes on Thecla's behalf, preserving her from death. she is eventuaily then reunited with her belovód apostlel Paul, who authorizes her to share fully in his ministry of teaching oe wor¿. The Acts of Thecla was evidently in circulatián near the end of the second century, along with the other na¡ratives found in the.Acts ofpaul,, (see above, and below on 3 Corinthians). Thecla herself, largely based on this text ú" legendary accounts T9 that it then generated, became an erormously important and object of devotion, ãspecially for women, down through the Middle Ages.,

rsæ.Ehmûn, ¿or, Crr ristianíties,3l-35. 25æ Stephen J. Dayies, The Cult oÍ Saint Thecla: A Tmdítion.of wmen\ pietv in rate Ant¡quir¡ lNew iork: o*ãt¿,irñìl;ä canridge and E iotr, Arl and rhe Chrlstian Apocrypha, chap. 5.

Translatíon by Bart D. Ehrman, based on the Greek text in E. A. Lipsius and M. Bonnet, Aus Apostolorum Apocrypha; part I (Hildesheim: Georg Olms, 1959), with several textual alterations based on manuscript evidence.


4 As Paul was going to Iconium after great hypocrisy, so that Demas said, "Do Blessed are those who have a full Thamyris said to Theocleia, "Where is I his escape from Antioch, his fellow we not also belong to the one who is understanding of Jesus my Thecla?" Theocleia replied, "I have travelers were Demas and Hermogenes Blessed? For you did not greet us like Christ, for they will be in some news to tell you, Thamyra. Thecla the bronze-smith, who were filled with thisl" Onesiphorus replied, "I did not see the light. has not gotten up from the window for hypocrisy. They kdpt entreating Paul ear- any fruit of righteousness in you. But if Blessed are those who have de- three days and nights, not even to eat or nestly, as if they loved him. But Paul was that is what you are, then come to my parted from the shell of this drink; but she is gazing out as ifwatching looking only at the goodness of Christ, house as well, and be refreshed from your world because of the love a festival. For she has grown attached to and so did them no harm; instead, he journey." of God, for they will judge a foreign man who is teaching various loved them very much, giving them sweet angels and be blessed at the deceitful wo¡ds, so that I am amazed at discourses about all the Lord's sayings, When Paul entered Onesiphorus's right hand of the Father. how the virgin's sense of modesty can be involving the teaching and interpretation 5 house there was great joy, the Blessed are those who show mercy, so badly disturbed. of the gospel, and the birth and resurrec- bending of knees in prayer, the breaking for they will receive mercy tion of God's Beloved. And he was tell- of bread, and a proclamation of the word and will not see the bitter "Thamyris, this man is stirring up ing them word-for-word how the majestic of God concerning self-control and the day ofjudgment. the city of the Iconians as well as character of Christ been Blessed are the bodies of the vir- I had revealed to resurfection, as Paul said: your own Thecla. For all the wives and him. "Blessed are the pure in heart, for gins, for these will be youth are going in to see him, learning they will see God. pleasing to God and will from him that, 'You must fear the one Blessed are those who have kept not lose the reward for their There was a certain man named and only God and live a chaste life.'Even the flesh chaste, for they chastity; for the word of the 2 Onesiphorus who heard that Paul my daughter is bound to the window like will become a temple of Father will be an accom- was corning to Iconium. He went out to a spider, seized by a new desire and fear- God. plished act of salvation for meet him to give him welcome, taking ful passion through his words. For she Blessed are those who are self- them on the day of his Son, along his children Simmias and Zenon gazes at the words he speaks; and so the controlled, for God and they will receive an and his wife Lectra. For Titus had told will virgin has been captured. But you come etemal rest." him what Paul looked like; for Onesipho- speak to them. and speak with he¡; for she is your Blessed are those have rus had never seen him in the flesh, but who re- fiancée." only in the spirit. , nounced this world, for they 7 While Paul was saying these things will be pleasing to God. / in the midst of the church in One- Blessed are those who have wives siphorus's house, there was a certain vir- He went out to the Royal Road as if they did not have gin named Thecla, daughter ofTheocleia 1 0 il"ä'Ëä:'",i"î:,'"i'.i:ï:å that leads to Lystra and stood 3 them, for they will be the and engaged to a man named Thamyris, gone mad. He said to her, "Thecla, my there waiting for him, observing those heirs of God. who was sitting at the window of the future wife, why are you sitting like this? who were coming along in light of Ti- Blessed are those who have the house next door. Day and night Thecla What kind of mad passion has over- tus's description. Then he saw Paul fear of God, for they will heard what PauI said about chastit¡ and whelmed you? Turn around to see your coming: a man short in stature, with a become the angels of God. she