AL-KO Secure is the definitive anti-theft device and is available for fitment on most new caravans. Engineered by the worldwide leaders in caravan technology, AL-KO Secure achieves the ‘Diamond Standard’ by Sold Secure and also attracts significant discounts from leading insurers.

At home, on site or in storage, there is no better product to protect your investment.

For further information - 01926 818500 | [email protected] | Contents

Overview from the Director of Business Development 3 Dr Steffan George, Director of Business Development

Why get your products tested by Sold Secure? 5

Sold Secure 7

Sold Secure Test Specifications 14 Justin Freeman, Technical Manager

SS 312 specification for cylinders for locks 15

The Master Locksmiths Association 17

ACPO Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service (AVCIS) 18

Tim Booth Consultancy Services 21

The Caravan Club 22

Tracking And Monitoring Providers Association (TMPA) 23 Sold Secure Catalogue Secured by Design 24 MLA Guidelines for minimum security for domestic property 25 2011 Sold Secure Approved Products 35 MLA Membership Directory 69 MLA Approved Company Sector (Introduction) 69 MLA Approved Companies – In Alphabetical Order 70 5C Great Central Way MLA Approved Companies – In Postcode order Order 72 Woodford Halse Regional Directory of MLA Approved Companies 75 Daventry MLA Affiliate Companies 99 Northants NN11 3PZ T: 01327 264 687 F: 01327 264 686 E: [email protected] W: Index of Advertisers

ABS Secure (Avocet Hardware Ltd) 97 AL-KO Kober Ltd Inside Front Cover Associated Security Services Ltd 98 Authorised Publishers Regent Publications Ltd Brights Locksmiths Ltd 19 Berkeley House 18-24 High Street Edgware Middlesex HA8 7RP C and P Security Products Ltd Inside Back Cover Tel: 020 8952 1110 Fax: 020 8952 1112 Codrington Ltd 2

Design & Manufacture Ltd 19 © 2011 Regent Publications Ltd IFAM (UK) Ltd 63 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be Keyhole Security 11 stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any other means, electronic or mechanical, photo- Master Lock 47 copying, recording or otherwise, without the prior Milenco Ltd 4 permission of the publishers and Sold Secure. Moore Large & Co Ltd 68

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the Pickersgill-Kaye 19 information in this publication is accurate and up-to-date, PJB Security Products 24 the publishers take no responsibility for errors or omissions. Pragmasis Ltd 11 Opinions expressed in editorial contributions to this publication are those of their respective authors, and are Rottner Security Ltd 30, Outside Back Cover not necessarily shared either by Regent Publications Ltd or Sold Secure. Shieldcom Engineering Ltd 98 StranDNA (UK) Ltd 20





CODRINGTONS LTD Phone +44 (0) 208 889 8494 38 Crawley Road, Fax +44 (0) 208 889 6731 N22 6AG Web Email [email protected] Overview from the Director of Business Development

Liaison Officer / Crime Prevention Design Adviser training convention (where boxes of the catalogue flew of the shelves!), a stand at the prestigious HOSDB exhibition – a must attend event for police and government officials and then further work with the Met police, Hampshire and South forces. The promotional year finished off with a presentation to an audience of senior insurance executives highlighting the importance of using independently tested and accredited products.

During the year Sold Secure once again maintained its ISO 9001 approval with flying colours. It’s vital that we adopt our own mantra and get our own independent verification of our quality procedures etc.

Well what a 12 months it’s been! It’s certainly been “full At the time of writing the audits are still being performed steam ahead”. but it’s looking like 2010 will be showing record results for Sold Secure which bearing in mind the prevailing Having performed a full review of our test specifications economic climate is particularly pleasing. I’d like to take and launched the new website, this year saw us this opportunity to thank our staff, testers, customers and concentrate on maximising the promotion for approved partners for their help over the 12 months and welcome products and developing some enhanced levels to you to this new format Sold Secure Catalogue. specifications to promote even higher levels of security. I sincerely hope you enjoy this new catalogue and look To this end we now have an extra “Diamond” level in 2 of forward to providing you with plenty of information on our test specifications; SS312 (Lock Cylinders) and SS203 the successes and hopefully newly approved products in (Tracking Devices). We also created a new Bronze level for next year’s catalogue. SS314 (Security Cabinets). The reason for this was to be able to test key safes, something that the insurance Yours Sincerely industry in particular have been requesting, and having looked at a number of products out on the market which can be opened in literally seconds it’s no wonder!

The promotion started early in the year with Sold Secure sponsoring MLA leaflets that were given out at Help the Aged (now Age UK) roadshows. This then progressed Dr Steffan George with a stand at the ACPO/SBD Police Architectural Director of Business Development

Sold Secure Board of Directors Sold Secure Staff

Roger Barratt – Chairman Steffan George – Director of Business Development Brian Philpott Justin Freeman – Technical Manager Tony Ward Steve Warren – Lab Manager Colin Rose Lesley Robertson – Office Administrator Dave Crossman

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 3

Why get your products tested by Sold Secure?

You’ll read a lot about Sold Secure in this discount on the insurance premium). How catalogue but if you’re a manufacturer why do we know this; first and foremost based should you have your product approved? on the number of calls and e-mails we get What do you actually get for your money from insurers directly and from the public and why choose Sold Secure over other test highlighting how they need to verify houses? approval for their insurance, and secondly from the beeline the CPDA’s make for the Firstly it’s important to realise the benefit of Sold Secure stand at any event we’re at, independent third party testing. Whilst you eager to get their hands on the latest Sold may believe that you have the proverbial Secure Approved Products catalogue. “best product in the world” and have your own test reports to prove it, but then in the Another major benefit of using Sold Secure, eyes of the general public or customers then according to feedback we get from you would think that anyway – you want to customers, is the way we work with our sell product and therefore the perception customers. We’ve heard horror stories of may be that you’d “say anything” to sell it. other test houses taking in products and However, if an independent third party, who has no then sending back a “bag of bits with a fail notice”. Sold vested commercial interest, says that the product has met Secure prefers to work with its customers to help improve a certain criteria, then it adds gravitas to the claims about the quality of products out there in the market place. We the product. offer an initial free consultation to explain how the product will be attacked, look for any obvious weaknesses in the The next thing to look at is what testing it’s claimed to design/construction (whilst it’s no guarantee that a have met. Yes manufacturers will have their own in- product we pass, we feel that taking in a product for house test specifications but what do these actually testing knowing that it’s going to fail, whilst commercially mean. You’re better off testing to a recognised standard, perhaps more attractive in the short term, would be something that people will understand and recognise. counterproductive for our desire to build long lasting Yes you can test to British Standards or European Norms relationships with our customers). We can also give an and in some cases then this is arguably a very well indication of what specification it should be submitted for recognised standard, but does it go far enough. Do they and which grade it may be able to achieve. reflect what is happening out there in the field; mimicking what thieves are doing? This is where the Last and by no means least there’s the extra marketing Sold Secure test specifications come into their own. support that can be obtained by Sold Secure Approval. Developed in conjunction with the relevant stakeholders All products that have passed Sold Secure test (including police, insurers and the appropriate industry specifications are included in the Approved Products bodies) they are mostly based on attack test principles, Catalogue whilst all products tested are included on the using a certain amount of time and tools (depending on website, which not only provides contact details for the grade) for the product to be defeated. customer but also the ability to include a picture and detailed description of the product too. Don’t forget the So why choose Sold Secure? First and foremost there’s Sold Secure website is linked to by many authoritative the recognition. Sold Secure is recognised not only by the websites including the Government. public, but most importantly by the Police Crime Prevention Design Advisors (who promote the use of So, if you’ve got a product that you think is suitable and Sold Secure approved products) and insurers (a number want the benefits of approval, contact Sold Secure on of whom will require Sold Secure Approved products to 01327 264687 or [email protected] to discuss getting be used in order to either provide insurance or provide a your products approved.

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 5 The attack test centre of choice for security devices

To get your products tested, gain the coveted Sold Secure approved logo and feature in the next edition of this catalogue then please contact us.

5C Great Central Way Tel: +44 (0)1327 264687 Woodford Halse Fax: +44 (0)1327 264686 Daventry E-Mail: [email protected] Northants, NN11 3PZ Website: United Kingdom

Sold Secure

History stakeholders (e.g. Police, Insurance, Industry Bodies Sold Secure was established in 1992 by Northumbria and etc), as well as adopting relevant BS/EN test norms Police who combined 2 initiatives, Sold Secure and where appropriate, Sold Secure can test all products to Partnership Against Car Theft (PACT) top form Sold these standards and provide the public with an Secure with the help and backing of the Home Office. understanding of how that product performs against Sold Secure is now administered by the Master the standard, as well as against any competitor Locksmiths Association, in its premises adjacent to the products. MLA’s Head Office just outside Daventry.

Purpose Sold Secure provides test and assessment services of effective security products to commercial customers, the insurance industry, the Home Office, the Police and the public and is a company dedicated to reducing the risk of theft by the assessment of security products.

The scheme has close ties with a number of constabularies and insurers who provide regular information regarding the methods of theft and the tools utilised by criminals in their area. This helps to maintain an up to date specification and means security products can be assessed in the light of the risk they are likely to encounter when in use.

Organisation One of the main drivers for product testing is insurance Sold Secure is made up of a small team of dedicated staff. recognition and recommendation. Many insurance Steve Warren is Lab Manager looking after operations for companies understand the benefits of specifying Sold the company as well as performing the majority of audit Secure products in reducing the likelihood of theft and the testing and managing any external testers who are subsequent claim and will actively encourage their brought in. Lesley Robertson, who is the Administrator, customers to use the products by giving discounts on looks after all the paperwork and the accounts. Sold policies where Sold Secure products are used or in some Secure also call on the services of Steffan George for instances insisting that Sold Secure approved products business development and general management as well are used in order to provide cover at all. as Justin Freeman, the MLA’s Technical Manager for extra technical assistance such as writing new standards for The police also recommend Sold Secure products with testing and signing off reports etc. Crime Reduction Officers particularly vocal in their recommendation and always making a beeline for the The company has its own board of directors who meet on Sold Secure stand at any exhibition to get their latest copy a regular basis to ensure the running of the company is of the Sold Secure Approved Products catalogue. going according to plan. It’s important to note that the company is a completely separate entity to the MLA, with The Association of Chief Police Officers own accreditation its own staff, own legal entity, own board, separate company Secured by Design also recognize the benefits of accounts etc. Sold Secure testing and use the approval as part of their accreditation process, thereby pointing a number of Testing, Assessment and Approval manufacturers our way for the attack testing to give SBD confirmation of the integrity of the product. Why Test? Security product manufacturers make various claims Manufacturers and suppliers can apply to have their with regards to the security of their products, but what products approved by Sold Secure. Products which have do these claims actually mean? By developing relevant been satisfactorily assessed may bear the Sold Secure test specifications with the involvement of the relevant Quality Mark.

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 7 The tests are carried out to strict criteria set out in Attack Approval Categories Specifications drawn up in conjunction with interested As you will see from the information below there are parties, such as insurers, police forces as well as industry several categories that Sold Secure test to and each specific organisations such as the Caravan Club for category uses one of three levels of resistance, Gold Silver example. It’s important to note that the interested parties and Bronze, excluding the caravan and tracker categories do not include manufacturers, which allows Sold Secure which have an additional Diamond level of attack to be independent of any vested interests. resistance.

The testing is carried out in-house with a team of The attack specifications vary for each category in the approved testers, all of whom are Master Locksmiths in types of attack and tools used in the test. Higher value their own right or experts in their field. By using this products have much tougher tests than lower value highly experienced team of testers it is possible not only products where the attack is less likely to be planned or to ensure continuity but also to act as a “worse case” type the thief well equipped. For example bicycle attacks are scenario due to the significant product knowledge and carried out using lighter tools and no power drills as the attack methods knowledge held by the group. theft is more likely to be opportunistic rather than planned. Caravan security devices however will need to As well as testing to the Sold Secure standards, testing can withstand attacks using drills and large pry bars, amongst also be carried out to a range of European Standards, such other things as they are more likely to be planned and as EN14450 for safe testing for example. Also, some of the executed by more professional thieves due to the value of Sold Secure specs refer to European norms such as the item. EN12209 & EN1303. Motor Cycles & Motor Scooters Sold Secure differentiates itself from its competitors by Around 50,000 motorcycles are stolen in this country helping the manufacturers understand the testing every year. Many of these are broken down for spares and involved and how to improve their products. They less than a quarter are ever recovered. A very high always suggest that when a customer has a new product percentage of those stolen are actually taken from outside they’re thinking of getting approved they bring it for an their owners’ homes. It may be interesting to note that a initial consultation where they can evaluate the product bike parked in a busy main road may sport several and what category and level we feel it should be aimed at. security devices but when parked at home the bike may We can also provide some up front consultancy on any be left unsecure. areas of weakness we may find, thereby saving the manufacturer what could otherwise be a costly test. Sold Secure has a single level of Motorcycle Security Whilst commercially Sold Secure may make more money Approval (Gold) and two levels of Motor Scooter by testing something it immediately knows will fail, they security (Gold & Silver). Using a toolkit based on quite rightly feel that it makes far better long term insurance and police information, the motorcycle is business sense to build relationships with our customers proven safe from the average thief. There are a number of and help them improve their products and ensure they options for security at home and also when parked away retain them as customers. from home.

8 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 Bicycles Tracking units are becoming more and more popular for Sold Secure has developed a three tier security grading Caravans and whilst they are a passive system, system. The Gold rated locking devices offer the highest monitoring location when stolen (rather than an active level of security. The next level down Silver offers a system preventing theft in the first place) Sold Secure compromise between security and cost, whilst the Bronze have a test specification for these products. level typically offers defence against the opportunist thief. Thus the purchaser can choose the system which best Ground Anchors meets his needs or the relevant insurance requirements. On many occasions, for maximum security, a simple lock Again there are a number of options for mobile use and is not enough. Unless your bike, motorbike, caravan, boat, some solutions for the home environment. A number of trailer or motor mower is fastened down it may be bicycles are stolen from insecure garden sheds or garages possible to steal it, lock and all! The answer to this is a and we have tested ground anchors, shackles and security ground anchor. When installed in your garage, drive or posts to help in this area. Also see our new category for car park, these provide the ideal device for securing your domestic buildings. vehicles and other valuable outdoor equipment. Where necessary, use these with a Sold Secure Approved lock.

Security Posts An ideal way of preventing your vehicle from being stolen from your drive or car park is the security post. These are tested to the normal Sold Secure criteria, making it difficult for the criminal to bypass the security post. They can be effective in securing several vehicles at one time. They can also be used to protect your parking place!

Cars Crime statistics indicate that the average car thief would wish to spend no longer than 2½ minutes gaining entry to a vehicle and driving off. The Sold Secure attack test acknowledges this criteria and tests the product for a full five minutes. Thus any Car product bearing our seal of Caravans approval must improve your chances of finding your car Recent statistics show that over 5000 caravans are stolen where you left it. Such has been the success of this scheme; every year and very few are recovered. Indeed according car manufacturers now build in security at the production to Home Office resources caravans stolen from the UK line stage. have been found as far away as New Zealand! Once again, Sold Secure approves locking systems using the Commercial Vehicles tools that a typical thief would carry. There are three The loss of a commercial vehicle is always made worse by levels of security approval. The Silver level offers basic the theft of its contents and the disruption to your security, a cost effective product for the occasions when a business. Sold Secure have approved a range of products caravan is stored in a good location. When a higher level designed to protect the vehicle and its cargo. of security is required, then the products approved to the Gold standard are available. The Diamond level is the Annual Audits highest of all and offers maximum protection. Ground As part of the Sold Secure Quality Mark products have to anchors and security posts are available for fixed security be resubmitted every year for an Annual Audit. The audit at the caravan’s main storage point. is an important part of maintaining the security of the products approved under the various categories, particularly when components are bought in from outside sources by the manufacturers. The Annual Audits can show up to a 25 to 30% failure rate often due to a change in specification from an outside supplier, this can include parts of a product that aren’t hardened properly or made from different materials to the original sample tested at the outset, normally done to try and save cost. This provides an additional benefit to the company getting the testing done of Sold Secure performing what could effectively be described as conformity of production testing for them, an essential item as customers may not have been informed of changes to products they are buying in.

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 9 Benefits to Locksmiths & Retailers Website ( The main benefits to locksmiths lie in the ability to sell Sold Secure’s recently updated website holds a full listing products that have been approved to standards that are of all Approved Products which is updated instantly a already familiar to and recognised by customers. The product either achieves approval, or alternatively lapses. Caravan Club has been very active in promoting Sold This offers a major advantage over many other test Secure products and most motorcyclists also recognise the houses where lists of approved products have to be value of an approved product created and then uploaded to their website meaning that their lists can be anything up to 3 months out of date. The Sold Secure; the past, present and future Sold Secure approved products list has a direct link to a Whilst Sold Secure may in the past have been a drain on brand new database which means that as soon as the MLA resource (especially cash that has in the past been product test file is updated the info will immediately be pumped into the company to keep it afloat), it’s very on the website, effectively providing a “real time” pleasing to say that this is far from the case with the Approved Product list. current Sold Secure. Over the past few years the company has not only paid back all the money owed to the MLA The website allows everyone to see whether a product has but it has become a profitable self-funding business, with Approved Product status. Sometimes products are not a very healthy cashflow and the ability to invest and of resubmitted, in which case they may still be displaying course do things like sponsor MLA Expo 09! the Sold Secure logo on the packaging but no longer be approved. It also means that if someone is selling a THE FUTURE product as Sold Secure Approved then you can tell One of the big questions is where will security be in 10 immediately whether this claim is true. The importance of years, and what effect will this have on Sold Secure? There this has been proved recently with one insurer having has been a noticeable shift away from keys in the vehicle checked to see if a particular product was approved and world so will there be the same shift in houses and when it wasn’t going back to the member of the public to commercial buildings? There has been a massive rise in highlight that the relevant discount was not available to access control products, without necessarily the means to him as the product’s approval had lapsed. test the security of those products. As the domestic market starts to wake up to the benefits of security without the On the website there is also a download area where need for a key there needs to be some sort of testing criteria Internet users can download the Sold Secure catalogue, in place to ensure the right sort of products are fitted. the MLA’s Guidelines for domestic security as well as a glossary of terms. Vehicles are now on about the 3rd or 4th generation of remote locking whereas biometric locks, for example, are Information on these approved products is circulated by still in their infancy. There are stand alone digital, card Sold Secure to crime reduction officers, insurance and biometric locks that sell for very little that may well companies, the media, the Home Office and the public, find their way onto the front doors of houses which could and is available free to those who request it. The new lull homeowners into a false sense of security and it website also highlights the MLA and suggests that MLA would be useful to have an attack test specification that approved companies are used for the supply and fit of addresses these products. approved products. This dove-tails nicely into the fact that some insurance companies stipulate that in certain So development wise, electronic solutions are increasing instances Sold Secure approved products have to be used in popularity and Sold Secure specifications will continue and fitted by an MLA locksmith. This has netted a number to be developed with this in mind to enable the company of MLA member’s jobs and goes to show the benefit of to stay on top of it’s game. Sold Secure to the MLA.

10 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 2011 VISIT US: 16 - 19 May 2011 HALL 4 STAND G81

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An ASSA ABLOY Group brand Sold Secure Test Specifications


Here we ask Sold Secure’s Technical Manager, Justin Freeman, more information about how Sold Secure conduct their testing.

What are Sold Secure specifications?

Sold Secure has its own set of bespoke standards that it uses to test security products in its purpose built test laboratory. There are approximately 40 specifications that are product specific and tailored to known used attack methods and available tools. Sold Secure typically writes standards with three different levels of security. This is usually described as Gold, Silver and Bronze level. (Some specifications only have one level Such as Gold and some have a new higher security level called Diamond). Each specification is written with its product group in mind so therefore tool lists for specifications differ, so for example SS101 for motorcycles Gold has a much higher level of attack and heavier tools than SS104 for cycles Gold. Some Sold Secure specifications refer heavily to British and European standards and will refer to several per single specification.

Justin Freeman, Technical Manager, Sold Secure How are Sold Secure specifications written? now know that if you buy a product with current Sold Sold Secure specifications are not designed to eliminate Secure bicycle approval then the security product can crime! They are written to provide a set of guide lines that withstand attack from this tool. Insurers, police and when met ensure that everything reasonably possible was members associations, because of their input can be done to prevent a theft. Information provided by confident that when they see a current Sold Secure logo stakeholders such as police (ACPO) and insurers tell us everything reasonable has been done to keep that product how a product is usually stolen and what tools are used safe. Police are confident to recommend Sold Secure and to do it. Constant networking with police, insurers, insurers will often request Sold Secure when handling members associations (e.g. The Camping and Caravaning new policies or providing requests for security Club, National Caravan council) and manufacturers improvements to current customers. This last item has ensure that if crime patterns change then so do the provided work to a number of MLA members as one specifications. A good example of this was the recent re- particular insurer insists on having Sold Secure approved write of SS104 (bicycles). It was bought to our attention products fitted by MLA member locksmiths. Industry that a previously specialist cable cutting tool was now bodies as well as the likes of caravan clubs or cycling freely available and at very low cost. Sold Secure lab organisations will recommend to their members to use manager Steve Warren conducted a series of tests looking Sold Secure and manufacturers will build their products at different cutters and found a very cost effective set that to Sold Secure specifications. were far more effective than previous cutters. This tool clearly had to be included in the specification and Other recent Sold Secure changes following advice and input from a group of relevant stakeholders (including ACPO and the pedal cycling Sold Secure specifications are written in a similar way to organisation CTC) was introduced at the Gold level. You British or European standards but are based more on real

14 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 time attack tests. The Technical Manager at the Master therefore attractive to thieves. Other revisions to the spec Locksmith Association writes the specification and the included temperature changes for the UK only and process involves input from all relevant stakeholders connectivity that splits the standard to a “UK only” and a within an industry. A good example of this was the recent “UK and other” specification. As always with any re-write of SS 203 Specification for tracking systems for specification it is open to ongoing adjustment and Sold vehicles and their trailers. Sold Secure has released a Secure will be working with the newly formed CSSG revised version of SS203 to bring testing into line with (caravan safety and security group) committee to ensure modern European standards, namely EN 60068 as well as that the standard has the relevant input needed to keep create a higher level of security (Diamond) to help credibility within the industry. The CSSG replaces the old differentiate between tracking systems. This was of LSVCRAT and stakeholders include police, insurers, particular relevance to the Caravan market where manufacturers, after market suppliers and of course the products are becoming increasingly expensive and MLA/Sold Secure.

SS 312 specification for cylinders for locks

Recent problems highlighted by ACPO (Association of the doors structure to provide room for attacking the Chief Police Officers) could see some fairly major changes cylinder). Various tools that are used in this MO have made to PAS 24 and BS 3621 GVA testing to reflect a been included in the tool list for this particular test to fully certain MO being increasingly used by burglars. Sold replicate the types of attack that are being increasingly Secure have stolen a march on these changes by reported. To date, one manufacturer has been successful introducing the Diamond level to their SS 312 test in gaining SS 312 Diamond and Sold Secure is working specification. with others as they develop improvements to their products. This specification will we believe offer the very This level includes EN 1303 testing by a UKAS accredited first third party tested genuine security cylinder that will test house, BS 3621 GVA testing by expert MLA testers be recognised as having genuine attack resistance on and an additional one minute attack test on the cylinder cylinder only and has already raised interest by ACPO itself. The main thrust of this particular section of the test Secured by Design who have confirmed they will accept is to measure the cylinder’s vulnerability to the specific this test for their certification requirements. MO of the burglar. While a one minute attack test does not sound like a very hard test, the cylinder is exposed in the So next time you’re looking to purchase a Euro cylinder, test block (as if the handle has been removed) with a ask if it’s been independently tested. If it hasn’t then ask 45mm hole around the cylinder (simulating an attack on why not – would it not meet the standard?

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 15 Secure?

Ask your MLA licensed locksmith


Find your nearest MLA licensed locksmith by contacting the association on 01327 262255 or visiting The Master Locksmiths Association

The Master Locksmiths Association (MLA) is the leading The MLA, a City & Guilds approved centre, also provides trade association for the locksmithing industry. A truly training from its purpose built training facility based at not-for-profit organisation promoting the skill and the company headquarters in Daventry, consisting of a integrity of its approximately 1,400 members, it was classroom type environment for theory work and fully established over 50 years ago to set and promote equipped workshop for the hands-on practical elements standards of conduct, practice and materials within (N.B. due to the content of some courses they may only be locksmithing. The MLA is recognised as the authoritative open to MLA members). Courses currently include body for locksmithing by the police, home office, British general locksmithing; opening; access control, safe Standards Institute (BSI), The Risk Insight, Strategy and engineering and Auto Locksmithing, with others Control Authority -RISCAuthority (formally IPCRes) and currently under development. Building Research Establishment (BRE).

MLA member companies, who undergo strict vetting Tel: 01327 262255 (including criminal record checks, regular inspections to Fax: 01327 262539 ensure quality etc), are able to provide advice based on E-mail: [email protected] knowledge and experience, recommend products that are Web: fit for purpose as well as provide professional installation 5D Great Central Way and maintenance services. Details on your nearest Woodford Halse MLA approved company can be found on the website Daventry Northants NN11 3PZ

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 17 ACPO Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service (AVCIS)

Under the guidance of the ACPO portfolio lead for Vehicle Crime matters, DCC David Ainsworth, Wiltshire Police, the ACPO Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service was formed. The unit was officially launched in December 2006 by the Policing Minister Mr Vernon Coaker, supported by Sir Ken Jones QPM the President of ACPO. AVCIS is based within the NPIA complex at Ryton, near Coventry. This provides a central location within the country, proximity to national road networks and adequate office accommodation.

Its overarching aim is:

‘to develop and promulgate a full range of enhanced capabilities, Sold Secure as a third party testing house has an that will enable the police service and partners to incapacitate important role to play in translating intelligence into how offenders, who use vehicles in the course of their unlawful these products have be attacked into tests that reflect activities, across the full spectrum of criminal activity’. these attack methods. Tim is the first civilian investigative officer to be a part of this specialist unit. It is recognised that ‘traditional’ vehicle crime, such as theft of Since joining AVCIS early in 2009 Tim has supported a or from vehicles is no longer regarded as a policing priority by number of Police operations throughout the UK and most forces. However, the use of vehicles in acquisitive crimes, caravans valued in excess of £1million have already been such as burglary, supporting serious and organised crime, and identified and recovered. potential links to terrorist offences cannot be overlooked. For that reason the main thrust of AVCIS is to gather intelligence to tackle ‘vehicle enabled crime’.

AVCIS does not exist in isolation. It operates within a complex and dynamic environment where national priorities are changing and high-level strategies require constant interpretation and reinterpretation. AVCIS works with partner agencies and all stakeholders within the trade and associated businesses to provide the most effective response. AVCIS speaks for the UK Policing in respect of vehicle enabled crime matters.’

Mark Hooper, Head of Unit, ACPO Vehicle Crime Intelligence Service

As a result of partnership funding from the Camping and Working together this partnership have recognised the Caravanning industry, including the National Caravan importance of raising the awareness of the consumer not Council, Camping and Caravanning Club and the only to security matters affecting the consumer, but also Caravan Club this unit now has its own Leisure Vehicles safety matters that may impact on the consumer’s leisure Officer, Tim Booth. Having worked for a period time experience. Under the banner of the Caravan Safety supporting the National Caravan Council Tim will now and Security Group this partnership will continue to work with this unit in an enhanced role, supporting and work to endeavour to make the leisure industry as safe training Police Officers, working with manufacturers, and secure as possible. dealers and insurers, and researching crime attack methods and safety issues that impact on the consumers use of leisure vehicles.

18 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 Pickersgill-Kaye Ltd

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To find out more about this unique security device visit or telephone StranDNA (UK) Limited, on 08442 490150 Tim Booth Consultancy Services

Tim Booth was a Police Officer for 30 yrs with Lincolnshire Police. Through that time he was engaged in most aspects of policing and at the time of his retirement he was the senior crime reduction officer for Lincolnshire Police.

As a crime reduction officer Tim supported the local Crime and Disorder Partnership as the Police / Local Authority Liaison Officer, working with Government Offices to secure funding for local projects.

As a Home Office accredited Crime Reduction Officer Tim extended his qualifications to become an Architectural Liaison Officer, accredited by both the Home Office and the University of Lincolnshire. This resulted in further work with local planning officers to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour.

Seeking to promote the benefits of partnership working between both statutory and non-statutory agencies Tim was also trained as a Home Office ‘Associated Trainer’. Having established the first industry sponsored crime prevention caravan initiative with the then Welland Group of companies the caravan industry recognised the benefit of promoting security to the general public, and Tim, as a long time caravanner began to establish strong links with the caravan industry manufacturers. the products that the industry supplies to the public. This sponsorship was formalised in the form of a These are the standards that many specialist leisure national agreement, and under the banner of the Home vehicle insurers now work to include as requirements Office leading industry organisations came together to in their various policies. They recognise that by provide an advice facility at leading national shows. ensuring a realistic standard for a security product is met then the consumer will be less likely to become a These shows forged strong links between the industry victim of opportunist crime. / public and Police and the show facility became a contact point for manufacturers of security equipment It is these products that manufacturers now submit to and specialist leisure equipment. Sold Secure for their product certification.

Tim’s links with the Home Office extended and he Sold Secure are able to test these products against a became a member of the Leisure Section of the Vehicle simulated attack by criminals and only products that Crime reduction team. Recent figures released by this meet their attack test criteria will be certificated as Sold group show how positive an impact partnership Secure Approved. working has had on reducing leisure related crime. Tim continues to work as specialist advisor to the Partnership was the theme when Tim was appointed to National caravan Council, and as an extension of the the National Caravan Council Security Working Group Leisure Vehicle security work portfolio in 2009 Tim – a group that has worked to establish new security joined AVCIS (ACPO Vehicle Crime Intelligence products for the market, resulting in the re-writing of Service) as their Leisure Vehicles Officer (see page xx). previous standards that the new products exceeded. Work continues to establish further industry standards for the services provided by the leisure industry and

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 21 The Caravan Club

The Caravan Club is the Europe’s premier touring organisation representing a million individual caravanners, motor caravanners and trailer tent owners. It operates the largest privately-owned network of quality sites in the UK, and offers members a fantastic choice of 3,000 Caravan Club-badged locations – including large Club sites and over 2,500, small maximum 5-pitch Certificated Locations (or CLs) on farms, country estates and beside rural inns.

The Club has always been at the forefront in promoting and supporting initiatives which protect its members’ interests or assets – including making caravanning safer – and has therefore been involved in the development of the Sold Secure approval scheme from the outset.

One of the key benefits available to Caravan Club members is access to expert practical and technical advice. The Club has researched and prepared a wide range of information leaflets, available as downloads from the website at, to answer many questions asked by members – whether first- timers, or seasoned caravanners!

As far as caravan security is concerned, The Club has chosen to make members aware of only those products Office and was able to reduce the incidence of caravan bearing the Sold Secure mark of approval. These theft between 2000 and 2008. products are detailed in the ‘Caravan Security’ leaflet (showing the standard achieved by that item), along with Changes at the Home office in 2008 resulted in the advice on ways to avoid vehicle theft as far as possible. It demise of the LSVCRAT, but its constituent organisations also provides advice on how to maximise the chances of were very keen to continue the work that had been so having stolen property recovered should the worst effective. At the same time it was decided to extend the happen by, for example, registering with The Caravan remit of the group to include matters of safety, and so the Club’s Theftcheck scheme, security marking the serial or Caravan Safety and Security Group, in conjunction with chassis number is several places inside the caravan and AVCIS (Association of Police Officers Vehicle Crime ensuring CRiS (Caravan Registration and Identification Intelligence Service), was formed. Scheme) details are up to date. “It’s important that we have influence and represent The Caravan Club was a founder member of the Caravan members at the highest possible level,” explained Lesley Safety and Security Group (CSSG). The formation of the Coell, The Caravan Club’s Head of Insurance and CSSG was the culmination of over two decades of Financial Services. “The formation of the CSSG following involvement by The Club to advising and assisting its the demise of LSVCRAT, with its close association with members in this important area of concern. ACPO and AVCIS, gave The Club the perfect opportunity to continue this extremely effective work. We are keen to In the mid-80s The Club set up a group known as maintain our leading position in this key area for the CITARG (Caravan Insurers Theft and Accident Research benefit of our members and our commitment to the Sold Group) and subsequently became involved as an active Secure scheme is part and parcel of this ambition”. member of the government-backed Leisure Sector Vehicle Crime Reduction Action Team (LSVCRAT) in For further information about The Caravan Club see 1999. LSVCRAT worked very closely with the Home, or telephone 01342 326944.

22 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 Tracking And Monitoring Providers Association (TMPA)

The Tracking And Monitoring Providers Association use of communications technology, or a combination of (TAMPA), formerly known as the Tracking Industry technologies, can identify a stolen vehicle and its realtime Association, was formed to represent telematic’s (GPS), RF location and present this information to a SOC or to the and GSM Tracking businesses and its subsequent liaison police, or both. It is recognised that such systems may with law enforcement and other relevant organisations, provide a capabilities within fleet management or the intention being (amongst others) to:– logistics systems or part of services known as vehicle telematics. ● gain insight into the kinds of products currently populating the tracking market and, The Association of Chief Police Officers Property Tracking ● to provide an information service for those wishing to Group (ACPO PTG) negotiates on behalf of the police know about such products service with companies operating stolen vehicle tracking ● to provide professional input to the newly formed and location systems to achieve common procedures with Caravan Security and Safety Group UK police forces and contribute to the work of any ● to use Sold Secure as a benchmark for assessing appropriate technical standards organisation. tracking products and companies ● (ultimately) to create a database of tracked vehicles and The companies operating tracking or locating systems assets available to those with the necessary permission should not make unrealistic representations to their to access it. customers as to the level of police response to a system activation. This database is not intended to compete with the Thatcham list of Category 5 accredited systems (or The level of police response to a suspected crime is an TELAS) but more to supplement it. It will serve to operational matter subject to many factors, including the represent companies offering tracking systems for discretion of Chief Officers, competing operational powered and non-powered assets used mainly in, but not commitments and the quality and reliability of restricted to, the leisure, plant and agricultural machinery information. markets. The tracking/ location company must give evidence that With the greater availability and accuracy of positioning the installation of their equipment to customer vehicles and location technologies, an increasing number of will be of a standard that prevents false activations. companies have been entering the stolen vehicle tracking market. Many products marketed as fleet management Any Systems Operating Centre (SOC) used in tracking or and driver information systems have also the potential to location systems should comply with BS 5750/ ISO 9000 on be used to locate and recover stolen vehicles. However, quality assurance. It is for the consumer to ensure that the one problem that may occur is that, as such, they may not security of the SOC is proportionate to the risk and that it: have anti-theft features designed in because that is not what they were designed for. Other complications may ● Operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year arise as the System Operating Centre (SOC) or Monitoring ● Provide full backup monitoring systems in the event of Bureau may not be located within the United Kingdom. down time ● Have a full disaster recovery plan to enable Vehicle tracking systems are also referred to as After Theft continuation of service within 15 minutes. Systems for Vehicle Recovery (ATSVR) under European ● Adhere to the data protection laws of the country in Standards. The terms cover a range of products, which by whose jurisdiction they operate

Current members of TAMPA include: Kevin McDowell – Stream Communications Tim Booth – CSSG Ian Platt , Chair – IAATI UK / Automotion Security Ltd Simon Hurr, Secretary – Ford Motor Co. Ltd / Ambersett Consultancy Ltd Those showing an interest in the Association are (currently): Justin Freeman – Master Locksmiths Association / Sold Secure Will Hirons – Sure-Track Europe Ltd. Dr. Paul Harrison – Home Office Scientific Development Branch Mark Cheater – Phantom Barry Norris – Camping & Caravan Club Chris Cooper – Cobra AT UK Limited Martin Spencer – Caravan Club Dave Northey – SMMT (via Retainagroup) Haydn Steele – CPA

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 23 Secured by Design – the UK police initiative for designing out crime

from up to 75% reduction in burglary and are two and a half times less likely to suffer vehicle crime.

