1St China LGBT Community Survey®
1st China LGBT Community Survey® In partnership with LGBT Community Survey is a trademark of Community Marke8ng, Inc. En8re contents ? Community Mar5e8ng, Inc. Use or distriAu8on Ay permission only. 1st Annual China LGBT Community Survey® Overview Report 2014 ABOUT US OVER 20 YEARS OF LGBT INSIGHTS › Community MarkeSng B Insights ECMI) has been conducSng ,-.T consumer research for over 20 years. Our pracSce includes online surveys, telephone interviews, intercepts, focus groups EonQsite and onlineF, and advisory boards in 1orth America and Europe. Industry leaders around the world depend on C;0Rs research and analysis as a basis for feasibility evaluaons, posiSoning, economic impact, creave tesSng, informed forecasSng, measurable markeSng planning and assessment of return on investment. › Sey Tndings have been published in the 1ew (ork Times, Uashington Post, Chicago Tribune, ,os Angeles Times, Uall Street Wournal, Forbes, USA Today, Miami Herald, C.S 1ews, 1PR, Associated Press and many other internaonal, naonal and regional media. › C;0Rs research clients include leaders from a wide range of industries. In the past few years, studies have been produced for these and many other clients: PrudenSal, Uells Fargo .ank, Aetna, Target .rands, SunTrust .ank, Wohnson B Wohnson, U1.A, OraSure, Credit Suisse, Hologic, Esurance, Merz Radiesse, Absolut Vodka, 1(C B Co., Visit Philadelphia, ,as Vegas CVA, 2:a Hotels Corp., Tourism Toronto, Tourism O\ce of Spain, Hawaiian Airlines, United States Census .ureau, American Cancer Society, Saiser Family Foundaon and numerous other corporaons and organizaons across 1orth America and around the world. 2 1st Annual China LGBT Community Survey® Overview Report 2014 Shanghai ,-.T Professionals, as a nonQproTt network for gay and lesbian employees and plaorm for dialogue and cooperaon with companies across China on ,-.T inclusion, is honored to have brought together an unprecedented coaliSon of 20 Chinese ,-.T groups, media, and organizaons to conduct this survey.
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