did not budge from the window, but Thamyris and be ashamed." And her bald head, good bowed legs, in condi- was drawn to faith with great joy. Yet mother was also saying the same things, tion, eyebrows that met, a fairly large "Blessed are those who tremble at when she saw many wives and virgins "Child, why do you sit like this looking nose, and full of grace. At times he 6 the sayings of God, for they going in to see Paul, she also wanted to down without answering, as if you were seemed human, at other times he looked will be comfofed. be found worthy to stand in Paul's pres- paralyzed?" And they were weeping bit- like an ange1. Blessed are those who have ¡e- ence to hear the word of Christ. For she terly: Thamyris for missing out on a wife, ceived the wisdom of Jesus had not yet seen what Paul looked like, Thecleia for a child, and the servants for à When Paul saw Onesiphorus he Christ, for they will be but had only heard his word. a mistress. And the household was + smiled; and Onesiphorus said, called sons of the Highest. thrown into a great confusion because of "Greetings, servant of the Blessed God." Blessed are those who have kept Since she would not rise up from their mourning. Yet while these things Paul replied, "Grace be with you and their baptism, for they will B the window, her mother sent word were happening, Thecla did not hrm your house." But Demas and Hermoge- find their rest in the Father to Thamyris. He gladly came, as if al- aside, but continued gazing toward the nes became jealous and stirred up a and the Son. ready taking her to their wedding. Then words spoken by Paul. 116 NON-CANONICAL ACTS OF THE APOSTLES THE ACTS OF THECT/\ 117

.l Thamyris ran outside and 'l went When Thamyris heard these of holiness and the love of the truth. Ii him!" But the governor was glad to hear to , I the street, and began observ- 15 things from them, he was filled then, I am teaching what God has re- Paul speak of the holy deeds of Christ. ing those who were going jealousy in to see Paul with and anger. Early the next vealed to me, O hoconsul, how have I When the governor had consulted his ad- and those coming out. He saw two men morning he went off to the house of One- done anything wrong?" When the gov- visors, he summoned Thecla and said, having a bitter quarrel, and he said to siphorus with the leaders, public servants, emor heard these things, he ordered Paul "Why do you not marry Thamyris, in them, 'Men, tell me who you are, and and a large crowd carrying clubs, and he to be bound and taken off to prison, until accordance with the law ofthe lconians?" who this one is who is inside with you, said to Paul, "You have corrupted the city he had greater leisure to listen to him But she stood gazing at Paul. Vy'hen she leading astray the youths and deceiving of the Iconians and my own fiancée, so mofe carefully. did not answer, her mother 'ileocleia the virgins by telling them not to get that she no longer desires me. Come, we cried out, "Bum the lawless one! Bum married but to remain as they are. I prom- are going to the governor Castelius." And But that night Thecla removed the one who will not be a bride, burn her ise to reward you handsomely you if tell the entire crowd was saying, "Take the 1B her bracelets and gave them to in the midst of the theater! Then all the me about him. For the I am leading citi- magician away; for he has corrupted all the gatekeeper; and when the door was wives who have been taught by this one zen of the city." our wiVes." And the crowds were opened for he¡ she went away to the will fear!" persuaded. prison. She then gave a silver mirror to Demas and Hermogenes said to the prison guard and came in to Paul. The governor was in great ag- him, "We do not know who 12 he When he stood before the gov- Sitting at his feet, she heard about the 21 ony over the case. He had Paul is. But he iS depriving young men judgment oftheir 16 ernor's seat, Thamy- majestic character of God. Paul showed flogged and cast out of the city; but he wives and virgins husbands, of their by ris called out with a loud voice, "O P¡o- no sign of fear but was filled with the ordered Thecla to be burned at the stake. saying that 'You will not be raised from consul, we do not know where this man boldness of God. And Thecla's faith Immediately the governor,got up ånd left the dead unless you remain chaste, ab- comes from, But he does not allow vir- inbreased as she was kissing Paul's for the theater. And the entire crowd went stain from polluting the flesh, guard gins and to be married. Læt him tell you why bonds. out, since they too had to observe the your chastity.' " he is teaching these things." But Dema spectacle. But Thecla was like a lamb in and Hermogenes said to Thamyris, "Say the wilderness looking around to see its Thamyris said to them, 'Men, that he a is Christian, and you will de- 19 iJi,ä"itlH:ifi';# shepherd-so was she trying to catch a come 13 to my house and enjoy stroy him." But the governor had already ris, were looking for he¡ searching for glimpse of Paul. Looking intently into some refreshment with me." They went decided what to do; he called Paul and