The SBD’s membership scheme, which includes crime prevention and security products that have passed the minimum security standards specified by SBD, currently includes over 400 member companies whose products have been awarded the ‘Police Preferred Specification’ status. Secured by Design (SBD) is owned by the Association of Chief Police Officers and focuses on the design and security for new The increasing numbers of SBD members reflect the success & refurbished homes, commercial premises and car parks. companies have had with SBD accredited products in their range and the growing importance that is placed in third party The project, which also covers the accreditation of security certification as a means of demonstrating the quality and products and crime prevention projects, supports the Home resilience of security products as well as guaranteeing Office aim of reducing crime and fear of crime and one of the successful service delivery. Government’s key planning objectives: the creation of secure, quality places where people wish to live and work. SBD promote the use of Third Party independent testing and accreditation of products and recognise Sold Secure as an Over the last 20 years, the scheme has worked closely with key important provider of these services for security products. industry bodies and has helped set new standards for By supporting the company with the updating and improving security in and around homes and designing crime development of test specifications, SBD helps Sold Secure to out of the community with proven results: research shows that ensure that test methods reflect true MO’s being used out in residents living on Secured by Design developments benefit the field. Master Locksmiths Association Guidelines for minimum security for domestic property

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Master Locksmiths Association is grateful to the following CONTENTS organisations for their support and assistance in drawing up these guidelines: 1. INTRODUCTION 25 ● Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) (Project & Design 2. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 26 Group-Technical Committee). ● British Hardware Federation 3. MINIMUM SECURITY REQUIREMENTS 26 ● Builders’ Merchants Federation (BMF) ● Chief Fire Officers Association (CFOA) 4. HINGED DOOR SECURITY 27 ● Door and Hardware Federation (incorporating Door and Shutter 4.1 Additional Mortice Deadlocks 27 Manufacturer’s Association and Association of Building Hardware Manufacturers). 4.2 Additional Mortice or ● Glass and Glazing Federation (GGF) Rim Security Bolts (Single Doors) 27 ● Guild of Architectural Ironmongers (GAI) 4.3 Additional Mortice or ● Home Office Scientific Development Branch (HOSDB) Rim Security Bolts (Double Doors) 27 ● RISC Authority (UK insurers technical advice body) ● Lloyds 4.4 Hinge Bolts and Security Hinges 27 ● Sold Secure (part of MLA Group) 4.5 Letter plates 27 4.6 Stable Doors 27 Note: These Guidelines give a general description of security for domestic buildings. Neither the guidelines nor the list guarantees that 5. WINDOW LOCKS 27 these methods are suitable for specific applications. It is the responsibility 5.1 Louvre windows 27 of the equipment supplier and/or equipment purchaser to ensure that any system is suitable for its particular application and that it complies 5.2 Casement Windows 27 with all legislation, standards, codes of practice or any other requirement. 5.3 Tilt/Turn Windows 27 5.4 Vertical Sliding Sash Windows 27 Every effort has been made to ensure the contents of these Guidelines are accurate, however the Master Locksmiths Association does not accept 6. SLIDING DOORS AND WINDOWS 27 any responsibility for loss arising from decisions based upon them.

7. UP-AND-OVER DOORS 28 1. INTRODUCTION Theft from domestic property causes major problems for the Insurance industry and for specifiers of security products who might not be familiar 8. FRAME FIXING 28 with the industries involved. The reasons for these guidelines are:

8.1 Corner Fixings 28 ● the Insurers possible requirement on a policy holder to maintain a 8.2 Vertical and Horizontal Fixings 28 minimum level of security to protect their premises, to use it when the premises are unattended or in part when they are occupied. 9. GLASS AND GLAZING 28 ● the general obligation of householders to take reasonable security 9.1 Annealed glass 28 precautions for their own good. ● to provide easily understood information for the use of those not 9.2 Toughened glass 28 familiar with the Security or Insurance industries. 9.3 Laminated glass 28 9.4 Double glazing 28 These guidelines are not intended to be applied to new construction or 9.5 Plastics glazing material 28 major refurbishment. For these applications British Standards BS 7950:1997 with Amendment 3, Specification for enhanced security 9.6 Glazing 28 performance of casement and tilt/turn windows for domestic applications and PAS 24:2007+A1:2009 Enhanced security performance 10. GLOSSARY28requirements for door assemblies, Single leaf, external door assemblies to dwellings apply. These specifications are based on 11. STANDARDS 29 complete doorsets and window assemblies i.e. the door or window, including frame, hinges, locks, and fixings as a whole unit. The specifier APPENDIX A -Specification is recommended to obtain doors and windows certified to these of acceptable hardware 29 specifications. Further guidance is given in BS 8220-1: Guide for security of buildings against crime – Part 1:2000 -Dwellings. APPENDIX B -Hardware required Currently European specifications EN 1627-1630 also exists for the to be fitted (as listed in Appendix A) 29 security of doors, windows and shutters. Products certified to the appropriate grades of these specifications are equally suitable. APPENDIX C - Links to accredited products and services 29 These Guidelines assume that occupants are all able bodied. For users with disabilities, seek professional guidance before any installation.

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 25 Every attempt is made in these guidelines to be as practical as possible with the introduction of lock assemblies under BS 8621 and BS 10621. recommendation or the specification of products, but there will always be (e) Insurers and specifiers should be mindful of possible conflict occasions where alternatives will need to be sought because of the nature between occupier safety and security when the property is occupied. of a particular design, size or other feature of a door or window to be Careful consideration must be given to the means of escape in the secured. In these circumstances the advice of a specialist in this field should event of fire before specifying that locks should be engaged and the be taken. A member of the Trade Division of The Master Locksmiths keys removed (using BS 3621:2007+A1:2009 specification) before Association (denoted as ‘“MLA approved company” and accompanied by retiring for the night. Keys should be kept within easy reach of the the MLA registration number) should be contacted for such advice which occupant, but out of reach of an intruder. If in doubt, consult any should then be checked with the Insurers where applicable. interested insurer and the local Fire Prevention Officer for guidance. (f) External doors that are deemed to be used as an exit in case of an To comply with the requirements of most Insurers for thief resistant lock emergency should be locked in the manner specified for the final exit assemblies that necessitate the use of a key for egress, it is generally door, with the addition of a nightlatch that can be opened from the accepted that locks used on traditional external timber doors are certified inside without the use of a key for use when the property is to BS 3621:2007+A1:2009 Thief resistant lock assemblies – Key egress. occupied. Where locks to BS 8621:2007+A1:2009 are fitted, egress will This indicates that the lock is part of an on-going test and audit programme be facilitated from the inside by the presence of the thumb turn. to show it meets the requirements. (g) In blocks of flats and other buildings of multiple occupancy, the means of escape in the event of fire is an important consideration, The MLA recommends that locks conforming to the latest version of any particularly where the entrance door to the individual flat is the only standard are to be used, however the MLA also recognises that insurers means of escape. The use of Escape Locks that can be opened from will on occasion accept locks, already installed that conform to earlier the inside by a single action without the use of a key (but still retain versions. their security from outside as described in BS 8621) is acceptable to Insurers subject to written confirmation. This type of lock will Where there is a requirement for means of escape (from fire) from the normally meet the requirements of the Building Regulations. inside without the use of a key while maintaining security from the (h) New products may become available that conform to test procedures outside, lock assemblies to BS 8621:2007+A1:2009 Thief resistant lock for security products, and carry the appropriate certification mark. assemblies – Keyless egress should be installed. When these are accepted by the organisations supporting these guidelines, and where suitable for the protection of a particular risk, Certifying to BS 8621 commenced in April 2005 and lock assemblies their use should be encouraged. certified as complying with this Standard are listed within the links in (i) When making recommendations for the fitting of security items, Appendix C. consideration must be given to the type of risk involved relevant to the location of the premises. It will be necessary to increase the The introduction of new materials (e.g. Aluminium, PVC-U and number of locks and fittings to doors and windows in high-risk Composite Materials) and designs used in the construction of doors and areas. Advice should be sought from the local Crime Prevention windows can make single point locking inadequate. The locks designed Design Adviser, Architectural Liaison Officer, any interested insurer for these types of door are usually multi-point and therefore cannot be involved or an Approved Company Member of the Master tested to BS 3621, BS 8621 or BS 10621. PAS 3621, PAS 8621 and PAS 10621 Locksmiths Association. will be published in 2010 and will provide minimum requirements for (j) A list of Approved Company Members of the Master Locksmiths multi-point locks to be tested to. Locks produced prior to this date should Association, recognisable by the logo “MLAApproved Company” is have a minimum of three locking points and use a cylinder that meets the available from the Master Locksmiths Association. This list is also minimum requirement stated in 3 (b). reproduced and updated on our website

Nothing in this document or related documents shall imply that the 3. MINIMUM SECURITY REQUIREMENTS installation of any security device will prevent unauthorised entry to a premise or that by following these guidelines insurers are obliged to issue (a) Locks currently available certified to British Standard BS 3621, BS insurance cover. 8621 or BS 10621 should bear the standard number and the mark of the certification agency. These are listed in the web links in Appendix 2. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS C. Such locks may be available in rim or mortice fixing. Locks for When considering the matter of minimum security requirements and the PVC-U and composite doors (when multi-point) should meet the interpretation of these guidelines, users of these guidelines should be minimum requirement set out in PAS 3621, PAS 8621 and PAS 10621 mindful of a number of factors: published in 2010. Locks produced prior to this date should have at least three locking points and be combined with a cylinder that meets (a) The adequacy of the door or window, frame thickness and the the requirements of 3(b). Locks that have been part of a PAS 24 door material quality together with the fixings of the frames to the test are also acceptable.. Written agreement for the acceptance of such surrounding structure might impact on the level of security locks should be obtained from the insurer by the policyholder provided. (b) Lock cylinders installed before the implementation of these (b) A degree of flexibility when imposing security requirements might, guidelines (November 1999) should have a minimum of five pins on occasions be necessary. Often, due to the nature of the door or and an anti-drill insert. Thereafter, as a minimum requirement the window construction, or the material from which it is constructed, it cylinder shall meet the requirements of BS EN 1303:1998 Clause 6.7 might require the use of locks or locking devices in situations other Security Grade 4 (Table 10) or BS EN 1303:2005. Clause 6.8 Key than that for which they were intended. In such circumstances the related security Grade 5 (Table 9) and Clause 6.9 Attack resistance advice of a Trade member of the Master Locksmiths Association Grade 2 (Table 10) should be sought, and written confirmation of their proposals (c) Where any cylinder operated lock is used, the outside cylinder shall obtained from any interested insurer. not protrude more than 3 mm from the face of the door or the lock (c) If improvements are required to the security of aluminium, PVC-U furniture (handle plate or cylinder rose) where fitted. Lock furniture or composite material doors or windows it is stressed that this work should be of the ‘bolt through’ type with the fixings being secured should be undertaken by professionals. Again advice must be sought from the internal side only. Lock furniture should comply with BS EN from an Approved Company Member of the Master Locksmiths 1906 Lever handles and knob furniture – Requirements and test Association who has experience in this type of work. Care should be methods – Annex A: Requirements for security lock furniture for use taken not to breach manufacturers’ warranties that might still apply. on burglary resistant doors – Grade 1 unless certified as a component (d) It must also be appreciated that some locks not certified to BS 3621 of a door assembly satisfactorily tested to PAS 24. Lock furniture may have in the past and could in the future be accepted by Insurers. consist of separate components of lever/knob handles on roses and Where this is the case, written confirmation by the Insurers of cylinder roses or composite backplates. Where cylinder roses are their acceptance of the product for its intended use should be fitted, these must provide the cylinder protection as required under obtained by the end-user. This recommendation also applies with BS 3621, BS 8621 or BS 10621.

26 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 (d) A limited range of other door locks, and most types of lockable bolt door. In this instance, alternative means for mail delivery shall be or window locks, are likely to be acceptable to insurers for the provided such as an external postal box complying with types 1, 2 or 3 of purpose of securing doors and windows. A proposed (to be issued in BS EN 13724:2002, in which case the aperture size will vary according to 2010) guidance document on Minimum Security Standards for the dimensions of the postal box. Domestic Properties will provide full details. This will be available for download from 4.6 Stable Doors Both halves of stable doors must be treated as separate doors. 4. HINGED DOOR SECURITY The type of lock and the position to which it is fitted on the door is 5. WINDOW LOCKS dictated by the design of the door. It is therefore not possible to make Where windows are not required to be opened, they may be screwed specific recommendations regarding the fixing positions of additional permanently shut. Security screws shall be used where this is to be done security devices, as this will be determined by the position of the original from the outside, and the heads countersunk and plugged. fittings on the door. The height at which the lock is fitted might also be determined by the level at which the user is standing when locking or The security of all ground floor and all accessible windows which are not unlocking the door, e.g. one or two steps below the door entry level. considered as means of escape (e.g. from a flat roof) shall be considered. For specific guidance reference should be made to BS 8220 Guide for Openable windows that are over 600 mm high or wide should be fitted security of buildings against crime – Part 1:200 Dwellings. However, the with a multi-point locking system or two window locks with removable following is offered as a general guide: keys. Sashes less than 600 mm need only be fitted with a single lock.

4.1 Additional Mortice Deadlocks Where a lock is to be fitted to a window care must be taken to ensure that Where the lock to be fitted is of the mortice type, the minimum thickness the material to which the lock is fitted does not become weakened by of the door to which it is being fitted must be 44 mm. The lock should be fitting it too close to existing fittings. fitted approximately midway between the existing lock and the top or bottom of the door depending on which has the greatest unsecured Where a window is required for emergency egress then it shall not be distance, avoiding any cross rail or glazing bar joints. fitted with any type of key lockable system. In this instance the window should be fitted with laminated glass. 4.2 Additional Mortice or Rim Security Bolts (Single Doors) To be fitted horizontally (where possible) approximately midway 5.1 Louvre windows between the top lock and the top of the door and the bottom lock and the Urgent consideration should be given to replacing louvre windows as it is bottom of the door. Where a single lock conforming to the requirements difficult to achieve adequate security. If this is not possible, then all panes of the insurance company is fitted, the additional bolts should be fitted of glass (in louvre windows) should be securely fixed, with suitable approximately midway between it and the top and the bottom of the door. adhesive, into their brackets or suitable grilles, bars, or shutters fitted. Where bolts are fitted vertically they should be between 50 mm and 100 Louvre windows should not be installed in vulnerable locations. The use mm from the edge of the door, avoiding any joints. For greater security of plastic frame materials is not acceptable for a security application on emergency or final exit doors, mortice bolts, preferably knob operated for fire safety reasons, are recommended in preference to surface 5.2 Casement Windows mounted bolts. Where doors do not form part of an escape route, loose Where the casement window opening exceeds 600 mm, two locks are key mortice bolts are suitable required. For side-hung casements windows over 600 mm high the additional locks should be fitted approximately quarter of the height from 4.3 Additional Mortice or Rim Security Bolts (Double Doors) the top and bottom of the casement window. For top-or bottom-hung To be fitted vertically to the top and bottom of the doors between 50 mm fanlights in excess of 600 mm wide, the locks should be fitted and 100 mm from the front of the rebated edge of the door, avoiding any approximately one quarter of the width of the opening fanlight from joints. It could be necessary to fit security bolts to the top and bottom of the either side of the sash. first closing leaf only, if the doors are of substantial construction. For greater security on emergency or final exit doors, mortice bolts, preferably knob 5.3 Tilt/Turn Windows operated for fire safety reasons, are recommended in preference to surface Additional locks should be fitted to the bottom rail at the leading edge for mounted bolts on the first opening leaf, the first closing leaf being secured security and also to prevent the accidental opening of the window in the by loose key bolts. Where doors do not form part of an escape route loose side hung mode. key mortice bolts are suitable for both leaves. 5.4 Vertical Sliding Sash Windows 4.4 Hinge Bolts and Security Hinges Where the window opening exceeds 600 mm, the locks should be fitted Hinge bolts shall be fitted to all outward opening doors at a position of on the meeting rail of the bottom sash, at approximately one quarter of approximately a quarter of the door height from the top and bottom of the the width, or on the vertical frame either side of the upper sash, directly door, but not within 150 mm of the top or bottom hinges. Hinges for use above the meeting rail of the bottom sash. on burglar-resistant doors should comply with BS EN 1935:2002 Annex C. Where there is a requirement for ventilation when the premises are These may comprise either such a design that the hinge pin can only be occupied, vertical sliding sash windows can be provided with restricting removed when the door is open, or alternatively, suitable composite devices suitably placed to provide a ventilation position, to allow them to security hinges incorporating hinge bolts within the hinge flap that enable be opened a maximum of 100 mm and remain secure. This is not the hinge to withstand shear loads should be considered. recommended when the premises are unoccupied. The window should then be secured in the fully closed position. 4.5 Letter plates Letter plates should be located with the aperture at least 400 mm away 6. SLIDING DOORS AND WINDOWS from any locks to stop access to the locking system through the perture. All sliding doors and windows should be fitted with anti-lift devices to The letter plate aperture should be in accordance with the requirements of prevent them being removed from their tracks. Care should be taken to BS EN 13724: Postal services-Apertures of private letter boxes and letter ensure such devices are fitted appropriately so that they do not to go plates – Requirements and test methods Type 4 size 2 230 – 280 mm wide inside the section of the frame when the door/window is closed. Some x 30 – 40 mm high. If these criteria cannot be achieved, additional measures sliding door locks have an in-built facility to prevent the door being lifted, might be needed to prevent access to door locks through the letter plate, e.g. swing hook bolts which rotate upwards to engage. such as the addition of internal security flaps or letter cages/internal postal Additional locks fitted to sliding doors and windows should be fitted in boxes. Letter plates should be fitted horizontally at a height between 700 such a manner as to ensure any force applied to open the door acts mm and 1700 mm measured from delivery floor level against the lock fixing screws.

Where the sole means of internally locking a door is hand (not key) Wherever possible, additional locks should be fitted to the top and bottom operated, then it is recommended that the letter plate be omitted from the of the interlock of sliding doors and windows. However, there are some

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 27 designs, which make this impractical. Sliding doors/windows should not However, the number of glass layers and interlayers can be increased to be secured in the ventilation position when the premises are unoccupied. provide enhanced security such that, eventually, bullet-proof glass can be produced. 7. UP-AND-OVER DOORS Work on improving the security of up-and-over doors should be The most common failure mechanism of laminated glass is for it to undertaken by professionals who have experience in this type of work. ‘balloon’ and fall out of the frame under repeated impacts. However, the There are security locking products available for this type of door and the time taken for this gives an enhanced level of security over other types of advice of a professional (MLA Trade Member) should be obtained prior glass to commencing improvements. 9.4 Double glazing 8. FRAME FIXING Double glazing can be in the form of: It could be necessary in some instances to improve the strength of the fixings holding door or window frames to the fabric of the building. Due 1 insulating glass units i.e. two or more panes of glass hermetically to the presence of pre-cast concrete, steel lintels or other construction sealed at their perimeter. These provide the intruder with two or more details, it might not be possible to achieve the desired additional fixings to panes to break. the head or sill of the frame. The type of fixings used will be determined by 2 double windows i.e. two separate single glazed windows in the the material to be fixed and the material to which it is to be fixed, however same opening. These assemblies provide a similar deterrent but only if frame-fixing screws and bolts are available for this purpose. the inner window is secured.

The following dimensions for the positions of additional fixings are offered 9.5 Plastics glazing material as a guide. Plastics glazing sheet material consists of either a single sheet or combination of sheets laminated together. The performance of these 8.1 Corner Fixings materials is dependent on the polymer type, thickness, and support Additional fixings made between l50 mm and 250 mm vertically and condition. The advice of the manufacturer should be sought in respect of horizontally from the internal corners of the frame to be fixed. their security and fire resistance performance, as appropriate.

8.2 Vertical and Horizontal Fixings 9.6 Glazing Additional fixings made at approximately 600 mm centres between the All glass or plastics glazing sheet material should be secured to the corner fixings of the frame to be fixed. For greater detail of improved window or door structure in such a manner that it cannot be easily fixings, reference should be made to BS 8213: Part 4:1990 Windows, removed from the outside. doors and roof lights – Code of practice for the installation of replacement windows and doorsets in dwellings. 10. GLOSSARY Anti-lift device. Device which prevents a door or window from being 9. GLASS AND GLAZING lifted in its aperture, where this lifting would decrease the effectiveness As far as security is concerned the main consideration is the ease with of a lock or enable the door/window to be removed. which glass can be broken to provide access to window or door Barrel bolt. Surface mounted fastener with a sliding part that is usually hardware. The glazing specification chosen should meet the design and manually controlled and that secures a movable component to its frame performance requirements of BS 6262:1982 Part 4 Glazing in buildings or opening. The shoot is provided with a knob, loose key or similar for – Safety related to human impact. For those installations where a higher operation by hand. degree of “security” is needed the glazing should be in accordance with Bolt (1). Movable part of a lock or latch that usually engages a component BS 5357 Code of practice for installation of security glazing. There are fixed to a frame and is withdrawn into the case, three main types of glass. These are: Bolt (2). Fastener with a sliding part that is usually manually controlled and that secures a movable component to its frame or opening, the 9.1 Annealed glass sliding part being provided with a knob, loose key or similar for Annealed glass consists of, float, sheet, cast (patterns) and wired glass. It operation. It may be surface mounted, or morticed. breaks easily and when broken forms large sharp fragments. While wired Certified. A product subjected to a testing and ongoing audit programme glass can be fractured, it will act as a barrier but only until the wire mesh by a MLA approved organisation. in the glass is sheared. Deadlock. Lock that contains only a deadbolt. The application of an appropriate plastics film can increase the resistance Escape lock. Deadlock that can be opened (even when locked) from the of annealed glass to penetration inside by a single action without use of a key. Escutcheon. Surround with a shaped hole, with or without a pivoted 9.2 Toughened glass cover plate, primarily to protect the door leaf from abrasion damage Toughened glass, (tempered glass), is an annealed glass, except wired caused by key insertion. This could be for decorative purposes or to glass, that has been subjected to a heating and rapid cooling process that increase the security of the locking device. imparts a greater strength to the material. It is resistant to impact by blunt Flush bolt. Recessed (flush) fastener with a sliding part that is usually objects but can be fractured by penetration of the surface compressive manually controlled and that secures a movable component to its frame layer. When fractured, the glass will not act as a barrier. In buildings it is or opening, the moving part being provided with a lever, slide bar or usually found in ‘risk areas’ which include doors and adjacent windows, knob. low windows, bathrooms, landings etc. Typically toughened glass is Hasp and staple Two-piece fastening for doors which can be secured by around eight times stronger than annealed glass but when it breaks if a padlock. The hasp could be attached to a fixed or swivel bar. forms a multitude of small fragments. It is also vulnerable to breakage Hinge bolt. Fixed projection on the hinge side of the door or window. with a sharp point such as a centre punch. The projection engages into a keep when the door or window is closed. Also known as dog bolt Due to the method in which it breaks, toughened glass offers very little Latch. Self engaging device, usually operable from both sides, which security. Its value is as a safety glass. holds a door or window in the closed position and is released by hand without the use of a key. 9.3 Laminated glass Lock. Fastener that combines within one case a latch operated by a Laminated glass consists of two or more layers of annealed glass bonded handle and a deadbolt which secures the door or window in the closed together by means of transparent plastic (poly vinyl burate -PVB) position interlayers. When the glass is attacked the glass layers fracture but Mortice lock/bolt. Lock/bolt where its body is fitted in a mortice cut into remain in place, held by the PVB interlayer. Thus laminated glass offers the closing edge of the door or window. both increased security and safety over annealed glass. Typical laminated Multi-point lock. Lock that has a latch bolt and a number of other bolts glass found in domestic buildings consists of two layers of glass and one positioned remote from the lock case but connected by rods, which are interlayer to a total thickness of 6.4 mm (soon to increase to 6.8 mm). thrown by means of a single action.

28 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 Night latch. Latch with a single bevel latch bolt that is operated internally throw 13 mm) and two dead or hook bolts garage (minimum by a knob and externally by a key which automatically engages when the throw 20 mm). All locked simultaneously by one operation of the door is shut. doors key. Alternatively a multi-point lock certified to Sold Secure Night vent or ventilation position. Position in which the door or specification SS 306. window can be secured whilst slightly ajar. This usually offers only E) Sliding: Anti-lift devices limited security. F) Sliding: Main locking system plus key operated patio door lock or Padbar A device spanning the full width of the door opening with security bolts (minimum throw 9 mm) at the interlock at bottom of supporting brackets or staples fixed to the frame and secured by a the door and if practical at the top of the door. Alternatively a patio padlock bar. Padbolt/padlock bolt. Door bolt which can be secured in the locked G) Sliding: A hook lock certified to BS 3621 or BS 8621 together with its position by means of a padlock. approved striking plate and accessories as tested Rim lock/bolt. Lock/bolt for fixing on the face of a door or window. H) Sliding: A multi-point lock system with a minimum of three Security bolt. Mortice or barrel bolt which can only be withdrawn by the horizontal locking points Incorporating hook bolts (minimum use of a key. throw 20 mm) and/ or vertical shoot bolts (minimum throw 14 Security screw. Screw designed so that it either cannot be removed when mm) locking into the head and sill of the door frame. All locked fixed or which requires a restricted access tool to remove it. simultaneously by one operation of the key. Alternatively a multi- Strike plate. Flat metal plate, appropriate to the latch or lock, fixed to a point lock certified to Sold Secure specification SS 306 frame to engage a bolt(s). J) Double doors: The main locking system plus 2 key-operated rim or Throw -bolts with linear movement -Distance that the dead bolt travels mortice security bolts 2nd closing leaf (minimum throw 14 mm) from the fore end of the lock in an outward direction under the action of (casement doors) a key, measured perpendicular to the fore end. L) Double doors: Two key operated rim or mortice security bolts Throw -hook bolts with arctuate movement. -Distance from the tip of (minimum throw 14 mm) 1st closing leaf (casement doors) the bolt travels from the unlocked to the locked position measured Windows parallel to the fore end of the lock. M Double doors: Two flush bolts (minimum throw 14 mm) mounted on door edge and 1st closing leaf concealed when doors are closed 11. STANDARDS N) Double doors: A multi-point lock system with a minimum of three The following standards are referred to in the text. The latest version of the locking points with a central 2nd closing leaf bolt (minimum throw standard shall be used. 13 mm) and two dead or hook bolts locking into the head and sill of the door frame (minimum throw 14 mm). All locked BS 3621 Thief resistant lock assemblies – Key egress. simultaneously by one operation of the key. Or a multi-point lock BS 5357 Code of practice for installation of security glazing. certified to Sold Secure specification SS 306 BS 5544 Specification for anti-bandit glazing (glazing resistant to P) Windows: A window lock with removable key manual attack). Q) Windows: A substantial locking handle with removable key BS 6206 Specification for impact performance requirements for flat S) Windows: A multi-point locking system with removable key safety glass and safetyplastics for use in buildings. T) Doors: A door-set certified to PAS 24 or ENV 1627 class 2 BS 6262 Part 4 Glazing in buildings – Safety related to human U) Windows: A window certified to BS 7950 or ENV 1627 class 2 V) impact. Doors to A heavy duty padbar bolted to the door and frame and BS 7950 Specification for enhanced security performance of fitted with a padlock outbuildings and fittings certified to EN 12320 casement and tilt/turn windows for domestic applications. Grade 3 BS 8213-4 Windows, doors and roof lights Part 4. Code of practice for the installation of replacement windows and doorsets in APPENDIX B dwellings. Hardware required to be fitted (as listed in Appendix A) BS 8220-1 Guide for security of buildings against crime – Part 1. Dwellings. Hinged final exit door A plus B, C or D, or T BS 8621 Thief resistant lock assemblies – Keyless egress. Other single hinged external doors A plus B, C or D, plus L (2 off), or T BS 10621 Thief resistant lock assemblies – Dual mode. Pedestrian doors on garages and domestic A plus B, C, D or V, or T PAS 24 Enhanced security performance requirements for door outbuildings assemblies – Part 1. Single leaf, external door assemblies to Double doors (1st closing door) A plus L (2 off) or M (2 off) dwellings. Double doors (2nd closing door) A plus B, J or N PAS 3621 Multi point locking assemblies – keyed egress. Sliding doors E plus F C, G, or H PAS 8621 Multi point locking assemblies – keyless egress. Louvre Windows See text PAS 10621 Multi point locking assemblies – dual mode. Accessible windows and ground floor (But not emergency egress BSEN12209 Building hardware – locks and latches. windows) L, P, Q, S or U openings BSEN1303 Building hardware -Cylinders for locks. A sash less than 600 mm in width or height requires a minimum BS EN 1906 Building hardware – Lever handles and knob furniture. of one locking point. For all other sashes a minimum of two BS EN 1935 Building hardware-Single-axis hinges. locking points is required BSEN12320 Building hardware -Padlocks and padlock fittings. BSEN13724 Postal services – Apertures of private letter plates. APPENDIX C Links to accredited products and services pr EN 1627-1630 Windows, doors, shutters -Burglar resistance. Accredited products and services can be found at: SS 306 Sold Secure Specification for Mechanical, Domestic Door Security Systems. Other security related products including padlocks and out-building SS312 Sold Secure Specification for lock cylinders security products at: Accredited products can be specified by your local MLA member. You APPENDIX A Specification of acceptable hardware can find a local member by visiting: A) All doors: Hinge bolts or security hinges with protection from hinge pin removal on all outward opening doors. An electronic copy of this document can be downloaded free of B) All doors: A lock certified to BS 3621, BS 8621 and BS 10621 charge from together with its approved striking or box plate and accessories as tested. MASTER LOCKSMITHS ASSOCIATION C) All doors: An acceptable alternative lock with the lock 5 D Great Central Way Woodford Halse manufacturers approved striking or box plate and accessories as Daventry Northants NN11 3PZ approved by the Insurers. Tel: 01327 262255 Fax: 01327 262539 D) Single door A multi-point lock system with a minimum of three Website: horizontal locking points with Pedestrian a central bolt (minimum e-mail: [email protected]

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 29 THE EUROPEAN SECURITY GROUP – MORE SAFETY AROUND THE WORLD ©

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quickly, changes in the market can be reacted to immediately and the experiences from other countries can be instantly implemented in the UK.

The first changes can already be seen: In West Bromwich a ware- house with more than 200 different products was established. M&L Logistics support Rottner here outstandingly. In addition City-Link has become a new partner for parcel delivery so that next day delivery The Rottner group with it´s headquarter in Austria is can also be offered. Fixing and positioning rounds off celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2011. Rottner Security the new service for customers. UK Ltd is celebrating 5 years existence. However the former location of the company in Bedford The Rottner group today belongs to Europe´s biggest remains. companies dealing with safes, letterboxes, gun cabinets, key cabinets, cashboxes... At the location of our warehouse in West Bromwich we are also opening a representative showroom. Since 2011 Rottner is represented by subsidiaries in 7 countries and we have a training centre here, where our customers can distribution partners in a further 3 countries. Altogether take part in regular product and sales training courses. Rottner delivers to over 30 countries in Europe and the An interesting social programme completes the day Middle East. comfortably.

Over 10,000 customers, among them popular DIY and cash & carry stores, more than 4000 products; this is The new main catalogue, which is now released, is then impressive data. also shown on our web-site in a few days

We are experts in special solutions for banks, car centers, In 2011 we will also be seen at the MLA EXPO 2011 with petrol stations, law firms, jewellers and others. We are a representative stand and we hope to be able to partner of a lot of those notable branches all over Europe. welcome you there.

The English subsidiary, Rottner Sec. UK Ltd has also There will therefore be a lot of new things happening in contributed to the success of the whole company. our company this year. It will be an exciting and busy year. We can be very proud of these figures which would not be possible without the loyalty of our customers. We are looking forward to the success of working We would like to thank you for this. together with you.

However the anniversary should be seen as a chance to Your Rottner Team again improve the benefits and the service to the customers. You want to get the new catalogue? Send a mail to [email protected] We therefore decided to put the management of this company under the control of the headquarters in Austria. You want to hear more of the advantages of dealing The new sales director is Thomas Halbertschlager, who as with Rottner? a member of the management within the whole Rottner Call 01234/376767 group is also in charge of the logistics and administration. It is therefore guaranteed that decisions can be made We will develop special solutions for your success

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 31 September 9th · 10th · 11th The International Centre · Telford

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Sold Secure provides test and assessment services of The Approved Product list gives the reader an insight into effective security products to commercial customers, the the more effective security products, it does not give any insurance industry, the Home Office, the Police and the form of guarantee that these products will be 100% public. effective in combating crime. Also, it does not guarantee that these methods are suitable for specific applications. It Sold Secure is a company dedicated to reducing the risk of is the responsibility of the equipment supplier and theft by the assessment of security products. Established in equipment purchaser to ensure that any system is suitable 1992 by Northumbria and Essex Police with the help and to its particular application and that it complies with all backing of the Home Office, it is now administered by the legislation, standards, codes of practice or any other Master Locksmiths Association. requirement. Every effort has been made to ensure the contents of the list are accurate, however Sold Secure does The scheme has close ties with a number of constabularies not accept any responsibility for loss arising from and insurers who provide regular information regarding decisions based upon it or the loss of any property which the methods of theft and the tools utilised by criminals in was protected by a security device bearing the Sold their area. This helps to maintain an up to date specification Secure logo. and means security products can be assessed in the light of the risk they are likely to encounter when in use. For updates to this list see our web site: Manufacturers and suppliers can apply to have their products approved by Sold Secure. Products which have been satisfactorily assessed may bear the Sold Secure © Sold Secure 2011 Quality Mark. Information on these approved products is circulated by Sold Secure to crime reduction officers, * N.B. Sold Secure take no responsibility for the wording and insurance companies, the media, the Home Office and the content of the description of products within the catalogue. This public, and is available free to those who request it. rests entirely with the supplier of the product.


● Bronze products offer a good level of resistance against the opportunist thief and should be used in a normal risk environment. ● Silver products offer a greater level of resistance against the more determined thief and should be used in a higher risk environment. ● Gold products offer our top level of resistance against the dedicated thief and should be used in a high risk environment. ● The Diamond level is a specific extra-high security grade for portable wheel locks for the caravan market, for tracking systems and for lock cylinders.

