PLANNING CARLISLE’S FUTURE Key Issues Consultation January – March 2011 local development framework Page i This document is part of the Local Development Framework, produced by the Planning Service of Carlisle City Council. If you would like this document in another format, for example large print, braille, audio tape or another language, please contact: Planning Services Carlisle City Council Civic Centre Carlisle Cumbria CA3 8QG email:
[email protected] Tel: 01228 817193 Page ii Contents 1. Chapter 1 - Introduction ........................................................................ 1 2. Chapter 2 - Spatial Portrait .................................................................. 5 3. Chapter 3 - Evidence Base ................................................................... 9 4. Chapter 4 - Characteristics of the Main Settlements ............... 17 5. Chapter 5 - Scope of the Core Strategy ......................................... 25 Appendix 1 .................................................................................................... 27 Page iii Page iv Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 This Issues paper is the fi rst stage in the process of developing the planning framework for the District. It sets out the Council’s initial thinking on the issues that the Core Strategy should address. This Issues Paper provides you with an opportunity to share your views on the issues and challenges facing the District and the priorities to be tackled. 1.2 The Carlisle Local Development Framework (LDF) is a portfolio of documents being produced by Carlisle City Council, which will in time replace the policies of the existing Local Plan to provide the spatial planning strategy for the District. 1.3 Work on the LDF has so far focussed on developing a robust evidence base to support and assist in determining the best approach to establishing the desired future of Carlisle. 1.4 The Core Strategy is the principal document of the Carlisle Local Development Framework, guiding the future development and growth in the District up to 2030.