her on the roads as if she were lost. Then the crowd she saw the Lord sitting there, off to a lavish dinner with ample wine, a asked him, "Who are you, and what are one of the gatekeeper's fellow sl¿ves dis- in the appearance of Paul. And she said, great abundance, and a splendid spread. you teaching? For they are making no closed that she had gone out at night. "Since I am unable to endure my fate, Thamyris was plying them with drink small accusation against you!" They examined the gatekeepe¡ who told Paul has come to watch over me." And because he loved Thecla and wanted to them, "She has gone to the foreigner in she coniinued to gaze upon him. But he have her as his wife. Over dinner Tha- 4 7 Paul raised his voice and said, prison." They went out just as he told departed into heaven. myris said, "Men, tell me what he I I "If today I am to defend what I them and found her, in a manner of teaches, so I can understand it. For I am teach, listen to me, O Proconsul. The speaking, bound together with Paul in The children and virgins in no small agony over Thecla, because living God, the God of vengeance, the affection. Coming out from there they 22 brought wood and hay for she is in love with the stranger and am jealous I God, the God who stands in need roused the crowds and revealed what had Thecla's burning. When she was being deprived of my marriage." of nothing-this God has sent me to pro- happened to the govemor. brought into the arena naked, the gov- people vide with salvation by dragging ernor wept, marveling at the power he Demas and Hermogenes said, 4 lt them away from corruption and impurity He commanded Paul to be saw in her. They spread out the wood, I + "Make him stand trial before pleasure and every and death, that they 20 brought before the judgment and the leaders of the people ordered the governor, Castelius, for leading the may no longer sin. This is also why God seat. But Thecla was rolling around on her to mount the pyre. Making the crowds astray with the new teaching of sent his own child, whom I proclaim, the place where Paul had been teaching shape of the cross she went up ontô the the . Then he will destroy him teaching that everyone must place their while sitting in the jail. The govemor wood. And they lit it. But when it and you will have as your Thecla wife. hope in him. For he alone has felt sym- ordered her to be brought to thejudgment roared into a great fire, the flames did And we will teach you that this resurrèc- patþ for this world while it rvas going seat âs well. She came gladl¡ ñlled with not touch her. For God out of his com- tion which he claims is about to happen astray, that people may no longer fall joy. When Paul was brought forward passion caused a great roar under- has already occurred in the children we under judgment but have faith and the again, the crowd began crying out more ground, and overhead a cloud full of have had. fear of God, along with the knowledge ferventl¡ "He is a magician; away with water and hailstones overshadowed the 118 NON.CANONICAL /{CTS OF THE APOSTLES THE ACT5 OF THECI..A 119

place; ånd there was an immense cloud- they rejoiced the deeds she had in holy of Christ. to fight the witd beasts. A ceftain us problems. Hand over the one who is burst so that many people were in dan- Thecla said Paul, my wealthy queen to "I will cut off named Tryphaena, whose to fight the beasté and I will take he¡ ger of dying. The ûre was extinguished hair and follow you wherever you go." daughter had died, took her into her care away." But Tiyphaena put him to flight and Thecla was saved. He replied, '.The and was time is shameful and comforted by her. by crying out: "Our household has you afe beautiful; another,temptation mourned a second time for my Falconilla; But Paul was fasting with One- may overtake you worse than the first, For the procession of the wild and there is no one to help us-not my siphorus and his wife and chil- and you may not be 23 able to endure but 28 beasts, they bound Thecla to a child, for she has died, nor a relative, for dren in an op€n tomb on the path they behave like a cowardly man." Thecla fierce lioness; and Queen Tryphaena fol- I am a widow. O God of my child Thecla, were taking from Iconium to Daphne. said, "Only give me the seal in Christ, lowed her. But while Thecla was sitting help her!" After many days had passed and they and no temptation will touch me!" Paul on the lioness, it began licking her feet, were still fasting, the children said to replied, patient 'Thecla, be and you will to the amazement of the entite crowd. The governor then sent soldiers Paul, "We are hungry." They had no receive the water." The charge against her was inscribed: 31 to bring Thecla. But Tlyphaena money to buy bread, because Onesipho- "Sacrilegious." The women with their did not leave her but led her out by the rus had left the things the world ..O of in Paul sent Onesþhorus and his children were crying out again, God, hand, saying, "I took my daughær Fal- order to follow Paul, along with his entire 26 entire household back to lcon- what an unholy judgment has occurred conilla away to the tomb; but