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 35 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

Alley Gates Cable Locks

The Alternative Eng. Partnership Ltd ABUS Alley Gate & Double Gate Centuro 860/85 T: 0151 427 1084 W: Centuro 860/110 T: 01845 521 700 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycles 

ABUS Granit Steel O Flex 1000/80 Granit Steel O Flex 1000/100 T: 01845 521 700 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold Domestic Security 

ARW Contracting Ltd (Barford Engineering) Balmoral Alley Gate T: 0845 644 2486 W:

● 25mm diameter strong, specially hardened steel shells protect the inner steel cable ● The hardened steel lock body offers excellent protection against brutal attacks, such as drilling, sawing, pulling, twisting ● Very strong, but also very flexible ● ABUS Plus cylinder with extremely high protection against intelligent The system has been designed and developed with high security and a opening methods low cost of total ownership as 2 key attributes. Key features include: ● Keyed alike or master keyed options available ● A more robust and refined product ● Complies with new 2004 Disability Discrimination Act ● Longevity of product means reduced total life costs Category Bronze Silver Gold ● High resistance to burglars and vandal attacks Bicycles  ● Low maintenance costs ● Resident and disabled user friendly. Henry Squire & Sons Ltd Category Bronze Silver Gold Halfords Bikehut 90cm and 180cm Integrated Cable Lock T: 01902 308050 W: Domestic Security  Category Bronze Silver Gold Design & Manufacture Ltd Bicycles  Iron-Town Alley Gates (Single & Double) T: 01685 379777 W: Henry Squire & Sons Ltd Mako 18/1800, 18/900 and 25/1800 Cable Locks T: 01902 308050 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycles 

Moore Large & Co Ltd Magnum Plus HLK305 Iron-Man Gate – strong, robust, unique design for total satisfaction T: 01332 274 233 W: ● Manufactured from galvanised based steel sheet for long life and coated with stove enamel paint Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Tried and trusted product Bicycles  ● Independently tested to Sold Secure Standard ● Opportunity to customise unit through laser cutting process (illustration above has Vale of Glamorgan Logo) Moore Large & Co Ltd ● Low maintenance and easy access Magnum Plus HLK306/308 ● Massive reduction in crime and anti-social behaviour after installation T: 01332 274 233 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Domestic Security  Bicycles 

36 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

Raleigh UK Winterhoff GmbH (Available via SAS Products) RSP Armoured Lock Wheel-Lock Diamond S2504-7 T: 01773 532600 W: T: 0117 9374747 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Diamond Bicycles  Caravan Diamond Wheel Lock 

Trelock GmbH MP 650 Chains T: 0049 251 919 9917 W: ABUS Category Bronze Silver Gold City Chain X Plus 1060 x 110cm City Chain X Plus 1060 x 85cm  Bicycles T: 01845 521 700 W:

Caravan Diamond Wheel Locks

AL-KO Kober Ltd AL-KO Secure Caravan Wheel Lock T: 01926 818500 W:

● 10mm chain with very high resistance against cutting, pulling and torsion ● ABUS POWERLINK technology with direct locking of the chain into the lock body ● Patented ABUS POWERCELL technology to increase pulling and torsion resistance ● Patented ABUS X Plus cylinder for highest picking resistance ● Highest ease of use and security in combination with very low weight The AL-KO Secure Wheel Lock is available now for selected 2006 model ● Keyed alike or master keyed options available caravans. It has been tested to the new Diamond Wheel Lock Standard and marks a considerable development in Caravan Security. The lock Category Bronze Silver Gold system has over 30,000 security combinations and is highly portable and  easy to use. Bicycles

The lock is drill resistant and has the added benefit of a registered key Artago Secure, S.L. management system. Insurance companies are starting to recognise this Artago Stone 14.100, 14.120, 14.150 & 14.170 superior theft deterrent and are offering considerable insurance discounts T: 0034 96253 1074 W: for fitment of the product. ● 14mm hardened chain ● Category Diamond Available in 4 lengths ● Zinc plated Caravan Diamond Wheel Lock  Category Bronze Silver Gold Winterhoff GmbH (Available via SAS Products) Motorcycle  Wheel-Lock Diamond T: 0117 9374747 W: English Chain Company Ltd 10mm Super Quadlink Chain T: 0845 3303 446 W:

● High grade 10mm square section chain made from special alloy steels ● Through-hardened and case-hardened Fits most post-2004 Explorer Group Caravans ● High resistance to hacksaws and bolt cutters Supplied with easy to fit (DIY or Dealer-fit) retro-fit lock adapter ● Bright zinc plated for corrosion protection BPW/Explorer Group approved ● Choice of thermoshrunk or fabric sleeving Locks wheel solidly to caravan chassis ● Available unsleeved in lengths of up to 10 metres Fits easily in seconds Secure lost key procedure in place Category Bronze Silver Gold  Category Diamond Bicycle  Caravan Diamond Wheel Lock  Motor Scooters

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 37 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

English Chain Company Ltd Henry Squire & Sons Ltd 13mm Superlink Chain J3/J4/J6 Chain T: 0845 3303 446 W: T: 01902 308050 W:

● Our heaviest duty chain ● 8mm diameter ● Made from highest grade alloy steels ● Woven sleeve cover ● 3-stage through-hardening and case-hardening ● Hardened alloy steel chain ● Maximum cutting resistance ● 900mm/1200mm/1800mm length ● Plated with a distinctive gold colour ● Extra long link for chain to be used with a closed shackle padlock ● Available in 13mm and 16mm sizes ● Choice of thick plastic sleeve, flexible fabric cover, or unsleeved up Category Bronze Silver Gold to 10 metres Bicycle 

Category Bronze Silver Gold IFAM (UK) Ltd ATVs  IFAM High Security Hex 14mm Chain T: 01923 263333 W: Bicycle  Motor Scooters  Category Bronze Silver Gold  Motorcycles Motorcycle 

English Chain Company Ltd MGX Asia 14mm Super Quadlink Chain XC14 Chain T: 0845 3303 446 W: T: 01256 704909 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold ATVs  Motor Scooters  Motorcycles 

Henry Squire & Sons Ltd 6mm Square Chain T: 01902 308050 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold ● 6mm diameter Motorcycles  ● Hardened alloy steel chain ● Square link design. ● 900mm length Pragmasis Ltd Protector 8mm Chain Category Bronze Silver Gold T: 01827 286267 W: Bicycles 

Henry Squire & Sons Ltd G4/G6 Chain T: 01902 308050 W:

The Protector 8mm chain is a versatile long-link design made from high grade hardened boron steel, and is surprisingly resistant to sawing/cutting, cropping and hammering attacks despite its light weight. International standard European steel with top-grade British heat treatment and finishing. It is bright zinc plated ● Woven sleeve cover and de-embrittled for maximum longevity and is supplied with a tough sleeve to ● 10mm diameter protect your valuables. Not as tough as the 11/13/16/19mm chains but much ● Hardened alloy steel chain more portable and easier to handle. Recommended for low-medium value ● 1200mm/1800mm length bicycles and similar applications, especially where portability and ease of ● Extra long link for chain to be used with a closed shackle padlock. handling are required; not recommended for motorbike use.

Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycle  Bicycles  Motor Scooters 

38 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

Pragmasis Ltd The Protector 16mm chain is a versatile long-link design made from high grade Protector 11mm Chain hardened boron steel bar, is guaranteed *impossible* to bolt-crop by hand T: 01827 286267 W: (even with 42” croppers) and is highly resistant to sawing/cutting and hammering attacks. It is a very highly specified and rated chain: International standard 16mm European steel with top-grade British heat treatment and finishing, awarded Sold Secure Gold approval in every category. It is bright zinc plated and de-embrittled for maximum longevity and is supplied with a tough sleeve to protect your valuables. Recommended for motorbike home security, plant/commercial/agricultural security and similarly demanding applications.

The Protector 11mm chain is a versatile long-link design made from high grade Category Bronze Silver Gold hardened boron steel bar, and is highly resistant to sawing/cutting, cropping ATVs  and hammering attacks. The long link design means it is lighter than many Bicycle  competing chains of similar or even smaller gauge. International standard  European steel with top-grade British heat treatment and finishing. It is bright Cars zinc plated and de-embrittled for maximum longevity and is supplied with a Caravans & Trailers  tough sleeve to protect your valuables. Not as tough as the 13/16/19mm chains Commercial Vehicles  but much more portable and easier to handle. Recommended for medium  value bicycles and similar applications, including as a carry chain; not Motor Scooters recommended for motorbike use. Motorcycles 

Category Bronze Silver Gold Pragmasis Ltd Bicycle  Protector 19mm Chain T: 01827 286267 W: www. Motor Scooters 

Pragmasis Ltd Protector 13mm Chain T: 01827 286267 W: www.

The Protector 19mm chain offers the ultimate security deterrent! It is a versatile long-link design made from high grade hardened boron steel bar, is guaranteed *impossible* to bolt-crop by hand (even with 42” croppers) and is exceptionally resistant to sawing/cutting and hammering attacks. It is the highest rated chain on the market: International standard 19mm European steel with top-grade The Protector 13mm chain is a versatile long-link design made from high British heat treatment and finishing, awarded Sold Secure Gold approval in every grade hardened boron steel bar, and is highly resistant to sawing/cutting category. No Far Eastern material of unknown composition here – This is high and hammering attacks. It is bright zinc plated and de-embrittled for grade stuff! It is bright zinc plated and de-embrittled for maximum longevity and maximum longevity and is supplied with a tough sleeve to protect your is supplied with a tough sleeve to protect your valuables. Recommended for very valuables. International standard European steel with top-grade British high value motorbike home or exposed security, military/plant/commercial/ heat treatment and finishing. Not as tough as the 16mm or 19mm chains agricultural security and other extremely demanding applications. but more portable and easier to handle. Recommended for high value bicycles, rural/equestrian security and similar applications or as a Category Bronze Silver Gold motorbike carry chain; not recommended for motorbike home security. ATVs   Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycle  Bicycle  Cars Motor Scooters  Caravans & Trailers  Commercial Vehicles  Pragmasis Ltd Motor Scooters  Protector 16mm Chain T: 01827 286267 W: www. Motorcycles 

Chains & Padlocks/Disclocks

ABUS 20/70 Diskus + 8KS Chain 110cm T: 01845 521 700 W: ● Special hardened 8mm diameter chain ● ABUS Plus cylinder with highest picking resistance ● Original ABUS Diskus padlock with highest resistance against all

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 39 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

kinds of brutal attacks pulling and drilling ● The round Diskus shape is extremely inaccessible for attacks with ● Lock body protected by tough material hand tools ● Self-locking cylinder with drill protection and handy reversible key ● Respectively low weight for a Sold Secure Silver rated Chain and ● High ease of use because of chain with integrated padlock padlock combination ● Low weight and high flexibility ● Keyed alike or master keyed options available.

Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycle  Bicycle 

ABUS Artago Secure, S.L. 1010/85/110 Padlock & Chain Artago Stone 68T, 68T100, 68T120, 68T150 & 68T170 T: 01845 521 700 W: T: 0034 96253 3001 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycle 

ABUS 6000/75+90cm Bordo T: 01845 521 700 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Monoblock forged steel disc lock Bicycle  ● Unique disc key locking system with 5mm anti-drill disc ● Code copy service ABUS ● Inner cataforesic anti-rust paint 8900/95 IONUS ● No.1 in the last disc lock comparative tests in Japan T: 01845 521 700 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Motorcycles  Bicycle  Artago Secure, S.L. ABUS Artago Stone 69T, 69T100, 69T120, 69T150 & 69T170 Granit Chain 37 (10 KS Chain + Granit 37/55 Padlock) T: 0034 96253 3001 W: T: 01845 521 700 W:

● Monoblock forged steel disc lock ● 10mm special hardened chain with very high resistance against ● Unique disc key locking system with 5mm anti-drill disc cutting, sawing, pulling and torsion ● Code copy service ● Special hardened Granit padlock with double side locking mechanism ● Inner cataforesic anti-rust paint ● ABUS Plus disc cylinder for extremely high protection against ● No.1 in the last disc lock comparative tests in Japan intelligent opening methods ● Keyed alike or master keyed options available Category Bronze Silver Gold  Category Bronze Silver Gold Motorcycles Bicycle  Henry Squire & Sons Ltd ABUS 37-D3 Padlock & Chain Steel O Chain 810 x 85 & 810 x 110 T: 01902 308050 W: T: 01845 521 700 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold ● 8mm diameter strong, specially hardened chain links offer great Bicycle  resistance against all sorts of brutal attacks, such as sawing, cutting,

40 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

Henry Squire & Sons Ltd Luma Industrias SA DCL1/J3 Padlock & Chain Escudo 38 Chain (1200 & 1700) T: 01902 308050 W: T: 01697 343240 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycle  Motor Scooters 

Henry Squire & Sons Ltd Luma Industrias SA Mako Chain Lock 900 Escudo 38 Gocycle T: 01902 308050 W: T: 01697 343240 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycle  Motor Scooters 

Henry Squire & Sons Ltd Moore Large & Co Ltd Mako Stronglink 900 Magnum Plus HLK303 Chain Lock T: 01902 308050 W: T: 01332 274 237 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycle  Bicycle 

Henry Squire & Sons Ltd Moore Large & Co Ltd TC4 Chain & SS65CS Padlock Magnum Plus 304 T: 01902 308050 W: T: 01332 274 237 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold  Motorcycles Bicycle 

J & S Motorcycle Accessories Ltd Oxford Products Dr Bike Lock & 10mm x 1.5mtr Chain (DR159) HD Chainlock T: 0845 3711427 T: 01993 862300 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycle  Bicycles  Motor Scooters  Motor Scooters 

Kryptonite Corporation Oxford Products NY Chain (1210 & 1217) with Evolution Series 4 Disc Lock Monster Chain (14mm Hex) & Padlock T: 01980 326000 W: T: 01993 862300 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Easy to fit ● Easy to use Bicycle  ● All fittings supplied Kryptonite Corporation NY Noose (1213 & 1275) with Evolution Series 4 Disc Lock Category Bronze Silver Gold T: 01980 326000 W: Motorcycles 

Category Bronze Silver Gold Oxford Products Bicycle  Nemesis 16mm Chainlock (OF330 OF331 OF332) T: 01993 862300 W: Kryptonite Corporation New York Fahgettaboudit (1410 & 1415) with New York Disc Lock Category Bronze Silver Gold T: 01980 326000 W: ATVs  Bicycles  Category Bronze Silver Gold  Bicycle  Motor Scooters  Motorcycle  Motorcycles

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 41 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

PJB Security Products PJB Security Products Secure-A-Bike 10mm Chain & Master Lock M50EURD Padlock Squire Ex-Caliber SS65 16mm Chain & SS65 CS Padlock T: 0117 965 9240 W: T: 0117 965 9240 W:

● 1.2m x 10mm square hardened Alloy steel chain. ● Prestige Top of the range Security Chain. ● Black/grey nylon protective sleeve. ● 16mm long link chain. ● Attractive Red plastic end cuffs. ● Highest grade Alloy steel. ● Zinc plated finish. ● Through and case hardened process for maximum strength and security. ● Master Lock Excell M50D Lock. ● This chain cannot be bolt cropped by hand. ● Discus 80mm round close shackle padlock. ● This chain cannot be sawn. ● 12mm Patented octagonal “Boron-Carbide” shackle. ● Gold Zinc plated finish. ● This shackle is 50% harder than hardened steel. ● Black heavy duty protective sleeve. ● Anti-drill plate. ● Attractive Yellow/Red plastic cuff ends. ● Keyway dust cover for superior weather protection. ● Chain available up to six metres in length ● Key retaining safeguard insures padlock is not left unlocked. PADLOCK ● Supplied with four keys. ● Squire SS65 Sold Secure Gold approved padlock. ● Close shackle with a hardened steel body. Category Bronze Silver Gold ● 13mm hardened Boron Alloy steel shackle.  Bicycles ● Six pin anti-drill tumbler. Motor Scooters  ● CEN No 6 security rating. ● 250,000 key combinations. PJB Security Products ● Anti-corrosion finish. Squire Ex-Caliber 14mm Chain & SS50 CS Padlock T: 0117 965 9240 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold ATVs  Motorcycles 

PJB Security Products Untouchable 19mm Security Chain and Nemesis 16mm Lock T: 0117 965 9240 W:

● 14mm x 1.8m length Chrome Molybdenum hardened security chain. ● Extremely secure hardened chain to protect against the most aggressive mechanical attacks. ● Zinc plated finish. ● Black “Squire” heavy duty protective sleeving. ● Attractive Yellow/Red plastic cuff ends. ● Ideal to protect Motorcycles, scooters etc ● High spec 19mm mid link security chain ● PADLOCK ● Unique laser cut end link- enables a wider choice of locks to be used ● SS50 Stronghold Solid Close shackle padlock. ● Highest grade Alloy steel ● Hardened steel body. ● Gold zinc plated finish ● 10mm Hardened Boron Alloy steel shackle. ● Blue protective sleeve ● Six pin anti-pick tumber. ● Blue plastic end cuffs- prevents sleeve fraying ● CEN No 4 security rating. ● Chain available in three lengths ● 250,000 key combinations. ● Ultra strong Nemesis 16mm hardened shackle lock ● Anti-corrision finish. ● Home and away - use lock while mobile ● Category Bronze Silver Gold Five keys provided ATVs  Category Bronze Silver Gold Motor Scooters  ATVs  Motorcycles  Motorcycles 

42 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

PJB Security Products Untouchable 19mm Security Chain and Squire SS65CS Padlock Category Bronze Silver Gold T: 0117 965 9240 W: Bicycle 

Commercial Doors

Greensteel Door T/A Omega Doors Ltd Omega SE-1 T: 01772 696351 W: ● High spec 19mm mid link security chain Steel Door Set ● Unique laser cut end link- enables a wider choice of locks to be used ● Highest grade Alloy steel Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Gold zinc plated finish Commercial Door / Window Security  ● Blue protective sleeve ● Blue plastic end cuffs- prevents sleeve fraying Greensteel Door T/A Omega Doors Ltd ● Chain available in three lengths ● High Security Squire SS65CS padlock Omega SE-2 ● 13mm Hardened Boron Alloy steel shackle T: 01772 696351 W: ● Solid close shackle padlock Steel Door Set ● Double locking ● Europe’s highest security rating -CEN No 6 Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Six pin anti-drill tumbler Commercial Door / Window Security  ● Made in Britain

Category Bronze Silver Gold Greensteel Door T/A Omega Doors Ltd ATVs  Omega SE-3 T: 01772 696351 W: Motorcycles  Steel Door Set PJB Security Products Category Bronze Silver Gold Untouchable 19mm Security Chain and Untouchable Lock Commercial Door / Window Security  T: 0117 965 9240 W: Greensteel Door T/A Omega Doors Ltd Omega SE-3 with optional panic release and night lock T: 01772 696351 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Commercial Door / Window Security 

● High spec 19mm mid link security chain ● Unique laser cut end link- enables a wider choice of locks to be used Cuff Shackles ● Highest grade Alloy steel ● Gold zinc plated finish Master Lock Europe ● Blue protective sleeve 8200 Eurdpro ● Blue plastic end cuffs- prevents sleeve fraying T: 00331 4429 7354 ● Chain available in three lengths ● High security superior product ● Master Lock Street Cuffs ● Compact 22mm double locking shackle ● Internal Width : 740mm ● Special hardened body ● Length : 36cm ● Tested to six ton pull ● Lifetime Guarantee ● Multi disc/anti-drill cylinder with dust cover ● Chrome plated finish ● Three keys provided

Category Bronze Silver Gold ATVs  Motorcycles 

Plus Eight Ind. Ltd These high security street cuffs are compact and lightweight and can be Hiplok folded in half for convenient storage. The hardened chrome plated steel T: 07811202491 W: cuffs resist cutting and prying and have an ABS bumper to protect from scratching. The heat treated patented lock core is virtually pick proof. Push Category Bronze Silver Gold button locking for keyless convenience. Supplied with 4 keys. Bicycle  Category Bronze Silver Gold Raleigh UK Bicycle  RSP Chain & Padlock T: 01773 532600 W:

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 43 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

Master Lock Europe ABUS 8290 Eurdps ABUS 471/150 HB 230 & 300 Sinus Plus T: 00331 4429 7354 T: 01845 521 700 W:

Cuff shackle Lock Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycle  Bicycle  ABUS Cylinders ABUS 53/160 HB230 T: 01845 521 700 W: Avocet ABS Eurocylinder Category Bronze Silver Gold T: 01484 711700 W: Bicycles  Eurocylinder Category Bronze Silver Gold Diamond ABUS Granit Plus 51/150 HB 230  Lock Cylinders Granit Plus 51/150 HB 300 T: 01845 521 700 W: Codringtons Ltd BI Lock DE70 T: 0208 889 8494 Eurocylinder Category Bronze Silver Gold Diamond Lock Cylinders  ● Special hardened 13mm round shackle which offers a very high Fab & Fix resistance against bolt cutters and sawing attacks Fab & Fix Lock ● Patented POWERCELL technology offers an extremely high T: 02476 585785 W: resistance against pulling and twisting attacks Eurocylinder ● Very innovative and universal TexKF bracket which fits to almost every frame size Category Bronze Silver Gold Diamond ● Keyed alike or master keyed options available Lock Cylinders  Category Bronze Silver Gold Jiangyin Orient Gangsheng Metal Products Co Ltd Bicycle  JYB 6 Pin Euro Cylinder T: 0086 510 86397862 ABUS Eurocylinder 505/160 HB230 & HB300 Ketaro T: 01845 521 700 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold Diamond  Lock Cylinders D Shackle Category Bronze Silver Gold D Shackle / U Locks Bicycle  ABUS ABUS 32/150 HB230 Facilo ABUS T: 01845 521 700 W: Abus 6500/85 X-Plus T: 01845 521 700 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycle  D Shackle Category Bronze Silver Gold ABUS Bicycle  ABUS 40/130 HB140 U-Mini T: 01845 521 700 W: ABUS Category Bronze Silver Gold Granit X Plus 54/160 HB 230 Granit X Plus 54/160 HB 300  Bicycle T: 01845 521 700 W: ABUS ● Special hardened 13mm square sized shackle offers highest ABUS 40/130 HB140 U-Mini G resistance against all sorts of brutal attacks (sawing, torsion, cutting) T: 01845 521 700 W: ● Patented PARABOLIC shape of the shackle offers increased pulling (car jack attacks) resistance and torsion resistance Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Patented ABUS POWERCELL technology offers highest resistance Bicycle  against pulling attacks and prevents the attack power being

44 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

transferred through the whole lock body ● Key replacement ● Patented ABUS X Plus cylinder for highest picking resistance ● Keyed alike or master keyed options available ● Automatic key hole cover ● Highest ease of use and security in combination with very low weight Category Bronze Silver Gold Innovative and very universal TexKF bracket Bicycle  ● Key replacement Keyed alike or master keyed options available Artago Secure, S.L. Artago Stone 18ART120, 18ART270, 18ART320 T: 0034 96253 1074 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycles   Motorcycles ● Unique disc key locking system with 5mm anti-drill disc ● Code copy service ABUS ● Exchangeable body cover Sinero 43 150 HB 230 ● Inner cataforesic anti-rust paint T: 01845 521 700 W: ● No.1 in the last U lock comparative tests in Japan

Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycles  Motorcycles 

ABUS Artago Secure, S.L. Sinus 46 Parabolic 150 HB 230/300 Triumph – Artago 18 XBT 270 & 320 T: 01845 521 700 W: T: 0034 96253 1074 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Motorcycles 

AXA (Stenman Holland B.V.) Defender RL T: 0031 3185 36111 W: ● 12mm diameter strong, specially hardened steel shackle offers great resistance against all sorts of brutal attacks, such as sawing, cutting, Category Bronze Silver Gold twisting and hammering Bicycles  ● Patented ABUS PARABOLIC shackle technology offers very high resistance against pulling attacks AXA (Stenman Holland B.V.) ● ABUS high quality 5-pin cylinder with high protection against picking SOLID ● New locking technique for even more security T: 0031 3185 36111 W: ● Supplied with the universal and versatile USH frame bracket ● Key replacement Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Keyed alike or master keyed options available Bicycles  Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycle  Henry Squire & Sons Ltd Challenger D Lock T: 01902 308050 W: ABUS Varedo 47 150 HB 230 & 300 ● Steel lock body. T: 01845 521 700 W: ● Disc tumbler lock mechanism. ● Easy to use carrying bracket. ● Keyhole dust cover.

Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycles 

Henry Squire & Sons Ltd ● 12mm diameter strong, specially hardened steel shackle offers great Halfords Bikehut 230-290 Shackle Lock resistance against all sorts of brutal attacks, such as sawing, cutting T: 01902 308050 W: ● Patented ABUS POWERCELL and PARABOLIC shackle technology offers very high resistance against pulling, hammering and twisting attacks Category Bronze Silver Gold ● ABUS Plus cylinder with extremely high protection against picking Bicycles  ● Supplied with the universal and versatile USH frame bracket

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 45 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

Kryptonite Corporation Henry Squire & Sons Evolution Series 4 STD Urban Paramount T: 01980 326000 W: T: 01902 308050 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycle 

Kryptonite Corporation Evolution Series 4 LS T: 01980 326000 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold ● 13mm diameter hardened Boron alloy steel shackle Bicycle  ● Unique double locking mechanism with solid steel locking bolt ● Hardened steel body with special anti-saw feature Kryptonite Corporation ● 6 pin tumbler anti-pick lock mechanism gives over 250,000 key differs Kryptolok Series 2 ATB ● Multipurpose carrying bracket. T: 01980 326000 W: ● Keyhole dust cover Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycle  Bicycles  Kryptonite Corporation Henry Squire & Sons Kryptolok Series 2 LS Urban Patriot T: 01980 326000 W: T: 01902 308050 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycle 

Kryptonite Corporation Kryptolok Series 2 STD T: 01980 326000 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycle  ● 260mm vertical shackle clearance ● 12mm diameter hardened steel shackle Kryptonite Corporation ● Unique double locking mechanism with solid steel locking bolt. Kryptolok Series 2 Mini ● Hardened steel body T: 01980 326000 W: ● Flat key 4 pin tumbler locking mechanism giving over 1000 key differs. ● Multipurpose carry bracket. Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Keyhole dust cover. Bicycle  Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycles  Kryptonite Corporation NY Lock STD Henry Squire & Sons T: 01980 326000 W: Urban Protector Category Bronze Silver Gold T: 01902 308050 W: Bicycle 

Luma Industrias SA ProScoot T: 016973 43240 W:

● 13mm diameter boron alloy steel shackle. ● Unique double locking mechanism with solid steel locking ball. ● Hardened steel lock body. ● Flat key 5 pin tumbler anti-pick lock mechanism giving over 3000 key differs. ● ● Multipurpose carrying bracket. designed U-lock specifically for scooters ● Easy to carry, dimensions that adapt well to the majority of scooters - Category Bronze Silver Gold ● High security: ● Bicycles  Hardened steel armour case

46 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 For more information on our range of sold secure gold approved D-Locks and other products please contact Master Lock on 01787 222027, email: [email protected] or visit our website: SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

● Hardened steel shackle 14mm diameter Moore Large & Co Ltd ● Double locking system Magnum LK3001 & LK3002 ● Copy of keys T: 01332 274 200 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Motor Scooters  Bicycle 

Luma Industrias SA Moore Large & Co Ltd ESCUDO ProScoot 175x245 & 175x320 Magnum LK5003 & LK5005 Pitbull T: 016973 43240 W: T: 01332 274 223 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Motor Scooters  Bicycle 

Master Lock Europe Moore Large & Co Ltd 8195 Eurdprocol & Eurdprocolw Magnum Plus HLK300 & 302 T: 0033 1 4143 7226 T: 01332 274 231 W:

D Lock Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycle  Bicycle  Moore Large & Co Ltd Master Lock Europe Onguard Brute LK5001 Street Fortum 8285 Eurdpro T: 01332 274 223 W: T: 0033 1 4143 7226 Category Bronze Silver Gold D Shackle Motor Scooters  Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycle  Oxford Products HD Mini Shackle Lock Master Lock Europe T: 01993 862300 W: Street Fortum 8195 Eurdpro & Eurdprolw T: 0033 1 4143 7226 Category Bronze Silver Gold  D Shackle Bicycles Motor Scooters  Category Bronze Silver Gold  Bicycle Oxford Products Oxford Magnum U-Lock MGX Asia T: 01993 862300 W: XSU69 U Lock T: 01256 704909 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold ATVs  Bicycles  Motorcycles  Motor Scooters 

Pinehead Components Inc Category Bronze Silver Gold Bubble Lock T: 0871 231 9966 W: Motorcycles  Category Bronze Silver Gold Moore Large & Co Ltd  Brute 5000 Bicycle T: 01332 274 223 W: Raleigh UK Category Bronze Silver Gold RSP Shackle Lock ALA1003 / ALA1000 Bicycle  T: 01773 532600 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold Moore Large & Co Ltd  LK5002 Onguard Pitbull Bicycle T: 01332 274 223 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycle 

48 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

Trelock GmbH Trelock GmbH BS 400 108/230 & 108/300 and BS450 108/230 & 108/300 BS 610 108/230 Contact: Henry Squire & Sons T: 01902 308050 BS 610 108/300 T: 0049 251 919 9917 W:

● Extremely safe with 2-sided shackle lock ● Anti-spread protection ● Newly developed, double rolled bolt for extreme breakage and ● Precision lock cylinder manipulation protection detachment protection ● Anti-pick system ● Anti-lock opening protection system with integrated all-round steel ● Protection against manipulation through 5-pin tumbler cylinder plating for the highest level of protection against the twisting of the lock ● Convenient automatic closing and opening mechanism ● Alloyed special steel, externally saw resistant, refrigerant spray resistant ● Weight saving design ● Precision lock cylinder manipulation protection

Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycles  Bicycles 

Trelock GmbH BS 401 106/260 LL400 Lock Disclocks Contact: Henry Squire & Sons T: 01902 308050 Artago Secure, S.L. Artago 32X T: 0034 96253 1074 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Motorcycles 

Artago Secure, S.L. Triumph - Artago 69XBT ● Mostly black D Shackle with Silver trim on lock body T: 0034 96253 1074 W: ● Double locking ● Alloyed hardened special steel, externally saw resistant, internally Category Bronze Silver Gold impact resistant, refrigerant spray resistant Motorcycles  ● Precision lock cylinder tamper-proof anti-pick system ● Bore protection Henry Squire & Sons Ltd ● Special bracket for the saddle pillar with lock-in position for the ML 2 LN correct lock position T: 01902 308050 W: ● Lock can be inserted in the bracket from both sides ● Load capacity up to 10kg

Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycles 

Trelock GmbH BS 510 / 550 T: 0049 251 919 9917 W: ● 13mm diameter hardened Boron alloy steel shackle ● Hardened steel body resists sawing and drilling. ● 6 Pin tumbler anti-pick lock mechanism gives over 250,000 key differs. ● Highly visible lock body to deter attack

Category Bronze Silver Gold Motorcycles 

Kryptonite Corporation New York Disc Lock Category Bronze Silver Gold T: 01980 326000 W: Bicycles  ● Through-hardened 1/2” (13mm) Kryptonium™ Steel shackle defies bolt cutters, saws, hammers and chisels to provide ultimate security ● Highest security, pick and drill resistant disc-style cylinder ● Enhanced Steel sleeve over crossbar provides double security protection

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 49 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

● Double deadbolt locking mechanism for extensive holding power MGX Asia ● 3 Keys, including 1 lighted, with every lock XX14 Disk Lock ● Lifetime Key Registration & Key Replacement Service available T: 01256 704909 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold  Motorcycles  Motorcycles

MGX Asia Oxford Products X2 Disk Lock Boss 12.7mm Disc Lock T: 01256 704909 W: (OF38 OX39) T: 01993 862300 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold ATVs  Motor Scooters  Motorcycles 

Oxford Products Category Bronze Silver Gold Big Boss 16mm Disc Lock (OF46) Motorcycles  T: 01993 862300 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold MGX Asia  XN14 Disk Lock ATVs T: 01256 704909 W: Motor Scooters  Motorcycles 

Oxford Products Monster MK 2 Disc Lock T: 01993 862300 W: ● Easy to fit ● Easy to use ● All fittings supplied Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Motorcycles  ATVs  MGX Asia Bicycles  XN15 Disk Lock Motorcycles  T: 01256 704909 W: Motor Scooters 

Oxford Products Nemesis 16mm Disc Lock (OF47) T: 01993 862300 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold ATVs   Category Bronze Silver Gold Motor Scooters Motorcycles  Motorcycles 

50 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

Domestic Door/Window Security ● Profile: Halo System 10 PVCu/Galvanised steel reinforcement ● Lock: 3-hook multipoint Yale Asgard. One-piece keep EM & H Holdings Ltd ● Cylinder: Yale 6 no anti drill/pick fitted with Enhancer to prevent pulling Neulock & Neulock Bolt snap. T: 01621 850917 W: ● Handle: Hoppe Luxembourg: Steel backplates and 3x M6 screws prevent forced removal. Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Hinges: 3x Roto Doorline 108 Domestic Door / Window Security  Category Bronze Silver Gold Gretsch Unitas Domestic Door / Window Security  G4 Rhino Bolt Slave Leaf and Shootbolts T: 024 7621 7900 W: Willearn Ltd Door Defender Category Bronze Silver Gold T: 0121 6035887 W: Domestic Door / Window Security  Category Bronze Silver Gold Gretsch Unitas Domestic Door / Window Security  G4 Rhinobolt Nightlatch T: 024 7621 7900 W: Foldable Locks Category Bronze Silver Gold ABUS Domestic Door / Window Security  6100 /75-90 Combo T: 01845 521 700 W: Gretsch Unitas GU G4 Rhino ADDvantage T: 024 7621 7900 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Domestic Door / Window Security 

Gretsch Unitas GU G4 Rhino Bolt Foldable combination lock T: 024 7621 7900 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycles  Domestic Door / Window Security  Trelock GmbH Ison Products Ltd FS450/FS455 Gateshield (Shootbolt & slamlock) W: T: 0049 251 919 9917 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold Domestic Door / Window Security 

Strand DNA (UK) Ltd Chain Reaction T: 08442 490150 W: High quality and robust door chain with a high decibel screech alarm and automatic DNA spray to deter entry and for forensic identification of the intruder. Foldable lock Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Bicycles  Audible Accessory Alarm 

Warmseal Windows (Newcastle) Ltd Garage Door Security Residential Door PJB Security Products T: 0191 2648383 E: [email protected] Garage Defender (Red) and Sterling ASP180 Armoured Steel Padlock T: 0117 965 9240 W:

● As featured on BBC1 TV programme “To catch a thief” ● Independent concealed armoured padlock included ● Defender unit locks onto a solid steel base with padlock to block the tilt action of the door ● Redesigned for ease of use ● Simple ground fitting in front of garage door with expandable security

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 51 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

raw bolts included ● Vehicle security locking device ● Fitting for concrete base as standard – Tarmac built-in base available ● Visible deterrent for would-be thieves ● Attractive Red powder coat finish ● Fits both manual and automatic transmissions ● Heavy construction ● Can be customised to suit many different vehicles ● Easy to fit within the hour ● High security Mul-T-Lock cylinder mechanism ● Full fitting instructions included ● Convenient 45° key insertion ● Made in Britain Category Bronze Silver Gold Cars  Commercial Vehicles 

Ground Anchors ABUS WBA 100 Wall/Ground Anchor Category Bronze Silver Gold T: 01845 521 700 W: Domestic Security 

PJB Security Products Garage Defender ‘Master’ & Padlock T: 0117 965 9240 W:

● 16mm shackle made of hardened special steel for extreme resistance against the most aggressive attacks ● Extra Wide shackle for easy locking ● Due to its flat shape and the use of high quality plastic cover it is possible to drive over the anchor in fixed position (e.g. in the garage) ● Solid steel hardened shackle-less padlock ● Can be fixed either on the floor or at the wall, suitable indoor and ● Defender unit locks onto a solid steel base with padlock outdoor ● Fitting for concrete base as standard – Tarmac built-in base available ● Supplied with four certified heavy weight screws ● Simple ground fitting in front of garage door with expandable security raw bolts included Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Attractive Black powder coated finish Bicycles  ● Heavy construction Motorcycles  ● Easy to fit within the hour ● Full fitting instructions included Bike It International Ltd Category Bronze Silver Gold Mammoth Bolt Down Ground Anchor T: 02380 355 000 W: Domestic Security 

PJB Security Products Secure-A-Door Roller Shutter/Up & Over Garage Door Lock T: 0117 965 9240 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Domestic Security 

The Mammoth Bolt-Down Ground Anchor provides a sturdy anchor point Gearlocks to secure motorcycles to. Hardened steel base unit with twin layer chain- casing, uses expander bolts to create permanent fixing to concrete, Mul-T-Lock (UK) finished with anti-tamper bearings. Gearlock 45 T: 01902 364200 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold Motorcycles 

Bulldog Security Products MC 100 Lock Chain & Anchor T: 01952 728171 W:

The MC 100 Chain Lock System can be used with the flush fitting ground anchor or with the recessed cup to form a portable, heavy-weight loop

52 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS chain to wrap around lamp posts, poles etc. Oxford Products The chain is made from 12mm Boron alloy steel, 16mm diameter end loops. Anchor Force T: 01993 862300 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Double layered hardened steel ground anchor  Caravans/Trailers ● Ground mounted with 4 security anchor bolts Motorcycles  ● Blue powder coated paint finish

Hardie Secure Products Limited Category Bronze Silver Gold Hardie-Secure Ground Anchor Motorcycles  T: 01525 634084 W: Oxford Products Category Bronze Silver Gold Brute Force Ground Anchors  T: 01993 862300 W: Ground Anchor Henry Squire & Sons Ltd GA1 Category Bronze Silver Gold T: 01902 308050 W: Bicycles  Motor Scooters 

Oxford Products RotaForce G A T: 01993 862300 W: Ground Anchor on round base, with 4-fixing holes, and large eyelet. Blue powder-coat paint

