Inventing the Professional Inventor During the Industrial Revolution∗
The Rise of the Engineer: Inventing the Professional Inventor During the Industrial Revolution∗ W. Walker Hanlon NYU Stern School of Business, NBER, CEPR July 1, 2021 Abstract Why was the Industrial Revolution successful at generating sustained economic growth? One explanation that has been put forward is that there was a fun- damental change in the way that new technology was developed during this period, yet current evidence for such a change remains largely anecdotal. This paper provides direct quantitative evidence showing that how innovation and design work was done changed fundamentally during the Industrial Revolution. This change was characterized by the professionalization of innovation and de- sign work through the emergence of the engineering profession. I document the emergence of this new type of worker, show the contribution that engineers made to technology development during the Industrial Revolution, and provide a theoretical framework for understanding how this change in the innovation system could have acted as a mechanism allowing the economy to transition from a slow \pre-modern" growth regime into more rapid \modern" economic growth. Keywords: Industrial Revolution, innovation, engineering, economic growth ∗I thank Brian Beach, Asaf Bernstein, James Feigenbaum, James Fenske, Michela Giorcelli, Daniel Gross, Philip Hoffman, Anton Howes, Morgan Kelly, David Mitch, Joel Mokyr, Petra Moser, Alessandro Nuvolari, Kevin O'Rourke, Santiago P´erez,Michael Peters, Sarah Quincy, Vasily Ru- sanov, Mike Waugh, Chenzi Xu, Ariell Zimran and seminar participants at NYU Stern, Northwestern and the Virtual Economic History Seminar for helpful comments. I am grateful to Sean Bottomley, Stephen Billington, Petra Moser, and Alessandro Nuvolari for their willingness to share data with me.
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