you, The- household. So Paul took off his outer ium, and took Thecla with him into An- in this city!" Tryphaena then took her cla, I take away to fight the wild beasts.,' gannent and said, "Go, child, buy plenty tioch. they As were entering the city, a home from the procession; for her daugh- And Thecla wept bitterly and moaned to of bread and bring it back here." As the certain leader of the Syrians named Al- ter Falconilla had died and appeared to the Lord, saflng, "O L¡rd God, in whom child was making his purchases, he saw exander saw Thecla aíd was inflamed her in a dream, and said to he¡ "Mother, I believe, to whom I have fled for refuge, his neighbor, Thecla. He was amazed and passion with for her, and began enffeating you should take this desolate stranger, the one who saved me from the fire: Give said to he¡ "Where are you going?" She Paul money gifts. with and But Paul said, Thecla, in my place, that she may pray Tryphaena her reward for showing sym- replied, "I have been saved from the fire "I do notknow the you woman are speak- for me and I be moved to the place of the pathy to your servant and for keeping me and am looking for Paul," The child said, ing of, nor is she mine." Since Alexander righteous." chaste." "Come, I will take you to him. For he is was a powerful man, he began embracing mouming you, praying and fasting for her in the street. But she resisted him and And so, when Tlyphaena took Then there was a disturbance, six days already." was looking for Paul. Bitterly she cried 29 her from the procession, she 32 a roaring of the wild beasts out, "Do not force yourself grieved on a strange! both that she had to frght the wild and a cry of the people and of the As she approached the tomb, do not yourself force on a slave of God. beasts the next day and loved her deeply women who were sitting together, some Paul was kneeling and praying, am just 24 I a leading citizen of the lconians, as her daughter Falconilla. She said, of them saying, "Bring in the one who "Father of Christ, do not allow the fire to and since I did not wish to marry Tha- "My second child Thecla, come, pray for has committed sacrilege," and others touch Thecla, but be present with heç myris, I have been exiled from my city." my child, that she may live forever. For saying, "læt this city be desûoyed for becaüse she is yours." But she, standing She grabbed hold of Alexander, ripped I saw her in a dream." And without a this lawless act. Des[oy us all, O Pro- behind him, cried out, maker "Father, of his mantle, and pulled the crown from moment's dela¡ Thecla raised her voice consul. This is a bitter sight, a wicked heaven and earth, Father of your beloved his head, making him an object of and said, "O my God, Son of the Highest, judgment!" child Jesus Christ, I bless you because derision. you who are in heaven: Give her what you have saved mb from the that fire, I she desires, that her daughter Falconilla Thecla was then taken from might see Paul." When Paul rose up he Even though Alexander loved may live forever." When Thecla said 33 the hand of Tryphaena and saw her and said, "O God who knows the her, 27 he was ashamed of what these things, Tryphaena began to mourn stripped given an undergannent to wear, heart, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, had I happened to him; and so he led her realizing that such beauty was to be sast and cast into the stadium. Lions and bea¡s bless you because you have so quickly governor. to the When she admitted she to the wild beasts. were cast in to attack her. And a fierce heard what I had to ask." had done these things, he condemned her lioness ran up and lay down at her feet. to the beasts. wild But the women there When early morning arrived, The crowd of women uftered a great cry. There was great love inside the were astonished and cried out before the 30 Alexander came to take her A bear ran up to attack her; but the li- tomb, with Paul, Onesiphorus, judgment 25 seat, 'A wicked judgment! An awa¡ for he was staging the hunting oness ran up, met the bear, and ripped and everyone fllled with joy. judgment!" They had unholy Thecla asked the gov- games. He said, "The govemor has taken him apart. Then a lion owned by Alex- frve loaves, vegetables, and wate¡ and ernor to be allowed to remain chaste until his seat and the crowd is ståfing to cause ander and trained to fight humans ran up 190 NON.CANONICAL ACIS OF THE APOSTLES ÏHE ACTS OF THECI-A 191