● Hardened steel, heavy duty anchor Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Needs to be fixed into floor Motorcycles  ● Bright colour to deter attack ● Use with SQUIRE Sold Secure approved locks. Oxford Products Terra Force Ground Anchor Category Bronze Silver Gold T: 01993 862300 W: Motorcycles 

Luma Industrias SA Solido Anchor Evolution T: 016973 43240 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Motorcycles 

MGX Asia ● Case hardened concrete-in steel floor anchor XGA 03 Ground Anchor ● Supplied with all fixings T: 01256 704909 W: ● Blue powder coated paint finish ● Fits any chain or U-lock

Category Bronze Silver Gold ATVs  Bicycles  Caravan/Trailer  Ground Anchors  Motorcycles  Category Bronze Silver Gold Ground Anchors 

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 53 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

PJB Security Products PJB Security Products ATV Bolt Down Anchor & Viper 16mm Shackle Lock Immobiliser Anchor Mk2 T: 0117 965 9240 W: T: 0117 965 9240 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Motorcycles 

PJB Security Products Red Alert Double Bridge Ground Anchor T: 0117 965 9240 W:

● Prestige top of the range security chain. ● 16mm Diameter security chain incorporated into a Ground Anchor. ● Chain length- 600mm. ● Home and away package. ● 150mm x 150mm Base Plate. ● Complete with security fixing bolts and steel ball inserts. ● Chain Zinc plated finish. ● Black hammerite base plate finish. ● Unique double bridge ● Designed to secure over axle or through chain sprocket. ● Floor fitting ● DISC-LOCK- Use your Disc-lock when mobile. ● Solid construction ● Heavy duty 16mm hardened Alloy steel shackle. ● Fits chain up to 13mm ● Double locking mechanism. ● 4 security fixing bolts – steel ball inserts ● Hardened steel lock mechanism to protect against drilling, sawing and ● Easy to fit with full fitting instructions included cutting. ● Red powder coated finish ● Shackle overwidth-90mm, length 100mm. ● Made in Britain ● Plastic protective coating on shackle. Can be used as a disc-lock. Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Ideal uses include securing Quads, ATV’s, Motorcycles, Scooters, ATVs  Trailers and Caravans. Motorcycles  Category Bronze Silver Gold ATVs  PJB Security Products Motor Scooters  Taurus Bullring Anchor (bolt down) T: 0117 965 9240 W: PJB Security Products Bullpoint Anchor T: 0117 965 9240 W:

● Very compact folding bolt down or wall mounted anchor. ● Fully case hardened product to RC60 spec. ● Laser cut 28mm x 12.5mm hardened shackle. ● This anchor when not in use is only 35mm in height from ground ● Single bridge anchor. level making it ideal to drive or ride over. ● Fully case hardened product to RC 60 spec. ● Large aperture of 80mm x 80mm. ● Solid construction. ● Ideal for large chains up to 19mm. ● Supplied complete with four security fixing bolts, steel ball inserts. ● This anchor will fit two 16mm chains together. ● Fits chains up to 19mm. ● Base plate 150mm x 150mm. ● Blue Powder Coated finish. ● Powder coated finish. ● Made in Britain. ● Supplied with four security fixing bolts and steel ball inserts and fitting instructions. Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Ideal uses include securing Motorcycles, scooters, High value  Motorcycles bicycles, Quad/ ATV’s, plant, machinery, ride on lawnmowers, Caravans, trailers etc. PJB Security Products ● Also ideal for commerical uses including shop fronts, hire shops Concave Built In Anchor fronts, council car applications etc. T: 0117 965 9240 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold ATVs  ATVs  Motorcycles  Motor Scooters 

54 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

PJB Security Products Y Anchor Taurus Bullring Anchor (built in) Y Anchor & Y-Max 90 T: 0117 965 9240 W: T: 0191 2159738 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Motorcycles 

PJB Security Products The Immobiliser Anchor T: 0117 965 9240 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold  Motorcycles Motorcycles 

Pragmasis Ltd Torc Ground Anchor Series II Hitchlocks T: 01827 286267 W: AL KO Kober Ltd AL KO AK 160/300 & AKS 1300/3004 Stabilisers T: 01926 818500 W:

The Torc Ground Anchor Series II is the highest-rated ground anchor on the market and is an easy fit with DIY tools to concrete floor, brick wall or ● van/bike safe. It is British made, uses four high tensile fixings for maximum Safeguards against unauthorised coupling and uncoupling ● strength without requiring an industrial drill to fit (a drill bit is included), and is Safeguards against theft of coupling or stabiliser ● the only ground anchor that is Sold Secure Gold approved in every category Cylinder lock with drill protection ● (Concrete Floor fitting, using hi-tech but still easy to use chemical resin Can remain fitted whilst caravan and car are coupled together, e.g. at capsules - these are actually easier to fit and much stronger than expanding services ● bolts!). It uses a 20mm hardened steel shackle that folds flat when not in use. TUV/Sold Secure Gold Approved ● The shackle forms a complete ‘D’, meaning that a thief would have to cut it Complete with 2 security keys and safety ball ● twice in order to defeat it - that would be two cuts through 20mm diameter Extremely robust and attractive design hardened steel! The Torc ground anchor is designed to suit 16mm/19mm and Category Bronze Silver Gold other high security chains. Zinc phosphate treated and powder coated for  corrosion resistance. Caravans/Trailers

Category Bronze Silver Gold Bick BV (Available via SAS Products) Doublelock Condor ATVs  T: 0117 937 4494 W: Bicycles  Caravans / Trailers  Cars  Commercial Vehicles  Motor Scooters  Motorcycles 

● Fits Knott, Albe and Winterhoff, plus WS3000 & SSK I/II/II Toolsecure Ltd ● Easy to fit at Motorway Service Stations, when on site or in storage ‘T’ Pin Locking System ● Fits hitched and unhitched T: 07538 836607 W: ● Anti-pull, Anti-drill, Anti-pick lock Ground anchor with lock ● 5 keys, including one light key for night time use Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Supplied in plastic carry case  Security Posts Category Bronze Silver Gold Caravans/Trailers 

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 55 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

Bick BV (Available via SAS Products) ● Highly visible, finished in bright red powder coating Doublelock Eagle ● Comes complete with Bulldog Super Lock Bolt. T: 0117 937 4494 W: ● Can be used to secure caravan or trailer when hitched, un-hitched or in conjunction with one of Bulldog’s Lock Posts. Category Bronze Silver Gold Caravans/Trailers 

Ifor Williams Trailers Ltd IWT Heavy Duty Coupling Lock T: 01490 412626 W:

● Fits AK160, AK300, AKS1300, AKS2004 & AKS3004 Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Easy to fit at Motorway Service Stations, when on site or in storage  ● Fits hitched and unhitched Caravans/Trailers ● Anti-pull, Anti-drill, Anti-pick lock ● 5 keys, including one light key for night time use Maypole Ltd ● Supplied in plastic carry case 40/50 Towing Eye Lock T: 0121 2704301 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold Caravans/Trailers  Category Bronze Silver Gold Caravans/Trailers  Bulldog Security Products Bulldog Hitch Lock Maypole Ltd T: 01952 728171 W: Avonride Hitchlock T: 0121 2704301 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Caravans/Trailers 

Maypole Ltd Bradley Autohead Hitchlock T: 0121 2704301 W: Finished in durable black powder coating, comes complete with red plastic cover and Bulldog’s Super Lock Bolt. When locked, hitch head is Category Bronze Silver Gold completely enclosed. Caravans/Trailers  Category Bronze Silver Gold Maypole Ltd Caravans/Trailers  Bradley Original Hitchlock T: 0121 2704301 W: Bulldog Security Products Bulldog Mini Lock Category Bronze Silver Gold T: 01952 728171 W: Caravans/Trailers 

Maypole Ltd Hitchlock for AKS 2004, AKS 1300, AKS 300 & AK 160 T: 0121 2704301 W:

Finished in durable black powder coating and comes complete with red plastic cover and Bulldog’s Super Lock Bolt. Versatile protection can be used hitched, un-hitched or in conjunction with Bulldog’s Lock Posts.

Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Easy fit in under 10 seconds Caravans/Trailers  ● 2 year mechanical parts warranty ● Totally encloses handle and towing hitch bolts Bulldog Security Products ● High visibility, yellow polyester coated metal protection ● Bulldog WW100 Hitchlock Electro plated body ● Case hardened steel body and locking bolt T: 01952 728171 W: ● High security pick-free lock with anti-drill feature with millions of key combinations ● Dust, water and corrosion proof lock ● Supplied with 3 keys

Category Bronze Silver Gold Caravans/Trailers 

56 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

Maypole Ltd 3. removal of the stabiliser Stronghold Winterhoff WS3000 Hitch Lock ● Can also be fitted when driving T: 0121 2704301 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold  Category Bronze Silver Gold Caravans/Trailers Caravans/Trailers  Locking Wheel Nuts Milenco Limited Super Heavy Duty AKS3004 Hitchlock SAS Security Products Limited T: 01908 220 102 W: SAS Locking Wheel Bolts T: 0117 937 4494 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold Caravans/Trailers  Category Pass Locking Wheel Nuts  Milenco Limited Super Heavy Duty WS3000 Winterhoff Hitchlock Maypole Ltd T: 01908 220 102 W: Stronghold Locking Wheel Bolts Category Bronze Silver Gold T: 0121 2704301 W:  Caravans/Trailers Category Pass Locking Wheel Nuts  SAS Products Limited SAS Fortress 2 Hitchlock T: 0117 937 4494 W: Numberplates

Hill Numberplates Ltd Hills Secureplate (2 point Fixing) T: 0121 623 8090

Category Pass Secure Number Plates 

● For Alko Stabilising Hitches, also fits other open handled hitches ● Unique deadlocking lock with anti-drill features Personal Attack Alarms ● Totally enclosed handle leaving no exposed parts – giving maximum strength and protection JNE Marketing Ltd ● Incredibly strong with hardened steel body and locking bolt – yet only Minder Personal Alarm Code MDST-001 weighs 3.5kg T: 01978 855 054 W: ● High security laser cut keys supplied Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Personal Attack Alarms  Caravans/Trailers  JNE Marketing Ltd Securiti Ltd / European Security Ltd Miniature Personal Attack Alarm Diamond Hitchlock T: 01978 855 054 W: T: 01775 821201 E: [email protected] Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Personal Attack Alarms  Caravans/Trailers  JNE Marketing Ltd Winterhoff GmBH Personal Attack Alarm Robstop WS 3000 Plus T: 01978 855 054 W: T: 0049 2338 9159 25 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Hardened model for all stabilisers WS 3000 from WINTERHOFF  ● Very easy operation Personal Attack Alarms ● Provides 3-fold protection against : 1. unauthorised hook up 2. unauthorised disconnection

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 57 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

JNE Marketing Ltd Security Blinds Personal Attack Alarm with Torch T: 01978 855 054 W: Security Blinds Ltd Security Blind Category Bronze Silver Gold T: 0207 566 2610 W: Personal Attack Alarms  The use of steel, extruded aluminium and high quality PVCu combined with JNE Marketing Ltd a patented locking mechanism enables the blind to provide protection in Phone Personal Attack Alarm any environment. T: 01978 855 054 W: Operates like a conventional blind with the added benefits of sound and Category Bronze Silver Gold thermal insulation. Eliminates the need for vertical or Venetian blinds; provides the highest level of protection from burglary in an elegant and Personal Attack Alarms  visually appealing way Solon Security Ltd Defender IIIT T: 01352 762266 W: The Defender IIIT sets the standard in every area for other alarms to follow. Manufactured to the highest electronic standards, made with the toughest ABS housing, incorporating features that deliver protection, the loudest and guaranteed for ten years. Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Domestic Security  Personal Attack Alarms 

Solon Security Ltd Security Cabinets Defender Minimax T: 01352 762266 W: Associated Security Services Ltd Pennine High Security Cabinets The latest addition to the Defender Range. Though small, this convenient T: 0161 8322777 W: personal alarm delivers an amazing and ear-piercing volume. Developed and manufactured with rigorous attention to detail, the Minimax represents the Category Bronze Silver Gold best value for money available. Security Cabinets  Category Bronze Silver Gold Associated Security Services Ltd  Personal Attack Alarms ASSEC Pharma DD Safe T: 0161 8322777 W: Safes Category Bronze Silver Gold Assa Abloy AB Security Cabinets  Yale (Y Series Safes) Hospital Metalcraft Limited Category Bronze Silver Gold Maid Secure Domestic Safe  T: 01258 451338 W:

Burton Safes Limited Category Bronze Silver Gold Governor 1812, 2418 and Till Safe Security Cabinets  T: 01484 663388 W: Master Lock 5460 EURD T: 00331 41 43 72 26 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Security Cabinets 

● Ideal for the storage of controlled drugs Security Chains ● Meets the higher standard often required by the Home Office Zone Security Products (UK) Ltd ● Removable shelves included 812/HD/EL Category Bronze Silver Gold T: 0118 977 0027 W: Domestic Safe  This heavy duty chain is constructed from through hardened steel.

The 12mm hexagonal links provide exceptional resistance to bolt cropping. The chain also has an extended end link and woven nylon sheath.

58 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

● Hardened solid steel body ● Through-hardened molybdenum-steel shackle ● Black e-plated for maximum rust resistance ● Double stainless steel ball locking mechanism ● Deadlocking: key-retaining when unlocked ● Re-keyable six pin drill protected cylinder ● Available with registered keys

Category Bronze Silver Gold Security Cabinets 

Zone Security Products (UK) Ltd 812/MD/EL T: 0118 977 0027 W: This medium duty chain is constructed from through hardened steel. The Category Bronze Silver Gold 10mm square links provide exceptional resistance to bolt cropping. The Padlocks  chain also has an extended end link and woven nylon sheath. Codringtons Ltd Federal Lock FD 740 T: 0208 889 8494 E: [email protected]

Category Bronze Silver Gold Security Cabinets 

Security Padlocks ● A heavy duty padlock for use in the most demanding situations. ● Hardened solid steel body Codringtons Ltd ● Through-hardened molybdenum-steel shackle ● Federal FD 4025 Hasp & Staple Black e-plated for maximum rust resistance ● Double stainless steel ball locking mechanism T: 0208 889 8494 E: [email protected] ● Deadlocking: key-retaining when unlocked ● Re-keyable six pin drill protected cylinder Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Available with registered keys Padlocks  Category Bronze Silver Gold Codringtons Ltd Padlocks  Federal Lock FD 730 T: 0208 889 8494 E: [email protected] Codringtons Ltd Federal Lock FD 740P T: 0208 889 8494 E: [email protected]

● A heavy duty padlock for use in demanding situations. ● Hardened solid steel body ● Through-hardened molybdenum-steel shackle ● A heavy duty padlock with protected shackle for use in demanding ● Black e-plated for maximum rust resistance situations. ● Double stainless steel ball locking mechanism ● Hardened solid steel body ● Deadlocking: key-retaining when unlocked ● Through-hardened molybdenum-steel shackle ● Re-keyable six pin drill protected cylinder ● Black e-plated for maximum rust resistance ● Available with registered keys ● Double stainless steel ball locking mechanism Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Deadlocking: key-retaining when unlocked ● Re-keyable six pin drill protected cylinder  Padlocks ● Available with registered keys Category Bronze Silver Gold Codringtons Ltd Federal Lock FD 730P Padlocks  T: 0208 889 8494 E: [email protected]

● A heavy duty padlock with protected shackle for use in demanding situations.

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 59 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

Codringtons Ltd ● Discreet, stylish black electrophoretic finish Federal Lock FD 900 ● Rubber bumper protects padlock and its surroundings T: 0208 889 8494 E: [email protected] ● Aluminium identification tag for easy marking ● High body for enhanced shackle protection Category Bronze Silver Gold ● 16mm vertical shackle clearance Padlocks  Category Bronze Silver Gold  English Chain Company Ltd Padlocks EC 350C Abloy T: 0845 3303 446 W: Mul-T-Lock (UK) Ltd E-Series Padlock E8L (C1) T: 01902 364200 W:

● One of the toughest padlocks available with maximum resistance to attack ● Hardened solid steel body with 14mm hardened Boron steel shackle ● High security padlock for general use ● Anti-drill protection ● Patented Interactive® or MT5® telescopic locking mechanism ● Special 11 disc mechanism with over 2 million key combinations ● Case hardened steel body with 8mm diameter hardened Boron Alloy ● High resistance to wear, dirt, moisture, corrosion and freezing Steel shackle ● Double locking shackle for greater strength Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Rotating, hardened disk protects lock mechanism ● Bicycles  Protective shutters to prevent dust contamination ● Shackle drainage holes to prevent freezing  ATVs ● Discreet, stylish black electrophoretic finish Motor Scooters  ● Rubber bumper protects padlock and its surroundings Motorcycles  ● Aluminium identification tag for easy marking ● 22mm vertical shackle clearance Kaba (UK) Ltd Category Bronze Silver Gold K180000-N1 Padlock T: 0870 0005625 W: Padlocks 

Category Bronze Silver Gold Mul-T-Lock (UK) Ltd Padlocks  E-Series Padlock E11H T: 01902 364200 W: Kaba (UK) Ltd 2010 Padlock T: 0870 0005625 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Padlocks 

Mul-T-Lock (UK) Ltd ● High security padlock for medium risk applications E-Series Padlock E8H ● Patented Interactive® or MT5® telescopic locking mechanism T: 01902 364200 W: ● Case hardened steel body with 11mm diameter hardened Boron Alloy Steel shackle ● Double locking shackle for greater strength ● Rotating, hardened disk protects lock mechanism ● Protective shutters to prevent dust contamination ● Shackle drainage holes to prevent freezing ● Discreet, stylish black electrophoretic finish ● Rubber bumper protects padlock and its surroundings ● Aluminium identification tag for easy marking ● High security padlock for general use ● High body for enhanced shackle protection ● Patented Interactive® or MT5® telescopic locking mechanism ● 18mm vertical shackle clearance ● Case hardened steel body with 8mm diameter hardened Boron Alloy Steel shackle Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Double locking shackle for greater strength Padlocks  ● Rotating, hardened disk protects lock mechanism ● Protective shutters to prevent dust contamination ● Shackle drainage holes to prevent freezing

60 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

Mul-T-Lock (UK) Ltd ● Protective shutters to prevent dust contamination E-Series Padlock E11L (C1) ● Shackle drainage holes to prevent freezing T: 01902 364200 W: ● Discreet, stylish black electrophoretic finish ● Rubber bumper protects padlock and its surroundings ● Aluminium identification tag for easy marking ● 26mm vertical shackle clearance

● High security padlock for medium risk applications ● Patented Interactive® or MT5® telescopic locking mechanism ● Case hardened steel body with 11mm diameter hardened Boron Alloy Steel shackle Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Double locking shackle for greater strength  ● Rotating, hardened disk protects lock mechanism Padlocks ● Protective shutters to prevent dust contamination Mul-T-Lock (UK) Ltd ● Shackle drainage holes to prevent freezing E-Series Padlock E18H ● Discreet, stylish black electrophoretic finish T: 01902 364200 W: ● Rubber bumper protects padlock and its surroundings ● Aluminium identification tag for easy marking ● 26mm vertical shackle clearance

Category Bronze Silver Gold Padlocks 

Mul-T-Lock (UK) Ltd E-Series Padlock E14H High security padlock for very high risk applications T: 01902 364200 W: Patented Interactive® or MT5® telescopic locking mechanism Case hardened steel body with 18mm diameter hardened Boron Alloy Steel shackle Double locking shackle for greater strength Rotating, hardened disk protects lock mechanism Protective shutters to prevent dust contamination Shackle drainage holes to prevent freezing Discreet, stylish black electrophoretic finish Rubber bumper protects padlock and its surroundings ● High security padlock for high risk applications Aluminium identification tag for easy marking ● Patented Interactive® or MT5® telescopic locking mechanism High body for enhanced shackle protection ● Case hardened steel body with 14mm diameter hardened Boron Alloy 27mm vertical shackle clearance Steel shackle Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Double locking shackle for greater strength ● Rotating, hardened disk protects lock mechanism Padlocks  ● Protective shutters to prevent dust contamination ● Shackle drainage holes to prevent freezing Mul-T-Lock (UK) Ltd ● Discreet, stylish black electrophoretic finish E-Series Sliding Bolt SBE 11 ● Rubber bumper protects padlock and its surroundings T: 01902 364200 W: ● Aluminium identification tag for easy marking ● High body for enhanced shackle protection ● 19mm vertical shackle clearance

Category Bronze Silver Gold Padlocks 

Mul-T-Lock (UK) Ltd E-Series Padlock E14L (C1) ● High security padlock for high risk applications T: 01902 364200 W: ● Patented Interactive® or MT5® telescopic locking mechanism ● Case hardened steel body with 11mm diameter hardened Boron Alloy ● High security padlock for high risk applications Steel bolt ● Patented Interactive® or MT5® telescopic locking mechanism ● Spring loaded bolt for easy operation ● Case hardened steel body with 14mm diameter hardened Boron Alloy ● Rotating, hardened disk protects lock mechanism Steel shackle ● Protective shutters to prevent dust contamination ● Double locking shackle for greater strength ● Discreet, stylish black electrophoretic finish ● Rotating, hardened disk protects lock mechanism ● Rubber bumper protects padlock and its surroundings

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 61 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

● High body for enhanced shackle protection Union Architectural Hardware ● Available with 20mm or 28mm horizontal clearance Steel Padlock SH60SC Closed Shackle with 6 pin Union/Union ● 14mm vertical clearance DTEC/System K Cylinder T: 01902 366911 Category Bronze Silver Gold Padlocks  Category Bronze Silver Gold Padlocks  Mul-T-Lock (UK) Ltd E-Series Sliding Bolt SBE 13 Union Architectural Hardware T: 01902 364200 W: Steel Padlock SH70SO/SC Open Shackle & Closed Shackle with 6 pin Union/Union DTEC/System K Cylinder T: 01902 867187 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Padlocks 

Union Architectural Hardware Union Chubb 1K12C Conquest ● High security padlock for high risk applications T: 01902 867187 W: ● Patented Interactive® or MT5® telescopic locking mechanism ● Case hardened steel body with 13mm diameter hardened Boron Alloy Steel bolt ● Spring loaded bolt for easy operation ● Rotating, hardened disk protects lock mechanism ● Protective shutters to prevent dust contamination ● Discreet, stylish black electrophoretic finish ● Rubber bumper protects padlock and its surroundings ● High body for enhanced shackle protection ● Close shackle heavy duty padlock for use in more demanding ● Available with 36mm horizontal clearance applications ● 18.5mm vertical clearance ● Key to lock and unlock, double locking ● Available with either Ava 10 disc or 6-pin locking mechanism Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Key retention when padlock is unlocked Padlocks  ● Hardened steel unsprung shackle ● EN12320 Grade 6 Union Architectural Hardware Brass Padlock SH50BO & SH60BO & SH70BO Category Bronze Silver Gold T: 01902 867187 W: Padlocks 

Category Bronze Silver Gold Union Architectural Hardware Padlocks  Union Chubb 1K22C Conquest T: 01902 867187 W: Union Architectural Hardware Closed Shackle Steel Padlock SH60SC & SH70SC with 5 pin Union Cylinder T: 01902 867187 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Padlocks 

● Union Architectural Hardware Open shackle heavy duty padlock for use in majority of security Steel Padlock 50mm & SH60SO applications ● & SH70SO Open Shackle with 5 pin Union Cylinder Key to lock and unlock, double locking ● T: 01902 867187 W: Available with 6-pin locking mechanism ● Key retention when padlock is unlocked Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Hardened steel unsprung shackle ● EN12320 Grade 5 Padlocks  Category Bronze Silver Gold Union Architectural Hardware Padlocks  Steel Padlock SH50SO & SH60SO, Open Shackle with 6 pin Union/Union DTEC/System K Cylinder T: 01902 867187 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Padlocks 

62 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011


Union Architectural Hardware steel body prevents attack by drilling or sawing to a high degree. The Union Chubb 1K57A Hercules Padlock hardened steel anti-drill plate protects the CEN grade 4, 6 pin cylinder T: 01902 867187 W: which is fitted as standard and fully replaceable. AS the cylinder is easily replaceable the padlock can be master keyed, or keyed to customer Category Bronze Silver Gold specification. The padlock body is weldable steel so permanent fitting to Padlocks  security gates is possible.

Union Architectural Hardware Category Bronze Silver Gold Union Chubb Padbar 7B018 Padlocks  T: 01902 867187 W: Security Posts

ATG Access Opti 101/670 HD Round Telescopic Post T: 08456 757574 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Cars  ● A high grade iron padbar with a hardened steel staple designed to  complement the Conquest and Hercules range of padlocks Caravan/Trailer ● Secured with high tensile clutch head screws fixed through heavy ATG Access duty steel thrust plates to resist unauthorised removal Opti Manual Product Range of Telescopic Posts ● Horizontal or vertical fitting T: 08456 757574 W: ● For use with padlocks up to 16mm diameter shackle Category Bronze Silver Gold Category Bronze Silver Gold Cars  Security Padlocks/Fittings  Caravan/Trailer  Walsall Locks Limited Walsall 2000 Padlock Autopa Ltd T: 01922 494101 W: Retractapost TL T: 01788 550556 W:

● 68mm ● Non-automatic The RetractaPost-TL range of posts are suitable for Car show rooms, ● Stainless steel external rims Access control, Car parks, Retail parks, Shop fronts and domestic ● Laminated steel internal rims driveways. ● 5 brass anti-pick levers ● 2500 differ key combinations The posts have an integral camlock supplied with two keys and easy to ● 2 steel-zinc plated keys lock action. The posts are manufactured in house by Autopa ● Steel shackle, case hardened, black chrome plated and are available in a variety of sizes and finishes. ● Steel swing keyhole cover, black chrome plated ● Made from mild steel round tube. Category Bronze Silver Gold ● Galvanised finish is standard. Padlocks  ● Colour coated finishes available extra. ● Lockable in the up and down position. Zone Security Products (UK) Ltd ● High security 10 pin lock supplied with 2 keys. 550/PN Padlock ● Available randomly or identically keyed. T: 0118 977 0027 W: ● Hardened security rings protect vulnerable areas. ● Ergonomic handle. ● Includes Red/White class 1 reflective tape. ● Autopa RetractaPost-Tl’s are dual cored offering higher security. ● Outer core - 90mm od, 5mm wall thickness. ● Inner core - 48mm od, 3.25mm wall thickness. ● Other sizes are also available. ● Patent awarded.

The 550 series has been specifically designed for use where the strength Category Bronze Silver Gold of the padlock is a priority. The fully enclosed hardened steel shackle Security posts  prevents any attack by conventional bolt cutters and the solid hardened

64 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

Autopa Ltd ● 12mm patented octagonal “Boron Carbide” shackle Wellington Cycle Stand ● This shackle is 50% harder the hardened steel T: 01788 550556 W: ● Anti drill plate ● Keyway dust cover for superior weather protection ● Key retaining safeguard insures padlock is not left unlocked ● Four keys provided ● Complete with six 10mm x 80mm coach bolts, washers, nuts Ideal uses include securing, sheds, gates, wooden doors, rear/side van doors, containers, stable/tack room doors etc Category Bronze Silver Gold The Wellington cycle stand is the first cycle stand to be approved by Sold Domestic Security  Secure, The stand withstood their usual tests so well they even carried out further tests for research purposes. Pragmasis Ltd Shed Shackle ● Suitable for up to two bikes. T: 01827 286267 W: ● Length 800mm overall, Height (above ground) 750mm. ● Available ragged for casting in only (300mm below ground). The Shed Shackle is a unique product that ● 48mm diameter tube. improves security for wooden sheds. The ● Weight: 27kg. Shed Shackle reinforces such a large area ● Mild steel, galvanised finish as standard. of the wooden wall of the shed so that it ● Colour coated finish available extra. becomes a viable anchoring point. Unlike a ● Suitable for cycle and motorcycle security. conventional ground anchor, the Shed Category Bronze Silver Gold Shackle doesn’t require a heavy concrete Bicycles  floor to the shed and actually improves the strength of the woodwork - your shed  Motorcycles becomes steel reinforced! British made. Security Posts  Zinc phosphated and powder coated for RAM Perimeter Protection Ltd corrosion resistance. Modular and versatile RAM H/D SQ Retractable Post (RRB/SQ8) design. Easy DIY fit with drill bit, fixings and T: 0161 477 4001 comprehensive instructions included.

Category Bronze Silver Gold Domestic Security 

Tracking Systems Cobra UK Ltd ● A high quality and practical deterrent to vehicle crime. Cobra Trak 5 / Cobra Trak ADR ● Used by many recognised motor dealer groups. T: 0161 924 5400 W: ● Full range available for every application. ● All products galvanised for maximum protection, with a range of high Category Bronze Silver Gold Diamond quality finishes available. Tracking Systems  Category Bronze Silver Gold Security posts  Cobra UK Ltd Cobra Trak First / Cobra Trak First Mobile Shed/Outbuilding Security T: 0161 924 5400 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold Diamond PJB Tracking Systems  Universal Security Hasp & Master Excell M50D Padlock T: 0117 965 9240 W: Findwhere B.V. Findwhere IF 900 Q T: 01277 264114 W: Tracking System - Monitored Category Bronze Silver Gold Diamond Tracking Systems 

Outsmart the Thief Ltd ● Multi purpose high security hasp Defender ● Precision laser cut product ● Heavy duty 5mm steel T: 08702 606060 ● Suitable for either right or left hand opening doors ● Zinc plated finish Category Bronze Silver Gold Diamond ● Useful handle function within the design Tracking Systems  ● 80mm round close shackle padlock

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 65 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

Sure-Track Europe Ltd An adjustable heavyweight clamp, that features strengthened steel MT2 Europe bottom arms. Easily fitted and complete with Bulldog’s unique Locking T: 01926 863630 W: Bolt mechanism. For cars, caravans and trailers. Category Bronze Silver Gold Diamond Tracking Systems  Category Bronze Silver Gold Cars  Sure-Track Europe Ltd Caravan/Trailer  MT2 UK T: 01926 863630 W: Bulldog Security Products QD22,QD33 & QD44 Wheel Clamps Category Bronze Silver Gold Diamond T: 01952 728171 W: Tracking Systems 

Wheel Clamps/Locks

Bulldog Security Products Bulldog Euroclamp EM 500 SS T: 01952 728171 W:

Bulldog QD Wheelclamps are simple to use and can be fitted within seconds without using the keys. High security drill and pick resistant lock. Compact, easily stores in caravan front locker. Ideal for touring and at home.

Category Bronze Silver Gold It fits almost any family car, van, motorcycle, caravan or trailer in less Caravan/Trailer  than 10 seconds. This super tough model is simple to use, yet very versatile and effective. George Dyke Ltd The Condor Wheel Clamp Category Bronze Silver Gold T: 0121 5267138 W: Cars  Caravan/Trailer 

Bulldog Security Products Bulldog Titan Wheel Clamp T: 01952 728171 W:

● British Made adjustable width clamp fits tyre widths 165 to 225 and wheel diameters 13” to 15”. ● Swing arms are drop forged for ultimate strength ● All key parts are case hardened. ● Highly visible. ● Lightweight and very easy to fit.

A quality heavy-weight wheelclamp. Easily fitted, comes complete with Category Bronze Silver Gold Bulldog’s unique Locking Bolt mechanism centrally mounted in the highly  visible cover plate. Caravan/Trailer

Category Bronze Silver Gold Holden Engineering (UK) Ltd Hublock Cars  T: 01935 410615 W: Caravan/Trailer  Wheel Clamp Bulldog Security Products Category Bronze Silver Gold Centaur / Centaur Commercial Wheelclamp Caravan/Trailer  T: 01952 728171 W: Maypole Ltd Alloy Wheel Clamp T: 0121 2704301 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold Caravan/Trailer 

66 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

Maypole Ltd Category Bronze Silver Gold Scimitar Wheel Clamp (SH5437)  T: 0121 2704301 W: Caravan/Trailer

Category Bronze Silver Gold Purple Line Limited Centurian FCWC20QF Wheel Clamp Caravan/Trailer  T: 0870 4448688 W: Maypole Ltd Category Bronze Silver Gold Stronghold Strongarm Wheelclamp T: 0121 2704301 W: Caravan/Trailer 

Purple Line Limited Excalibur T: 0870 4448688 W:

● Fits onto a security bolt within 5 seconds ● Locks onto the wheel – not the tyre ● Fits over modified wheel trims ● High visibility, yellow polyester coated metal protection ● Lightweight and compact ● Fits 165mm to 185mm tyre sizes Category Bronze Silver Gold ● High security pick-free lock with anti-drill feature Caravan/Trailer  ● Case hardened anti-saw steel features ● Robust steel construction Purple Line Limited ● Supplied with 3 keys FWW100 Highlander Winter Wheels Category Bronze Silver Gold T: 0870 4448688 W: Caravan/Trailer 

Milenco Limited Compact Plus Wheelclamp T: 01908 220 102 W:

Category Bronze Silver Gold  Caravan/Trailer ● Suitable for: 4-stud (4x98 up to 4x125) & 5-stud (5x112) wheels including the vast majority of caravans. Milenco Limited ● The HighLander allows you to remove your wheels to immobilise your Milenco Mega Wheelclamp caravan over the winter storage period. T: 01908 220 102 W: ● Includes one sliding, anti-attack face to effectively cover the wheel lugs. ● Robust, strong & highly visible. ● Integrated high security lock system, exclusive to FullStop®.

Category Bronze Silver Gold Caravan/Trailer 

SAS Products SAS New Defender Category Bronze Silver Gold T: 0117 9374 747 W: Caravan/Trailer  Category Bronze Silver Gold Milenco Limited Caravan/Trailer  Milenco Wheel Clamp T: 01908 220 102 W: SAS Products SAS Supaclamp Duo Silver T: 0117 9374 747 W:

In addition to being simple to fit and offering the best security, the Milenco wheelclamp is both compact and easy to store, making it an ideal choice for protecting your car and caravan.

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 67 SOLD SECURE APPROVED PRODUCTS

Category Bronze Silver Gold Cars  Caravan/Trailer 

SAS Products Supaclamp Gold T: 0117 9374 747 W: Category Bronze Silver Gold Caravan/Trailer 

Securiti / European Security Ltd Diamond Wheelclamp T: 01775 821201 E-Mail [email protected]

The Diamond Alloy Wheelclamp fits alloy wheels from 13 inch x 155mm For alloy wheels to 15 inch x 205mm, compact and strong, very easy to fit. Fits 10-15” wheels and up to 205 tyres Hardened ant-drill, anti-pick lock Supplied in red plastic carry case

Category Bronze Silver Gold Caravan/Trailer 

SAS Products SAS Winter Security Wheels Category Bronze Silver Gold T: 0117 9374 747 W: Caravan/Trailer  Fit 4 or 5 stud axles Gold Update kit upgrades Winter Wheels to Sold Secure Gold standard No weight limitation

68 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 MLA Approved Company Sector

The Master Locksmiths Association was first conceived in 1957 and was the idea of the Chubb Lock Company and one or two London Locksmiths. The prime mover was Mr. Steve Fallshaw, then a locksmith in The Barbican, who became its first Chairman when it was formally founded early in 1958. The original sixteen members decided the new ‘association’ should be known as The Greater London Master Locksmiths Association (GLMLA).

By the end of the first decade it had grown nationally with a wide distribution of members from all parts of the United Kingdom. At this time it elected its first national President namely Mr. Steve Stephens of Oxford. The association by now included members from overseas and a healthy growth has been maintained, we now number almost 1500 members in all sectors.

In the early 90’s the association restructured to meet modern demands, retaining its title Master Locksmiths Association (MLA) it formed three sectors. They are the ‘British Locksmiths Institute’ (BLI) for its individual members’ skill qualifications, ‘Guild of Keycutters’ for all producers of keys wishing to comply to standards and ‘Approved Company’ for trading companies. The fourth `Affiliates’ sector remained unchanged and represents the manufacturers’ and suppliers to our industry.

Aims of the Approved Company Sector

Companies and locksmiths trading in their own right, with retail premises or operating as a mobile locksmithing business, join the MLA Approved Company sector. It is this sector of the Association that trades directly with the public and private sectors in the High Street and through Yellow Pages, and other advertising media.

The Approved Companies inspectorate means the MLA can demonstrate that all Company Members are meeting high standards. Each company is inspected on a regular basis, thus ensuring that its members and their operatives maintain standards in workmanship and administration. Also members are expected to conform to legal requirements and that customer charters exist to service customer satisfaction.

Inspections have the effect of making locksmithing companies more accountable for their daily operations. Approved Company members are made aware that the MLA considers that training is also a valuable means to maintaining standards. Training is offered at the purpose built, state of the art training facility at the MLA’s Head Office in Daventry.

Continued growth of the Approved Companies ensures that the MLA can offer a national network of locksmiths and the Associations head office in Daventry refers enquirers to their nearest approved company. A National 0800 number enables potential customers to find the nearest member quickly or check those companies displaying the MLA logo are bona fide members.

The Logo depicted here is the one that is advertised by an approved company on their premises, vehicles and stationery, confirming to the public the standards expected of them.

Channels of arbitration exist to fully investigate any complaints or disputes, should they arise, and the MLA advises or takes any necessary action. The Board of Directors continually looks at consumer matters and advises members when appropriate.

The Approved Company sectors operates schemes whereby discounts may be available to policyholders of most well known insurance companies and they provide the service behind many major help-lines.

The Master Locksmiths Association “Approved Company” helpline is available to locate your nearest locksmith: — 0800 783 1498

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 69 MLA Approved Companies – In Alphabetical Order

1st Auto Locksmiths ...... BR8 8AZ ...... Kent Barry Brothers Security ...... W2 1RL...... London 1st Call Keymaster ...... BS16 9BB ...... Bristol Bartletts Key Services Ltd ...... NW4 4EB ...... London A & A Security Locksmiths Ltd...... NN16 9HX...... Northamptonshire Basingstoke Locksmiths Ltd...... RG21 7NX...... Hampshire A B Rooms & Son Ltd ...... HU9 1LQ ...... East Yorkshire Bath Lock & Key ...... BA2 5DJ...... Somerset A Buckenham Locksmiths ...... N5 1HA ...... London Bath Safe & Security ...... BA1 2AY...... Somerset A C Leigh Norwich Ltd ...... NR2 4PD...... Norfolk Bedford Security Services...... MK41 7RR ...... Bedfordshire A C Lock & Safe Co ...... TS26 9HS ...... Cleveland Benn Lock & Safe...... PE1 5QA...... Cambridgeshire A I W Keycentre...... BS22 8NA ...... Somerset Benn Security Services ...... NN1 4DP...... Northamptonshire A Morris Locksmiths ...... B97 5EJ ...... Worcestershire Bernard Toon & Son Locksmiths ...... DE21 2BE ...... Derbyshire A1 See-Cure...... DA7 5AH ...... Kent Bickers Locksmiths...... PL24 2DA...... Cornwall Aa Lock And Key ...... BS16 6UZ ...... Bristol Birmingham Master Locksmiths Ltd ...... B5 4RU ...... West Midlands Aaa Locksmiths 2006 Ltd ...... JE4 5NX...... Jersey Bma Varsity...... OX4 2EN ...... Oxfordshire Aaccess Locksmiths ...... SG12 9BA ...... Hertfordshire Bolton Lock Company Ltd ...... BL5 3JT...... Lancashire Abacus Locksmiths...... CO4 5PB...... Colchester Bonner Locksmiths ...... RG8 0PX...... Berkshire Abbey Gate Locksmiths & Security Eng ...... RG4 7HS...... Berkshire Border Locks & Security...... CA4 0DQ...... Cumbria Abilock Ltd ...... OX14 4LD ...... Oxfordshire Bowden Locksmiths Ltd...... BS3 3NS ...... Bristol Absolute Home Security...... EN1 2EQ...... Middlesex Bradleys Blyth Ltd...... NE24 1LY...... Northumberland Access & Security 24hr Locksmiths ...... LE2 5TT ...... Leicestershire Bramah Security Centres Limited ...... W1 U 5PT ...... London Access Locksmiths Ltd...... BH9 2BE ...... Dorset Brentwood Security Centre Ltd ...... CM14 5HR ...... Essex Access Locksmiths T/A Access Key & Lock ...... PO4 9DA...... Hampshire Brights Locksmiths ...... SS1 1AN ...... Essex Access Locksmiths T/A Access Key & Lock....PO16 0EN...... Hampshire Brinnick Locksmiths & Security Ltd ...... MK16 8AQ...... Buckinghamshire Accredited Locksmith Services Ltd ...... IG10 1BT...... Essex Brinnick Locksmths & Security Branch ...... NN1 1RA...... Northamptonshire Acl Locksmiths Ltd ...... LU6 3BN ...... Bedfordshire Bristol Key & Security Centre...... BS9 3DB ...... Bristol Acorn Sec L/Smiths Ltd T/A Keyhole Kates....RM8 1XU ...... Essex Bryans Lock Services Ltd...... OX10 7LL ...... Oxfordshire Actfast Locksmith ...... CO9 2HW...... Essex Burfords ...... TQ7 1ED ...... Devon Action L/Smiths & Sec. Engineers...... SO31 6XG...... Hampshire C & T Locksmiths Ltd ...... B33 9HQ ...... West Midlands Active Locksmiths & Sec Eng...... RM11 2DL...... Essex C H Wood Security Bradford Ltd ...... BD4 7PE ...... Adams Locksmiths ...... NG10 1GH ...... Nottinghamshire C Thompson & Sons ...... BA4 4QS...... Somerset Adtec Security Group Ltd ...... SO24 0ER...... Hampshire Calder Security Ltd...... WF1 5PE...... West Yorkshire Advanced Locking & Locksmithing Ltd...... PO12 1LS ...... Hampshire Caleylock ...... EH6 5QG ...... Edinburgh Advanced Locking & Locksmithing Ltd...... SO14 1NR...... Hampshire Callow Master Locksmiths...... SE22 8HU ...... London After A Lock & Safe Co Ltd ...... NE25 8SU ...... Tyne & Wear Cambridge Master Locksmiths...... CB4 2JQ ...... Cambridgeshire Aks Locksmiths Ltd ...... BS7 9JT ...... Bristol Cambs Lock & Safe Ltd...... CB1 1LD ...... Cambridgeshire Alba Lock & Safe Company ...... KY11 2HP ...... Fife Campbell & Mcgovern ...... L20 5DN...... Merseyside Alcester Locks Limited ...... B49 6ES...... Warwickshire Capital Lock & Safe Co Ltd ...... EN2 0DN...... Middlesex Alexandra Locksmiths Ltd ...... N10 2LB...... London Cardiff Lock & Safe Co Ltd...... CF24 1LR...... South Glamorgan All Safe & Secure Ltd ...... LS10 1HQ ...... West Yorkshire Cathedral Lock & Safe Services Ltd ...... DL15 0UT...... Durham Alllock Systems Ltd ...... CR6 9HA...... Surrey Central Locksmiths ...... M4 5FS ...... Manchester Amberley Security ...... PO3 5BT ...... Hampshire Chant Lock And Security Service...... PO30 5LX ...... Isle of Wight Andy Grayson Mbli ...... SK13 2AA ...... Derbyshire Charnleys ...... NE7 7QQ ...... Tyne & Wear Anglia Locksmiths & Engineers Ltd...... NR32 2LT...... Suffolk Chelmsford Lock & Safe Company ...... CM2 0EU ...... Essex Appleyard Security ...... TS1 5DT...... Cleveland Chelmsford Master Locksmiths ...... CM1 1SL ...... Essex Arc Locksmiths ...... M19 1BA ...... Manchester Chris Hayes ...... S41 0UY...... Derbyshire Arm Sure Security ...... NN17 1EE ...... Northamptonshire Chris Taylor Master Locksmiths...... M3 1PJ...... Manchester Armasafe ...... B90 1QT...... West Midlands Christie Intruder Alarms Ltd ...... PO7 7AJ...... Hampshire Armour Lock & Safe Co ...... SW9 9SL...... London Cissbury Master Locksmiths ...... BN13 1JB...... West Sussex Armoury Locks & Alarms Ltd ...... BN22 7NB ...... East Sussex City Lock & Safe Ltd...... SK2 6LU...... Cheshire Artizan Locksmiths ...... WF8 2LT...... West Yorkshire City Locks Ltd...... PE1 5EX ...... Cambridgeshire Ascot Locks Limited ...... SL5 9NE...... Berkshire Clares Of Croydon Ltd...... CR0 1XW ...... Surrey Ashfield Security...... B65 0DX...... West Midlands Claymore Lock & Alarm Co Ltd...... EH41 3JW...... East Lothian Ashley Security Company Ltd ...... BH14 0AE ...... Dorset Clubb Security ...... TN2 4TZ...... Kent Asl Locksmiths...... NE1 4PG...... Tyne & Wear Colin Attle Locks...... BN13 2YT ...... West Sussex Associated Security Group Ltd...... SM6 7HW...... Surrey Complete Security ...... SO45 2ND...... Hampshire Associated Security Group Ltd Branch ...... SW6 2TX...... London Complete Security ...... SO51 8GE...... Hampshire Associated Security Services Ltd...... BD8 9AJ...... West Yorkshire Cornish Locksmiths ...... TR18 2HZ ...... Cornwall Astra Security Systems Ltd ...... ME16 0DZ...... Kent County Locksmiths ...... NP44 3PQ...... South Wales Attend A Lock East Anglia...... IP17 3LG...... Suffolk County Locksmiths ...... SO18 5RR...... Hampshire Authorized Access...... BL9 0LL...... Lancashire County Locksmiths Chandlers Ford Ltd ...... SO53 2QD ...... Hampshire Avon Security Ltd ...... SP4 7AW...... Wiltshire Court Security Ltd ...... W1 F 0BB...... London B & B Locksmiths ...... OX2 0AH ...... Oxfordshire Cpw Locksmiths ...... IP1 1NA...... Suffolk B Bundy & Sons ...... AL1 4SY...... Hertfordshire Crest Safe & Vault Ltd ...... NE31 1UB ...... Tyne & Wear B D B Lock & Safe Ltd ...... CV6 6PD ...... West Midlands Crimehalt Master Locksmiths Ltd...... TQ2 5HZ ...... Devon B Hatt Master Locksmith ...... HP11 2JG ...... Buckinghamshire Css Locksmiths Ltd ...... SO15 3HJ ...... Hampshire Banham Patent Locks Ltd ...... GU1 4HD ...... Surrey Ctml T/A Steels Security Ltd ...... HU4 6EX ...... East Yorkshire Banham Patent Locks Ltd ...... SL6 1QL...... Berkshire Cusworth Master Locksmiths ...... SK9 3DH ...... Cheshire Banham Patent Locks Ltd ...... AL1 3EN...... Hertfordshire D & G Securities Locksmiths Ltd...... CH49 0TG...... Cheshire Banham Patent Locks Ltd Br 4...... NW11 8EL...... London D & G Short...... MK45 1JT...... Bedfordshire Banham Patent Locks Ltd Main ...... W8 6SF...... London Dave Johnson Master Locksmiths...... BH9 2RT ...... Dorset Barnet Lock & Security...... EN1 3HA ...... Middlesex David Wilkie Master Locksmith...... EX6 8TJ ...... Devon Barnet Lock Centre Ltd ...... EN5 5SZ ...... Hertfordshire Delta Security ...... E8 1AL ...... London Barnsley Lock & Safe Co Ltd ...... S70 1TH...... South Yorkshire Dennis Security Centre ...... E17 3LX ...... London Barnstaple Security Ltd ...... EX31 1GG...... Devon Dents ...... CB5 8JE...... Cambridgeshire Barrowford Safe & Lock Services Ltd...... BB9 8NJ...... Lancashire Des Lock & Security...... SS8 7AL...... Essex Barrs Security Locksmiths Uk Ltd ...... SW6 6TE...... London Dial A Lock ...... L2 2DY ...... Merseyside

70 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 MLA Approved Companies – In Alphabetical Order

Dkb Locksmiths ...... SA10 6HG...... Glamorgan John Richard Security Products Wirral...... CH60 7RJ ...... Merseyside Dockerills Brighton Ltd ...... BN1 1UJ...... East Sussex John Woods Master Locksmiths...... CH1 2LB ...... Cheshire Doorfit Products Limited...... B18 5BA...... West Midlands KAT Securities ...... SS13 2JD...... Essex Drummond Security Ltd...... EN6 2HW ...... Hertfordshire KBO Security...... GU11 1JU ...... Hampshire Dsc Security ...... RG45 7AH...... Berkshire Kelvin Lock & Safe ...... G11 6RA ...... Glasgow E Havlin & Sons ...... BT1 1FJ ...... Antrim Kendal Security Centre Ltd ...... LA9 4RA...... Cumbria Earley Locks Limited ...... RG6 7JB ...... Berkshire Key Service ...... SP1 1DL...... Wiltshire East Kilbride Lock & Safe...... G75 8XG...... Lanarkshire Keyhole Security...... BN41 1GD...... East Sussex Edina Technical Company Ltd...... EH7 5DL ...... Midlothian Keyhole Services Master L/Smiths Ltd...... DN3 3DL ...... South Yorkshire Edwards Locksmiths & Security ...... B31 4QE ...... West Midlands Keylock & Safe Manchester Ltd ...... M2 5WA ...... Manchester Ellis Direct...... DN32 9AB ...... Lincolnshire Keymakers London Ltd...... N21 3RS ...... London Emergency Security Services Ltd ...... SN2 1AQ...... Wiltshire Keymaster Security ...... CF24 3PG ...... South Glamorgan Emsecure Garrison Ltd ...... DE16 8BZ ...... Leicestershire Keys & Locks Direct Ltd ...... TQ2 5QP...... Devon Executive Security Locksmiths Ltd...... OX4 3SJ...... Oxfordshire Keytrak Lock & Safe Co ...... WA8 0SW...... Cheshire Eyden Locksmiths Ltd ...... CV6 2LX...... West Midlands Keyway Lock Service Ltd ...... RM17 5YP...... Essex F I Security ...... KT22 9JQ...... Surrey Keyways Security Systems Ltd ...... WA15 8SX...... Cheshire Five Star Security Services Sw Ltd...... EX16 5LX...... Devon Krypto Security...... E11 3DH ...... London Fortress Lock & Safe Co ...... SW2 1AA ...... London Ledsham Security Ltd...... L7 2RF ...... Merseyside Fortress Security ...... GU21 6JD ...... Surrey Lincoln Security Ltd...... LN5 8AA...... Lincolnshire Franchi Plc...... N7 6NE ...... London Livens Ltd ...... DE14 1LJ ...... Staffordshire Franchi Plc...... NW1 9QB...... London Lock & Key Centre...... HP19 8UP ...... Aylesbury, Bucks Franchi Plc...... WC1X 8PX...... London Lock & Key Master Ltd ...... CH46 9PY ...... Merseyside G B Locksmiths ...... EX23 8BR ...... Cornwall Lock & Key Services ...... WD18 0PY ...... Hertfordshire G C Glass & Locks Ltd...... SS9 5JG...... Essex Lock Assist ...... RH15 9TD ...... West Sussex G J Locksmiths...... SG13 8PT ...... Hertfordshire Lock Shop & Security Services Ltd...... DD3 6SN ...... Tayside G K Locksmiths Branch...... E4 8BX...... London Lock Stock & Barrell Security Servs Ltd ...... CM24 8LN...... Essex G K Locksmiths Main ...... N16 0NX ...... London Lock Stock & Barrell Security Servs Ltd ...... CB10 1EU ...... Essex G Worrall & Son Ltd ...... SE1 1PE ...... London Lock Stock & Barrell Security Servs Ltd ...... SG14 1BB ...... Hertfordshire G4 Securicor Locksmiths ...... JE2 7QP...... Jersey Lock Tech...... SA1 3JD...... Glamorgan Gcd Security Locksmiths Ltd...... SL6 1QL...... Berkshire Lockmasters Mobile Leeds...... LS7 1AB...... West Yorkshire Gem Security Centre Ltd...... BS4 1UN ...... Bristol Lockrite Security...... GU14 6EW...... Hampshire Gemini Lock & Safe Ltd...... MK42 8PL ...... Bedfordshire Locks ‘N’ Tools Limited ...... DA2 6NE ...... Kent Geoff Ashdown Master Locksmiths...... M33 7JN...... Cheshire Locksmith Services Of Grimsby Ltd ...... DN31 3JH ...... Lincolnshire Glenrothes Locksmiths ...... KY7 6RU ...... Fife Lock-Tec Uk Ltd...... CW9 5HA ...... Cheshire Global Security Group Ltd...... DY8 4BU ...... West Midlands Lockwise Ltd...... NE28 6RX ...... Tyne & Wear Gloucester Locksmiths ...... GL2 4NZ ...... Gloucester, Locsafe Security Systems Ltd...... SY1 3AB ...... Shropshire Gloucestershire Locum Locks T/A K E Marsden...... TN14 5AE ...... Kent Goodall Locksmith ...... GU12 5NF...... Hampshire London Locksmiths Ltd ...... SW8 2UX ...... London Greater London Locksmiths Ltd ...... HP3 4HY ...... Buckinghamshire Lumsden Security...... AB25 1LE...... Aberdeenshire Greenford Security Services ...... W7 1HA ...... London M & M Lock Secure Ltd...... GL8 2AP ...... Gloucestershire Guardian Security Head Office ...... EX2 8RG...... Devon M D Lock & Key...... Guardian Security South West Ltd ...... EX4 6RY ...... Devon M Hanzlik Master Locksmiths...... NN1 5JP...... Northamptonshire H Harrold & Sons ...... S3 8UG ...... South Yorkshire Magpie Security Services Ltd...... PE30 1AG ...... Norfolk Halls Locksmiths Limited...... NG7 3NN ...... Nottinghamshire Magrath Security ...... CR4 2PF ...... Surrey Halls Of Cambridge...... CB1 3AH ...... Cambridgeshire Makesafe ...... LU2 0PH ...... Bedfordshire Harfords Security Ltd...... WF13 1NA ...... West Yorkshire Makesafe Limited ...... CH43 5RE...... Merseyside Harrison & Son Ltd...... NE9 5HB ...... Tyne & Wear Market Lock And Safe Ltd ...... E3 3LT...... London Hastings Locksmiths...... TN35 4PL...... East Sussex Martyn Nelson Master Locksmiths Ltd...... TA2 6JG ...... Somerset Hawk Security...... SA38 9PL...... Ceredigion Master Lock And Safe ...... PR8 6QJ ...... Merseyside Hawkins Locksmiths ...... S43 2DZ...... Derbyshire Masters Lock & Safe ...... BN2 6BE ...... East Sussex Helmkay Locksmiths...... NG21 9DS...... Nottinghamshire Matlocks Ltd ...... RM14 2RX ...... Essex Henry Gates & Son Ltd ...... AL2 1QW ...... Hertfordshire Mb Locking Logistics Group Ltd...... LS3 1JX ...... West Yorkshire Heritage Locksmiths...... GU21 4JN ...... Surrey Medway Security Centre Ltd ...... ME7 1RZ...... Kent Hertfordshire Security Installations Ltd ...... EN11 9HL ...... Hertfordshire Mobile Lock & Safe Company ...... SW18 5EB ...... London Hewes Security...... CM3 5WA...... Essex Morgan Security ...... RG12 2LU ...... Berkshire Hewitt Safe & Lock Services Ltd ...... BL5 3NS...... Manchester Morgans Locksmiths...... LE2 6UN ...... Leicestershire Holdfast Security Systems ...... CW2 7HP ...... Cheshire Mr Locks Ltd...... CF3 2AZ...... South Glamorgan Homeguard Lock Services Limited ...... BR1 4PH ...... Kent National Lock & Safe...... WD25 9EJ...... Hertfordshire Hyslop Security ...... DG3 5PJ ...... Dumfriesshire Nener’s Master Locksmiths ...... SA2 9BZ...... Swansea, Glamorgan IDL Locksmith & Safe Engineer ...... PL19 9BB...... Devon Newark & Sherwood Locksmiths Ltd...... NG24 1EL ...... Nottinghamshire IKS Locksmiths Ltd...... EN5 4JQ ...... Hertfordshire Newcastle Locksmiths & Safe Company...... NE15 6PQ...... Tyne & Wear Insafe International Limited ...... TN4 8AS ...... Kent Newport Locksmiths Ltd ...... NP19 7BU ...... Monmouthshire Ipswich Lock & Safe Ltd ...... IP4 5LQ...... Suffolk Nw Keys Ltd ...... L20 4BB ...... Merseyside Island Lock & Safe Co Limited ...... JE1 4HL ...... Jersey P & R Locksmith Services Ltd...... IP12 1AA...... Suffolk Iss Independent Security Solutions Ltd...... SK11 6JB ...... Cheshire Perth Locksmiths & Security Services ...... PH1 5QL ...... Perthshire J Beattie & Son Ltd ...... L3 2BZ ...... Merseyside Pes Southern Ltd...... KT17 2PR ...... Surrey J D Lock & Safe...... BN21 3XF ...... East Sussex Portadown Locksmiths Ltd ...... BT62 3PL ...... Armagh J Durkin Securities ...... EN4 0QS...... Middlesex Ppm Locksmiths Ltd ...... CF10 2AR ...... South Glamorgan J G Eckersall Locksmiths ...... WA10 2NS ...... Merseyside Premier Alarms Ltd...... TN15 6PL...... Kent J H Blakey & Sons Security Ltd ...... BB9 5AD ...... Lancashire Pricekey Limited ...... BD21 5AX ...... West Yorkshire J P Locksmith Services ...... SL9 8SR...... Buckinghamshire Protectall Security Group Plc ...... B11 2LB ...... West Midlands J Reeder Lock & Safe Co Ltd ...... RM14 2JR ...... Essex R & R Security Services...... W5 4QP ...... London Jcm Locksmiths Limited ...... KT1 2HG ...... Surrey R & W Collett Ltd...... CB24 9LJ ...... Cambridgeshire John Holden Securities ...... WA15 8EJ ...... Cheshire R S Locksmiths ...... N20 0BA...... London

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 71 MLA Approved Companies – In Alphabetical Order

Rossells Locksmiths Ltd...... LE2 0PF...... Leicestershire The Key Centre Ltd ...... KA12 8SU ...... Ayrshire Rutherfords Locksmiths Ltd...... NN8 1AT...... Northamptonshire The Keyhole...... NG22 8JX ...... Nottinghamshire Safe & Secure Lockmasters Mobile ...... B31 1QA ...... West Midlands The Lockshop ...... FY1 2JH ...... Lancashire Safeguard N/W Ltd...... WA4 1BB...... Cheshire The Security Company N/W Ltd...... BB2 2AN ...... Lancashire Safeway Security ...... NG7 6LH ...... Nottinghamshire Thelocksmith.Co.Uk Ltd...... SM3 8NE...... Surrey Sds London Limited...... SW11 6QF ...... London Thomas Locksmiths Ltd Branch ...... RH15 8LH ...... West Sussex Securebase Ltd ...... N2 9EB ...... London Thomas Locksmiths Ltd Main...... BN3 5DP ...... East Sussex Securewise ...... DN1 1ES ...... South Yorkshire Thornhill Security Ltd ...... BS15 1AP ...... Bristol Securifix Lock & Safe Co Ltd ...... SW14 7NX ...... London-SW Timpson Locksmiths Ltd...... PR1 4DX ...... Lancashire Security Masters Ltd...... SE9 9AP ...... London Timpson Locksmiths Ltd...... M14 4RL ...... Manchester Sentinel Locksmiths...... S75 2AD...... South Yorkshire Tls Security Systems Ltd...... TA2 6BD...... Somerset Severn Valley Lock & Safe ...... DY10 1UA...... Worcestershire Topgrade Security...... TW19 7AB...... Middlesex Sks Security Systems Ltd ...... TN22 3HU ...... East Sussex Try Security Ltd ...... TW20 0QT ...... Surrey Sls Locksmiths...... SW16 5BW ...... London Two Brothers...... SW5 9FE...... London Sm Locksmith Services Ltd...... SS6 7JN...... Essex W G Pollard Limited ...... S40 2EW...... Derbyshire Solent Locksmiths ...... SO31 7GH ...... Hampshire Warrington Lock & Safe...... WA1 3NF...... Cheshire Southern Lock & Safe Co Ltd...... RH2 7RP...... Surrey Wessex Locksmiths Ltd...... DT4 0AD ...... Dorset Southern Security Services Ltd...... BH4 9BA ...... Dorset Wickham Security...... BR4 0LS...... Kent Southern Stronghold Dh Jones Ltd...... CV6 1DR...... West Midlands William Channon ...... WC1X 8SP...... London Southern Stronghold Ltd ...... SO40 3PY ...... Hampshire William Channon ...... N12 8LL ...... London Stanleys Locks, Keys & Safes...... PR8 5AJ...... Lancashire Woodside Locksmiths Ltd...... N12 7BS...... London Stapletons Lock & Safe Ltd ...... S80 1LW ...... Nottinghamshire Wulfruna Locksmiths Ltd ...... WV3 7LR...... West Midlands Stokes & Sons Security Ltd...... GL52 2RJ...... Gloucestershire Yorkshire Coast Locksmiths ...... YO14 9HY ...... North Yorkshire Sytech Security Ltd ...... PO19 1BE ...... West Sussex

MLA Approved Companies – In Postcode Order

Lumsden Security...... AB25 1LE...... Aberdeenshire A I W Keycentre...... BS22 8NA ...... Somerset Banham Patent Locks Ltd ...... AL1 3EN...... Hertfordshire Bowden Locksmiths Ltd...... BS3 3NS ...... Bristol B Bundy & Sons ...... AL1 4SY...... Hertfordshire Gem Security Centre Ltd...... BS4 1UN ...... Bristol Henry Gates & Son Ltd ...... AL2 1QW ...... Hertfordshire Aks Locksmiths Ltd ...... BS7 9JT ...... Bristol Protectall Security Group Plc ...... B11 2LB ...... West Midlands Bristol Key & Security Centre...... BS9 3DB ...... Bristol Doorfit Products Limited...... B18 5BA...... West Midlands E Havlin & Sons ...... BT1 1FJ ...... Antrim Safe & Secure Lockmasters Mobile ...... B31 1QA ...... West Midlands Portadown Locksmiths Ltd ...... BT62 3PL ...... Armagh Edwards Locksmiths & Security ...... B31 4QE ...... West Midlands Border Locks & Security...... CA4 0DQ...... Cumbria C & T Locksmiths Ltd ...... B33 9HQ ...... West Midlands Cambs Lock & Safe Ltd...... CB1 1LD ...... Cambridgeshire Alcester Locks Limited ...... B49 6ES...... Warwickshire Halls Of Cambridge...... CB1 3AH ...... Cambridgeshire Birmingham Master Locksmiths Ltd ...... B5 4RU ...... West Midlands Lock Stock & Barrell Security Servs Ltd ...... CB10 1EU ...... Essex Ashfield Security...... B65 0DX...... West Midlands R & W Collett Ltd...... CB24 9LJ ...... Cambridgeshire Armasafe ...... B90 1QT...... West Midlands Cambridge Master Locksmiths...... CB4 2JQ ...... Cambridgeshire A Morris Locksmiths ...... B97 5EJ ...... Worcestershire Dents ...... CB5 8JE...... Cambridgeshire Bath Safe & Security ...... BA1 2AY...... Somerset Ppm Locksmiths Ltd ...... CF10 2AR ...... South Glamorgan Bath Lock & Key ...... BA2 5DJ...... Somerset Cardiff Lock & Safe Co Ltd...... CF24 1LR...... South Glamorgan C Thompson & Sons ...... BA4 4QS...... Somerset Keymaster Security ...... CF24 3PG ...... South Glamorgan The Security Company N/W Ltd...... BB2 2AN ...... Lancashire Mr Locks Ltd...... CF3 2AZ...... South Glamorgan J H Blakey & Sons Security Ltd ...... BB9 5AD ...... Lancashire John Woods Master Locksmiths...... CH1 2LB ...... Cheshire Barrowford Safe & Lock Services Ltd...... BB9 8NJ...... Lancashire Makesafe Limited ...... CH43 5RE...... Merseyside Pricekey Limited ...... BD21 5AX ...... West Yorkshire Lock & Key Master Ltd ...... CH46 9PY ...... Merseyside C H Wood Security Bradford Ltd ...... BD4 7PE ...... West Yorkshire D & G Securities Locksmiths Ltd...... CH49 0TG...... Cheshire Associated Security Services Ltd...... BD8 9AJ...... West Yorkshire John Richard Security Products Wirral...... CH60 7RJ ...... Merseyside Ashley Security Company Ltd ...... BH14 0AE ...... Dorset Chelmsford Master Locksmiths ...... CM1 1SL ...... Essex Southern Security Services Ltd...... BH4 9BA ...... Dorset Brentwood Security Centre Ltd ...... CM14 5HR ...... Essex Access Locksmiths Ltd...... BH9 2BE ...... Dorset Chelmsford Lock & Safe Company ...... CM2 0EU ...... Essex Dave Johnson Master Locksmiths...... BH9 2RT ...... Dorset Lock Stock & Barrell Security Servs Ltd ...... CM24 8LN...... Essex Bolton Lock Company Ltd ...... BL5 3JT...... Lancashire Hewes Security...... CM3 5WA...... Essex Hewitt Safe & Lock Services Ltd ...... BL5 3NS...... Manchester Abacus Locksmiths...... CO4 5PB...... Colchester Authorized Access...... BL9 0LL...... Lancashire Actfast Locksmith ...... CO9 2HW...... Essex Dockerills Brighton Ltd ...... BN1 1UJ...... East Sussex Clares Of Croydon Ltd...... CR0 1XW ...... Surrey Cissbury Master Locksmiths ...... BN13 1JB...... West Sussex Magrath Security ...... CR4 2PF ...... Surrey Colin Attle Locks...... BN13 2YT ...... West Sussex Alllock Systems Ltd ...... CR6 9HA...... Surrey Masters Lock & Safe ...... BN2 6BE ...... East Sussex Southern Stronghold Dh Jones Ltd...... CV6 1DR...... West Midlands J D Lock & Safe...... BN21 3XF ...... East Sussex Eyden Locksmiths Ltd ...... CV6 2LX...... West Midlands Armoury Locks & Alarms Ltd ...... BN22 7NB ...... East Sussex B D B Lock & Safe Ltd ...... CV6 6PD ...... West Midlands Thomas Locksmiths Ltd Main...... BN3 5DP ...... East Sussex Holdfast Security Systems ...... CW2 7HP ...... Cheshire Keyhole Security...... BN41 1GD...... East Sussex Lock-Tec Uk Ltd...... CW9 5HA ...... Cheshire Homeguard Lock Services Limited ...... BR1 4PH ...... Kent Locks ‘N’ Tools Limited ...... DA2 6NE ...... Kent Wickham Security...... BR4 0LS...... Kent A1 See-Cure...... DA7 5AH ...... Kent 1st Auto Locksmiths ...... BR8 8AZ ...... Kent Lock Shop & Security Services Ltd...... DD3 6SN ...... Tayside Thornhill Security Ltd ...... BS15 1AP ...... Bristol Livens Ltd ...... DE14 1LJ ...... Staffordshire Aa Lock And Key ...... BS16 6UZ ...... Bristol Emsecure Garrison Ltd ...... DE16 8BZ ...... Leicestershire 1st Call Keymaster ...... BS16 9BB ...... Bristol Bernard Toon & Son Locksmiths ...... DE21 2BE ...... Derbyshire

72 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 MLA Approved Companies – In Postcode Order