to attack her; the lioness tangled with the wooden bindings, sÕ that she tvas no slave of God." All the women cried out Paul took her hand and led her lion and was destroyed along with it; The longer bound. with a great voice and with one accord 41 away to the house of Hermias, women were even more grief sfficken, gave praise to God, "The One Godl The and heard everything frõm he¡ so that he since the lioness that had been protecting Tryphaena, however, passed One who saved Thecla!"-so that the was greatly amaznd; and those who heæd her died. out on the walkway beside the entire 36 city shook from their cry. were strengthened, and they prayed for arena, so that her female slaves said, "The Tryphaena. Thecla then rose up and told Then they cast in a large num- Queen Tryphaena has died." The gover- When Tryphaena was told the Paul, "I am going to Iconium." paul re- 34 ber of wild beasts, while she nor stopped the festivities and the entire good 39 news she went out and plied, "Go ¿nd teach the word of God.,, stood, reaching out her hands and pray- city was terrified. Alexander fell before met the crowd and embraced Thecla, and And so Tryphaena sent Thecla a large ing. When she finished her prayer she the governor's feet and said, mercy said, "Now "Have I believe that the dead are amount of clothing and gold to leave for turned and saw a large vat filled with on me and the city, and set the prisoner raised; now I believe that my child lives. Paul's ministry to the poor. water, and sâid, "Now is the time for me free, lest the entire city be destroyed. For Come inside, and I will bequeath to you to be cleaned!" She threw herself in, say- if Caesar hears about rhis, he witl quickly all that is mine." So Thecla went in with ing, 'In the name of Jesus on And Thecla Christ, this destroy both us and the city, because his her and rested in her house for eight days, came away into final day am baptized!" When Iconium. She I the relative, the Queen Tryphaena, died on instructing her in the word of God, so 42 entered Onesi- women and the phorus's house and entire crowd saw what the walkway." that even most of Tryphaena's female fell on the dirt floor she was doing, where Paul had they wailed aloud and servants believed; and there was greatjoy sat, teaching the sayings ,.O said, "Do not throw yourself into the wa- The governor called Thecla in that house. of God. And she wept aloud, saying: ter!" Even the govemof began to weep, 37 over from the midst of the wild my God and God of this house, where because the light seals were about to devour such beasts and asked, "Who are you? And Thecla begån to long for paul shone upon me, Christ Jesus, the beauty. But she threw herself Son of God, my helper into the what is there about you that none of the 40 and was ftying to find him, in prison, my water in the name Jesus helper before governors, of Christ; and wild beasts has touched you?" She re- sending around for news of him every- my helper in the the seals saw a lightning bolt fire, my helper among and floated plied, "I am a slave of the living God. As where. It was reported to her that he was the wild beasts- on the water, dead. Then a cloud you yourselfare God. To you be of fire to what there is about me: I have believed in . She took some young men and the glory su¡rounded he¡ so forever. Amen." that the beasts could in God's Son, in whom he is well pleased. some female servants and prepared for not attack her and no one could see her That is why none of the beasts has her journey by sewing her outer garment naked. touched me. For this one alone a to make is it look like a man's cloak. And She found thar Thamyris had boundary marker of God's salvation and so she went away to Myra and found died but that her yet 43 mother was When more fea¡some beasts a foundation of life immortal. For he is a Paul speaking the word ofGod; and she living. She called to her mother and said 55 were cast in, the women cried refuge to those caught in the storm, stood a test beside him. But he was astonished to her, "Theocleia, my mother, are you aloud; and some tossed leaves into the for those who are afflicted, a shelter when he for saw her and the crowd with her, able to believe that the Lord in heaven arena, others threw in nard, others cassia, those who have despaired, and put wondering to whether some other tempta- Iives? For if you desire riches, the Lord and others cardamon, so that the whole it most simply: whoever does not tion believe was coming upon her. When she will give them to you through me; if you place was filled with the sweet smell of in him not realized will live bur will die for- what he was thinking she said to desire your child, see, perfume. here I am!" After All the beasts that had been cast ever." him, "I have paul; received my cleansing, testifying these things she went away to in appeared to be overcome with sleep for the one who has worked with you for Seleucia and after enlightening many and did not touch her. Then Alexander When the govemor heard these the spread of the gospel has worked with there with the word of God, she lay down told the governor, "I have some truly things 3B he ordered her clothes me for my own cleansing." to her glorious rest. fearful bulls; let us bind her to them." brought, and he said, "Put on your The governor sullenly gave his consent, clothes." But she replied, "The one who saying, "Do what you want." They bound clothed me when I was naked among the her between the bulls by her feet and put wild beasts will clothe me with salvation red-hot irons under their genitals so that on the day of judgment." Then she took they would tear about and kill her. And her clothes and put them on. The gover- they did begin to leap about, but the flame nor immediately sent forth an edict, say- rose up around them and bumed the ing, "I release to you Thecla, the pious