Hyslop Security ...... DG3 5PJ ...... Dumfriesshire Mb Locking Logistics Group Ltd...... LS3 1JX ...... West Yorkshire Cathedral Lock & Safe Services Ltd ...... DL15 0UT...... Durham Lockmasters Mobile Leeds...... LS7 1AB...... West Yorkshire Securewise ...... DN1 1ES ...... South Yorkshire Makesafe ...... LU2 0PH ...... Bedfordshire Keyhole Services Master L/Smiths Ltd...... DN3 3DL ...... South Yorkshire Acl Locksmiths Ltd ...... LU6 3BN ...... Bedfordshire Locksmith Services Of Grimsby Ltd ...... DN31 3JH ...... Lincolnshire Timpson Locksmiths Ltd...... M14 4RL ...... Manchester Ellis Direct...... DN32 9AB ...... Lincolnshire Arc Locksmiths ...... M19 1BA ...... Manchester Wessex Locksmiths Ltd...... DT4 0AD ...... Dorset Keylock & Safe Manchester Ltd ...... M2 5WA ...... Manchester Severn Valley Lock & Safe ...... DY10 1UA...... Worcestershire Chris Taylor Master Locksmiths...... M3 1PJ...... Manchester Global Security Group Ltd...... DY8 4BU ...... West Midlands Geoff Ashdown Master Locksmiths...... M33 7JN...... Cheshire Krypto Security...... E11 3DH ...... London Central Locksmiths ...... M4 5FS ...... Manchester Dennis Security Centre ...... E17 3LX ...... London Astra Security Systems Ltd ...... ME16 0DZ...... Kent Market Lock And Safe Ltd ...... E3 3LT...... London Medway Security Centre Ltd ...... ME7 1RZ...... Kent G K Locksmiths Branch...... E4 8BX...... London Brinnick Locksmiths & Security Ltd ...... MK16 8AQ...... Buckinghamshire Delta Security ...... E8 1AL ...... London Bedford Security Services...... MK41 7RR ...... Bedfordshire Claymore Lock & Alarm Co Ltd...... EH41 3JW...... East Lothian Gemini Lock & Safe Ltd...... MK42 8PL ...... Bedfordshire Caleylock ...... EH6 5QG ...... Edinburgh D & G Short...... MK45 1JT...... Bedfordshire Edina Technical Company Ltd...... EH7 5DL ...... Midlothian Alexandra Locksmiths Ltd ...... N10 2LB...... London Absolute Home Security...... EN1 2EQ...... Middlesex William Channon ...... N12 8LL ...... London Barnet Lock & Security...... EN1 3HA ...... Middlesex Woodside Locksmiths Ltd...... N12 7BS...... London Hertfordshire Security Installations Ltd ...... EN11 9HL ...... Hertfordshire G K Locksmiths Main ...... N16 0NX ...... London Capital Lock & Safe Co Ltd ...... EN2 0DN...... Middlesex Securebase Ltd ...... N2 9EB ...... London J Durkin Securities ...... EN4 0QS...... Middlesex R S Locksmiths ...... N20 0BA...... London Barnet Lock Centre Ltd ...... EN5 5SZ ...... Hertfordshire Keymakers London Ltd...... N21 3RS ...... London Iks Locksmiths Ltd...... EN5 4JQ ...... Hertfordshire A Buckenham Locksmiths ...... N5 1HA ...... London Drummond Security Ltd...... EN6 2HW ...... Hertfordshire Franchi Plc...... N7 6NE ...... London Five Star Security Services Sw Ltd...... EX16 5LX...... Devon Asl Locksmiths...... NE1 4PG...... Tyne & Wear Guardian Security Head Office ...... EX2 8RG...... Devon Newcastle Locksmiths & Safe Company...... NE15 6PQ...... Tyne & Wear G B Locksmiths ...... EX23 8BR ...... Cornwall Bradleys Blyth Ltd...... NE24 1LY...... Northumberland Barnstaple Security Ltd ...... EX31 1GG...... Devon After A Lock & Safe Co Ltd ...... NE25 8SU ...... Tyne & Wear Guardian Security South West Ltd ...... EX4 6RY ...... Devon Lockwise Ltd...... NE28 6RX ...... Tyne & Wear David Wilkie Master Locksmith...... EX6 8TJ ...... Devon Crest Safe & Vault Ltd ...... NE31 1UB ...... Tyne & Wear The Lockshop ...... FY1 2JH ...... Lancashire Charnleys ...... NE7 7QQ ...... Tyne & Wear Kelvin Lock & Safe ...... G11 6RA ...... Glasgow Harrison & Son Ltd...... NE9 5HB ...... Tyne & Wear East Kilbride Lock & Safe...... G75 8XG...... Lanarkshire Adams Locksmiths ...... NG10 1GH ...... Nottinghamshire Gloucester Locksmiths ...... GL2 4NZ ...... Gloucester, Helmkay Locksmiths...... NG21 9DS...... Nottinghamshire Gloucestershire The Keyhole...... NG22 8JX ...... Nottinghamshire Stokes & Sons Security Ltd...... GL52 2RJ...... Gloucestershire Newark & Sherwood Locksmiths Ltd...... NG24 1EL ...... Nottinghamshire M & M Lock Secure Ltd...... GL8 2AP ...... Gloucestershire Halls Locksmiths Limited...... NG7 3NN ...... Nottinghamshire Banham Patent Locks Ltd ...... GU1 4HD ...... Surrey Safeway Security ...... NG7 6LH ...... Nottinghamshire Kbo Security ...... GU11 1JU ...... Hampshire Brinnick Locksmths & Security Branch ...... NN1 1RA...... Northamptonshire Goodall Locksmith ...... GU12 5NF...... Hampshire Benn Security Services ...... NN1 4DP...... Northamptonshire Lockrite Security...... GU14 6EW...... Hampshire M Hanzlik Master Locksmiths...... NN1 5JP...... Northamptonshire Heritage Locksmiths...... GU21 4JN ...... Surrey A & A Security Locksmiths Ltd...... NN16 9HX...... Northamptonshire Fortress Security ...... GU21 6JD ...... Surrey Arm Sure Security ...... NN17 1EE ...... Northamptonshire B Hatt Master Locksmith ...... HP11 2JG ...... Buckinghamshire Rutherfords Locksmiths Ltd...... NN8 1AT...... Northamptonshire Lock & Key Centre...... HP19 8UP ...... Aylesbury, Bucks Newport Locksmiths Ltd ...... NP19 7BU ...... Monmouthshire Greater London Locksmiths Ltd ...... HP3 4HY ...... Buckinghamshire County Locksmiths ...... NP44 3PQ...... South Wales Ctml T/A Steels Security Ltd ...... HU4 6EX ...... East Yorkshire A C Leigh Norwich Ltd ...... NR2 4PD...... Norfolk A B Rooms & Son Ltd ...... HU9 1LQ ...... East Yorkshire Anglia Locksmiths & Engineers Ltd...... NR32 2LT...... Suffolk Accredited Locksmith Services Ltd ...... IG10 1BT...... Essex Franchi Plc...... NW1 9QB...... London Cpw Locksmiths ...... IP1 1NA...... Suffolk Banham Patent Locks Ltd Br 4...... NW11 8EL...... London P & R Locksmith Services Ltd...... IP12 1AA...... Suffolk Bartletts Key Services Ltd ...... NW4 4EB ...... London Attend A Lock East Anglia...... IP17 3LG...... Suffolk Bryans Lock Services Ltd...... OX10 7LL ...... Oxfordshire Ipswich Lock & Safe Ltd ...... IP4 5LQ...... Suffolk Abilock Ltd ...... OX14 4LD ...... Oxfordshire Island Lock & Safe Co Limited ...... JE1 4HL ...... Jersey B & B Locksmiths ...... OX2 0AH ...... Oxfordshire G4 Securicor Locksmiths ...... JE2 7QP...... Jersey Bma Varsity...... OX4 2EN ...... Oxfordshire Aaa Locksmiths 2006 Ltd ...... JE4 5NX...... Jersey Executive Security Locksmiths Ltd...... OX4 3SJ...... Oxfordshire The Key Centre Ltd ...... KA12 8SU ...... Ayrshire City Locks Ltd...... PE1 5EX ...... Cambridgeshire Jcm Locksmiths Limited ...... KT1 2HG ...... Surrey Benn Lock & Safe...... PE1 5QA...... Cambridgeshire Pes Southern Ltd...... KT17 2PR ...... Surrey Magpie Security Services Ltd...... PE30 1AG ...... Norfolk F I Security ...... KT22 9JQ...... Surrey Perth Locksmiths & Security Services ...... PH1 5QL ...... Perthshire Alba Lock & Safe Company ...... KY11 2HP ...... Fife Idl Locksmith & Safe Engineer ...... PL19 9BB...... Devon Glenrothes Locksmiths ...... KY7 6RU ...... Fife Bickers Locksmiths...... PL24 2DA...... Cornwall Dial A Lock ...... L2 2DY ...... Merseyside Advanced Locking & Locksmithing Ltd...... PO12 1LS ...... Hampshire Nw Keys Ltd ...... L20 4BB ...... Merseyside Access Locksmiths T/A Access Key & Lock....PO16 0EN...... Hampshire Campbell & Mcgovern ...... L20 5DN...... Merseyside Sytech Security Ltd ...... PO19 1BE ...... West Sussex J Beattie & Son Ltd ...... L3 2BZ ...... Merseyside Amberley Security ...... PO3 5BT ...... Hampshire Ledsham Security Ltd...... L7 2RF ...... Merseyside Chant Lock And Security Service...... PO30 5LX ...... Isle of Wight Kendal Security Centre Ltd ...... LA9 4RA...... Cumbria Access Locksmiths T/A Access Key & Lock....PO4 9DA...... Hampshire Rossells Locksmiths Ltd...... LE2 0PF...... Leicestershire Christie Intruder Alarms Ltd ...... PO7 7AJ...... Hampshire Access & Security 24hr Locksmiths ...... LE2 5TT ...... Leicestershire Timpson Locksmiths Ltd...... PR1 4DX ...... Lancashire Morgans Locksmiths...... LE2 6UN ...... Leicestershire Stanleys Locks, Keys & Safes...... PR8 5AJ...... Lancashire Lincoln Security Ltd...... LN5 8AA...... Lincolnshire Master Lock And Safe ...... PR8 6QJ ...... Merseyside All Safe & Secure Ltd ...... LS10 1HQ ...... West Yorkshire Morgan Security ...... RG12 2LU ...... Berkshire

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 73 MLA Approved Companies – In Postcode Order

Basingstoke Locksmiths Ltd...... RG21 7NX...... Hampshire Brights Locksmiths ...... SS1 1AN ...... Essex Abbey Gate Locksmiths & Security Eng ...... RG4 7HS...... Berkshire Sm Locksmith Services Ltd...... SS6 7JN...... Essex Dsc Security ...... RG45 7AH...... Berkshire Des Lock & Security...... SS8 7AL...... Essex Earley Locks Limited ...... RG6 7JB ...... Berkshire G C Glass & Locks Ltd...... SS9 5JG...... Essex Bonner Locksmiths ...... RG8 0PX...... Berkshire KAT Securities ...... SS13 2JD...... Essex Thomas Locksmiths Ltd Branch ...... RH15 8LH ...... West Sussex Sds London Limited...... SW11 6QF ...... London Lock Assist ...... RH15 9TD ...... West Sussex Securifix Lock & Safe Co Ltd ...... SW14 7NX ...... London-SW Southern Lock & Safe Co Ltd...... RH2 7RP...... Surrey Sls Locksmiths...... SW16 5BW ...... London Active Locksmiths & Sec Eng...... RM11 2DL...... Essex Mobile Lock & Safe Company ...... SW18 5EB ...... London J Reeder Lock & Safe Co Ltd ...... RM14 2JR ...... Essex Fortress Lock & Safe Co ...... SW2 1AA ...... London Matlocks Ltd ...... RM14 2RX ...... Essex Two Brothers...... SW5 9FE...... London Keyway Lock Service Ltd ...... RM17 5YP...... Essex Associated Security Group Ltd Branch ...... SW6 2TX...... London Acorn Sec L/Smiths Ltd T/A Keyhole Kates....RM8 1XU ...... Essex Barrs Security Locksmiths Uk Ltd ...... SW6 6TE...... London H Harrold & Sons ...... S3 8UG ...... South Yorkshire London Locksmiths Ltd ...... SW8 2UX ...... London W G Pollard Limited ...... S40 2EW...... Derbyshire Armour Lock & Safe Co ...... SW9 9SL...... London Chris Hayes ...... S41 0UY...... Derbyshire Locsafe Security Systems Ltd...... SY1 3AB ...... Shropshire Hawkins Locksmiths ...... S43 2DZ...... Derbyshire Tls Security Systems Ltd...... TA2 6BD...... Somerset Barnsley Lock & Safe Co Ltd ...... S70 1TH...... South Yorkshire Martyn Nelson Master Locksmiths Ltd...... TA2 6JG ...... Somerset Sentinel Locksmiths...... S75 2AD...... South Yorkshire Locum Locks T/A K E Marsden...... TN14 5AE ...... Kent Stapletons Lock & Safe Ltd ...... S80 1LW ...... Nottinghamshire Premier Alarms Ltd...... TN15 6PL...... Kent Lock Tech...... SA1 3JD...... Glamorgan Clubb Security ...... TN2 4TZ...... Kent Dkb Locksmiths ...... SA10 6HG...... Glamorgan Sks Security Systems Ltd ...... TN22 3HU ...... East Sussex Nener’s Master Locksmiths ...... SA2 9BZ...... Swansea, Glamorgan Hastings Locksmiths...... TN35 4PL...... East Sussex Hawk Security...... SA38 9PL...... Ceredigion Insafe International Limited ...... TN4 8AS ...... Kent G Worrall & Son Ltd ...... SE1 1PE ...... London Crimehalt Master Locksmiths Ltd...... TQ2 5HZ ...... Devon Callow Master Locksmiths...... SE22 8HU ...... London Keys & Locks Direct Ltd ...... TQ2 5QP...... Devon Security Masters Ltd...... SE9 9AP ...... London Burfords ...... TQ7 1ED ...... Devon Aaccess Locksmiths ...... SG12 9BA ...... Hertfordshire Cornish Locksmiths ...... TR18 2HZ ...... Cornwall G J Locksmiths...... SG13 8PT ...... Hertfordshire Appleyard Security ...... TS1 5DT...... Cleveland Lock Stock & Barrell Security Servs Ltd ...... SG14 1BB ...... Hertfordshire A C Lock & Safe Co ...... TS26 9HS ...... Cleveland Iss Independent Security Solutions Ltd...... SK11 6JB ...... Cheshire Topgrade Security...... TW19 7AB...... Middlesex Andy Grayson Mbli ...... SK13 2AA ...... Derbyshire Try Security Ltd ...... TW20 0QT ...... Surrey City Lock & Safe Ltd...... SK2 6LU...... Cheshire Court Security Ltd ...... W1 F 0BB...... London Cusworth Master Locksmiths ...... SK9 3DH ...... Cheshire Bramah Security Centres Limited ...... W1 U 5PT ...... London Ascot Locks Limited ...... SL5 9NE...... Berkshire Barry Brothers Security ...... W2 1RL...... London Banham Patent Locks Ltd ...... SL6 1QL...... Berkshire R & R Security Services...... W5 4QP ...... London Gcd Security Locksmiths Ltd...... SL6 1QL...... Berkshire Greenford Security Services ...... W7 1HA ...... London J P Locksmith Services ...... SL9 8SR...... Buckinghamshire Banham Patent Locks Ltd Main ...... W8 6SF...... London Thelocksmith.Co.Uk Ltd...... SM3 8NE...... Surrey Warrington Lock & Safe...... WA1 3NF...... Cheshire Associated Security Group Ltd...... SM6 7HW...... Surrey J G Eckersall Locksmiths ...... WA10 2NS ...... Merseyside Emergency Security Services Ltd ...... SN2 1AQ...... Wiltshire John Holden Securities ...... WA15 8EJ ...... Cheshire Advanced Locking & Locksmithing Ltd...... SO14 1NR...... Hampshire Keyways Security Systems Ltd ...... WA15 8SX...... Cheshire Css Locksmiths Ltd ...... SO15 3HJ ...... Hampshire Safeguard N/W Ltd...... WA4 1BB...... Cheshire County Locksmiths ...... SO18 5RR...... Hampshire Keytrak Lock & Safe Co ...... WA8 0SW...... Cheshire Adtec Security Group Ltd ...... SO24 0ER...... Hampshire Franchi Plc...... WC1X 8PX...... London Action L/Smiths & Sec. Engineers...... SO31 6XG...... Hampshire William Channon ...... WC1X 8SP...... London Solent Locksmiths ...... SO31 7GH ...... Hampshire Lock & Key Services ...... WD18 0PY ...... Hertfordshire Southern Stronghold Ltd ...... SO40 3PY ...... Hampshire National Lock & Safe...... WD25 9EJ...... Hertfordshire Complete Security ...... SO45 2ND...... Hampshire Calder Security Ltd...... WF1 5PE...... West Yorkshire Complete Security ...... SO51 8GE...... Hampshire Harfords Security Ltd...... WF13 1NA ...... West Yorkshire County Locksmiths Chandlers Ford Ltd ...... SO53 2QD ...... Hampshire Artizan Locksmiths ...... WF8 2LT...... West Yorkshire Key Service ...... SP1 1DL...... Wiltshire Wulfruna Locksmiths Ltd ...... WV3 7LR...... West Midlands Avon Security Ltd ...... SP4 7AW...... Wiltshire Yorkshire Coast Locksmiths ...... YO14 9HY ...... North Yorkshire

74 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified Retail Access BEDFORDSHIRE

ACL Locksmiths Ltd [ 003075 ] 1 Furness Avenue, Dunstable, Bedfordshire LU6 3BN M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01582 606329 F: 01582 606330 E: [email protected] W:

Bedford Security Services [ 000188 ] 42a Gladstone Street, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK41 7RR M 18:00 ✔ T: 01234 308678 F: 01234 301306 E: [email protected] D & G Short [ 000948 ] 19 Station Road, Flitwick, Bedfordshire MK45 1JT ✔ M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 01525 712587 F: 01525 716687 E: [email protected] W:

Gemini Lock & Safe Ltd [ 001662 ] Safestore Business Centre, Elstow Road, Kempston, Bedfordshire MK42 8PL M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01234 262625 F: 01234 344488 E: [email protected] W:

Makesafe [ 001868 ] 1A Turners Road South, Luton, Bedfordshire LU2 0PH M&E 23:00 ✔ T: 01582 455188 F: 01582 451604 E: [email protected] W:


Abbey Gate Locksmiths & Security Eng [ 003203 ] 48 Geoffreyson Road, Caversham Heights, Reading, M&E 24 Hrs ✔ Berkshire RG4 7HS T: 01189 481971 F: 01189 475555 E: [email protected] Ascot Locks Limited [ 003225 ] 32 High Street, Sunninghill, Ascot, Berkshire SL5 9NE ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 01344 626791 F: 01344 876220 E: [email protected] W: Banham Patent Locks Ltd [ 031768 ] 36 High Street, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 1QL ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01628 784151 F: 01628 784926 E: [email protected] W:

Bonner Locksmiths [ 002695 ] Crestwell House, Beech Lane, Woodcote, Reading, Berkshire RG8 0PX M 19:00 ✔ T: 01491 680216 E: [email protected] W:

DSC Security [ 000535 ] 283 High Street, Crowthorne, Berkshire RG45 7AH ✔ M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 01344 779779 F: 01344 761222 E: [email protected] W:

Earley Locks Limited [ 000992 ] 540a Wokingham Road, Earley, Reading, Berkshire RG6 7JB M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0118 9870000 F: 0118 9870005 E: [email protected] W:

GCD Security (Locksmiths) Ltd [ 000218 ] 9 The Colonnade, High Street, Maidenhead, Berkshire SL6 1QL ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01628 673778 F: 01628 638424 E: [email protected] W: Morgan Security [ 002994 ] 32A Park Road, Bracknell, Berkshire RG12 2LU M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01344 868656 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Berkshire… BMA Varsity (Main listing: Oxfordshire) J P Locksmith Services (Main listing: Buckinghamshire) Try Security Ltd (Main listing: Surrey)


1st Call Keymaster [ 002706 ] 61 Jubilee Crescent, Mangotsfield, Bristol BS16 9BB M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 0117 9570011 F: 0117 9570099 E: [email protected] W:

AA Lock and Key [ 003174 ] 6 Westerleigh Close, Downend, Bristol BS16 6UZ M 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01179 077498 F: 01179 077498 E: [email protected] W:

AKS Locksmiths Ltd [ 000853 ] 105 Ashley Down Road, Horfield, Bristol, Bristol BS7 9JT ✔ M 18:00 ✔ T: 01179 247603 F: 01179 030693 E: [email protected] W: Bowden Locksmiths Ltd [ 000013 ] 33-35 West Street, Bedminister, Bristol BS3 3NS ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01179 662279 F: 01179 535395 E: [email protected] W: Bristol Key & Security Centre [ 003040 ] 9 Canford Lane, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol BS9 3DB ✔ M 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0117 9508613 F: 0117 9508739 E: [email protected] W:

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 75 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified Retail Access

Gem Security Centre Ltd [ 000781 ] Unit 1, Enterprise Trade Centre, Roman Farm Rd, Hengrove, Bristol BS4 1UN ✔ M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 0117 9788676 F: 0117 9781100 E: [email protected] W: Thornhill Security Ltd [ 002629 ] Unit 2, 322 Two Mile Hill Road, Kingswood, Bristol BS15 1AP ✔ M&E 22:00 ✔ T: 0117 9674994 F: 0117 9096674 E: [email protected] W:


B Hatt Master Locksmith [ 002688 ] The Shop for Locks & Keys, West End Street, High Wycombe, ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ Buckinghamshire HP11 2JG T: 01494 527189 F: 01494 442882 E: [email protected] W: Brinnick Locksmiths & Security Ltd [ 001638 ] 58 High Street, Newport Pagnell, Buckinghamshire MK16 8AQ ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01908 617575 F: 01908 611010 E: [email protected] W:

Greater London Locksmiths Ltd [ 002536 ] Montrose Stylecroft Rd, Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire HP3 4HY M&E 18:00 ✔ T: 0800 7837412 E: [email protected] W: J P Locksmith Services [ 000408 ] Unit 2, Baronmead Dukes Valley, Windsor Road, Gerrads Cross, M 24 Hrs ✔ Buckinghamshire SL9 8SR T: 01753 663435 F: 01628 826547 E: [email protected] W: Lock & Key Centre [ 002515 ] Security House, 22 Anglo Bus Park, Smeaton Close, Coldharbour Way, Aylesbury, ✔ M 22:00 ✔ Buckinghamshire HP19 8UP T: 01296 422123 F: 0845 3374994 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Buckinghamshire Brinnick Locksmths & Security (Branch) (Main listing: Northamptonshire) Executive Security Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: Oxfordshire) GCD Security (Locksmiths) Ltd (Main listing: Berkshire) Gemini Lock & Safe Ltd (Main listing: Bedfordshire) Lock & Key Services (Main listing: Hertfordshire)


Benn Lock & Safe [ 000546 ] 13 St Davids Square, Fengate, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE1 5QA ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 01733 552728 F: 01733 551439 E: [email protected] W:

Cambridge Master Locksmiths [ 000402 ] 4 Arbury Court, Arbury, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB4 2JQ ✔ M&E 22:00 ✔ T: 01223 578001 F: 01223 578005 E: [email protected] W:

Cambs Lock & Safe Ltd [ 002482 ] 93 King Street, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB1 1LD ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01223 353077 F: 01223 301620 E: [email protected] W: City Locks Ltd [ 001989 ] 7 Edgerley Bus Park, Challenger Way, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire PE1 5EX ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 01733 343476 F: 01733 891150 E: [email protected] Dents [ 001349 ] 287 Newmarket Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB5 8JE ✔ M&E 23:59 ✔ T: 01223 350038 F: 01223 300996 E: peter@ W: Halls of Cambridge [ 001703 ] 6 The Broadway, Mill Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB1 3AH ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01223 416000 F: 01223 416200 E: [email protected] W:

R & W Collett Ltd [ 000165 ] 19 Saffron Road, Histon, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire CB24 9LJ M 17:00 ✔ T: 01223 234098 F: 01223 234699 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Cambridgeshire… Magpie Security Services Ltd (Main listing: Norfolk)


City Lock & Safe Ltd [ 001539 ] 33 Buxton Road, Stockport, Cheshire SK2 6LU ✔ M 22:00 ✔ T: 0161 4806116 F: 0161 4741177 E: [email protected] W:

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

76 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified Retail Access

Cusworth Master Locksmiths [ 002924 ] 89 Meriton Road, Handforth, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 3DH M&E 22:00 ✔ T: 01625 250275 F: 01625 525248 E: [email protected] W:

D & G Securities (Locksmiths) Ltd [ 000396 ] 78 Ford Road, Upton, Wirral, Cheshire CH49 0TG M&E 22:00 ✔ T: 0151 6775660 F: 0151 5220103 E: [email protected]

Geoff Ashdown Master Locksmiths [ 000003 ] 111 Cross Street, Sale, Cheshire M33 7JN M&E 18:00 ✔ T: 0161 9694336 F: 0161 9694336 E: [email protected] Holdfast Security Systems [ 000588 ] 71-73 Edleston Road, Crewe, Cheshire CW2 7HP ✔ M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 01270 505902 F: 01270 501148 E: [email protected] W:

ISS Independent Security Solutions Ltd [ 002381 ] 8 Charlotte Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 6JB ✔ M&E 18:00 ✔ T: 0870 2414627 F: 01625 669429 E: [email protected] W:

John Holden Securities [ 000071 ] Unit 3 Oakfield Trading Estate, Altrincham, Cheshire WA15 8EJ ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 0161 9280743 F: 0161 9269694 E: [email protected]

John Woods Master Locksmiths [ 001213 ] 61 Watergate Street, Chester, Cheshire CH1 2LB ✔ M 17:00 ✔ T: 01244 322473 F: 01244 340140 E: [email protected] W:

Keytrak Lock & Safe Co [ 000821 ] Unit 1, Heron Business Park,, Tanhouse Lane, Widnes, Cheshire WA8 0SW ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0151 4955740 F: 0151 4955741 E: [email protected] W:

Keyways Security Systems Ltd [ 000400 ] 337 Hale Road, Hale Barns, Altrincham, Cheshire WA15 8SX ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0845 4566655 F: 0161 9040768 E: [email protected] W:

Lock-Tec (UK) Ltd [ 000778 ] 6 Dane Street, Northwich, Cheshire CW9 5HA ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 01606 331444 F: 01606 331443 E: [email protected] W:

Safeguard (N/W) Ltd [ 000115 ] Barry Street, Warrington, Cheshire WA4 1BB ✔ M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 01925 656999 F: 01925 573672 E: [email protected] W: Warrington Lock & Safe [ 002881 ] 8 Whitfield Avenue, Paddington, Warrington, Cheshire WA1 3NF M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01925 840999 F: 01925 851398 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Cheshire… ARC Locksmiths (Main listing: Manchester) John Richard Security Products (Wirral) (Main listing: Merseyside) Lock & Key Master Ltd (Main listing: Merseyside) Timpson Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: Manchester)


A C Lock & Safe Co [ 001381 ] 121 Park Road, Hartlepool, Cleveland TS26 9HS ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 01429 222100 F: 01429 864963 E: [email protected] Appleyard Security [ 002685 ] 49-51 Hartinton Road, Middlesborough, Cleveland TS1 5DT ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01642 247997 F: 01642 254338 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Cleveland Newcastle Locksmiths & Safe Company (Main listing: Tyne & Wear)


Bickers Locksmiths [ 001491 ] Tregoon, The Mount, Par , Cornwall PL24 2DA M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01637 881010 F: 01726 810006 E: [email protected] W: Cornish Locksmiths [ 001121 ] 47a Market Jew Street, Penzance, Cornwall TR18 2HZ ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01736 331031 F: 01736 333288 E: [email protected] W: G B Locksmiths [ 002055 ] 4 Belle Vue Lane, Bude, Cornwall EX23 8BR ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01288 355093 F: 01288 355093 E: [email protected] W:

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 77 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES

The following Approved companies also operate in Cornwall Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified Burfords (Main listing: Devon) Retail Access


Border Locks & Security [ 001355 ] 3 Front Street, Cotehill, Carlisle, Cumbria CA4 0DQ M&E 20:00 ✔ T: 01228 560153 F: 01228 560153 E: [email protected] W:

Kendal Security Centre Ltd [ 001594 ] Yard 97 Stricklandgate, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 4RA ✔ M&E 18:00 ✔ T: 01539 729543 F: 01539 729566 E: [email protected] W:


Andy Grayson MBLI [ 002736 ] 1 Railway Street, Hadfield, Derbyshire SK13 2AA M&E ✔ T: 07889 978245 F: 01457 864191 E: [email protected]

Bernard Toon & Son Locksmiths [ 000213 ] 1 Meerbrook Close, Oakwood, Derbyshire DE21 2BE M 20:00 ✔ T: 01332 233425 F: 01332 233425 E: [email protected] W: Chris Hayes [ 002725 ] 5 Kirby Close, Hasland, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S41 0UY M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01246 229277 E: [email protected] Hawkins Locksmiths [ 002622 ] 100 Brearley Avenue, New Whittington, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S43 2DZ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 01246 452999 E: [email protected] W: W G Pollard Limited [ 000469 ] 160-162 Derby Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire S40 2EW ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 01246 274771 F: 01246 201197 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Derbyshire… Adams Locksmiths (Main listing: Nottinghamshire) Andy Grayson MBLI (Main listing: Derbyshire) Halls Locksmiths Limited (Main listing: Nottinghamshire)


Barnstaple Security Ltd [ 002069 ] Abbeyfield Factory, Braunton Road, Barnstaple, Devon EX31 1GG M&E 19:00 ✔ T: 01271 329916 F: 01271 329663 E: [email protected] W: Burfords [ 000172 ] 12 Mill Street, Kingsbridge, Devon TQ7 1ED M E 24 Hrs T: 01548 852057 F: 01548 856242 E: [email protected] W: ✔ & ✔ Crimehalt Master Locksmiths Ltd [ 001702 ] 63 Belgrave Road, Torquay, Devon TQ2 5HZ M E 24 Hrs T: 01803 200438 F: 01803 299311 E: [email protected] W: ✔ & ✔ David Wilkie Master Locksmith [ 002712 ] 22 Eager Way, Exminster, Exeter, Devon EX6 8TJ T: 01392 825711 F: 01392 825711 M 24 Hrs ✔ Five Star Security Services (SW) Ltd [ 000826 ] 8 Westexe North, Tiverton, Devon EX16 5LX ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01884 242623 F: 01884 257766 E: [email protected] W: Guardian Security (South West) Ltd [ 010496 ] 131 Sidwell Street, Exeter, Devon EX4 6RY ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01392 217328 F: 01392 432919 E: [email protected] W: Guardian Security Head Office [ 000496 ] Units 1,2 & 6 The Space Place, Alphinbrook Rd, Marsh Barton, ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ Exeter, Devon EX2 8RG T: 01392 277467 F: 01392 424817 E: [email protected] W:

IDL Locksmith & Safe Engineer [ 002866 ] 28 Whitchurch Road, Tavistock, Devon PL19 9BB M 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01822 610997 F: 01822 610997 E: [email protected] W:

Keys & Locks Direct Ltd [ 001829 ] 190 Union Street, Torquay, Devon TQ2 5QP ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01803 294264 F: 01803 294264 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Devon… Bickers Locksmiths (Main listing: Cornwall) G B Locksmiths (Main listing: Cornwall)

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

78 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES

Martyn Nelson Master Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: Somerset) Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified TLS Security Systems Ltd (Main listing: Somerset) Retail Access DORSET

Access Locksmiths Ltd [ 001509 ] 827-829 Wimborne Road, Moordown, Bournemouth, Dorset BH9 2BE ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01202 526090 F: 01202 537526 E: [email protected] W: Ashley Security Company Ltd [ 000313 ] 522 Ashley Road, Parkstone, Poole, Dorset BH14 0AE ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01202 748502 F: 01202 736122 E: [email protected] W: Dave Johnson Master Locksmiths [ 000422 ] 22 Eldon Road, Victoria Park, Bournemouth, Dorset BH9 2RT M 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01202 522720 F: 01202 522713 E: [email protected] Southern Security Services Ltd [ 000507 ] 55 Poole Road, Westbourne, Bournemouth, Dorset BH4 9BA ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01202 765948 F: 01202 752413 E: [email protected] W: Wessex Locksmiths Ltd [ 002707 ] 5 Abbotsbury Road, Weymouth, Dorset DT4 0AD M E 17:30 T: 01305 761047 F: 01305 778836 E: [email protected] W: ✔ & ✔ The following Approved companies also operate in Dorset… Complete Security (Main listing: Hampshire)


Cathedral Lock & Safe Services Ltd [ 002534 ] 1-2 Brockwell Court, Low Willington, Ind Estate, Crook, ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ Durham DL15 0UT T: 01388 746000 F: 01388 748444 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Durham… Harrison & Son Ltd (Main listing: Tyne & Wear)


Armoury Locks & Alarms Ltd [ 001781 ] 27-29 Seaside, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN22 7NB ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01323 725190 F: 01323 725190 E: [email protected] W: Dockerills (Brighton) Ltd [ 001699 ] 3a, b, c Church Street, Brighton, East Sussex BN1 1UJ ✔ M 17:30 ✔ T: 01273 607434 F: 01273 679771 E: [email protected] W: Hastings Locksmiths [ 002941 ] Unit 3 Haywood Way, Hastings, East Sussex TN35 4PL ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01424 432882 F: 01424 460846 E: [email protected] W: J D Lock & Safe [ 001415 ] Unit 7 Commercial Mews North, Commercial Rd, Eastbourne, East Sussex BN21 3XF M 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01323 431598 F: 01323 417750 E: [email protected] W:

Keyhole Security [ 003112 ] 39-41 Vale Road, Portslade, Brighton, East Sussex BN41 1GD ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 08451 800200 F: 08451 800201 E: [email protected] W: Masters Lock & Safe [ 002967 ] 9 McWilliam Road, Woodingdean, Brighton, East Sussex BN2 6BE M 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0800 3118252 F: 01273 881042 E: [email protected] W: SKS Security Systems Ltd [ 003127 ] Swale Hse, Crowborough Road, Nutley, East Sussex TN22 3HU M&E ✔ T: 0845 2410071 F: 0845 2410072 E: [email protected] W: Thomas Locksmiths Ltd (Main) [ 001624 ] 97 Portland Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 5DP ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01273 773006 F: 01273 777879 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in East Sussex… Clubb Security (Main listing: Kent) Lock Assist (Main listing: West Sussex) Ltd (Main listing: Surrey)


A B Rooms & Son Ltd [ 002972 ] 52-54 Abbey Street, Hull, East Yorkshire HU9 1LQ M&E 21:00 ✔ T: 01482 320260 F: 01482 219384 E: [email protected] W:

CTML T/A Steels Security Ltd [ 010988 ] 121 Boothferry Road, Hull, East Yorkshire HU4 6EX ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 01482 563732 F: 01482 568353 E: [email protected]

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 79 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified ESSEX Retail Access

Abacus Locksmiths [ 002190 ] Unit 11 School Farm Bldg, School Rd, Langham, Colchester, Essex CO4 5PB ✔ M 20:00 ✔ T: 01206 271102 F: 01206 271104

Accredited Locksmith Services Ltd [ 001993 ] 2 Spareleaze Hill, Loughton, Essex IG10 1BT M 22:00 ✔ T: 0208 5081150 F: 0208 5081150 E: [email protected] W:

Acorn Sec L/smiths Ltd T/A Keyhole Kates [ 001313 ] 6 Rowallen Parade, Green Lane Dagenham, ✔ M 23:00 ✔ Essex RM8 1XU T: 020 89838194 F: 020 85972175 E: [email protected] W: Actfast Locksmith [ 002606 ] 4 Chaffinch Way, Halstead, Essex CO9 2HW M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01787 477513 F: 01787 477513 E: [email protected] W: Active Locksmiths & Sec Eng [ 002771 ] 129 Hillview Avenue, Hornchurch, Essex RM11 2DL M 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01708 559027 F: 01708 552711 E: [email protected] W:

Brentwood Security Centre Ltd [ 001727 ] 23 Warley Hill, Brentwood, Essex CM14 5HR ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01277 222452 F: 01277 849294 E: [email protected] W:

Brights Locksmiths [ 002630 ] 35-39 Clarence Road, Southend-On-Sea, Essex SS1 1AN ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01702 346274 F: 01702 346275 E: [email protected] W:

Chelmsford Lock & Safe Company [ 002030 ] 6 Hamlet Road, Chelmsford, Essex CM2 0EU M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01245 352564 F: 01245 347443 E: [email protected] W: Chelmsford Master Locksmiths [ 000737 ] Unit 1, Eckersley Road in. Est, Victoria Road, Chelmsford, ✔ M&E 18:00 ✔ Essex CM1 1SL T: 01245 350815 F: 01245 495295 E: [email protected] DES Lock & Security [ 001498 ] 110-112 Furtherwick Rd, , Essex SS8 7AL ✔ M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 01268 511785 F: 0871 9005744 E: [email protected] W: G C Glass & Locks Ltd [ 002824 ] 399 Rayleigh Road, Eastwood, Essex SS9 5JG ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0800 0199474 F: 01702 421834 E: [email protected] W: Hewes Security [ 000471 ] 25 Cutlers Road, South Woodham Ferrers, Essex CM3 5WA M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01245 321114 F: 01245 321194 E: [email protected] W: J Reeder Lock & Safe Co Ltd [ 000114 ] 41 Little Gaynes Lane, Upminster, Essex RM14 2JR M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0207 4765450 F: 01708 640699 E: [email protected] KAT Securities [ 001488 ] Norce House, 2 Alpha Road, Bowers Gifford, Essex SS13 2JD M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01268 724610 F: 01268 729615 E: [email protected]

Keyway Lock Service Ltd [ 000904 ] 181 London Road, Grays, Essex RM17 5YP ✔ M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 01375 382687 F: 01375 386687 E: [email protected] W: Lock Stock & Barrell Security Servs Ltd [ 000806 ] 5a Lower Street Main, Stanstead, Essex CM24 8LN ✔ M&E 22:00 ✔ T: 01279 816464 F: 01279 814665 E: [email protected] W:

Lock Stock & Barrell Security Servs Ltd [ 010806 ] 41 King Street Branch 1, Saffron Walden, Essex CB10 1EU ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01799 516663 F: 01799 516664 E: [email protected] W:

Matlocks Ltd [ 002310 ] 9 Granton Avenue, Upminster, Essex RM14 2RX M 23:00 ✔ T: 01708 446777 F: 01708 446700 E: [email protected] W:

SM Locksmith Services Ltd [ 002821 ] 81 Eastwood Road, Rayleigh, Essex SS6 7JN ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01268 777788 F: 01268 777788 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Essex… Dennis Security Centre (Main listing: London) Hertfordshire Security Installations Ltd (Main listing: Hertfordshire) Ipswich Lock & Safe Ltd (Main listing: Suffolk) Lock Stock & Barrell Security Servs Ltd (Main listing: Hertfordshire) P & R Locksmith Services Ltd (Main listing: Suffolk)

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

80 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified GLOUCESTERSHIRE Retail Access

Gloucester Locksmiths [ 001191 ] Unit 32, Sabre Close, Green Farm Bus. Park, Quedgeley, Gloucester, Gloucestershire GL2 4NZ T: 01452 306824 F: 01452 522844 E: [email protected] ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ W: M & M Lock Secure Ltd [ 002975 ] Pound Cottage, Tillers Green, Dymock, Gloucester, Gloucestershire GL8 2AP 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01531 890110 F: 01531 890110 E: [email protected] Stokes & Sons Security Ltd [ 000138 ] The Security Centre, 1a Gloucester Place Cheltenham, Gloucestershire ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ GL52 2RJ T: 01242 515465 F: 01242 515465 E: [email protected] The following Approved companies also operate in Gloucestershire… Bowden Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: Bristol) Emergency Security Services Ltd (Main listing: Wiltshire)


Access Locksmiths T/A Access Key & Lock [ 020125 ] 21 Highland Road, Southsea, , Hampshire ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ PO4 9DA T: 02392 731770 F: 02392 876851 E: [email protected] W: Access Locksmiths T/A Access Key & Lock [ 000125 ] 203 West Street, Fareham, Hampshire PO16 0EN M E 24 Hrs T: 01329 822282 F: 01329 284722 E: [email protected] W: ✔ & ✔ Action L/smiths & Sec. Engineers [ 002922 ] 22 Kingscup Avenue, Locks Heath, Southampton, Hampshire SO31 6XG T: 01489 577337 F: 01489 577337 E: [email protected] W: M 24 Hrs ✔ Adtec Security Group Ltd [ 002997 ] 2 Avon Cottages, Petersfied Rd, Ropley, Alresford, Hampshire SO24 0ER M&E 18:00 ✔ T: 01962 773355 F: 0560 1267176 E: [email protected] W: Advanced Locking & Locksmithing Ltd [ 011697 ] 49a Stoke Road, Gosport, Hampshire PO12 1LS T: 02392 589143 F: 02392 503015 E: [email protected] W: ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ Advanced Locking & Locksmithing Ltd [ 001697 ] 52 St Mary Street, Southampton, Hampshire SO14 1NR M E 24 Hrs T: 02380 334104 F: 02380 337568 E: [email protected] W: ✔ & ✔ Amberley Security [ 000910 ] 185-187 Copnor Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO3 5BT ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0239 2660730 F: 0239 2650349 E: [email protected] W: Basingstoke Locksmiths Ltd [ 001146 ] May Place, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 7NX ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01256 355002 E: [email protected] W: Christie Intruder Alarms Ltd [ 001486 ] Security House, 212-218 London Rd, Waterlooville, Hampshire PO7 7AJ M E 17:00 T: 02392 242452 F: 02392 232730 E: [email protected] W: ✔ & ✔ Complete Security [ 001164 ] 85 Long Lane, Holbury, Southampton, Hampshire SO45 2ND M E 24 Hrs T: 02380 899076 F: 02380 899226 E: [email protected] W: www. ✔ & ✔ Complete Security [ 011164 ] 43 The Hundred, Romsey, Hampshire SO51 8GE ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01794 830259 F: 01794 830566 E: [email protected] W: County Locksmiths [ 002570 ] 389B Bitterne Road, Bitterne, Southampton, Hampshire SO18 5RR M E 24 Hrs T: 023 80422848 F: 023 80422848 E: [email protected] ✔ & ✔ County Locksmiths (Chandlers Ford) Ltd [ 002882 ] 11 The Mall, 120 Winchester Road, Chandlers Ford, Southampton, Hampshire SO53 2QD T: 0238 0274844 F: 0238 0251155 E: [email protected] ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ CSS Locksmiths Ltd [ 000055 ] 346 Shirley Road, Southampton, Hampshire SO15 3HJ T: 02380 788422 F: 02380 399758 E: [email protected] W: ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ Goodall Locksmith [ 003152 ] 71 Avondale Ash Vale, Aldershot, Hampshire GU12 5NF M E 24 Hrs T: 01276 502997 E: [email protected] W: & ✔ KBO Security [ 002766 ] 187 Victoria Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GU11 1JU M E 24 Hrs T: 01252 891230 F: 01252 726952 E: [email protected] W: ✔ & ✔ Lockrite Security [ 001382 ] 20 Camp Road, North Camp, Farnborough, Hampshire GU14 6EW ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01252 543309 F: 01252 373108 E: pstockham W:

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 81 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified Retail Access

Solent Locksmiths [ 001524 ] 11 Middle Road, Park Gate, Southampton, Hampshire SO31 7GH ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01489 886656 F: 01489 886664 E: [email protected]

Southern Stronghold Ltd [ 011728 ] 6 South Parade, Salisbury Rd, Totton, Southampton, Hampshire SO40 3PY ✔ M&E 21:00 ✔ T: 02380 862636 F: 02380 867222 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Hampshire… Access Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: Dorset) Ashley Security Company Ltd (Main listing: Dorset) Avon Security Ltd (Main listing: Wiltshire) DSC Security (Main listing: Berkshire) Southern Security Services Ltd (Main listing: Dorset)


The following Approved companies operate in Herefordshire… M & M Lock Secure Ltd (Main listing: Gloucestershire)


Aaccess Locksmiths [ 002664 ] 33 High Street, Ware, Hertfordshire SG12 9BA ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01920 469980 F: 01920 469940 E: [email protected] W:

B Bundy & Sons [ 000742 ] Incorporating Alban Locksmiths, 205 Hatfield Rd, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 4SY ✔ M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 01727 839353 F: 01727 843535 E: [email protected] W:

Banham Patent Locks Ltd [ 021768 ] 95 St Peters Street, St Albans, Hertfordshire AL1 3EN ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01727 856665 F: 01727 834466 E: [email protected] W:

Barnet Lock Centre Ltd [ 000119 ] 212 High Street, Barnet, Hertfordshire EN5 5SZ ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0208 4403218 F: 0208 4418340 E: [email protected] W:

Drummond Security Ltd [ 002533 ] 44 The Broadway, Darkes Lane, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire EN6 2HW ✔ M&E 18:00 ✔ T: 01707 644454 F: 01707 651314 E: [email protected] W:

G J Locksmiths [ 001024 ] 5 Broad Green, Beyford, Hertfordshire SG13 8PT M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 0808 2671147 F: 01992 511100 E: [email protected] W:

Henry Gates & Son Ltd [ 000679 ] 6 Richardson Close, London Colney, Hertfordshire AL2 1QW M&E 22:00 ✔ T: 01727 822267 E: [email protected] W:

Hertfordshire Security Installations Ltd [ 003182 ] 22 Kingsfield, Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire EN11 9HL M 22:00 ✔ T: 07957 616641 F: 01992 440838 E: [email protected]

IKS Locksmiths Ltd [ 003242 ] 50 The Drive, High Barnet, Hertfordshire EN5 4JQ M 24 Hrs ✔ T: 07947 426981 E: [email protected] W:

Lock & Key Services [ 000599 ] 32 Market Street, Watford, Hertfordshire WD18 0PY ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01923 222145 F: 01923 236975

Lock Stock & Barrell Security Servs Ltd [ 020806 ] 2-3 Warren Place Branch 2, Railway Street, Hertfordshire ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ SG14 1BB T: 01992 500069 F: 01992 501849 E: [email protected] W:

National Lock & Safe [ 003253 ] 3 Handford Court, Garston Lane, Watford, Hertfordshire WD25 9EJ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01923 661960 F: 01923 661950 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Hertfordshire… Barnet Lock & Security (Main listing: Middlesex) Capital Lock & Safe Co Ltd (Main listing: Middlesex) Dents (Main listing: Cambridgeshire) Hewes Security (Main listing: Essex) J Durkin Securities (Main listing: Middlesex) Lock Stock & Barrell Security Servs Ltd (Main listing: Essex) Makesafe (Main listing: Bedfordshire)

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

82 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES

Securebase Ltd (Main listing: London) William Channon (Main listing: London) Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified Retail Access ISLE OF WIGHT Chant Lock and Security Service [ 002847 ] 288 Gunville Road, Newport, Isle of Wight PO30 5LX ✔ M&E ✔ T: 01983 528277 F: 01983 822762 E: [email protected] W:


1st Auto Locksmiths [ 001859 ] 88 St Georges Road, Swanley, Kent BR8 8AZ 19:00 ✔ T: 01322 407790 F: 01322 412807 E: [email protected] A1 See-Cure [ 000979 ] 138 Long Lane, Bexleyheath, Kent DA7 5AH ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0208 3013439 F: 0208 2981967 E: [email protected] W: Astra Security Systems Ltd [ 000391 ] 6/7 The Old Brewery, Buckland Road, Maidstone, Kent ME16 0DZ ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 01622 672036 F: 01622 690219 E: [email protected] W:

Clubb Security [ 001682 ] 18 Chester Avenue, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 4TZ M&E 20:00 ✔ T: 01892 530587 E: [email protected] W:

Homeguard Lock Services Limited [ 000764 ] 459 Bromley Road, Downham, Kent BR1 4PH ✔ 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0208 6984349 F: 0208 6955802 E: [email protected] W:

Insafe International Limited [ 000650 ] 4th Fl Westcombe House,, 2-4 Mount Ephraim, Tunbridge Wells, Kent M&E 24 Hrs ✔ TN4 8AS T: 01892 533000 F: 01892 525100 E: [email protected] W:

Locks ‘N’Tools Limited [ 000334 ] 1b Princes Avenue, Dartford, Kent DA2 6NE ✔ M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 01322 228893 F: 01322 229316 E: [email protected] W:

Locum Locks T/A K E Marsden [ 002618 ] 9 Pinewood Avenue, Sevenoaks, Kent TN14 5AE M&E 19:00 ✔ T: 01732 450950 E: HO use only [email protected] W:

Medway Security Centre Ltd [ 002378 ] Unit 25, Pier Road Industrial Estate, Pier Approach Road, Gillingham, ✔ M 24 Hrs ✔ Kent ME7 1RZ T: 01634 280555 F: 01634 280222 E: [email protected] W:

Premier Alarms Ltd [ 000184 ] Unit F4, Chaucer Bus Park, Watery Ln, Kemsing, Sevenoaks, Kent TN15 6PL ✔ M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 01732 764444 F: 01732 764460 E: [email protected]

Wickham Security [ 000756 ] 63 High Street, West Wickham, Kent BR4 0LS ✔ M 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0208 7778299 F: 0208 7770091 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Kent… Associated Security Group Ltd (Branch) (Main listing: London) Callow Master Locksmiths (Main listing: London) Hastings Locksmiths (Main listing: East Sussex) J D Lock & Safe (Main listing: East Sussex) Matlocks Ltd (Main listing: Essex)


Authorized Access [ 001343 ] 50b Bolton Street rear of, Bury, Lancashire BL9 0LL ✔ M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 0161 7629936 F: 0161 7633849 E: [email protected] W: Barrowford Safe & Lock Services Ltd [ 000170 ] 4 King Edward Terrace,, Gisburn Rd, Barrowford, Lancashire ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ BB9 8NJ T: 01282 617362 F: 01282 617363 E: [email protected] W:

Bolton Lock Company Ltd [ 000616 ] 354-360 Manchester Road, Westhoughton, Bolton, Lancashire BL5 3JT ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 01942 811186 F: 01942 811233 E: [email protected] W:

J H Blakey & Sons (Security) Ltd [ 001649 ] Burnley Road, Briefield, NR Nelson, Lancashire BB9 5AD ✔ M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 01282 613593 F: 01282 617550 E: [email protected] W:

Stanleys Locks, Keys & Safes [ 000488 ] 106-114 Shakespeare Street, Southport, Lancashire PR8 5AJ ✔ M&E 18:00 ✔ T: 01704 535369 F: 01704 500564 E: [email protected] W: The Lockshop [ 001316 ] 241-243 Dickson Road, Blackpool, Lancashire FY1 2JH ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01253 623393 F: 01253 291856 E: [email protected]

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 83 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified Retail Access

The Security Company (N/W) Ltd [ 001282 ] 11 Weir Street, Blackburn, Lancashire BB2 2AN ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01254 677555 F: 01254 692326 E: [email protected] W: Timpson Locksmiths Ltd [ 000726 ] 154 New Hall Lane, Preston, Lancashire PR1 4DX ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01772 794206 F: 01772 704856 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Lancashire… Campbell & McGovern (Main listing: Merseyside) Hewitt Safe & Lock Services Ltd (Main listing: Manchester) Keyways Security Systems Ltd (Main listing: Cheshire)


Access & Security 24hr Locksmiths [ 002682 ] 14 Coombe Rise, Oadby, Leicestershire LE2 5TT M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0116 2719003 F: 0116 2719229 E: [email protected] W: Emsecure Garrison Ltd [ 003249 ] 3 Rolleston Close, Market Harborough, Leicestershire DE16 8BZ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 07891 340168 F: 01858 432756 E: [email protected] W:

Morgans Locksmiths [ 002961 ] 575 Saffron Lane, Leicester, Leicestershire LE2 6UN ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 0116 2440338 F: 0116 2832795 E: [email protected] W: Rossells Locksmiths Ltd [ 000793 ] 101 London Road, Leicester, Leicestershire LE2 0PF ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 01162 628899 F: 01162 248200 E: [email protected] W:


Ellis Direct [ 002631 ] 8 Bowling Green Lane, Grimsby, Lincolnshire DN32 9DE ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01472 343332 F: 01472 256539 E: [email protected] W: Lincoln Security Ltd [ 000222 ] 79-83 High Street, Lincoln, Lincolnshire LN5 8AA ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01522 532038 F: 01522 536060 E: [email protected] W: Locksmith Services of Grimsby Ltd [ 002871 ] Unit 44, Grimsby Business Centre, King Edward Street, M 24 Hrs ✔ Grimsby, Lincolnshire DN31 3JH T: 01472 589805 F: 01472 324685 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Lincolnshire… A B Rooms & Son Ltd (Main listing: East Yorkshire)


Delta Security [ 000275 ] 181 Dalston Lane, Hackney, London E8 1AL ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 0208 9851855 F: 0208 9851121 E: [email protected] W: Dennis Security Centre [ 000327 ] 137-139 Wood Street, Walthamstow, London E17 3LX ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 0208 5207450 F: 0208 5218376 E: [email protected] W:

G K Locksmiths (Branch) [ 012800 ] 96 Old Church Road, Chingford, London E4 8BX M E T: 0207 5237013 F: 0207 5237077 E: [email protected] W: ✔ & ✔ Krypto Security [ 000350 ] 560 High Road, Leytonstone, London E11 3DH ✔ M 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0208 5561000 F: 0208 9886833 E: [email protected]

Market Lock and Safe Ltd [ 000432 ] Unit 6/9 Hillstone Court, Empson Street, Bow, London E3 3LT ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0207 5363131 F: 0207 5363130 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in London East… Accredited Locksmith Services Ltd (Main listing: Essex) Acorn Sec L/smiths Ltd T/A Keyhole Kates (Main listing: Essex) Banham Patent Locks Ltd (Main) (Main listing: London West) Bramah Security Centres Limited (Main listing: London West) Fortress Lock & Safe Co (Main listing: London South West) G C Glass & Locks Ltd (Main listing: Essex)

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

84 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES

G Worrall & Son Ltd (Main listing: London) Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified LONDON NORTH Retail Access

A Buckenham (Locksmiths) [ 002727 ] 158 Blackstock Road, Highbury, London N5 1HA ✔ M 22:00 ✔ T: 0207 2268734 F: 0207 3543818 E: [email protected] Alexandra Locksmiths Ltd [ 002809 ] 11 Palace Court Gardens, Muswell Hill, London N10 2LB M&E 22:00 ✔ T: 0208 8831555 E: [email protected] W: Franchi Plc [ 002172 ] 278 Holloway Rd, , London N7 6NE ✔ M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 0207 6072200 F: 0207 7004050 E: [email protected] W: G K Locksmiths (Main) [ 002800 ] 45 Stoke Newington, Church Street, London N16 0NX ✔ M&E ✔ T: 0207 2544617 F: 0207 9232659 E: [email protected] W: Keymakers (London) Ltd [ 000699 ] 707 - 711 Green Lanes, Winchmore Hill, London N21 3RS ✔ M&E 18:00 ✔ T: 0208 3606464 F: 0208 3643443 E: [email protected] W: R S Locksmiths [ 002628 ] 83 Russell Lane, Whetstone, London N20 0BA ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0208 3620647 F: 0208 3620642 E: [email protected] W: Securebase Ltd [ 001346 ] 112 High Road, East Finchley, London N2 9EB ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0208 4420660 F: 0208 3652788 E: [email protected] W: William Channon [ 010288 ] 365 Ballards Lane, North Finchley, London N12 8LL ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 0208 4453454 F: 0208 4461121 E: [email protected] W: Woodside Locksmiths Ltd [ 003241 ] 3 Frith Manor Farm Cottages, Lullington Garth, Woodside Park, M&E 22:00 ✔ London N12 7BS T: 0208 3464474 F: 0208 3467750 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in London North Absolute Home Security (Main listing: Middlesex) Banham Patent Locks Ltd (Main) (Main listing: London West) Barnet Lock Centre Ltd (Main listing: Hertfordshire) Bramah Security Centres Limited (Main listing: London West) Fortress Lock & Safe Co (Main listing: London South West) G C Glass & Locks Ltd (Main listing: Essex) Greater London Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: Buckinghamshire) Market Lock and Safe Ltd (Main listing: London)


Banham Patent Locks Ltd (Br 4) [ 041768 ] 51 Golders Green Road, London, London NW11 8EL ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0208 9055405 F: 0208 2090042 E: [email protected] W: Bartletts Key Services Ltd [ 001957 ] 43 Church Road, Hendon, London NW4 4EB ✔ M 17:00 ✔ T: 0208 2033781 F: 0208 2027672 E: [email protected] Franchi Plc [ 012172 ] 144-146 Kentish Town Road, London NW1 9QB ✔ M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 0207 2673138 F: 0207 4854637 E: [email protected] W:


Callow Master Locksmiths [ 001162 ] 117 Lordship Lane, East Dulwich, London SE22 8HU ✔ M 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0208 2994737 F: 0208 2994466 E: [email protected] W:

G Worrall & Son Ltd [ 000328 ] 174 Great Suffolk Street, Southwark, London SE1 1PE ✔ M 17:00 ✔ T: 0207 4078498 F: 0207 4039455 E: [email protected] W:

Security Masters Ltd [ 001990 ] PO Box 61661, Eltham, London SE9 9AP M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0208 8508356 F: 0208 8502889 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in London South East… 1st Auto Locksmiths (Main listing: Kent) A1 See-Cure (Main listing: Kent) Banham Patent Locks Ltd (Main) (Main listing: London West)

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 85 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES

Bramah Security Centres Limited (Main listing: London West) Fortress Lock & Safe Co (Main listing: London South West) Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified G C Glass & Locks Ltd (Main listing: Essex) Retail Access


Armour Lock & Safe Co [ 000052 ] 209 Stockwell Road, Brixton, London SW9 9SL ✔ M 17:30 ✔ T: 0207 7334537 F: 0207 7337770 E: [email protected]

Associated Security Group Ltd (Branch) [ 010024 ] 277 Wandsworth Bridge Road, Fulham, ✔ M&E 19:00 ✔ London SW6 2TX T: 0208 6697722 F: 0208 6699890 E: [email protected] W:

Barrs Security (Locksmiths) UK Ltd [ 000285 ] 329 Fulham Palace Road, Fulham, London SW6 6TE ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0207 7367668 F: 0207 3717954 E: [email protected] W:

Fortress Lock & Safe Co [ 000424 ] 107 Brixton Hill, London SW2 1AA ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0208 6746657 F: 0208 6746439 E: [email protected] W:

London Locksmiths Ltd [ 002222 ] 14a Wilcox Rd, Vauxhall, London SW8 2UX ✔ M 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0207 9782233 F: 0207 7206625 E: [email protected] W:

Mobile Lock & Safe Company [ 000511 ] 227-229 Merton Road, Wandsworth, London SW18 5EB ✔ M&E 20:00 ✔ T: 0208 8701887 F: 0208 8741088 E: [email protected] W:

SDS (London) Limited [ 002689 ] 183-189 Northcote Road, Battersea, London SW11 6QF ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 0207 2281185 F: 0207 7382342 E: [email protected] W:

SLS Locksmiths [ 002050 ] Unit 17 Vale Ind. Estate, 170 Rowan Road, London SW16 5BW M 18:00 ✔ T: 02087 776340 F: 0208 7775808 E: [email protected] W:

Securifix Lock & Safe Co Ltd [ 003037 ] 391 Upper Richmond Road West, East Sheen, London SW14 7NX ✔ M 18:00 ✔ T: 0208 3922233 F: 0208 8763970 E: [email protected] W: Two Brothers [ 002259 ] Unit 201, 235 Earls Court Rd, London SW5 9FE M 24 Hrs ✔ T: 07958 742751 F: 0207 3842440 E: [email protected] The following Approved companies also operate in London South West Associated Security Group Ltd (Main listing: Surrey) Banham Patent Locks Ltd (Main listing: Surrey) Banham Patent Locks Ltd (Main) (Main listing: London West) Bramah Security Centres Limited (Main listing: London West) Fortress Lock & Safe Co (Main listing: London South West) Clares of Croydon Ltd (Main listing: Surrey) G C Glass & Locks Ltd (Main listing: Essex) Magrath Security (Main listing: Surrey)


Banham Patent Locks Ltd (Main) [ 001768 ] 233/235 Kensington High Street, London W8 6SF ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0207 6225151 F: 0207 4982461 E: [email protected] W:

Barry Brothers Security [ 000005 ] 121-123 Praed Street, Paddington, London W2 1RL ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0207 2629009 F: 0207 2625005 E: [email protected] W:

Bramah Security Centres Limited [ 000228 ] 31 Oldbury Place, Marylebone, London W1 U 5PT ✔ M&E ✔ T: 0207 4861757 F: 0207 9352779 E: [email protected] W:

Court Security Ltd [ 001637 ] 9-12 St Annes Court, Soho, London W1 F 0BB ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0207 7342109 F: 0207 4378557 E: [email protected] W:

Franchi Plc [ 022172 ] 329-331 Grays Inn Road, Kings Cross, London WC1X 8PX ✔ M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 0207 2788628 F: 0207 8339049 E: [email protected] W:

Greenford Security Services [ 000351 ] 107 Greenford Avenue, Hanwell, London W7 1HA ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0208 5787995 F: 0208 8403305 E: [email protected] W:

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

86 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified Retail Access

R & R Security Services [ 000943 ] 171 South Ealing Road, Ealing, London W5 4QP ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0208 8474404 F: 02085 603413 E: [email protected] W:

William Channon [ 000288 ] 45 Theobalds Road, , London WC1X 8SP ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 0207 2428045 F: 0207 2428046 E: [email protected] W:


ARC Locksmiths [ 002768 ] 181 Mauldeth Road, Burnage, , Manchester M19 1BA ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0161 2562551 F: 0161 2562051 E: [email protected] W:

Central Locksmiths [ 002883 ] 51 - 55 Oldham Road, New Cross, Manchester M4 5FS ✔ M 22:00 ✔ T: 0161 8397977 F: 0161 8397913 E: [email protected] W:

Chris Taylor Master Locksmiths [ 000988 ] Arena Security Centre, 1 Arena Court, Mirabel St, Manchester M3 1PJ M&E 18:00 ✔ T: 0161 8390201 F: 0161 8394792 E: [email protected]

Hewitt Safe & Lock Services Ltd [ 003113 ] 300 Chorley Road, Westhoughton, Bolton, Manchester BL5 3NS M&E 23:00 ✔ T: 01942 811494 E: [email protected] W:

Keylock & Safe (Manchester) Ltd [ 002902 ] 16 Lloyd Street, , Manchester M2 5WA ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0161 8345556 F: 0161 8345595 E: [email protected]

Timpson Locksmiths Ltd [ 001508 ] 187 Princess Road, Moss Side, Manchester M14 4RL ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0161 2320187 F: 08715 284187 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Manchester… Authorized Access (Main listing: Lancashire) Bolton Lock Company Ltd (Main listing: Lancashire) City Lock & Safe Ltd (Main listing: Cheshire) Cusworth Master Locksmiths (Main listing: Cheshire) Geoff Ashdown Master Locksmiths (Main listing: Cheshire) John Holden Securities (Main listing: Cheshire) Keytrak Lock & Safe Co (Main listing: Cheshire) Safeguard (N/W) Ltd (Main listing: Cheshire)


Campbell & McGovern [ 001113 ] 457-461 Stanley Road, Bootle, Merseyside L20 5DN ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0151 9224085 F: 0151 9335772 E: [email protected] W:

Dial A Lock [ 003004 ] 1 Cheapside, Liverpool, Merseyside L2 2DY ✔ M&E 22:00 ✔ T: 0151 2550476 F: 0151 2365623 E: [email protected] W:

J Beattie & Son Ltd [ 000600 ] Marlborough Place, Liverpool, Merseyside L3 2BZ ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 0151 2366296 F: 0151 2362639 E: [email protected] W:

J G Eckersall Locksmiths [ 000727 ] 2 Lingholme Road, St Helens, Merseyside WA10 2NS ✔ M&E ✔ T: 01744 732256 F: 01744 22408 E: [email protected] W:

John Richard Security Products (Wirral) [ 000630 ] 202a Pensby Road, Heswell, Wirral, Merseyside CH60 7RJ ✔ M&E 18:00 ✔ T: 0151 3424074/2318 F: 0151 3423273 E: [email protected] W:

Ledsham Security Ltd [ 002908 ] 193 Kensington, Liverpool, Merseyside L7 2RF ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0151 2605111 F: 0151 2608103 E: [email protected] W:

Lock & Key Master Ltd [ 002613 ] 93 Hoylake Road, Moreton, Wirral, Merseyside CH46 9PY ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0151 2012992 F: 0151 5129050 E: [email protected] W:

Makesafe Limited [ 000186 ] 34 Balls Road, Birkenhead, Merseyside CH43 5RE ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0151 6538404 F: 0151 5139062 E: [email protected] W:

Master Lock and Safe [ 002884 ] 23 Southbank Road, Southport, Merseyside PR8 6QJ ✔ M&E 18:00 ✔ T: 01704 545400 F: 01704 500239 E: [email protected] W:

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 87 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified Retail Access

NW Keys Ltd [ 001964 ] The Old Fire Station, 51 Strand Road, Bootle, Liverpool, Merseyside L20 4BB ✔ M 17:00 ✔ T: 0151 9332747 F: 0151 9335895 E: [email protected] W:

The following Approved companies also operate in Merseyside… Stanleys Locks, Keys & Safes (Main listing: Lancashire) Timpson Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: Lancashire)


Absolute Home Security [ 002624 ] Unit 11F Village Road, Enfield, Middlesex EN1 2EQ M 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0208 3669494 F: 0208 3420134 E: [email protected]

Barnet Lock & Security [ 000241 ] 123/125 Baker Street, Enfield, Middlesex EN1 3HA ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0208 3420040 F: 0208 3420230 E: [email protected] W:

Capital Lock & Safe Co Ltd [ 000196 ] 91 Lancaster Road, Enfield, Middlesex EN2 0DN ✔ M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 0208 3672775 F: 0208 3665091 E: [email protected] W:

J Durkin Securities [ 002087 ] 50 Fairgreen, Hadley Wood, Enfield, Middlesex EN4 0QS M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0208 4415285 F: 0208 4415290 E: [email protected] W:

Topgrade Security [ 002773 ] 13 Willowbrook Road, Stanwell, Middlesex TW19 7AB M&E 21:00 ✔ T: 01784 257100 F: 01774 257100 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Middlesex… Fortress Security (Main listing: Surrey) G J Locksmiths (Main listing: Hertfordshire) Greenford Security Services (Main listing: London)


A C Leigh (Norwich) Ltd [ 001279 ] 61-67 St Benedicts Street, Norwich, Norfolk NR2 4PD ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 01603 216500 F: 01603 216511 E: [email protected] W: Magpie Security Services Ltd [ 000855 ] 70 - 70a Norfolk Street, Kings Lynn, Norfolk PE30 1AG ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 01553 691121 F: 01553 691121 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Norfolk… Anglia Locksmiths & Engineers Ltd (Main listing: Suffolk) Attend A Lock (East Anglia) (Main listing: Suffolk)


Yorkshire Coast Locksmiths [ 002714 ] 4 - 8 Belle Vue Street, Filey, North Yorkshire YO14 9HY ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01723 512217 F: 01723 516752 E: [email protected] The following Approved companies also operate in North Yorkshire… Artizan Locksmiths (Main listing: West Yorkshire) Associated Security Services Ltd (Main listing: West Yorkshire) Calder Security Ltd (Main listing: West Yorkshire) J H Blakey & Sons (Security) Ltd (Main listing: Lancashire) Kendal Security Centre Ltd (Main listing: Cumbria) Lockmasters Mobile (Leeds) (Main listing: West Yorkshire)


A & A Security Locksmiths Ltd [ 002879 ] 103A Rockingham Road, Kettering, Northamptonshire NN16 9HX ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01536 411299 F: 01536 411300 E: [email protected] W: ARM Sure Security [ 000095 ] 97 Occupation Road, Corby, Northamptonshire NN17 1EE ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01536 202631 F: 01536 202102 E: [email protected]

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

88 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified Retail Access

Benn Security Services [ 001026 ] 80 Wellingborough Road, Northampton, Northamptonshire NN1 4DP ✔ M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 01604 620707 F: 01604 603632 E: [email protected] W: Brinnick Locksmths & Security (Branch) [ 010638 ] 17 Gold Street, Northamptonshire NN1 1RA ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01604 628729 E: [email protected] W:

M Hanzlik Master Locksmiths [ 002703 ] 107 Lutterworth Road, Abington, Northamptonshire NN1 5JP ✔ M ✔ T: 01604 628154 F: 01604 604032 E: [email protected] W: Rutherfords Locksmiths Ltd [ 000504 ] 27-28 Market Square, Wellingborough, Northamptonshire NN8 1AT ✔ M 17:30 ✔ T: 01933 279812 F: 01933 271706 E: [email protected] The following Approved companies also operate in Northamptonshire… ACL Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: Bedfordshire) Brinnick Locksmiths & Security Ltd (Main listing: Buckinghamshire)


Bradleys (Blyth) Ltd [ 000871 ] King Street, Blyth, Northumberland NE24 1LY ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01670 540900 F: 01670 354362 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Northumberland… ASL Locksmiths (Main listing: Tyne & Wear) Charnleys (Main listing: Tyne & Wear) Lockwise Ltd (Main listing: Tyne & Wear)


Adams Locksmiths [ 001344 ] 2C High Street, Long Eaton, Nottinghamshire NG10 1GH ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0115 9464789 F: 0115 9469027 E: [email protected] W: Halls Locksmiths Limited [ 000180 ] 88-92 Alfreton Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG7 3NN M E 24 Hrs T: 01159 780141 F: 01159 423566 E: [email protected] W: ✔ & ✔ Helmkay Locksmiths [ 002797 ] 145 Forest Road, Clipstone Village, Mansfield, Nottinghamshire NG21 9DS M E 24 Hrs T: 01623 423763 F: 01623 659197 E: [email protected] & ✔ Newark & Sherwood Locksmiths Ltd [ 002798 ] 12 Northgate, Newark, Nottinghamshire NG24 1EL ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 01636 605909 F: 01636 705117 E: [email protected] W: Safeway Security [ 001704 ] Foxhall Business Centre, Foxhall Road, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire NG7 6LH M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 0800 3897564 F: 01949 823764 E: [email protected] W: Stapletons Lock & Safe Ltd [ 000246 ] 75 Westgate, Worksop, Nottinghamshire S80 1LW ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01909 474647 F: 01909 474226 E: [email protected] W: The Keyhole [ 002803 ] Pilgrims Progress Far Back Lane, Farnfield, Newark, Nottinghamshire NG22 8JX 23:00 ✔ T: 01623 882590 F: 01623 882590 The following Approved companies also operate in Nottinghamshire… Lincoln Security Ltd (Main listing: Lincolnshire) Rossells Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: Leicestershire)


Abilock Ltd [ 002609 ] 68 Steventon Road, Drayton, Abingdon, Oxfordshire OX14 4LD M 17:00 ✔ T: 01235 531123 F: 01235 203185 E: [email protected] W: B & B Locksmiths [ 002674 ] 9 Cripley Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX2 0AH ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01865 864011 E: [email protected] BMA Varsity [ 000214 ] 15 Oxford Road, Cowley, Oxford, Oxfordshire OX4 2EN ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01865 714000 F: 01865 747563 E: [email protected] W:

Bryans Lock Services Ltd [ 002623 ] 2 The Limes, Dorchester On Thames, Wallingford, Oxfordshire OX10 7LL M&E 18:00 ✔ T: 01865 340138 F: 01865 340914 E: [email protected] W:

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 89 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified Retail Access

Executive Security Locksmiths Ltd [ 002535 ] 26 Kelburne Road, Cowley, Oxfordshire OX4 3SJ ✔ M&E 24Hrs ✔ T: 01865 777999 F: 01865 431119 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Oxfordshire… Bonner Locksmiths (Main listing: Berkshire) Earley Locks Limited (Main listing: Berkshire) Lock & Key Centre (Main listing: Buckinghamshire) SHROPSHIRE

Locsafe Security Systems Ltd [ 002610 ] Security House, Knights Way, Battlefield Enterprise Park, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY1 3AB T: 01743 441166 F: 01743 441167 E: [email protected] W: ✔ M&E 21:00 ✔ The following Approved companies also operate in Shropshire… Holdfast Security Systems (Main listing: Cheshire)


A I W Keycentre [ 000818 ] Aisecome Way, Weston Super Mare, Somerset BS22 8NA T: 01934 635918 F: 01934 636973 E: [email protected] W: ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ Bath Lock & Key [ 003156 ] 112 North Road, Combe Down, Bath, Somerset BA2 5DJ T: 01225 835500 F: 01225 442446 E: [email protected] W: M 20:00 ✔ Bath Safe & Security [ 003157 ] 19A Monmouth Place, Bath, Somerset BA1 2AY T: 01225 425533 F: 01225 442446 E: [email protected] W: ✔ M 17:00 ✔ C Thompson & Sons [ 001601 ] 18 Southill, West Cranmore, Shepton Mallet, Somerset BA4 4QS T: 01749 880209 E: [email protected] W: M&E 24 Hrs ✔ Martyn Nelson Master Locksmiths Ltd [ 002894 ] 39 Addison Grove, Taunton, Somerset TA2 6JG T: 01823 390092 F: 01823 286291 E: [email protected] W: M&E 24 Hrs ✔ TLS Security Systems Ltd [ 000676 ] Security House Unit I Acorn Bus Centre, Livingston Road Bindon Road Taunton, Somerset TA2 6BD T: 01823 323666 F: 01823 352269 E: [email protected] M&E 17:00 ✔ W: The following Approved companies also operate in Somerset… Barnstaple Security Ltd (Main listing: Devon) Five Star Security Services (SW) Ltd (Main listing: Devon) SOUTH YORKSHIRE

Barnsley Lock & Safe Co Ltd [ 000412 ] Alhambra House, 17 Doncaster Road, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S70 ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ 1TH T: 01226 203542 F: 01226 243290 E: [email protected] W:

H Harrold & Sons [ 000702 ] Security House,, Shalesmoor, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S3 8UG ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 0114 2737820 F: 0114 2727356 E: [email protected] W:

Keyhole Services Master L/smiths Ltd [ 000816 ] 44-46 Mill Street, Armthorpe, Doncaster, South Yorkshire ✔ M&E ✔ DN3 3DL T: 01302 833085 F: 01302 833085 E: [email protected] W:

Securewise [ 002868 ] 42/44 Scot Lane, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN1 1ES ✔ M&E 22:00 ✔ T: 01302 363144 F: 01302 363144 E: [email protected] W:

Sentinel Locksmiths [ 002770 ] 87A Summer Lane, Barnsley, South Yorkshire S75 2AD M&E 18:00 ✔ T: 01226 288088 E: [email protected] The following Approved companies also operate in South Yorkshire… CTML T/A Steels Security Ltd (Main listing: East Yorkshire) Stapletons Lock & Safe Ltd (Main listing: Nottinghamshire) STAFFORDSHIRE

Livens Ltd [ 002841 ] 101 High Street, Burton On Trent, Staffordshire DE14 1LJ ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01283 568661 F: 01283 568661 E: [email protected] W:

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

90 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES

The following Approved companies also operate in Staffordshire… Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified Bernard Toon & Son Locksmiths (Main listing: Derbyshire) Retail Access Livens Ltd (Main listing: Staffordshire) Wulfruna Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: West Midlands)


Anglia Locksmiths & Engineers Ltd [ 000194 ] 177 St Peters Street, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR32 2LT ✔ M 17:00 ✔ T: 01502 582315 F: 01502 501029 E: [email protected] W: Attend A Lock (East Anglia) [ 002687 ] The Gate House, Middleton Rd, Yoxford, Saxmundham, Suffolk IP17 3LG M&E 21:00 ✔ T: 01728 668688 F: 01728 668602 E: [email protected] W: CPW Locksmiths [ 000177 ] 1 Rope Walk, Ipswich, Suffolk IP1 1NA ✔ M&E 23:00 ✔ T: 01473 213343 F: 01473 213343 E: [email protected] W: Ipswich Lock & Safe Ltd [ 002752 ] 64 Kelvedon Drive, Rushmere St. Andrew, Ipswich, Suffolk IP4 5LQ M 24 Hrs ✔ T: 07759 977544 F: 01473 434012 E: [email protected] W: P & R Locksmith Services Ltd [ 002681 ] 1C The Thoroughfare, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP12 1AA ✔ M&E 22:00 ✔ T: 01394 388131 F: 01394 388131 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Suffolk… A C Leigh (Norwich) Ltd (Main listing: Norfolk) Actfast Locksmith (Main listing: Essex) Cambridge Master Locksmiths (Main listing: Cambridgeshire) Cambs Lock & Safe Ltd (Main listing: Cambridgeshire)


Alllock Systems Ltd [ 002815 ] 367-369 Limpsfield Road, Warlingham, Surrey CR6 9HA ✔ M 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01883 627772 F: 01883 620494 E: [email protected] W: Associated Security Group Ltd [ 000024 ] 59 London Road, Hackbridge, Surrey SM6 7HW M&E 19:00 ✔ T: 0208 6692000 F: 0208 6699890 E: [email protected] W: Banham Patent Locks Ltd [ 011768 ] 20 Chertsey Street, Guildford, Surrey GU1 4HD ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01483 301400 F: 01483 302323 E: [email protected] W: Clares of Croydon Ltd [ 000026 ] 54 Tamworth Road, Croydon, Surrey CR0 1XW ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 020 86887952 F: 020 86881867 E: [email protected]

F I Security [ 002625 ] 226 Cobham Road, Fetcham, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 9JQ ✔ M 16:30 ✔ T: 01372 373894 F: 01372 373894 E: [email protected] Fortress Security [ 000372 ] 43 Chobham Road, Woking, Surrey GU21 6JD M 20:00 ✔ T: 01483 764559 F: 01483 756373 E: [email protected] W: Heritage Locksmiths [ 002769 ] Shotley Lodge, South Road, Woking, Surrey GU21 4JN M&E 18:00 ✔ T: 01483 747475 F: 01483 767600 E: [email protected] W: JCM Locksmiths Limited [ 000089 ] 57 Surbiton Road, Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2HG ✔ M 17:00 ✔ T: 0208 546 1800 F: 0208 547 1364 E: [email protected] Magrath Security [ 000724 ] 41 Upper Green East, Mitcham, Surrey CR4 2PF ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0208 6482980 F: 0208 6466161 E: [email protected] W: PES (Southern) Ltd [ 001221 ] 4 Castle Parade, Ewell By Pass, Epsom, Surrey KT17 2PR ✔ M&E 18:00 ✔ T: 0208 3930294 F: 0208 3934448 E: [email protected] W:

Southern Lock & Safe Co Ltd [ 002054 ] Pool House, Bancroft Road, Reigate, Surrey RH2 7RP ✔ M&E 18:00 ✔ T: 01737 242414 F: 01737 242488 E: [email protected] W: Ltd [ 002719 ] 145 Church Hill Road, Cheam, Surrey SM3 8NE ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 020 86438935 & 020 86439373 F: 020 86523571 E: [email protected] W: Try Security Ltd [ 002787 ] 49B Harvest Road, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey TW20 0QT M 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01784 473225 F: 01784 473225 E: [email protected] W:

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 91 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES

The following Approved companies also operate in Surrey… Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified Alllock Systems Ltd (Main listing: Surrey) Retail Access Ascot Locks Limited (Main listing: Berkshire) Banham Patent Locks Ltd (Main listing: Berkshire) Barry Brothers Security (Main listing: London) Court Security Ltd (Main listing: London) Goodall Locksmith (Main listing: Hampshire) KBO Security (Main listing: Hampshire) Lockrite Security (Main listing: Hampshire) Mobile Lock & Safe Company (Main listing: London) William Channon (Main listing: London) TYNE & WEAR

After A Lock & Safe Co Ltd [ 002089 ] 111 Closefield Grove, Monk Seaton, Whitley Bay, M&E 24 Hrs ✔ Tyne & Wear NE25 8SU T: 07774 495893 F: 0191 2893278 E: [email protected]

ASL Locksmiths [ 000665 ] Tangent House, 26 Leazes Park Rd, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear NE1 4PG ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 0191 2619868 F: 0191 2303075 E: [email protected] W:

Charnleys [ 000594 ] 62 Dovedale Gardens Benton Road, High Heaton, Newcastle Upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ NE7 7QQ T: 0191 2666565 F: 0191 2667171 E: [email protected] W:

Crest Safe & Vault Ltd [ 003126 ] 11D Victoria Rd Ind Est, Victoria Rd Wes, Hebburn, Tyne & Wear NE31 1UB M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0191 4837803 F: 0191 4837831 E: [email protected] W:

Harrison & Son Ltd [ 000786 ] 715 Durham Road, Lowfell, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear NE9 5HB ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0191 4822444 F: 0191 4200660 E: [email protected] W:

Lockwise Ltd [ 000453 ] Border Road, Wallsend, Tyne & Wear NE28 6RX ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 01912 630003 F: 01912 630075 E: [email protected] W:

Newcastle Locksmiths & Safe Company [ 000398 ] Fort House, 173 West Road, Newcastle Upon Tyne, ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ Tyne & Wear NE15 6PQ T: 0191 2386000 F: 0191 2736010 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Tyne & Wear… Bradleys (Blyth) Ltd (Main listing: Northumberland) Cathedral Lock & Safe Services Ltd (Main listing: Durham)


Alcester Locks Limited [ 000678 ] Unit 12, 34 Tything Road, Alcester, Warwickshire B49 6ES ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 01789 762450 F: 01789 400799 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Warwickshire… A Morris Locksmiths (Main listing: Worcestershire) B D B Lock & Safe Ltd (Main listing: West Midlands) C & T Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: West Midlands) Eyden Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: West Midlands) Southern Stronghold (DH Jones) Ltd (Main listing: West Midlands) WEST MIDLANDS

Armasafe [ 002710 ] 140 Norton Lane, Tidbury Green, Solihull, West Midlands B90 1QT M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01564 822795 E: [email protected] W:

Ashfield Security [ 001599 ] 160a High Street, Rowley Regis, Warley, West Midlands B65 0DX ✔ M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 0121 5613332 F: 0121 5615233 E: [email protected] W:

B D B Lock & Safe Ltd [ 002147 ] Unit 3, Amphion Business Park, Silverstone Drive, Coventry, West Midlands ✔ 24 Hrs ✔ CV6 6PD T: 02476 644560 F: 02476 644620 E: [email protected] W:

Birmingham Master Locksmiths Ltd [ 002726 ] 1A Pershore Street, Birmingham, West Midlands B5 4RU ✔ M&E 21:00 ✔ T: 0121 6325270 F: 0121 6435855 E: [email protected] W: C & T Locksmiths Ltd [ 000861 ] 123 Flaxley Road, Stechford, Birmingham, West Midlands B33 9HQ ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0121 7830442 F: 0121 6048800 E: [email protected] W:

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

92 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified Retail Access

Doorfit Products Limited [ 001283 ] Icknield House, Heaton Street, Birmingham, West Midlands B18 5BA ✔ M&E 17:15 ✔ T: 0121 5234171 F: 0121 5543859 E: [email protected] W:

Edwards Locksmiths & Security [ 003208 ] 148 Groveley Lane, West Heath, Birmingham, West Midlands B31 M&E 24 Hrs ✔ 4QE T: 07814 054636 F: 0121 6055081 E: [email protected]

Eyden Locksmiths Ltd [ 001869 ] 44 Wallace Road, Radford, Coventry, West Midlands CV6 2LX ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 02476 332524 F: 02476 338714 E: [email protected] W:

Global Security Group Ltd [ 001858 ] Sussex House, High St, Amblecote, Stourbridge, West Midlands DY8 4BU ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01384 440228 F: 01384 440086 E: [email protected] W:

Protectall Security Group Plc [ 000109 ] 445 Stratford Road, Birmingham, West Midlands B11 2LB ✔ M 18:00 ✔ T: 0121 7731609 F: 0121 7738453 E: [email protected] W:

Safe & Secure Lockmasters Mobile [ 002690 ] 9 Hilary Grove, Northfield, Birmingham, West Midlands B31 1QA M 21:00 ✔ T: 0121 4775465 F: 0121 4775466 E: [email protected]

Southern Stronghold (DH Jones) Ltd [ 001019 ] 8 Cedars Avenue, Coventry, West Midlands CV6 1DR ✔ M&E 21:00 ✔ T: 02476 591574 F: 02476 597400 E: [email protected] W:

Wulfruna Locksmiths Ltd [ 000219 ] 3 Coalway Road, Penn, , West Midlands WV3 7LR ✔ M&E 19:00 ✔ T: 01902 337267 F: 01902 337267 E: [email protected] The following Approved companies also operate in West Midlands… Severn Valley Lock & Safe (Main listing: Worcestershire)


Cissbury Master Locksmiths [ 003042 ] 45 Pelham Road, Worthing, West Sussex BN13 1JB M&E 20:00 ✔ T: 01903 207614 E: [email protected] W: Colin Attle (Locks) [ 002711 ] PO Box 4494, Worthing, West Sussex BN13 2YT M ✔ T: 01903 690840 F: 01903 690840 E: [email protected]

Lock Assist [ 002590 ] The Fire & Security Shop, 139 Royal George Rd, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 9TD ✔ M&E 21:00 ✔ T: 01444 244344 F: 01444 241324 E: [email protected] W: Sytech Security Ltd [ 002627 ] Metro House, Northgate, Chichester, West Sussex PO19 1BE ✔ E: [email protected]

Thomas Locksmiths Ltd (Branch) [ 010343 ] 169 London Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 8LH ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01444 245204 F: 01444 870799 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in West Sussex… Advanced Locking & Locksmithing Ltd (Main listing: Hampshire) Amberley Security (Main listing: Hampshire) Christie Intruder Alarms Ltd (Main listing: Hampshire) Keyhole Security (Main listing: East Sussex) Southern Lock & Safe Co Ltd (Main listing: Surrey) Thomas Locksmiths Ltd (Main) (Main listing: East Sussex)


All Safe & Secure Ltd [ 002779 ] 17 Balmoral Place, 2 Bowman Lane, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS10 1HQ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0113 2446621 E: [email protected] W:

Artizan Locksmiths [ 003207 ] 29 Nevison Avenue, Pontefract, West Yorkshire WF8 2LT M 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01977 791285 F: 01977 791285

Associated Security Services Ltd [ 002096 ] Adamant House, Duncombe St, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD8 9AJ ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01274 543322 F: 01274 543358 W: ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ C H Wood (Security) Bradford Ltd [ 000906 ] 221 Wakefield Road, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD4 7PE T: 01274 725072 F: 01274 731626 E: [email protected] W:

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 93 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified Retail Access

Calder Security Ltd [ 000134 ] 8A Calder Vale Road, Wakefield, West Yorkshire WF1 5PE ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01924 371941 F: 01924 290135 E: [email protected] W:

Harfords Security Ltd [ 000723 ] 16 Nelson Street, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire WF13 1NA ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01924 467269 F: 01924 430800 E: [email protected] W:

Lockmasters Mobile (Leeds) [ 002626 ] Unity Business Centre, 26 Roundhay Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire M&E 22:00 ✔ LS7 1AB T: 0113 2933777 F: 0113 2177779 E: [email protected] W:

MB Locking Logistics Group Ltd [ 001250 ] 42-44 Burley Rd, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS3 1JX ✔ M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 0113 2459559 F: 0113 2459779 E: [email protected] W:

Pricekey Limited [ 003170 ] Yorkshire House, 1 Ingrow Bridge, Keighley, West Yorkshire BD21 5AX ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01535 611200 F: 01535 600287 E: [email protected] The following Approved companies also operate in West Yorkshire… All Safe & Secure Ltd (Main listing: West Yorkshire) Barnsley Lock & Safe Co Ltd (Main listing: South Yorkshire) Barrowford Safe & Lock Services Ltd (Main listing: Lancashire) Chris Taylor Master Locksmiths (Main listing: Manchester) WILTSHIRE

Avon Security Ltd [ 002680 ] 21 Salisbury Street, Amesbury, Wiltshire SP4 7AW ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 01980 626000 F: 01980 626464 E: [email protected] W:

Emergency Security Services Ltd [ 000942 ] 385 Cricklade Road, Gorse Hill, Swindon, Wiltshire SN2 1AQ ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01793 525433 F: 01793 420689 E: [email protected] W:

Key Service [ 00902 ] 15 Endless Street, Salisbury , Wiltshire SP1 1DL ✔ M 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01722 414336 F: 01722 332844 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Wiltshire… Bath Lock & Key (Main listing: Somerset) Bath Safe & Security (Main listing: Somerset) C Thompson & Sons (Main listing: Somerset) WORCESTERSHIRE

A Morris Locksmiths [ 002051 ] 151B Evesham Road, Redditch, Worcestershire B97 5EJ ✔ M&E 21:00 ✔ T: 01527 401800 F: 01527 547566 E: [email protected] W:

Severn Valley Lock & Safe [ 000537 ] 9-10 Comberton Road, Kidderminster, Worcestershire DY10 1UA ✔ M&E 17:30 ✔ T: 01562 861771 F: 01562 864089 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Worcestershire… Alcester Locks Limited (Main listing: Warwickshire) Doorfit Products Limited (Main listing: West Midlands) Global Security Group Ltd (Main listing: West Midlands) Gloucester Locksmiths (Main listing: Gloucester, Gloucestershire) Stokes & Sons Security Ltd (Main listing: Gloucestershire)


AAA Locksmiths (2006) Ltd [ 002221 ] PO Box 159, St Helier, Jersey JE4 5NX M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01534 878162 F: 01534 876158 E: [email protected]

G4 Securicor Locksmiths [ 000376 ] The Security Centre, Rue Des Pres, Trading Est, Longueville, St Saviour, ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ Jersey JE2 7QP T: 01534 502502 F: 01534 502535 E: [email protected] W:

Island Lock & Safe Co Limited [ 000067 ] 5 Beresford Street, St Helier, Jersey JE1 4HL ✔ M&E 23:00 ✔ T: 01534 738303 F: 01534 758338 E: [email protected] W: The following Approved companies also operate in Guernsey… Island Lock & Safe Co Limited (Main listing: Jersey, Channel Islands)

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

94 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES NORTHERN IRELAND Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified ANTRIM Retail Access

E Havlin & Sons [ 000418 ] 66 Berry Street, Belfast, Antrim BT1 1FJ ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 02890 329707 F: 02890 330521 E: [email protected] W: ARMAGH

Portadown Locksmiths Ltd [ 001357 ] 33 West Street, Portadown, Armagh BT62 3PL ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 02838 350767 F: 02838 393777 E: [email protected] W:


M D Lock & Key [ 003054 ] Ard Gaoithe Business Park, Cashel Rd, Clonmel, Tipperary ✔ M&E ✔ T: 00353 526128090 F: 00353 526128943 E: [email protected] W:


Lumsden Security [ 000082 ] 128-130 John Street, Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire AB25 1LE ✔ M&E 22:00 ✔ T: 01224 632428 F: 01224 645656 E: [email protected] W: AYRSHIRE

The Key Centre Ltd [ 002404 ] 73 Kilwinning Road, Irvine, Ayrshire KA12 8SU T: 07957 497135 F: 01294 279864 E: [email protected] W: M 17:00 ✔ DUMFRIESSHIRE

Hyslop Security [ 003114 ] 8 Waugh Road, Thornhill, Dumfriesshire DG3 5PJ M 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01848 331086 E: [email protected] EAST LOTHIAN

Claymore Lock & Alarm Co Ltd [ 002107 ] 3 Hardgate, Haddington, East Lothian EH41 3JW ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01620 829550 F: 01620 829751 E: [email protected] W: EDINBURGH

Caleylock [ 001709 ] Unit 8 Bonnigton Business, Centre, 72 Newhaven Road, Edinburgh EH6 5QG M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 0131 5536792 F: 0131 5551743 E: [email protected] Edina Technical Company Ltd [ 002889 ] 10 Montrose Terrace, Edinburgh, Midlothian EH7 5DL M E 17:00 T: 0131 3321616 F: 0131 3436161 E: [email protected] W: ✔ & ✔ FIFE

Alba Lock & Safe Company [ 002772 ] 19 Granville Way, Rosyth, Dunfermline, Fife KY11 2HP T: 0800 0556163 F: 01383 417976 E: [email protected] W: ✔ Glenrothes Locksmiths [ 001008 ] 23 Cadham Centre, Glenrothes, Fife KY7 6RU T: 01592 621554 F: 01592 621563 E: [email protected] W: ✔ M 17:00 ✔

The following Approved companies also operate in Fife… Lock Shop & Security Services Ltd (Main listing: Tayside) GLASGOW

Kelvin Lock & Safe [ 001639 ] 656 Dumbarton Road, Partick, Glasgow G11 6RA ✔ M&E 18:00 ✔ T: 0141 3349216 F: 0141 3344158 E: [email protected] W: LANARKSHIRE

East Kilbride Lock & Safe [ 001597 ] 4 Forth Crescent, East Kilbride, Lanarkshire G75 8XG M&E 24 Hrs ✔ T: 01355 249337 F: 01355 249977 E: [email protected]

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 95 REGIONAL DIRECTORY OF MLA APPROVED COMPANIES

PERTHSHIRE Safes Auto Late Working CPD certified Retail Access Perth Locksmiths & Security Services [ 000753 ] 12 Milne Street, Perth, Perthshire PH1 5QL ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ T: 01738 620330 F: 01738 446603 W: TAYSIDE

Lock Shop & Security Services Ltd [ 002060 ] The Security Centre, 203-209 Strathmore Ave, Dundee, Tayside DD3 6SN T: 01382 816168 F: 01382 832240 E: [email protected] W: ✔ M&E 17:00 ✔ WALES CEREDIGION Hawk Security [ 001767 ] Penrallt-Fach, Bryngwyn, Newcastle Emlyn, Ceredigion SA38 9PL T: 01239 711600 F: 01239 711533 E: [email protected] W: M&E 18:00 ✔ FLINTSHIRE The following Approved companies operate in Flintshire… John Woods Master Locksmiths (Main listing: Cheshire) GLAMORGAN

DKB Locksmiths [ 001753 ] 87 New Road, Skewen, Neath, Glamorgan SA10 6HG T: 01792 813506 F: 01792 324506 E: [email protected] M&E 24 Hrs ✔ Lock Tech [ 003111 ] 57-60 Oxford Street, Swansea, Glamorgan SA1 3JD T: 01792 655680 F: 01792 462243 E: [email protected] W: ✔ M&E ✔ Nener’s Master Locksmiths [ 000574 ] F.E.C. Nener Ltd, 80 Gower Road, Sketty, Swansea, Glamorgan SA2 9BZ T: 01792 290141 F: 01792 204562 E: [email protected] W: ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ The following Approved companies also operate in Glamorgan… Newport Locksmiths Ltd (Main listing: Monmouthshire, Wales) MONMOUTHSHIRE

County Locksmiths [ 003202 ] 129 Llewylyn Road, Cwmbran, Monmouthshire NP44 3PQ T: 0800 1357166 F: 08715 227497 E: [email protected] W: M 24 Hrs ✔ Newport Locksmiths Ltd [ 002001 ] 10 Caerleon Road, Newport, Monmouthshire NP19 7BU T: 01633 258456 F: 01633 222060 E: [email protected] W: ✔ M&E 22:00 ✔ The following Approved companies also operate in Monmouthshire… Mr Locks Ltd (Main listing: South Glamorgan) PEMBROKESHIRE The following Approved companies also operate in Pembrokeshire… Hawk Security (Main listing: Ceredigion) SOUTH GLAMORGAN Cardiff Lock & Safe Co Ltd [ 000331 ] 39 Clifton Street, Roath, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF24 1LR T: 02920 499358 F: 02920 483558 E: [email protected] W: ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ Keymaster Security [ 001285 ] 27 Pen-Y-Lan Road, Roath, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF24 3PG T: 02920 486878 F: 02920 489991 E: [email protected] W: ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ Mr Locks Ltd [ 003129 ] The Shires, Marshfield, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF3 2AZ T: 01633 682829 F: 01633 681919 E: [email protected] W: M&E 24 Hrs ✔ PPM Locksmiths Ltd [ 003223 ] 7 Dominions Arcade, Queen Street, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF10 2AR T: 029 2 0231717 F: 029 2 0359006 E: [email protected] W: ✔ M&E 24 Hrs ✔ The following Approved companies also operate in South Glamorgan… Nener’s Master Locksmiths (Main listing: Glamorgan, Wales)

Access Control Safe Basic Basic plus Auto Basic Basic plus Mechanical Electrical Systems M E services service Specialist services service Specialist

96 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 With every day tools, a burglar can break in through a standard door cylinder lock in approximately 30 seconds.

The ABS cylinder has built in Snap Secure technology that ensures that if the door is attacked, the cylinder snaps from the outside and blocks access to the internal mechanism of the door lock.

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01484 725725 The Pennine Range of High Security Cabinets Associated Security Services Ltd. has worked closely with Sold Secure as well as The Police and The Home Office to build the highest standard cabinets; meaning valuable items such as: money, controlled drugs, computers, firearms or keys, can be stored with peace of mind.

All eight models in The Pennine Range of cabinets have passed the 'Sold Secure Silver' test.

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Branches in Manchester, Yorkshire, Lancashire, Staffordshire and London

Shieldcom Engineering have supplied and fitted over 10,000 Alleygates to local authorities including Merseyside, Cheshire, Cumbria, North / South Wales, Staffordshire.

"Alleygating" is a method of controlling access to alleyways surrounding residential and business properties. This controlled access is achieved through the installation of strong lockable gates and fencing placed at strategic locations within the alleyways, with access restricted to residents and public services.

Shieldcom Engineering Alleygates have Sold Secure status. These gates are recommended by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) initiative, which aims to reduce crime through effective environmental design and the installation of security products that meet police-approved standards.

Shieldcom Engineering Alleygates achieved the highest security level of Sold Secure, and are proven to resist the highest level of vandalism, preventing future attacks and remaining a highly effective deterrent.

300 St Marys Road Cressington Liverpool L19 0NQ Tel (0151) 427 1084 / (0151) 427 2340 Fax (0151) 427 7130 [email protected] MLA Affiliate Companies

MANUFACTURERS CDVI Ltd Kickstop Security Products Ltd Unit B1 Knaves Beech Business Cntre, Loudwater, 14/16 Rowe Lane, Urswick Road, Hackney, Abloy Security Ltd High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire HP10 9QR London E9 6EL 1-3 Hatters Lane, Croxley Business Park, Watford, T: 01628 531300 F: 01628 531003 T: 0208 9853285 F: 0208 9850808 Hertfordshire WD18 8QY W: W: T: 01923 255066 F: 01923 655001 W: Era Products Ltd Locks 4 Vans Ltd Straight Road, Short Heath, Willenhall, Unit C4 Imperial Business Estate, West Mill, ABUS UK LTD West Midlands WV12 5RA Gravesend, Kent DA11 0DL Kestrel Court, Harbour Road, Portishead, T: 01922 490000 F: 01922 494420 T: 01474 560077 F: 01474 561112 Bristol BS20 7AN W: W: T: 01275 390610 F: 01275 390613 Eurospec Arch H/W Ltd W: Stancliffe Street, Millhill, Blackburn, Lancs BB2 2QR M.A.C.Solutions UK Ltd T: 01254 274100 F: 01254 274111 5 Oak Tree Park, Burnt Meadow Road, North Moons Access 2 Ltd W: Moat, Redditch, Worcestershire B98 9NW 35 North Tyne Industrial Estate, Long Benton, T: 01527 592999 F: 01527 592666 Newcastle Upon Tyne NE12 9SZ FAB & FIX T: 0191 2150530 F: 0191 2151314 Unit 4 The Moorings Business Park, Channel Way, Masterlock Europe W: Exhall, Coventry, Warwickshire CV6 6RH Unit12, Wakes Hall Business Centre, Colchester Road, T: 02476 585785 F: 02476 585786 Wakes Colne, Essex CO6 2DB Adams Rite Europe Ltd W: T: 01787 222027 F: 01787 222797 The Meadows, Cannock Road, W: Wolverhampton WV10 ORR Fred Duncombe Ltd T: 08458 734838 F: 01322 660996 Progress House, Cannock, Staffordshire WS11 0JE Mul-T-Lock UK W: T: 01543 578661 F: 01543 570050 Portabello Works, School Street, Willenhall WV13 3PW W: T: 01902 364200 F: 01536 46018901 ASSA Abloy Door Solutions W: ZK Park, Units 3 & 4, 23 Commerce Way, Croydon, Fullex Locks Ltd Surrey CR0 4ZS Bay 1, Building 84 First Avenue, The Pensnett Est. Paddock Fabrications Ltd T: 0208 6885191 F: 0208 6880285 Kingswinford, West Midlands DY6 7FN Leamore Lane, Bloxwich, Walsall, West Midlands W: T: 01384 401312 F: 01384 401451 WS2 7DG T: 01922 711722 Astra Door Controls Ltd Global Bio Tec Ltd Unit 10 Astra Business Centre, Roman Way, 31 Loudon Avenue, Coundon, Coventry, West Midlands Phoenix Safe Company Ltd Preston, Lancashire PR2 5AP CV6 1JN Apex House, No. 1 Orrell Mount, Liverpool L20 6NS T: 01772 796901 F: (17726) 53836 T: 02476 269035 F: 02476 323001 T: 0151 9446444 F: 0151 9446445 E: [email protected] W: W: W: Gravograph Ltd Pickersgill-Kaye Ltd Avocet Hardware Ltd Unit 3 Trojan Business Park, Tachbrook Park Drive, Pepper Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire LS10 2PP Brookfoot Mims, Road, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV34 6RH T: 0113 2775531 F: 0113 2760221 West Yorkshire HD6 2RW T: 01926 884433 F: 01926 883879 W: T: 01484 711700 W: F: 01484 720124 Primera Ltd E: [email protected] Guardian Lock & Engineering Co Ltd Unit 8 Bankfield House, 250 Bristol Avenue, Blackpool, W: Imperial Works, Wednesfield Road, Willenhall, West Lancashire FY2 0JF Midlands WV13 1AL T: 01253 508643 F: 01253 508652 Banham Patent Locks Ltd T: 01902 635964 F: 01902 630675 10 Pascal Street, London SW8 4SH W: Rainer Security Products Ltd T: 0207 6225151 F: 0207 3761232 Unit B6 Rudford Industrial Est, Ford, Arundel, West W: Gunnebo UK Ltd Sussex BN18 0BF PO Box 61 Woden Road, Wolverhampton, W Midlands T: 01903 732211 F: 01903 732777 Borg Locks Ltd WV10 0BY W: 284 Warley Hill, Brentwood, Essex CM13 3AB T: 01902 455111 F: 01902 351961 T: 01277 210644 F: 01277 210643 W: RB Medical Engineering Limited W: Unit 2, Alton Road Ind. Estate, Ross-On-Wye, Henry Squire and Sons Herefordshire HR9 5ND Bramah Security Equipment Ltd Unit 2, Mercury,Hilton Cross Bus.Park,, Cannock T: 01989 563958 F: 01989 768267 19 Danes Road, Romford, Essex RM7 0HL Rd,Featherstone,Wolverhampton, West Midlands W: T: 08080 027262 F: 01708 768825 WV10 7QZ W: T: 01902 308050 F: 01902 308051 ASPI T/A Rhinoco Technology W: Unit 3b Vernon Drive, Shrewsbury, Shropshire SY1 3TF C And P Security Products Ltd T: 0845 6445421 F: 0845 6445431 1 Lyon Road, London SW19 2RL Ingersoll Rand Security Technologies E: [email protected] T: 02085 450404 F: 02085 450502 Bescot Crescent, Walsall, West Midlands WS1 4DL W: T: 01922 707400 F: 01922 707481 Camlock Systems Ltd W: Sentry Safe UK Ltd 3 Park View,, Compton Industrial Estate, Eastbourne, Bedford Heights, Manton Lane, Bedford, East Sussex BN23 6QE Bedfordshire MK41 7PH T: 01323 410996 F: 01323 431290 Kaba UK Ltd T: 01234 214040 F: 01234 214848 W: Lower Moor Way, Tiverton, Devon EX16 6SS T: 08700 005625 F: 08700 005397 Silca Ltd Carl Kammerling Intl Limited W: Unit 2 Kimpton Trade &, Business Centre, Kimpton Glan y Don Industrial Estate, Pwllheli, Gwynedd LL53 5LH Road, Sutton, Surrey SM3 9QP T: 01758 701070 F: 01758 701090 Keith Carrier & Son T: 0208 6416515 F: 0208 6441181 W: www.carlkammerling Unit 9 Ward Street, Willenhall, West Midlands WV13 1EP W: T: 01902 605818 F: 01902 605818

Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 99 MLA Affiliate Companies

SimonsVoss Technologies Ltd Codelocks Ltd Strandna UK Ltd M Marcus Ltd 1200 Century Way, Thorpe Park, Colton, Castle Industrial Park, Kiln Road, Office 14, Unit 1Cobbet Park, 22-28 Unit 7, Narrowboat Way, Dudley, West Leeds LS15 8ZA Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2EZ Moorfield Road, Guildford, Surrey GU1 Midlands DY2 0XQ T: 0113 2515036 F: 01753 8317030 T: 01635 239645 F: 01635 239644 1RU T: 01384 457900 F: 01384 457903 W: W: T: 08442 490150 F: 01483 546498 W:

Souber Tools Ltd Curtis Industries Toolbank Nigel Rose Marketing Services Ltd Unit 4, Millennium Court, Buildwas Road, Unit 5/6 Brookwood Ind Estate, Long Reach, Galleon Boulevard, Unit 10, Britannia Ind Park, Dashwood Neston, Cheshire CH64 3UZ Brookwood Avenue, Eastleigh, Crossways Bus. Park. Dartford, Kent DA2 Avenue, High Wycombe, T: 0151 3531199 F: 0151 3530331 Hampshire SO50 9EY 6QE Buckinghamshire HP12 3ES W: T: 02380 650666 F: 01225 818330 T: 01322 321400 F: 01322 323434 T: 01494 438118 F: 01494 532400 Guardian Safes Ltd W: W: Stand-Fast Burglar Alarm Co Ltd Unit 12, Decimus Park, Kingstanding 13/14 Churchfield Place, Margate, Kent Way, Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3GP NW Keys Ltd CT9 1PJ T: 01892 509905 F: 01892 509908 WHOLESALERS The Old Fire Station, 51 Strand Road, T: 01843 221035 F: 01843 291075 Bootle, Liverpool, Merseyside L20 4BB W: Hickleys Ltd Aldridge Security Limited T: 0151 9221325 F: 0151 9441188 Castle Street, Taunton, Somerset TA1 50 Queen Street, Salford, Manchester W: Sterling Locks Ltd 4AY M3 7DQ Unit 12B Leeds/Bradford Airport Ind Est, T: 01823 328532 F: 01823 259404 T: 08444 125101 F: 01618 280890 Safe Security Services Ltd Harrogate Road, Yeadon, Leeds, W Yorks W: The Atrium, Curtis Road, Dorking, Surrey LS19 7WP Hoppe UK Ltd RH4 1XA T: 0113 2503603 F: 0113 2500532 Gailey Park, Gravelly Way, Standeford, Citysafe Wholesale Limited T: 01306 646446 F: 0845 8382449 W: Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV10 Unit 7 Mortimers Farm Ind. Est, Ower, W: 7GW Romsey, Hampshire SO51 6AL Surelock McGill Ltd T: 01902 484400 F: 01902 484406 T: 02380 814181 F: 02380 812771 SKS Limited 26 The Business Centre, Molly Millars W: Unit 2, Canalside, Northbridge Road, Lane, Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2QY Codringtons Limited Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire HP4 1EG T: 01189 772525 F: 01617 641651 Italian Locking Systems UK Ltd 38 Crawley Road, London N22 6AG T: 01442 291400 F: 01442 863683 Unit 22, Fisherrow Ind Estate, Newhailes T: 0208 8898494 F: 0208 8896731 W: UNION Architectural Hardware Rd, Mussebur, East Lothian EH21 6RU W: The Meadows, Cannock Road, T: 0131 6652256 F: 0131 6652257 The Little Safe Co Ltd Wolverhampton, West Midlands DG Supplyline Ltd 1st Floor, Curtis House, Hilltop Ind Est, WV10 0RR MPL 122-124 Prince Avenue, Westcliffe on Shaw Street, West Bromwich, T: 01902 364648 F: 01902 364141 29 Westgate End, Wakefield, West Sea, Essex SS0 ONW Birmingham B70 0TX W: Yorkshire WF2 9RG T: 01702 351911 F: 01702 346331 T: 0800 0556128 T: 01924 378444 F: 01924 376258 W: W: Yale UK School Street, Willenhall, West Midlands Primera Ltd Euro Architectural Hardware Ltd The Spring Man WV13 3PW Unit 8 Bankfield House, 250 Bristol Unit 29, Birchills House Ind. Est., Green 24 Albert Road, Evesham, Worcestershire T: 01902 366911 F: 0845 2232127 Avenue, Blackpool, Lancashire FY2 0JF Lane, Walsall, West Midlands WS2 8LF WR11 4JY T: 01253 508643 F: 01253 508652 T: 01922 725272 F: 01922 720580 T: 01386 45744 Zone Security Products UK Ltd W: E: [email protected] Unit 5, Station Industrial Estate, Rottner Security UK Ltd Wokingham, Berkshire RG41 2YQ Argent House 5 Goldington Road, Greenfox Solutions Ltd Trade Vehicle Locks Ltd T: 01189 770027 F: 01189 776093 Bedford, Bedfordshire MK40 3JY Unit 1-2 Blowick Industrial Park, 8 Penhill Industrial Park, Beaumont W: T: 01234 376767 F: 01234 363939 Crowland Street, Southport Road, Banbury, Oxfordshire OX16 1RW W: T: 01704 543333 F: 01704 226888 T: 08455 440912 F: 08455 440913 E: [email protected] W: DISTRIBUTORS Safelock Systems Ltd Hoppe UK Ltd 342 West Barnes Lane, Motspur Park, Gailey Park, Gravelly Way, Standeford, UAP Limited T/A Tradelocks Advanced Access Ltd Surrey KT3 6NB Wolverhampton, West Midlands WV10 Bank House 16 - 18 Bank Street, Unit b, Spinney View, Stone Circle Road, T: 0208 9491005 F: 0208 3361128 7GW Walshaw, Bury, Lancashire BL8 3AZ Round Spinney, Northampton, T: 01902 484400 F: 01902 484406 T: 0161 7635290 F: 0161 7636726 Northamptonshire NN3 8RF Securikey Ltd W: W: www.universal- T: 01604 647555 F: 01604 647333 P.O. Box 18, Aldershot, Hampshire W: GU12 4SL Hughes Wholesale Ltd T: 01252 311888 F: 01252 343950 Unit 40, Baddow Park, West Hanningfield Alpro Architectural Hardware W: Road, Great Baddow, Essex CM2 7SY OTHER 41 Harwell Road, Nuffield Ind. Estate, T: 01245 243804 F: 01245 243805 Poole, Dorset BH17 0BD Security Express Wholesale Ltd Fireco Ltd T: 01202 676262 F: 01202 680101 Units 26 & 27, Towngate Works, Keyprint Wholesale Preece House, Daigdor Road, Brighton, W: Towngate House, Dark Lane, Mawdesley 45 Assembly Street, Leith, Edinburgh East Sussex BN3 1RE Lancashire L40 2QU EH6 7BQ T: 01273 320650 F: 01273 320655 Burton Safes Limited T: 08000 190484 F: 08000 190494 T: 01315 550909 F: 01315 541177 Units 10-14 Brockholes Business Park, W: W: Shieldcom Engineering Ltd Brockholes, Holmefirth, West Yorkshire 7a Garston Business Park, Blackburne HD9 7BN Sound & Light Solutions Ltd M E Duffell Limited Street, Liverpool L19 8JB T: 01484 663388 F: 01484 666338 Unit 2, Riverside Estate, Harpenden, 6 Paddock Gardens, Westow Street, T: 01514 272340 F: 01514 277130 W: Hertfordshire AL5 4UN London SE19 3SB T: 01582 763734 T: 0208 3131700 F: 02087 615737 W:

100 Sold Secure Approved Products Catalogue 2011 POWDER COATING



















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